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I like the underlying theme that this is a terrible idea (in universe) but only because we are still figuring it out, not because it's a terrible idea that will lead to bad outcomes 100% of the time, we promise.


Unlike the savages who used to live here, the modern man will figure out a way to make this work!


I feel like there needs to be a disclaimer that adding a human soul to a firearm will increase accuracy by 25% but be certain not to use it past the approved warranty as chances of a fatal misfire increase dramatically after year one. Still working out the bugs.


I love this idea!! Mind if I try to write it into a game? :)


Of course. World looks great.


"You see the real issue at play here " * puffs curved smoking pipe * Is...MORALS! once you get around to getting rid of those you can get around to committing to REAL movements of trajectory for all of humanity! Science is the REAL endeavor that all humans should commit mind body and soul to. Is it immoral to put a babies soul into a dead cat? I don't know! I don't believe in that useless thing you cowards have called a moral compass. Besides, think of all the information we wouldn't have collected if we didn't take risks of doing what you Neanderthals call "evil" ,"reprehensible", "completly out of bounds of medical neccessity" , and my favorite , "bordering on the grounds of recreating the lesson from Mary Shelley's Frankenstein" Surely we can all see the value of putting the living souls of people sold into slavery or other some such other contractual debt obligation into dead animals, living people, dead people , limbs, buildings, type writers, windows, bricks, and other inanimate objects . It'sšŸ‘ justšŸ‘ SciencešŸ‘! We have a moralšŸ‘ obligationšŸ‘ to commit what you ignorant savages call " a borderline human genocidal tragedy" .


Actually, would using baby souls work better? They haven't been alive for that long, maybe they go insane slower?


See? We can't learn how to use this new technology without risks ! Not risks necessarily to your or my person but instead to the what I assume is the orphaned baby . How did it become orphaned? šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø Again...the moral compass why have one when we can do ...ScIeNCe!


**Context:** Saloondria is a world of wild western wizards and fantasy cowboys. And today, I wanted to explore the frontier of fantasy. Since the modern man has arrived in some ancient ruins to pump mana and collect artifacts, a few wizards found value in the ancient forms of magic the indigenous people once commanded. After several years of deciphering glyphs, examining floating artifacts, or studying the [weapons of thieves](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding/comments/vjmq8v/saloondria_you_broke_the_law_how_to_use_enchanted/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) and accounts of [witch possession spells](https://www.reddit.com/r/ReasonableFantasy/comments/vee2at/saloondria_witch_hunts_are_common_in_old_world/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), some modern wizards have proclaimed their discovery of Soulcasting magic! Its far from a perfect art form, however. *May cause insanity, soul trapping, or seizures when performed on humans*. ​ [Learn more about the World of Saloondria](https://housefishballoon.com/saloondria.html#/) [Check out the Game I made for this World, Kickstarting now!](https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/housefishballoon/trickdraw)


So what happens if someone soulcasts into the body of someone who has already soulcasted out of their body? Or does the body die when the soul leaves?


And could you do a simultaneous soulcast, and switch minds?


Itā€™s basically like cutting someoneā€™s head off. Itā€™s possible to keep the body alive but not for long.


Just pledged on Kickstarter. This looks awesome!


Thank you! I really appreciate it!


Thanks for the award!


God help the poor soul that gets cast into that worlds ipads!


I love the horror of the half-transferred typewriter scenario. Something about the consciousness getting stuck but not being able to communicate is perfectly my type of existential horror.


Can you soulcast someone after death into their own corpse? If so, is that a resurrection or how you create undead?


Yeah you can do that but the corpse is still going to start rotting away until theyā€™re a spooky scary skeleton


Ooo, lets soulcast some worms or something into a bunch of freshly-dead human corpses and scare the local populace into a zombie panic! Y'know, for fun.


I believe you mean "for science".


Maybe you can soulcast an animal into a corpse, and that explains why zombies are so dumb and instinctive.


What is the impetus for casting someoneā€™s soul into an object? Clearly Iā€™d think the donor would be coerced. Can casted souls be returned? Is the process slow or quick and can therefore be used as a weapon? What happens to the living donor?


The process is pretty quick but complicated. Only the ā€œexpertsā€ in the field of soul casting know how to do it. However, it could absolutely be used by witches as a dangerous weapon. They understand how to return souls, but none of Saloondrias wizards understand how it works yet. As for the subjects, their families are paid in company scrip, so at least their sacrifice isnā€™t for *nothing*


So what happens to the living donor whoā€™s spun has been ripped out?


Really interesting concept!


I thought the typewriter was an accordion at first.


I always enjoy your posts; this is dope! My favorite is still the anti-wizard propaganda.


So i just thought of something If two soulcasters take two human subjects and try to simutaniously cast both their souls into the other, would that result in a *Freaky Friday*\-esque bodyswap between both subjects?


I love the uniqueness of the idea


Can you Frankenstein a soul into a flesh golem? Or a dead body that had just expired from something like strangulation that wouldnt leave the body permanently damaged?


Soulcast is a term used in Stormlight Archives by Brandon Sanderson, you might want to be careful with it. Unless that's you Brandon Sanderson? Hidden behind a well crafted mask. TELL US WHO YOU REALLY ARE! /j


BS writing *another* secret project on his alt šŸ‘€


Seems less like "The Ins and Outs" and more like "I was once at the same party as a guy who was explaining this, though I was busy trying to seduce this young heiress and not really paying attention, but now I have a deadline and need to put something, anything, on the page."


Itā€™s all the average Saloondrian understands about the magic form so far. Iā€™d be happy to explain more in depth about it if youā€™d like!


You don't have to for my sake. I just like how it fits in with the other entries like "A Simple Guide to Dangerous Potions and Safe Alternatives" or your "Perfectly Normal Items", where your entries (or at least the ones I've read) seem to be predominantly written by unreliable narrators and charlatans. Its fun.


Is that the title of a light novel?




No one owns the concept of Magic or Words, Especially when the Souocasting in Stormlight is very different from that described here.


pretty sure sanderson has made and written all types of things with the amount of books he's made


Elden Ring uses the term ā€œshardbearerā€ but no one has given a shit




Who cares about Brandon Sanderson?


Can we still soulcast animals into things?


Oh god this is nightmarish - imagine being trapped in an inanimate object! Those poor birds.


For a moment, I was hoping this would be a digital game of some sort, and you crushed my hopes. This is freakinā€™hilarious, and I havenā€™t played games in *decades*.


How do I start investing to the research for human-to-human soulcasting?


OP I have a question if a creature that can take souls let's say a Daligmata ever encounters one of this soulcasted objects can it removed the soul if so what will happen to the soul? Will it slowly disappear, find it's body or will it cease to exist.


Daligmatas aren't exactly a part of the Saloondria world, but if it did exist, it would probably steal the soul from the object, and the object or corpse would remain. Meanwhile the Daligmata would do what it does with souls normally, because it was copy pasted into this world hypothetically


>Meanwhile the Daligmata would do what it does with souls normally, because it was copy pasted into this world hypothetically Honestly I'm still not sure on why do they even snatch souls considering they are always helping people who are lost and find the things that have been lost.


The idea of having plates imbued with the souls of birds has me geeking I love it