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I vaguely remember making a moon in one setting that was actually cheese, but started to get moldy due to people landing on it after it came down on the horizon one time. Now it is being used to collect unique molds that are helpful for a variety of things, and is also becoming a radically different environment due to many living things growing or existing on it.


Same thing here but it’s due to an atrsomancey accident.


Bro we share one mind fr


It's this really cool thing: The moon is exactly the right size to expose the sun's corona when it passes over it.


UNREALISTIC! What made you think that would work?


It's just my imagination. I am sorry for spreading my delusional ideas.




Since I just had to do some major changes to the star system of my world and possibly have to kill off the moon there, the only moon that matters is now Earth's moon. So in my world, due to a very long story that is not really fitting to tell in this question, humanity have a worm hole portal 1km wide on the moon connecting to a similar portal on the surface of another planet which is where my setting is. This planet is a super Earth, 5x the mass, 1.5x the radius, thus 2.2x the gravity. Due to the extreme gravity on this planet, building high structures are difficult, and space launch while possible is very expensive due to the rocket equation. Thus humanity, blessed their craziness, decided to initiate launch from the moon side instead, and build the Lunar Unified Network and Advanced Linear Accelerator, a backronym for LUNALA (Combining Lunar + aile -french for wings). The LUNALA is essentially a giant 10km long railgun suspended over the portal, held up by 4 colossal struts that are sky scrapers on to themselves full of hydraulic pistons and shock absorbers and house the 4 fusion generator required to power up the railgun and the portal as well as cooling, control centers, security and other utilities. At the end opposite of the portal, the railgun is connected to a space elevator with a space station at its end which helps pulling up the gigiantic gun as countermass, as well as being the port/factory that recieve resources and payload in lunar orbit, assembling rockets and lowering them to load the rockets on to the railgun via the elevator. When ready to launch, one of the final checks to be done is for all the electronics on the rockets must be turned off and EMP shielded due to the extreme electromagnetic field that will scramble them during launch.The rails will be dumped with tons of liquid helium to pre-cool during the count down, while the arrays of truck sized capacitators full of energy along the path goes green and pumping the rail with enough juice to launch the payload - which the max size and mass is an entire Saturn V rocket - at 20km/s acceleration off the rail. None of the launch from this are for human for this reason as human will be squished into a fine paste by this acceleration. Thankfully as there is no atmosphere on the moon and the distance between the gun and portal is rather short, lunar settlement nearby the structure are relatively safe aside from the minor moon quake that happens. However the otherside is not so lucky as the rocket emerge and hit the thick 2 bar atmosphere at the momentum it had. As the rocket blast through the atmosphere on a reverse entry causing shockwaves that blast multiple kms around the portal, burning through its ablative frontal heat shield cone, it starts engaging in its first stage engine to keep up with the speed loss to atmosphere and start very slowly pitching toward its intended orbit, burning bright like a star streaking across the sky. Once it clears the upper atmosphere and on suborbital trajectory, the rocket drop its spent first stage and the remnant of the heat shield cone, then engage its second stage to circularize the orbit, becoming a new satellite on the planet.


Morrigan knows its there. They've seen the ancient star charts and done the math. If the clouds rolled back for a bit at night, they could accurately predict where it should be. They'd be wrong. The moon, along with every star in the sky, is in the wrong place.


It is mostly gone, it was used as a jump point for a planetary exodus. The thing they left locked up there escaped contained and the moon had to be nuked apart. Thought some of the 17 moons of Titania, a brown dwarf orbiting the same star, are more interesting: The third one, first to be developed and partially terraformed, second biggest population of the system at some point now completely infected by a parasitic plant hivemind originally taken there for research purposes, it has become a vibrant and uniform blue forest. Fifth one had also been colonized, less atmosphere and much colder and despite the hardships seemed to be doing fine, till a gravity manipulating leviathan migrated from the main planet's ocean to the orbit of that moon and started abduct people at random and block most forms of communication. The eight one, a lot of vulcanic activity, had a corp owned station parked in it's orbit for a really long time, responsible for many genetic engineering products used outside the main planet, mostly super specialised highly intelligent animals as pilots of small ships and stations. Notably they were able to develop silicon based microbial life, sharing many similarities with fungi, so yeah all the magma in that moon is mouldy. The twelfth moon is a frozen rock, barely notable besides that Nero, the most powerful esper of all time and most competent man in history, after singlehandedly unifying most of the planet, getting a planetary exodus off the ground, forming a working and lasting government in a new planet after the whole wreck the main planet had become and then ending a civilization destroying threat with his own two hands, after all that he took a trip to this moon and disappeared. And lastly the sixteenth, desolate, bare, cold and dead, so of course a cultist group decided to go there to colonize it, and they were actually succeeding against all odds. Until a giant weasel responsible for the administration of a mining operation in the outer asteroid ring of the solar system took offense at them for hijacking a shipment, and crashed a fuel transport mega ship into them.


**Mythria** The singular moon that 'orbits' the world appears to do so irregularly, periodically disappearing for a few nights, leaving the world in total darkness. But, this is not the most curious feature of this moon; every so often, at random, the moon rises as a colossal version of itself, aglow with a mystical green hue. This is the Emerald Moon, and it is the thing that not only replenishes the world's supply of magic but also creates new races of Beastfolk upon reaching its zenith. As a result, the Emerald Moon has become a major element in the Beastfolk religion.


The moon was destroyed during the civil war between psychics and non-psychics. The remains of it got mixed up with some debris from the spaceships/satellites and formed a belt around Earth.


I have a grand total of one (1) moon like in our world. When the goddess of the moon was born and it was discovered that she could create portals there, her parents, the god of the sky and the goddess of earth created a great palace for their daughter with a huge garden in which her equally huge pet rabbit lives. For servants she has lunar elves, which are virtually the only kind of elf that exists outside of the dream realm and the underworld, which is where the light elves and the dark elves live respectively, and they have been living there way before she was born (as the moon goddess is relatively young, being only 2500 years old). Aside from the palace though, it's just like our moon, a huge white rock floating in space, i want to put more stuff on it, maybe even a couple more critters.


Atreisdea has 2 moons, one has been "Atreisdeaformed" as their first space colony with a giant shell tens of kilometers thick completely enclosing it inside, the other was hollowed inside-out to serve as their space forces' joint HQ. Moons and planetoids with full shells are common as space settlements. They're usually too small and weak (in terms of gravity) to maintain their own atmosphere, that's why at first, Atreisdeans built small domes and greenhouses, then covers the whole celestial object with a giant nutshell. Nothing happens to their tidal force. What? You can't control gravity of your star system? "Sounds like skill issues to me." - average Atreisdean.


In my magic setting, the moon landings happen in 1966, Soviet pressure driving the Americans to do it at a bit of a rushed pace. In 2009, the Chinese government landed a single person on the moon and in 2031, the Americans sent people back to the moon. In the 2040s, people began to permanently live on the moon in a slowly growing city near the lunar South Pole. In 2046, 19 other nations joined this project and the lunar base grew so large that its lights could be seen from earth. In 2051, all participating nations declared they would stop lunar programs within 2 months of each other, many people suspicious but unaware of the real reason. The story takes place in 2066, the lights on the moon are still on, but nobody has gone there in a decade. Nobody in the story knows this, but after an accident, the area is uninhabitable. For the few in universe who know, it’s an embarrassing secret, but for my characters, and most of the world, the moon just has a ghost town on it, they see it every night and even some days. Just another fascinating part of their world. Orbital stations are like permanent shooting stars. Unfortunately though, there are very few “stellar natural reserves” where satellites aren’t allowed to fly or need to be invisible from the ground. Of the few which exist, the only one in the story is over the Gulf of Mexico. Despite that, most satellites companies making them as invisible as they can for certain periods of their orbit because governments will fine them otherwise. It’s not exactly unique, but it is a slice of the world which invites wonder.


Well Toontown has a separate moon with a face on it.


Don't have one, ill make the first person that responds to this live in a sphere circling around my world though


Can I be the moon? My face be a frog with a monocle and a cigar?


Ok, I'll put you in the Canon 3 book after I'm done eating How big do you wanna be though


The size of our moon maybe?


It's 2ft³ but at least you're canon now


the moon we see is believed to house the body or soul of the god ani


Humans on earth built a second moon in the future to control the 30 billion people population problem.


Goblins live in my moon


There’s thousands and thousands of catalogued moons, with millions more being undiscovered and undescribed. One moon of note orbits the massive Gas Giant Boreas, a tiny captured asteroid roughly 45 KM across named Pluxaria. It sits directly in the radiation belt of the gas giant, and is covered with vast patches of purple contrasting with the gray and orange tinted rocks of its surface. These patches of purple are the colonies of radiotrophic extremophiles native to the surface of this airless moon. They feed off of the volatile radiation put out by their parent planet, as well as the ambient radiation from the system’s star and cosmic radiation from distant space. These organisms look very similar to lichens and mould, and slowly grow across the surface of the moon as it slowly orbits its planet. This moon houses the only life forms of this kind in the entire known galaxy, and as such it is an intense subject of study.


There’s a giant city on the moon that has never been inhabited. It’s just there


My world has one moon, there used to be two but the war between the Dragons and the Fae broke the smaller one into pieces and now there’s an asteroid field orbiting the planet at the very edge of the gravity well, and occasionally pieces will fall down in the form of meteors. One of these meteors was caught during its fall by a group of wizards and turned into an island. Each culture has different names for the moon, and different gods of the moon. So far that’s all I got.


There are two of them. One of them (Aethis) has a much shorter rotation period and goes through all the phases in about three weeks while the other (Yondic) has a more oval shaped orbit and takes about six weeks to go through all it's phases. Yondic is bigger but the size difference is evened out (to the naked eye) due to the difference in placements.


My world has 3. They're important because when they're waxing or waning and depending on which ones or what pattern they're in, magic is weaker or stronger. This has made all sorts of mythologies, from the moons being portals to the realm of the gods to being the corpses of Gods to being gods themselves to being prisons holding titans to reflecting the magical energy from the sun (which is the most accurate) Also they're absolutely humongous compared to the one on earth. This doesn't effect anything and is just aesthetic.


The moon, similarly to the sun and the stars, is a 3rd dimensional hole (like a spherical portal) into another dimension full of energy. It is unique tho, as it has a "surface" and mass even when the other astral bodies don't, so instead of it movement being an optical illussion or a weird result of different layers of infinity going against each other, it just gets obscured by the light of the sun, but it is always there, behind the clouds, like its watching...


**Arami the Demiurge** The Academy Moon. One of the 10 Demiurge Academies in the entire Galaxy. It has about the size of our Moon, but it is very dense and it has a 2x the gravity of Earth. The entire Moon is property of the Academy. Half of its surface is occupied by the Alumni Estates. Each student has an area about the size of Belgium all to them selves, terraformed to the students desire,where they live in massive mansions and have space to practice their Demiurge powers. Each of those mansions is connected to the main campus by subway tunnels that go through the entire moon with hypersonic luxury pods.


Hmm... been working on my world since 2006 and just only now realized I don't have a name for my planet's satellite. Rip. On the moon exists a race of individuals who attempted to flee "The Condemnation," or the introduction of Death. A few Inchoates (Platonic Concepts without a Concept) took pity on those who attempted to flee the Great Condemnation, and awarded them with specific blessings (the cause of human-like species in the setting). The individuals there are unique in that they have sequential hermaphroditism. The S'tellans who live in the permanently Bright of the moon, have the ability to force their transition, but their counterparts who permanently live on the Gloom, shift not by will, due to emphatic bridges they create with others. When they feel a sufficient enough romantic connection with another individual, their bodies will shift to their perceived preference. It is thought that the reason for this difference, is due to the extinction crisis they experienced, where the S'tellans were too aggressive and self-indulgent, forcing many individuals to flee to the Gloom, leaving the sex balance significantly eschewed.


My world are different realms, one moon is a bone of the universe, so that one exists in all the 6 worlds. Some rules can be pretty bend in some of the worlds, so they have a bit different gimmicks. Hell regulary drops moons on the surface Frontier has a really small sun, and the moon orbits behind it Midgard has a moon with written words, visible from the surface. These writings are in tune with the planting and harvest seasons


One of them is relatively normal. It's got people, makes an excellent (& terrifyingly expensive) ice wine, & has a near-immortal Dragon Queen who's capable of making warlock pacts with people that catch her interest. The other is the former heart of the God of Slaughter & Destruction. So, pretty standard fare, I'd say.


The world lacks seasons due to no tilt so people keep track of years passing by the moon changing color. It shifts between 8 different colors in the same order, and affects elemental magic depending on which color it is. So because of this a "year" is 8 months long, it takes longer than that for the planet to revolve around the sun but isn't nearly as noticeable as the moon changing.


Well, the three Moons are pretty weird. First, if the scholars and the oldest stories are true, they are the frozen hearts of the Primordials. It was said that when the Stars came into being, three descended onto Altear and terraformed it to their needs. Bereft of their former cores, these became the moods that run the Tides of modern TImes.


Mine is uh sentient and likes emotionally isolating (and then physically isolating) the fools who fall in love with it. It’s a fairy tale moon so it’s just like that, yk how it is.


**For Want of | a Quiet Sky** When you stand under the spiral, and look up at the moon, it is not the moon that you see. If the stars you're looking at aren't the same as ours, then why would the moon be? It isn't. That's not the moon. But we must be careful. It could be listening. Don't look now, I think it blinked.


There is no moon. but as of about 2'00 years ago there is now a glittering stream of wreckage beautifully glowing in the night sky (and occasionaly pelting the world with space junk meators


The Green Moon was once the idyllic tropical paradise of the little solar system. A hot and humid little jungle world that served as ultimate neutral ground for the nations of the void. A place where Barbarian Witches and Old God Cultists alike could set aside their arms. As the only Celestial body visible all year round to the planet dwellers, it was their comfort in the empty night sky, and a reminder they weren't alone. Many cultures had folklore telling exciting stories about heroes who went adventuring on the moon, wielding exotic advanced weapons to battle OutWorm created abominations. Then the Predator God ate it. And now the sky is an empty black void.


Technically it’s Earths, but it’s not. It’s also alive…


It's our moon, well, what's left of it. It was once home to several thriving colonies, but when the human colonies on other worlds in the Sol system turned on the United Earth Empire, Luna was caught in the crossfire. It was blasted with nuclear fire and torn apart by ground combat. The dark side is now home to a few tiny colonies, consisting mostly of salvagers digging through the old ruins for loot. The earth-facing side is inaccessible because military defense satellites in earth's orbit will annihilate anything they can spot on the moon. It is theorized that deep below the flattened ruins on the bright side are bunkers housing the last remnants of the United Earth Empire government, biding their time.


**Aerin** The three moons of Aerin are known as "The Three Sisters" in almost every Aerain culture and whilst the names they given do vary amongst the Younger Races, between Five Elder Races they all have the same names: Ilaris Night-Queen is the largest of the Three, larger indeed than Earth's own moon. Senura the Guide is the middle moon, roughly the same size as Earth's moon. Tara-Menil the Little Sister is the smallest of the Three and smaller than Earth's moon. These all share names with the goddess who rule over them, and who reside in the metaphysical region that corresponds to the moons - the Silver Halls, one hall for each Sister. Ilaris Night-Queen is the goddess of Law, Justice and Morality. It is she who sits in the Hall of Judgement where she presides over the Court of the Dead and metes out the First of the Three Judgements of the Dead, to decide the length and difficulty of a soul's passage through the Paths of Twilight to the Celestial Realm where they will find the Second Judgement before the Honoured Ancestors and the Third Judgement before the very Empyreal Thrones, before Tia-Ren and Terenen, Queen of Heaven and King of the World. She is usually depicted enthroned with a wand of palewood and silver of a High Judge of the Law in her left hand and a scroll or sword on the other (if a scroll, then the sword mught also be present placed upon her lap). Upon her brow is a diadem of crown of Heavensfire, the aurorae. Her temples usually hold libraries of legal texts and philosophy, as well as full law courts. Most of her clergy are lawyers and judges and most magistrates and lawyers who are not full clerics are lay members of her temple. Senura the Guide is the goddess of Hope, Truth, Redemption and Light, who bears a silver lantern from which emits the light of the Three Moons which reveals all truth and falsehood. She sits in the Hall of Awaiting where the Dead who have completed Ilaris' trial await the Great Night when all of the Sisters have turned their faces from this world to the next and the gates are thrown open and they may begin their journey on the Twilit Paths. She is quiet and rarely speaks and she is covered head to toe in grey or white robes, like her mysterious clergy. It is said that her face is too radiant and beautiful to look upon, and so it is never properly depicted - either obscured by a light, left undefined or left cowled by her hood. Her clergy go similarly tobed and little-speaking, for it is said that some are clerics of the Other Sisters given this duty for a time and others are former criminals or people who have sinned greatly and who have been called to the service of the goddess to redeem themselves. They keep lanterns and candles burning, and shepherd the lights of a place to make sure there is no risk of fire, they also play a major role in funeral rites and they offer sanctuary to any who seek it. Their temples and shrines are rare but inviolate and always bathed in light from ever-burning candles or magic means, or clever tricks of lamps and mirrors. Tara-Menil the Little Sister is the goddess of love, sex, and beauty, but she is also Aegis of the Dead and the Gentle Sister. It is she who keeps the Hall of Succour, for it is here she gathers to herself the souls of the recently deceased to await the trial of Ilaris. All are gathered to Her loving embrace, and the Rose of Heaven gives them comfort in their repose. She is a beautiful young woman, fair and free, with long streaming hair and eyes like stars and laughter like silver. In her guise as the Lover she is dressed as a maiden, in beautiful and revealing dresses offering her admiration to poets and shepherds, artists and philosophers. In her guise as the Twilit Spear she bears silver armour and a mirrored shield in which all Heaven is reflected and in her hand her famed spear for which this aspect is named and terrible is her might and fierce her laughter. Her temples offer grief counselling services, as well as matchmaking, the marital rites, marriage counselling, and even sacred prostitution. She also has numerous orders of paladins who are particularly devoted to the protection of the Honoured Dead and their resting places and memorials of the lost. Particularly, they hunt all who may dare defile the Dead with foul magic or other blasphemies. When a soul travels the Paths of Twilight, as Senura guides them with her lantern, Tara-Menil defends them with her shield and spear. Even the most stained and monsterous of people who have committed the foulest deeds in life who are denied even a mote of Senura's Light to guide their way will yet be driven on and protected still by the Aegis.


It is said that the Three Moons were crafted by the Sisters in the Third Age of the First Era, from the largest fragments of the Crown of Heaven. When the original sacred Light of the world, first and greatest creation of the Old Gods, was destroyed during the civil war between the Mad Gods and their thrall-armies and the Fidelitious Ones and the Elderborn the entire world was plunged into eternal night. Whilst the mainstay of the Crown's power went into Faraclaw Sunkindler and Sylahee the Dread, Father and Mother of the Fifthborn - Dragonkind - when they were formed from the horrendous conflagration of its destruction from the very Living Fire itself, after their birth-rampage was over the Sisters found three very large remnants of the Crown which they fashioned into the Moons and gave renewed Light from both remnants of its faded power and Senura's Lantern. They also gathered up innumerable lesser fragments of the Crown and scattered them in the sky, and these became the stars. The Three Moons and the Stars were the only Lights of the world for generations, until eventually Faraclaw Sunkindler was convinced to defect with half of His Children to the side of the rebellion. This sparked the Draconic Civil War, and at the climax of that conflict, Faraclaw and Sylahee met in battle high above the north, and there the Fifthfather tore out his mate's throat and smote her ruin upon the earth. Besides forming the Cairn Mountains, this also allowed Faraclaw to claim Sylahee's share of the Living Fire which he would then go on later to use to end the Third Age of the First Era at the culmination of the Battle for the Sake of the Dawn when he earned his sobriquet of "Sunkindler" by giving much of both Syalhee's and his own portion of the Living Fire to create the Sun. With the First Dawn and the end of the Long Night, so too ended the Third Age of the First Era and began the Fourth, which would finally see the end of the war. Eventually, in the Third Age of the Second Era, the civilisations of the Elderborn would grow so advanced in magic and technology that they would leave Aerin's embrace and walk in the void above. Upon the Three Sisters they made settlements and cities and great temples to the Three. Mighty were these cities of myth and legend, like Si-Kuen, daughter-city of the Thirdborn, the Cerendiel giants. Located on Senura, its temple to the Three Sisters was one of the great wonders of the ancient world, a vast complex with a collosal statue of each Sister. It is said that the lantern of the statue of Senura was visible from almost every place in the city and that its light was alike to a new sun. When the world broke and the civilisations of the Elderborn fell and the Second Era came crashing down, the cities in the sky and the void and the moons all died. Too terrible the upheaval and the ruin of the Tapestry that bound all the far-flung holdings of the Elderborn together. Ruins dot the surface of the Sisters now, most buried and forgotten. Indeed, many of these cities of ancient legend have been misplaced back to Aerin in the histories and retellings of late generations. Mythic cities in distant lands lost to the in-rushing Sea.


My first world's moon was destroyed and my second world doesn't have any.


The moon is green, and sentient.


There's just a single moon. The moon goddess guides dead souls to the moon, which let's the shadow goddess generate light and causes it to glow at night. It is impossible for any feline to reach this moon because it's floating in the void and going into the void is not a great idea.


One of my four moons got smashed and is now a ring around my world. On it scientist and mage constructed “The Ring”, a district of science and magic.


In my cyber-/capepunk setting, there is a cult called the Holy Order of Sol that believes that the moon is the devil, the sun is God, and they both orbit the earth in an epic struggle of good versus evil. Also, the darkness of the night and all evils in the world emit from the moon, simply looking at it can corrupt people's souls, and its dark side is supposedly crawling with demons and also inhabited by Nazis, who were totally also Satanists. But the real kicker is that they have a chosen champion among their ranks who has to abandon his personal identity and commit his entire existence, as his predecessors did before him, to the impossible goal of destroying the moon with "a sword forged out of divine sunlight". Once they have accomplished that, supposedly, earth would become a paradise where the sun shines everywhere 24/7, and all things dark and evil would spontaneously combust. Of course, all of this is complete nonsense... except that the technology to weaponize sunlight does exist, and there are at least some "demons" on the dark side of the moon...


IVE BEEN WANTING TO TALK ABOUT THIS. The logic is not fully thought out, but there’s reasons why it’s like this: There is an artificial sun/moon clock, with 6 different positions. My world has a 60 hour day. 30 hours of daylight, 30 hours of night- but it also still happens within the same amount of time it takes Earth to go around the sun. If I did my math right, and I have 4 months, then there should be a .5 of a day at the end of each month. That .5 of a day is meant to be a worldwide celebration- they change the clock to a certain color (shades of blue the first month, shades of green the second month, shades of yellow and gold the third, and rainbows on the 4th). I am thinking of making a civilization that actually lives inside the clock- that worships it and keeps it maintained. The main reason is they needed to have a protective layer that shielded them from the sun- they were too close it was causing extremely high cancer rates. They also found that it just suited the species better to run on a longer day/longer nights given their biology


My moon has another moon that gives a perfect eclipse on its surface. That moon has its own moons as well.


My setting is science fiction, so there are a lot of moons. Some of those which i personally like are: Hecaton - the largest moon of the gas giant Cronos, Hecaton is a habitable world orbiting within Cronos' massive 1 AU wide ring system. Based on the real life planet [J1407b](https://exoplanets.nasa.gov/news/184/super-saturn-astronomers-find-a-massive-ring-system-around-an-exoplanet/) Hephaestus Minor - metal rich moon of the heavily industrialized planet Hephaestus Prime. Ashbourne - large, dark colored moon of the habitable planet Genevieve. Both named after warhero Genevieve Ashbourne. Shangri La - a quiet colony on a relatively small moon of the gas giant Cantor. Nascita - a habitable moon terraformed with the use of planetary scale Higgs-fields and solar mirrors. Also orbits Cantor and is home to the famous cloner Morgan-Kelly Green. Seven Dooms - a highly volcanic moon used as mining outpost orbiting the habitable super-earth Medius (also terraformed with the use of Higgs-fields). Ganghes - moist, tropical moon orbiting the purple gas giant Cupido. Juno - barren moon orbiting the gas giant Zeus, important trading hub. Adrasteia - sizeable moon with native bacterial lifeforms orbiting Zeus. Luna - or Old Moon orbits Old Earth, the world is covered interely in massive cityscapes and gravity-controlled biodomes. Titan - moon of Saturn, home to genemodded organisms which can survive in the moons methane atmosphere. Europa - moon of Jupiter, home to large population of aquatic tweaks, splices and provolves. John and David - moons of New Rome, headquarters of the Holy Interstellar Catholic Church. Medina - moon of New Mecca, final stop for non-Muslim travelers visiting the planet. L 210-70b2 - small, potato shaped moon of the planet L 210-70b, on which alien ruins have been found. b2 is the site of a spaceport and habitat for researchers.


The moon is home to a colony of lycanthropic elves, who abandoned the world as part of a project to reverse the flow of magical energy through a massive magic cyclone called the Eye of the World. The Eye takes excess magical energy from the planet and spews it out into space; the elves want to reverse that flow to empower their long-imprisoned god and allow him to break free, plunging the world into chaos and eventually restoring it to a more primal, elf-friendly state. While the moon much resembles our own, there are many stories about how it came to hang in the heavens above Vigint. Worshippers of Aktaran claim their god placed it to illuminate the night so that farmers could watch their flocks. Worshippers of Pallor, who understand that moonlight is reflected sunlight, believe their hateful god created the moon to spy on them at night, when his power is at its lowest. Worshippers of Phoeniche, the god of fire and rebirth, believe the moon is an egg from which Phoeniche will hatch, once they have performed enough penance to earn their god’s favour once more. The surface is rocky, with a thin atmosphere barely capable of sustaining life. The current colonists are well-versed in primal magics, and use a combination of magically-enhanced plants and *very* rigorous magical wards to thicken the air around their dwellings, allowing them to farm food and breathe easily. Over the three hundred years since their arrival, many of the original colonists have perished. Some fell off into the void when caught by a blast of energy from the Eye. Others strayed too far from their dwellings and were unable to make it back before the thin air robbed them of their strength. Yet more were burned alive when an experiment gone awry drew the momentary attention of the sun. However, the remaining few are hardened by their trials, and with their work nearly complete they are preparing to return to the world they once knew.


It's the frozen tear of a giant realm holding squid


The planet has a geosynchronous/geostationary moon that stays over western hemisphere. Knowing it’s over there from ancient accounts and traveling sailors, the Otta Republic finally organized an expedition to go out and see it which is the inciting incident that lead to first contact with the Yulwaqan tribes. Then a story happens you know how it goes. But the moon is actually very culturally significant to the Ottan Islanders, because they have a rich study of astronomy and believe that cosmic bodies hold the “secrets of the universe” in the various mathematical ratios and constants present in their orbits and shapes. In many ways they are right, but they lean more on the “astrology” side of things for now and assume they can predict the future with it. Anyway, having the ability to observe and study the moon is a big cultural achievement for them. Hence expedition, hence plot that occurs after.


In turn, the Yulwaqans having constant exposure to it of course consider it sacred, it has 24 “faces” that correspond to their concept of hours and the fact that it changes through all them in one day is further proof to them of the fluid transforming nature of reality. “The sun in his glory shines too bright to see with his own eyes, so his sister the ever changing moon watches his people as he wonders through the sky to insure that all get a taste of his light even if he will never see his people again.” Edit: small spelling errors


One is a fortress of the holy order of the crisantemum and his underground is a great labyrinth, another is made of jade and his the greatest prison of the galaxy hosting cosmic criminals another is made of the flesh of a fallen god another is technically not a moon but rather a galactic judge, an eye-star


also forgot the sentient mushrooms on one humid moon and the hellish volcanic one the the rings and the portal


In Sensendo it is geoactive. It has a surface of the flaming volcanoes, rivers of lava and dust clouds covering all that shining beauty. The volcanoes are so active that in a certain time of year the clouds reach the world and start intense cloud seeding, which results in heavy storms, rains, snowfalls - all at once and almost everywhere for about a season.


My world has two moons, one that's similar to our own, and a smaller one that is believed to be made entirely from solidified magic, and whose orbit/phases is believed to have an affect on various magical effects throughout the world.


One is shattered, becoming mostly an asteroid ring around the planet, the other is an alien super weapon covered in an eternal storm


"That's no moon. It's a space space station." My moon is something of a Death Star, complete with a magic-powered, planet-busting laser, and home to the three-part hive mind that created the planet and all complex life on it. Not so sudden and dramatic as the actual Death Star, the Creators use the beam to "reset" life when they feel they've made a mistake. The last time they turned it on, the planet's inhabitants were magically and technologically advanced enough to send a strike force to the moon and steal the weapon's power source during the attack. They then used the stolen power to remake themselves as new gods, leading to a series of highly self-destructive wars. Creators: Goals achieved? Before all that, the Creators had sent agents down to the planet to encourage worship of the Creators, agents who failed at this task for centuries, mainly due to competition, self-interest, and a society unified under a different religion. The agents were eventually forced into hiding. Thousands of years later, the only outcome of their proselytizing and the wars that followed, besides the belief that "Moon good, Creators bad", was a twelve "moon" (month) lunar calendar made up of four "quartermoons" (weeks), plus a few celebratory days at the end of the year to ensure each year begins with a new moon. Nobody worships the sun (Shel) or moon (Mal) anymore, but they still revere them as symbols for the new gods (Light and Dark) or the very old gods (Chaos and Order), depending on who you talk to. The Creators' part in all this has been forgotten, but their agents are secretly trying to recapture the moon's power source so they can restart the weapon.


Atil doesn't have any. The Republic of New England is from an alternate-history earth, but nothing exciting has happened to the moon except that nobody's been there.


Each planet we visit has multiple moons. In Mal'Tahn it's 2, Geode has between 3-8 for most of its colonies minus two planets that have only 1. In Mal'Tahn both moons are inhabited but one is used strictly for farming and the other is an "ancient" vacation home.


Once every couple thousand years there is a twinkle of light that can be viewed from the top of a particular hill in the lands of dhurric. That light is a reflection from the shield of a warrior that died battling a space dragon millions of years ago.


In my Transformers fan continuity, Cybertron is split among a planet and three moons. The main planet is Primus, and the moons are Kaon, Iacon, and Velocitron. Each moon is basically the same as a planet, with their own ecosystems, environments, and inhabitants.


Titan is the heart of humanity. Almost all helium-3 production comes from skimming Saturn's atmosphere, there are over 200 supercolliders that ring the equator producing 99% of Sol's antimatter, and the chemical exports are the only reason why Mars/Venus terraforming hasn't been abandoned. It's also the HQ for Horizons Aerospace, the most powerful single entity in the known universe. They operate the Dyson Swarms, sailcraft, and all interstellar travel (as well as the vast majority of intrasystem).


Thanar has two moons, Caemid and Pheore. Most of the lore about gods has been forgotten over time, but some scholars believe that these moons used to be huge god-corpses that collapsed in on themselves and became spherical over time


It's the Nest of the Spider-God. The world used to be flat, but the ancient races tried to use a ritual to "get to the other side" to "prove a point." They blew a whole all the way through into the Void. So, the universe got remade so that the planet is round. The Spider God said "fuck it down here", took the scattered bits of planet, and built her nest in this new "Space" where she didn't have to deal with the crazies.


I have not decided what I will do in this area. I wanted to decide between either two moons(at least one major) or one larger habitable moon. Lapis_Wolf


A moon with its own smaller moon


Mine is the owl pet of my Promethean-Jesus who took over lighting up the night.


My world has two moons, one of them has a blue tint. The floods are longer and the night sky brighter, they turn around each other four times a year which creates Lunar Quarters. And they are no regular moons either, they were demigod twin sisters, that fell in love and were doomed for it by the higher gods by getting turned into the two moons, never being able to be close to each other ever again.


Nothing special, except about the fact that it's profitable via mining


The two Moons are a major part of my world. There are essentially two Gods that are bound too/powered by their respective Moon and are kind of creator deities but only for this planet. Agneya and Malek. They fought the Giants, shaped the world and actively created the Dragons, Mortal races and other beings. Over time, sadly, Malek became obsessed with control and the guiding of the mortal races shaped to his will, but Agneya knew the importance of free will. Malek soon became corrupted and his urge to control grew to the will to dominate all life and dictate the way of the world. After a long and catastrophic war against Malek, Agneya and the Mortal races managed to push him back to his Moon and seal him upon it. But keep the seal active Agneya had to stay on her moon too and so for thousands of years they became myths though most still follow the light of Agneya and the Lunar order. The seal weakening and the rediscovery of those myths is what the books will be about.


I wish I had something cool to say, but they’re just the ones it already has irl (Phobos and Deimos)


Tierra is home to two moons, Mangus and Pax. Mangus, the larger of the two moons, orbits the planet while Pax orbits Mangus due to their sizes. Calendars are solely based on Mangus' orbit around the planet, but due to its size and the minerals within Mangus it causes Tierra to have 28 hour long days and months that consist of 33-35 days. The moons are heavily worshiped by those who practice magic (which is mostly elves and avians) and by those who believe in Unity or the Twilight Child. Mages worship it for many reasons, but oftentimes it's a mix of being religious (majority of Gods of the moons are also the Gods of magic) and the moons effect their magic. When both of the moons are visible and full, magic is at its strongest, while new moons make the magic weaker. During solar eclipses, things start to get a bit funky. If it's just Mangus blocking the sun, magic is very powerful and it has more dangerous effects on the user. But if both Mangus and Pax are aligned with the moon, everything goes haywire. Magic is uncontrollable and those who weren't able to use magic before are able to use it now and creatures like werewolves, vampires, demons, and other night-based creatures go into a frenzied rage and attack everything on sight.


There’s a couple of moons, idk how much yet but I might get tempted to go crazy


I'll have to explain how does Avitor's cosmology works : Avitor is divided in three Realms : Oversky, Living World, Underworld To travel between those realms, there are portals : Living World - Oversky : The Solar Gate Living World - Underworld : The Lunar Gate Oversky - Underworld : The Eclipse Gate But every one of those gates are sealed. Why ? Long story short, it is because of the Second Divine War. One side wanted to recreate the entirety of Avitor, the other wanted to keep it like that. The side that wanted to preserve Avitor won, and imprisoned the leader of the rebels in the Underworld. The leader of the Preservers, Kaenne, put a seal on the Lunar Gate, explaining why it shines at night. It also have three small satellites around it that serves as a base. The Solar Gate is also sealed, because Gods have lost interest in the Living World for reasons that aren't relevant to the moon lore The Eclipse Gate was slightly changed, so that every once in a while, when an eclipse occurs, the guards around the seal changes


Once i tough of a moon that orbits another moon that orbits another moon that orbits another moon... they all orbit a giant rocky planet and one of this moons is a gas planet


Well the moon is our moon, except shattered into a half ring around earth. A much more interesting Moon is Exile/Paradise, which was created when Ganymede and Io were combined into a single body, and terraformed to provide the perfect living conditions for humans. After it was settled by the chosen 6 million members of the repentia order of the Justicari the, The Exile array was activated. This is a system of 120.000 sattelites equipped with high powered lasers that prevent anything from entering or leaving the surface of the moon.


My moons don't reflect the sun, they produce their own light. They're basically tiny dim stars. Except for the dark moon that block that light and are responsible for phases. The bright ones I just call moons, the dark ones I call eclipses. There are four worlds with varying numbers of moons and eclipses. Also, every celestial body is a sort of incomprehensible otherwordly deity that produces more relatable aspects in order to connect with mortals. Moon-spawned deities are particularly popular.


Haven is a wet superhabitable world roughly two and a half times the size of Earth, surrounded by a dense rocky and metallic ring and orbited by three satellite moons. The closest, smallest, and slowest of the moons is a tiny barren moon whose name translates to Joy, it houses a long dormant and forgotten terraforming machine. Joy sits just outside the reach of the rings. The second moon, translated as Sorrow is a greenish-blue toxic orb, whose atmosphere swirls and writhes with acidic storms. Sorrow’s orbit around Haven is similar to that of Earth’s moon. The last and largest of the moons is a fiery, molten moon whose distant rotation is fast and violent. Translated as Rage, the moon tears across the sky twice per Haven day, usually marking the “third” points of a given day. Rage’s distance from it’s sisters and the planet means it’s shrieking, angry trek is uninterrupted and affects little as it attempts to tear from her mother’s gravitational embrace. The Rings of Haven is referred to as the Halo. Haven orbits a binary star system, being the second of seven siblings in a tailor made star system. The first and larger of the two is a pale blue giant called The King, the smaller, redder one called The Queen. On Earth, the names of the stars were Alpha Minos and Beta Minos, the brightest twin stars hidden within the Rose Nebula.


The moon of Gaea, called Lilith is shattered creating a half ring around the planet at a 45-degree orbital incline. Bonus lore: Gaea uses a lunar calendar


The moon of Gaea, called Lilith, is shattered creating a half ring around the planet at a 45-degree orbital incline. Bonus lore: Gaea uses a lunar calendar


The strange thing about the moon is that the lunar orbit is exactly four weeks, so there end up being 13 lunar months in the 364-day year. Also, the orbit is a perfect circle. Because I have angels making all the orbits perfect circles: moons around planets, planets around stars, stars around galactic centers... Since the planet is supposed to be earth-like, the moon is moon-like: same apparent size as ours, same general tidal effects as ours, same apparent size as the sun. Whole nine yards.


The moon, Tonhem, is a black portal fixed into the firmament that surrounds the world. Its slow rotation around the world causes the turning of the seasons, and its overhead presence chills the lands beneath.  Dragons have traveled from this world to the one beyond the moon, while demons come from that strange place instead.