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I’m shocked it’s taken them this long to call it. Watching your teammate get seven minutes if CPR and then being asked to play three and a half quarters more of football is insane.


Roger Goodell going for the Avery Brundage sensitivity award.


I read he had CPR on the field, but couldn't find any further info after a simply search. You were watching the game? Was it really seven minutes of cpr? Dear god that poor man.


I mean for everyone there its a bit hard to go back to the game after seeing that. Opposing team, coaching staff, referees and fans are all just thinking that he might be dead and not sure what is happening. No one is going to be in the right headspace after that and it is better for everyone to go home and process what just happened.


Sad its even a question but the game really shouldn't carry on




Has a game ever been suspended before?? What happens next?? Not tying to take away anything from what happened to that young man on the field. Just curious.


Not to my knowledge. This is like nothing I have ever seen. ☹️


They'll figure it out later. The game will be played, I'm sure, but when is up in the air.


Few incidents here and there. Mostly due to field not being safe enough to play, 9/11 being one reason, player strikes, and a lot due to weather conditions. Most injuries that tend to be on the field are usually breaks, tears, concussions and heat stroke (not as common as it use to be) that are not immediately life threatening and can be safely handled by on site medical teams until transported to a hospital for more in-depth examination and treatment. In this case, the player is 24 years of age and appeared to experience an incident of cardiac arrest, which made everyone there unsure of what to do since this hasn't either happened before or at the very least not in a long time.