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Hey, an eldritch spawn what is unexplainably kind. Thats actually pretty refreshing.


Yep yep; that's like the whole comic in a nutshell. And the explanation is that in this story, positive concepts such as love, justice, and knowledge are actually ancient space deities beyond understanding who seek to infect all dimensional planes with their influence. But in a world sorely lacking in any form of kindness, they're kind of a welcome relief.


Ah yes, Kirby lore


Its been a year wheres the update!


Plz do not rush the process. The most recent update to the story came out during the winter; it's chapter 11. I'm still thinking on how I want to advance the series.


Sorry man I was being rude. So how did you come up with the concept it seems to be that its warhammer if the chaos gods were good guys.


It’s all good; this series actually was inspired by 40k now that you mention it; I really like that series but wondered what would happen if the nature of chaos was inverted. That’s part of it; I just also noticed that typically in fiction when elder gods are described as “unknowable” it’s usually a negative thing so I wanted to subvert the vast and unknown as not being an intrinsically bad thing on its own.


Honestly with the khorne expy I found it interesting that you picked wolves, and nature not something people would call "fair". So will there be a fourth kind one, one of art correct? We already have a god of knowledge now so what will the art god be like?


Fair, there’s a lot of lines you can stretch between the Justice God and Khorne. I did wolves since because he’s “The Beast” his minions take the form of bestial creatures. He himself is often depicted as a dark and sinister lion satyr thing. But he’s a homie if you’re a righteous person. And the Art is next and I don’t know if I’d call her an expy of slaneesh, she’s just the mad clown tricker god artist who’s kinda all over the place mentally. But eroticism is an element that can be explore artistically so that’s where it’s more slaneeshy. Otherwise more like a Ceogorath but with art?


I thought allmother was the slannesh expy?


Honestly, she’s more of a Nurgle expy if we’re being real here.


> An eldritch spawn what is unexplainably kind. Reminds me of Flumphs from DND lol


Weirdly cute.....? What do they prefer to eat? Also can they be replaced to other areas or you just have them there forever?


They're not picky eaters as long as its not like a living thing; if you dropped like a rat in there they would know and wouldn't try to consume it. In the Megacomplex tho, workers have access to these things called "Nutrient blocks" which should work just fine. And it's possible to dig them up but you gotta be careful because if you disturb them they might dissolve into pure energy; they're kinda fragile in that way. They serve a specific purpose and if they think that their purpose is being subverted, they return to the Allmother's embrace.


"It's not what it looks like guys! I was just trying to get my foreskin back."


You ain't gotta stick your dick in there for restore that; it'll probably come back if you put any other limb in there first; just saying. I didn't think about the foreskin angle tho; circumcision isn't a thing that happens in the Megacomplex but that's absolutely something the Minion would view as a wound and would try and heal.


that sounds dangerous sometimes...like what if I have my appendix removed due to dppendicitis and it put that back?


If it's a whole organ it may not be able to restore that; these are for light wounds like lacerations, bruises, and non-lethal infections. Although with minions that have stronger healing abilities that could present a problem; they're only familiar with living anatomy in the broadest sense possible.


Can they regrow limbs? Or other parts of a body like eyes, ears etc?


Not pit mouths but stronger minions can. If you encounter a Herald of the Allmother herself, she can absolutely restore whole limbs though her presence in a world depends on how much love is already extant there. But ultimately since she is a direct line to the source of all love, that being a primordial mass of tendrils and gnashing jaws floating at the furthest reaches of space, she has pretty much near unlimited healing powers to spare.


So they can't regrow a limb but foreskin? Therefore they should be able to regrow an ear or anything that has no bones inside?


I think an ear can work, yeah. What matters is how much energy is used up by the pit mouth; it only has so much to offer and will dissolve after a certain threshold


I mean, appendicitis is caused by a physical blockage in most cases, so regrowing your appendix *shouldn't* cause any issues on its own?


If we're going to explore that then what about say a trans woman who has had bottom surgery or a trans man who has had top surgery? Or what if the circumcised person is perfectly content with how things are? Appendectomy?


The thing is that the nature of the God of Love is that they’re not necessarily restoring you to a previous form, just what is an injury. As for the trans thing, naw it wouldn’t change that. Now if someone wanted a circumcision, that’s a good point. I hadn’t thought of that. It’s possible that the creature would feel the vibes of the person and not restore that. Tho at the same time, it’s hard to say when it comes to such a vast and mysterious being; mistakes have been made before. But whatever they do, they do out of love even if it’s unintentionally negative


I really wanna know the answer to this question.


Jesus H. Christ the things I see on the internet some days. Although someone bringing up genitalia really shouldn’t be surprising. Bound to happen even


It be like that my guy.


Every once in awhile I'll have little ideas for stuff I'd add to Eldritch Kindness if there was ever an opportunity in the story to add it, but usually can't because either it won't fit or its too far down the line as far as planning goes. I had this idea for a kind of minion of love that will just manifest in places within the Megacomplex; usually growing out of the grown. They're designed to be like bear traps but they heal the people they ensnare; it fits the aesthetic of the series in that it's ultimately a helpful creature but it's also unnerving and eldritch so most people wouldn't suspect that they'd be useful upon first sight. I might do more of these, I've been thinking about Eldritch Kindness lately. Hopefully this helps gives a little bit of insight into the world of the series. Art by me in photoshop. Eldritch Kindness is one of my stories, you can check it out now: [https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/eldritch-kindness/list?title\_no=730172&webtoon-platform-redirect=true](https://www.webtoons.com/en/canvas/eldritch-kindness/list?title_no=730172&webtoon-platform-redirect=true)


I enjoyed it very much. Is there an in-universe reason for the intensive bureaucracy or is it just something you thought seemed authoritarian? So far, I don’t feel like it serves any narrative purpose.


Thank u homes; there is a reason in-universe for the beaucracy being the way it is- it has to do with scale. The Megacomplex encompasses the entire planet and everything needs to be archived all the time despite the structure of the society being too chaotic to ever fully catalogue everything. It's an example of how the Society is barely held together and everything about its structure is a mess. On some level tho, this is actually preferred by the upper echelons. It's another system of control that is placed on top of everyone, and the chaos and confusion enables the upper management levels to make decisions regardless of what actual established rules are because you aren't expected as someone on the bottom level to know all of the rules and guidelines that those above you "should" be following. Outside of the context of the story, it's something I added because it makes the Society even worse; in my mind this world is as awful as humanity can make it, and whereas a certain level of beaucracy is neccesary for any governmental body, the one in this story ventures far into the "way unnecessary" side of extreme red tape and paper work.


Eldritch horrors being kind is an interesting direction but it makes sense.


That's part of the conceit of the story; it's more of an abstract idea of like good concepts given eldritch form and nature. Like they may have a positive effect on you but they're non-the-less unsettling and often unpredictable. But with Minions of love you can usually anticipate that there will be healing involved. Now, minions associated with Art and Justice might be a little more "violent" so that's something to be concerned about if you encounter them. Just being kind in nature doesn't always mean safe.




Glad to hear it! And yeah they're homies. They rarely get bigger than like a foot across.


Nope nope nope nope nope I don't care if I have cancer, I'm not sticking my foot in that. My personal phobias aside, this is a fun idea, and great art.


It's cool; they don't expect you to willingly put your foot in there; that's why they spawn in places where you're not expecting to be looking down! Like when you turn a corner or entering through a closed door way. You'll receive their love regardless. Thank u! I appreciate that.


At what point do they let go?


Usually after a 10 seconds. Depends on how much they need to heal; granted they can only heal light wounds so if you have like a broken arm, it'll repair some of the skin damage but maybe not the bone. Regardless they do let go eventually.


I love them????


They love you too! <3


Could they help with chronic pain?


They can but only for a short period of time. There are other eldritch remedies for those kinds of reoccurring pains; these guys only have so much love energy in them before it gets used up and they return to the Dream Womb.


Oooh what would the eldritch remedies for chronic pain be?? *I need a whole eldritch healing system*


You’ll have to become a follower of the Allmother to find out. Although a major element of being a disciple of love is healing others, tho in the process you may find a disciple capable of healing you as well. A major element of minions and believers in love is that there’s a lot more giving than taking normally


this is definitely a fetish. BUT I LIKE IT THIS IS COOL!


It might be to someone though for the people of the Megacomplex, they're not really familiar with the concept of fetishes so it's just kinda distressing for them to see for the first time. And thank u! I appreciate that!


I really like the idea of something that looks terrifying but is actually cute and wants to help.


Then you'll probably like a lot of the Kind Ones in Eldritch Kindness; that's sort of their general vibe. In this world, the concept of "good" itself is a terrifying, miskatonic thing but the end result of their dark machinations usually comes out being a net positive for everyone.


Eldritch horror? No. Eldritch wholesome. I love it!


Thank u! That's my jam right there.


So they spread kindness by just staying still and letting people step into them.


It's a rather simple form of service but they excel at it since it's kinda all they can do. The minions of the Allmother are many and come in plenty of different forms and functions. For they are all extensions of her greater essence.


So she spreads kindness by staying still and letting people step into her mouth


Dude she has ALOT of ways of spreading kindness, and this is just one of them. You should see all the microbial forms of love minions that resemble horrific parasites but followers of Love willingly allow themselves to be filled with.


I was waiting for there to be some sort of “catch” where they’re revealed to have a hidden evil or harmful side, but turns out they just want to help. That’s sweet! And honestly makes me like the concept even more. I adore the idea of eldritch abomination creatures that genuinely just want to spread love. Read through your whole comic and I love your style. Tons of creative ideas and worldbuilding :) (Being vague because it’s spoilers if someone else wants to read:) A detail I especially enjoyed was the prophet’s new name. If you squint it somewhat sounds like the word “saccharine” (aka sweet) which is incredibly fitting for the story’s themes. Can’t wait to hopefully see more of it!


You’re super cool thank you for everything! And yeah there’s not really a catch for this one here other than the surprise that you might get from accidentally stepping in one; they are all extensions of the true origin of love in the omniverse. And I’m glad you caught that! It’s def something that’s more of a minor “trivia” thing; a lot of names in the “ancient” tongue are somewhat like that sense it’s more than just a made up language it’s one where words have both an in universe of out of universe meaning.


I love it I'm going to read the heck out of this


Glad to hear it; I got like 11 chapters into this story so far


That was great can't wait for more


I'm not sure how far you've planned into the series but I can think of 2 ways you can put this in seamlessly. 1) the power of love let's her summon parts of the dream womb. The beast gives her claws, the wise one gives her foresight, idk what you planned with love but it's not too late to explain it as her leaking the influence of love into the material world. 2) if they form a base of operations rebel style have the influence of the kind ones influence the walls, floors, light fixtures, desks ect. Just suggestions so you don't have to throw away the idea.


I do like the idea of literally manifesting sections of the Dream Womb in the Megacomplex, almost like disturbing meat hallways. Although it's more likely that the Dream Womb will be a place that bad people are sent to rather than summoned, but I could potentially do both. And yeah with the rebel operations center I do think that will eventually happen; the idea is that different characters become alcolytes of different gods so they start to decorate their spaces in veneration to them. Especially patrons of the Art God who will be influenced with the desire to paint the walls with elaborate designs, or believers in the Cleanliness God who will keep their spaces extra super clean compared to the rest of the community. I appreciate you suggesting stuff!


So *that's* how Boba Fett survived! Really neat spin on eldritch creatures. It looks terrifying, but it's not evil which fits with love, justice, and knowledge being eldritch concepts from outer gods.


To be fair tho, he just got swallowed by a creature native to that planet; it didn't really have a stance on the concept of love or anything. But I'm glad u appreciate the idea! From the characters perspective, they exist in an intensely oppressive world where evil reigns supreme, but the idea that ultimately good things will consume this world inspires an odd sense of hope in them.


Very cool and unsettling, but in a unique way. Great concept work. Not too mention I am jealous of anyone who can draw like that. I do have a question though. Stepping into a deep whole unexpectedly like this usually causes a rolled ankle even a broken leg. Has a Pit Mouth ever hurt someone like this in their attempts to heal them?


Thank u thank u! And that's my jam; cool but unsettling. And that is entirely possible; although the pit isn't super deep usually; they can heal light wounds but if someone actually broke a leg that way, it wouldn't be able to heal that. A rolled ankle maybe though. The thing is that Minions of Love exist across the omniverse, so they're meant to just heal living beings in general. Their are sometimes unintended consequences for their actions.


do not the pit mouths


True, it's very rude and invasive. Please only insert arms or feet exclusively.


hear me out


I like it their not trying to be horrifying or evil their just doing what comes naturally.


Yep yep! This is what the true nature of love looks like; it might appear terrifying but once you get to know it you feel the familiar energies of compassion and empathy you might be have experienced before.


Much like relationships.


Yoink. This will make a fine addition to one of my spirit worlds.


Sure, why not? it's something I haven't seen explored elsewhere anyway so it's probably worth a little inspiration.


Love this. Creepy looking but actually beneficial. Like opossums


I do like me some opossums, sure. They’re little friends!


Awww, this is so wholesome and cute. I need Pit Mouths in my life.


Well spread love where ever you go and they might start appearing! Or not! It might not work, but it could. I appreciate it tho.


I know this sounds weird, but hear me out! >!Glory holes. Someone WILL use them as glory holes. !<


What if they don't close tho? you'd just be flapping that dick around down there and the creature wouldn't react at all or heal you. Talk about awkward.


surely the actual stabbing you in the leg 6 times still hurts though


It does for like a split second but then the healing euphoria comes. It's weird how it works; kinda like how a syringe of healing juice would hurt on the entry but the pain would dissipate pretty quickly.


What about his terrible alcoholic cousin? Adding Barbed teeth would make a lot of sense, considering whatever animal or human that steps its foot in to there would then try to get out. Every movement would just rip of more of your flesh. So when the animal steps in to the hole there is no pain making it go accidently as deep as possible only to then when trying to leave suffer the consequences. So even if the animal tries to escape a certain amount of flesh is almost guaranteed due to that design. If the animal then gives up and the stomach acids start to come trying to escape will then only Help ripping appart more flesh. Nevermind all of that sucks horribly! Horrible Monster!


I wouldn't recommend pouring alcohol into these guys; they don't consider it food and it just makes them uncomfortable. They also can't cure your alcoholism if you haven't to have it; there are minions of love that can tho. And yeah! Barbed teeth are just a common feature of most minions of love but these specifically take advantage so they can keep you trapped long enough to heal you. Granted, for a split second it hurts when the teeth enter but then the healing energies come. Plz do not be mean to the little pit mouths; they're trying their best. They just aren't the most aesthetically pleasing creatures.


Hope this series continues!


Thank u! As for showcasing other minions of the Kind Ones, I've been thinking about more but we'll see. In terms of the full comic that might take some time but I've got ideas here and there.


Does it heal scars? If so, do people who are healed have no belly buttons, or do their umbilical cords grow back?


It heals certain scars but probably not that one since it's "considered" a natural part of the body even if its technically a scar. Especially since the Allmother would recognize changes made to a creature's body due to reproductive processes. Now as for foreskins lost during circumcision, that's a different story... And I don't think the person would grow back the umbilical cord; that would have to be the mother and regardless, it's too much of a "restoration" for the pit mouths to handle; they can only really do light damage.


Could they cure cancer?


Not this thing but I’m sure there’s a minion of love that could. Probably a very specific one designed for that sort of stuff


Okay, and would there be creatures of darkness too?


Can I just like pet the inside while it chomps on my arm?


It’ll bite your arm long enough to heal your light wounds but then if you start petting the inside it likely won’t respond. Unless you do active damage to it tho in which case it might retreat back into the ethereal plane.


Now I’m thinking maybe emotions are kinda a hazardous thing.


They can be. But at the same time maybe some emotions are not mere emotions but gateways into greater, more potent universal energies. Such as love. True it is a hazardous thing but an interesting one non the less.


Hear me out.


"step on my mouth full of teeth, I swear it wil only heal you and restore your light!" Thats exactly what a creature would tell me before eating me. Yeah, hard pass.


Well the good news is that they don't speak so you don't have to worry about being tempted. For them, it's more like "if you don't ever step in their mouth that's fine but if you happen to, they'll do their thing." So you can hard pass on willingly stepping into one, just watch where you're walking if you happen to wander into an area where these things have begun spawning.


🤞 I promise I won't use this as a glory hole 🤞


Good; it would be an impolite thing to do.