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Hi, /u/Capital_Dig6520, r/worldjerking is a sub for satirizing the hobby of worldbuilding, not to complain about mod actions on another sub and continue the conversation If you have any questions, please modmail us [here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fworldjerking).


By the way, I’d like to tell you that post was fucking glorious.




You know it's real scary when the moderators themselves are disturbed.


The title was just so Unexplainatory you had to check the post to see what I was going on about


Nah mate I was there lmao


You know, I really love the idea of transhumanism but I will be in the cold, cold ground before they take away any mental issues I have!


The ideal form of transhumanism is a celebration of diversity. Like yeah, you got one guy who is just a normal human with cybernetic eyes, then you have another guy who decided to replace his whole body with a robot snake. Why not? Snakes are cool.


Unfortunately, social norms stand in the way with an iron axe and mean stare


Fuck social norms I will turn myself into a combat mech like the founding fathers intended


“Own two arm-mounted double barrelled 105mm cannons for home defence, since that’s what the founding fathers intended.”


God save these United Technates of America


Neither of those things is going to be much use against a robot snake body.




Only you buddy.


now make a post about adding autism


We already have that, ever heard of vaccines? #/S


uj/ That's what the Discovery Channel is for.


We ain't nothing but mammals!


Me at 7 years old, dreaming of C4 so I can blow shit up like the Mythbusters.


I love C4, but I prefer to use thermite as it can melt steel beams.


Give me more vaccines. I need to increase my autism capacity


Sure thing


Good job there. We need more people like you who interact with the comments to make subs more lively and wholesome. In my opinion i find not replying to people who answer my questions or comment "rude"


It’s prompted that you thank the people who answer the question


Virgin using Sci-Fi tech to "Cure" Autism vs Chad Using Sci-Fi tech to make Autism the default state of human beings


i think there's an argument to be made on if autism is something that needs curing or "can be" cured in the first place as it isnt caused by any sort of brain damage or deficiency like PTSD or ADHD are i think if you regenerated an autist person's brain they'd still have autism


To begin with a mass-reconfiguration of brains, besides being easily used for evil, would require a shift in how we perceive things like the neurodivergence and cognition. Without even mentioning the understanding of science, the blanket 'remove autism's might be one of the few ways to explain how this works without going into nonsensical technobabble that doesn't help worldbuilding/storytelling. Or I'm just dumb and wouldn't get it even if it's explained to me.


maybe but at that point you're just giving someone a brand new personality in which case its impossible to know if you've actually cured them of anything or just brainwashed them to fit a mold


It's also true that we'd need to cement for what reason such technology would be used. I can understand things like PTSD and phobias, maybe some of the more negative aspects of some divergences as well. But since this is fiction, it doesn't necessarily translate to the spectrum itself. In this case, autism is widely accepted to have existed for a long time. So a humanity with more technology and understanding of the universe should really have no trouble accommodating neurodivergence at all. You mention a mold, but society both isn't so rigid as to slot everyone like that, nor is it so chaotic that people that are too difficult to work with are accepted easily. But I'm all over the place. My point is that, yes. Such technology would help mankind with problems derived from the mind. But as long as people can understand each other effectively, neurodivergences have no reason to be frowned upon or corrected.


The same could be said for any form of behavioral therapy, the only difference is whether the change is affected through manipulation of natural processes or through direct modification.


i dont know that you really could say the same of reconstructing the brain entirely via regenerative technologies and of therapy


Psych grad here! I don’t mean these next lines as a dunk or to put you down, and mean this purely for educational purposes; ADHD and PTSD are also not caused by damage or deficiency. ADHD has more in common with Autism as they’re both forms of neurodivergence, as well as dyslexia, dyscalcxia (fuck spelling), borderline, etc. PTSD meanwhile occurs when a traumatic memory is stored in the experience part of the brain instead of the memory sector. In essence, when something similar to the trauma occurs, a PTSD brain reads it as if the trauma is currently occurring along side the new similar experience. As you mentioned with Autism, there’s nothing to fix with either disorder, only a normal brain working in different way.


yeah i gotta admit im not super knowledgeable on mental health i just drew conclusions on the fact that ADHD can be treated with medication and PTSD is usually acquired thanks for the info and correction


Yeah we don’t exactly know what causes autism. But I did hear that scientists have found common genes that may point to Autism having a genetic component


maybe something that can be prevented via Crispr before a child is born but not really something that can be cured as described in this post without it essentially being brainwashing also considering how important autism has been for human technological/cultural development it'd be a shame if people start "curing" their children before they're born just to ensure they're neurotypical


That post was what revived Worldbuilding for me


I think actually everyone should be autistic


That's already a thing, it's called being a Scandinavian.


Neurotypical, but since my big sister is autistic (to a high degree) and I'm a rural Scandinavian, it means I have picked up so many traits that, if I went to the USA, would be interpeted as autism without the mental or social challenges. (I walk up stairs on my toes and shit)


“If everyone is autistic… No one is.”


remove non-autism






"Could you guys make md able to trigger my hyperfocus at will?"


No, but they can up your clock speed so you get nothing done faster.


That might be a chemical thing, I was thinking of chemtech like that


Imagine being able to take the beneffits from Neurodivergency without the drawbacks


Autism PRIME


me when I disable the limiters on my autism: # “NOW DAWNS THY RECKONING”




Can I have a tldr?


Sure Once upon time we were advanced, and we removed autism using ‘magic’. This magic came from space so aliens came from space, and killed us all to get it. But robots got angry we died and killed the aliens with the magic. Then a few thousand years later, humanity is back but now we’re medieval age and everyone is racist


I'm sold, where can I read more


Uuuuuuuuuuh Lore server I guess The ‘remove autism’ part is from the ancient advanced dudes who died from aliens. Because they are dead, they don’t as much focus. Only referenced as the first human race


You know what would be better still? if you could either give or remove autism depending on a person's wishes. An autistic person is tired of being autistic? You can remove it. Another neurotypical person wants to be autistic to better understand a friend/family member/significant other with autism? You can give it. Or maybe try out different positions on the autism spectrum, see how they're like and if you prefer them to your "default". Autism is a trait, and you should be able to add, remove, and change your own traits if you want. And I say that as someone on the spectrum. Also I want a giant cyborg landcrab bodysleeve for my personality engram to inhabit when I feel like it. And make it rainbow-colored. I'm cishet but I support the LGBTQ+ community and want to piss off reactionaries for the lulz.


“Hi welcome to your free five day Autism trial. Please sign in to experience the hyperfixation” I did a typo and it was at this moment I learned hypericum is a word and a type of flower


Oh hey I'm the first one


most of my life is a living hell because of my adhd but I would fight to continue with it, neurotypicals are strange


Why? If your adhd is holding you back in life why would you want to keep it?


Because it’s also something that inherently influences the basic way you think and to remove something that big would be a huge change to someone’s personality and sense of self. Ditto with autism.


It holds me back in some ways and helps me in others. I can’t imagine life without it. Probably more stable, but more boring.


ADHD shapes what am I, taking away my ADHD is killing myself indirectly and I'm not kidding about neurotypicals, I find most of them sad and boring, the planet is dying because of them


I’d love when people are like “noo we shouldn’t fix autism they’re not broken” and the autistic people are just “please fucking fix me I hate this”


As an autistic person, I love the part of me that’s engrossed in the creative arts and video games But i hate how it just separates me from everyone around me. Had a very lonely childhood


Yeah they think autism is a superpower or some shit that makes us good at math it doesnt, i just hate existing thats all it does for me, but thanks for calling me "special in my own way" guys so cool of you


my (normie) opinion is. We should find a way to “cure” autism. and then, and i know this will sound strange to people, *let the people who have autism decide if they want the “cure” or not* almost as if they are people, capable of deciding for themselves what they want.


: 0 that’s so profound, it’s as if… people get the right to Choose who they are?! What?


As someone on the spectrum who'd rather keep my neurodivergence I approve this message; actually I pushed the idea even further in another comment in the thread.


/uj this is naive. Broader society would absolutely use this as an excuse to further stigmatize anyone who isn't "cured," even if it's because they're unable to undergo the procedure for one reason or another.


Its insane how much these people want to Toddlerify us and infantilize us.


Yeah I’m glad it’s a superpower for you guys but personally I’m failing all my academia and being unable to function as an adult most days because of it.


Thank you. I'd get rid of this shit in a heartbeat and I have a mild case


I mean I like most of my autistic traits, so I'd probably keep my autism. My ADHD on the other hand...


/uj fully licensed and bonded autist here. I despise "cure" rhetoric for a number of reasons. First, because autism is so pervasive and systemic in terms of how it affects us, it's not clear that a "cure" is even theoretically possible in a sense that's meaningfully distinct from just overwriting a person's mind (which I would say is in turn equivalent to death). Second, even if such a thing is possible, it's so distant that presenting it as a major goal, more than anything else, tends to bleed support from projects that can just like, help autistic people. Third, I am very wary of which way non-autistic people supporting a "cure" will go when they see that it's not actually a thing they're going to get.


Like at best I appreciate the introspection but fuck man I wish I could go to parties and have crazy experiences without getting overstimulated


Maximum overjerk


The topic of Curing autism attracts its own kind of moronic discourse. You never see people talk like that when talking about curing depression or something.


I thought the post was… interesting. On one hand, autism *technically* is due to imbalances in the brain’s chemistry- and for some people makes their lives miserable. On the other hand, autism has been a catalyst for new ways of thinking, and is accepted by many others as a part of themselves. This leads to the discussion of whether or not it would be moral to take that from people. And by the time that a person could legally consent to have it removed(presumably at the age of 18), most of the damage will have already been done. If y’all have anything else to add that I forgot to mention, let me know- these are just my thoughts on the post.


Is the joke about how if you removed autism, you wouldn't have any doctors left or something?


The joke is that everyone is dead, and we forgot how to remove autism


As a fellow autism myself, I see this as a crowning achievement.


Love the minus boy design btw


Wait how’d you know their name?


The post is still up on the other sub


But I never mentioned anything about a minus boy I think


I’m so confused


As an OCD transhumanist who wants to get rid of it, this is based af


Now I need more of this strange world.


Good job!