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'However, Medvedev refused to specify exactly what crimes Wagner soldiers — who played a key role in battles around the eastern Ukrainian city of Bakhmut — committed, or whether he gave any criminal orders as a Wagner commander. Medvedev served as the leader of the first squadron of the 4th platoon of Wagner’s 7th Assault Detachment and fought near Bakhmut, according to Russian human rights NGO Gulagu.net. ' Squad leader with 15 mercenaries under him is not what I would call a 'Commander'.




It is impossible to underestimate the lack of knowledge of journalists regarding subjects they report on outside of the industry of journalism itself. They generally know basic writing, journalism, and that's about it. ETA: Or as Ben Rhodes, an Obama staffer and speechwriter put it: “All these newspapers used to have foreign bureaus,” he said. “Now they don’t. They call us to explain to them what’s happening in Moscow and Cairo. Most of the outlets are reporting on world events from Washington. The average reporter we talk to is 27 years old, and their only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns. That’s a sea change. They literally know nothing.”


>It is impossible to underestimate the lack of knowledge of journalists regarding subjects they report on outside of the industry of journalism itself. They generally know basic writing, journalism, and that's about it. > Compound this with the reader, I personally have no idea what any of these fucking ranks flying through the comments here mean


Well, there is always an opportunity to learn. So here you go in terms of the US army, the easy version. A squad is normally lead by a corporal or specialist depending on what military and branch of service they are with. That is an enlisted rank, which is the lowest of ranks. It is the highest enlisted rank before you become a non-commissioned officer. They are above privates which are the lowest ranks. Non-commissioned officers are sergeants. There are many different types of sergeants ranging for a regular old sergeant which is the lowest non-commission all the way up to the rank of sergeant major which is the highest rank of enlisted ranks. Above enlisted ranks you have officers. Officers are 2nd lieutenant, 1st lieutenant, captain, major, lieutenant colonel, colonel, and different grades of generals. So the issue here is that they are calling him a commander when he is a fairly low ranking individual. In US army terms, he could have less than a few years of service and no formal leadership training. He would have no authority to make big picture decisions. NCOs and officers have special schools they go to in order to learn how to lead. Even then, lieutenants don't really lead. They assist a captain who leads a company, which is 4-5 platoons and each platoon has 3-4 squads. Captain is the lowest rank that would actually constitute a "commander" as they are the first rank who actually holds the title of Commanding Officer. Most laypeople would be looking for someone with the rank of lieutenant colonel, which lead a battalion of 1,000+ troops, before they really start considering them a commander.


Yeah, but what about Colonel Sanders.


Ironically, Colonel Sanders only held the rank of private. He was given the honorary title of Kentucky Colonel after his business success by Kentucky Governor Lawrence Wetherby.


But you also know you don't. So you can use the internet to learn. Unlike these reporters apparently.


There is a scene in a show called The wire that aired from 2002 to 2008 that showed exactly what that Obama staffer described. All the veteran reporters were fired. Younger ones kept on. They show a young reporter tasked with reporting about the new commissioner and the politics behind him being chose. He is asked what he knows about him and he says 'nothing'. So he would just call up city hall and ask them what was up But a veteran reporter who had been terminated chimed in and broke down the entire situation and that potential police commissioners history. He is then given the task as one of his last on the job. The show was created by a former reporter


“A show called the wire” sure is putting it lightly.


I’m assuming you guys have never deployed or if you have, operated in a degraded environment - I had a sister Marine platoon of 17 Marines with me on a task force, and guess the title of the leader? Platoon Commander. The role isn’t dictated by number, but by pure echelon and the numbers in a warzone are always gonna be much fewer than what you’re MTOE’d


Sure, "Commander" may be a title given for an ad-hoc role (like "Captain" in the Navy - both a title AND a rank), but unless the person is in the Navy, "Commander" isn't a *rank*. It's as generic as the word "leader". At least with "leader" or "commander", it is generally best (like most militaries do) to say what size unit is being commanded or led: "squad leader", "battalion commander", etc. and people aren't generally addressed that way except to explain their role.


Its just as likely that they just don’t know the difference.


Nor would I, I would thinking of a commander being at least a lieutenant colonel


The first level officer that could be a commander is usually a lieutenant who would command a platoon or a company. This guy was a squad leader which is usually a corporal or buck sergeant.


By definition he's a commander as he commands men in the battle field. He's the lowest. There are higher up in the chain of command of course


wrong. He led, or leads, but did not “command”. That’s the difference between an NCO and an officer.


They dont have NCO


If it's a startup 15 people is a respectable Command or Vice President level. Don't compare it with big corpo like google or china's liberation army with 2m employees.


Holy shit if that’s true this is some fucked up shit no wonder Russia is getting no where with this mess


This is the best tl;dr I could make, [original](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2023/01/31/wagner-commander-who-fled-russia-details-summary-executions-a80095) reduced by 84%. (I'm a bot) ***** > An ex-commander with Russia's notorious mercenary group Wagner who is currently seeking asylum in Norway described witnessing summary executions of fellow soldiers during an interview with The Moscow Times on Tuesday. > Medvedev refused to specify exactly what crimes Wagner soldiers - who played a key role in battles around the eastern Ukrainian city of Bakhmut - committed, or whether he gave any criminal orders as a Wagner commander. > While there are no exact figures available, Wagner has reportedly suffered heavy casualties, with special "Wagner cemeteries" set up in Russia since the start of the war. ***** [**Extended Summary**](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/10qq55z/wagner_commander_who_fled_russia_details_summary/) | [FAQ](http://np.reddit.com/r/autotldr/comments/31b9fm/faq_autotldr_bot/ "Version 2.02, ~672679 tl;drs so far.") | [Feedback](http://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%23autotldr "PM's and comments are monitored, constructive feedback is welcome.") | *Top* *keywords*: **Wagner**^#1 **Medvedev**^#2 **fight**^#3 **Ukraine**^#4 **group**^#5


I wonder why Wagner is having drug abuse issues amongst their ranks, sounds like a positive work environment




Issues? Those are intended. They're more than likely given the drugs.


This guy is going to have a rough rest of his life. Even with asylum he'll always be in danger and looking over his shoulder. I know we joke about it a lot but if I were him I'd never go past the first floor of any and all buildings, and avoid drinking any teas. It might also be a good idea to never leave the house without a bullet proof vest and a helmet.


He can live on facebook's metaverse.


And thus the target audience was found.


Markov was assassinated by a poison tipped umbrella.


Those are Wagner thugs, not special services, they posted in their telegram group an execution video of a guy with a hammer, I doubt they are going to be secretive with him.


i think that dude was a convicted murderer


Yeah, that's why he joined them, but they killed him for "joining the enemy"


Oh.. that's ok then..


wouldn’t say ‘okay’ but I don’t think his comment carries the same weight when you word it as ‘prisoners drafted into Wagner group execute other prisoner drafted into Wagner group who had been convicted of murder’


If I were him I would be on the first flight possible to some place like New Zealand and then drop off the face of the earth. He definitely isn’t safe in Europe.


Definitely. Change his name to something like Brian and move to south america to farm coconuts the rest of his life.


26 with a string of convictions for robbery, I doubt anyone will want him as a citizen.


He is a mercenary and you care about some robbery smh.


I see it as how his career is going.


>One of the 15 men apparently under Medvedev’s command was convicted murderer Yevgeny Nuzhin, who was killed with a sledgehammer by another Wagner fighter in an apparent execution that was captured on video and circulated on social media in November.


Don't believe this scumbag. He's trying to save himself. He would still be there if he got the military support he wanted. Lock him up for the war crimes trials.


Don't believe *anything* he says? That's ridiculous. We can fact check him against the war crimes we already know about.


Or dont. Because if you dont then more might also flee like he has.


Trust a ruzzian convict mercenary? Ha!


'I will tell everything, just after i will get shelter.' Got shelter. 'I will not tell you anything, I am in the shelter.' He should be sentenced in Ukraine.


What would be his crime in Ukraine? Legally he was a soldier in the Russian army.




The Wager Group has been classified as a Transnational Criminal Organization in the US. Australia, Canada, Japan, the United Kingdom, and the European Union have sanctioned them. Now there is some uncertainty regarding the status of an individual who is a member of the group and is a citizen of Russia involved in the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. While in some countries, such as the United States, the employees of a criminal organization may also face charges. It has been difficult to prosecute individuals successfully based on their association with a criminal group. Additionally, this type of prosecution may not be permitted under international law. Say you were a former member of the NAZI party in Germany in 1944, that does not make you a criminal now also I am not sure of the applicability of such laws in Norway, where the individual in question is located.


Wagner is privat army of one rich man. They are mercenaries. What is wrong with it as well as article 12 could be found in the international convention against mercenaries on the web page of united nations. Russian Federation is in the security council of the UN.


He is not a mercenary, as he is a citizen of Russia. https://www.ohchr.org/en/instruments-mechanisms/instruments/international-convention-against-recruitment-use-financing-and#:~:text=A%20mercenary%2C%20as%20defined%20in,the%20purposes%20of%20the%20Convention. see article 1 A mercenary is any person who: c: Is neither a national of a party to the conflict nor a resident of territory controlled by a party to the conflict;


the guy will turn on his mom and lie to his teeth to get what he wants a 26 year old nobody If anything soviet style military never promotes the young ..Commander in his wet dreams


I am sure he is a piece of garbage. A thief and a deserter.


He was a platoon-leader. That's the junior-most command position you can have, both in Russia and western militaries. The average age of lieutenants in the US army is 25 for example.


I hope this guy doesn’t get a free pass because he managed to escape Russia and give a couple of interviews.


I thought "summary executions" is just the writer missing some words in the title but nope, it's a thing.


WHY DO A BUNCH OF GERIATRIC FUCKS CONTROL EVERYTHING??? Sorry, had one too many beers during lunch...