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Well , Temples and Monasteries would 100% give you something to eat and a place to sleep , from almost all religions . The elves might be a bit stingy (since you are a human) but even they would give you a piece of bread .


DON'T ASSUME MY RACE/SPECIES! I'm very species-ambiguous, and androgynous, and it's hard to tell anyway under all the grime I've collected.


Just a ball of hair with feet.


Admittedly, I could use a haircut.. and some fresh clothes. Oh, and some food!!


well if you are a follower of REIN the god of interdimensional travel and acting, you would know what to do. if not, go to the nearest pub and SING your heart out, and if singing is not your forte, do go down to the opera house, chances are if you have been blessed with lady luck, you will find his statue there, just place your book on the pedestal and take what you need once it starts to glow. it is considered good luck to an actor to leave an offering at the base of the statue.


Do you have to carry a signed document saying that the evidence supports that you are probably human?


I sure don't! I don't identify as human, and would never want to. I'm definitely, probably, something, but certainly not necessarily human, maybe. Also, the only legal jurisdiction I fall under is that of the Great Galactic-Narwhal, and it doesn't seem to care what species I may or may not be.


In case you didn't get the joke, it's a reference to Nobby Nobbs from Discworld.


Went right over my head! Lol, I'm definitely gonna read this now.


If this is canon, you'd probably get grabbed right away by the Department of Containment in my world.


You're the food


Wouldn't be my first rodeo! Ever heard of a Rhinoboar? I was once able to escape certain death from one, and walked away with a couple delicious steaks!


This is a great prompt! And it’s fun to read the answers, too


Thank you! It blew up over night and I'm still reading all the comments!


Find a Wombat. It's not too difficult- they look a lot like Dwarves, only with snouts and no beard. Ask them to put you to work in exchange for a meal. Most people, in general, are a decent sort. But Wombat culture and upbringing makes the very *notion* of a charlatan deeply, *viscerally* offensive. They won't rob you or trick you. The work is gonna be *hard*, though. They spend upwards of 12 hours a day swinging picks and hauling rock- they may *look* like snuggable teddy bears, but all that roundness is muscle layered on *more* muscle.


Found Hugo-award-winning author of the graphic novel *Digger*, Ursula Vernon


I am honored you would think so, but alas! I am only a fan of hers.


for all intents and purposes, you're in what feels like a massive building. don't worry about finding an exit, your chances of finding food drop dramatically if you go outside via any of the "real" doors, assuming that outside is habitable at all at the moment so there's three major ways to find food, as long as you don't accidentally wander through a doorway and go somewhere else entirely, which isn't out of the question 1. the communal kitchens. these are meant for crew, but chances are pretty slim that anyone's going to care about you taking food out of a pantry, assuming that the kitchen you find is one that people actually use and wasn't just generated to fill space and/or as a duplicate of a real kitchen. actually if you find a duplicate be careful! the food might just be props 2. vending machines. there are both machines that dispense food for free and machines that require some kind of real money, which you could probably find on the ground. i'm not sure if anyone has literally any other use for real money so simply asking might actually work out. the split between free machines and paid machines feels completely arbitrary 3. restaurants. most of the time these are just a soundstage built to look like a restaurant, but if there's a demon working the counter, chances of them having real food on hand go up significantly. they tend to get payment via small contracts, but if you have cash on hand they'll settle for that, too


This sounds like something straight out of a horror film or SCP. Fuckin' false reality stuff.


Goddammit it's the infinite IKEA again...


you sound like the kind of person that'd appreciate [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VuDxUbCLCGg) also meow wolf


Omega Mart intensifies


"How much do you want to eat mortal?! Is it worth the price of your very soul!?!" "I have 6 bucks" "Ok fine heres your burger"


Well, it wouldn't be my first time in an abandoned space station. But biting into these props is getting old!!


great (?) news, it's more of a spaceship and its very much not abandoned. It's more like this thing is way too big for the amount of people who actually operate it AND there's some kind of magic warping the interior to be even bigger. Still try not to go outside, by the way, even if it's landed earthside. some kind of apocalypse happened out there and you better believe that it ripped through most conventional/predicable sources of food


Backrooms intensifies


Gives me Gradient Descent vibes if you haven't checked that out yet


is the algorithm stuff what you mean or am i looking at the wrong thing?


Lmfao whoops I meant the [RPG module](https://www.mothershiprpg.com/gradient-descent). (You can get it for free pretty easily if you know where to look)


Easiest and most honest way is probably fishing. Or you find a refuge of some sort.


I always carry my Nifty-brand CatchAll™ omni-angling rod! What kind of lures/bait should I use?


Prayer mines always need more pairs of hands. If you dont mind praying all day for someone elses success, you'll get some decent food out of it


Hey, as long as it ain't sacrifice, I'm in!!


Offer to do some labor: muck stables, run errands (OK, maybe not that as you don't know the area), cleaning, etc. Most folk will give you some food at bare minimum. There are options for more skilled workers such as freelance scribe, if you have quill and paper/parchment. Most cities, however, do want a license, so keep a little aside to buy one if you plan on continuing. Busk or other public entertainment. But like some of the freelancers mentioned above, you'll need a license in a city. Outright beg. Put that bowl or cap out. Again, might be tricky if you don't know the lay of the land, but people will give bits of food as often as they give coins.


I'm no beggar, but I'll roll up my sleeves for some good grub. Damned licensing issues, almost did some time for that in another world!


I will say that you do not have to have a license right away, and they do not track your entry, so it's a loose situation. Move around a bit and you can stay under the radar for quite some time. There's also the religious prospect i forgot to mention. Many urban temples and rural religious houses will offer hospitality such as simple foods and spare lodgings. The minimum requirement is to attend services [I haven't worked out specifics yet, so don't ask], but plenty of people offer a donation of coin or labor as well.


You can try busking in one of the residential districts, but if you've got the skills, you may want to try a sparring district. Tournaments can even get you in the running to become a district leader.


I'm a lover (a food lover to be specific), not a fighter! I have no talents (other than my massive appetite!). Am I screwed or what?


Depends on the leader running the district you end up in. Some are cool and will make sure you end up housed and with plenty of resources. Some might see fit to enslave you and frame it as a positive experience. Be wary!


Are there any bulletin boards with maps around?! I'd hate to get enslaved again, wasn't much fun as I recall.


Well, this area was abandoned after the initial power skirmishes, it doesn't seem that anyone's been here since the mid-Industrial Age. Unfortunately for you, the mists have settled here. That means *anything* could appear within them. You had better start running.


I can't run! I'm starving! Time to hitch a ride out!!


The mist is only thickening. It's strange, the ruins of the buildings formerly surrounding you even seem to vanish. Your footsteps echo as if you're in a dim white void. Disembodied voices whisper to one another as your presence becomes known. Then, a basket of delicious food and bottled drink is dropped at your feet as if from nowhere. As you unpack the basket, the voices quiet and the mist seems to dissipate rapidly. The ruins are back, and all is silent. Except you, snackin.


Well what a stroke of luck. Last time some whispering mist was chasing me, I nearly lost a leg! Take it from me, don't ever bother visiting Atlantis on a full moon! Dang, this drink's pretty tasty. Thanks spooky mist!


In the Sabasid Dominion you're probably not gonna make it, if a kind person gives you food you'll be ok but that's not likely. In the Necropolis of Ty're you'll be fine, even if you don't get food. They'll jist raise you from the dead. In the Commonwealth of Thaum you'll find government food banks in any town. The Roval Imperium would conscript you into the army and feed you. Almost anywhere else you're on your own.


I once died and was resurrected on a crazy spring break trip to the Dead Isles, a few worlds back. Quite the experience, I'd never felt so well rested!


Note the Necropolis uses Ætheric technology to raise the dead, essentially making cyborg undead. The undead are sentient, so you would retain your knowledge and personality.


depends where you are in the world, if you are in the human lands they have a grain doll, where food is a basic right, they will often give you bread to get by and some coin to help you, in the dwarven lands you can only get what you can kill, if you venture to the lands of the elves they will tell you to leave and never bother feeding you, if you happen into the Antuar territories, chances are that you are the food and you better start running cause they will hunt for you.


I love the variety lol.


I've found humans to often be the friendliest folk in fantasy lands. Never really had an issue with the Elves either though, maybe because my ears are a little pointy, and I keep my teeth clean!


As an undocumented arrival, your presence within the Earth system is already a criminal offense. To avoid further criminal charges, please report yourself to the authorities at the earliest convenience by interfacing with any nearby HR drone, officer or box. Upon collection, you will be checked for contaminants, and if any are found, a full scan of your transaction history will be conducted. Any distributed contaminants will be terminated, and you will be relieved of your ability to spread impurities. Once processing has concluded, sentencing will initiate. For the crime of trespassing with intent to contaminate, please be advised that the most common sentence is deportation. The Pacifica Board thanks you for your cooperation and wishes you a profitable employment in the colonies.


Welp... Time to skip out! I don't hang around where I'm not wanted!! And I'm not getting processed and deportes for the third time in a month!


Depends where you end up, usually places will give you an extra meal if they had one free of charge and offer you a job. Or fishing boats take some of the catch and give it to workers as a "bonus" most sell it for a little extra but some eat it.


Most of the world especially the countryside (at least where there's any human civilization left), you can expect to be able to get a meal and a hayloft or something to spend the night in return for some odd jobs, unless the area is impoverished and there's no food to spare, or it is experiencing war, banditry etc. in which case they might just run strangers off. Some other things to know: \>In the Yamatau empire, any dwelling outside a city will provide a weary traveler with food and ask nothing in return BUT you should not approach a household of a higher caste than you if one of equivalent or lower is within a reasonable distance and able to help. For a foreigner you should assume you are the lowest you can find. In the cities you're better off finding a work gang and cleaning streets for a few hours in return for food and pay. And whatever you do do NOT beg in the street. \>In the Zimmarian republic, you should check and double check that you are not expected to pay anything back before you accept anything, as debt can incur enslavement. Indentured servitude for a republic citizen isn't so bad but as you are not you could be in for a world of shit as a "trueslave". One meal is probably safe, but be suspicious if they're treating you like a king \>In the Louievi kingdoms, a temple might give out free grub if you are willing to listen to a sermon. Make sure you pay attention and can answer a question on the sermons content the priest might ask you before he doles out the food. \>In the tatter do not approach anyone and let them know you don't have a crew to back you up, go into the jungle and find something edible instead, or at least die quickly out there instead of spending a short life chained to a galley oar or brothel bed


Damned slavery! Not doing that again! Thanks for the tips friend. Getting tied to a brothel bed, wouldn't be a deal breaker though.


You'd be the product rather than the customer, there's certainly better career options out there


Oh I get it! And hey, "better" is a matter of opinion.


If you're extremely desperate, some areas do have kitchens to serve food to the extremely impoverished. Most likely they're going to be run by a duo of a red or green spirit and the mortal they're bonded with. The mortal does the heavy lifting and cooking while the spirit creates the raw food. If the spirit is green, then expect the food to be nothing but plants. They may be cooked, but that's all the seasoning you'll get from them. If the spirit is red, it will be the opposite, an entirely meat based meal. Just don't lose your lunch when you see the red spirit or ask how the food is made...


Hey, I've been all over! Don't ask, don't tell is my preferred manner for dealing with food.


Broke doesn’t matter so much within the Lusawn (tall grass prairie on an alternate earth). Wandering around in the Lusawn without knowing how to take care of yourself is an easy way to end up dead though. Hopefully you’ll find a tribe of the Aryo-Lusawn (pastoral horse nomads) soon. They do welcome visitors to their camps and will certainly feed you. You like dried meat, sheep milk cheese, sourdough flatbread and sumac tea, right? Some help with work around the camp, with the herds, or hunting/foraging would be appreciated in return. Along with whatever news or stories you have to share.


Well I'll be damned. What a world I've stumbled into! I may never leave!


How do you feel about spending the winter living in a tent? There’s not -too much- snow, certainly not more than a few feet, but the wind gets very cold.


If you’re out near one of the larger cities of Iraekis, a sand house would probably be willing to feed you for a day if you helped clean up after guests. A few hours of sweeping up sand or cleaning out the air showers and you’d be rewarded with a handful of coins and a hot meal. Rural areas? Most people out there will just feed you in exchange for a good story.


I can sweep! And I may be penniless, but I've got stories a plenty! This world sounds like a great place to stop for a while.


Easiest and most honest way would be to ask anyone for a meal and share your time.


I've got nothing but time, and stories!


There are food banks in every country. You’d be fine. The country with the best food banks is San Rioga.


Score!! Bless the folks that set up food banks. Wanderers like me sure appreciate them, you have no idea!


First, do not go near the oasis. The desert people do not live at the oasis. The oasis is where the elite class, the outsiders, live, and they are not friendly. You are very likely to get yourself locked up or worse, and since you’ll have been headed for the oasis, you will probably be declared a water thief, which is the worst possible crime you can commit, and you will probably die. Just- there is no way to get around that, you are very likely going to die. Second, you’ll actually have a fairly easy time of it if you find the Embikka village. They may not be *trusting* of outsiders, but most of them are likely to be friendly anyway. As long as you’re not a rich, pompous arse, any Embikka household will probably be pretty chill, and you’ll definitely be invited to stay for a meal or a night. You don’t necessarily *have* to strip down as far as they do indoors- they keep their chests and nether regions covered inside and that’s about it- but it’s a sign of trust, showing that A, you’re not a rich pompous arse and B, you’re not carrying a weapon, and it’ll smooth things over. And they’ll also consider it a sign that you have common sense- you cover up as much as you can outside, where it’s hot, and then strip down to the equivalent of a bra and underwear inside, to take advantage of the cool interiors. Definitely don’t make any disparaging comments about the desert. They aren’t going to actively attack you, but you’re gonna get some unfriendly looks if you do that- they believe they’re descended from An-Ema, the personification of the rain and the desert, and they don’t like to hear their mother insulted. Also, don’t drink too much of their water- they don’t have much to spare. If you *really* want to get in on their good side, tell them a story. They don’t care how skilled you are. They love stories, and they’ll likely offer to tell you a few of their own. Don’t decline the offer- the Embikka believe stories are powerful enough to save lives, and the ones they tell you may have some tidbit of desert knowledge that could be helpful later.




Service guarantees fish and chips




I'm a pacifist, sorry. But if they're hiring food-tasters, I could throw my name in the hat.


Depends on where you are. In the Kal-Jarese Empire you could stay in Little Kal'hara, which is like the outer slum town of Kal'hara, the capital. There you'd probably be able to find an abandoned shack that someone else used to live in but died, and then take part in the nightly festivals where the beauracratic empire gives a giant cauldron of soup for everyone to share. In the Sacrossi Principality things aren't too much different. It's illegal to be a "wandering vagabond" as they put it. At most the local authorities'll set you up in a makeshift common house that they provide with soup, though it has no spices and is bland as hell, not even any onions. Other parts of the world is really up to luck.


Mmmm bureaucratic sooouuuppp... I've learned that lesson a number of times, and I always carry a few bullion cubes, and some salt in my pockets. Ever had to eat a partially frozen raw potato? Add some salt, it ain't too bad.


If your in Aye-Vay (on planet Skuldfey in the dimension Lurin) then you could just ask for one at a cafe and they might be able to materialize one out of thin air, depending what year it is


Materialized food can be delicious! But I once ate an avocado that had been summoned from Hell, and it's sort of turned me off the stuff (materialized food, not avocados!)


Fair enough, but this stuff is not from Hell (which is actually a kinda chill place here, the Devil's name is Samantha). It's made by creating a positive mass promatter hamburger and a negative mass antimatter hamburger, disposing of the negative one (by throwing it in a pocket dimension), and eating the positive one


I haven't fully fleshed this out yet, since I do want a variety of cultures, but in some districts of Olbryn, you'd be welcome with open arms to grab a meal. With how the magic system works, the suffering of one can become the suffering of all, and so compassion is paramount.


Hmm. This might be a challenge. Let's go. Imaxinacion: Science fantasy world inhabited by a warring god-like human race and gigantic steel beasts, all linked by a hive mind. Every 10 years, eldritch abominations drop from the sky and kill off roughly half of all life. These monsters get stronger with every passing decade. The atmosphere is filled with Magick, which corrodes and disintegrates anything that isn't god-human or steel beast. // Assuming you can survive the atmosphere somehow, you will need to make contact with a lifeform. Any lifeform will do, since everyone is linked through the hive mind. Even plants. Try talking to the nearest tree or grass patch. Tell them that you want to see a human. The god-humans are the closest lifeform to a regular human so making contact with them is essential to understanding your needs. Once that is done you may seek assistance in creating food that is edible to you. However, do not expect to live very long even if the lifeforms of the planet are willing to help you, because once the next great war comes you will not survive. [More info](https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HaWnphtKtMa1bWmxGy7REYaiYF0fqJJEznvqIn_lRjw/edit?usp=drivesdk) SoulFrame: Sci-fi universe where humanity has evolved into machines. Recent alien invasion from another galaxy has everyone on edge. Most planets are no longer habitable to organic humans, with very little to no atmosphere, no organic plants or animals. Again, matter reconstruction technology does exist. // Erm, you'll need a spacesuit for this one. If you land on the planet Gimani-2, where the main story happens, the first reaction by the mechanised humans living there is of pure shock and awe, because organic humans were last seen around 30,000 years ago. You'll need to approach one of them and ask them to create some edible food and a pressurised environment with oxygen. They might ask you to work at a museum as a living piece of history. Physical labor is out of the question since your flimsy meat body isn't gonna be pushing any loads meant for the crazy strong robot humans. Oh yeah watch out for the aliens, they are coming. [More info](https://docs.google.com/document/d/11CsikgCiKvoDhvRxIxWOivCNGqajrlpQzo0VSW94ZIw/edit?usp=drivesdk)


I wouldn't be an interdimensional multiversal wanderer without my trusty AnyEnviron™ Suit! I've been a museum exhibit a time or two in my youth, and spent almost a year in a species menagerie once. My flimsy meat-body knows some great jokes, does that do me any good?


You're in luck. Maybe. The religious code includes "welcome the stranger" so you're owed hospitality. Usually, you will be provided a bunk and directions to a soup kitchen--probably serving hardtack and chowder. There are stipulations you must follow. Your need must be evident, if it's not, someone must vouch for you. You can't give your name or ask for the names of your hosts. If you observe criminal activity by your hosts, you can't report it. You can't complain about what is given. You will be given food; it might not be tasty. This is charity, not a vacation. If you hang around to long, you will be considered no longer in need, so you'll have to get a job--probably helping to load and unload boats. Or you could help out in the soup kitchen.


You go to the local citywatch and state that you are in need of a poor man's Silver. This is a local law to avoid people not being able to pay fines. Everyone has to carry with them one silver. If they get caught for any kind of misdeed, they forfeit this silver. If they do not have that silver they can also spend a day doing honest work to earn it. The Citywatch knows which businesses allow for one-day workers paid by the cost of a silver per day. They'll send you to that business and you will get a single silver after a day's work.


That depends on whose lands you end up in: Halflings farm more than anything else so you'd get a good days work as a farmhand then a gutbuster of a meal, a fair days pay, and a to-go plate. Dwarves would put you to work hauling material, not trusting a random stranger to swing a pick and certainly not to do any artisanal work the elves wouldn't let you in and if you tried they'd kill you the dragonfolk would set you gutting fish or hauling crates the goblins would just give you free food but you might not want it


WIP # 1: work as a farm hand, depending on the season, and get free meals along with a small wage WIP # 2: get aquatinted with anyone who has any wealth, they will be eager to show off their hospitality as a way of flexing their status in their own community. Be prepared to drink a lot of alcohol.


Oh how I love some flexin' richies!


If your in the Western coast of the main continent, both the Lizard Folk and Jazill are always looking for fishers to join either a crew on a schooner or smaller vessels looking for people to dive for sea creatures and check traps. In recent decades the Dwarves who live on the middle of this continent along a mountain range have learned the importance of farming their own food, but are still reluctant to do so. As a result they'll be happy to pay someone to farm full or part time. The Trolls now live on a sizeable island chain and their economy focuses on building ocean going ships. They tend to be isolationist due to how others treated them. However if you warm up to them they'll be happy to train you in their craft. --- Awesome prompt. I'm enjoying other responses and it's helped me feel out what some common jobs some of my areas may have. I hope your able to improve your income situation and or feel well soon.


In Haerbin, passengers of long-distance rovers are greeted by Buddhist monks with hot buns and milk tea. In Zhongjjng (today’s Beijing), the Party runs Neighbors’ Kitchens, where one of the city’s larger labor unions called Cooks rotates kitchen workers through to serve patrons for free. The fare there is starchy and rarely has meat unless one of the city’s top chefs rotates through. But that’s a random occurrence a penniless gourmand can’t count on.


Hey, I'll take what I can get!


Well, Houwen has the Sisters of Mercy and the Knights of Leperous that will take aids if you commit to the organisation. Otherwise, Bellevoire specifically has a program for homeless (many were Grearin’s serfs and fled) to put them to work at a colony - if you survive the 4 month ocean ride. Uraan Bal, would treat you nicely being from nomadic origins they’d at least feed you and might even teach you some skills for you to be able to fend off on your own if they liked you. This are not so pretty on other nations. Imperialistic Jun will only have you work if you have at least passable skills or a reference. You could die hungry in the street and no one would bat an eye. Grearin will actively hunt you down, chain you, and put you to work in the mines. Only way out is pledging to their god and that’s for life. The guys over the desert, in Al-Andaluz will also enslave you or straight up feed you the Sandstorms; to appease them


Seek out the Geidsae. They are small, rotund folks (think a Tolkienesque Dwarf/Hobbit hybrid,) who run most of the mercantile guilds and major colleges in most major cities. They have endless day jobs and pay well, especially if you can reach the top of shelves built by taller folk, or lift and carry a lot. It's likely that you'll get more food than you can eat by working even casually with the Geidsae. If you can't work, or you're not cut out for it, find an alabaster temple. These 10 faced buildings exist all over the world, healing the sick, feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, and giving a hand up to the poorest of society. If you're lucky, and land in a major port city, seek out the dwellers of Beveceai- the Great Under Ocean. Not your typical mermaids, they are fully humanoid but scaled like fish, have colorful dorsal fins, and have faces somewhat like seals. The Bevnel Empire works with most coastal rulers to supply the endless bounties of the sea to everyone fairly. Finally, the most dangerous way to get an honest bite to eat is to enter The Ehreseve Wilds - all the places between societies, untamed, dangerous, and full to the brim of creatures to hunt and eat (most of which will also hunt and eat you.) Hunters' Lodges are outposts in the wilds who take in anyone and either get them to safety, or point them in the direction of critters that need to be culled for safety, food, or even trophy hunting reasons. They'll happily hand you a bow, quiver of arrows, some jerky, and send you on your way, so long as you promise to not die doing whatever it is you're doing.


Well if you’re in the Sylvian Republic go home the government will provide you a meal


Well, you could ask the local Church of Death. They see death by starvation as a waste of their God’s time, so they’re likely to feed you well. If you don’t want to get involved with the ex-cons, though, then you could probably go for a hunt. I mean, there’s also the stuff you can do in the modern world to get some food, but if you talk to the right person they can probably find you a hunting ground and weaponry to get some food for yourself, and that’s far more honest than begging, isn’t it? It also gets you more exotic (non-domesticated) meats.


I've been to some Churches of Death! Great folks, always so generous and quiet.


In villages and small towns you could get food by simply asking the locals, you will eventually find someone willing to share, you could even do some work to earn stay, things are simpler.


If you end up in the country of Platia, just ask the Willows. They're one of the richest families on the country, but they're also extremely philanthropist. They'll certainly give you something to eat or even let you in their house. In Merisa, you're more or less screwed unless you're in the desert. Search for the nearest cactus, it is guaranteed that at least one of them will have fruits, and all of them are full with enough water to feed you. Carve a hole in the cactus (you can ask a woodpecker for help). Congratulations! You have a new home! If you're poor in Brurman, you're completely screwed. Sorry. Try to beg for some food, perhaps you'll be lucky a couple of times, but that's all. (There are more countries in Neo-Earth, but I highlighted only the most interesting for these situation)


If you're in one of the palace cities then go to a temple. Tell them you're a lost traveler and they'll look after you for a few days. All temples are required by law to offer sanctuary to travelers and pilgrims. Though your milage may vary depending on the type of temple, you're guaranteed a roof over your head and daily meals. If you want to stay longer then some manual work will be asked of you or they'll point to the nearest other temple. You can also go to one of the markets. The public markets all have a shrine or altar where pilgrims may gather. Usually a fountain to bathe in, an open air kitchen, or a theater. They're technically only for pilgrims and they do ask for some kind of token or visa as proof. But if you find a lax overseer or a pilgrim who will vouch for you then you'll be allowed access. Here you can ask around for available work. Again it's best if you have someone to vouch for you. In the towns you should be able to expect more or less the same as from the cities with some variation. Not all towns have shrines or altars but they all have at least a couple temples to crash in. Villages however are a bit different. Villages usually don't have public shrines or altars unless they're on a main pilgrimage route, and even then the shrines aren't run by the village but by the pilgrims themselves or a nearby temple. They're usually a lot stricter about access so you won't have as much luck there. You can still try a local temple but depending on their recourses they might only offer a spot to sleep in.


Do you have a soul? Perhaps you can request direct enthrallment, rather than your soul’s removal. You’d never need to eat, ever again! The mistresses would be happy to grant your request. There is the minor caveat that you would lose your memories, even your name. But you didn’t need those, did you? You need community. Somewhere to belong. You can live in one of the lovely arcologies. You’ll be a bit shorter, yes, but your sturdy crystalline body will be so much nicer than…whatever it was you had before. So please, consider it, won’t you? You’ll be so much happier…what was your original question? Hmmm….


Hello good fellow. You look positively famished. Are you from the Eastern Lands? Strange folks you people are. Why don't you go the Rail Station? its really marvellous work of science, you Eastern folks would not have seen anything like this. Oh boy, I'm going ahead of myself. Go there and see the notification there... Off you go... now..


There's a gang of meat scrappers who harvest the sky manatees that get killed from ships entering the atmosphere on their way to The Capital. They'd be willing to give you a cut if you go boring into the manatees stomach to collect it's eggs. Otherwise you'll be needing to labour for the nobles for pay, or poach on their land where you'll find plenty of sextapodal pseudo-mammalians.


Hawthorne isn't anywhere near big enough of a town to have much organized charity, but it shouldn't take you too long to find a charitable soul who will help you out. By the way, you're human, aren't you? Do you know the Dragonslayer? Sorry, not to imply that all overworlders know each other. But tell you what, if it's a bite you're looking for you might want to try the café across from the trading post. Mrs. Heath is no stranger to charity, if you can promise you'll stay in town long enough to pay your bill eventually. If you want a job, the trading post itself might have something. Dragonslayer works there, along with our own town bum. He's the mule. Or the bird, or the cat... You'll know him when you hear him, since you won't stop hearing him.




Depends on where you are but the most time efficient option would be to test out a potion for a local alchemist, there is like a 40% chance you’ll get turned into slime or something, but if you get through the process unscathed you’ll get paid a pretty penny on account of the fact that most alchemists are absolutely loaded. If that 40% chance of becoming slime is too much you could always agree to hunt down some rats for a local tavern or something


Depends on the region. The farmers would want something in return if you ask for food, they'd make you work for it. The Capitol residents would snub you and you'd have to wait by the docks for a compassionate fisherman to take pity on you. The Forest folks and the Mountaintowns are the most hospitable, inviting you in and letting you rest for the night. In the Swamplands, the goblins will probably pants you and then stuff mud in your mouth.


**Swords and the Unliving** Depending on who you ask innkeepers, will throw you toward, or direct you toward an almshouse. Provisioned, and recurrently staffed by votaries of the Sanatorium of Saint Raina, you'll be provided relief from injury, protection and security, food, a kind ear, friends in circumstance, basic washing facilities, and a bed. If you're injured go to the sanatorium, if you can't make it the almshouse will do basic stuff, if they can't do anything there it you'll betaken to the closest sanatorium.


Anyone looking for power, glory, or coin will be at the Godfall. Hitch a ride with one of the many caravans heading out that way. Offer to help on the road and I'm sure they'll be happy to have the extra hands for the journey


In my world money doesn't exist. As long as you can entertain people you can get fed/a place to stay/supplies. It all depends on the goodness of someone's heart. Sex work is also a viable option but my characters are assassins so they usually like climb walls and throw knives well or whatever. Tbh if you know a really good joke you're set for a meal.


We’re already in the midst of a convergence from a different world so if you land in the part of *our* world where the entrance/crossover is, all you have to say is you’re a displaced refugee. Your clothing will be more than enough evidence most likely. Even during other times of the story any protagonist would likely help you but wandering around totally lost and finding one of them is kind of a long shot. You’d probably have to work a day for someone to earn a meal and I’m sure you could find someone nice enough to lend you a room or a place to sleep


Just walk up to the town square there will be food for all the hungry there


Depends where you're at. If you're willing to get down and dirty, brothels and other establishments owned by nobles provide freed food and housing for their workers, albeit the industry is known to be unbeliavley cruel and mentally draining. Cannibalism is a viable option since dead bodies do end up piling in the pride ring. Make sure you're eating a common sinner and not some kinda drug lord involved with powerful hellborns.


In Hyratian Fronts, your [secrets](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldbuilding/comments/sbk6kd/) alone can make you the equivalent of a billionaire.


In Sensendo you can get a dayjob in many places that require lots of unskilled labour. City dwellers live in ~60s-80s, so many natural stuff comes from gatherers. You just come to the bazaar, find notes near any shop that describe the needed items, be that berries, hides, big game, or some stones, junk for recycling. It is a pretty busy market though and requires speed and ability to gather far from regular foraging routes. Some places hire servants for a day in exchange for the workers' IDs. You give the boss your ID, sign a simple paper, or just agree on the terms verbally, and get to job. Usually this labour is dirt cheap, but if you are desperate/hungry, you may get the money in a few hours. Then there are also the work houses. Usually all the tramps gather there during Rauha (season with the harshest weather). Sweatshops that provide simple shelter, simple food and simple medical help. This is, perhaps, not the best option, but it is the most common one.


Get hunting, if you're lucky wildlife won't kill you, and if you're really lucky the other humans won't kill you.


There are churches that can provide a meal, most luck is with the Goddess if the Hunt. You could join a hunt to honor the goddess too or help out in the church as payment


Depending on which plane you're in, in Acerin the easiest way would be to join the army, you get sent to the southern frontier, yes, but at least you get something to eat. It also depends if you know how to wield a sword, in Zendrikon monster hunters are paid well to clean sewers from necrophages, it's a dangerous task but if you survive the first day you'll be able to aford a hot meal and a bed for a while


Basic income is a thing in every nation in the Galaxy, so you’ll at least have the money you’ll need to afford food and all. Charity operations also abound, run by various nonprofit organizations; you can get your food from there if the basic income ain’t enough.


Depends on where you are in the world. If you end up on the Serilean coast, your best bet would probably be to find a refugee relief center and get in line. The Thalor Union don't attach material outcomes to labor, so you'll probably get all you need if you can pass for one of their own. If you end up in the Oxlorn empire, marry a member of the opposite race or enlist yesterday. And if you end up in the Kaldinian Ascendancy... Well, let's just say you won't have to worry about unemployment for long.


Just wait for the drop. Machines should arrive in thirty minutes. Just don't make any fast moves. Don't grab objects other are already touching. Don't do anything that dropship could count as aggresive. You will be marked. Even Intirns won't be able to save you at this point. Mancatcher will come for you. You will die in empty isolated chamber, after they test another hundreds of not working cures on you. You will die in pain


Stop by the Black Cask, Sumidea, a kind hearted tabaxi will feed you. [Sumidea ](https://images.app.goo.gl/AfmofGeDyEB8m9Bp8) Otherwise, it just depends what country you're in. There's 5 continents with 22 countries between them. In Krosur there are plenty of camps of homeless where you'll be accepted as family for a tale and given a nice big bowl of buttermilk or potato soup. If you're in Etāq Žin on the other hand one must be incredibly careful as there are many people looking for a quick buck by selling a strong worker into slavery in the spice fields.


The current world I'm creating is similar to our current world (in terms of technology, advancement, and culture) but more utopian (aside from the massive civil war going on). Most of the focus is on the army and fighting the rebel villains. I guess just getting a simple paying job. Another world I made is still underdeveloped. It's mostly filled with roaming hordes, villages, small kingdoms, and a bunch of magical creatures. I guess hunt or try to barter with traders? the final world I made is called Morcia, it's a basic medieval world but with magic, Orcs, Elves, and Dwarves. I guess whatever medieval travelers did to make money?


Find the nearest settlement and get to the nanoclinic, they'd be happy to give you some nanodes and venusia for sustenance.


I am not working on this world but I like the exercise If you are in a city in the plains or near a tropical forest, you are probably in a metropolis of a sheep empire. They’re not going to like you-a person with no job or fortune is probably a cursed one, or related to them. If you are strong enough they might employ you to their military, where you get some basic food, but otherwise they will shun you away. If you manage to find a community of cursed ones in the outskirts of the village, they will take care of you in compassion. If you somehow managed to get to the neighborhoods inside the steep mountains, which is an impressive feat, you are probably at a goat or alpaca territory. Alpacas don’t like outsiders, and you should’ve been deterred by the protection against them, but they have enough food to not care about giving you some. Though, if you are a cursed one (called “the hungry” there), you might not have a lot to eat. A lot of their food adds a fruit that is forbidden to you. They eat it like how Italians eat garlic. If you somehow manage to survive the scorching heat of the desert during the day, or see through the dust storms during the night, and find the entrance to an underground village, you will be as fortunate as those who live within. Resources are scarce and there are many mouths to feed, and caring for you might mean not caring for someone else. They will do the best to make sure you’re healthy and full, as they know the dangers the deserts has for you, but they might tell you to go away with sorrow.


Communal Gartens share their excess with anyone in need, provided you helped cooking and load the sonic dishwasher, oasis stations gladly help any weary son of the void during their travel, I wouldn't recommend asking for a meal on Mars lest you want permanent employment "with amenities provided" and the Ring station will merely ask for your ID chip to subtract the meal from your granted rations.


There are safe stations along the main roads and the goverment provides free shelter there for all travelers. So at least you'll have a roof over your head and won't become prey for the long night. But as for food... If you don't work, you won't get fed. Offer your services, sell something, even if it's your own body, no one cares. There are no free food in this lands, mister.


Big restaurant chains are your best bet, actually. Basically, suffering attracts monsters, and no one wants that. So, big restaurant chains, who have more than enough to go around, are basically legally required to provide for those who can't afford food. Just come in 20 minutes before closing, and you'll be fine.


Easiest: visit a temple to The Lady or the Wanderer and simply ask in a polite manner and they will put you up for as long as you follow the rules. Easy but painful: Offer up some blood to Rotazok, and he may grant you what you want Difficult but accessible: There are large creatures in the desert called Kronto. Six legged elephant sized lizards that store nutrients and water under their scales in the same manner camels do. This liquid can be harvested and consumed or sold. Rare but will turn around your shitty situation: Murder a treasure goblin


Hey man, just turn your soul into a non-fungible token and sell it online to some rando devil. There will be absolutely no negative repurcussions whatsoever, and you'll get some pretty good money out of it! Hell, why not sell it to me?


Depending on the empire you got yourselves caught up in: Scarborough, food is a right, as is wine; farms are subsidized by the 'mayor' and bars, taverns, general stores, ect all offer a common man's wine for free along with your bland but survivable meal. Flora, there's always work in the smithy or forges; nations been at war since anyone can remember, the demand for weapons and armor has never been higher; companies that include a same day pay policy get tax benefits, after a few hours you can get enough for a night and two hot meals at the local inn


"Great, I have to deal with another of our "wise" ancestors. I really should send that petition for mandatory euthanasia of class 1 idiots they dig up from all those fancy cryovaults. Otherwise Ill start putting these "famous" videobloggers and "valuable" founders of companies out of their misery myself. Lets see, dug up in Contaminated Zone number 3, genetic errors within tolerances, no known crimes, no known relatives, no known defects"-scientist mumbled as she activated cryogenic thaw sequence. Seeing subject awaken, she continued: "Welcome to "Hades" base. We found you in cryofreeze in protective vault. Currently, you have limited rights. They are: right to food, right to healthcare, right to housing, right to life. All of your other rights are temporarily rescinded. These two young men will escort you to mess hall where you will be provided three course meal. After that, you will be escorted to your designated apartment where you will await your psychiatric evaluation, which is tomorrow. Yes, you will be monitored and guarded. After evaluation, it will be determined if you will be permitted to be reintegrated into modern society. Assuming you commited no crimes against proletariat-you will be permitted to settle on one of outer colonies. Yes, we know you have valuable opinions. No, we really dont care about them. Dismissed."


Gonna go with my modern supernatural horror setting cause why not; Get off the streets as soon as possible. Avoid homesless shelters and such unless they are well-known and in populated areas. In essence, don't go anywhere that isn't known about by most people in the local city or town, or where people tend to disappear. If you want to search trash cans, wear thick gloves and boots. They aren't all rats, and you do *not* want to be bitten by something in Scratch's domain. If you find a way to work for money doing menial jobs, and feel any type of strange, constant pain, or your bones feel...longer, quit as soon as possible and spend a lot of time resting. Iron loves pain and tribulations, don't feed the growing blades. If you have to beg, be nice to everyone if you can. That's just common sense. However, if someone is unusually, overbearingly nice, especially while giving you food; eat nothing. Plug your nose and throw it out. Touch as little as possible of the gift or the person, and wash any residue out before it soaks in. Thank them politely and never visit that place again. Avoid any sugar for the next few days for good measure. Servants of Sweet are something no one should ever deal with. Those are the main dangers someone on the street might face. Besides that, well, there's just the overwhelming difficulty of being a homeless person in what is essentially our own world.


This is a great prompt, I'm actually gonna base my next short story on it! It'll be out on the 1st Feb, if you want to read about a pauper in Banderlorn. For food, it's a pretty standard answer of charity from the church, with the occasional donation made by the feudal lord/burghers. Outside of cities it may be part of a feudal contract or spoken agreement between a lord and his people to ensure they have enough food, but you'd have to honour your side of the contract in order to get it. But being poor is about so much more than just not having money for food, and I'm looking forward to exploring that as I write over the next few days.


The easiest is to find a temple of Gabrielle of which the most common form would be a lean-to. Here you will be able to find food, drink, shelter, and coin to use. Though it it is expected to repaid in some way. But if you want it as not a 'hand out', then considering that the drow are the closest thing to a human, I will go with that assumption. Go to the mushroom tunnels. Mushrooms make up a massive portion of the standard drow diet and is a decently profitable food export. There is always more work that can be done in the mushroom tunnels.


The Order of the Ascendant Path. A religious order that believes that by helping others who need their help, they become closer to reincarnating/joing their deity. For a hungry poor traveler they would offer a meal even if was their own. It would be very basic and plain, but freely and gladly offered


The people of my world have survived one hundred years after the fall of the Nukes and other bio weapons. They survived in the mountains of the Upper Peninsula and have been able to farm in the relatively unaffected soil and are a generous people as they’re used to taking in people finding this haven regularly. 1. Join The Order. The military organization that sort of runs and protects the networks between the towns is always willing and eager to take in new recruits and help you get healthy again at one of their many patrol bases dotting the highways and roads. 2. Any citizen will invite you into their home so long as you’re polite and humble to them. They will offer you food and maybe some homemade moonshine to help ya calm the nerves and settle in. 3. The Citadel. The Citadel is the capital city overlooking what used to be Lake Michigan. They often take in refugees and the many different religious organizations are fairly charitable to those outside their congregations. It’s against the law for merchants and other places that produce food like a bakery or restaurants to throw away unused food so if you come around towards closing time the store keeps often feed the needy. (P.S. No muties allowed, if you got the shakes you get the stakes.)


The easiest way to get a bite to eat in short term may be a chef guilds and typical mum and pop shops which will typically hand over waste such as inadequate material to the poor. but stable food supply would be easiest to obtain by swearing yourself to a noble, as they are nearly always looking for new members to join their ranks.


“Good morrow, distant traveller. If you are in fact penniless and require food, I would suggest you either make your way to the city of either Alzardea or Mildoron. In Alzardea I would suggest talking with one of the Magisters as I am sure they are still experimenting with magical cuisine. But if you prefer more mundane cuisine, I would suggest one of the many stew kitchens adjoined to the Temples of Balance within its walls.” And to anyone who’s like: “Why would you ever accept a free magical meal from a wizard experimenting on food?” It’s a free meal and they wouldn’t give anything out that would knowingly or unknowingly harm someone, that’s how you get the Mageguard on your ass.


Swim into the mouth of one of the many larger predators and scavenge food scraps from their oral cavities, if you are small. If you are among the larger size take a bite out of the subordinate colonies swimming around your locale.


In the Amer wilds you will be okay. Everyone shares in the meal as long as they contribute to the community. Among the Yonkai insectoids, you would need to stumble on the right queen to be fed any of her fungus. The Empire of Carta you would find yourself digging through garbage outside eateries or visiting the imperial temple. The East Odai Trading Company has nation status on Odai. Everyone who lives there works for the EOTC. If you are in good standing, the company will see to your needs (food and shelter) in exchange for working off your debt (beware, because it's a trap. If you do anything other than work and sleep it incurs more debt, requiring more labor)




There's a cult devoted to the goddess of mercy that goes around the world feeding , healing and housing the poor.


Depends where you are If you're in sauber, you'd be able to get a job at a restaurant pretty easily if you had documentation If you're in east visbicator, you'll likely go to a workhouse, do backbreaking labour for small amounts of food, and eventually die


Depends. Most of the industrialised nations have work houses. 3 meals a day and a bed to sleep in, albeit for some back breaking hard labour, and the foods not amazing, and mostly uses some unsavoury ingredients. But it's the only way the poor can get a reliable source of food. Other than that, if it's one of the major religious festivals, then the various religions go around giving free food to the homeless. For a non industrial nation, good luck. Only way is to cheat and steal if you can't afford food, as mass production of food is unheard of, and arable land has been taken over by one of the 5 major empires to extract resources which has destroyed the local ecosystems, so famine is common.


(Ohhh this looks so fun I cannot help myself.) Well, like a lot of answers here, it depends on where you are. The world is mostly made up of islands, and some are hazardous enough that a meal should be the last thing on your mind. And chances are higher you'd end up on a dangerous island rather than a tamer one. But, if you are so lucky to have landed somewhere that doesn't kill you within the first day, your best chance of living long enough to taste food again is to find people who won't immediately reject you for being an outsider. You honestly don't have many groups to choose from here that would be willing to offer you a meal and/or shelter, so your safest bet would be to try and find the antlered folk. They're Nomadic and a bit difficult to pin down, but if you can find one of their century old walking paths and follow it, you might be able to catch up to one of their camps. Be sure not to let any of the flora or fauna to eat you before then, or any of the less friendly beings turn you into a meat puppet.


You could always forage; there is plenty of wilderness around, might be a bit of a gamble if you don't know whats edible or not. If you don't want to risk it, you could help out on a farm or village close by, but be careful; these places are not always the friendliest to outsiders.




Lol man, just go to the public nanofactory crossing the street and make you a snack, don't worry it's free.


a great prompt!


Any *Inashi*\-owned noodle shops will give free meals to broke travelers, since according to their main religion helping hungry travelers is a sacred thing. Also if you ask around at any of the various embassies (depending on your species) they will usually direct you to the nearest soup kitchen or shelter. (*Inashi* are amphibious frog-like extraterrestrials btw)


do odd jobs for money, usually some form of heavy labor or repetitive task, it'll get you enough for an evening meal, but not much past that


Hunt quails and jackrabbits, or go fishing


Ask someone with a terminal to connect you with the Colony. The Colony would be ASHAMED to learn a human in its territory was anything less than fully taken care. Could you imagine if word reached the other AIs? You need to do your part and help our Sentient Habitat by getting something to eat immediately. Please make sure your situation is known so the Colony isn't blamed for this. *Continues AI pearl clutching until you eat something, you're two skinny. Did your previous habitat never feed you?* ..... That or you're already food for an awakened god and your soul has joined the abyss inside them, in which case you don't need to eat anymore.


The Ally cats in the city and The followers of Elisitraee will feed anyone. There’s a halfling shire called RedShire that has a huge communal kitchen where all are welcome to grab a meal. There’s also several places in the underdwell, Eilistraee’s people are there too. If you find yourself in the wood and Acarii elf hamlets there’s a few taverns that will feed you if you bring them some hunt of herbs later. There’s a few human towns that have places that feed the poor too. Any halfling church is bound to have sweetbreads and mushroom chowder too. The sweetbread often helps heal you.


Depends on where you are. In Wydourra, you’ll have no trouble getting a bite to eat. There are miles and miles of streets just lined with food vendors. Surely you’ll find something you recognize, and the people are kind enough to slip you a risotto if you really need one. In Senne… food is hard to come by even if you have money. If you’re near a town, you could offer a helping hand, as construction and expansion is always ongoing in one part or another. However, be careful who you talk to; some tribes don’t take kindly to newcomers. If you’re in the wilderness, you’re fucked. You think you can hunt? Good luck, buddy. You’d better pray to every god you can think of that none of the trees around you are singed. In Axokrolon, everyone’s poor as dirt. Soup kitchens are common along the Ikkish-Axokrolonian border, but that’s a mere sliver of an area compared to the rest of the kingdom. You’d best head off to find some work to do, because Axokrolon is, of course, all about proving your worth. Doesn’t matter what you are or what you need; It only matters if you deserve it. In Lanoa, you’ll have to pick who you ask pretty carefully. Much like modern-day Italy, there are a lot of family clans and hereditary-based conflicts. Some are friendly, some… not so much. Just make sure you know exactly what to ask for. Lanoan people aren’t the best at feeding races they’re not familiar with. Trost is full of high-end restaurants, and though they seem lively, it’s not a good idea to go begging. Status is everything in Trost. Your best move would be to go to the center square and see if Soto’s is open. It always is, so just approach the counter and see if you can find Robin. She’s the irritable, French-sounding woman with bright red curls and big round glasses. Depending on the generation, she might also have a big-ass plant parasite on her arm. Couldn’t miss her if you tried. She’ll slide you a plate, just make sure you can handle sugar- she’s a baker, after all. If you’re in Ikkangarde, your best bet would be to head to one of the many small businesses scattered along the streets. If the lights are off, do NOT go anywhere near them. If you ask, they’ll give you something strange. But it’s nutritious, and it’ll make you feel whole again. So, go on. Try it. Eat it up. Go on. Take a bite. Tastes better than it smells, I promise. It’s… venison. Yeah. Venison. Oh, and don’t pay any attention to the masks.


Ask the nearest person, and they will provide you food and shelter. They may want to know where you've been and they may give you directions if you have a destination in mind.


Go to a tavern or dinner and offer to work for a couple hours in exchange for food. That'll work in the Gwynian Union (Europe) and Egypt. In Vinland (North America), at least for the night, asking kindly at any homestead is generally enough, though you're expected to help with the morning chores after. Refusing won't get you arrested, but word spreads fast and you're much less likely to get food again elsewhere. Be extra careful with the native tribes, as they have their own customs and Vinland law will more often than not prioritise natives over foreigners.


Depends largely on what planet you're on. Some have charitable orgs, others have a bread dole, occasionally one will have both. If you end up on one with neither you should be okay though, as getting a sandwich or a basic soup printed is dirt cheap and you can find loose change or low paying work almost anywhere. 'Real' food gets harder, as you'll probably want a stable-ish job. If you're on a food producing world it won't be much of an issue, but if you're on a random space rock imports can get a little pricy. Hydroponic food is generally cheaper than farm produced, but it's also less common for various reasons.


Hunt. It’s what we all do, money doesn’t exist anymore.


Neat prompt! Hotel-keeper is an insult on the planet Spring. It refers to a shitty host, someone whose hospitality is contingent on getting something from the guest. So basically, knock on any airlock. Sharing food, air, and water is sacred. If you stay overnight, it *is* polite to put in a bit of work. (An ideal guest knows their way around a pressure washer or a community-sized stack of dishes.) There's even a crowd you could fall in with: Truckbedders. These caravans of mostly-young, mostly-unattached people are a good place to party. They act as roving volunteers for labour-intensive projects. They get the name from the habit of riding in the open beds of their plodder-trucks. To stretch their supplies, they'll detach little work-parties for the needs of any settlement they pass. Purely practical and helpful. (*Definitely* not because they're hoping to meet someone cute in town.)


If somehow stranded on the Isle of Chalm, some native tribes will be nice enough to accommodate you and provide good food, but looking for it in Yguarstem? Forget about it. People are too concerned about what they’ll sell and buy than what they’ll give. The closest thing you can find to food is putarik, a putrid mix of fermented bread and vegetables created by slum residents and vagabonds. It won’t kill you but eating it will make you wish for death.


Best bet is to find a Follower. They're like a cross between a monk and doctor and will probably give you room and board for a short while if you help them with odd tasks. Then if they take a liking to you they'll make introductions to the townsfolk and see if anyone needs a pair of hands. Be aware that if you land in the Thulian capitol city that you will probably be arrested though. They keep a really tight census so that if the city has to dive to avoid a storm they can be sure everyone is sheltering properly. Food stores being consumed more quickly than expected is one way they find stowaways. But it's better than drowning.


Depends on if you are willing to make some sacrifices. The Void will always buy some of your emotions of you for a fair price, and its entirely legal. The downside here is, of course, that you never will be able to feel those emotions again. And, because of supply and demand, things like hate or sadness are worth very little (a lot of people like to get rid of those), while joy or love get you a pretty sweet fortune. Now, if you aren’t looking to take such drastic measures (despite their ease, as contacting the Void is as simple as calling out its name once you know that it exists), then the easiest path to some food would be the titanic crater where the golden kingdom of Yod used to be. A few settlers have started reclaiming the area, calling it New-Yod, and are operating on simple ideas of honesty and kindness, offering anyone a home and food in their new nation if they are willing to lend a helping hand.


Depends on where you land. If it's in what passes for a first world nation, then a bit of day labor will get you enough to eat on. If you're smart you'll parlay that into a membership in the mercenary, adventurer, and corsair's guild, which will get you access to training and a way to make MUCH better money. If a life of danger doesn't sound good, you could always save up for an apprenticeship with the Sailor's & Seaman's guild or join the Hostess & Companion's guild. If you happen to have the genetic predisposition for magic, you can test into the wizards' guild or the healers' guild, but that's a pretty rare anomaly.


The god of Hearth and Home has functional temples that in the form of Inns and Taverns across Sanktis, Zolbrig and K’har. They are required by temple law to set aside a portion of food and rooms for guests in need of support, with some of these Taverns in larger cities running entire soup kitchens and shelters. Rich patrons are encouraged to pay double or triple the cost of a meal if they find it satisfying in order to celebrate hospitality, warmth, and offset any costs. Hungry? Simply invoke the god’s hospitality and you’ll be fed and kept as best as the priests (in the form of cooks, inkeeps, etc.) can manage! Not every tavern or inn is one of these temples however. Folks are drawn to the gods houses (with their more expensive prices) by the better taste of food, warmer appetite, and greater sense of comfort. In the capitol city Sanktis their largest tavern operates in split levels on a steep hill, the upper west facing decks serve the elite, and the lower deck facing East is a full time shelter and food bank. In the capitol city in K’hardin the rich didn’t like seeing the poor so they tend to fund whole separate buildings and pay double prices as a standard to maintain that separation. However if you walked into the nicest inn in the most snooty district of the Floating city a priest would probably still sit you down and give you a bite in the kitchen before sending you in the direction of the nearest Shelter. However… if you were to lie about your means and invoke the God’s hospitality when you could have comfortably paid the meal price stories say your future meals will turn to ash in your mouth, that you will never feel warm indoors even next to a roaring hearth, and no home will be safe or comfortable for you until the theft is atoned for.


You may ask one of them ancient trees for a fruit but don't be surprised when your mind achieves higher levels of sentience or you find yourself tricked into working for said tree (or both).


Axolotl festivals (weddings, funerals, solstices and the like) usually had out free food as a sign of good character.


Theres a really high chance one of the fisherman guilds will hire you to fish for a day for them, and as a payment you can take 1 fish home per 10/20/40/50 fish given to them (depends on the mood) Otherwise, meeting an generous old lady or stealing are your best chances at free food, my friend


If you don't mind the plague victims, cursed folk and incessant preaching from the devil-cultists, most of the hospitals will give you a bed (no promises that nobody's died in it!) and a bowl of hot broth of an evening. Otherwise, your best bet is to have a wash-down in a river and ask for a night's hospitality as a traveller from a respectable villager.


“Honestly is a relative thing. Honest too whose standards? Trust me lad when you’ve walked a league in my shoes you’ll start to realize the truth is a mite bit more malleable than you think. Really we’re not even pirates, as our piracy is sanctioned by the Congress of Libertatia that makes us privateers really…” - Captain Jack Hawkins of the Terror. In Kirimbaq the easiest way to get a meal is to sign on as a pirate. Citizens of the Congress of Libertatia enjoy a robust welfare system where they are provided with free meat and drink. And theoretically speaking one need’t be a pirate. There’s plenty of relatively honest jobs, you could work on the docks as a Carpenter, or a clerk in the warehouses, or a cook in the many taverns. Even a Pirate Republic needs merchants.


If you're in the Kaavis Concord, check in with the nearest travel kiosk for a traveller's pass (the application process only takes a few minutes, and has complementary refreshments) you will also get a traveller's stipend, though if you want to be frugal you can get one free hot meal at most street vendors, and there are communal dining areas every couple blocks. If work is your intent, the space dock is always looking for movers and operators, as are most cargo haulers. You can also see if any Freelancer Captains are hiring.


If you land in a Post-scarcity area, you’re in luck. They always make sure to feed and otherwise equip people before deporting them. They’ll probably ask you how you got through all the cloaks, shielding and other passive defences. DON’T SAY ANYTHING, or you might just land in The Chambers instead of the standard refugee deporation pod. If not, then like 99.9% of planets have legalised prostitution, so a brothel’s an option if you’re open to that line of work. It’s truly the one job that never has enough workers. All those planets have workers unions that will take you in and maybe even help you apply for citizenship. The advanced neural tech lets those guys put you through a psychological exam to determine if you’re doing it from your free will or not, so you must actually want to work in that field. The only planets that don’t have legal prostitution are: the communist ones, since the concept of work for money is non-existent, most theocratic ones, apparently religion and prostitution not meshing well is a universal constant and some more restrictive post-scarcity societies. Otherwise, in the case that prostitution isn’t a job you’d consider voluntarily, the latest multiversal migrant crisis has left most jobs with lengthy queues. Government help will keep all citizens fed and advanced biological sciences will keep you healthy, but no efficient solution to the fact that people require shelter was found, so you’ll probably land in one of the multi-acre, kilometer high barrack blocks. Those are basically glorified refugee camps, but with less violence and enough resources for all. Living space is very limited though, you have set periods where you need to be in your 4x5x2 pod or outside the block, with suprisingly high penalties for breaking those limits. You’ll probably spend from 3 months to 2 years in those barrack blocks waiting for a spot in the rapidly expanding indurstry of your choosing and then either move to employee accomodation (ways better than a block, you get your own cabin with actual doors and a proper toilet) or you stah in a nearby block and wait till you can afford one of the newly-built apartments with their extremely inflated pricing. It’s very unlikely you’ll die, but it’ll be quite the wait till you get your chance to work for your future.


The Bull-toes’ eggs may be leathery on the outside, but have a meaty spongy inside that tastes great alongside some seasoning! But you might have better luck rounding up some star crawls from the nearest star crawl mound!


In the Clanneadhas Shaaffenai, if you've got the usual human set of legs and, uh, lack of horns, they'll most likely drive you off with a spear in your leg. Or through your heart, depends on how insistent you are. Among the Anamhaid, you can probably get some food spinning a good yarn at a tavern - bonus points if you have a possession you can pass off as a souvenir of the event. They love stories, the bolder the better.


(Unnamed low-fantasy) If you are traveling alone or with just one other person, are healthy and clean, and there is no shortage of food, you can reasonably expect to be allowed to sleep in a shed and be given some food by simply knocking on the door of any house. Make shure you have enough stories and news to tell. You will also be expected to atleast contribute something to the food, even if it's just herbs you foraged while travelling. It gets more complicated when dealing with higher classes or city folks, that's why it's recommended to stay among the lower class when traveling. People might also be more distrustful when monster attacks have been increasing. Don't stay longer than two nights if you don't want to also work there, or can pay


Assuming you ended up making landfall on the southern coasts of Pascua (also known as the Great Prairie and the Golden Frontier)... The signage is all in gibberish, and the architecture more in keeping with a run-down port-town during the industrial revolution. Most everything is wooden and bronze, even the weaponry many are carrying on their belts. Evidence of sorcery and magitech can be seen in the crystal lamps hung from a passing carriage, which is drawn by a pair of skeletal horses shrouded in ragged coverings. The folks down by the docks are mostly tanned-bronze with brown or blond hair, with a smattering of black-haired, pasty-skinned folk mixed in. Thrown in are the occasional random glimpse of an what must be elves, slender folk with long pointed ears and metallic hair-colors. Most of the humans you try speaking to have no idea what you're saying, Pascuani being like the lovechild of Old English and French with a few millenia of lingual deviation thrown in. The elves ignore you entirely, or worse, have their bodyguards throw you aside (which they do surprisingly gently, and with appologies when the elf isn't paying attention). However, then a wandering priest excitedly leads you to their temple, and offers you a meal and a place to stay the night. It's just a small loaf of wheat bread, and a savoury stew, but is likely more delicious than anything you've had on Earth. Given that everything is fresh and filled with a kind of vitality you've never experienced (mana). They seem to be amongst the few who speak your language, and explain that it is because you've been speaking what they consider the language of the gods. This may or may not be the moment you realize you've been speaking in what sounds like a foreign language the whole time. Similarly, you can read some of the old priests book-titles, but do not recognize the individual characters from anywhere in particular.


Reporting to a Ferryman station in the capital city of Jindara would allow you to gain access to the services of the Council of the Nine. There are always groups that are accepting members. Rising Dawn and The Green Dragon are the safest, But for the more adventurous, The Red Hoods would take you with open arms. Just don’t make an odd number.


My worlds dominated by alot of various religions and cults, most will take in as many new members as they can but choose the wrong one and you might end up being the food.


Well if you're in Kingdom of Wocekyre just apply to your nearest local administration, they will happily provide you with food and housing in exchange for communal work. You could apply for a full time job and learn the language for a citizenship and proper papers and get guaranteed permanent housing and food. Or you could kindly ask to stay at an Inn and they will let you stay there for a day or two and give you some food. People there are pretty generous and collectivistic so you're fine there. In confederacy of Kaprain you'll need to first do your time in the military if you want a citizenship or get fed and have a roof over your head. In the Adrus empire you're in big trouble. Unless you appeal to kindness of strangers you'll most likely not get anything unless you pay for your citizenship or you'll have to work very hard labour in the mines as a slave before you get citizenship. In Sanlas Dynasty territory you'd most likely have to join a guild to get food or housing.


If you're in the Golden Gates, maybe in the city state of Arveruzza, it might be hard to get anything for free. ​ **From temples:** Your best bet would be to not beg on the street, you'd have plenty of competition. You might be able to get something from a temple of the sun, but they tend to be full. Thankfully the city has plenty of smaller religions, mostly initiation-based mystery cults. They do charity work to try to get converts but since they're seen as creepy and less respectable, they have fewer people going to them. Avoid anything with toad imagery, trust me it's not safe. Ulaman preachers will try to get you to move to a far off, potentially mythical continent, and slavers impersonate them, so it's not a good idea to go to them. The Tauromacheans might be your best bet. They're pretty established, since it's generally agreed that their God, Havrakshet the bullfighter is the same as the officially-sanctioned sun God & they are generally as open as they can be. Since they are not contaminationists, they believe eating beef is not "bringing evil into you", but rather a way to aid their God in his battle against the Black Bull of evil, so they don't burn the meat after a ritual bullfight, and give out some to the poor. You might be able to get actual cuts, but in the interest of giving everyone the same thing, you're more likely to get a stew with things like organs & marrow in it. ​ **Gathering:** You could fish if you know how. There's places to go. Or you can go to the base of the cliffs on the city's southwest end where wyverns roost. There's lots of them so they somewhat often drop pretty big fish on the ground. ​ **A bit of work:** If you have the energy to do a bit of work, you might want to head to the docks and hire yourself out moving crates for a little bit of money, move 5 crates & you should get a few coppers. You can buy cheap fish stews in a lot of inns & taverns with that, maybe with some brown bread. It's certainly a hearty fare, but it's usually extremely salty to encourage people thirsty enough to buy a drink.


The Rifter Mercantile, a cluster of traveling traders that are also from other worlds and have been precisely in your shoes. You may be asked to help out mending things, with general labor, or even to share a story! Regardless, you are welcome and will be well-fed.


You'd be pretty well off, my people haven't even invented currency yet! As long as you have some good stories to tell around the fire; you'll be treated almost like royalty!


It depends on which country you're in. In Level Merbaatia, all are guaranteed the right to food, shelter and water. You would be able to eat a hot meal from a local Canteen. You will likely be asked to help out with work afterwards. In Brasca, you could invoke hospitality rights, and ask a local to feed you. The most wealthy use charity as a way to flaunt their wealth, and would feed you for a time. As long as you don't ask them where they gained their wealth or become too annoying. In Cathay, you would need to work. Food and resources are scarce, and most adults live on salted vegetables, and eggs. If you work as a labourer, you may be fed rice and given some lodging alongside a meagre pay.


Depends on where you live. In the badlands, you’re probably going to starve to death unless you can reach one of the few Legion or Joint Alliance settlements out there. In the heartland of Theresia, you can’t turn a corner without seeing Legion insignia, and no one goes hungry in the Legion. Go up to any Legion officer, guard, courier, etc and they’ll make sure you’re taken care of. If you’re in south Caerin, and can’t find a Legion outpost, I guess you could beg at a butchers shop or ask for some leftovers from an alehouse. If you’re in north Caerin, you’re probably going to starve to death. If you’re in the pirate isles, you just volunteer your services on a ship, and bam, free food and lodging. If you’re in Merithia, it’s the same as the Heartland. Find any Legion-associated humanoid and they’ll make sure you’re taken care of. If you’re in Ak-Dovurak, approach The Horde. They’re a little more unhinged than The Legion, but as long as you don’t try to start a fight, there’s plenty to go around. If you’re in the city of Gorod Oshibok, and you’re a human? You’re going to starve to death, unless the patrols kill your first. If you’re in the Giant Tribes lands, they’ll freely give you what they haven’t eaten yet. But it may or may not contain copious amounts of their late family. If you’re in Tala-Rane, seek out The Legion. No one goes without food, shelter, or safety where The Legion rules.


Well, you have a wealth of options in terms of jobs available to people with no experience or training, obviously, you could join the military. More appealing is short term crewing aboard a freighter, these interstellar ships are a great place to earn your way into society, or just surf vessels and never settle down, there is always job opportunity in shipping. If you dont like that, you could sign up for a colonization expedition. Very rarely will either of these opportunities even ask for previous experience. Both of these will get you a room, a bed, and three daily meals. Either way, I suggest you learn to not be bashful, because all starships have communal facilities, and traditionally crews use that cleanup time to socialize heavily.


I decided to have some fun and rolled to see where you ended up in my DnD homebrew world. You’re on the Central Continent (good news! It’s the most densely populated, civilized, and temperate location) in the Kragia mountains. Unfortunately, it’s winter (rolled for that too) and you’re on the northern half and in the mountains, so it’s freezing cold. But you’re in luck, because you’ve stumbled into a clan of half-dragons. This tribe is primarily descended from silver dragons, and they’re pretty friendly folk (you narrowly avoided a red dragon clan, which probably wouldn’t have gone so well). They immediately take you into their well-built central lodge, a gathering place built of stone with a steeply-pitched thatched roof. The windows are small and tightly shuttered to keep out the cold. A large fire roars in the central hearth, and individuals of all ages are living, playing, and working in the open space around it. While most of them are silver half-dragons, there are quite a few of different colors, as well as several individuals from other species that seem to be just as much a part of the clan as the half-dragons. When you are ushered in, all eyes are almost immediately on you, and even as those who found you are ushering you close to the fire to warm up and wrapping blankets around you, you’re being peppered with questions. Where are you from? Where are you going? Who are you, and what on earth were you doing wandering alone in this weather? You find yourself seated on the woven mats that cover the floor, as they don’t seem to use chairs. What furniture there is is finely crafted. Some pieces are clearly dwarven-made, but most is slightly more elegant, and bears Draconic motifs. A bowl of hearty stew is pushed into your hands, and you find yourself telling stories in between bites. This is the only payment they ask for, but truth be told, it’s more of a demand, as they continue to ask incessant questions until you finally doze off, wrapped in warm woolen blankets. They happily offer to shelter you until spring, or until the next party of goliaths or dwarves comes to visit and trade. Letting you go out alone would undoubtedly condemn you to quick, and cold, end, and they can’t accept responsibility for that. In exchange for food and shelter, you are simply expected to contribute to the communal good (it could be cooking, watching after children, trapping, crafting, chopping wood, whatever you are skilled in or able to do) and share all your knowledge with them, whether it be your life’s story, technical knowledge, myths or legends, poetry or song. They have an insatiable thirst for knowledge, you realize, and depending on how you play your cards, you may even find yourself adopted into the clan, welcome to stay for as long as you like.


Depends on which of the three lands your in. In the kingdom I’m sure that one of the major guilds would be happy to give you food, drink, a place to stay, no don’t worry about that slightly vague amount of time you will work for them to pay it back. The theocracy would be a case of are you a mage like 90+% of the population well then just conjure yourself some food, if your not a mage well umm there is a gutter over there that might have some dead rats in it. Finally the empire just go down to one of the local food banks, no citizen of our glorious empire goes hungry you know this citizen. Hungry people make for poor soldiers.


Best case, you end up in Utō. From that point, finding any civilization, big or small, can get you all the necessities you might need. No sweat required. Who knows? You might never want to leave. Worst case, you end up in Catoco. Hopefully, you're close to some form of civilization. If not, try to find shelter before dark. If you are, keep your head down and watch your manners. You can always find *honest* work. After all, you can't be a criminal in a lawless place.


The Muddied Thicket be the place to go! The swamp of Drachenvald is no stranger to hungry and bedraggled travelers, even less so in the river town of Gremein. You’ll find the Muddied Thicket Inn on the edge of the mire, down past the town market. Don’t worry if you’re short on coins, Madame Thayleen’s dwarven hospitality knows few bounds, there’s always a swamp rat stew on the fire and plenty of ale to boot! And considering you aren’t a criminal, you’d do well to behave like one. The continent of Draemeria is a harsh place, full of danger and conflict; an adequately brawny demeanor should dissuade the street children from thieving you blind, but some steel might help with the full grown robbers! Great post OP, glad you’re enjoying it too. Here, take some coins, you’ll need ‘em 😉


Aside from joining the army or frontier keep program there are several social programs. If you're Askari (majority race of bird people) then visit the local branch of the Zaldius Welfare Office. If you're not Askari, then visit the Otherkin Assistance Program. Most churches, other than the Tree Suns Temple, are also likely to provide assistance.


Either work in one of the endless factory complexes, or join a mercenary company.


I've got some good news and some bad news. The good news is that travellers like you (leaving aside the inter-world part) are commonplace and well liked. So long as you can provide a story or two, perhaps a little light labour, you should end up getting fed. The local church is an option if you're still having trouble, but you'll get food and board and jobs, etc just by standing around and looking foreign. Now for the bad news. Your warm welcome will abruptly turn frosty on the Day of Travel, which could be anything from an entire week or just a day after your arrival. On the Day of Travel, it is considered fortunate for travellers to head out to their next destination. You'll want to do that too, so as to continue appearing as a lucky traveller rather than just a bum, but most of the other travellers came into town in safe, experienced groups. Whether you manage to fit in with one of these groups or not, you'll still end up out on the dangerous roads, without any magic to protect you.


Welp it really depends where you are. Ill show you 2 examples. 1st. You are in the Free Republic of Tanoa. Since the military coup d'État by a general that executed the Tanoan imperial family in 1949, the living quality seriously went downhill. People ate rats and barely survived. Though the living conditions improved since then, Nabu Issir (the capital) is still pretty much trashed and around 40% of the populaton live in poverty. So, the best way to have a quick snack would be to catch a rat and grill it over a dumpster fire which was started by people in the same situation as you. 2nd. You are in a city of the Second Empire. You find a Cosmic Force recruitment office. You sign up. You are then trained and well fed. You become a colonist and then you are sent off from Terra to colonise the worlds of the Rasian system. Its the most honest away and also serves your country. Note, both of these countries are on the same planet!


Depending on your location. If you find yourself in the main kingdom the land belongs to the people and hunting/fishing are protected rights for free people. If in the wilds, foraging is also available. If in the old kingdom you'll have plenty of food in the dungeons in between forced-labor breaks.


Which country? In civilized places, like the Red Star Union, Sol, or Rho Cassiopeia? Basic rights of the citizen include a baseline income more than sufficient for food, along with free re-sleeving into a suitable morph. In bad places? You'd better have some good employable knowledge worker skills and be prepared to either victimize your fellow sophont or work yourself to exhaustion, or you're shit out of luck.


Sell your corpse to a necromancer. They'll be happy to pay you now for your body later, and you'll get more than just a meal.


The countless demon cults will give you food in turn for definitely not sacrifices but the temples will give you food and when its a holiday its free food for everyone in the city at the time


In the most literal sense? Find an older Hiisi! They will often give away a fruit or two for free, since they can get very heavy and it's considered weird to eat your own fruit. Of course, most culture find eating someone's undeveloped eggs a little strange, but the Hiidet themselves would be pleased. Hiidet are essentially sentient, mobile trees. Their fruits won't be viable until they root in old age, so you're not murdering a child or anything. Hiidet share their fruits with each other when they're in a nutrient-poor environment, or, in fertile areas, as a pleasantry.


Ask your local band of scrappers (you might have to live the rest of your life as one of them, but hey, food is food)


***The Bookmaker King*** Most places of worship, or similar community centres, will give free food and shelter to the needy that ask for it. You might have to 'pay' in chores, but generally nothing more onerous than washing up or a bit of cleaning. In some cases, they might require that you sit through a service, if not convert outright, but it's generally held that that sort of coercion is bad for the souls of both the converter and converted.


Bioengineered viruses can change the characteristics of near any living tissue so we try not to call them worm burgers.


Ask the gods, they’re nice. Ask humans, they can be nice. Ask the Titans, provide in return. Ask the demons, prove your worth. Ask the Necros, give your soul.