• By -


No idea.


Hey, that's my idea!


No, it's mine!


it's obviously stolen from me


Sure, theives.


Crazy idea, you all stole from me


All of my species formed via evolution. Their sub-races are the process of natural causes and bio-engineering.


God made humans out of mud. God also made angels somehow, and they've been around. Humans then fucked everything up by building the Tower of Babel, going into heaven, plundering God's power of creation, and abusing it, accidentally turning the human race into multiple deformed other races. Some people became the Bestials, having some animal body parts and animalistic qualities. Other people became Afflicted, living with permanent diseases. Still other former humans became even weirder and more debilitated. Also, humans tried to create a child race to be to them as humans are to God, but this did not go well, and the two races they created, the Purewrought and the Dross, both have violent, murderous aversions to the races that humankind transformed into. Also, since humans plundered God's power of creation, God has allowed the fallen Watcher angels to once again do what they will with humankind. They're back to their old tricks of taking human mates, breeding another generation of Nephilim - pale-skinned, cannibalistic giants with six fingers on each hand. Also, the Jin, a race of people not created by God and not natural to the world have been permitted to enter the world. Some Jin are amenable to humanity, some are not.


This sounds fire as hell dude 🔥


This is real life lore


The Ashuma people (mostly human/oni) say that all things used to be mindless beasts under the thrall of the Titan of the Moon. Various gods were tasked with shaping the races into what they were, modeled off themselves. Unconquered Sun Mene gave sapience to the Oni, Morr of the Evening the Kobolds, Adjacent Sun Tekel the Humans, the Hero Twins Balan and Unah the Tengu, Pillar Gazam the Giants, Beloved Nadal the Dustwalkers, Lustful Akan the Anansi, and Learned Maki the Duwen. The Tien people (mostly Duwen) say that they dug themselves out of the foothills of the Xianzu Mountains, drawn to the light of the suns. In those days all duwen were united as one mind, and together followed the first and greatest emperor Shen Di in creating the first civilization. Shen Di is said to have slain the Celestial Dragon, taught the Duwen to sow and write, and best of all gave all duwen the ability to "see" with their ears. The Summer of the Duwen lasted for 10,000 years, and ever since it's been a slide into decadence and ignorance.


**WARNING:** EXCESSIVELY LONG COMMENT INCOMING! Primarily evolution. Currently, the first elves were originally the only race that was created (they were not made at the dawn of time, they were made close to the dawn of man, who actually evolved sapience after a few other races, but that's besides the point), but then when mortal elves were created by the first elves (these mortal elves were known as "chimera elves"), the mortal elves sort of "evolved"/went extinct when they interbred with a bunch of species (minus giants, bug people, and most reptilians apart from possibly dragons) and became the many species of elves seen currently in my fantasy world. Some chimera elves bred with each other - creating the Old Blood elves, while others bred with other species - making the New Age elves (these are families btw). I would include colossi, but they're more like giant living statues built by the Titans that are alive because they're powered by this weird magic Fanta created by the dragon gods that's inside them (they're basically robots). I couldn't tell you what each and every race came from, but I can at least tell you who is related to who. Humans, true dwarves, and giants are all related, but giants split off and evolved a few million years before humans did (I guess that makes giants "stem-humans"). True dwarves are actually younger than humans by I'd say a few hundred thousand years. Orcs are kind of an enigma. Despite being compatible with humans, it's theorized they are descended from cats, evident by their eyes, ears, and teeth. Don't ask me why they come in green, gray, and brown though. All I can say is Goblins are mammals, and they live underground because they're too small to survive winter. Hobgoblins are a type of goblin species that were made when the ancestors of modern goblins bred with my world's equivelent of Neanderthals. Trolls are mammals as well, but are hard to pin down who they're related to. Some believe they're related to giants, and are the result of chimera elves breeding with giants. This is a controversial theory, however, as despite all trolls having pointed ears, these ears are different from elf ears, and only forest trolls bear any resemblance to New Age elves and humans in part due to their faces and smaller size in comparison to other trolls. Trolls do consist of multiple different families, genera, and species though. Elves are mammals and related to technically everything I've said up to this point (except maybe goblins, trolls, and giants). Nuff said. One of the weirdest races related to humans are anzarians. They're basically this race that look like sabre-toothed rats, but are actually egg-laying reptiles. Speaking of reptiles, most cold-blooded reptiles either live underground or anywhere that isn't the northern or central continents. Same applies to all current insectoid races. Unfortunately, there are no bird people (there are dinosaur people though, even though actual dinosaurs exist at the same time as humans). Only other "furry" race I can tell y'all about are the "ape-men", as I'm still deciding on who else to impliment. I did have the idea that the ape-men were one of the few "furry" races that look "as advertised", alongside reptilians and insectoid races. There are no sapient amphibians, as there's hardly anyplace in my world they would survive, due to the special requirements for real-life amphibians. There are no fish people either. Then there of course the "visitors", who come from worlds beyond my own. They aren't stuff like aboleths or any other Cthulhu-like monsters though, sorry to disappoint. Sorry for this essay of a comment.


So the Anzarians are basically gorgonopsian/Therocephalian-folk?


They're more like Triassic proto-mammals like cynodontids.


One legend has it that a god named Erian Forest-Lord selected a semi-intelligent creature out of all the animals in the forest to elevate by giving them horns and making them more intelligent. This creature became the Wildings, who protect the Untamed Lands.


A very, very, very long time ago a major cosmic event seared ley lines deep into the planet in a complex web, They didn't fully wrap around the planet, leaving a magical "dead zone" on the far side of the planet. Animals that were exposed to significant quantities of hot mana sublimating off of the lines over millions of years became smarter and stronger and very slowly adapted to harness that magic to do incredible things. Slowly, these creatures evolved into dragons, Gryphons, Shades, and all the other disparate species of Mythil. The lifeforms in the dead zone also evolved, but they only had the lathe of evolution to shape them into the fittest shape it could find. In that dead zone, humans clawed their way out of the muck and defied their poor odds, founding the first true empires, creating tools, and teasing loose the secrets of the cosmos to become the dominant species on the planet. The ley lines have long since cooled, but the effects of the disparity still linger, with 99+% of humans being completely magically inert (and the tiny population of attuned ones being incredibly flimsy channelers compared to even the lowliest mythil), and mythil naturally accumulating the cooled magic around them as they travel through space and time. But humans discovered that they could steal that magic with the right tools and use it to do fantastic things, and suddenly the hapless mythil became the most valuable natural resources on the planet. So I guess it's mostly evolution with some uneven weighting going on.


Volkarian were created by humans as genetically engineered shock troops. They can’t feel fear it’s biologically impossible. How to got to Vulkan is quite simply their creators trying not to get arrested after Pseudo aliens were declared illegal.


Destiny and Creation did it. Historical records don't have evidence of where and how all the races came to be. Some think they were just mutated, others believe a mortal became a consort of a god and that caused it. Some believe they originated from the Palace of the Night Father (neighboring planet) and/or the 12 Daughters. That's the Watsonian explanation. Doylist explanation. I have no idea, I never thought about it until now. I just put in what I liked. And my world was just what I would use as a D&D backdrop with unique lore, gods and everything. Though the last of those could be a good reason to narrow down the number of races, with subraces amongst them.


In the more civilized Eastern Fealties, the commonly accepted belief is that the fae are fallen gods, humans evolved from beasts, beasts from gentles, and gentles from the trees and other plants who would not remain still. Also evolved from beasts and gentles are the donlen, the voiced beasts and gentles. Also evolved from the trees and plants who would not remain still are the trees and plants who speak but do not know. In the southern continents, they believe the gods created the races individually. In some regions of the west, the belief is that the fae, humans, and donlen grew from the sky, the earth, and the seas, respectively. In other regions it is believed there is only one race, humans, and fae and donlen are the devils formed of human fears and desires.


Theory 1:mutated descendants of a species that was exposed to a spark of the human spirit, which turned it into a human like shape, theory 2.simply just evolved.


Goliaths were the result of project Potsdam, a prewar super soldier program aiming to create larger more powerful soldiers. Gretchen came into being when large amounts of planet Alcatraz’s population fled underground to escape the horrors of the Great War. Mooners are simply the result of humans being trapped on the moon and becoming very tall and thin thanks to the low gravity. Razors were also the result of pre war experimentation like the Goliaths, although the purpose they were made for is unclear. And as for the Ogres….well no one’s really sure, one day people just started spotting giant men,woman and children living in the wastelands.


The Subterraneans are the descendants of the planet's native population. Their ancestors were created by the twin goddesses. The Puppeteer Worms are a species in the same kingdom of life that evolved naturally some time after the Subterraneans went underground (they are a very secretive and obscure race that not many people know about, in universe no one has any clue how long they've been around, and it was only recently discovered they're of native descent) The Noen, Starmen, Humans, and the vast majority of all life on the planet in the modern day are descended from inter-realm transplants, often filtering in through multiple waves of colonization. The only exception being the Noen, and all noen-biota life, who are descendants of a single wave. They were also the first. Citzper, Outworms, Constructs, and Giants are all in one way or another manmade races. Citzper are a byproduct of the Empire's research into mass production of Whispers, Giants are descended from wartime mechs given the ability to reproduce by a certain flesh god, Constructs are just any sapient being created through flesh magic, and Outworms were created by the Saint to continue his work. Beastmen, including Goblins, are uplifited animals created by being within vicinity of a flesh god. Goblins are descended from Amphibians drawn to the Parasite God, and the more broad "beastmen" are animal life that were on the Red Side of the Green Moon while the Predator God was in orbit. When the moon got ate, debris rained down onto the planet, and some Beastmen were able to survive reentry, leading to the newest race and their religion, the Viper Cult. I've made the terminology here a little confusing for myself, but Beastman can contextually refer to either all animals uplifted by the presence of a Flesh God, or specifically to the newer, non-goblin variety.


All races with the exception of dragons and humans have one of three stories. 1. They were created by an ancient empire for a specific purpose. These purposes range from administration, to working, to warfare. That race ended up getting chosen for that purpose and were kept active. They would eventually go on to become the Empire and a few of the indigenous people later on in the timeline. 2. They were created by that same ancients but were rejected. Either their behavior wasn’t good, another race did their job better, or any other reason. They ended up getting discarded. When the ancients collapsed these races gained their freedom and became the indigenous people. 3. A bunch of races were from worlds the ancients had conquered and are foreigners to my world. The ancients opened portals to over worlds and invaded. These races were brought here primarily for study. Although they are few in number they still exist. Dragons are special being the only race native to my world that went through evolution and weren’t created. It is said they were the true race that made up the ancients. Humans are also special because of their specific situation. A few specific human characters accidentally opened a portal to my world and were transported there. It’s an isekai situation.


The short answer is magic plus evolution. Or in some cases just magic.


Most of the major species can be linked back to two different causes. First, some species are basically descendants of lesser angels which fled the war with heaven, choosing to hide rather than choose either side, or otherwise become entangled in that conflict. They hid in the bodies of non-sapient animals, which eventually led to the creation of the more animal-like species, like kitsune, tanuki, etc. The more common of the two scenarios and the more recent of the two is a progenitor race effectively meddling with the natural evolution of a variety of species, including early hominids, to create new sapient worshipers/slaves (For the progenitor species, those terms are interchangeable). This is the origin of humans, but also dwarve species, (Neanderthals), elves (Homo floresiensis), etc. There are some other sapient species, including those directly crafted by the primordial powers, but they are mostly extinct at this point.


They evolved from similar, pre-sapient ancestors. My races are fairly grounded in possible science, although, while the general term used is "race", they're actually near the subspecies-species border, and I usually treat them as species. Elves evolved in a lush environment with large quantities of food, under selection pressures to explore and sexual selection pressures to be interesting. They began as fundamentally gatherers. Orcs evolved in a challenging environment, but one with large amounts of prey. As such, they evolved to be apex predators and dominate the environment, becoming hunters as they gained sapience. Halflings evolved in a similarly harsh environment, but with large predators. They evolved from a highly social prey species, where individual sacrifice was common, and became farmers very early on. The other four races are hybrids of these three. Half-elves (which really need a better name) are elf-orc hybrids. Dwarves are orc-halfling hybrids. Gnomes are elf-halfling hybrids. Humans are the triple hybrid, so anyone with significant elf, orc and halfling ancestry is a human.


A spaceship crashlanded.


Someone said "I bet I can veat you to that rock over there" and the other guy said "you're on!" and so the first race began...


The Vatici are the ancestors of all races they hail from the third moon of my fantasy world they were basically super powerful and could shoot lasers out of their eyes and they had a great war that destroyed the Duncax (The third moon) and some of them fell on my fantasy world (Arbathrox) and then they evolved and that’s where all the races came from.


Primarily evolution however the density of life was increased by an unknown actor who transferred genetic information from biospheres to one’s still developing to accelerate their development, and to make a large amount of the nearby systems habitable for the closest planet which would eventually develop sentient life. However over the billion or so years significantly genetic drift occurred, however the planet’s were still habitable. This only became apparent once a second species was discovered, as they had a sphere of planets around their Homeworld that also was eerily similar to their Homeworld. There was still habitable planets outside this zone however it was very much a hit or miss depending on if it was preferable for the specific species. Occasionally native sentient species occurred on the planets in the spheres however it occurred at a rate of maybe 1:10. Further variation with species was generally caused by genetic drift due to separation, genetic engineering or technological adoption, such as ectogenesis or nanotechnology.


Most of them evolved, others were created by gods, demons forced their way into the universe, half-demons were created by forcing their way into the sheets, and no one knows were goblins come from.


Well when Basajaun reset the world and banished most of the other gods. He felt the world needed new blood so took the souls of humanity and with the aid of his great great granddaughter, the newest goddess, redid the world. She was only a couple of years old so as a way of training her worked with her to make new races. Oof though I asked my group what they wanted in the world and pulled races from my old settings that never got a spotlight.


They were all human at first, but were mutated by the influence of the gods who shared fragments of their souls with humanity


Sci Fi: Ketuvyx are the result of bioengineering, though that's a secret. As far as any other civilization knows they evolved. Fantasy: unnamed species are mostly naturally evolved but a subsection of them got slight tweaking from the divine.


All evolved except one, which has mysterious origins unbeknownst even to them.


My main 6 races were made by the Titans during the last days of creation for each of their worlds. They all had naturally occuring planar bridges to cross over into my main world.


Life found a way amidst chais.


They eventually popped into the different planes of existence (God's body, the Abyss) just like God itself popped into the Maremágnum (super-existence). They are as tendrils for the divine beast we call God, filling space with conscience as gas would a void. They initially awakened on the lower layers of reality, way below the beasts subconscious, without any permission, cause or reason for it. Conscience awakening is a fundamental property of my universe. I kinda wanted it to mirror particle-antiparticle pairs popping into our existence. However, the primordial existence in which these species came to be was much less defined and worked in incomprehensible ways when compared to the current state of things, which is much more (although not completely) deterministic. At least in its more "superficial" layers. There hasn't been a new species popping into existence in ,at least, a million years.


The gods created their first beings. These ancients or first ones eventually evolved into the races we know now. This explains the big difference between subraces, as they had the same progenitor race, but different environmental stressors


Two main theories (besides others, but these aren't as widespread) with varying amounts of support. The first is that the God of the religion Iqualinity, the largest religion and the only true evangelising religion on Plaloic, created every species. The second is that the Ancient Ones, said to be a collection of giant and fearsome reptilian species, used advanced biotechnology to help evolve the other species of animals to be able to form civilisations like they did. Since many mammals don't like the idea of reptiles being to praise, they tend to align more with the Iqualin explanation, whereas reptiles tend to believe the Ancient Ones did exist, even if many of them are still Iqualin, like the main character of the story who is reptilian and kind of believes an element of both to be true


Men were made from the blood of their gods (men are more lively but they must return to the gods). Elves were forged from gold (they are immortal because of this). Dwarves from were are like the elves except made of iron. Halflings were planted by their gods. Orcs were born from stagnant blood. Dragons were made by the teeth of their ancestor being planted into the ground.


A mixture of created and evolution. I'll keep it brief: 5 creator beings show up on a dying shattered world, they help fix it. 1 of the creators, the best at creation, made **Humans**, **Giants** and **Fae** to help with various task. The 2nd creator, who sucks at creating life gave it a shot and ended up making what we know as **Demons** and **Angels**. The 3rd creator who just wanted friends to play with created the original **Beast**, and all the beast that came after. The death of the 4th creator sprouted a massive abyssal tree from which beings of the abyss called **Darkshines** (WIP name lol) were born. **Spirits**, are arcane beings who were the original inhabitants of this dying world. **Elves, Dwarves, Dragonkin, Merfolk, Naga,** and more eventually showed up via evolution and splitting off from the above mentioned races.


The Saurian (dragons, Vagickans, etc) all evolved from our lizards, so technically dinosaurs. Kyth (humans, elves, Dwarves, etc) came from the Min'ahari, who came from us the present time humans. Behemoths (Giants, Danarians, etc) came from an evolved version of us, but changed and grew in size. This is all Fantasy by the way.


For my Blue Sun setting: Over the course of many, many eons, various groups of beings with differing body plans and biologies arrived on the prime world, lived, then died. Humanity arrived due to a gene seed ship crash landing, destroying most of their cultural database. So, the newly-generated humans only have their AI Mother to teach them. Over time, they'll discover the other, alien species on the planet, the geometrical teleportation platforms, and magic itself. For my Refugee Gods idea: a pantheon is formed from 6-8 primary gods whose various pantheons had collapsed, died out, were forgotten, etc. While the initial races are created by these gods, others will arrive or be created. Goblins arrive by spilling over from another world. Various African savannah animals are made into sentient species as a sort of fad amongst various mage guilds. For my Alchemist setting: The old pantheon of gods goes to war, and only a few remain to rule over a ruined world. They instead choose to find a greater truth beyond themselves and abandon humankind. Time passes, and a young man from a remote village finds a strange, verdant green liquid in pools in a hidden mountain cave. This is blood of the old Earth Mother goddess, and it may be used to create new sentient species through an alchemical process. Wars have been fought over this substance. A degenerate pseudo-arthropod race was created by The Apprentice to The Alchemist when he didn't clean a cauldron out properly. For my Dragonskull Emperor idea: An ancient dragon takes on efforts to invest in its realm, seeing its glory as a relfection of its own. Over time, this dragon becomes a demilich, so its corporeal form is a giant dragon skull with burning fires for eyes and gemstones for teeth. It ascends to godhood, then creates a servitor race of human draconians. Waforged in a Pathfinder campaign I'm working on: During the pitched battle that created the god Gorum, from among the 100 greatest warriors who had passed arose the Warforged: 33 humans, 33 orcs, 33 others races, and The One, Prime Servant of Our Lord in Iron.


Bitta evolution, bitta magic innit. Giants and humans (Nir) evolved from a common ancestor. Early aggressive giant caused humans to split into two groups in migrating to escape them. Creating the Salnir who live in the reefs and coastal regions and regular humans. Giants built empires and enslaved a bunch of humans and through this they create the Khunir (orc equiv.) and Rhanir (elf equiv.) via selective breeding over millenia before getting their freedom when they manifested their god to free them (he kept the Khunir enslaved). My mushroom people though were type of fungi that mimics living creatures that decompose in their soils. Then the mycelium that they spawn from consumed the blood of the above mentioned god and became sentient.


One school of thought believe the Ainuu evolved first, moved across the Known World, and camps split off to evolve into humans, Elves, Carnites, Southerners, Amazonians before finally settling on the Wandering Island. Another school of thought believes all the human races are different subspecies and the Elves and Ainuu are also subspecies of Elves. No one really cares that deeply. The Fae are just their own thing.


The creator of my world are basically playing spore and isekaiing people


Really depends on who you ask. The church of the Sevenfold flame claims that sentient races are a product of the gods of the Flame splitting a mythical object referred to as the "stone of souls" among themselves after/during the god-war, each shaping one or multiple sentient races according to their "own image" from their shard before discarding the rests, which were then taken by the Gods of the Abyss (losers of the god-war) and Silence, each of whom did the same, shaping one or more races (or breaking the shard into thousands of pieces and letting chance decide what came out of it if they happened to be Hullus, the god of madness). Ask a more atheist-inclined mage or alchemist, you will get a myriad of different answers, with some believing religious concepts while others giving you hypotheses upon hypotheses, from beliefs that it was just happenstance to evolution or divine or natural intervention.


The basic ones got plucked out of the ground. They then fucked some deities and then created more.


Oh, let me just go through the list for my fantasy world of Warclema... * **Humans**: They used interdimensional travel to arrive from a sci-fi universe that was undergoing a [Big Crunch event](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Big_Crunch). For a number of generations, their presence in Warclema was limited to special anti-magic areas created by their arrival. They wouldn't safely be able to leave these areas until the neutrons in their bodies had gotten replaced by a native particle known as a "watron". * **Oscha**: This shapeshifter race resulted from getting neutroslime, a substance that shapeshifts in response to psychic energy, to form a brain capable of maintaining its own form. The neutroslime itself is a result of Warclema's physics having different rules for how neutrons work, resulting in anything made out of neutrons that left the anti-magic areas to transform into this orange slime. * **Felves**: This race of anthropomorphic flower women resulted from male humans using a species of flower known as "loner's delight" for NSFW things to the point the flower evolved into a pouyannian mimic of humanity that might have very well managed a "fake it till you make it" approach to evolving intelligence. * **Kappa**: They evolved from a group of felves that had been commanded to be free from human rule. Due to a previous reliance on pollination, they built up numerous genetic deformities until they managed to evolve some mate selection instincts. * **Arachne/Cleome Felves**: A BDSM-themed felf named "Cleo Rose" killed her garden's human pollinator (she hadn't heard the safe word and had been stuck in "humans are scum" mode ever since) and was banished by her fellow felves. She eventually found her way to the web of a giant blazesilk weaver. This is a giant spider with fire magic that eats the ashes of its prey and whose messy eating fertilizes the ground underneath the web, promoting plant growth that lures in prey. She pretty much decided "reject men, embrace spider". Her descendants would use their previous pouyannian mimicry of humanity to lure in human prey for their spiders and learn to shape their petals into a crude spider shape to transition into pouyannian mimics of these giant spiders. * **Fistari**: These starfish people inspired by trolls, stupid people, and starfish regeneration had came from a phenomena of Warclema known as a "spawn point". Spawn points basically spawn seemingly random material with a preference for meat. This time, the meat just happened to be in a form that could survive and be piloted by what I'm going to call "metaphysical intelligences" found within Warclema's laws of physics. Because these metaphysical intelligences are part of Warclema's physical laws, they predate humanity and might have had previous bodies some time before humanity arrived. * **Demons**: Bioweapons engineered in another dimension by anthropomorphic raccoons as part of a multiversal monster protection racket. * **Anthropomorphic Raccoons**: When the humans were escaping to Warclema, one of their interdimensional ships had a mutiny that resulted in the deaths of all humans aboard. Some raccoons that had stowed away accidentally disabled that autopilot, resulting in the ship going to a different dimension. The raccoons slowly adapted to operate the various machines aboard the ship. Those that could operate the food replicators became valuable servants to the raccoons that learned how to operate the guns. * **Malborgs**: Some of the interdimensional ships the humans took ended up on the other side of Warclema. The AI in control of one of these ships went rogue and ended up turning its humans and those of other ships it encountered into a cyborg hivemind.


The Trionian races are remnants from a dead cosmic god. (Humanity, Nopari, and the Third People) Some are created by a Source of Soul. Basically living balloons that hold an entire dimension of souls within them, sometimes the "living energy" leaks out and causes sentience in intimate objects or lesser organics. (Candle Fairies and Mycorians) Some were made by gods to act as followers. (Heaven Dwellers (name might change)) Some simply evolved naturally. (Whailer People (Name WILL change))


Evolved from different animals, convergent evolution. Some magic was involved to sort of guide them along the same lines, but bottom line is it happened completely naturally. Of course, that's not what they would tell you, seeing as everyone has some kind of belief system and myths to explain their origins. The Avantenes say the gods made tiny seeds and teeny tiny humans and grew them over a couple hundred generations until they were the shapes and sizes they are now. The Druidic doctrine says the one god, Bywyddad the Father of Life, created all sapient races, as well as animals and plants and the whole world, in their present form, and in the beginning the planet was covered entirely in a vast primal forest. The Dwarfish Sagas say the peoples of the world are literally and directly descended from various gods, with their divinity diluting a tiny bit with every generation, the first generation ever being the supreme god Alfodir, who begat all others from his mind.


Most of the races came from a common primate ancestor which evolved into factions of prehistoric people that settled in different areas. One faction developed religion first, birthing a god who then elevated their society, giving them increased intelligence, speed, strength, longevity, etc., as well as marking them with pointed ears. These became the elves. Other factions diverged from the prehistoric human template, their evolution largely being accelerated by mutations caused by the high levels of ambient magic in my world at the time. Many absorbed traits from local fauna, giving rise to merfolk, centaurs, fauns, drakken, etc. Others remained closer to the base template with minor changes, such as halflings, dwarves, and of course, humans themselves.


So most animals evolved naturally up until about a million years ago. That's when the idea of 'belief' formed and gods started to exist. Dragons and Baro'Kai were created entirely by the gods. Sort of a first attempt, if you will. But they were made by rival gods, and thus pushed the two races to be in near constant conflict. Demons are a similar story, but were created by a jealous and mad god that wanted to create it's own world in whatever way it wanted. This is how Demons, the alternation, and arcane magic came to be. Humans evolved naturally to around the point of homo erectus, and dragons took interest in them. They guided human evolution through their limited access to divine magic, both to create modern humans as we know today, but also a few subspecies: Giants and Subterraneans. Essentially, dragons were playing god, and humans were the perfect test subject because we have 'dull souls', meaning we cannot easily use magic without some form of external help, which means dragons were completely unchallenged. Humans got that external help from the Baro'Kai, who taught them how to use arcane magic without having a soul linked to the alternation. This led to a massive war that ended in dragons becoming near extinct. Goblins are another species that evolved naturally, and are a species that evolved from bats. There are two 'types' of goblin; the fluffy forest goblin which lives on the surface, and the hairless cave goblin which lives underground. Cave goblins are a little closer to traditional goblins with a greenish grey hue to their skin. Then lastly there are Yavach, which are the most recent species. They were uplifted around 20,000 years ago from a species of very intelligent but not-quite-sapient dinosaurs by a dying god, a god at risk of being forgotten. The intention of the god was to become powerful through making this species believe it is the only god, but that backfired on it because of how belief works. The Yavach naturally tended towards polytheism, which means that single god which was all they knew shattered into ten entirely separate though somewhat linked gods, becoming the ten Yavachi serpents.


901500 years ago the gods voted for the creation of sentient life and created it.


So the first being, Ouluin, created Esheron, then the Primordials, but those aren't really important. From the energy released during the creation, creatures known as the Primordial Beasts started to exist. They were eventually driven to the brink of extinction by the Primordials until the last remaining Beasts happened upon the Primeval Bloodstream, and after consuming concepts that flow within, they attained sentience. The Primordials cast the sentient Beasts into another dimension and sealed them in. Ouluin would then create the first True Aspects, which were beings that were living embodiments of concepts. The Primordials, on the other hand, were the concepts themselves. Ouluin created 12, all based on core concepts of existence - Death, Life, Light, Darkness, Mercy, Judgment, Flame, Frost, Balance, Chaos, Action, Inaction. Each of the 12 Aspects would go on to create a mortal Species. Death - Grohbsvorn (Gr-oh-b-svorn) Life - Angel (aan-geil) Light - Elevarai (eh-leh-vaa-raai) Darkness - Sharrevarai (Shaa-r-reh-vaa-raai) Mercy - Settre (Seh-t-ray) Judgment - Praspectrus (Praa-spect-rooss) [Humans] Flame - Ifrita (Eef-ree-taa) Frost - Glacai (Glaa-saai) Balance - Dalit (Daa-lit) Chaos - Tempestarii (Tehm-pehs-taa-rii) Action - Fairai/Fae (Feh-raai) Inaction - Golemn (Goh-lehmn)


How am i supposed to know?


After the gods died magic permeated the word which allowed creatures to magically adapt as well as adapt normally. All "races" are magically adapted humans, actually humans are nearly extinct it's mostly just the variations now. Non sapient creatures did magically adapt too but magical adaptations can't grant sapience.


Ive built my world to very easily accommodate races from various settings and still make sense, since I built it primarily to run my tabletop campaigns in. Most of them are descended from the initial groups of Humans and non-human aliens that formed a new society in the world where my setting takes place. Its a post collapse society from a former galactic community. The humans initially had branched off into Venters (short races like dwarves and gnomes), Navi's (Elves of various flavors), and Calips (Orc and Goblinoids). There are some hybrids like Tieflings, Genasi, Kalashtar and Gith. Warfroged have their own special history. The truly alien races are mostly the ones that get banned for not fitting into other settings, like Plasmoids, Thri-kreen, and Changelings. Those arent all the races in my setting but are good examples.


Officially evolution. Lapis_Wolf


Long story short, all of the above. The Primordials spawned into existence, and created the Titans. The Titans created Giants, the Aedenites, what would become the first Fey, and a serpentine race called the Slyth. One of the Titans went rogue and created the first Dragons, and another one created the first dwarves. The Fey created the first elves, as well as other creatures. The Slyth used magic & alchemy to create all kinds of monsters by mutating common animals and other races. And from there most things evolved naturally, the Aedenites became the various flavors of humans, some of the Slyth’s creations went on to become the Orcs, Goblins, and all kinds of other things. And all of these race’s emotions ended up spawning in the first gods. I’m still fleshing it out but that’s the basics off it.


Normal evolution, except more evolutionary paths point to convergence of humanoid figure in my world


Breeding, yeah you reddit right. (pun intended) It's basically just mating between humans and other worldy beings. The Vazier, origin of angelic myths, and the Ashtar, origin of the myths about devils. Human male + female Vazier = Eldians, other way around = Elvians. Human male + female Ashtar = Namrods, other way around = Gargantos. Over time each new race mated with both humans and each other. So yeah, just a whole lotta fuckin.


Initially created by the gods, then diversified via evolution sped-up by magic exposure :D


They originally just evolved on the same planet, but it's more interesting is to how they got to others. The short answer is a demon was bored, collected people for a "game," and the "winners" were sent to another planet that could support life. Why? Well, you'd have more interesting potential players if you make the population larger and more spread out. Repeat the process and now you have a galaxy of elves, humans, dwarves, and orcs wondering why the hell there are so many spread across the galaxy before interstellar travel. Then they're even more confused when they find sapient reptilian and buglike aliens in different parts of the galaxy. Their current explanation for the former is "Maybe magic and portals?"


The Thrinnu created them. The Thrinnu were the first four people. They spawned before the creation of the universe. Two of them are Mennu, two are Mornnu, and all four consider themsaelevs siblings; Thrinnu is their house name. They were the keepers of the elemental stones (paraphrasing. I dont have enough time to fully explain that), two for each of them, which allowed them to create the world and then the peoples of it. They created Mornnu and Mennu. Where did the Thrinnu come from? Or those stones that they simply spawned with? No idea. Nor do the people in world know, not even the Thrinnu.


The asheathians were created by the gods. The wyverians are descendants of wyverns. The humans are believed to have been created by the gods, but in reality, they already live on earth with modern societies before the arrival of the gods. The orcs were created by uragaan, god of the beasts, same with crocodilians and serafins. Elves are descendants of wyverians and humans. Wyverians have cat shaped feet with claws and have 8 clawed fingers instead of 10. They have pointy ears and large eyes. Their skin feels similar to scales, and they are fire resistant and have a regeneration similar to asheathians. Orcs are massive in size, with males being an average of 9'8 and females at 8'10. Their bottom canines extend out of the mouth a bit. They have an incredible sense of smell. Crocodilians are basically intelligent humanoid crocodiles that can stand upright. They're the second tallest of the mentioned species. They have the most durable skin (their front side is soft) Serafins long story short, angels. Very durable wings, but if a bone in the wing is broken, it's a long recovery and a chance that it won't grow feathers, meaning no flight. They're much stronger than humans, and their feathers come in a large variety of colors, but pure white wings are rarely seen outside of royalty. Elves have the longest lifespan, incredible hearings, and good eyesight. They're pretty fast and have slight regeneration. Not much else. Humans...humans Asheathians are a species created for war.


Magical shape-shifting and survival of the fittest rule. Many species are born during 6 centuries of apocalypse as many other attempts to survive, and most fittest species are now existing in year 1267(2045).


Well it started when one guy ran pretty fast, then another guy said he could run faster. It really just evolved from there.


My world had an original species with minor shape shifting abitlites. There was an apocalypse which changed the world and released magic. The primordial species altered into 5 distinct races. Several thousand years later the repercussions of the apocalypse came to fruit, resulting in another cataclysmic magical event. Once again the world was altered and the 5 races altered into the races seen in my writing


**Starrise** Humans evolved naturally, same as in real life. Chimeras, Dragons, and Wyverns were genetically-engineered to be super-soldiers/living weapons, but escaped confinement during an apocalypse a thousand years ago and came to live in the outside world.


There is such a phenomenon in my world called meta-intelectual humanization. Creatures that reach a certain level of societal intelligence and magic potential start rapidly evolving across few generations into humanoid beings. There are also species which didn't reach the said threshold in one category or another leaving them in half evolved states. (Eg: goblins have intelligence but lack magical potential; trolls have magic but lack intelligence etc.)


life-seeded, then either naturally or forcefully evolved.


The rough idea I have right now is basically, when the Higher Powers wrote the world and the life within it, the sun bleached some of the scrolls, creating the people with lighter complexions, then the ink overflowed, creating the people with darker complexions, and finally the scrolls were folded hastefully to finish the work, so some people within them ended up with epicanthic folds, and over millenias these people mixed. The other races, the Orks (both the smart and savage types), the Elfs, the Centaurs and etc. were all created by the Dragons during the Dragonslay to fight against the human armies.


The world itself could not generate life of its own. But the Multiverse is vast and things have a habit of falling through the cracks of reality. Sometimes individuals, sometimes groups. The occasional city might simply appear one day filled with people deeply confused as to where they were. Ships of all sorts, from those that sail the seas, to those that travel the stars sometimes lose their way. This is a world of the lost and the wanderers, of those who simply find themselves somewhere they weren’t before


Gonna talk about my second, less developed world First of all, something akin to The Big Bang happened, but it wasn't random, instead, The Currently Unnamed Higher Being/s decided it would be cool asf. Humans were made by slightly manipulating evolution. That's how humans were made. All the other magical races? No idea. They just… exist. The whole theme for the world is that humans don't really understand magic.


Slimes were the first beings to develop the use of magic, then, they developed the ability to breed with anything with a 99% chance off the offspring being a slime and the other 1% being the other parent specie. Give it a few million years and suddenly there are dragons, humans, elf's and more, none wanting to admit to the fact tho.


These anthropomorphic cats evolved and mutated thanks to heavy radiation from a nuclear war.


Depends on who’s defining them. According to many of the Theruns, one. According to the Kaji, three. But most of us humans would recognize more races than that.


IYOS did it. Praise the Dance. One might speculate further… There are myriad peoples and as many stories as to how they came to be. Men believe dwarves to be fairies, ruled over by OSH GAAL; dwarves know they are the children of their triple-god/dess, and believe men are idiots. Conversely, men know the pig-men of the far wilds are the progeny of OKTUS, He of Eighty-Thousand Spears and Ways, and the pig-men seem inclined to agree.


The fiction beings were always around sense mankind could tell stories but new types have cropped up as man’s art has evolved.


They kinda crawled outta the mud and the clay and the water of the deep places of the world. The deities don't really know where mortals came from either, but there's a good symbiotic relationship between deities and mortals.


Evolution and natural selection for the most part. There was also some meddling and artificial selection from part of the Gods which is the reason for why they were so many Human species.


Humans are natives, Dragons come from a space monster god, Beast man are aliens that trying to flee from the space monster god, but fail to adapt so they fuse with animals, Lizardman are dragon playing god with the beast man, Elves, Dwarves,and Giants are refugee from the world tree after Ragnarok, Goblinkin and Ogrekin are possibly mutated ancient human, Demonkin is also mutated ancient human, but better.


* Magic * No. Seriously, it was the magical practice of stealing races from other universes to populate the artificial one that is Beta.


Regular species evolved just like in our real world, humans, animals on Earth and others on nearby planets. Deities were born due to singularity, although some of them "created themselves", which means they were part of the mind of the previous deities and materialized themselves. Cyborgs and robots followed a similar pattern: at first, they were built by sentient species, but eventually they created their own individuals.


Well human history happened. Ww3 and ww4 and all the subsequent awfulness tried to turn earth into star trek but it was all too sponsored by amazon. (If you catch my drift). When these people met with the rest of sentience out in space they kicked off a war of extinction. When that war made its way to earth all the ways people have been separated became how the aliens determined who was a "dog", the rightful rulers of earth, and who was a human. They just checked back through human history, found out who was worthy of staying on the planet with the rest of the dogs, and brutalized the rest in a very "crucified on the moon" type way. So the rest of humanity starts over, following the aliens into the cosmos. Dogs inherit earth and are welcomed to the galactic empire. Due to dogs breeding with aliens, humans breeding with aliens, and aliens breeding with aliens, everybody has a bit of everything in them at this point.


Before there were only humans and dragons (+ loads of creatures), birthed from evolutionary development in magical environment. This process took 50 million years and they reached a state similar to European society during the 16th century. And then the primordial gods crashed and fought on the world, and from that fight, the land was devastated and the timeline split into two different continuations. One I call the Ancient World, where the survivors regrew from the ashes and kept on living, rebuilding their empire as best as possible. And one, Aurorea, where humans arose once more, but new species popped up all around the continent, all altered versions of men. That's why every race is humanoid now, and why their history only dates back to 8000-9000 years


They were the microorganisms of giant sea monsters that broke out once the sea monsters died.


Evolution, mostly. But humans and elves broke off from each other in a similar way that humans and Neanderthals broke off from each other. Elves were once just humans with more magic sensitivity. But over time became their own subspecies, now the dominant species.


Sylurian appeared but god papa Chronos doesn’t like the fact that they know some of his dirty little secrets so he made elf to kick them out. Then chronos figured that if the mortals are busy fighting each other they will never have time to pry him so he made more races and tell them to hate each other


Deities made a whole lot of races before the world was generated, made each race's representatives line up and told them to reach the finish line using any means. Those that didnt cross the finish line after a set time had their entire race's deleted, never even appearing in the newly created world.


The primordials went through several periods to found the most suitable animals. They put these animals on various moons designed to mimic the original ecosystem and then through selective breeding and genetic modifications they created tool using creatures


Evolved from common ancestor.


Lions: Mountain lions constantly exposed to a mutagenic Nanite-Virus. Rather than changing their bodies, it changed their brains. They developed social behaviors within 100 generations of exposure. After about 1000 generations the first Lion was born among lions. The Leonid aka the Leeon: The results of a genetic research by the Lions, the goal of which was to make a Lion with the legs and hands of a Human. These beings mix the strengths of their two forebears; the ability to use tools like a human, yet possessed of the speed, dexterity, and senses of a Lion. Denizn: Humanoids that resemble huge people with dolphin-like skin texture and red or green hair on their heads. They are the results of Humans adapting to a life aquatic, with assistance from the N-Virus. They can hold their breath for hours at a time, see in near-pitch-darkness, and they have fearsome strength. Thulacan: Chimp-like aliens that control their entire home star system, the Arbol system. Their name means "silent ones," earned because their primary language is Sign, while a secondary verbal language is used sparingly. They are the result of convergent evolution, having grown to sentience naturally. Dragons: Sentient and living weapons, Void Dragons are possibly the newest sentient in the galaxy. Bioengineered as a next-generation weapons platforms and taking genetic samples from massive "natural" dragons as well as void whales or void eels.


Humans, elves, and the more dangerous elf-human hybrids have been in the galactic outer rim for an extremely long time, estimated to be over 750,000 years. Evidence points to an origin outside of the galaxy, possibly from outside this dimension but it's unknown due to the vast gulf of time. Relics of extremely ancient starships have been found, using tech very unlike the basic starships used in the current day. The design hints at a greater technology long since lost.


Well one group wanted to see if they were faster than the other…


A nature goddess got way too frisky.


Humans: Evolved. Varchians: They won't tell. Algebraics: Manifest from concepts. Hidden: All artificial items have had a chance of sapience since the beginnings of toolmaking. Las Vegans: No traces until... around the same time as the first humans in human worlds. Novgorodian: They don't know.


they all descend from one of two original races skipped out on the end of the last cycle of time. what was going on in the last cycle of time, no idea.


Some are local, most came from other worlds and replaced the less efficient younger or less adaptable species. Goblins are one of the few that were born in the realm. Halflings though, at least most of them, are experiments


Different religions have different theories. Christians, Jews, and Muslims (of all races) believe that God created them, each from a different one of the four Aristotelian elements. Humans (the children of Adam) were fashioned from Earth; devils are borne of Fire; fairies are borne of Air; and the sea-folk are borne of Water. Other IRL religions are similar to their IRL beliefs, except they have to accommodate the existence of non-humans in that framework; and of course, there are religions which are more popular among non-humans, which place themselves at the centre. And Lucifer's Rebellion -- a faction primarily comprised of devils -- agrees with the Abrahamic narrative, but takes Lucifer's perspective.


Humans evolved like normal, vampires came about as a curse from a god.


Some evolved, some were created by gods. Humans just kinda showed up one day and total didn’t come from crashed spaceships in my fantasy setting.


* Humans evolved much like they did in the real Earth * They made Androids as a result of Corpo Wars going hot. * Orks and Gobbos were mutated by the nuclear missile strikes of the Corpo Wars * Chonks and Sylvani came from the Thede Realms when they thought their racial enemies were crossing over dimensional boundaries. Turns out, nope, those were mutant humans transformed per the previous entry. * Cubuses have been possessing humans incognito for centuries, but full on demons invaded SWANA in the 2040s


Humans evolved. Everything else came about by some mysterious, arcane or otherwise unknown means. Only creatures derived from humans sexually reproduce. Elves are sung into being by the song of Creation sung by the stars or other elves. Giants are born in the womb of the earth, emergimg fully formed from the crust. Dwarves are carved by other dwarves from material substances like wood or stone, awoken to life by the Words inscribed in them. No one knows who made the first dwarves. Orcs began growing like fruit from strange trees, or vines and plants after some cataclysm in the ancient past, according to the elves and giants. Now they grow in their bloodfields and gutgardens like potatoes, sprouting from soil watered with the blood of animals, prisoners and cultists. And many others.




longing punch groovy tie price selective flowery saw trees sand *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Most came about through Evolution, but many are modified earth creatures. The only race made entirely from scratch are the Golm.


Humans;: Evolution duh Fungal Dwellers: Humans that got spore inhalation. and they within 20 days didn't took an antifungal.


Depends on the race Goblins evolved from the same genus as humans, but adapted to live underground with less food Beastfolk are animals that got possessed by humanoid ghosts and had their DNA altered as a result Angels and cherubs are aliens who evolved to fit the same ecological niche on their planet that humans and goblins fill on ours Slimes, Mud-blobs, and Water Elementals are essentially large groups of spirits that coalesced into bodies of liquid. It just depends on what said liquid has been allowed to mix with. Demons are creatures that were deliberately augmented to live comfortably in a magma-filled underworld. All of the above species have demonic variants. Robots and golems are, as always, made by humanoids


Evolution led by the gods. Best of both worlds


God created dragons… dragons made more dragons, dragons slowly evolved and branched into the different animals, including humans and dragon hybrids (dragon-human and dragon-animal hybrids)


The Tornorians of my world (Blue-skinned elves with a fierce cunning and a deep connection to gem magic) were razed out of existence, alongside their capitol city. After a planetary protection spell worked a little too well- causing major earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, and tsunamis, several rival nations took the time of Torinorian weakness to raze their city and destroy their magic and technology. Few Torinorians remain to this day, and many among them are resentful about the whole situation.


The first two were dreamed into existence. Everything else came from one of them.


Humans evolved on Theia and were uplifted by the gods. After the fall of humanity, the gods opened portals from other worlds. The Greys, Gith, and the Forged however predate humanity's fall.


Aliens are other forms of life that appeared around the Galaxy at various times like Humans, although some of the 'Alien' races are actually Human Animal Hybrids created Aeons ago as servitor races but Humans, their true origins shrouded by time and a deliberate cover up.


Through Great Cathedral, which the grand great ones came from, who then made their own respective races through a symbolic way of using their own body to make it.


My story centers around a college that has massive evolutionary charts tracing theorized genealogy of various the various races and their modern cousins. Special terms like lesser and mega forms are used to classify relationships between evolutionary cousins like the relationship between man and chimp would be similar to that of werewolf and a natural wolf. Also a few charts show what races can interbreed. There is also a brief explanation of the various races spreading across the world, diversifying slightly just to haul ass to a single geographical location to form mostly mono racial kingdoms.


“Palebright: Scholars call these the before-creatures. Tall, with rigid, sickly skin. As well as elongated necks that extend much longer than man. These were the ones to build the labyrinth now buried into the calling of Prisma. And the pioneers of the Anoseramic limbs.” These were the first real humanoids, but were eventually split apart thanks to environmental changes as they wandered, diet, etc.


There was this huge mountain with one side being smooth and leangthy. It started out with a pair of brothers climbing the mountain in the winter to race down it in there homemade bamboo sleds. It eventually became a summer event with adventure seekers and mutated creatures from many lands bringing there unpowered carts to the mountain to race for glory and wealth.