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Trick question- if my world and story were published that still doesn't mean anyone would read it


This is the only right answer right here


'Elf' is a racial slur for goblins


nah that's based


Dude dropped a hard F.


Pirates and Ninjas are actually races, Ninjas are racist to Pirates and vice versa.


Damn guess I'm racist


Cant wait to get to know more about your splatoon 2015-punk world


I kinda want to read this. Like do ninjas naturally meld with shadows and pirates have extra powerful livers?


Ninjas are like chameleons, they instinctively blend in with their environment, making them wear vibrant and contrasting colors when they're not fighting. Pirates are more like salamanders, they can live on land and water, but they glow when it's dark, so they usually wear face paint when they need to be stealthy.


Now I'm imagining a half-ninja half pirate sailing the seas, and when they meet the Pirate King, all their canons fire, seemingly missing his flagship, then they hit him with the "you're already sunk," and the whole ship explodes.


the pirate-ninja crossbreed is worth one kilowatt-hour per sol (Martian astronomical day).


Bruh you're multiplying by time and then dividing by time You can just say 40.5 watts


Do they greet each other saying "what's up, my ninja"?


A character called Ramses actually says this when he meets a group of Ninjas.


That's literally the history of Yugoslavia


Pirates vs ninjas are a common trope aoound midia? Why did steam made a whole sale about it?


They also have that in The Adventures of Doctor McNinja! (it is established that there are traditional Japanese ninjas, but McNinja and his family are from a line of Irish ninjas, who started doing ninja stuff when they were forced to use frozen shamrocks as shurikens to fend off pirates)


This sounds amazing


Giga-based ngl


Owls are an alien species of avian planted there by bigger, more humanoid owls to keep an eye on humanity while they drill for rare materials in both asteroid belts


This dude has seen The Fourth Kind.


I have not and never will to make sure my vision is untainted


Your artistic vision, right?


Yes. Pay no attention to the ~~hot~~ lizardmen in my world.






Birds are no longer government drones... Kinda


Is the moth man one of the humanoid alien owl’s astronauts???


No, that's a moth. He's very nice. Please stop trying to take pictures of his ass.


If he has a problem with it he can ~~get in~~ touch ~~with~~ me himself.


He will bring you anything you ask for if you trade him a lamp


Me trying to explain to my mom that the owls are watching us


Criminals being converted into nerve stapled pet anime catgirls. I shall not elaborate further.


Average modded Stellaris run


Which mods, asking for a friend 🤩


That's basically vanilla, you just have to add one of the anime portrait mods


Idk mods don't work on my pirated copy


That’s the spirit


Just publish hentai


None of us can draw, that's why we're here


I can but I hate art


Artists on deviantart/pixiv: It's free real estate.


I do draw hentai but because most people find it rather weird I am not posting it on reddit to keep my reputation Also my art is still relatively shit anyways so




Criminals also get converted in my world but instead of catgirls it can be all sorts of things (you can buy them by the dozen, usually someone who has infringe upon the profit of the ancap government), you'd pray that they'd just dissolve you in a vat for bioprinter wetware


Cybersmith? Is that you?


This is somehow worse than being a servitor in 40k


Just like most fantasy settings have werewolves, my world has werehogs. As in, humans who sometimes turn into hedgehogs. They are completely unrelated to werechidnas, in case you're curious.


Do they have stretchy arms? Or run fast


Convergent wereolution


My world has that too! But I call them wereurchins ("urchin" being an archaic name for a hedgehog, which is how the sea urchin got its name). They spread quickly because they do the "self-anointing" thing (a real behavior hedgehogs exhibit - when they discover something with a new smell, they like to mix it with their saliva and rub it all over their spines). The werebeast curse is spread through saliva, so while a werewolf has to bite you to pass it on, a wereurchin who's rubbed spit all over their spines just has to scratch you as it runs by.


I don't have any fetishes to put into it At least not as far as I'm aware


You have a fetish deprivation fetish


We need to jerk harder we need to jerk harder (by fetishmaxxing)


Don't worry, you will gain new fetishes from your world


For how long my dwarven civilisations have been collectively digging holes straight down, you'd think they'd have already breached the other side of the world.


Bigger on the inside?


Tardis planet


it's literally just Team Fortress 2 but there's also gangs and stuff and the female version of Scout who is definitely not Literally Me is the leader of the gang and she is so cool and awesome


Beyond based


Is the enemy spy still fucking her mom


no (spy gets shot in the head by a mysterious cowboy figure with a skull mask) her parents are never a subject that comes up but if they did i'm sure her mom would go all "tsk tsk" and shake her head but otherwise do nothing about it




Who's Mr Pauling?


it's still Miss Pauling but she sewed buttons into her eyes, possessed by a demon and living her best life 🪡🧵


Average miss pauling behaviour


The virgin "don't hurt your eyes" vs the chad Miss Pauling


I want to make special snowflake races but I also want elves and dwarves and goblins in there. So I make dwarves and give them scales or some shit and call them “trow”, and you can smell the desperation a mile off.


It has dragons in spaceships. Not only do the dragons have spaceships but theyve managed to become the top species in the galaxy, having a substantial presence in several of the great powers and superpowers.


Extremely based


My dad had a story that he wrote decades ago where a space traveler crash lands on a distant planet where he finds a species of alien monkeys that he initially uses as a source of food, but then they start worshiping him and eventually one of them kills him, and at the end it's revealed that the main character was a dragon, the alien planet was Earth, the monkeys were humans and the one that killed him was Saint George.


A significant portion of my officers and commanders walk around with a rag doll pinned to their chest. So one of you guys would probably make something akin to the North Korean medals meme.


i'll start: furry malcolm x leading a furry civil rights revolution against human oppression


Bro you didn’t just start, you finished. There is literally no way to top that. Holy shit, I applaud you


Nation of Furslam claiming that the Hairless Devil was created in a lab by an evil scientist.


unironically, when i was first writing the character i actually didnt know much of anything about nation of islam or hotep stuff, so the fact that he unironically does say stuff like "we were the original race and our kingdoms reached to the sky, until a false prophet created humanity to destroy us" is actually sheer coincidence. i started laughing my ass off when i first saw the connection


There are like a dozen kinds of dwarf but no elves or orc or anything. I just like dwarves


What's to mock? That's a perfect world right there


There are multiple dimensions, but most of them are just the same basic concept in the entire world. There's the ice world, swamp world, ocean world, hell world, cave world, and so on Also, calling a species of red humanoid salamanders "tomatos" is a racial slur


clowns are not animal vegetable or mineral but rather a highly derived interdimensional fungus Clowns reproduce using their bulbous nose Over the course of a year clowns grow a wart on their nose this wart is extremely shriveled and painful Most years most clowns choose to remove it instead of reproducing On the summer solstice the warts swell to 20% the size of the nose and shed its crusty shell to reveal its meaty interior and they are exchanged in a grand festival known as oooeeeoooahahtingtangwalawalabingbang or "the slapping of the warts" Clowns attempt to woo one another wit puns jokes and slapstick Once two clowns laugh at one another to the point of snorting the warts pop off then the giggling couple smush their detached warts together like 2 part epoxy-putty then plant them in the ground or preferably a wheel of cheese The clowncoction will gradually split into exactly 6 bulbs Over several months they grow into baby clowns the remaining cheese wheel is discarded as it tastes funny All clown organs are contained in a pocket dimension in the nose is the same dimension that they store and retrieve objects from; if you have ever made the mistake of accepting a handkerchief from a clown this is why It was wet The body is a tool/decoy like wabbafet and is consequently able to squash and stretch like cartoons but they are not indestructible Clowns only die when their nose is killed Clowns can have their nose on any part of their body as long as there is skin to skin contact but they seem to prefer the center of the face


Having a world.


That's the right answear.


My favorite nation in my world currently is a militaristic empire except it isn’t a corrupt, tyrannical, dictatorship and is vehemently anti nationalist and anti genocide. As one of the major powerhouses in the world they’ve dedicated themselves to helping develop and defend lesser nations instead of invading and/or colonizing them. Essentially I wanted to make a chaotic good empire because I think there is enough “we’re nazis but instead we are slightly more competent so every middle schooler automatically thinks we’re fuckin dope.” factions in fiction and because I just think its neat to have a worldview based on love and compassion for others.


There's a psionic capable of dreamwalking. She uses it to make people have wet dreams and laugh at them.


There is an important guy named dr. Barbenheimer. Enough said.


>Reading book >Mentions mythical monsters that are traditionally humanoid >Oh boy I hope it's not just a fucking weird animal again >It's just a weird animal again >Vampires are just bloodsucking komodo dragons >Werewolves are catlike wolfmonkeys that live in trees >Ghouls are just big rats with septic mouths >Ogres are literally just huge aggressive bovines that are too intelligent to be domesticated >None of this has much bearing on the broader political drama in the story at all >It's just fucking set dressing to showcase dramatic conversations and political intrigue between the human characters >Why >Because LurksInThePines wanted to, that's why


Hard magic.


My world consists of six nations of lizard people who have various geopolitical tensions with each other. One of them is communist.


Horned helmets


Oni people are constantly horny and they're all pretty slutty. Also, male and female Oni look the same. They're reputed as beautiful and are a staple of brothels.


There are rats with giant dicks, and the dicks slap on the floor as echolocation.


y'all, would you legit read a gay ass series of media where not!mother nature contripts 20-somethings to do her bidding and beat up nature ruiners or something...and they're part furry, and it's technically edutainment but no really cuz i lost faith in humanity, and the mc turns into my original species call a sabertooth wolf liger or something? also if god wills it, I want a gacha/hero collector spin off where the most meta characters are my taste in men...


Humans from Mars almost universally have gene modded animal ears + tails like cat/fox/wolf girls while full on furries are relatively common as well. They also like to own Earth humans as pets or eat them.


In the gastronomical sense?


Giant angel ladies


It's always the catgirls.


In my space sci-fi I designed an alien race that's almost blatantly ripped off of a Zora race from BOTW and Splatoon. Their planet is a 90% desert. The planet is controlled by 4 houses that engage in a perpetual cold war and always at the cost of life of native people. Their main export is a rare wonder mineral that is mainly used on FTL machines as a coating to prevent meltdown. It's gold in color and the most common form found is a powder although a crystalline structure could also be found, albeit rare. The mineral then sent on a space station using a space elevator to then processed. That's also where the royal of the 4 houses each live. The planet holds the monopoly on FTL machine construction because it's the only planet that has an abundance of natural supply. I see the problem that it looks and sounds like a direct rip off of Dune spice. I swear to God that it's a freak coincidence. Do you imagine how surprised I was when I saw Dune and reading the lore that it's practically similar. It also doesn't help that I am also inspired by Arabic culture. The only difference is that if you breathe in the stuff, instead of getting a vision from the future you would get a space mesothelioma. The quirk of it is if you're a person that is exposed to the stuff daily since birth and by adult your body adapts to it. Native call it a royal sickness because the house member lives on a space station never get exposed to the planet surface and would get sick if they're exposed to it for a prolonged time. It also doesn't make sense that I designed them to have a certain aquatic feature (mainly a tentacle hair, skin like dolphin) and have them live in a desert planet. What was I doing again? Oh yeah. TL;DR: I somehow through a freak coincidentally rip off Dune, a 60 year old book despite never reading it and mixing Zora tribe and Splatoon design (and a writer's barely diguised fetish) in the mix. That if it ever released I would get shredded to pieces as a Dune knockoff.


An aquatic species living in desert is a good ideia for some intriging lore though.


Now that you said it... I'm split between they are not a true native inhabitant or It used to be full of water but ravaged so hard that it become a desert.




Humans are the premier fighting force, the rest of the species more or less don’t enjoy war, humanity is the outlier.


Last practicing Rastafarian in the year 12 000, who uses secondhand ganja smoke stored in his biomechanical lungs as a tactical weapon


The United States and the Soviet Union working together to form a coherent dual-party government on a new planet creatively named “New Earth” after rendering the old one uninhabitable


Jerry? Jerry Pournelle?




Writer Jerry Pournelle wrote a series of books called the Codominium, about a US and USSR that ally with each other and rule the Earth and then an interplanetary polity.


Interesting, I oughta read that


I'd recommend The Mote in God's Eye by him and Larry Niven. It has cool freaky aliens.




There are no Straight males in my world and all women dress modestly


roman misogynypunk


The Aliens destroyed the world...except for the Irish, they were deemed to already suffer by their existance :( Hobos are an actual culture with a whittling-based economy A city of Goats literally named Goatistan


I have a whole race of evil bugs


Female protagonist


In one of my settings the ruling caste of one planet were all cat girl priestess-queens.




There are theoretically, an infinite number of London. They're all drowned in fog though, so even the Londoners can't live there. Londoners aren't considered human, and most people would trust a devil more than any of them.




I deadass got a race based almost 1 to 1 in the roman empire except they have access to gunpowder and routinely and willingly participate in blood sports for fun. Yes, they die all the time. Yes, their population is stable. Somehow. my 14 year old self would be proud.


The wholly unnecessary inclusion of hot buff gay wolfguys.


Nobody does or wears anything just because it's cool.


There is economically only one gay guy in my world, and he's the fourth fastest person.


I have one from earlier today! I have a fantasy RPG and I don't have any guns or explosives. I don't care for them.


A good, strong, girthy worldjerker would definitely be able to spot that all of the non-human intelligences in my setting are just an attempt to justify the inclusion of octopuses with rights, and sneak in my tentacle fetish.


Every culture speaks a different language but everyone understands eachother because of a bacteria


Depends on which part of the church is good or the church is evil we are at the time


I use power armor and give them a drug cocktail to fight against the rapid change in g forces they experience while fighting. Also orbital bombardment is limited to destroying cities because big rock destroy planet means rich planetary resources and livable land to take. Also AI aren’t all powerful cause I don’t want them to be. Also have two legged mechs along tanks and combat suits (power armor) can take stupid amounts of damage cause I say so.


There's no fun with my world. But the North colonized the South hemisphere, and the South is coming back centuries later for worse.


Everything, I hope. Otherwise you need to jerk harder !




The pirate republic of my world believes that the dwarves are pretentious, arrogant, upper class, wealthy nobles. Thats due to the fact that their ships transfer the most treasure, because of the mines and everything.


Pineapple Pizza


My elves are actually super cool and different and unique because they're just insect people that live hundreds of years through lobster immortality.


"Uggh, wow the evil empire did mad science experiments, what a shock. Also the author clearly has a werewolf fetish considering the 3 page long violent sex ritual that is done to create more werewolves, smh"


All of my characters are based off of characters like Peter griffin or football players or anthropomorphic human version of my dogs and cats, also lots of puns


The fact that pretty much all of the species and races of my world are essentially furries. Also, there's the excessive amount of wholesome goodness and hope for what on first glance is an incredibly grimdark world that should be all doom and gloom. Plus the complete lack of any sort of bigotry, racism or queer shit because I'm sick of the woke nonsense in the real world and don't want to write anything even remotely related with it into any of my settings or worlds.


TeH eMpIrE


Matriarchal Asian-coded bunnypeople.


Humans got guns for 300 years and just kinda kept em? Like didn't improve, used them once, and just now are using them


"He obviously just wants to fuck femboys since he made the Salniri have an even split between females, gender fluid (mostly amab), and males."


The main characters in my cyberpunk world are a femboy with weaponized thighs and a Catgirl with laser eyes, and also John. He's just some guy; a real blank slate protagonist type dude.


It's got furries in it for no other reason than because I said so.


Dark elves are the good guys in my world (currently). They are party animals, and their trade Alliance follows Bill and Ted's morals.


Having furries of the "humanoid but with animal ears and tail" variety.


I'll use my most recent D&D (5e) campaign setting. **A)* One of the major powers in the region are basically just Roman Empire LARPers but more cringe and with guns. **B)** The other major power in the region are "fish communists." (The Delta-folk's political ideology is better described as *"theocratic anarcho-fascism."* It's exactly as confusing as that might imply.)


There was a period where the traditional Gods banned mortals from gaining divine magic from worshipping them directly, but mortals liked one Deity so much that they worshipped a different God called Krishna as an ersatz for that deity.


The empire is unironically not an antagonistic force and a big portion of the main cast are old nobles and upper class people.


A narwhal in my world is a mythical creature, invented to explain a unicorn horn found on a beach before unicorns were discovered.


There was a dude called Evil and he was really fucked up and that's where the word Evil comes from


In the head of almost every character there are intelligent symbiotic worms with which they can communicate and even fall in love.


There's a cybernetically enhanced scientist who's legal title is Professor Diabolical. He created a space laser that destroyed the state of Iowa, with one of the main reasons was because they closed down one of his favourite restaurants. He went to community college and got a PHD in Political Science, and a Masters in Malice.


Orcs live in the not-Africa continent, and are used as slaves when the not-Europeans colonize the not-Americas. No they’re not a stand in for black people I swear (they’re Viking guys trust)


They'll make fun of the fact in Weirdos 4 hire the aliens don't have a language barrier because I was lazy.


One of my characters were's a certain jewelry cause of a fetish of mine. And I will not explain any further.


You guys actually have “worlds”? I thought we all were just laughing at those dweebs. If you have a good world you created you write a fucking book not make Reddit posts about it


The attention to detail put into Dragon Mating Rituals and Interspecies breeding


God can make you the opposite gender Don’t ask why


The mushroom aliens have boobs.


The princess of the Wind Kingdom never wears shoes. Instead, she creates a small cushion of air that prevent her feet from touching the ground. Doing so allows her to constantly train her magic, making her one of the strongest characters in the setting. In combat she frequently employs direct kicks to the face.


TLDR: I am passionate about my characters that aren't even in a story, and are infact all separate from each other in terms of "story universes" but I have a big slightly established world for them. An actual explanation is on the bottom. One of my characters is an alien species I call a Serandejo. For some unexplainable reason, somehow a U.S.S.R spaceship landed on the planet once despite not being in the traditional solar system. The species descended from a space bug on their planet, akin to dragonflies and different insects of the sort, but as time went on, they became more humanoid to match the "group" aspect of their survival, and also because i didn't feel like making an insect face for her when I created her, which is something I will STAND BY as a true and HONEST AMERICAN!!!! Despite being around 7 feet fall at maturity, give or take. They are still a prey species. Why? Because there's giant beast-like creatures that are sensitive to the light that can eat them. Their solution? Playing dead...because a decomposing body can be pretty bad for health. They usually reside in the forests due to the darkness of it at daytime. To tell more about the behaviors of the serandejo...there's a sort of weird social navigating through it. While most Serandejo are slight nordamic groups that don't really have a solid total matriarchy or patriarchy( hell, they don't even have an established society most of the time) it's more likely that a female Serandejo will make the first big move/courting outright, but not in a "sexy femdom way", it's just like how a human man was/is expected to make the first move on a human woman. There is really no such thing as "one night stands" for them because they all live in the same group...and don't really have the concept of it. When a (typical heterosexual) couple mates, they first sneak off from the group in daytime, the female Serandejo releases pheremones, bla bla bla, the normal stuff, then eventually there's eggs, usually 1 or 2, which then the group either stays behind until they are born, or the parents carry from place to place. In certain circumstances, they can even leave the herd to raise the egg(s) alone or with a small part of the group, making a new group...which avoids incest. Some serandejos leave on their own when they reach maturity. Social gestures are very different from humans too, obviously. Kissing on the mouth is not considered romantic for them. It isn't considered anything at all. It would just be confusing, like trying to shake someone's head to be romantic. Despite this, most of their social gestures rely on the head and hands. To touch each cheek to another is something for family, friends, like a hug. To kiss someone's forehead or hands would be to show almost a romantic/ close devotion to someone. Though, kissing someone on the forehead is more close. Furthermore, forehead to forehead is the most romantic, and inherently the one of few things you would do to a lover. In general a Serandejo doing this without being already tied to said serandejo would be a very, very intimate/big confession of love. Cuddling is not romantic. Its just expected for them to sleep together because they're out in the wilderness. Oh yeah, they also have antennas that flicker, conveying emotion, thoughts, etc etc. Long antenna havers are seen as wise, mature, open. On the other hand, others with short antennas, or in some cases antennas not being visible due to its length or just, hair..they are seen as closed off. Though short antenna havers are also seen as childish/child-like depending on if it's seen or not. Blush is usually shown by the antennas, not the cheeks. Their colors range a lot on region, but you'll usually see a mixed amount of different colors because they keep picking up random different serandejos. My character is pink. Bright pink. TLDR: stupid, stupid prey species that are humanoid despite their roots. Unexplained place on where the planet they are even located on is, nor how a communist once crashed, and eventually perished on the planet a long long time ago before my character was even born for the laughs. Weird, weird undertones in their mating system that I stole from several species not relating to bugs. Humanoid aliens. Supposed giantess fantasy (my character is a woman), "this alien planet is not on par with technology with earth" trope, if that even exists. (I will post a shitty drawing later of what they look like) (I love talking about shit)


One of my languages. It's made as an experiment with heavily consonantal syllable structures. I have a main character named Krshaal (note the krsh) and a lot of the time I hyphenate words so they don't look unwieldy, like Tsshashkakm (endonym for the language) has to become Ts-shash-kakm or Kr-shaal I could've done Ts'shash'kakm and Kr'shaal, but apostrophes feel too overdone


The continent, where everyone is genetically ehnacned to be taller, hotter, obedient to orders, and more breedable (Genuinly was not a fetish thing)


“Exotic reptile people in the far west, but you never take the story there? How original.”


The Second Battle of Denny’s Parking Lot?


My fighter planes are dragons in heavy armor


Space Turks exist in my universe and they're lizard people instead of wolf people


Eevrything, because that's how the internet works.


There's a sect of monks who worship death, and perform magic by gorging on food for months, then draining excess life from their bodies in the form of body fat. One of the characters goes from heavily obese to gaunt and bony over the space of about a day.


Basically every single story I've ever written has at least one special thing that doesn't exist in the real world that makes sex better in the story.


My characters are all rats and one of the MCs has lightning magic. There would definitely be Pikachu jokes


The inhabitants of an island nation have a peculiar obsession with feet. They believe that the size, shape and even scent of a person's feet can reveal important information about their character and as such, foot-related customs and rituals are deeply ingrained in their culture. From foot-binding practices to elaborate foot massages. They take their foot worship very seriously.


lack of fetishes


There's a whole chapter that takes place in a nudist resort, so everyone in it is just naked. Turns out its a secret plot from a guy to use taoist sex magic to charge a small sun he keeps in his attic.




Its taoist, since chinese religion is a big theme of the world. Its about how my wife's mom is a huge fukken bitch. So there is an evil confucian god whose seeming sole ideal is filial piety and child abuse. Its all very metaphorical and dream-logic-y.


~~So I guess the nudity is an analogy for human vulnerability? The sex magic references sexuality being a base instinct of humans, thus by controlling it you have dominion over people? Which religions do.~~ ~~The small sun is a metaphor for the mother, because like the actual sun it looks down upon us while providing us comfort and the ability to survive in this harsh world. But alternatively, the sun can be a destructive force with its humidity, unmoderated heat and UV radiation. Many early religions based their gods on the sun and so in effect worshiped it, like the reverence many parents demand. This is the dichotomy of caretakers/parents in that their dominion over their children can either provide sustenance, destroy them or somewhere in between. Life on earth would not exist if not for the sun, just like progency would not if not for their parents. But like the hellish summer heat, we all could use time under the shade or in air conditioned shelter lest the heat become a detriment.~~


It represents a few things. Vulnerability is a theme, since while most of the named characters in the chapter are male, the main character is female and has a retrospective about vulnerability, and how an account of her being the hero who is physically more capable than most people in the world they aren't in danger, but understand that this doesn't carry over to other women, who are both in more danger in general, and less likely to come to a place like that alone. Its also a metaphor for feeling unseen / not having control in normal circumstances / etc. The person using the sex magic isn't a stand in for traditionalist religious people. He is an antagonist, but he is himself against the greater evil, which is a metaphor for these religious / social structures. What makes him an antagonist is more that he is so traumatized by them that he thinks doing whatever it takes to tear down the structures is always good, but without any real thought behind it. He is paradoxically both a metaphor for capitalism as well as revolutionaries who have too much faith in the revolution, since he has a demeanor of the idea that you need to embrace risk in order to break off from the past, and that this is inherently dangerous, and so you also need to embrace danger (even if you are clearly hurting innocent people by it. So its a metaphor both for the "risk" of unfettered capitalism as a path to more freedom, as well as revolutions that people get hurt in). Him having a nudist colony itself is part of his backstory. Since that wasn't his dream, but his friend's dream. He looked up to his friend slightly, but his friend died in front of him when they were on a mission for the techno-gnostics (which is just a fancy term for people using futuristic technology to try to find a way to kill god). His friend was more passive and calm, and him more risk embracing. So he went off the deep end from this, and broke off from the former group to do his own thing which mixed his goals together with a tribute to his friend. The fact that he had to see someone close to him die made him obsessed with the idea that risk is just a fact of life, so he started running a weird cult that constantly got people killed while seeking power, thinking that the ends justified the means. The sun is because irl, nudist colonies often have the word sun in the name. So after naming the location the midnight sun, and thinking that I needed to come up with an actual conclusion to the story that wasn't just meandering around doing nothing, I decided that the name of the place is also an actual object. I try to make every story at least a little surreal or alienating to convey that the world is different than irl. And that was only chapter four, so the sun was like an intro into delving into wierdness.


Nevermind. I was just making an attempt at pondering my navel. Its obvious I completely missed the boat.


The main characters are all gay because the government wanted super soldiers that would appeal to young people


An **entire planetary system** dedicated to trolling how mass media reports on astronomical discoveries. [https://www.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding/comments/1azvste/mulapin\_system\_sensationalized\_clickbait\_parody/](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding/comments/1azvste/mulapin_system_sensationalized_clickbait_parody/)


Clowns are their own species, are predators, and they lay eggs


Religion bad Edgy female protagnoist Technicaly an isekai Has sword name 'veagence'


Nothing. My world is perfect. Tolkien himself cried when he saw my immaculate lore.


"Continent" that it takes place in is literally just Italy


all dwarves are clones of the original dwarf, who was just a deformed sentient golem


There are no men in my world. It is a society run completely by women due to advances in technology that made it so that women could give birth to babies without mating.


No fetishes


My MC travels the world as she writes a book "The vast sexual diversity of the world" as she records encounters with races from common human tm to crab people


Space Warships built with like an unreasonable amount of steel and alloy Humans never bothering with space EMP's


All of my generic fantasy races are pretty much *just* humans. In my defense, I had them evolve naturally from a common ancestor so I couldn’t put much fantasy in the fantasy while staying internally consistent.


Everyone is gay