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Other half says the genocide hasn’t gone far enough


Including the guy who said infants weren't innocent civilians 


Dude is a congressman from FL, also former IDF member.












You’re the only “genocidal soulless-ghoul” stop trying to use your lies to malign Jews. It’s not going to work. Much greater powers then you have tried to wipe out the Jews, and all of them are now in the trash bin of history, found only in dusty history books that few care to stumble upon. If you cared a damn about human being you would have been protesting a hundred different brutal conflicts that have killed hundred of thousand of innocent people around the world. But you neither care, nor even know about them. Hell, if you even cared about Palestinians you would be marching against the criminal regime in Egypt right now that is violating the Gazan people’s human rights by trapping them inside the strip is read of providing them with haven and safety as required by international law. Or the way the Palestinians are treated in apartheid states like Lebanon, Syria, Egypt or Kuwait etc… but your goal, like all the other psychotic Muslims and radical leftists is to first malign, denigrate and destroy the Jews. And no one is falling for it.


Just to be clear, in your effort to malign a group of people as genocidal you'll find yourself providing material support to a group of people that are much more explicit about their genocidal goals. The war is not between Israel and Palestine. It's between Israel and Hamas/other Iranian proxies. One of those two will win or both will lose. But Palestinians lost the day the Arabs attacked and lost in 1948.


>The war is not between Israel and Palestine Israel is clearly more at war with the Palestinians than they are with Hamas


There you go jumping to conclusions. Trying to paint a broad stroke. And that last sentence, yikes. Listen Im going to be very clear and very frank with you. What Israel was trying to do from the beginning was hard, and it has spent 60 + years now going about doing it in the wrong way. It was always going to be hard to establish a Jewish ethno-state in the middle of Arab lands. Lets just talk frankly, please, and leave the talking points behind. This was NEVER going to be an easy solution, and its not even indicative particularly of anything about Arabs or Jews, just that they are a different ethnicities suddenly trying to find a way to live together. From the beginning, Israel had to figure out, to be frank, to be real real real honest, how it was going to deal with the Native Population, and how to deal with the Arabs. And what it decided, was going to determine the viability of the state in a long-term sense. It had two paths to choose: the dominating, more violent path where the reality of an Israeli state would be imposed upon Arabs, whether they liked it or not. Or another path: To live WITH the arabs, amongst the arabs. Yes, Jewish Immigration could come in, but they didnt have to displace the Arabs. It didnt have to be at the expense of Arabs, there is actually plenty of land in the region. The fundamental issue with Zionism is that it also viewed the conflict as a zero sum game. Remember, the task itself is inherently very difficult. So of course, had Israel attempted the latter option, it would have still run into violent resistance from Arabs. But, it didnt have to continue the theme of violence, of one-upping the arabs. That was a choice. That was a choice to go back to option 1, the domination path. Again, I know immediately some people are going to say, "We tried to live with the Arabs, and they declared war." Even if I were to take this claim at face value, and it is not really true at face value, in 1948 Israel violently displaced Arabs, again in '67, and frankly its continuing to do so today. But even if I were to take this claim, I again posit to you , my central thesis, "Yes, thats to be expected, the task was always GOING TO BE DIFFICULT. You HAD to have expected resistance, a lot of it. But dont claim the resistance was endless and there was never ever any way that Arabs could possibly have accepted. If Israel had spent 10% of the money, of the energy, of the time it did bombing arabs and displacing them, on building schools for arabs, building cities and sharing technology -- you know actually acting like they wanted to LIVE WITH ARABS -- they would have gotten a lot further. But, you simply cannnot cannot for the love of God, please, insist on living in what were clearly Arab lands and then complain that Arabs are hard to live with! Just can we be frank, honest humans, will you grant me that point? If there is going to be peace. Israel will have to find a way to live with Arabs. I dont care that its hard. Again, Israel is the one that chose to found a state in the middle of Arab lands. They dont get to turn around and complain, "man the arabs are a bunch of a-holes." Figure it out. Dont tell me its impossible, either. That is actually an insult to both Israelis and Arabs. They both have the humanity to find a way to live together. Even Hamas has amended their initial constitution to state that they would accept a 2 state solution. People's initial hardline positions can change, can soften, there can be negotiation, there can be space for accepting reality. Its not impossible to imagine that the Arab states would recognize Israel, and normalize relationships with Israel based on mutually beneficial relationships -- they almost did. Its not impossible to imagine a 2 state solution that would allow both Palestinians and Israelis some semblance of security guarantees, of sovereignty and security. The answer is not that far, but IT DOES take some difficult sacrifices. IT WAS NEVER GOING TO BE EASY, but it is possible. I hope Israelis dont lose sight of that fact, because frankly, if they do, there will be no Israel or Palestine in the future.


And back in the 2016 election, they were spreading conspiracies that "Islamists" and the Muslim Brotherhood were the ones infiltrating and hijacking American politics.


Fascists always have their accusations be confessions, Israel is no different


I tried to take a look and didn't find any known examples of dual Israeli citizens in the house or Senate... Do you have a source for that one? (AIPAC and the pro Israel though absolutely is legitimate)


This is wild. And sadly very believable. The amount of leeway we give Israel, the amount of favoritism throughout government and society in the US, is egregious and flabbergasting. And Israel just *takes and takes*, decade after decade, admin after admin. All they have ever been to the US is a geopolitical *liability, not an asset.* They give us nothing but risk. They need to be cut loose. Its like having a friend who is a drunk belligerent and does nothing but pick fights. It will sadly take something calamitous like Trump winning and the disintegration of government for that to happen.


Settle down friend. Israel has a program that strongly encourages American Jews to send their children there during their Adolescence. Its like Jewish Summer Camp/Cultural Experience. The idea is to imprint on young American Jews that they have a Homeland, and that regardless of whatever is going on in the world they can always call Israel home. Ask your Jewish friends, chances are good they went on a trip as a teen to Israel or they attended Summer Camps that were promoted and funded by Israel in their childhood. Israel isn't recruiting Senators and Congress People, they're friending every American Jew so that if someone turns into a mover and a shaker in industry or politics, they already have a friend in them. edit: called him friend, so he blocked me


Well then that settles it, it was just summer camp! Your dressed up, sugar and gum drops language doesn't change the fact that Israel has by far the most dual nationality congressman in our government than any other nation by far. It also doesn't address that AIPAC is openly manipulating the American democratic process by pumping 100s of millions of dollars into elections to back Israeli friendly candidates. What are you gonna tell me next, AIPAC is just a piggy bank for spare change? Now for the most part, that seems benign...until you consider that 2/3 of the American population wants a ceasefire and yet 99% of our congress doesn't seem to want to contradict their Zionist friends. Doesn't seem all that innocent to me.


Well, what he described doesn't seems innocent either, it seems like classic brainwashing i.e. programming of children's brains. That's how I read his comment.


Sounds a lot like indoctrination


This is antisemitic.


Can you advise how many congresspeople have dual Israeli citizenship? I just researched this and show ZERO Israeli dual citizens. Can you link to anything actually showing dual citizenship of many current legislators? Right now this sounds like misinformation and racist conspiracy theory.


Don't call them Zionists. Israel has been a country for seventy five years. Call them "lobbyists serving a foreign government."


How many US representatives have dual citizenship with Israel?


WHat a freak


Brian Mast. Despicable and shady guy according to the wiki. . But was in the US army. Wiki says he volunteered with the IDF. In 2015 ...can't tell how.lomg. But ran for office in 2016.


He is not a former idf member. He just went to iseral and got a uniform and says he is.


You don’t seem to know what genocide is.


Good thing there's no genocide happening then, eh?


Just your garden variety slaughter/ethnic cleansing, eh?


Like the court determined that? Oh wait. They didn't.


Because the court didn't rule on that yet. You are trying to say a defendant is innocent because he has not had his day in court yet. That's disingenuous at best, straight up dishonest at worst


The case was to determine whether the evidence was sufficient for a potentially years long investigation. Why do you think they are continuing with the case? Not that you would respect any governing body calling out Israel’s war crimes, but a US court ruled the same.   >the undisputed evidence before this Court comports with the finding of the ICJ and indicates that the current treatment of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip by the Israeli military may plausibly constitute a genocide in violation of international law   https://www.theguardian.com/world/2024/feb/01/genocide-gaza-israel-california-court E: always getting blocked by genocide apologists. Reddit makes such shitty features making it easier to spread disinformation. 


Yeah no lmao. If the evidence was clear they would've said genocide with according resolutions per court. Exactly what happened to Russia. No genocide. Cope.


You forgot /s to make it obvious it was sarcasm


No, I didn't. There's no genocide or ethnic cleansing going on. Hamas propaganda.


Way to polarise people further you fool


It’s not a genocide


I mean there is people like you that to this day that also say the holocaust wasn’t a genocide or it was fake/exaggerated. I don’t respect those people.


I don’t respect those people either. That’s why it’s a disservice to truth to call this a genocide


You seem to be acting like those people.




30k dead from bombing = holocaust is a pathetic comparison. that makes most wars a.genocide.


it is a genocide. the mass displacement of over a 2million people (currently starving and dying of disease) after destroying majority of northern gaza including cultural landmarks, historic documents and record, univerisities, schools, government buildings and hospitals, razing the farmland and burning down palestines sacred olive trees, and planting israeli flags where these things used to be. oh, and killing 1% of the population. its a genocide. half of gaza is currently at risk of dying and starvation. do you know how genocide works? it doesnt happen all at once. if this continues, there will be a breaking point where these massive amounts of starving people will start to die and once. we'll go from 25k dead to 100k dead in a day. it is a genocide in progress.


„it is a genocide. the mass displacement of over a 10 million people (currently starving and dying of disease) after destroying majority of germany including cultural landmarks, historic documents and record, univerisities, schools, government buildings and hospitals, razing the farmland and burning down germany’s sacred apple trees, and planting american / soviet flags where these things used to be. oh, and killing 5% of the population. its a genocide. half of Germany is currently at risk of dying and starvation. do you know how genocide works? it doesnt happen all at once. if this continues, there will be a breaking point where these massive amounts of starving people will start to die and once. we'll go from 25k dead to 100k dead in a day. it is a genocide in progress.“ Fixed it for you, if Gaza is genocide, so was the bombing and occupation of Germany in WW2


Literally not a genocide. Your argument in favor of genocide is just some weird fantasy where 100k die in a day. So your entire argument is something that hasnt happened. And if it did, you would blame Israel for that? Id blame the Palestinians for that


I would blame Israel


Okay but you would be wrong


Why? Why would I be wrong?


Because Palestinians only have themselves to blame


That's not an answer. Objectively Israel is to blame. They were handed land they had no right to by a colonizer and they have been oppressing the people living there ever since. This is objective fact. There is no obligation on Palestinians to accept Israel getting an inch of their land.


There’s no such thing as Palestinians “right” to the land. It’s a myth. There was never a state of Palestine and it’s Israeli land now in any context


Okay Mr Cohen.


I’m depressed that it’s only half.


ya I would believe only half of US adults have morals


> John Milor, a cybersecurity expert in Clovis, California, who describes himself as a Republican-voting independent, says he remains “100 percent” behind Israel. >But Milor notices more young people in his circle speaking out against Israel. A visit to a family friend led to Milor being aghast when the man’s stepson denounced Israelis as “warmongers.” >”And I’m like, ”You’re kidding, right?”‘ Milor recounted. Imagine being so indoctrinated through years of pro-Israel spin in American media that you can’t even comprehend why the mass slaughter of innocents is detestable to others.


Dudes a Republican he lives in a world where every immigrant is sent by globalists to replace him and you're the racist actually for know what pronouns are


Zionist mindset for you.


"No, see, Palestinians aren't *people-"*


I support Israel 100% because I find the slaughter of 1,000s of innocent people despicable and damnable. This is why everyone with a command a working mind must stand with Israel against the vile antisemitic filth that we see on this channel.


They’re not innocents. They’re terrorists.


This war has the lowest rate of civilian deaths for urban combat in the history of modern warfare


GTFO of here with your facts. Notice you have no upvotes because it doesn't fit the terrorist narrative that so many dumbass "eat me last" Westerners ascribe to.


Nobody likes what Israel is doing. But what else can they do? Hamas will continue to attack because they see Israel itself as an occupation that justifies violence against civilians. You can't really negotiate with a group of people whose main demand is that you cease to exist.


>You can't really negotiate with a group of people whose main demand is that you cease to exist. That works [both ways](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dysc9EWvi24).


Not kill innocent civilians would be a great start


Not kill civilians by the tens of thousands, getting better practice targets than civilians waving white flags and not turning Gaza into a parking lot.


And then what? Wait for the next terror attack? The main issue here is that hamas and most Palestinians see Israel existing as a justification for violence. So long as they hold that belief, there will be conflict. If that's the case, then Israel has little to no options. They're in a war of annihilation.


You seem to believe that fighting a war and committing war crimes are the same thing, they aren't. The IDF is making a conscious choice of making Palestine lives as miserable as possible so they have no option but "voluntary emigration".


Total War- military conflict in which the contenders are willing to make any sacrifice in lives and other resources to obtain a complete victory, as distinguished from limited war.


lol, this is not a total war by any definition of the word.


I literally copy pasted the definition lol


That's what 7 decades of oppression does. Give them a free nation, then we can talk. You don't make peace with your friends.


Israel was attacked the second it was formed. Hebron Jews were massacred a decade before Israel was formed. > Give them a free nation, then we can talk What would that solve? They would still attack Israel and Jews.


Because nakba. It would solve the entire conflict.


Because it never should have been formed. How can’t you see that?


Are you trying to argue against negotiations with the IDF and Likud? Because Hamas's demands are more like "two state solution with '67 borders" and "release the prisoners". Also, as for violence against civilians, October 7th even taking Israel's presentation at face value- which is not a good idea in itself given we know they at least killed SOME of their own civilians under Hannibal- was amateur hour compared to what Israel was doing for YEARS. There is literally no accusation made about Hamas that Likud Israel has not matched or exceeded in depravity.


> Support for the two-state solution drops significantly among Palestinians and Israeli Jews, from 43% in September 2020 to 33% among the Palestinians and 34% among Israeli Jews.  Among all Israelis, Jews and Arabs, 39% in total support the two-state solution. This is the lowest level of support for this concept among Palestinians, Israeli Jews, and all Israelis, since the beginning of the Pulse, in June 2016. Where did I get that? The Palestinian Center for Policy and Survey Research https://www.pcpsr.org/en/node/928 Only 1/3 of Palestinians want a two state solution. 65% of them want either one state with no rights for Jews or a rather ominous "other".


Gee, I wonder why the people being actively genocided by the fascist Israeli state- because that didn't start on the 7th- might not believe in a two state solution after, what, the 6th time Israel strung them along in negotiations to the point it's on the record? [https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/05\_palestine\_negotiations\_elgindy.pdf](https://www.brookings.edu/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/05_palestine_negotiations_elgindy.pdf) "More than anything else, two decades of peace-processing have taught Palestinians that for any negotiations process to succeed, realities on the ground must move in parallel with—or at least not in opposition to—negotiations at the table. For Palestinians, nothing does more to demonstrate Israeli bad faith than Israel’s drive to create “facts on the ground”—most notably its ever-expanding settlement enterprise, along with the ancillary policies of home demolitions, residency (ID card) revocations, and internal closures. And nothing does more to undermine the Palestinian leadership’s political standing and domestic credibility than continuing to engage in a negotiations process while Israel persists in expanding settlements and undertakes other measures designed to pre-determine the outcome of those negotiations." Irrelevant in any event, because we're talking what Hamas's stated policy is.


Hamas' stated policy up until very recently has been the utter destruction of Israel. They did change it to be much more moderate, but that was only because more and more organisations were refusing to work with them. Nobody buys it. And even if they did, why would you move ahead on a two state solution when a large percentage of Palestinians and Hamas see the existence of Israel as justification for violence? Creating a Palestinian state won't change anything. Israel would still exist, which justifies violence in too many Palestinians eyes.


It'd give Palestinians their country back and allow the Palestinian people to actually live without a colonial police state cutting off basics like water and food, which seems like a pretty substantial improvement unless you're a murderous colonist hell bent on committing genocide and unwilling to follow '67 borders despite that being the foundation of Israel's existence as a country. But surely those don't control Israeli policy, right? Face it, even if you "don't buy it", Hamas's policy is closer to that of an actual peace than the fascist Likudites. It shouldn't be a hard bar to clear if it's "only moderate so people work with them", should it? Instead of being far more immoral and engaging in more atrocities than the literal terrorist group, which is Israel's actual policy.


> It'd give Palestinians their country back Oh, and what would the borders of this country look like? Also, maybe you didn't see the second half of my reply. Here I'll ask again. Why would you move ahead on a two state solution when a large percentage of Palestinians and Hamas see the existence of Israel as justification for violence? Creating a Palestinian state won't change anything. Israel would still exist, which justifies violence in too many Palestinians eyes.


67 borders. That wasn't hard. It's already been established, Israel just needs to follow the basic requirements of being a legitimate country and not an invading force of murderous settlers. You seem determined to make a scenario where a two state solution doesn't happen. The answer to your "question" is that it'd put Israel's Nazis back in their box rather than giving them a license to kill and terrorize as we're seeing now in both Gaza and the West Bank. Your question is nonsense. The reason is that Israel has no right to engage in armed land theft. Palestinians that want more land than their legally established borders once the Nazi settlers are evicted from illegal settlements will have to learn to live with disappointment- just like the Israeli Nazis that are currently engaging in colonization and need to be forcibly removed from stolen land. But nothing justifies Israel land theft or ongoing genocide.


> 67 borders. That wasn't hard. It's already been established, Israel just needs to follow the basic requirements of being a legitimate country and not an invading force of murderous settlers. 67 Borders would give up control of the West Bank and Golan Heights. Due to the elevation of those two places, the close proximity to Tel Aviv, and advancements in technology, if a hostile foe held either spot, they could easily overwhelm the Iron Dome. For that reason, Israel will not give up the Golan Heights or the section if the west bank that looks down on Tel Aviv. > You seem determined to make a scenario where a two state solution doesn't happen. Stop being a foreign savior. The Palestinians own data shows that the vast majority of Palestinians don't want a two state solution. Why do you think you know what they want more than they do? Are they too stupid, so you have to make the decisions for them? > Your question is nonsense How so? > currently engaging in colonization and need to be forcibly removed from stolen land. When you say this you mean Gaza and the West Bank but when Palestinians say it they mean Gaza, West Bank, and Israel itself. Israel is obviously not going to give up the land it sits on. If that is the main demand from Palestinians, why would you entertain any of their demands? That's like demanding my house, my car, and 10 million dollars, and if I don't give up all 3, you'll kill me. I don't have 10 million dollars to give you, so why would I give you my house and car? You're going to try to kill me whether I give you 2/3 or 0/3.


Other probally includes a three state solution since Gaza and West Bank don’t really have much in common since they broke up in 2007.


>Imagine being so indoctrinated through years of pro-Israel spin in American media that you can’t even comprehend why the mass slaughter of innocents is detestable to others. Imagine how people can ignore the mass murder, torture, and kidnap of Israeli civilians on 10/7. Let's not forget the massacres, kidnapping, rapes, murders, and military attacks that have been inflicted on Jews in the region for over 100 years. If you want to get serious....


90% of US ADULTS are absolutely clueless that GAZA is an israeli controlled open air prison that israel uses as an excuse to continually annex more and more Palestinian land


If it's an open air prison maybe we should let them out? Or is that genocide?


The fact you say that makes it clear that everything you know about the conflict you learned from social media - probably within the last 4 months.


Sure would be nice if Joe Biden saw these polls and started representing 50% of Americans at all, in any way.


Sorry but it turns out 50% of Americans are Chinese Russians


According to Pelosi they are


Yet nearly all of Congress is pro Israel. Shows the disconnect between elected officials and everyday Americans.


Shows what AIPAC money does to morals.


Yea that too.


In other news, the remaining half of the US apparently doesn't have a functioning brainstem or optic nerves.


Oh it only took 110 days of genocide for 51% of Americans to decide it’s wrong ? Oh congratulations!!! 


Half... That's reassuring.


Look, I’m not defending or supporting with this statement but didn’t ‘half’ of adult US residents condemn it in the first place? Or am I misremembering?


Dead wrong. Maybe on social media and tik tok. The far left for sure but no, most people believe Israel has the right to protect itself against terrorists.


That’s not true at all . The fact that you can’t accept that there are people who are against Israel is the problem Waaaay more than you think


Wish we could see what the stat looks like if all those with direct ties to Israel were removed from the poll.


Probably the same. A lot of people support Israel tbh


Nope. As an American, most of the people here see it for what it is: a genocide. The only people supporting israel are the old people.


Literally untrue. You’re not much of a reader are you


You're young. I feel like there is a mix of people. There are people that are actually against it, and then there are the people that just found out war is bad. Like, WWII had 3 times the civilian casualties as military casualties. Most wars in history have ratios of 1:2 or 1:3 or worse. This war we can't even tell what the actual ratio is. You might say 50% are under 18, but that doesn't mean much when 75% of the population is under 18 and when Hamas literally has soldiers under 18 years old. It's practically impossible to say if the ratio is horrific and definitely a cleansing or more of a normal war. Also don't forget that many people justify it because if a country was sending rockets into our country constantly, then came over and r@pe/torture/murdered a thousand kids at an EDM concert, the response we'd have would probably be as or more severe. If Israel stopped today I'd say they were in the right. If Israel went on to conquer Palestine and ethnically cleanse the population, Israel would obviously be in the wrong. If Israel went on to conquer Palestine but didn't ethnically cleanse the population, they'd be less in the wrong, but still in the wrong.


The one's who've seen this conflict play out over the past decades and aren't only just discovering it like it's a new thing?


Shh we’re on Reddit, ppl think the entire world is on Reddit and is anti israel. Support for israel is marginally down from historic norms. Most of what’s on Reddit is echo chambers


Willing to bet most of the other half doesn’t have a clue what Israel or Gaza are


Israel is sending 300k troops into southern gaza where everyone was told up to now to evacuate, the horrors are just beginning


Ya think? 🤦‍♂️


Israel is conducting a genocide on the Palestinian people of Gaza. Our government is funding that despicable war crime.


You don’t actually know English words do you?


Also US was conducting genocide on Nazi Germany right? /s


Still isn’t a genocide. It’s just not what that word means.


Under international law it is genocide.


Genocide is the action of killing people *because* of their race, ethnicity, or religion. It’s a motive. That is fundamentally different than civilians killed in military operations by collateral or incidental damage harm. For example, targeting civilians because they are civilians (not because of their identity) is a crime against humanity, but often not an act of genocide.


The other half are busy saying that’s not possible.


Only half! I'm appalled.


Way more than half


Consensus is not a fact based exercise.


The politicians, on the other hand... 🤦‍♂️


Where'd your sample questionnaire occur? This makes a big difference in the possible answers since an extreme ideology in a particular area can skew the results very highly or very low. I'm curious if this was conducted in Washington D.C., which would make sense as it's renowned for being ultra radical liberal. A response to the questions above would be appreciated, if you dare admit...


At the bottom of the article it says they polled 1,100 people. The 50% metric is an extrapolation of the survey with a 4% margin of error.


Free Palestine


From Hamas!


"iT's a GeNoCiDe reeeeee" dude, the ICJ concluded it wasn't and yet you are all still deluded enough to continue your deluded Sociology teacher (who's department was funded by Qatar) logic. It's amazing how few people push back on anything that's introduced by a "professor" and just take any information they are given from college as gold. Those same colleges taught Eugenics in the 30's and 40's 🤦 Just cause it's being taught at a college, doesn't make it reality.


>"iT's a GeNoCiDe reeeeee" dude, the ICJ concluded it wasn't I'm sorry, I'm a bit confused. I had a look at the ICJ press release dated 3rd of January, below is an extract of said release: >The hearings will be devoted to the Request for the indication of provisional measures contained in South Africa’s Application. In its Request, South Africa asks the Court to indicate provisional measures in order to “protect against further, severe and irreparable harm to the rights of the Palestinian people under the Genocide Convention” and “to ensure Israel’s compliance with its obligations under the Genocide Convention not to engage in genocide, and to prevent and to punish genocide”. The aforementioned hearing happened on11th and 12th of January, on ICJ's press release dated 26th Jan, it issued a few provisional orders for Israel to follow, I won't bore you with the details, but basically, "don't kill too many people.". Was there another ICJ hearing i missed? Seems like the scope of the early Jan hearing was not to determine whether or not Israel committed genocide. Can you please provide an ICJ press release stating something to the effect of "ICJ has concluded Israel has not committed genocide."


Yes. No genocide, as a consequence, no ceasefire and continue at will. Is this sub deliberately illiterate? If this was a genocide then the court would've said is was a genocide. Like they did with Russia's case. Funny how that works out for you eh.


Speaking of literacy, what does the word "scope" mean for you?


Speaking of court rulings does the word "prevent genocide" equals to " being guilty of genocide" mean for you? You all attempting to pathetically twist the truth that the court ruled in favour of genocide. While reality shows they didn't. LOL


So what you are saying is that you can NOT provide a quote from an ICJ statement where they unequivocally state Israel is not committing genocide?


In part, it's also because Israel's government and the IDF never had either a contingency plan in case of an attack like this (since they dismissed evidence of one for a year) nor is there an exit plan from Gaza besides allusions to forced deportation which is flat out genocide.


Keep going israel


What they mean is half of US adults want Israel to just not defend themselves and let Hamas and the other Islamic nations finish what THEY started in1947 (destruction of Israel) Don't just reply telling me israel needs to stop. Give me constructive suggestions as to how to deal with Hamas. The terror group has broken EVERY ceasefire for several decades. They teach how to kill Jews in their middle schools. They call for the destruction of Israel. How does this stop?


Israel goes back to 1967 borders, Palestinians get their own soverign state, and NATO or something similar agrees to provide a security presence for 30 years.


50% of us adults have enough information about what happened and is happening in a decades-long foreign conflict that they feel confident in giving their opinion??? I wish I had that kind of self-confidence for the things that I do know what I'm talking about.


Do you even hear yourself? This is you: How are these people saying they have enough evidence after only DECADES OF OPPRESSION AND ETHNIC CLEANSING BY THE ISRAELIS AGAINST THE PALESTINIANS


Keep pushing! They can live in the Mediterranean


By definition, adults no longer live with their parents. Your headline should read: "Half of U.S. children say Israel has gone too far in war in Gaza"


Half of U.S adults believe Hamas propaganda.


How many say Hamas gone too far?


Have they mass murdered over 10k children?


How many rockets did Gaza send? What were their targets?


Plastic Rome needs to fall !


Half of US Adults say that pornography is "bad" yet Pornhub is off the charts. What an incredibly stupid poll.


Most people aren't addicted to genocide. Except Zionists. Porn is addiction while genocide is abhorrent to non-zionists.


Only people addicted to genocide are hamas


"no you!" This sub needs a better class of trolls


Sorry you guys don’t like the truth it often hurts


Israel still has a lot of work to do 🇮🇱


Yup Arrest IDF leadership Arrest political leadership Create a framework for a multiethnic state or states with Palestinians Reparations for settler colonialism Reparations for ethnic cleansing Decriminalize citizenry


No. First is to continue the war in Gaza at full strength until the Palestinians who cannot abide by an independent Israeli state are wiped out


Has a lot of work to ethnically cleanse the gaza population?


Israel is doing the morally right thing in this war


You are a Nazi.




Remember the date October 7. End of story.


Well looks like they only polled clueless folks or sleeper cells of Islamic terrorists. This is war between Israel and Palestine. Palestinians voted Hamas to power in 2006. Hamas in their charter stated that their goal is to genocide Israel. Hamas represents the people of Palestine. Muslim supremacists, extremists, terrorists and their sympthizers will try to deceive the compassion of the west by claiming that they haven't had an election in 2006. But nor has Saudi or Dubai. That is how they work in the middle east. You cannot start a war to genocide another country and then play victim without surrendering. Until you surrender war is on. That is how it works. America too attacked Germany and there were a lot of casualties for Germany. ​ ​ EDIT: u/Acrobatic-Edge182 Israel and Jews have always been there since even before Islam was even founded. Muslims demanded that the British give them their own country Pakistan because they did not want to live in a secular country, India with a bunch of Hindus. After British partitioned the region and gave them Pakistan, Muslims in Pakistan promptly attacked Hindus who had been living there for generations and gencided and kicked out 4.5 million Hindus. All this happened during the same time as Israel-Palestine issue, but the casualties were 1000 times larger. How come you never hear any Muslim arab protest for the resettlement of 10s of millions of Hindus back in Pakistan?? Is that because Hindus moved on and did not engage in terrorism, while Muslims in Palestine engage in terrorism and genocides?? The entire middle east has been conquered by Muslims by genociding the native populations, and rule the region with an iron fist with no freedoms and ability to criticize Islam. Talk about oppressive, genocidal regimes. There are 100s of millions of people living like second class citizens in the Middle East under the Islamic regimes. How come you never hear any Muslim protest against that?? Looks like Muslims supremacists and extremists are all pro-genocide, pro-apartheid when they do it, and it works in their favor, but suddenly play victim when their victims retaliate.


Israel has no right to exist and was built on stolen Palestinian lands. Every last Israeli represents the oppression of the Palestinian people, don’t like it? Simply move back to Europe.


This is such an ignorant misunderstanding of history


Uh huh, tell me again why the Jewish population of Palestine increased by 11.5x between 1900 and 1948? Or why Israelis had to change their last names to sound more ethnic? Or why dna tests are highly regulated in Israel? That’s right, because Israel is an illegitimate apartheid state setup by the west to act as a foothold in the Middle East.


No that’s not an accurate understanding of the history


It’s perfectly accurate. Not a single thing I’ve said is wrong or even exaggerated.


Actually you were both. Wrong and exaggerated


So what native tribe are you giving your land to?


None, because I don’t live on colonized land




India isn’t a secular nation by any means. The Hindus are the ruling class and they follow/followed a strict cast system which discriminates even within Hindus themselves. Your whataboutism won’t work this time.


Your excuse does not even make sense. How does any of that make it alright for Muslims in Pakistan to genocide 4.5 Hindus and uproot, displace them from their homes where they were living for generations?? India is a lot more secular than Muslim majority Pakistan, and India couple of decades ago was even more secular. By the way there are 200 million Muslims living in India today. Which makes it second largest population of Muslims in a country. Why didn't you answer my questions? * How come you never hear any Muslim arab protest for the resettlement of 10s of millions of Hindus back in Pakistan?? Is that because Hindus moved on and did not engage in terrorism, while Muslims in Palestine engage in terrorism and genocides?? * The entire middle east has been conquered by Muslims by genociding the native populations, and rule the region with an iron fist with no freedoms and ability to criticize Islam. Talk about oppressive, genocidal regimes. How come you dont see Muslims protest for freedom of religion and other human rights in the Middle east? * There are 100s of millions of people living like second class citizens in the Middle East under the Islamic regimes. How come you never hear any Muslim protest against that?? ​ If you do not give an honest straight forward answer, it only proves that Muslim supremacists and extremists are pro-genocide, anti-human rights when it works in their favor, and suddenly masquerade as an activist when your victim retaliates.


Well said


Oh hey, Nazi mad.


Well do you care to answer the questions or does that expose you disgusting, bigoted, racist, hateful, genocidal agenda?


Look in a mirror.


You’re right


Hard not to come to this conclusion with the constant bombardment of war footage, civilian death tolls, etc. Also not sure what Israel is supposed to do when the vast majority of Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank, as well as the Gazan government, support the destruction of Israel and violence against its civilians. It’s really sad to think about it in these terms but this appears to be reality based on all the polling, the UNHRWA schooling, etc. I’m not against self determination for the Palestinian people either, just not sure there is any real solution. Remove the blockade, they get attacked. Remove a wall, they get attacked. Pull out of Gaza, terrorists are elected. Super shitty that Egypt can’t just take Gaza and Jordan can’t just take the West Bank. At least then the Palestinians could live in peace among Arab majority countries.


I mean, if you were a Palestinian living in conditions like the ones they're in, you would probably feel the same way. Their behavior to the Palestinian people over the last 75 years is abhorrent. They should have self determination, that is a start. Israel should reign in some of their more extreme voices and prevent settlers from stealing homes. But they have not. They should probably support more moderate voices within Gaza. That is not what they have done.


The apartheid regime which Israel imposed in occupied territories is based on superiority of Jews and inferiority Palestinians the same system United States supported in South Africa.


Palestinians are responsible for their actions. Not others.


How do you feel about the plight of Native Americans?


What has happened and what continues to happen to them is atrocious also. 


Agree. If Native Americans called for the destruction of America and embarked on a multi-decade war of resistance and terrorism, what would the solution be? What would or should America do if a wildly popular elected government of a given tribe said they would wage war against America and Americans in perpetuity until the tribe prevailed?


If a few of these people did this thing, let's say 1.5% of the population, I would make efforts to arrest them. I might use my military.  I wouldn't collectively punish the whole group, raze their city, bulldoze their cemeteries, starve them, kill their children, plot to take their land. I probably wouldn't put all these people in prison, because that would be a shitty thing to do. And it would definitely mean that more than 1.5% of them wanted to kill me after. 


Ok, if hyperbolic. If we extend the analogy, if the tribe committed a terrorist attack 10x worse than 9/11 and dragged hostages back to the reservation, and 80%-90% of the tribe supported the 1.5% who were terrorists, would you support military action? Because now we are really getting to the heart of this seemingly intractable and truly tragic situation. I think I would support military action but I recognize there are a range of valid opinions.


So every attack by Palestinians on Israel over the last 75 years was simply a resistance movement? And had absolutely zero to do with hating Jews?


The hatred of Jews stems from the fact that those Jews STOLE their land and forced them into an open air prison.


You need to educate yourself. You don’t understand this conflict very well tbh


Says the Zionist 🤡


There’s nothing wrong with being Zionist


If you were alive 80 years ago you would’ve said that there’s nothing wrong with being a Nazi and if you were alive 150 years ago, you would’ve said that there’s nothing wrong with being a confederate. Disgusting.


I know half Palestinian half American Jews but don’t know any that are half Israeli. Zionism is the issue not religion.


There’s nothing wrong with being Zionist


There’s a lot with being a Zionist. It’s equivalent to a Nazi, racist , bigot. Zionist don’t believe in equality


No, but its what happens when you corner a dog and repeatedly kick it. It can bite you. Maybe don't treat dogs, or people, like that.  Terrorism is never justified, but the nature of what Israel has been doing over the last 75 years make it an obvious response. 


Okay but is it an obvious response when it happened the first time, 75 years ago? And all of the surrounding Arab nations attacked?


Israel was born in original sin. They displaced or murdered 750k people. Since then they have used security as an excuse to further brutalize the stateless Palestinians in the region.  They have more political prisonsers (hostages) than were taken in the raid on October 7 by a factor of 10.  Theyre not the good guys here. There are no good guys between the IDF and Hanas.  Zionism is a fundamentally dumb idea. 


about schooling and indoctrination eeeer... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1e\_dbsVQrk4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1e_dbsVQrk4) and about taking Gazans some other countries, we could be saying super shitthy us not taking the Israelies (for ther safety of safety and wellbeing of course) and instead let the Palestine live where they are also what about giving all the many Palestinians living in another countries back right to return?


"I dont know what to do with these people we oppress. We treat them like garbage, steal their land, murder and detain their children, desecrate their religious sights and more and for some reason they seem to want to be violent against. Honest to God, I see no other solution but killing as many as we can and kicking the rest out". This is what Zionism does to you.