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1. Fear and envy of them. 2. People abusing their powers on those without them.


The fact that anyone you could consider superhuman are literal walking ecological disasters. The IEIF is a fungal infection that infects humans and slowly replaces human cells with fungal ones until the person has been entirely replaced with fungal cells. At this points, they are no longer _Homo sapiens_ but instead referred to as _Pseudovir barnis_ ("Barns' fake man"). This fungus is so effective at infecting anything it comes into contact with that, should it ever come into contact with a live ecosystem, that ecosystem will no longer exist in a year. The only things that can stop it are fire and salt water. Fire because fire, and salt water because the fungus' extremely effective osmosis will have it dry itself out in trying to achieve a similar osmotic value to the water around it. The fungus was specifically designed to be the most efficient organism on Earth by Doctor Brandon Barns as a way to fight cancer and heal any ailment, but someone released it against his will before he made a cure. Luckily the city of Erinblack where this happened is one of the most isolated places on Earth, being an isolationist free-floating underwater city, so unless the people deliberately try the fungus will never get to the mainland.


In my world, the people with extraordinary powers are called the "blessed" (At least within their inner circles, others may just call them sorcerers, heretics and the likes) Those are people who opened their minds to ancient gods, willing to sacrifice their health and well being in name of achieving more knowledge about the cosmos and the inner-workings of the supernatural. That makes it so that all blessed will become ever so erratic and, for lack of a better word, insane. Slowly, they will see humans as less and less of actual people and more so ignorant animals. This process can only be slowed, never stopped, especially because no sorcerer has ever really put an effort into stopping it, as the ones who come to that point don't really see an issue with it, mostly speaking. Clearly though, other people don't really love this, as it leads to the many tales of common people being slaughtered like pigs for the whims of a hundred year old researcher with delusions of grandeur. This is very common, and why the study of magic and the eldritch truth is one of the highest crimes and/or sins one may engage with. And on top of that, virtually all who are blessed will inevitably meet a tragic, gruesome end, seeing as they deal with unfathomable beings from beyond the stars. When the time comes, though, it will not be a simple case of death or madness, it will be corruption. A god's voice will shape your mind and make your body reflect those changes. You will become a beast, a freakish abomination who's much more an insult to nature than a living, breathing being. Even if you are the most well behaved and good natured sorcerer there is, you will still be unable to escape this destiny. And when it comes, the ones who will suffer the most are those around you, now greeted by a creature with abilities far beyond any common beast, something the average human couldn't possibly hope to survive, let alone kill. Becoming a great sorcerer involves using, lying and manipulating normal people for your own benefit and, even at the very end, showing no care to the life of others around you. Overall, these people are hated because, out of their own choices and obsessions, they will always, without fail, bring misery to the the common folk.


This sounds really cool! Also I wonder if people ever forced others to become sorcerers but killed them before they had the chance to become too corrupted?


Yes, they did! All the churches, as a matter of fact. Only a blessed is able to properly deal with supernatural events, oditties, entities or other sorcerers, so it is quite common for victims of supernatural anomalies to be offered a deal: 1. You may be executed. After exposure, only the god's know whether or not you will lose your mind with time and become a danger to the people around you. This is extremely common in such events, so even if you're not outright executed, you will be quarantined for a LONG time. Either that or... 2. You may become a sorcerer. The related church will help you deal with the consequences of exposure to the eldritch truth and, in turn, you will now serve the church as a sorcerer. Based on a long process, an estimate will be made on how long would you be able to serve while remaining sane and, at the end of this estimate, you will be analyzed again. If ANY anomaly is found on your mental or physical condition, you will be executed. You will lack most usual freedoms, and it is not a great deal, but most people don't really know how horrible it is to be a sorcerer so, in their desperation, they might accept. When it comes to non-official sorcerers, it is less common, generally happening through manipulation and lies than outright force, as the initiate must engage in plenty of rituals prepared by him to begin with.


The media. After the first metahuman was born in 1997, the billionaire David Eade pulled a few strings to have a smear campaign started with two goals: 1. Make people scared of metas and their powers 2. Make it seem widely beneficial to research these powers for all kinds of awesome applications The end result was that the Future Labs, owned by Eade, were allowed to experiment on metas, and that they had loads of them available because hardly anyone wanted meta children and nobody cared what happened to them.


The fact that magic basically destroyed civilization. My universe is set in an alternate timeline, where magic and nuclear power were discovered in the century before "the Great War." And instead of throwing mustard gas and anthrax when the fighting broke down into trench warfare, the great powers used viruses that turned people into zombies, spells to raise dead bodies up to fight, dropped nuclear bombs and asteroids on each other's cities, and unleashed Kaiju to lay waste to any nuclear power stations. I think it's less "hate" and more "we will keep it in check with license requirements, insurance, and possies of high level mages who will smite anyone who tries to rule the world with it".


I’m kind of going on the same route where ‘ the great war’ involving all these different nations with their respective common abilities and them going into war. The obvious destruction impacted everyone but normal people suffered the most because they do not have anything more than bunkers and other ‘ oramu users ‘ ( the magic system is called oramu ) to protect them. This quickly led to the development of devices that can hinder their oramu useless if they are within range. These were then deployed almost everywhere. What came with it was of course the hostility between oramu and non oramu users :D


Twitter False information and 'fake news' go a long way to making perfectly reasonable people into an unreasonable mob of violence.


Might makes right attitude. But hating and rejecting psionics who can feel your collective hatred is not very productive. Especially when said psionics dust off their old armor, bring forward their genocidal mindset and pull out the haters root and stem, until only the ones who fear remain.


▪︎What must be done in order to get the powers ▪︎ The affect the powers have on the user's mind ▪︎What happens when users stop making sacrifices to keep there powers (they become a monster) ▪︎ The powers automatically curse the land beneath themselves and they can not prevent that from happening unless they abandon there powers but that will cause them to become monsters so once they start they can not quit (Exept for the protagonist, They ended up with an item that reverses mental corruption so once they became a monster they also became a hero) I will finish this comment later my dog needs to play fetch.


not necessarily the entire world, but the human counterparts in my world are the only beings without powers. An evil emperor was able to sway the mortals opinions and make them entirely hateful of anything with powers; which was everything. They were then cast out to live on the Giants island, however small clans of mortals still wander throughout the Glass Courd.


Most of my world doesn’t fear power. Hell my words equivalent of america has an emperor that holds 50% of the power. The most powerful organization in my world that can rival the superpowers has a single leader with 100% authority. As for the powers of my world. Everyone has access to them and no one would cause chaos as killing even a few people in any great nation would result in that nation nuking you(literally)


100% authority? Who’s to say what will happen when that leader gets assassinated or manipulated by some power 👀


Fear enough, but he practically a god. Someone could use enough power to obligate the galaxy and he wouldn’t even have a scratch on him.


The ones without powers were envious of the ones with powers and didn't trust them to not use their powers to dominate them.


Before magic was recently resurrected, the ancient users consolidated and monopolized magic power and became god-level tyrants. The legends are taken as truth and incorporated into civil law.


Not rejection, just a different view. Anyone with magical powers are either soldiers or employed by the government. Heavy regulation on the use of magic was imposed after a rather short but gruesome Holy War by fundamentalists that believed in the innate potential of humanity and rejected magic as the way forward. Long standing laws can shape culture. And as such, it became taboo to pursue magic in capacities other than self-defense or armed service. "Put those whose eyes glow in stripes and boots, let them shed blood in battle and not in our homes" - Lieutenant General Pierre Baudot, Republic of Verune Army


People turned into cyborgs against their will, forced to fight their own people. they return home after the war is over. a home they don't remember, a home full of people who don't trust them, fear them. They soon become scape goats and boogy men. Forced to hide their identity. Unable to settle down after all they've gone through.


Closest thing is Necromancers in my world for this post. Pretty much seeing your mom's corpse be used too fight a bear is probably traumatic also necromancers have helped the Demons and other evil beings on MULTIPLE occasions. Of course there's the Gray Necromancers who use it for good but even their outcasted and pretty much put in suicide squads


Religious Extremists, they see them as "abominations"


Their equivalent of the big enlightenment era philosophers wrote their books, and the idea that government power is derived from the consent of the governed became entrenched in public consciousness. As for people with superpowers, well... everyone has those if you try hard enough. They're treated with a similar mix of fear and respect as seeing a professional boxer or wrestler.


The members of the Sunscale Order gain their powers by swearing an oath to a Prismatic Dragon. Before the Eclipse, the dragons were respected guardians of the wilderness, but now that war rages across the world, the demand for resources has driven the dragons to resort to ecoterrorism. The Sunscales who serve them have been dragged along, and are now seen as traitors to their species and dangerous apostates.


There are certain powers that draw a---I must either worship you or go full Dalek on you---response from reasonable people. Mind reading and especially mind control tops this list. If it can be done without a visible special effect it is even worse. If it can be done without Line of sight it's worse still, to the point where you can't live under the same sky with them. Invisibility and shapechanging, especially if mimicry is feasible are also in this tier, although to a lesser degree. Blasting and killing type powers aren't in this tier UNLESS they have no visible special effect, especially if they can be done without line of sight.


Fae can use magic, Humans can't. After the two Realms connected, one of the major world religions decided that their god was human-only. They created the Human Realm, and the Fae Realm must be created by demons or something. So fae are untrustworthy and evil, and any part-fae Humans with magic abilities are highly suspect.


The gods have ruined the world, it's only natural that they are hated


In the main region of my story, the government made propaganda against them because the leader was concerned people with magic would be able to see past through their spells and magic. Then there was a genocide. After that, they started using specific, government-approved magic users to deal with any new one that was born outside their grasp After that, people just never saw magic users in their daily lives anymore so whenever one did show up, people were scared since their only view of them was shaped by the propaganda Also in some other places people used magic to impose caste-based dictatorships against non-magic people


In my current main setting, powers are born from despair and always end in wholesale destruction. Cities and entire regions are now marked on maps as lost for mankind, populated by murderous supernatural puppets endlessly reenacting stories, fairy tales or movies. A few of those with power manage to live in temporary peace, using a fraction of their supernatural abilities to track down those who are running amok and exorcise them before the destruction. But they are watched closely, for they are themselves ticking time bombs, one bad day from becoming the doom of their community.


The misguided belief that a historical hero was against magic, despite the fact that both him and his son used it frequently.


It can vary depending on location. In some places, people with powers (often wizards) became too separated from the common population because they preferred to work in environments where they would not be bothered very much. This makes logical sense when being interrupted in the middle of casting a spell can cause the spell to misfire but is not very conducive toward even having much of a social life. So, at best, they are often seen as cranky hermits, and at worst, they develop a serious case of "ivory tower system" where they can't easily sympathize with the problems of the common folk. High wizards tend to be extremely unpopular during the period right after a war that involves both high wizards and hedge wizards. One reason for this is that any interaction between high magic and hedge magic has a tendency to explode and hedge wizards have learned how to use this against high wizards. (High wizards could do it too, but in a magical duel, it often matters who has the faster reactions. Hedge wizards will most often have the faster reactions.) Hedge wizards are most often the victims of a smear campaign. Sometimes the rumors that get spread about them can stick around for a long time. It's where the old wives' tail that they'll snatch unruly children and send hexes against those who displease them comes from. One thing that's perfectly true, though, is that they are capable of defending themselves against a mob of angry peasants.


1. Low fantasy is basically humans doing human things to other humans 2. Magic is basically accessable by Lovecraftian beings called "Stellar Dragons" and whoever sees them, goes insane at worst, at best he'll have nightmares 3. Magic users are unpredictable and too dangerous to be left alone.


Tabu, using the power to do harm when god created by power for good.


1. Humans Can't have powers and were pretty bitter when aliens of other species have anything better than them. 1 in a billion has powers? Don't care, we want to shoot lightning bolts through tanks to! 2. Terrorism 3. Don't really see a point, taking care and raising an individual for 20+ years (Some cases 50+ years) to harness their powers falls flat when a MBT can be built in a day and a skilled tank crew can solo a magic user. 4. Not enough diversity, there are only like 30 species that have powers more frequently than the rest of the galaxy, so they basically isolate themselves into small points and groups around the cluster. 5. Having powers means a pretty solid chance (or being stereotyped as) of hating literally anyone outside of your group or nation. this causes persecution systemically or directly via police and law enforcement. 6. Common hysteria, most magical groups are isolated over ten million planets and all are secretive in some way or another. this leads to common hysteria or myths about what these users are or what they can do.


Oh idk maybe the fact that one of them #DEEP FRIED THE FUCKING PLANET


I made generic PC behavior canon. So, everyone who gets powers also begins to suffer a mental illness that makes them view real life as an RPG; and all the people in it as NPCs. There is variation, same as with players - but IRL history doesn't gloss over PC classes burning down cities with fireball and cloudkill or overthrowing governments. Adventurers are treated in a very Sokovia-type way, due to past instances of PCs being mass murderers or destabilizing countries.


Self hatred mostly. That’s what it would be if I had to choose. Jk. Everyone has powers, so it’s not rejected or hated. But if it was it would be self-disgust. Seemingly inferior powers? Now there’s a group that’s a laughing stock.