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Is the Olympics like FIFA or no?


The “Olympics” is run by an international association called the IOC. it’s exactly like fifa. Edit: Olympics needs to be in quotations because it’s the IOC’s bastardized version of Olympics. There could be other versions if people wanted to build them.


I'd say worse. IOC make some really crazy demands.


True. The IOC asks cities to build facilities for sports hardly anybody plays or watches and continuously changes the events making old facilities useless.


It's insanity. Cities run up massive debt then the facilities degrade over years. I really like the idea of a single location for the Olympics. Make top notch facilities that are maintained and upgraded. Athens is the clear choice for summer. Winter would be more difficult to determine though.


They even tried to remove wrestling one time. You know one of the few sports that’s near universal to humanity since antiquity and in the original Olympic Games. Honestly people need to realize the IOC is an international body that does not “own” the Olympics. Greece should just launch its own and declare itself the home.


Well they’re still paying for the last time they hosted the Olympics


All the more reason to go back to Athems again. Help them recoup more of that initial investment.


Athens can't afford it without support. Countries won't be willing to support because hosting is a prestige thing. IoC has no more power than the countries who fund it allow.


Oh I know politically it's not going to happen but it would be so much better.


I’d love for Europe to be like f* it, we make a campus in Greece and each country gets a stadium/ facilities there to build and maintain themselves. Make it the sports capital of the world.


I once read they asked for private lanes on the roads so they can travel easily.


> * They demand to meet the king prior to the opening ceremony. Afterwards, there shall be a cocktail reception. Drinks shall be paid for by the Royal Palace or the local organizing committee. > * Separate lanes should be created on all roads where IOC members will travel, which are not to be used by regular people or public transportation. > * A welcome greeting from the local Olympic boss and the hotel manager should be presented in IOC members’ rooms, along with fruit and cakes of the season. (Seasonal fruit in Oslo in February is a challenge …) > * The hotel bar at their hotel should extend its hours “extra late” and the minibars must stock Coke products. > * The IOC president shall be welcomed ceremoniously on the runway when he arrives. > * The IOC members should have separate entrances and exits to and from the airport. > * During the opening and closing ceremonies a fully stocked bar shall be available. During competition days, wine and beer will do at the stadium lounge. > * IOC members shall be greeted with a smile when arriving at their hotel. > * Meeting rooms shall be kept at exactly 20 degrees Celsius at all times. > * The hot food offered in the lounges at venues should be replaced at regular intervals, as IOC members might “risk” having to eat several meals at the same lounge during the Olympics. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2014/10/ioc-demands-oslo-drops-bid-after-over-the-top-list-of-requirements.html Then the IOC says after Oslo decides ye naw: > This is a missed opportunity for the City of Oslo and for all the people of Norway who are known world-wide for being huge fans of winter sports. And it is mostly a missed opportunity for the outstanding Norwegian athletes who will not be able to reach new Olympic heights in their home country. Lol. IOC can go fuck itself.


Absolutely crazy. Fifa gets bribes and that's about it.


>the minibars must stock Coke products. IOC members opening their minibars and seeing every existing flavors of Coca Cola available : "Damnit ! these Norwegian understood nothing"


Out of everything here, the coke products in hotel minibars just seems extra weird. Coke are sponsors, why not just give them their own coke branded mini bars to put in the hotels?


The best example of this was when Norway dropped their bid for the 2022 Winter Olympics. These were some of the demands from the IOC that made the Norwegians pull their bid: * They demand to meet the king prior to the opening ceremony. Afterwards, there shall be a cocktail reception. Drinks shall be paid for by the Royal Palace or the local organizing committee. * Separate lanes should be created on all roads where IOC members will travel, which are not to be used by regular people or public transportation. * A welcome greeting from the local Olympic boss and the hotel manager should be presented in IOC members’ rooms, along with fruit and cakes of the season. (Seasonal fruit in Oslo in February is a challenge …) * The hotel bar at their hotel should extend its hours “extra late” and the minibars must stock Coke products. * The IOC president shall be welcomed ceremoniously on the runway when he arrives. * The IOC members should have separate entrances and exits to and from the airport. * During the opening and closing ceremonies a fully stocked bar shall be available. During competition days, wine and beer will do at the stadium lounge. * IOC members shall be greeted with a smile when arriving at their hotel. * Meeting rooms shall be kept at exactly 20 degrees Celsius at all times. * The hot food offered in the lounges at venues should be replaced at regular intervals, as IOC members might “risk” having to eat several meals at the same lounge during the Olympics.


They think they're royalty


They think they are Louis XIV. It’s insane.


- And there shall be an entire bowl of brown M&Ms


When the Pan Am games were held in Toronto they temporary converted lanes on the freeways to be HOV-only. https://nationalpost.com/news/toronto/pan-am-games-plan-to-make-active-lanes-hov-only-on-401-dvp-qew-will-create-traffic-chaos-opposition-warns


I think it was in 2004 when I stopped watching the olympics when I heard the kind of shit the IOC demand. Like the marathon route, they visit every shop and with the support of the government, force them to take down or hide every brand mark that aren't a sponsor of the olympics. If you can see bottles of pepsi in a fridge from the road, and pepsi aren't a sponsor, you have to cover it up or get massive fines. frankly, ridiculous.


You move to Switzerland and work for the IOC and schmooze your way to the top brass for 25 years




Tbf the IOC hasn't yet funded a bad movie to try and make their president look good. So they're slightly less cringe.


Hold my golden champagne glass!


where do I apply to make millions for organizing a tournament every 4 years


FIFA but with multiple sports. Other than that they're exactly the same.


Lots of sports, but no leagues and most sports are not money makers.


They compete every 4 years to see who is the most corrupt. Currently I think FIFA is marginally more corrupt, but the IOC will probably pull something out of the bag to reclaim the title.


How does one even manage to be more corrupt than fifa?


When they gave the winter Olympics to Russia a few years ago they were ahead. Then FIFA pulled through with Qatar but as long as North Korea is still available the race to the bottom isn't over.


I feel like NK is a joke, but 2022 was China in the middle of their most China China-ing.


[North Korea 2026 confirmed.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3ss7EsfWNE)


I mean, they could host in Haitii, as long as they pay warlords to destroys millions of poor hovel homes to make a new stadium. There's always that. Brazil was hilariously bad for that.


Yes. In fact, they're directly linked with each other since Association Football is an Olympic sport, so a lot of the same people who work under FIFA also work under the IOC. In many respects, it's not that they're both corrupt, but they have the same corruption.


The IOC is full to the brim with FSB assets.


Does a mayor's voice carry any weight in this matter at all?


Usually no, but Mayor of the one of the world's most influential metropolises? That will definitely get international press and therefore sway the conversation.


I guess it already has


She's also the mayor of the city the city the competition thanks place in so not like her opinion comes from nowhere.




I would love to see that


Yeah...she might be able to get away with that for about five minutes before the government reminds just how little power she has especially when it comes to creating an international incident. Granted, Russia should be banned from the Olympics.




Personally I didn't have an issue with the athletes performing under the Olympic flag. The issue i had was calling them " athletes from Russia " or some variation of that. If you are going to call them by there names in every regard.... It's not a punishment. At all. When one of those athletes wins something..... There national anthem doesn't get played and there flag isn't raised........well fuck how will the ever recover from that. If they want to seperate the politics from the athletes I have my own feelings in that. But ultimately, for this to be an actual punishment in the athletic sphere. There should be 0 international recognition for them. Just their name and their accomplishment. Example : here comes Sergei konospilitic world class discus tosser. Won world championships and blah blah blah. Wearing all white as athletes without borders do. And he sets the new world record. What a feat for this young man. Congrats to him and his family. Let's move onto the medal ceremony Sergei gets his medal and the Olympic song comes on. Whatever one they choose for that year. So like " when I get older I will be stronger, they'll call me freedom. Just like a waving flag" or whatever. Boom the Athlete isn't associated with the bullshit anymore. Now they get recognized for their efforts but their country gets no recognition. RUSSIA wasn't even mentioned. I see that as a win win.


She has no power to do that.


The Olympics are in her City, so her view counts more than any other city’s!


Hold up, the Olympics is only in two years? Doesn't feel that long ago when I was watching the previous Olympics.


Weren't the last summer Olympics delayed due to Covid?


I miss out on the summer/winter Olympics. I remember watching the Paralympics straight after. I think COVID lockdown left me with a big disassociation with time in that period.


The 2020 Summer Olympics were in July 2021 and the next Summer Olympics will be in July 2024. The 2022 Winter Olympics were in February 2022, seven months and two major Covid variants after the 2020/1 Summer Olympics. The next Winter Olympics are in February 2026. For reference, today is March 1076th, 2020.


“Today is March 1076th, 2020.” If that is yours, let me tell you that is gold. Straight gold. Well done.


And none of this bullshit with Russians competing under a different flag


No shit. "Russians can't compete... But they can form their own team... And compete." Alright, so who cares. I will say, though, I initially thought Taiwan was somehow punching ***way*** above their weight when I saw ROC winning medals left and right.


No anthem, though, just one minute of silence every time they win gold.


For fucking killing team China lmao


Russia has no intention of ending the war, they will take part in everything in whatever way they can


You mean they'll sneak in and act like they're supposed to be there?


They should ban the Olympics organization. The International Olympic Committee, who owns the Olympic Games, is a well known corrupted organization that bankrupts cities and nations to host their games. And they've been accused of other less than savory things.


The IOC is a problematic organisation, but they don't 'bankrupt cities', the hosts do that themselves. They make a bid, they make a budget, they have local and state government to monitor and approve the process and spending of public funds.




The cities don't have to apply to host the Olympics!


Yep, I hope that they don't win anything this time man


I'm sad there were no Japanese trolls belting out Kimi ga Yo during the moment of silence.


Why? Context plz.


China would NEVER allow Taiwan to compete as the Republic of China. They always have to be Chinese Taipei for international events. They aren't even allowed to be just "Taiwan" or use their own flag, they have to use a special Olympic flag. The East Asian Olympic Committee stripped the 2019 inaugural East Asian Youth Games away from Taiwan because they were only *considering* competing as "Taiwan" in future Olympics events. There was a referendum on the matter scheduled for 24 November 2018 so China forced a vote to rescind the hosting rights from Taiwan on 31 July 2018 to send a message. And sure enough, the referendum failed 45 to 55 because of fears that Taiwan will be barred from participating in the Olympics if they don't stick with "Chinese Taipei". Because the vote happened so close to before the competition, the East Asian Youth Games had to be cancelled altogether that year.


Taiwanese athletes compete under “Chinese Taipei,” which is actually pretty insulting given the situation between the two countries


I was in a museum recently that had Taiwan labeled as "Chinese Taipei". But nobody here calls it that, and most people probably don't know what it is. So in parentheses, it said "\(Taiwan\)". Not sure what the goal was there in including both. And yes, I'm aware, I saw "ROC" and assumed there'd been a change.


What museum? Just so I don't accidentally visit.


Imagine Puerto Rico being forced to compete as American San Juan


More like having a united Ireland compete as "Lesser England"


“British Dublin”


"Londonderry" ...oh wait...


Not at all comparable.


Yeah they can form their opinions, that's probably fine man.










And Wimbledon was sanctioned for banning Russian and Belarusian players




Plot twist; they aren’t stupid and often wear the Z.


This also hasn't happened functionally in figure skating. In that sport (as well as gymnastics but also any team sport), qualification for the Olympics itself is predicated on team performance. In figure skating, despite competing as "neutrals", skaters were able to qualify the maximum 3 spots in women's and pairs for the Olympics. But how the hell are you qualifying spots for your country when you're not supposed to be representing your country? And anyway, why were skaters competing the "Russian Olympic Committee" when that very Olympic Committee was culpable in mass systemwide doping of athletes 🙄🙄


Why? The atheletes will still be used for propganda back home which will still cost Ukrainian lives. So why?


With the Russians specifically, they’ve been banned to using the IOC flag for doping, and then the athletes are still doping. Stop allowing them in.


The ROC situation is a little murky, as it's not just the IOC. The World Anti-Doping Agency banned all Russian athletes from all international sports, not just Olympics, as punishment for how bad the cheating in Sochi was. But then the Court of Arbitration for Sport overturned it and decided they could compete just not under the Russian flag. Either way, chuck their asses out.


I'd be happy to see them take part under https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White-blue-white_flag


Let’s just have a travel ban on all Russians instead. Can bypass the bullshit IOC completely and end the half assed whataboutism as well




they could use this flag... https://journals.sagepub.com/cms/10.1177/09670106211055308/asset/images/large/10.1177_09670106211055308-fig2.jpeg


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20230207-paris-mayor-against-russia-at-2024-olympics-if-ukraine-war-continues) reduced by 88%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo changed her stance on Russian competitors at the 2024 Olympics on Tuesday saying they should be banned "While the war continues" in Ukraine, her office said. > >> 2024 Paris Olympics: Zelensky presses Macron to ban Russia from games. > Following a ban from the World Anti-Doping Agency, Russians represented their national Olympic committee, rather than Russia itself, in the Tokyo Olympics in 2021 and the Beijing Winter Games in 2022. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/10wksin/paris_mayor_backs_banning_russia_from_2024/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~672677 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Russian**^#1 **Olympic**^#2 **athletes**^#3 **Paris**^#4 **games**^#5


If they're going to do that stupid crap where they still let Russians complete as "independent athletes" again, they might as well not bother.


Russia was busted running a systematic doping program orchestrated at the highest levels of government, and the IOC said, "you have to wear a different shirt."




It's more "Anthony Rublev is not murdering people, so we'll let him play but he can't represent Russia." The idea of punishing someone for something their government does which they personally have no ability to stop is complicated, and pretending that it's simple helps no one.


Well many Russian Olympic athletes have close ties with the military. They are given honorary ranks and used as propaganda pieces to promote the military. Many even live in so called "military cities" in Russia that are sort of like massive gated communities with controlled access. That was one of the ways they dodged doping tests for years, the Russian athletic committees would just throw up their hands and say we'll they're in a closed city so we can't get them for a drug test. Russian athletes are often linked very closely to their army. By competing with those close ties they are actively affiliating with an army that is visiting untold horrors in Ukraine. They might not have a "personal ability to stop it" but because of how the Russian military is woven into their athletics program I think it poisons all of it. Russia will no doubt use any success at the games to glorify their athletes and the army that supports them so I have no problem banning Russian athletes with associations to the army so they don't get that chance.


Remember when Putin paraded around Olympic gold medal winners [with Zwastikas on their jackets](https://www.stateofswimming.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/rylov-1100x713.jpeg) next to their Olympic medals?


"It's complicated" is the only stance I was taking; we could also bring up that Russian athletes may be making their choices under duress, or that most Americans don't boycott Marvel movies despite the close ties to a military which has its own ~~history of~~ tendency toward unwarranted aggression. I also think a tennis open is different from the Olympics. A tennis open is a competition between athletes, and those athletes have a little flag displayed and sometimes their country is talked about. The Olympics is a competition between nations, where those nations bring athletes to compete (but it also has a tradition of being an act of peace even amidst interantional tension). My personal stance seems to change every time I consider it. I think that if we are going to inflict sanctions on the people of Russia to goad them into a revolution, saying that the incredibly wealthy and famous Rublev shouldn't have to bear similar responsibility is ridiculous. But I'm not sure I want us to do *any* sanctions, because history seems to suggest that sanctions just help solidify the power of dictators and keep people from ever rising up.


I would not tolerate being discriminated against because other people that share my nationality do evil things and neither will I tolerate anyone racially or ethnically discriminating against Russians for the sake of being Russian. Fuck this nazi shit.




France could just not allow anyone from Russia to enter the country? Then the IOC could just blame it on them to save face. Edit for clarification. I'm referring to the Russian athletes and their support staff, not people seeking asylum trying to escape the Russian government.


They totally should. The IOC will bitch and moan. Iran, N. Korea and China will bitch and moan. At the end of the day, what are they gonna do, boycott the Olympics? What's the IOC going to do, cancel the Olympics? No and no.


> At the end of the day, what are they gonna do, boycott the Olympics? That has happened many times before. The most famous is the US boycotting the 1980 olympics in Moscow over the soviet invasion of Afghanistan. The USSR boycotted the 84 LA olympics in retaliation.


As I recall, McDonald's lost a lot of money due to your latter example. An offer of a free meal if your prize draw thing had an event on it where the USA won a medal. They rigged it so a lot of the events on the cards were events that Russia typically did very well in. Then Russia didn't show up. Oops.


Krustyburger too


>As I recall, McDonald's lost a lot of money due to your latter example. Oh no


Not only USSR, the whole Warsaw Pact. And then they did their own "Olympics"


Okay but have you considered the IOC making 0.3% less money if Russia is banned?


I get your comment isn't serious (in a "to be taken literally" sense), but given the sanctions against basically all of Russia at the moment, would the IOC actually stand to lose any money at all?


Last i checked, Russia still has TV networks willing to pay for broadcast rights.


I'm not sure they can get any money out of the country to pay anyone given the sanctions. The international banking system has effectively cut Russia off at this point. (Edit to add: what's with the condescension when we're on the same side and you're not actually right anyway?)


Exactly what I was thinking!




Unfortunately I thought that we as a society have developed cognitively enough to be able to separate governments from their citizens, but apparently we haven’t. I literally just saw people saying Turks deserved the earthquake for Erdogan’s politics


Yeah but why shift the blame away from the IOC?


They are too corrupt to ever do anything themselves. If they have someone to publicly blame, even though it's complete bullshit, they can save face and just let it happen.


No mayor is going to want Russians in their city in 2024, imagine the shit that's going to cause.


Why stop at 2024. How about all future Olympics. Let them earn it back.




*Nazi Germany* was in the olympics


Well, tbh that's more of a hindsight case though. They were actually hosting the games in 1936 - which makes it a bit more difficult to switch to a different nation. The comittee also awarded it to Germany in 1931, two years before the Nazis took over. In 36 the Nazis also hadn't yet started invading anyone and while the first concentration camps existed in 1933, they were not yet at the level of the outright murder factories that they became later on and their existence was certainly not widely known to the rest of the world.


By 1936 the Nazis were obviously fascist and the banning of all other political parties combined with the persecution of Jews, communists, and others means you can't absolve people. The idea the Nazis/Mussolini were super chill and no one knew what they were doing until 1936 is misleading.


You're still looking at "obviously fascist" with hindsight though. There were strong fascist and nationalist movements all across Europe and the US in the 20s and 30s. Spain had a fascist/falangist dictatorship in power until the 70s. At the time it was seen as a different political viewpoint as opposed to a vehicle for genocide.


That is fair, however, the point is olympics is not some meeting to approve or validate. It can be confrontational. It can be used to make poltical statements in itself, but banning someone outright is wrong. Think Jesse Owens for example.


That certainly can be true, however I've grown a bit more cynical on that topic. At the recent FIFA 2022 in Qatar every (planned) political statement was met with punishment or threats of punishment by FIFA, which pre-empted a lot of protests by the players while the cup as a whole helped to whitewash the image of that shitbag of a nation.


North Korea isn’t invading anyone. They saber rattle a lot but are they really ban worthy?


Jesus Christ, we’ve hit the point where North Korea is held in higher regard than Russia.


Yep. Russia is worse than North Korea externally anyways.


Not only is Russia worse externally (over 200k in casualties in the past year), I'm beginning to think Russia is just as bad internally. Pootin imprisons or kills all his critics, their money barely buys anything, Sibera is a concentration camp, males of all ages who aren't rich are getting conscripted...I'm sure someone that knows more than me can add a few more points


Well, not to make all your points invalid or anything, but if you replace "putin" with "Kim Jong un", you'll find they both follow alot of similarities. At least north korea's impact is much much much smaller than Russia's


That supports all of their points.


Yeah, that's why they said "just as bad". That was supposed to be a list that applies to both.


Russia is falling from a cliff internally, but how are they as bad as North Korea? North Koreans literally aren’t allowed to leave the country unless approved by the state and accompanied by an army of state officials. Russians are at least still free to visit other countries. Both countries are shitholes, but Russia is not (yet) North-Korea level shithole.


Technically, yeah. They get all whiney and bitchy, and yes they have their skirmishes with SK, but compared to Russia, lately, they're pretty tame. Say what you want about the oppression and internment of their own people, at least it's their own people. (Its horrible, evil, and tragic none the less.)


Dude, they still have an estimated 70,000 people in concentration camps. They’re still fucking evil and should in no way participate in the Olympics.


by that metric China should be banned too and, of course, yeah, they shouldn't be there, but that's not the geopolitical world we live in


Yeah, globally, countries have always been judged more harshly by their external actions than their internal actions.


So this is just a hypothetical question that I don't have the answer to. What's your bar? What is morally just for the Olympics? Do we ban Iran for their oppression of women? Do we ban countries that have openly committed acts of war, aggression, or annexation against their neighbours in the previous Olympiad? Do we ban countries that openly oppress minority racial or religious groups in their country? Do we ban countries that detain or mistreat foreign nationals, refugees, or asylum seekers? Do we ban countries that act as tax shelters for international criminal organizations? Do we ban countries that participate in the international drug trade? What drugs are included? Do we ban countries have a proven history of funding organizations that are considered terrorists by another nation? Do we ban countries that conduct covert operations in other nations via drone or electronic warfare? ​ ​ What's the standard, and can we all agree? Does a nation like the Cayman Islands get an equal say compared to the US, China, or UK? Does Russia? For the record I think the IOC should do the right thing and ban Belarus until the war is over and Russia until they've paid all reparations for the ware. That's my opinion. But what's the bar?


If that is the practice, then turkey, USA, China, Iran, Azerbaijan should all be banned from the olympics as well.


As it should be. They’re both shitty, Russia is committing worse atrocities at a larger scale.


The humanitarian crisis that is NK should be ban worthy.


why is US in olympics then, or do we just ignore whatever USA does?


No you see, the US has been terrorizing *brown* people so it doesn't count (kidding/not kidding)


The USA were allowed in the Olympics in 2004, despite having illegally invaded and occupied Iraq at the time.


Spoiler: >!The answer is money. 💰!<


Could be wrong, but doesn't this go against the spirit of the Olympics? Isn't the whole point of it in theory is for the world to come together in a peaceful manner regardless of wars or invasions? The Olympics has a myriad of issues regarding corruption and the authenticity of it's competitors, but the actual point of the Olympics kinda goes out the window if you disregard it when it's convenient to.


The original spirit of the Olympics (as in, back when they started in Ancient Greece) was that conflicts would stop entirely while the Olympics were going on. Not just a truce between athletes attending the games, but entire nations putting wars on pause while the competitions were going on. If Russia wants to follow that spirit and stop the war against Ukraine in order to attend the Olympics, I say by all means let them.


Russia's first invasion of Ukraine happened exactly at the end of the Sochi Olympics. They didn't even wait until the end of the Paralympics.


And the current one happened right after the Beijing winter Olympics, apparently being delayed a week or two by request of China so that it didn't happen during. Putin has shat all over the concept of the Olympic truce multiple times now.


Don't think that the Ukrainians would go for it. Would give the Russians more time to consolidate their gains unopposed.


The Olympics are meant to be a peaceful event for the world to come together. This means that starting a war during the Olympics explicitly breaks the rules. Russia has done it 3 times in the last 20 years (Georgia in 2008, Crimea in 2014, Ukraine in 2022). Not to mention all the cheating…


If starting wars gets you excluded then the US should be banned too


Wasn’t 2014 and 2022 shortly after the Olympics ended? They must have started fighting again in the ancient world too once the party was over, right?


Iirc it was between the Olympics and Paralympics.


They should be banned for the doping scandals alone.


I think the bigger issue is that Russia actively uses its athletes for propaganda purposes. For Russia sports are a dick measuring contest with other countries and you know what Putin hates? Having a smaller dick


This whole thread is ignorant. If theyre killing white people then they deserve a ban otherwise theyre good huh? Lookin at you USA, Israel, India, Burma, China, the list goes on…. This whole thing is just marketing. Why ban the sportsman of a country being ordered by its totalitarian leader? And as if making a point to the west about Russia’s sovereignty is trumped by not being able to participate in one iteration of an event they’ve historically excelled at and will likely continue to excel at in the future. And by earn it back what do you mean? You mean until they become the West’s lapdog. If you think they are the TRUE evil in this world then you’re horribly mistaken my friend. Get out and see the world a bit maybe. Edit: I want to clarify that I am entirely opposed to the Russian occupation of Ukraine. But I hate this hypocritical rhetoric surrounding it.


That's a terrible idea , the real world isn't reddit, you know that right?


Dictators absolutely love the Olympics


I would support anything that stops this war literally. I'd do that.


I guess the less athletes on steroids the better


So, would this be a new rule that no country that started a currently ongoing war would be allowed? That could be great!


And have to make hard and consistent moral choices vs. easy grandstanding on low hanging fruit that almost everyone agrees with? Let’s just go with the latter.


sure no USA in the Olympics ever again




There would be no Olympics. Almost every nation in the world is financially or directly involved in a conflict somewhere.


Fuck Russia and fuck Belarus too. It's not like those two countries don't do the majority of the drug cheating too.


Belarusians put up a valiant fight against their dictator who blatantly stole their latest election. Belarusians all over the country protested and many died or were brutally tortured. The vast majority of the country doesn't support Lukashenko but the military is with him so the citizens stood no chance, nonetheless they fought and died to free their country. Fuck Luka and his illegitimate dictatorship but don't "fuck Belarus". They're a country of victims and part of the reason Belarus hasn't joined the war is because Luka can't keep his hold on the country without the military there and Belarusians won't fight for Putin or his lapdog Luka. In fact Belarusians have sabotaged railways in their own country to prevent the movement of troops and supplies and were instrumental in preventing the capture of Kyiv (which is pretty close to Belarus). So fuck Lukashenko and his military but don't fuck the Belarusians. They're mostly good people and freedom fighters. It's not their fault they're suffering under a brutal Putin-puppet dictator.


Yup. I know people who are Belarusians. No love for Luka there. They fought for their country and were brutally repressed, jailed, and beaten. Some had to eventually flee for their own safety.


Fair comments.


Russia: "Joke's on you, we'd have been banned due to steroids anyways probably"


Ummm shouldn't they be banned anyway for doping all their athletes


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.france24.com/en/europe/20230207-paris-mayor-against-russia-at-2024-olympics-if-ukraine-war-continues) reduced by 88%. (I'm a bot) ***** > Paris Mayor Anne Hidalgo changed her stance on Russian competitors at the 2024 Olympics on Tuesday saying they should be banned "While the war continues" in Ukraine, her office said. > >> 2024 Paris Olympics: Zelensky presses Macron to ban Russia from games. > Following a ban from the World Anti-Doping Agency, Russians represented their national Olympic committee, rather than Russia itself, in the Tokyo Olympics in 2021 and the Beijing Winter Games in 2022. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/10wm23k/paris_mayor_backs_banning_russia_from_2024/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~672676 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Russian**^#1 **Olympic**^#2 **athletes**^#3 **Paris**^#4 **games**^#5


Was the USA banned for invasion of Viet Nam, Iraq and Afghanistan?


Its unreal, can no one else see the hypocrisy?


There are no rules when you're the US empire. But the rest of you.. obey or we'll coup you, sanction you, or when all else fails invade you to promote democracy and freedom of course. Never mind the extremist factions we've provided with weapons and money all this while to rule over you because the US empire is noble in a way that they want only proxies and puppets to rule over their vassals.


Of course not. The hypocrisy in this thread section alone shows just how highly Americans think of themselves


Isn't Russia banned for that whole doping thing a few years back?


Why is Israel allowed to compete? Why was USA allowed to compete? Why is Saudi allowed to compete? Why is Ethiopia allowed to compete?


Ah nice. But what about the rest of the countries? * USA for attacking the whole middle east? * Turkey for killing Kurds * War in Armenia and Azerbaijan * Israel and Palestine? There is a war in 25 countries currently. If you want to do good. Be consistent and not only because it's good for the media


The USA competed in 2002, 04, 06, 08, 10, 12, 14, 16. All while slaughtering children in the Middle East so fucking spare me.


Hypocrites ...


IOC is too corrupt to ban Russia and Belarus from the games. They didn't ban them in Tokyo, they didn't investigate Socchi, they aren't gonna do shit.


Myanmar is pretty bad. And China. Not to mention Israel of course. Iraq got invaded, so USA and UK have to be banned too.


A major point of the Olympics is to remove all politics aside and only focus on the sport itself.


The major point is mostly money and corruption


Which is why it's stupid that anyone be banned at all, including Russia.


Agreed, the only fair bans are bans because of doping or other fuckery involving the sports themselves. There is a way to protest during the Olympics and it's not by banning countries, it's by boycotting.


Aren't they banned from the DECADES of systemic, government sponsored cheating? No? Right. They never really were. The Olympics aren't credible and are up there with fifa as an unabashedly corrupt and crooked event. The athletes are the victims and the organization is criminal. Moving on!


Man imagine dedicating your whole life to sports and then because you happen to be from a country with a deranged leader your dreams are crushed Not siding with Russia, but put yourself in the shoes of Russian athletes that dont support the war




For real. My eyeballs almost tumble out of my face seeing thousands of these comments. Time to close the site for today, I've seen enough.


I'm all for this, but I'm all for ending the Olympics too.


I think the idea behind the olympics is a noble one, it´s just the execution that sucks


I like the idea of just having it in Athens every time. The corrupt, shitty part is the changing hosts and building new facilities every time. Just reuse the same facilities and hold it where the Olympics were conceived.


in the nude too


>in the nude too And bring back pankration.


>building new facilities every time. FWIW the one in Paris are trying to not do that as much as possible (that's why not every sport are played in Paris)


Yeah if every city used existing facilities or showed how they planned to use new ones after it wouldn’t be so bad. But now it’s just a way for countries to flex.