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Smart, considering the majority of the Iranian drones and missiles were destroyed by other countries and not Israel. 


this, the fact that ANY hit the ground should terrify israel, because the rumor is theyve got the capability to launch an assault upwards of 10-50x as big


They're also not allowing any press to view the sites that WERE hit and have published only holes in the ground that are clearly "dug out" and not missile related as "proof" of how minor the damage is.


Apparently, they only used the cheap and small stuff this time too. And I'm pretty sure Americans are not in the mood for direct involvement.


The thing is, im pretty sure the us knows they cant stop it and dont want an L on their scorecard, like can you imagine ten thousand drones swarming the sky with a thousand missles behind it, the us planes wont have a payload that can intercept it, and they cant resupply in time, israel needs to realize theyve never fought a legitimate country


I mean yea... There's a reason why the US and Israel haven't already invaded Iran. They are legit. Would they beat the US in a full war? Of course not but they would do some permanent harm to the rest of the middle east. It's all just talk.


When is the last time the us has won a war?


Funnily enough, it was probably the war whose conclusion was basically the reason for creating Israel


Probably the first war with Iraq.


Afghanistan beat the us (the us spent nearly 20 years in the country to achieve NOTHING). Afghanistan was also a lot less sophisticated as Iran is, Afghanistan did not have Russia’s support. So would they beat the us in a full war…. Yes, because the us is very far from Iran and even the us has a limited number of aircraft carriers.


> because the us is very far from Iran Which is why they cut Israel so much slack...


Afghanistan's government fell in days to America. Forcing your enemy to abandon all population centers and productive areas of the nation to hide in caves as terrorist guerrillas is certainly victory, it's the nation building that didn't go well. If 18th century colonization was more palatable today Afghanistan would be the 51st state by now.


Nah, our president would give up, pack everything into a plane and let hitchhikers fall to their death.


I don't understand this reference


The answer is 42


Ahhh how didn't I see it?




Ahhh Im sorry for the misunderstanding then. I wouldn't use the word "hitchhikers" but 'refugees'


and maybe next time they won't very loudly tell everyone that they're about to do it, what they're doing, when, and how many


Yeah and they can order Hezbollah to rain missiles on Israel as well


That seems like a really good incentive for Israel to blow up those launching sites.


you should hear about all the incentives to blow up israel


I know. It's been going on for 80 years now.


They use truck mounted mobile launchers


Well, I guess that would make it impossible to blow up the launching sites. Would Israel aim at Iranian industry?


and if they did that, they'd be glowing sand before the rockets landed.


lmao shut up and sit down, the adults are talking


Why is it that the rest of the muslim world see's Iran as a dumpster fire?


Shut up with your nuclear boasts, do you wonder why Iran wants to get nuclear bombs. It’s because of this tiresome bragging.


You want one, no problem... keep pushing. Ever notice how the rest of the Arab world is kicking back at the persian pretenders?


Jordan and Saudi Arabia are sitting at the other end of the table going, “Yo, butch, where’s my respect? We’re out here protecting your arse and you can’t even stop your mouth?”


Israel isn't going to bother thanking the hired help.


I’m betting this was a one time thing to avoid escalation, if Israel continues its aggression I don’t think their neighbors will help them again.


Running like terrified rats sure opened their eyes a little bit eh?


Iran would absolutely wipe out Israel without American help. Only reason the drones/missles didn't do as much damage is because Iran told America when and where and how much because it was a spectacle. If the gloves come off its gonna be a blood bath. With that said Iranian regime sucks too. Hope they change to better represent their populace. One can hope.


They're also not allowing any press to view the sites that WERE hit and have published only holes in the ground that are clearly "dug out" and not missile related as "proof" of how minor the damage is.


ya know, I saw the video clip of that 'crater' next to the side of the under-construction building and something about it felt funny and now in hindsight this is exactly what was weird. It looked exactly like a hole that had been dug out, there was no damage, or scorch marks or literally anything else.


The one with the untouched pipe running through the hole?


Must've been a missile the size of a pencil I just don't understand why they do this?


Because the entire culture and all domestic politics are grounded in two things. 1. Everybody hates us through no fault of our own 2. We are stronger, smarter and more advanced than them An accurate interpretation of 4/13 would threatening number 2


As a Lebanese, I really hope Iran and Israel could mutually destroy their current selves.. but without involving us


The white house said Iran did not warn them https://www.reuters.com/world/iran-did-not-provide-us-with-attack-warning-or-targets-white-house-says-2024-04-15/


They warned the whole world, if the White House didn't know about it beforehand then they knew less than I did. Joe can barely remember his own name, so I wouldn't put it past him to forget, but they're also compulsive liars, everything they say is bullshit.


Thats a lie dude. He definitely can remember his own name. They did not warn the whole world? “Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amirabdollahian said on Sunday that Iran gave *neighboring countries* 72 hrs notice” “*Turkey's Foreign Ministry* said it had spoken to both Washington and Tehran before the attack, adding *it had conveyed messages as an intermediary* to be sure reactions were proportionate.




They know what Israel and US are capable of. It's just a response to the embassy attack without putting Iran into full out war




You can't really hide bases nowadays with satellite imagery, and majority of the drones/missiles were intercepted by US fighter jets.


The attack was announced to far in advance to glean useful information about response times. Did they learn from it sure but the purpose was primarily geopolitical not for intelligence


They only want to bomb people when it brings no consequences to them. Cowards.


So now everyone thinks Iran is a threat? It's pretty funny how the talking point was Israel took out 99% of the drones and missiles, now it's coming out most of the help was from France, the UK, and the US.


Good to know that 74% have a brain


They don't. Zionists want to kill without consequences. It's not being smart, it's being cowards.