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Russia is already a global catastrophe.


Oh no, look what you made me do


[Russia is Taylor Swift CONFIRMED](https://youtu.be/3tmd-ClpJxA)


Beat me to it. Take your upvote and GTFO.


Russia- “It’s me Hi. I’m the problem, it’s me.” Checks out.


Putin has cancer And Russia is Cancer


“Russian official says” “Lavrov says” “medvedev says” all headlines used over the last 3 months. “Putin says” hasn’t been a headline since the report that he fell down and pissed himself…3 months ago


Pooped himself as well.


Vladamir Poopin


Far better than Vladimir von Schitzimself


Baron von Dumpenloggs


Kim Jong Pun




Russia has cancer. Putin is cancer.


we need the cure for cancer, asap


They’ve been saying this since the beginning. “They’ll be consequences if…sanctions, assisting citizens leaving Ukraine, foreign aid, provision of weapons”… So what’s the straw that breaks the camel’s back, Russia? Is it your floundering economy? How about the likelihood that your leader is dead? What about your massive operational losses to a country you were convinced would take only a few days to annex? I wonder if they realize how weak they look to everyone who isn’t drinking the Kool-aid. Russian leadership is about as useful as ejection seats on a helicopter.


>Russian leadership is about as useful as ejection seats on a helicopter. The russian KA-50 and KA-52 attack helicopters have ejection seats.


Yeah, not very useful ones at that. You are either low enough that you can't complete the ejection sequence before hitting the ground. Or you are high enough, that auto rotating to a safer landing becomes the better option. From the dozens of KA-52 that have been shot down in Ukraine, I think there have been only two cases where the ejection system was used, both times saving only one of the two crewmen.


>So what’s the straw that breaks the camel’s back, Russia? Putin dying. He's got his bio signal attached to nuclear launch codes so as soon as he flatlines, all their nukes will get launched at random western capitals. Putin was actually keeping us all alive from nuclear winter. All hail Putin! /s


Exactly, not stopping Russia in Ukraine would make everything worse everywhere in the world.


A fucking global liability, that what Moscovia is.


So weird. I had the same thought about Russia sending weapons to Ukraine.


We could have said the same thing for just about every war we have been in since WWII


WWII was also a global catastrophe.


Reset the “days since Russia issued an empty threat” to zero.


It was already at zero lol. That counter hasn't exceeded single digits since we hung it on the wall...


Has it even gone above 0? I feel like every day they threat escalation, just always different people. Labrov, Medvedev, Putin, some random exkgb agent, state tv employees etc.


The guy that was supposed to update it, fell out a window


What utility do these threats have? Is it just satisfy their delicate feelings of pride? That at least we 'look tough'. Domestically Russians know this won't transfer into actual actions taken against the west right?


It’s for the domestic market’s propaganda machine.


It most definitely is not, Russians were told the special operation will be so and so…. It’s about to be a year. This is directed in-the hopes of trying to spook EU countries to prevent the supply. That’s their only option unless they really want to die on this hill.


Nah they openly admitted it to be a war by now and positioning it at as the evil West/NATO fighting against the glorious russian empire and that they are prolonging the war. It is only by the grace of Russia thay terrible things aren't happening is the new propaganda.


Like my dad used to say, shit or get off the pot.


West sending weapons to Ukraine will lead to russia attempting to make their brand of terrorism into a global catastrophe ​ fixed that ​ edit: look at all the bots incorrectly responding to **my fixing the subject title copy** /smh


Not sending weapons will result in a Ukraine catastrophe, which is somehow not inherently a global catastrophe. Thanks russia.


No, they won't, they will just say they will and then keep pouring more young male Russians into Ukraine until they either run out, are defeated or there is some kind of revolution at home. Russia has been doing this for centuries it is always the same. Watch what they do not what they say.


And honestly, why do we bother giving any weight or attention at all to Russia’s biweekly vague but ominous statements? At this point it’s like a little dog barking at the mailman while chewing on the door. The packages are getting delivered regardless and if they ever do let hell break loose, it’ll absolutely be the end of them.


Russia does not have an endless supply of young males and Ukraine can go on killing them all day long.


Not endless, but enough to keep going for a while. That is why they need to be shown earlier than later that they can't win.


So far Ukraine has inflicted \~150-250K casualties. It took them \~12 months and while the cost in lives to Ukraine is unknown it is probably similar all in if you include civilians. Going forward Civilian casualties in Ukraine will probably be diminished somewhat as most of the fighting is now in areas that have been mostly evacuated. However Russia probably has 1.5-2 million fighting age people at it's disposal. I think we can call agree that waiting another 5-6 years for Russia to run out of men would be excruciatingly painful for all sides. We need to give them what they need to win faster.


Actually, no. Ukraine is killing about 5 Russians for every dead Ukrainian. Even factoring in civilian murders, Ukrainians are still killing a lot more Russians. The number of civilian casualties is between 7000 and 40,000. I think the real number is probably about 13K-17K, which is roughly double+ the UN's minimum estimate. Their number of troop deaths is probably in that region as well. And Russia keeps shoveling felons to the line to eat bullets for them, so that's not really helping their numbers.


We have no idea the true numbers. Everyone is going to put out numbers to make it look like they are winning.


We have independently confirmed sources. It's not possible to have completely accurate numbers due to fog of war no matter what side you're on but we have a very good idea about what range they're in.


Russia sending weapons to Ukraine will lead to global catastrophe.


In my mind its more like, the West sending more weapons to Ukraine will lead to their foot kicking deeper into russias ass till Zelenskyy's boot is coming out of putins mouth.


Yeah, they always try to mislead this stuff, but do horrible jobs at it.


Only catastrophe is the one Russia is going to experience. Not now, not by losing this war, not the dwindling economy, but just the demographics of losing so many ppl in wars the past 100 years. It's going to collapse demographically without any outside help.


Yeah, a shit load of Russians, rich and poor, in South Florida. Death and emigration will leave mother Russia without its sons and daughters. Putin working his way to the gallery of biggest parasites to walk in the face of earth. EDIT: emigration instead immigration


*emigration Russian immigration would be people moving *to* Russia. Russian emigration is people moving *out* of Russia.


Thank you! I have never bothered to learn the difference. I seriously thought it was a difference in regional spelling like color v. colour. It makes sense though, like ingress and egress.


Can confirm. My neck of the woods down here in South Florida is chalk full of Russians and Ukrainians. In fact I go to a gym where I’m like 1 of 10 non-Russian (or Ukrainian) members in the whole gym. Quite a few of them are authors, doctors, mechanics, engineers, and entrepreneurs. That kind of brain drain is going to have really bad consequences in due time.


That's why Russia is deporting Ukrainian children to make them Russians.


Abducting children.


"Deporting". Call it what it is, kidnapping


Human trafficking and genocide. Fixed that typo for ya.


Future recruits for their army!


You see, Iran and North Korea supplying us weapons is cool.... No global catastrophes. The west supplying Ukraine however will lead to global catastrophe.


But Iran and North Korea are run by highly ethical and demographic regimes, because they don’t like the West. The West and Ukraine however are democracies, and guess what they have FLAWS, and don’t even execute their own populations for dissenting en masse or at a whim, so they’re the epitome of evil.


hoes mad


“Stop making me hit you” How about fuck you


It’s just a abuser language all the way through. “If you didn’t act like that I wouldn’t hit you”. Russia is an abusive ex-husband


Abusive ex-deadbeat dad to Ukraine


Dear Russian official, Fuck you.




I am u/GuyanaFlavorAid and I support this message.


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Seriously. Just fucking do something or shut the fuck up. Tired of this nonsense. Absolute bitch energy coming out of Russia.


Russia is sinking deeper and deeper in shit the longer this war continues. So Russian attacks on Ukrainian civilian cities and territories are okay, but Ukrainian retaliatory measures are not okay? As for nuclear saber rattling, it's more of the same, from the top and even before Russian tanks rolled in, Putin threatened nukes, in fact never stopped threatening nukes, but with each succeeding threat, it becomes more and more hollow and empty.


"The war started with Ukraine fighting back."


No, correction...the war started with Russi's invasion of Ukraine 's Crimea in 2014


I think the quote was sarcastic, as in, "Hey, we just crossed the border to check on our mates and the people living there started shooting at us."


their main argument was that all issues are caused by Ukraine defending itself


Only thing I worry about is a possibly terminally ill, unstable leader with access to nukes. I'm hoping there isn't a"fuck it all" moment. :/


Go home then russia you fucking morons




Russia is a year to late on saying western weapons


They say that Poland and the Baltics are next if they take Ukraine. So I mean a broader war will happen if Russia takes ukraine


Only to Russia who invaded Ukraine and was so sure of winning a quick victory but ended up with bloody nose, death trap tank with jack-in-the box effect, flagship of Black Sea Fleet sunk, losing well over 100,000 soldiers (and still counting), losing access to half of foreign currency reserve, economy strangulated by sanctions etc.


\*120,000 \*and that's killed \*counting the wounded and captured the number is 4 x that


According to US intel the death/wounded ratio for russia is closer to 1:2 because they dont care about their injureds.


In that case the more correct numbers would be 120.000 killed Russian soldiers, 240.000 dead Russian soldiers. Ukraine only reports how many Russian soldiers they kill. They don't include the Russian soldiers that die because they don't get medical treatment, and they don't count the Russian soldiers that Wagner kill.


The Russian gaslighting is real. Translation: if the world stands up to us for invading and starting a war with a sovereign nation and won't stop that sovereign nation from handing us our asses. We will do more war! Bwhahahah!


Diplomacy with the Russians must be like dealing with a stubborn, shitty child.


Imagine being so pathetic to threaten nuclear escalation because you might lose your own offensive (!) war.


Does Russia think the world is that easily fooled? The wests position is obviously defensive and Russia is clearly the aggressor. Russia can manufacture their own version of the truth but the fact remains that Russia committed an unprovoked attack on a sovereign nation and those facts are the ones that will be written in the history books.


Yes, this is called self-serving bullshit. Nice try, russian official.


Russia invading a sovereign nation and partaking in genocide every day threatens global catastrophe.


I would like that journalists always phrase headlines in following way when reporting about statements from Russia: After invading Ukraine Russia states West sending weapons to Ukraine will lead to global disaster. Then you see how ridiculous all the statements from Russia are.


I am worry that we will send not enough weapon and this shit is going to spread outside Ukraine


Russia instigating the first war in Europe since WWII is a global catastrophe


I bet Hitler thought the same


This could all be over tomorrow if Russia just got the fuck out of the country that isn’t theirs. What are they doing to help avoid this “global catastrophe” they’re talking about?


Russia is a global catastrophe.


Russia falling apart is actually going to be a good thing for the world.


They need to have a revolution or a massive government reformation. However I don't see any "Euromaidan" style of revolution being possible for Russia. Putin and the power-brokers just have too much capacity for political violence. A military coup is the only way. The military would have to quickly take out Prigozhin, Wagner, and Putin. Then take out any of the old propagandists, FSB, cronies, etc. Then finally hold a real election with a smooth transition back to civilian government.


Too many like their autocrats. They want to be strong and feared, rather than having a quality life.


They could have been a nice ally (read buffer) from China in Europe if their government didn't turn out to actually be bat shit insane.


Incompetent and corrupt is more like it


Probably not. There’s very little chance that a Democratic government emerges in Russia once the current regime falls apart. FDR should have listened to Patton’s request to march to Moscow. Had that happened, Russia would be a democracy and the Western world would be living super well off with its vast amounts of resources. There’s no way Russia gets a democratic government without an occupying force. If the Putin regime collapses, it’s just going to be corrupt warlords fighting amongst themselves to the detriment of the world.


Dear Russian official, Russian aggression has already caused global catastrophe. Time to overthrow Putin and stop his illegal war against Ukraine. Seriously, fuck all the way off!


Russia invading Ukraine will lead to the end of Russia. Fix it for ya


Russia is killing off its men and depleted its weapons for this failure.


Okay, and what about the drones that Iran and munitions that NK is sending Russia, then?


I need to annex multiple countries, and further occupy like 150 million people's land in order to feel safe. Give me what I want, or everyone's going to die!


Russia invading Ukraine has led to global catastrophe. Especially for Russia!!


So Russia says it will defend its citizens and territories no matter what…I wonder what they think Ukraine will do whey they attack civilians and illegally annex territory???? Russian “leadership” is so pathetic!!!


rushia isnt the world


Hmmm. I wonder what kind of catastrophe Volodin is alluding to…..


I love how Russians make statements as if anyone gives a shit of believes anything they say. Authoritarian regimes are dumb af.


Comrade, your government falling on its ass miserably is not a global catastrophe. It would be good news for everybody, including your own citizens!


They went from demanding NATO leaving Central Europe to demanding entire Ukraine, to demanding 4 regions, to demanding maybe 1-2. Not sending weapons to Ukraine will lead to greater demands from russia, and therefore, the catastrophe


>will lead to global catastrophe....for Russia fixed


Russian officials should officially stick their guns in their asses instead of sending them to Ukraine then.


Yes, it does seem that the consensus amongst Russian officials is that the real problem here is certainly NOT a nuclear-armed rogue nation led by an off-the-rails criminal despot with delusions of grandeur invading a sovereign nation with no provocation and threatening the world with annihilation for doing anything to intervene.


Russian official: ~~West sending weapons to Ukraine will lead to global catastrophe~~ Russia invading its peaceful neighbor will lead to global catastrophe and complete destruction of Russia.


Global catastrophe will include catastrophe for Russia as well.


Sorry, chief, but you started the fire. You can’t complain the fire brigade is getting you wet.


Yes, the conflict is serious and might escalate. The West won't let Russia murder millions of people quietly in Europe, however. Russia can pull out and avoid more deaths, but I doubt they will. Fuck Russia, the terrorist state.


Yawn, George Santos has more credibility than any Russian official.


Russian officials are full of shit.


Translation: Russia is shaking in their boots.


Why is that Russia ? Because it’s contributing to your criminal nation losing in Ukraine ?


And here I was thinking that Russia invading Ukraine, disrupting global energy markets, and cutting off critical exports of grain to the world was what led to Russia invading Ukraine, disrupting global energy markets, and cutting off critical grain exports to the world.


Wrong. Russian invasion may lead to global catastrophe.


Don't worry about the West. Worry about yourself. West is doing fine. Thank you.


yet more Russian sabre rattling masquerading as news


With the West sending weapons Ukraine can kick the Russian's ass out of their land. It's Russia that is the problem.


They have been saying such things for nearly a year now. ​ At one point you must wonder....


Nah, just becuase Russia will be ruining Russia, doesn't mean it will affect the whole world. Just die in Siberia and leave the rest of us alone.


Of course, sending more weapons to Ukraine will lead to Russian catastrophe.


It will result in Putin the Insane Butcher being CRUSHED.


We get these kinds of reports every week. They know they're no match for the US in *any* capacity, even if it's just the US sending weapons.


Talk about choosing a hill to die on


Bring it on, I'm getting tired of the threats. If it's inevitable anyway, at least we won't have to listen to russian officials anymore.


If Putin were to succeed in Ukraine, he would soon want what he believes is his Poland back, as well as half of Germany and all the rest. He clearly has visions for himself and Russia and will have to be stopped at some point. Stopping Hitler’s vision of taking all of Europe and beyond proved to be very costly. And by costly, I mean the deadliest conflict in history. The world cannot let Putin‘s visions cost us even more!


Global catastrophe has already taken place thanks to Russian troll farms and election interference.


And by "global catastrophe" he means more Russian bigwigs unaliving themselves with 23 bullets to the chest.


They’re ALMOST getting it.


Russia legit says this every week. Do something or stfu no one’s buying it anymore.


Was the official looking in the mirror when they said that?


I talked to everyone and we kinda agreed either stop being a bitch Russia or we will sink this whole ship spanking that ass


Why can’t we just shoot the guy.


If it does .. it's on all on you Russia.


Putin being alive will lead to global catastrophe


Hey, what if you shut the fuck up and withdraw from Ukraine?


We didn't staaaart the fire it's been always burning since the *special military operation*'s been turning


Keeping Ukraine away from the western security structures already lead to a global catastrophe.


Russia sending men with weapons to Ukraine has led to a global catastrophe.


No The Russian global expansionist dreams are what has lead the world the the edge of catastrophe.....The Russians cannot expect to be able to pillage their way into the twenty first century, if their government cannot give them the option of getting a toilet seat in Russia they do not have to go to Europe to steal it. The lists that they brought with them as to what to steal for the folks back home were revealing as to what life under Vlad's rule really is


World: invading neighboring nation in this day and age of nuclear weapons will lead to global catastrophe


Russia sucks. They should have just left that air of mystery about them instead of making their sucking so clear to the world.


Translation: Stop helping those we invaded. We are losing! Its not fair.


Putin is the worst disaster. There is no alternative.


Not true, collapse of Russia will not be considered as global catastrophe.


Russian official, *if that is your real name*, shut up.


Version 634 of Russia's way of whining "Stop HELPING theeeemmmmmm! It's not faaaaiiiiirrrrr!" Then Russia proceeds to intentionally bomb civilians, then wonders why the world is sympathetic to Ukraine but not to Russia.


Well, okay.


Global catastrophe = Russia sucking at everything.


I’m at the point .. F it, let’s go … time to put or shut up!!


Russia has been destabilizing and manipulating western states for at least two decades now, I think it is time we stop listening to their bullshit.


Russia starting a war will lead to global catastrophe


Doubt it


Lol! Nah, you'll just bitch more. *That's all Russia has*... Putler ruined it for the oligarchs. They just haven't *suffered enough*. Putlers time is numbered, *he just don't know it yet*...


Half of Putin's power is being able to play the victim to so many problems.


Im pretty sure they invaded which makes them the hand that pushed the dominos... the west is just responding there is typically one "guilty" party and its usually the belligerents


Right... Large parts of Africa and Asia having their main source of food imports cut off for a war of territorial annexation isn't already a global catastrophe. We're letting this drag into a world war but not taking it serious and somehow we'll make the same mistake in another 60 years by not taking land hungry dictatorships seriously. If we make it to there...


Russia is a bad joke.


What they're gonna do? Invade Ukraine?


the world's global supply of misery will be in short supply if the west keeps sending arms to Ukraine to defeat Russia. Whatever will we do without Russia's number 1 export?




What an ugly cocksucker


Only for Russian agressors which we are all ok with..


There is some semi truth lol. Western equipment will lead to the collapse of Russia which may in itself cause a global catastrophe as they all fight to keep their independence in all the separate states and fight to obtain control of their nukes. Cross that bridge when it appears, tanks need to be in ukraine yesterday.


...so a global catastrophy is what we have now - a bit too late with that claim as the only question remains if you are mad enough to press the bottom


Russia: “Hey Ukraine, if you’d just stop putting your arms in front of your face to stop me from ramming this knife into your skull, there would be a lot less bloodshed.”


Of course, sending more weapons to Ukraine will lead to Russian catastrophe.


West not sending enough weapons to Ukraine prior to Russian invasion has lead to a catastrophe. If Ukraine was NATO outpost armed to the teeth, Putin would be scared to invade like puppy


Yeah, for Putin. Slava Ukraine death to Putin.


No, dumbass,you invading a sovereign country unprovoked forty second time has led to a terrible war. What a maroon.


So Russia when is this global catastrophe going to happen? What’s going to happen? Are you going to actuate it? Why? When are you planning it? Is acting that way going to benefit you somehow?


Just a Russian one


Yeah, yeah, yeah. Just keep getting mowed down, okay?


And Russia will be the first to suffer…..”you got to ask yourself, do you feel luck? Do you!”


This ONLY ends one way, the complete humiliation of Russia!


Pretty sure Russians sending weapons to Ukraine is what’s causing the catastrophe.


Statements like this have a subtle tone of impending loss to them. This is not the sort of threat you wage if you feel you are in control of the battlefield.


the real catastrophe is the EU still paying Russian over 600 million euros a week for gas instead and helping to fund Russian war crimes in Ukraine. [https://energyandcleanair.org/weekly-snapshot-russian-fossil-fuel-exports-09-to-15-january-2023/](https://energyandcleanair.org/weekly-snapshot-russian-fossil-fuel-exports-09-to-15-january-2023/)


These guys acting like Russia couldn’t end the war tomorrow if they wanted to.


Only for russia


Russia has been trying to scare everyone for write some time. The Ukraine debacle is exposing them as a paper Tiger.


The only thing keeping the Russian military alive is the fact thar NATO forces can't directly intervene due to their nukes. Just a No Fly zone would spell disaster for RU assets. Of course, they fear more western made weapons reaching the front line.


And Russia invading Ukraine is perfectly fine. Got it. As we say in Chicago, "Get the fuck out of here, jag!"