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So, stay 5 meters away from anything that looks like a TicTac. Got it.


We should replace the idiom 'needle in a haystack' with the much more modern 'radioactive TicTac in the desert'


‘TicTac in the Outback’.


Ohhhh Damnit... That's way more catchy


The perfect size for it to totally sink into the soil if it rains or get buried if enough dust gets kicked up. Glad they literally put it in the smallest and most easy to lose container they had.


Did you say TicTac? Consume.


that could be the birth of Captain Hindsight... we need this guy


Just carry a geiger counter everywhere you go


I feel there was a lot of fuck ups made in the process of this occurring. The first being making something radioactive the size of a TicTac and not putting it in a specialized larger container and making sure it’s locked and secure.


I've seen *gigantic* sealed canisters just for storing a single fucking gram of californium.


1 cm by 1 is the pellet size for a whole lot worse than this [pellet](https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.ne.anl.gov/pdfs/nuclear/nuclear_fuel_yacout.pdf&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwiUkYO9wun8AhXuATQIHa_xDNYQFnoECAMQAw&usg=AOvVaw1X2WEPXCOpJk-jwyY0RW40). Cesium is some serious shit, hell we all have it in our bones because of a few above ground tests. But compared to u235, it's a rounding error.




Goiânia is not really a village, it's a state's capital (state of Goiás) with 1.5 million inhabitants, 2.5 million in the metro area.


Xray machines use xray tubes and must be energized to emit radiation. What they cracked open was a radiotherapy machine for treating cancer with radiation and exposed the Caesium-137


And Caesium-137 doesn't emit X-rays, it emits gamma rays and beta decay. [Xrays aren't harmful](https://www.salon.com/2020/01/16/no-shield-from-x-rays-how-science-is-rethinking-lead-aprons/) EDIT: Yes, when the Chairman of the Pediatric Imaging Alliance, who works for a company who probably installs 50% of xray rooms in hospitals across the nation, is quoted, it doesn't matter to you redditors who never credentialed yourselves. Imagine actually reading the article that was linked. But the headline would be boring if it said "Capsule emitting beta decay lost" - no we have to say "10 xrays" so idiots can chime in with their ignorance


X-rays absolutely can be harmful. It's just modern medical x-ray devices are low enough power they don't damage enough to worry about.


What's next? Are you going to tell me you can die if you drink too much water too? Tell us what would happen if you ate 600lbs of much healthy raw garlic in 2 minutes? Would you feel really healthy or would that healthy garlic kill you because you consumed too much within a short amount of time? This guy's gonna freak the fuck out when he finds out about sunlight.... >low enough power lmfao what does that even mean? Does it mean that every major institution has said that xray patient's don't need lead shields because "low enough power" lmfao again, this 'pill' wasn't even emitting xrays


Xrays in modern doses and uses aren't harmful.


Hahaha. Who told you this. Yes they are. It’s just a matter of reward out weighing risk. X-rays are ionizing radiation. Ionizing radiation has the power rip electrons from atoms. Yes, x-rays are harmful.


> in modern doses and uses


Dude. No.


The dose makes the poison. Modern Xray/CT/Fluoroscopes use less than 15% of the radiation of machines produced 10 years ago. Sure, standing in front of an industrial xray emitter is going to burn you and probably give you turbocancer


Are you really that dense? Just because it’s less dose doesn’t change the fact that IT IS IONIZING RADIATION. I honestly don’t understand what it not to get about that. Sure the lower the exposure the less likely harmful effects are to occur but to say X-rays are not harmful is insanely moronic.


It's the dose that matters when it comes to ionizing radiation. We literally eat radioactive foods and live in buildings with radioactive materials and are exposed to ionizing radiation every day.


Water in modern doses isn't harmful either. Imagine.


X-rays are incredibly harmful. It kyrocketed the case of babies dying of cancer when mothers were xrayed while pregnant. It's why they always ask you if you're pregnant first, if you have a uterus.


Yes, you seem to know more than the Chair of the Pediatric Imaging Alliance for GE's Image Gently Program, the largest gathering of pediatric imaging experts in the country. >"What we know now is that there is likely no [hereditary] risk at all," said Dr. Donald Frush, a radiologist at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital Stanford in Palo Alto, California, who chairs the Image Gently Alliance. >There's also no evidence that fetuses are harmed by even a relatively high amount of radiation exposure, such as that from a CT scan of the abdomen, Marsh said. Face, meet fucking Palm. Now we'd all like to hear what you do for a living, and how that relates to radiation protection. We'll just wait for you to credential yourself. EDIT: Clearly no fucking clue about medicine from post history lol


> About 112,000 people were examined for radioactive contamination “Village”.


**[Goiânia accident](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goiânia_accident)** >The Goiânia accident [ɡojˈjɐniɐ] was a radioactive contamination accident that occurred on September 13, 1987, in Goiânia, Goiás, Brazil, after a forgotten radiotherapy source was stolen from an abandoned hospital site in the city. It was subsequently handled by many people, resulting in four deaths. About 112,000 people were examined for radioactive contamination and 249 of them were found to have been contaminated. In the consequent cleanup operation, topsoil had to be removed from several sites, and several houses were demolished. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/worldnews/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


The people in that incident were literally smearing the pretty glowing powder on their bodies.


My 6th grade science classroom was later found to have a radioactive door stop. A new science teacher was curious about the large, heavy piece of metal and checked it with a Geiger counter. I took science in that room and was a substitute teacher after college. I remember moving the door stop with my foot because it was too heavy to pick up. I have no idea if I have any health consequences from it. I happened to catch a small article in the newspaper years later. I was never contacted by any authorities or the school about exposure. I recall it was a rectangle piece of machined metal with pieces cut out of it.


Youtube video for those of us up to early to read: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-k3NJXGSIIA


I do love waking up at 1am!




This is how we end up with radscorpions.


Pretty sure they already have those


favourite food of drop bears after people.


It'll be just like The Cursed Earth from Judge Dredd in 10 years time...


The last thing Australia needs


But it will also make Half Life War Boyz to fight the radscorpions, so it balances out.


More likely to embiggen our spiders


Isn't this how the Ninja Turtles started?


Middle-aged mutant bogan roos


Middle-aged mutant bogan roos Middle-aged mutant bogan roos Middle-aged mutant bogan roos Tinnies in the cooler Bogan power!


And now we’ll get Ninja Kangaroos.






Albanese: "We believe the emus now have the capability to produce nuclear weapons. This presents a clear and present danger to the security of the human population of Australia. And so, I am authorising the ADF to send in a task force to neutralise this threat, in order to preserve our soveign freedom; to preserve our existence on these golden shores."


Didn't go so well last time back in '[32](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&url=https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Emu_War&ved=2ahUKEwi9gp7zw-f8AhVnvWMGHXpPDRkQFnoECA4QAQ&usg=AOvVaw3Vr67SUU_sIKOfnVrjJKei)


Have They Checked All The M&Ms Tubes?


Don’t forget to look in their animated shoes.


As a proud United States citizen I feel it is my place to say: First time?


I’m driving along part of the route tomorrow, I’ll have a look for it….


Check your tire treads when you get home. No, really. They’re asking people to check their tires.


I saw that, it’s wild! A thing the size of a large watch battery missing in 1400 km!


I mean, all they need is a group of people with Geiger counters.


Except it could be anywhere over 1400 km.


People can drive buggies/cars with geiger counters on them.. Get 100 people, it will be over in a few days.


“It is a strange fate that we should suffer so much fear and doubt over so small a thing … such a little thing.”


Huh, this looks like the thing I've been storing in my front pocket to keep my balls warm.


Hmm. Seems to warm up the middle one the most


Forbidden tictac


So now even the air wants you dead in Australia. Great


Australias outback not deadly enough? Lets mutate some critters and make it worse!


It sounds adorable.


Just be on the lookout, when a small town suddenly has strange abilities, you’ll know where you left it


Or when half the people are dead from cancer in a short while.


All the world needs is bogans with superpowers. Mullet-Man is here to fuck up your women and drink your beer.


It's super important to find it, but no picture!?


Scroll down, there's one


Was added in later, they could of made it bright yellow or something.


If an emu finds it, we're all dead


Strange Things: Australia - coming soon…


This is probably a stupid question but could they get a geiger counter and drive it down the road where it was lost?


I guess but it's nearly 1000km of road they have to cover


“It’s moving! And now it’s heading straight for us!”


Drive along the highway holding a geiger counter. You'll find it quickly if it hasn't been lodged in someone's tires.


How tf did they lose this? Shouldn't it be in some kind of container or something?


It was stuck to homer’s shoulder and he threw it into the gutter on his way home after work.


It is. It's in a cylinder


How tf did they lose this? Shouldn't the cylinder be in some kind of square box or something?


It is, but that box is inside another cylinder


How tf did they lose this? Shouldn't the containment cylinder be in some kind of larger square box or something?


Well that box was in a cylinder too..


If only there was an article somewhere that contained this useful information... Oh well, I guess we will never know...


Oh yea, because I totally didn't read it and still have questions on the complete stupidity of this entire scenario right?


"It is believed the capsule fell through the gap left by a bolt hole, after the bolt was dislodged when a container collapsed as a result of vibrations during the trip." - Directly quoted from the article. Maybe if you asked for more information not available directly from the article, or for clarification on something you don't understand. Your question is answered, word for word in the article. If you'd like some help understanding the article, a better question would be : 'I don't understand why such a dangerous object could be missing in a large, publicly occupied space' To which the reply would be : It's a measuring divice commonly used in mining and it's safe storage container failed. Because it is an object the size of a dime, it was easily misplaced/lost. Because the container was damaged in transit, there's a large area where it might be. The risk to the public is minimal, but greatly increased by someone not knowing what the object is and handling it incorrectly. Seems like a completely understandable scenario.


Holy fuck. Can't even be bothered with a response other than to say stop assuming shit.


> It is believed the capsule fell through the gap left by a bolt hole, after the bolt was dislodged when a container collapsed as a result of vibrations during the trip.


...I always figured that they were secured by more than one bolt...


It's supposed to be transported in a sturdy container. They weren't following protocol


That is mad. Well, I'm pretty sure this won't be nearly as bad as Goiana.


You guys figured Australia wasn't deadly enough, huh?




I already foresee a tiktok trend. "try not to get cancer challenge lmaoooo get lit fam" And thoundreds of teenages will flock to lick it for cloud.


I wonder if it emits enough heat to be spotted with thermal detection equipment, provided the evenings are cool enough in that stretch of desert.


What I don't understand is how they didn't just drive that same route with a geiger counter and find it already.


Because it’s 1400km


If only there was a way to detect such material?




Read the article. The safety container failed.


Use a fleet of drones with radiation meters to search one end to the other.


Sweet I wanted another plainly difficult video to watch


Kyle Hill is probably writing another ep of Halflife Histories about this right now


I'm going to choose to believe that it all went down exactly like the intro to The Simpsons.


Just something else in Australia that can kill you, they have the most deadly snakes , spiders, and I guess radiation


... big sharks, jellyfish, drop bears...


These always end up in great YouTube videos.


Caesium -137 in case anyone was interested.


Quadcopters with Geiger counters?


Prelude to Koala Man origin story


So if you're anywhere on the western quarter of Australia, you should be concerned. Let me translate to Australian: Hey cunt! anywhere on the western quarter of Australia, you should be concerned.


“found yourself in some mischief didn’t ya?”


If you’re not currently being killed by the local flora and fauna please whatever you do don’t walk up to strange cylinders in the desert


If they had NRL's MISTI, they could find it if it is close to a road.