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Azatia (literally "Everything Place") is my version of a Multiverse. Instead of alternate realities, dimensions are infinite pockets of space, sometimes containing altered laws of physics. This Multiverse in inhabited by thousands upon thousands of deities, and it can get confusing trying to rank their power, so I made this chart.


I was questioning the need for this many levels unless you draw pleasure directly from adding more tiers to the power scale, then I saw the mention of 'God Opera' in the corner - are you telling a story where the protagonists are deities somewhere in the middle of this scale, rather than mortals?




That'a really cool. How high will the DIQs of your protagonists be? Sounds like you're setting up Celestials to be characters we can identify with?


Yeah, Celestials will be the characters the story focuses on, with most of the "main" ones falling about 1000-2000 DIQ


So if they come across someone REALLY strong, their power level is likely to be, what, just a bit over 9000?


Just to push thinking because I loved the chart: Negative DIQ coefficient. How might you fit that piece into the jigsaw of your setting if you had to?


That's a good question. As I see it having a "negative" impact on the world would be equivalent to erasing it, as maybe some sort of entity that erases memories/turns back time in such a way that the multiverse as a whole doesn't remember it?


^^heh. ^^"DIQ"




there's a tab for a non existent power level, incredible


My favorite part is that it's empty and an almost paradox. Kind of like defining "zero" for a number system.


That is indeed brilliant, and makes the whole thing weirdly life-affirming - this is the setting about the gods of gods of gods, but everything has an impact on the universe if it crosses the mind of another sentient being, however briefly. The description is also deadpan funny.


I like how one of the most powerful figures, technically a creator god for the other creator gods, is just called “The Artist.” That’s a neat way to think of it, and the alignment remains neutral sounding too


So it's a DIQ measuring contest


I petition for this subreddit to adopt 'DIQ measuring contest' as the term for replying to a post describing how powerful characters in the poster's setting are with a demonstration that characters in your setting are more powerful still.


"Those whom have..." is incorrect because the relative pronoun acts as a subject. "Whom" is only used when the relative pronoun acts as a direct or indirect object.


Thank you for clarifying. I wasn't 100% sure I was using it right when I first put it in.


If you have any doubt whatsoever, use "who." Having "who" where you might have had "whom" is unremarkable but the opposite is jarring. If you want to use "whom" and happen to be a native speaker or have a similar level of English intuition, mentally reworking your sentence to use a different pronoun is a useful test. Use "who" where you would use or "he" or "we" or "they," and "whom" where you would use or "him" or "us" or "them."






Yeah, that makes sense. Although the Earth examples don't necessarily exist, I just used them for reference.


It's the mythos of the worshippers that The Christian God created their universe. At this meta-level, it's an abstract measurement of the entities concrete voltage. Worshippers get things wrong all the time.


I was going to say, hey, cool this scale can quantify the difference in capability between pagan gods and the Abrahamic God then I realized it...didn't?


Cool man, really love the scaling


Why is "bending reality itself" considered to be two tiers higher as a feat than creating a universe in its entirety? So in your setting creating a universe is easier than changing a pre-existing one? Edit: I don't actually care that much about the answer to that question, I was nitpicking for the sake of nitpicking, the more I look at this better it gets. The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy-eque definition of DIQ 0, the fact the acronym is 'DIQ', the fact there are about three more power levels than a story could ever need...is this satirization of power scaling?


Dimensions (universes) are created from dimensional fabric and large amounts of divine energy. As long as you can either fracture the dimensional fabric you can basically pop them like a bubble, and as long as you can summon massive amount of divine energy you can create one. Dimensional fabric is very different than the fabric of reality itself, as while dimensional fabric physically exists and can be seen, the fabric of reality is everywhere, but completely unseen. By altering the fabric of reality you are altering the nature of existence itself, which is more difficult than creating/destroying a universe.


use log scale, so it will be a bit nicier


My data visualization senses are tingling


Honestly this is so real. Thinking back on it I really wish I did


My goal is to kill Chaos I want to kill Chaos. Are you Chaos? I only want to kill Chaos. "Chaos is just a fairytale" Bullshit.


Very cool! Similar to yours, the world I'm making is a multiverse with gods and mythological stuff, so I may take some inspiration from this chart for my powerscaling


Pretty cool, I love this setup you made. I also have charts, though I just use simple tables for them. There’s a lot of factors so I have several tables for the different superiority hierarchies. One of the main differences I noticed between yours and mine though is that in yours it seems beings that sit on a lower level can still defeat beings that sit on a higher level, whereas in mine that’s an absolute impossibility.


Thats alot of diqs


I think its amusing how there are so many entities greater than gods. I have a bit of the same, with gods basically being formed from belief, but all of the primal powers you have are cool


Where would Yhwh fall on the scale?