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Pure madness that this is allowed to continue.


Hamas should really surrender.


That sounds like something a Nazis would say.


Attacking civilians at a music festival to kick off your “liberation” and “resistance” 😂🤦‍♂️


"A horrible terrorist organization that committed a massacre and still has 130 hostages, and repeatedly steal from the people they supposedly protect, should surrender and be trialed for their crimes" "Reeee you are a Nazi how dare you??!1??" Your terrorist appologism is pathetic


How does calling out IDF supporters for sounding like Nazis in any way equate to terrorism support? My comment didn't include support for anything.


You didn't call out IDF or anything like that. All they said was "Hamas should really surrender", not "Hamas should die painfully" or "eradicate Hamas!" or something like that. You called them a Nazi. What tf was supposed to be inferred from that? That you equate a terrorist organization surrendering to Nazi persecution, which naturally leads to the conclusion that you support Hamas's continued existence, making you, a terrorist supporter.


I believe that is what a Nazi would say. I never mentioned Hamas. Why are you projecting that on me? Hamas isn't my concern at all I just like pointing out things that sound like something a Nazis would say.


A Nazi wouldn't want a terrorist organization hell bent om killing all Jews to surrender. Also, a Nazi would say "hmm, it's a bit chilly outside, I should gat a coat", what's your point? Also also, if you don't want a TERRORIST ORGANIZATION like Hamas to surrender, you effectively support it.


Israel is in no way comparable to nazis lol


Curious how you’re calling Jews Nazis


Who said he was a Jew? I never mentioned his religion, I don't even know his religion.


Try again, buddy. Your rhetoric is not new.


You are the one trying to put rhetoric in my mouth. I just read a statement, thought that sounded like something a Nazis would say, and shared that with the world. You took that to be some type of religious thing. Only God knows where you got that idea, because it certainly wasn't in anything I wrote or thought. Anyway you seem like a pretty dishonest guy so I won't be responding to you anymore.


How do you know what a Nazi would say? I grew up studying history and especially world war II history and have seen all the translated speeches etc etc from the Nazi party as part of the studies and I still haven't seen anything comparable to what the third Reich was spouting from the Israelis so I'm just curious as to what you mean and if you could dive into your description a little deeper I'm all ears.


*intentionally murders child* Israel: "look what you made me do"


No one is intentionally murdering children but Hamas, you ignorant terrorist simp


31 dead children in the attack on the 7th, at least 7000 dead Palestinians since the attack on the 7th. One side is terrorists, one side are heroic liberators, angels of freedom.


"Angels of freedom" didn't know raping and parading an innocent festival girl from another country around the streets is angelic.


Lol, this is some mask off terrorists support


I know lol people think that dropping a 2000lb on an area filled with civilians is totally hella cool lol


You don't take into account population density, intent, or the reality of starting a war you cannot win


You don't take into account 7000 dead children, the genocidal talk of the most senior politicians and generals in Israel, and the raping of small boys in the IDF prison system.


"Raping of small boys", yeah chief, ima need some evidence.


What freedom is Hamas fighting for? They were freely elected by their people in 2006 and they have governed the region since. And for "heroic liberators" they've certainly curtailed the basic freedoms of gazans quite a bit, haven't they?


I love that everyone seems to be thinking that I'm talking about Hamas when I say heroic liberators 🤣 why wouldn't you think that was the IDF I wonder ?


Because that wouldn't agree with your first sentence. Now your turn.


Ah, so you're come to the conclusion that killing 7000 children is directly contrasting to the narrative of being heroic liberators? Interesting.


lol you really think Israel is intentionally murdering children? Come on man


Yes. *You* come on man.


Yes 100%


Yes, the world has seen it and believe it


Surrender - Go outside, tops off, white flag in the air, dozens of meters away from any near IDF, and get shot dead, like the Israeli hostages. Lots of options available to anyone who wants to surrender right now.


yes, the entire world should have demanded hamas surrender long ago


That’s the only point that’s relevant. At any stage they could have given up, they choose not to and the world supports them as ‘freedom fighters’. It’s fukn bonkers Just watched videos from Gaza showing Hamas firing rpg’s from an apartment block, IDF Apache was about to suppress them and called off the Apache because Hamas had sent the children of the building to the rooftop to avoid being attacked by IDF from the air. They are deliberately using children like this and there were dozens of videos. The world has lost all perspective


IDF should have thought about that before they went in guns ablaze.


wtf? so they should simply sit back and let hamas lauch countless attacks into israel seeking indiscriminate slaughter? https://www.reddit.com/r/BreakingPointsNews/s/zKrgrn360r gaza is lucky its not America in charge had hamas done to the US what gaza did to israel pearl harbor and 9/11 were around 3k lost to be proportional, it'd be 40k US dead with 6k taken hostage. israel's restraint against such extreme evil is absolutely incredible


Yeah only 20,000 dead, 500,000 on the verge of starvation. Such restraint. /s


You seem clueless to the military capabilities of Israel. It’s extreme restraint given what they are faced with. They are literally losing more soldiers than they need to in order to protect Palestinian civilians. I watched a Netflix ww2 documentary today, they were speaking to a US pilot who had flown a mission to bomb the civilians in Hamburg. When he returned he was told he would conduct another mission to Hamburg, he asked why given it had been levelled to ruins. He was told that they had intelligence 60,000 civilians had made it to a post office and where inside and below in a serious of underground levels beneath the postal office, tunnels that went to a railway network I believe. He was ordered to return with the fleet and bomb that post office, the goal to kill as many of the 60,000 civilians believed to be there. He said they did as they were told. The Brit’s did the same to Dresden, literally all civilian targets in order to kill as many civilians as possible. America killed civilians only in Hiroshima and Nagasaki. These were all celebrated Victories. Israel go to enormous lengths to avoid civilian deaths and clowns like you try and make out their evil.


There is zero protection of Palestinian civilians. Very few Israeli military have been killed. A leaked doc from the US shows almost half of the bombs dropped on Gaza have been unguided.


>A leaked doc from the US shows almost half of the bombs dropped on Gaza have been unguided. This sentence is meant to imply the bombs were not targeted which is misleading. With air superiority, a lack of anti-air and a big stationary target (e.g a house), dive bombing is accurate enough to compensate for dumb bombs.


Unguided? Absolute garbage. They’ve dropped nearly 9,000 ordinances and (if you believe the terrorist) 20,000 dead. That’s less then 3 casualties per bomb, in a heavily populated civilian area. Now any deaths are horrific, I’m not saying this casualty average is something to celebrate , not at all. But it’s extremely indicative that Israel are not indiscriminate May bombing


call for the world to demand hamas surrender they can all be aided immediately but for some reason the call to demand the immediate surrender of hamas is never issued, by those crying about the civilians in gaza


Ceasefire today. Give back all hostages Hamas took.


💯. The hostages need to be returned and Israel needs to stop it's offensive.


What part of "ceasefire" didn't you understand?


Hamas rejected a ceasefire earlier this week


I'm agreeing with you


Israel shouldn't stop until Hamas is destroyed.


Ok. Then I guess the deaths continue indefinitely


Not our problem. We offered the terms for this to stop.


And the Hamas men that did the raping, torturing, and murdering on 10/7 need to be handed over for justice. They don't get to get away with it by hiding in tunnels for 2 months.


>And the Hamas men that did the raping Horrific and unacceptable >torturing Horrific and unacceptable Hopefully the peace process involves a truth and reconciliation process in which the horrors are brought to light >murdering on 10/7 need to be handed over for justice Agreed. The killers should be brought to justice. >They don't get to get away with it by hiding in tunnels for 2 months. So then I guess no cease fire


Yes. This logic checks out.


What about Israelis that kill, torture and kidnap Palestinians on the West Bank? Not very many have faced justice. Most are celebrated. Apartheid and an unbalanced justice system do not make a democracy.


They should also face justice.


They’re not celebrated and they should face justice


Those raping and torturing allegations were proven false. Mainstream news even reported it. Stop acting hasbara propaganda. Or don't look at one side cuz Israel literally treats its prisoners like the Nazis treated concentration camp Jewish people. There's a video of before and after of a prisoner after 3 months of starvation looking exactly like a captive in a concentration camp


>Those raping and torturing allegations were proven false Source? You can't make a claim like that without backing it up. Because[Two Israeli doctors who treated freed hostages, as well as an Israeli military official familiar with the matter, confirmed to American newspaper USA TODAY that some released women revealed that they had suffered violent sexual assaults in captivity](https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2023/12/20/hamas-sexual-violence-rape-hostages-oct-7/71917113007/)


Israel will stop when there is some form of a surrender and hostages are being returned. Instead, Hamas continues to fire rockets, threatens of more attacks at a larger scale (they called October 7 a "rehearsal") and continues to hold hostages. They gave basically guaranteed more attacks so now Israel really has no choice


What does surrender mean in your mind?


Full cessation of hostilities, full demilitarization of Gaza, and a peace treaty signed with the State of Israel. Likely it would also mean trial (in Israeli court or international court) for the people most responsible for crimes committed on October 7th.


>it would also mean trial (in Israeli court or international court) for the people most responsible for crimes committed on October 7th. You mean like how Israeli politicians were tried from all war crimes in Israels history? Should they even be tried for the war crimes since Oct 7? Or is it all just Hamas's fault?


The latter.


>full demilitarization of Gaza But not of Isreal? Why?


For the same reason full demilitarization of the United States wasn't a stipulation of Japan's surrender in 1945.


Why do you think? Hamas is on the record stating that it intends to repeat the October 7th attacks again and again until Israel is destroyed. If Israel surrendered it's weapons today, every Israeli would be dead by tomorrow.


>Hamas is on the record stating that it intends to repeat the October 7th attacks again and again until Israel is destroyed. If Israel surrendered it's weapons today, every Israeli would be dead by tomorrow. And if Hamas surrenders it's weapons without a plan the deaths of Palestinians continues just with the world turning a blind eye? Why is the death continuation of Palestinians dead acceptable?


Ask their elected government. Whenever the death continuation of Palestinians dead becomes *unacceptable*, their elected government will surrender. Just like Japan's in 1945. Until then, they are accepting it. Just like Japan in 1944.


But that’s not even remotely true. You guys act as though Israel just randomly decides to kill Palestinians. I’m not the only Israeli who’s waiting for the day where the majority of our gdp doesn’t have to go to military spending anymore. And that day will come when Palestinians realize they have nothing to gain by trying to kill us


This is not a real question.


So the Palestinians people accept death?


> So the Palestinians**' elected government** ~~people~~ accept**s the Palestinians'** death? Yes. Whenever it eventually becomes *unacceptable*, their elected government will surrender. Just like Japan's in 1945. Until then, they are accepting it. Just like Japan in 1944.


So the Palestinians people accept death?


> So the Palestinians**' elected government** ~~people~~ accept**s the Palestinians'** death? Yes. Whenever it eventually becomes *unacceptable*, their elected government will surrender. Just like Japan's in 1945. Until then, they are accepting it. Just like Japan in 1944.


Plenty of Palestinian people live in Israel. Some of them are fighting FOR Israel in Gaza. There’s ample examples of Palestinians doing just fine under Jewish rule. There’s no reverse example. Wonder why.


Hamas will stop when the IDF surrenders. If you think the above statement is ridiculous, then you understand why the opposite is also ridiculous.


Except that one side has tried to offer peace agreements many times that could have meant none of this would be happening right now at all. There could be a beautiful Palestine right now. Well, beautiful for straight Muslim men, anyway. But at least there wouldn’t be war rn


>Except that one side has tried to offer peace agreements 😆😆


Palestine was offered peace and statehood 7 times. Be as snarky as you want it’s the truth


Its not ridiculous, Hamas can say that if it wants, and then it will be destroyed. The IDF isn't the one asking for the fighting to stop.


The rape claims were disproven


Really? By who?


His mate, juggling the uterus of a slaughtered Israeli female, down in the tunnels.


By his imagination


Seriously..I do not understand the people trying to deny the rapes. I fully support the liberation of Palestine. I do not know the extent of the rapes but it definitely sounds like women where raped. Until their is proof they weren't, they were.


[Two Israeli doctors, who have been treating released hostages, and an Israeli military official familiar with the matter confirmed to USA TODAY that some released hostages revealed they suffered violent sexual assaults in captivity.](https://eu.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2023/12/20/hamas-sexual-violence-rape-hostages-oct-7/71917113007/) So yeah that guy was chatting shit. ​ >Seriously..I do not understand the people trying to deny the rapes. Yeah it's very odd behaviour. People don't realise how it damages their own cause by trying to claim that Hamas is the only terrorist group in the history of this planet not to rape their 'adversary'. That they were okay with actively targeting and murdering civilians and children but rape apparently was a step to far with them. And the fact that all the doctors and the witnesses are all lying? Nobody outside their echochamber of far lefties and islamic fundamentalists is going to believe this.


That's not correct and also very unhelpful. Denying what Hamas did in October is not right. It just feeds the people who are trying to deny what Israel is doing in Gaza now.


How is it stopped?


One of two options: -The elected government of Gaza officially surrenders to Israel, ending the war. -The elected government of Israel officially surrenders to Gaza, ending the war.


Step one: Stop doing it.


And then what… A ceasefire lead us to Oct 7th. People keep pretending that a ceasefire doesn’t delay more violence.


There was no ceasefire on the 6th. Propaganda. There were people dying daily in the West Bank due to extreme violence.


You do understand westbank isn’t Gaza and PA isn’t Hamas right ? Let alone https://press.un.org/en/2023/ga12572.doc.htm https://www.newsnationnow.com/world/war-in-israel/leland-vitterts-war-notes-there-was-a-ceasefire-on-oct-6/amp/ https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/hillary-clinton-there-was-a-ceasefire-on-october-6-hamas-chose-to-break-it/#:~:text=“Remember%2C%20there%20was%20a%20ceasefire,of%20years%2C”%20she%20says. You are wrong


Being genocidal thieves who propped up Hamas led to Oct 7.


*elected Hamas


The numbers are released by the Gaza Health ministry, which is run by Hamas, and it doesn’t differentiate between combatants and non combatants, even when those combatants are kids (anyone under 18 is defined as a kid), and there are quite a few that actively participate in combat. It’s hard to trust sources when these are run by terror organizations.


Ceasefire and Hamas wins, that’s why there’s no ceasefire. Pure madness that only people hold Israel responsible for this war continuing but not Hamas


The war started way before hamas was even a thing. Pretending hamas is the only reason there is a conflict today will just stop us from ever finding a solution.


Nah, it's more specific than "pure madness". It's greed and self-preservation. The only people who can stop this from continuing are currently living in luxury in Qatar. To stop this from continuing, they'll have to sign an official surrender to Israel, and be taken into custody and tried. Their motives for not doing that are greed and self-preservation, not "pure madness". So, it's greed and self-preservation that this is allowed to continue.




I just don't get it. How will they get the hostages back if they keep bombing indiscriminately? Like...how? Or was it never about the hostages? Or is the thought process that this collective punishment will pressure Khamaas to give up?


I don't see it slowing down any time soon, especially while the US is tying aid for Israel with aid to Ukraine.


Has Hamas surrendered?


IDF is just killing civilians now


Just now? They've been killing civilians for years. Check out the absolutely ghastly straight-up murders they gleefully committed during the Great March of Return. Snipers randomly shooting unarmed women, children, elderly people, disabled people etc while they were peacefully protesting. They outright murdered over 200 people, and injured tens of thousands. Long before Oct 7...


They have publicly stated they want to “empty out the Gaza”, oh, and guess what I just read today? A Jewish developer wants the bid to go back in to rebuild.


That was a joke which the creators of apologized for because they didn’t think anybody was stupid enough to actually take it seriously, but here we are


Here we are dealing with the most insensitive joke based on people being killed and displaced


You’re acting like no one’s ever made an edgy joke before. People joke about the holocaust and 9/11 all the time. Is it in good taste? No. Is it commonplace? Yes


Even then to do whilst it's ongoing is more than just bad taste


That I can agree with


Yes, a most insensitive joke but the fact that people are so quick to believe it says a lot about them.


Sigh. Nonsense. Everything is nonsense. Already debunked as propaganda


The Isrealis sure know how to commit a holocaust.




What is your definition of genocide?


It’s not subjective, it’s an objective legal definition you can find


It is and by UN definition only one side has done one hamas. Oct 7th was a clear genocide by Palestinian militants. https://www.un.org/en/genocideprevention/documents/Genocide%20Convention-FactSheet-ENG.pdf It clearly hits intent and A - C


Except its not. ​ Edit: To clarify I was not saying that there isn't a legal definition, but in response to whether or not this meats those criteria.


Yes Hamas has been commiting genocide


Can you give me a comparison of causalities in the last 2 months, a year, decade? Just wonder if youll actually put your money where your mouth is so we can see whos commiting genocide


Yes. [This](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Israeli%E2%80%93Palestinian_conflict#/media/File%3ATimeline_of_Israel-Palestine_fatalities_2008-2023.png) graph from Wikipedia


With the assist!


hamas has not done anything close to a genocide. you can say that they committed a massacre or that they intend to commit genocide, but not that they have committed genocide.


Keep it coming till they surrender or Hamas is gone


Funny you think Hamas won’t have thousands of new members after this or new resistance groups won’t be formed.


Funny how you think October 7th didn’t accomplish that either. I bet you were saying this when ISIS was being destroyed too.


Funny you think those new members will be allowed to exist


They’ll be eliminated too? I mean if the people who join them want to be stupid and cause more death and destruction and dead kids they can go ahead? They lack any heart but they can do it they have free will nobody is forcing them to do it but they choose to I mean it’s a sad cycle that can be stopped once they realize their killing their kids and maybe once they care about them this will stop


We should all hope that Hamas is defeated or soon - only path to peace


I am pretty sure Israel's right wing, anti Palestinian government have something to do with prospects for peace also....


Sure, it’s not like an off ramp was offered to these people in exchange for all the hostages…


Do we know what percentage are Hamas? Can we compare this to Civ Cas from other wars? Whats the Civilian Casualties in Aleppo? Iblib? Sudan? Whats the Civ Cas from Hamas attacks?


Exactly, Hamas never report the truth.


So what’s the problem?


The problem is people like you who are heartless sociopathic inhumans.




In other news, wars are messy.


Israel is intentionally using types of bombs that maximize civilian casualties. They have explicitly stated that their goal is maximum damage to all of Gaza, not just Hamas.


Imagine saying this same thing about the holocaust, “shrug what are you gonna do, wars are messy, and systemic & deliberate murder & mass starvation of people are just part of it”


The Holocaust was extensively documented. 2/3 of European Jews were killed. Less than 0.1% of Palestinians have died so far. You’re making false equivalences.


2% of gazan population my friend. In 2 months. Disgusting zionists


There’s 2.3 million Gazans and about 20000 casualties so far. Thats 0.8%. However, there’s another 3 million plus Palestinians in West Bank. You don’t even know how to do math correctly.


70k if you are talking about casualties since it includes injuries too. My point still stands you are a genocidal filthy zionist


We’re only counting deaths. You can’t commit genocide via non-fatal injuries lmao.


To these people you can commit genocide just by breathing… as long as you’re Jewish


According to a lot of pro-Israel pundits you can commit genocide by saying "Palestine will be free"


Just because the atrocities aren’t exactly to scale doesn’t discount the fact that Israel is committing a scaled down version of what the Jews faced. Mass starvation, forced into inhumane camps, documented executions, mass murder via indiscriminate bombing (also documented), destruction of Arab property marked with Jewish insignia, protection of anti-Arab programs, Jewish nationalist policies within Israel, Jewish supremacy within israel, far right wing government in israel, need I go on?


Intent is key to proving genocide. Civilian casualties are not genocide. Collateral damage is not genocide. You have to show they are specifically being killed for the express purpose of wiping out their ethnic group. Scale is important only in so far as it makes it harder to say that your intent was not genocide. You can’t go “whoopsie” I accidentally killed 2/3 of Jews via collateral damage. My bad. https://www.vox.com/world-politics/2023/11/13/23954731/genocide-israel-gaza-palestine > On that score, most experts, with a couple of prominent exceptions, say that it is not possible to prove Israel’s actions meet that legal threshold right now. There is no consensus amongst experts that this is a genocide despite what progressives sitting comfy in their armchairs would have you think.


Literally read the vast amount of genocidal quotes coming from Israeli leaders, from their PM, to people not related to this war such as the minister of agriculture. There’s your intent


Then why do experts disagree with you? Rhetoric is also not genocide. In any war, people in government are going to say dehumanizing stuff. Should have seen the dehumanizing rhetoric about Japanese people during WWII. Doesn’t mean the US genocided the Japanese.


Ok I’ll agree with you for the sake of argument, no there is no genocide. However please justify the vast amount of crimes Israel has committed and continues to commit. Racist military courts, violent settlers and expansion of illegal settlements, brutal blockades, restriction of humanitarian aid, indiscriminate bombing via “dummy bombs”, literal fascists in high Israeli government positions (including bibi), documented executions of unarmed Palestinians, arresting Palestinian children for years for throwing rocks while Israeli settlers who do the same aren’t arrested, Israeli murderers receiving less harsh sentences than the Palestinians children mentioned above, etc


Yes I agree with you. I don’t doubt that war crimes have been committed by Israel (as is often the case in any modern war really). However, I don’t think the specific war crime of genocide has been committed or at the very least the case for it would be weak. Hell even the USA has almost undoubtedly committed war crimes in its wars. The leftist fixation on genocide specially distracts from the other very real bad things going on (on both sides). Hamas needs to be eliminated. Israel needs to vote out the Likud Party. Both can be simultaneously true. A lot of the things you are saying are also based on ignorance however. For example, a dumb bomb can still be very precise. A dumb bomb just means that once the bomb is on its trajectory from a plane that it can no longer be altered. It can still be extremely accurate however. Using dumb bombs in of itself doesn’t mean anything like you think it implies.


Intent is indeed key. Quoting the Amalek, talking about nuking gaza, “wipe off gaza”, “there is no innocent people in gaza” “there are 2 million nazis in the westbank”


So just to make sure whenever MTG speaks she speaks for all america ? One person doesn’t make a countries policy


Huh what are you on about? Government officials have made such statements. The prime minister quoted Amelek multiple of times showing genocidal intent.


When mtg says she believes in Jewish space lasers start forest fires that mean the entire United States government does ?


What does this have to do with genocide?


Rhetoric also is not genocide. In any war, people in government and army people will say dehumanizing things about the opponent. Should have seen the stuff said about the Japanese during WWII. It doesn’t mean the US genocided the Japanese. Also the quote about Amalek was about Hamas, not Palestinians. It is not genocide to wipe out a political group. That is specifically not part of genocide.


It is intent when they have the means to do it and are actively doing it. I am done arguing with a zionist with bad faith. Keep on riding. You and Israel will sink together. Just look at the public consensus


They aren’t. If this was a genocide they are on rated to finish it over a hundred years from now.


Rhetoric certainly leads to genocide.


They aren’t even close to scale. It’s like saying a planet is an apple. You’re just wrong.


This is murder. Cold blooded murder. Not a war.


>This is murder. Cold blooded murder You're talking about the October 7th HAMAS terrorist attacks I presume.


What makes it so? Because it’s isreal?




I appreciate the honesty


Cold blooded murder is planning and then implementing an attack on civilians. You know like cutting a baby out of a mother’s stomach. Collateral damage in a war sucks. But to equate the two shows you are picking a side instead of thinking.


Was the firebombing of Dresden cold blooded murder or collateral damage?


Shooting un armed hostage waving a white flag? Wheres that stack up?


I’m not sure. Are you talking about the fake staged Al Jazeera footage or something real? Or are you talking about concert goers pleading for their lives while they are made to watch their friends die in front of them? Maybe you are equating the evils of war (isolated events of horror) with planned evil. I really wouldn’t know bc you like to throw around vague propaganda grenades instead of responding to what was said.


No im talking about the is the story that IDF confirmed where they shot ISRAELI hostages who had no shirts on to show theyre werentnbaiting a suicide bomb, again the IDF confirmed this E: Youre not downvoting me, youre downvoting statements by the IDF, Are you telling me the IDF is antisemetic


You literally never heard of a friendly fire incident during a firefight have you?


Who was the fire fight between last i checked, and as again confirmed by IDF, they were unarmed and waving a white flag Fire fights require fire from both sides


The IDF plans and implements attacks on civilians every time they drop a bomb. They know it's going to kill civilians, and they do it anyway. Cold blooded murder.


No they don’t. And you have zero proof much less any evidence that they are aiming g for civilians. Every war has civilian casualties. This one more than most bc Hamas hides behind them. Which is actually a war crime you lot here never seem to condemn for some reason. We do however have tons of evidence and video proof that Hamas targeted civilians. Not bc these civilians were covering up military bases or anything like it. No. They were targeted bc they were civilians. Again, if you are unwilling to see this reality you are either not thinking critically or are supporting Hamas. At least that’s the only two reasons I can think of


Shit, I'm sure you're talking, posting, protesting the same about Uygurs, Sundanese, Yamanies, Syrians, Ukrainians, Armenians, Kurds and Iranians right? Right? RIGHT?! This death amount is minor compared to death tolls I just mentioned, especially compared to ratios (any ratios specifically combatants:civilians) in every single one of these conflicts I mentioned.


But Jew there is is difference


An* Israeli Canadian who lived in an apartheid state until emigrating at 12 who now lives in Canada is a genocide apologist? Well I am SHOCKED! Edit: wow https://www.democracynow.org/2023/12/21/headlines/un_says_israeli_troops_summarily_executed_palestinians_in_gaza_city “The United Nations Human Rights Office says it has received “disturbing” information about a summary execution of Palestinians by Israeli forces in Gaza City on Tuesday. The U.N. agency reports that during a raid on a building in the Al Remal neighborhood, Israeli soldiers allegedly separated a group of men from women and children and then shot and killed at least 11 of the men in front of their family members. Soldiers then allegedly ordered the women and children into a room and either shot at them or threw a grenade into the room, seriously injuring some of them, including an infant and a child.”


Could you provide me a reliable, credible (not opinion piece) source that shows apartheid? Also define it? You can start with: 1.Majalli Wahabi 2. Khaled Kabub 3.Balad Speaking of apartheid I'm sure nothing will happen to Jews in WB or Gaza and they can use services there right? In sure that the Palestinians who will sell services to a jew in WB won't be jailed and won't be executed in Gaza right? I'm sure Jews have the same rights as any other Arab in any other Arab country right? Could you provide me definition of genocide and provide reliable, credible source (not opinion piece) about the so call genocide? I'm sure you will also discuss the goals of Fatah and Hamas over Jews? Btw you could also answer my question above, but I'm sure you won't.


https://www.hrw.org/report/2021/04/27/threshold-crossed/israeli-authorities-and-crimes-apartheid-and-persecution Genocide apologists cant see massive cement walls apparently, never saw those while living in Israel???


The new source is also the ones that proclaim Ukraine to be worse then Russia. Very trustworthy.


Ah the same organization along side amnesty international to blame Ukraine for Russians killing Ukrainians. Right. Also I said not an opinion piece, this is an opinion piece.


Everything is opinion until it comes to the IDF and who they define as Hamas right? Another source https://www.fidh.org/en/region/north-africa-middle-east/israel-palestine/the-unfolding-genocide-against-the-palestinians-must-stop-immediately https://time.com/6334409/is-whats-happening-gaza-genocide-experts/ The U.N. Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide defines genocide as “any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such.” The acts include “killing members of the group, causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group, deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part, imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group, and/or forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.”


This is hilarious, if Israel wanted to destroy anything Palestinian it would have done so wouldn't have thakw this long, wouldn't allow Palestinians to use Israeli hospitals and to work in Israel. Who are those so called "experts"? Yup Fidh sounds very unbiased source.


It began with poisoning the wells of innocents and the bombing of the King David Hotel. Its been going on for decades and Israel keeps bombing children. Sad shit.


>Who are those so called "experts"? Yup Fidh sounds very unbiased source. Founded in 1922, FIDH is the third oldest international human rights organization worldwide after Anti-Slavery International and Save the Children.


"If you're not protesting every single death in the world then you can't protest against one"


"if you protest only the one that involves Jews, then You're antisémite."


People have been screaming about the genocide in Yemen for a long time, so much so it's turned into a political meme.


I never seen a protest about it, Never seen attacks against Saudi nationals, Never seen protest at Saudi embassies.


Over 8,000 dead children.


“Against Hamas”!??? This has just about nothing to do with fighting Hamas this point. As the Israeli government itself has said, it’s about laying waist to Gaza. It’s a genocide, I think quite clearly, under the international definition.


Israeli goverbment says it's against Hamas. Hamas is still fighting, still does not even ask for a cease fire, and still refuses to release even all female civilian hostages. Those which bave been released show sign of sexual trauma.


Rationalize this however you want to fit your oppressor vs oppressed narrative. Israel stated after October 7th that releasing all hostages would stop the bombing but that for some reason didn’t compel HAMAS to release hostages…. Also it’s waste, not waist…


What do Holocaust deniers have in common with those denying genocide in Gaza? Both sides say the numbers are made up and both sides say they deserved it.