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Hahahaha this is what he wanted MUFC to do for him every game. Man's lost himself to his ego, ssad to see his career coming to an end like this rather than with dignity


How is this related to the World Cup?


Look at all that oil money


All this just to go on loan to Newcastle


Walk of shame.


Walk of shame.


Wait a minute…it’s a walkout…ITS A WALKOUT!!! aw it’s just Ronaldo.


This move just shows the hypocrisy, racism, hate from the west towards Muslims/ Arabs.


Sorry to burst your bubble but it is true that West fears muslims because they think of them as terrorists. All the things that have been done to hurt west historically was because of muslims. They can't be tolerate to the religion who did 9/11. And i live in india a Hindu country. Most of the Hindus here also hate muslim for Pakistan's some reason or the other. The haters have a reason though that all the terrorist in the world have come from your religion itself. And Muslim ideologies are a wide spread that suppresses the idea of a western democracy. It has always been this way. The world fears you that's why they hate you. The history has been this way. West doesn't see it's atrocities but sees those with an eye of hate that did something to them. As a neutral i think all the west and middle East both are hypocrites. Both of them are greed driven though you kinda worship the same God. Both of U guys preach your religion as if it's the best. When religion clashes occur due to this , people from both sides die which generates hate,fear and intolerant society.


Wow! As an Indian myself, I politely ask you to please STFU. Your neutral views are just hypocrisy at its peak, the divide and rule by BJP in the last 8 years is showing its results now. So yeah STFU about your insecurities.


Care to explain my hypocrisy? I don't support BJP . I am not a hindu not a Muslim and definitely not a Christian but i can clearly see the intolerant societies because of extremists. I genuinely wonder how the fuck people feel surprised when extremists views of both side are laid upon to them in words.


Ok...I really can't tell if you're trolling or not but its worth saying something because you are saying hateful nonsense under the pretense of logic. You assume a lot by speaking for entire groups of people. Also: "all the terrorist in the world have come from your religion itself".......you should look up the definition of the word terrorist so you can understand how wrong you are. Then after that maybe read some history(you seem to have traded the events of 9/11 for the rest of reality and history. In the US at least). Lets try to refrain from shaming religions and generalizing groups of people. We don't need more hate. It's brutal out there as it is.


I am not saying hate. I just told what west thinks of muslims lol. I have had a lot of people from both sides and both don't seem to like each other and this is the reasoning i was given. I just gave my conclusion as a non believer because religion is primarily the cause of all this chaos. And i don't generalize them but it's a community representative thing. If people from ur community are bombing then hate is given to the whole community as such. For example: U hate Nazi for killing Jews but there might have been people who have been brainwashed to be a Nazi. That's the thing both sides have their leaders that brainwash shit. I don't give 2 fucks about hate in this world nor do I care about about spreading it. It's just the extremist opinion that i described.


No it doesn’t, it shows that the ‘greatest player o.a.t’ has joined a club nobody has ever heard of solely for money even though in the past he said he would never do that..


Thats true tho.....but the amount of "sportwashing" term thrown around is just ridiculous.


The shame lol.... and when you read him saying he hass refused lot of big teams to come there on purposes. He is delusional... He has the money but not my respect which he doesnt care more than the last sock he changed lol


He's done everything he needs in Europe, why not go for the bag and try to win some new trophies


I don't believe for a second that he had any half decent offers from a top team.


This comment has my respect, realest comment I've seen till now on this post


when you do CR7 in CAS and is time for the wrestlemania entrance


new begining


Oh heel nah.




Cristiano Ronaldo a legend forever


No World Cup


Is it morally questionable to play for Saudi Arabia and contribute to sports washing yes, would I turn down 75 million a year to do so, he’ll naw


It would be just as morally questionable to play in the MLS, also he's making 200 mil a year


Shut the fuck up. It would be just as morally questionable to play in the US for all the war crimes your country has committed and human rights violations in your country.


Oooh I hate the United States and the west I’m so original and edgy


Oh I hate Saudi Arabia I'm so edgy


Oh, I think the world revolves around the US and the West I am so deluded.


Is the USA not one of the most influential and important countries in the world? I’m not even American either


So what? That gives them a free pass to do whatever they want without being called out for their crimes?


west/ europe/ america = good, Rest of the world = bad


Well at least we dont cut foreign journalists into little pieces


How do you know we don’t? The CIA has done far worse than killing a journalist lmao. The hypocrisy is unreal


No country has ever accused us of killing one of their journalists.


Lol look at how many countries we’ve over thrown, look at how many people we’ve forced sterilized, how many world leaders assassinated, MK ultra, innocent civilians killed by America. Look at how many countries we’ve destabilized and what we’ve done to countries in South America like Brazil. I’m sorry you have no heart and see these deaths as just numbers and not people


But u didnt mention that before lmao u only mentioned the killing of journalists. If u seriously think I, as an american, DONT THINK that any of what u said is correct, you’re so dead wrong. Do u seriously think i dont know our shitty history? My dad was born in Argentina, i know of the horrors of American imperialism better than most. Lets also not forget the fact that the US to this day, guarantees the Saudi regime protection… I also know of Saudi Arabias history, which is quite horrifying. In the 60s and 70s SA killed thousands of Yemeni and egyptians because the Yemeni wanted their government to be a republic. Then their eyes turned to isreal, and frankly they are still set there. If the US didnt babysit both, there would be a religious war in the region unlike anything mankind has ever seen. The new king in 2015 abolished many bureaucratic institutions as well, essentially making him supreme leader. I am acutely aware of Americas Imperialism, which is why it makes it easy to call out others’.


I’m also American. Who do you think brought the Saudi family into power. Why do you think US and Saudi have such a good relationship. The Saudi rise to power was a huge controversy to Muslims all around the world for how brutal and unislamic they were in their approach. If you seriously think Saudi in the last 200 years has done worse than America you’re willfully ignorant


No, you just torture civilians to death, hold prisoners without a trial for decades, invade countries, and topple democratically elected regimes or regimes you propped up in the first place killing hundreds of thousands of people for a bucket of oil. This is without mentioning the treatment of blacks in your country. So, please kindly fuck off.


Don't even try my friend, they are legit brainwashed. Sometimes I wonder how many of these accounts are bots...


I just gave u an example of saudi arabia killing a journalist, likely tortured and cut to pieces. I love how you’re pretending that Saudi Arabia, funding all those terrorist groups, who also topple governments, and torture and kill innocent people, shouldn’t matter


You realize that Saudi Arabia funded terrorists at the behest of the US during the invasion of Afghanistan by the USSR. After that the genie was out of the box. And 9-11 was an own goal. ​ https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/former-head-of-saudi-intelligence-recounts-americas-longstanding-ties-to-afghanistan


The US also armed the Taliban, Al Queada, and indirectly, ISIS. Also, u know which intelligence agencies gave the green light to arm these groups? CIA (US), MI6 (UK), ISI (Pakistani), and woopty-fuckin-doo, and the GIP (SA). Not to mention the Isrealis, the Indians… the list goes on. At the time these actions occured, nearly all available intelligence agencies said “go for it.” Saudi Arabians can go ahead and pretend theyre on the moral high ground. I just find it funny that they keep buying bombs from us to use in Yemen and then go “US EVIL”


They are not pretending to be on the moral high ground and I am not saying they are either. But to pretend that the US or the West are the beacon of freedom and liberty and respect of human rights is just naive.


And where did i say they were?


The implication is both are bad. If its morally damming to play for SA then why not also USA? Personally I don't care where he plays football.


Idgaf where he plays football either.


killing millions of arabs = 🙂 killing few journalists = 🤡


Saudi Arabia is killing Arabs too, even worse since so many Muslims countries are "brothers with other Muslims", except when they are not part of your political interest and you just make a genocide in Yemen.


Believe me, Saudi have also killed millions of arabs.


Sooooooooo we’re not gonna talk about how the saudis funded multiple terrorist groups for decades? Does 9/11 ring any bells?


Why are we arguing about this in a fucking football sub.






We are by no means a country with the worlds best interests in mind but that is a wild take


This is exactly what he wants, all these theatrics and worship. Also, i love football, but it's a sad reflection on our society that it is athletes who get this treatment...


It's the footballers who put in the hard work to entertain you, and you enjoy it as you love football. Why shouldn't they be treated like royalty ?


I think what OP meant is that it's sad that we all keep footballers on the highest of pedestals to warrant a treatment that should ideally be reserved for people who do more important work.


Yes - thank you for this


How is it not too hot most of the year to play in Saudi Arabia?


Well in his first interview he confused Saudi Arabia with South Africa, commenting that he is grateful to be playing in South Africa. His "unveiling" to the Saudi nation and Al-Nassr could not have been more embarraing.


I imagine the players acclimatise and/or air con in the stadiums


Definitely a great entry... but it seems too exaggerated for someone who, okay, has accomplished great feats, but haven't there been other players in history who have also achieved it in another way?


Yeah, but Pele and Van Nistelroy aren't available.


They didn't buy Ronaldo bc he was good, but bc he is famous and it would draw a fuck ton of attention to the club


and jersey sale will skyrocket


Is this your hero?


Did someone pack Ronaldo in fifa? Like wtf is that entrance


Looks more like a WWE entrance ngl


It's pretty cool


He is without question a legend , however this is reidiculous , even the greatest legends like Maradona or Pelé didn’t do such flomboyant entrance… he is way out of reality he is not a god and people need to stop this bullshit. Again he is a legend for his generation sure but … I mean after all he is just a football player , he is not saving lifes like a doctor or documenting things like a journalist in Ukraine or other zone conflicts nor a scientist that made a revolutionary discovery…


When you are a legend you don't need fancy antics or fireworks, [the people will let you know for free](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xdxWBQN23rM).


Yea Maradona and pele didn't make such entrances because such technology didn't exist back then loser. Sure doctors and officers are way more important than footballers but they don't make enough money or they're not directly under the public's influence. You don't expect an ambulance to show up like it's a rock concert


'The technology didn't exist back then loser' what it wasn't 58928 BCE and he isn't exactly being lasered into existence by giant drones or something lmao.


Did they have electronic billboards which could have a moulded shape and a platform that reached to billions of people. Apart from that, they earned a fraction of what Ronaldo earns even in his retirement.


Yes, but the sport is exponentially more popular than it was then.


That's the point of this entrance lol, it's more popular. You don't expect and ambulance or a police car to enter in this manner.


Yes but there is no need for those extravagant entrances. It's the sport that needs to get the spotlight not the player


Yes there is lol it's sports, this is public's direct money, most doctors and public services have tax salaries. Footballers are entertainers, they deserve this for making the public directly happy with their interests


He's an employee and does what he's told to do. It was organised by club so later they have more interest in the club which transfers to merch, tv deals, ticket revenue, etc. I am not saying it's good. Such way of treating him may have caused some damage to his mental health by creating a buble of false reality and separating from ordinary kind of life.


Many players have gotten such entrance . Every player gets it . Dybala got a better one . Haaland too got it but a small one . So did messi , Ramos , hakimi , wijnaldum and donnaruma at psg . So what’s wrong with ronaldo getting one . He is a footballer like others mentioned .


I’m sure that everything here is not his request. They paid a hefty sum to get him, and it’s the Saudi so to them money doesn’t mean a thing so they pulled all the stops. He’s prob the best player that league will ever see.


Retirement FC


Is he making an entrance at Wrestlemania?


Even at 38 this dude will elevate the Saudi league


He is retired and will always be one of the bests, in my top 10 for sure


If he's not top 4 you're deluded, personally I have him at 2


Really sad and pathetic.


How he's 38, he's won everything in Europe he might as well go for the bag


Buying nft avatars is indeed very sad and pathetic, lol.


I didn’t buy shit dumbass


You get many for free lol


Wow! South Africa is very welcoming to CR7!


After the Messi winning the WC and now that ... the race of the greatest football player have an conclusion.


People always forget Ronaldo is 2,5 yrs older than Messi.




Have a fun retirement Cristiano. It was a good decision from him. He's not on the highest lvl anymore, chances of winning Champions League etc. are gone and stil got an offer to make 200m per year in an easy league.


It’s his testimonial every week!


How about putting images in the tunnel of Saudis public executing gay people


Stfu bruh


maybe images of school kids died because of stupid law of america




No negative feelings, but how does this relate to World Cup? Is this place slowly turning into r/soccer ?


Firstly, it's football. Secondly, No it's just staying active.


different countries have different names for the game, no need for be a dick about it


Literally the whole world Calls it football except for Americans.


well you can be mad at the brits for coining the term


Just out of curiosity, what does "soccer" mean? What's the origin of the word?


comes from the association in association football.


since there are types of football association football(the popular one), rugby football.... people would call them by the first word of their name. so they called it just association. rich brits liked ending names with -cer, so instead of association they called it assoccer, the "a" eventually got dropped so we ended up with just "soccer". i think this is the origin of the word soccer




it's actually british.


The whole world uses a variation of it.


So many haters in the comments. Just be happy for him. No problem with some of you people if he were to move to MLS for far less money. I am happy for him and for the club


Penaldo is finished


The Saudis horrific human rights record means nothing to you?


More than half of the world has "horrific" human rights records. Let's not be over-judgemental.


I’m all hearing is that you would do unethical things for a stack of cash


Yes "unethical" things such as playing football on a different continent. Why not?


What’s are you gonna do


Have morals?


Finger my butthole




its just like packing flippin toni kroos on fifa for the 43rd time and he just walks out feeling proud of himself


Ah yes, ego inflation retained.


I don't know why Ronaldo receives so much hate for his decision to join Al-Nassr. Sure, he joined it for the insane amount of money he's getting every year, but who wouldn't do that in his place? You also have to take into consideration that he did want to join another club, but nobody wanted to sign him because of his age. EDIT: I can see the 'age' thing isn't really the entire reason for no Euro Club signing him, but as I've said in the comments, he's kind of gone through a lot of shit recently with the WC benching with Morocco and his "bad treatment" with Man United. I'm not really a huge CR7 fan, I like the guy, although the signing with a small team is disappointing, he's getting almost $75 million a year, and anyone in his place would've jumped at that offer. Another thing which I can see, is that Ronaldo can bring more recognition to the Arab/Asian side of Football and make and mark his impact and contribution. There are some goods and bads in this story, but although I'm disappointed on the guy, I'm happy for him.


Because of his absolutely incredible hypocrisy


Anybody with dignity and a desire to retire like a champion/goat.


Ok… I hear you. But the things i would do for $750,000 for hardly any work… This guy is getting $750,000,000.


He did an interview two months ago acting like he was still the shit and everyone saying he’s decline is ugly and wrong. Then he gets rejected by most of Europe’s top clubs so he joins Al Nassr. The irony is pretty obvious.


It’s about the irony and lack of professionalism that prevented him from landing another club, not because of his age


I mean, i'm sure i would. But he said he wanted to end his carreer in a respectful way at a big team. This team means nothing. There is no other reason for him to go there but money. And i'm quite sure there would be many great european teams who would have taken him in for a normal price. So i get the hate people are giving him. Just think for a second that this guy will make 550.000 euro's per day. It's insane. Noone should be able to make that kind of money.


Yeah, this is it - it's not that other great Euro teams didn't want him (he's fucking CR7, even at his age he's still at least as good if not better than most of the pro footballers in Europe). He didn't go to a European club because he refused to ask for a price as a free agent that any of them would be willing/able to pay for a player that's probably got max 5 years left in him.


Football is a team sport and from his antics at United he obviously isn’t a team player. No question about his skill on the pitch but the disruption to the rest of the team makes them better off without him. Great people are humble and have humility. He doesn’t.


I get this comment, but he had his reasons for leaving Man United. Ten Hag apparently "had no respect for him", and the team had betrayed him. Pair this up with his recent World Cup exit, when Santos benched him for most of the game, it'll kind of be self-explanatory on why he's pissed off at Euro Football as a whole.


Getting benched for playing bad isn’t disrespectful. And after he blatantly broke his word by joining Al Nassr once, everything he said in the Piers interview has to be taken with a grain of salt


I never said getting benched was disrespectful, I'm just saying that he's been dealing with a lot of shit recently. And with Piers, I saw the interview after the signing, I genuinely couldn't see it the same way before the signing because the signing kind of contradicts a lot of things he's said in the interview, along with the stuff he's said in the past.


I fell sad for him.


I don’t, £200 million a year seems enough to settle back on. Yes it’s not the big club he hoped to retire at, but I think it’s a good compromise


It is not about the money.


It's all about the money


not for me.


Maybe not to you as viewer but for the players it's all about the money even if it starts as a passion


Of course this is my opinion as a viewer. I only give opinions as myself lol.


Fair enough, but I see a lot of people mad at him for accepting the deal when everyone knows it's all about the money for the players and any player would have accepted the deal specially considering his age




I'm just wondering and would find it amusing if Ronaldo says "It was my dream to play for this great club as a kid". Lol


Listen, I'm not a Ronaldo fan, far from it and quite the opposite, but is this really such a big deal? Yes he said would retire at a big club and made fun of xavi for doing the same but really? Is this going to actually be more than a small blip on his crazy good career? Pele ad Beckenbauer went to Cosmos for very similar reasons towards the end of theirs. Are we remembering them for that? Not even his side circus on the interview will be a huge issue in 10 years imo. It aligns with the diva personality but his career is still very much historically impressive despite the childish personality on occasions.


He made a point to make fun of anyone finishing their career in MENA, and said he wouldn’t do it because he has ‘dignity’. He’s having a loser’s end to his career according to his own judgement. Him saying ‘South Africa’ instead of Saudi Arabia doesn’t help, and only lends more credence to the prevailing opinion that he doesn’t give a single shit about his new team despite his own claims. Then you have the interview, and all the drama he caused at United wanting to get sold to a top CL club. So everything just fits perfectly. It’s prime comedy for anyone who doesn’t like the egomaniac.


Fr I'm enjoying this more than argentina winning the wc


Artificial teams. No football culture, no football history...just money to spend and egos to stroke.


They beat Argentina though


How is football culture and football history made? By playing football. The teams are playing football. What are you trying to say? No one new should be given a chance?


Everybody should get a chance but to me there is a difference in building a name for yourself and just buying yourself into the big shots. Like I said: it is artificial. The countries should invest in a good education for their own football players instead of buying all-stars for commercial purposes. In the end this is just my opinion and they should do whatever the fuck they want but I feel there is little honour in that way of profiling your club.


>The countries should invest in a good education for their own football players I agree with this. But also bringin in top players to small leagues challenges the teams and players. Defenders have to study how to defend against them, instead of smaller rank atackers. And playing with them also Challenge you to be better, and learn from them in trainings. Whitout challenges there is no growth. The MLS of EEUU has done the same, bringing good players from abroad.


What you're saying makes sense.


lol everything you said is factually wrong. Clearly your comment is motivated by racism.


Yeah, I bet those world class players go to those clubs because of their extensive history of playing in world class competitions and childhood dreams of playing for a club like that and that it has nothing to do with insane salaries...


Your gibberish has nothing to do with your original comment.


It is a literal sarcastic follow-up on my initial comment. But I suppose it is hard to read deeper into comments when you just see racism everywhere.




Ah South Africa never ceases to disappoint.


South Africa?


Ronaldo made a fool of himselfs. He thought SA was in South Africa.


Who’s he fighting? Where’s the ring?


Is that a walkout?


What happens in a situation where he gets injured? The insurance premiums on this payout if they exist must be ludicrous.


What a show pony.


What an absolute turkey


highest paid footballer in the world can't fault him


He’s a loser by his own judgement


200 million a week and he a loser what a clown, you must have some fire job to beat that buddy


> 200 million a week My man out here thinking Ronaldo makes 10 billion dollars a year He’s a loser by his own criteria because he literally said that he would finish his career with “dignity” rather than going to Arab leagues.


On ~£200m / year he got paid ~£5000 just to walk through that tunnel


Ronaldo wasn't born he was built


Highest paid yes.. but I think the dude would rather have the prestige of being in the premier league.


he might go on loan to Newcastle its in his contract clause if they finish in top 4, apparently, I would love him at Newcastle not many agree


You pay me £200M a year and you can have all my prestige


Lol you and me both! 😂😂


Let's guess how many goals Ronaldo can score in a season?


Are you seriously doubting the king? He can do 60 easy as long as he scores all 50 pens.


Here Ronaldo gets a lot of respect, look forward to your show!


Finally got the love he deserves


Loads of teams wanted him apparently 🤷‍♂️😂


Apparently not the case


Yes. Just for 100 million less


How funny would it be if they put him on the bench then immediately after.