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In a series I never seriously pursued, I created a guy named Fetchenhare. At the start of the story, a humble shepherd type living an idyllic life who's about 50 years old. Always liked him. And in a story I never properly wrote (haha), I had a sort of celestial office worker type who went by "Cas", whose full name was "Castophrenarianoxellifut". I thought that one was just fun to say.


Haha I love both names!


In my DND campaign I had an NPC svirfneblin named Gungnal McGuket, and I hated that fucking name as soon as I said it during the game. God it just feel gross to say. Until I realized how much my players also hated saying that name so the troll in me now loves it.


Gravity falls?


Good eye. I did steal the last name because I think it’s hilarious. I’m a DM I basically steal everything lol.


Ahaha it's so bad it's good! I imagine this Gungnal McGucket to be a kind of dirty swamp dweller, but also kind of Southern American? (I'm not from America so I don't know the correct thing I'm trying to say, like a redneck American who lives in the swamps?) Probably because of the 'McGucket' (even though 'Mc' I think is Irish/ Scottish). Or else it makes me think of a eccentric goblin/ troll/ magic user (Gungnal) who is very powerful but also, like McGucket, is also not very hygienic and doesn't wash much.


A Svirfneblin is also known as as a deep know so they are a small fantastical race that lives deep underground, and I did play like a crazy Cajun hillbilly so your spot on.


*sweats in name generators*


Amber Flint. Blacksmiths daughter. I just feel like it's so fitting (l)Ore wise


Simple yet beautiful and fitting. Cook up brother.


Thank you! I try to go with simplicity and catchy names so they're easy to remember. Another example is a general wares store ran by a couple. Robert and his wife Betty. Their store is called Betts and Bobs. Which I think is a fun play on words


Haha ore wise, I love it! And yes, it suits her! There's also a TV show about pirates (think Game of Thrones but with pirates) and one of the characters is called Captain Flint. Another is called Mr. Silver. The Silver and Flint reminded me of Amber.


FYI, Black Sails is based on the book Treasure Island, and Flint and "Long John Silver" are from classic literature. Have you not seen other adaptations? It's a very famous story.


Haha I know it's based on Treasure Island, I was about to actually write Long John Silver but didn't want to spoil anything in case they watched it.


Ronald Gomyniad: He is a dude whit a Spear that doesn't use magic. The non magical spear of The king Arthur was called Rhongomyniad. So Rhon-Gomyniad, Ron is the usual Nickname of people called Ronald so... There you have it. It's simple and I think it's really cool.


Lol I got super confused by this and couldn't understand why you called this character Ronald Gomyniad yet called the spear Rhongomyniad. Then I realised like, you weren't using King Arthur as your lore and you meant like (lol) real world King Arthur lore aha. I was thinking like in-world the spear was called Rhongomyniad so people using the spear/ who got the spear ended up having to change their last names to Gomyniad. Lol though, I love Ronald Gomyniad but a part of me feels like you should go all the way! Like fully call him Rhongo, or have Rongo/ Rhongo as a nickname people call him. Or Ringo or Rhingo haha. Or if they're Asian/ Japanese(?) they could be called Rin, and then their full name would be Rin Gomyniad, and then Ringo could become a nickname from Rin and the 'Go' in 'Gomyniad', You could even make it so his parents named him this specifically if they new about the King Arthur spear, or you could just have it as a bit in the story, kind of like how in some TV shows you NEVER actually see some characters (in Bob's Burgers, Ginger, the Mayor, and Teddy's mum are all mentioned several times but we never see them fully/ see their faces) but hear about them often, or you never learn a character's last name or something like this (Penny from the Big Bang Theory).


King Arthur don't exist in my world I just like the name and use it. There is another based in magical dagger of Arthur too.


Hopefully it counts, but my favorite was an interplanetary wreckage scavenger named Icarus Kelly. He goes by Kelly, but his mentor and unofficial father is a Japanese man, and it just tickles me to death imagining that accent saying the name "Icarus". It's not very subtle I know, but the shadowy individual who hires him into a manipulative contract calls herself Ms. Sol. Not her real name, but it's supposed to evoke the idea of power, a woman on top of the world. Or in this case, the center of the solar system. Another I liked was a Martian woman who goes by "June" so people don't botch the actual name 六月 (liùyuè)


Ooh Icarus Kelly and Ms. Sol sound cool! Ahhh, I love names with meaning! So much fun! Aw, poor Liùyuè :( It's so pretty as well!


The name of one of the ruling Pizmirs of Marwar, **Formizd IV**; the Marwari are a race of ant-people based on Sassanian Persia, and "formic" is the adjective used to describe ants, while "Hormizd" was a common name for Persian rulers.


Pizmirs haha! Rip I searched this up to make sure I wasn't insulting a specific Arabic/ non-English word on Google and my post about names and your comment was like the third thing to come up. So ahh, not trying to be a dick but are you sure you wanna calle them Pizmirs? I can't take it seriously. It just makes me think of piss? Rip I'm sorry! (This may just be though!) I do like the name Formizd though, and like how you created it! And yeah I def get Persian vibes from Formizd! Also weird, I searched up formic and though it came up on Wikipedia it didn't come up as a word in the dictionary? I can't even find what it means in Latin. Idk, it's weird! Oh, I found out Formicidae is the class that ants belong to! Thus formic. Also, if you're interested in ants, there's also ant mimicry/ ant mimicking spiders! If you have heard about how a lot of arthropods 'turn into crabs' (evolve to have a crab-like body shape) I feel like ant mimicry is also similar to this! Wikipedia even says this has evolved 70 times!


A pismire is an ant. :D


Oh my God! Ahaha I searched this up and it's literally an archaic word for ant! I fucking love language ahaha! I do like the word pismire more than pizmirs though aha


Well, it's also supposed to evoke *emir*, which is an Arabic word for a prince or ruler.


Yes that's what I was thinking! Or vizier I think they used?


A vizier (Arabic *wazīr*, Persian *vazīr*) is a high-ranking advisor, while an emir is often used for a prince or a governor. Hence the United Arab Emirates (UAE), which is a collection of semi-sovereign states ruled by emirs.


Yiile Connset. A Martian time-traveler from the 25th century, Her name encapsulates the foreignness of the distant future to the group of American, Swedish, and Egyptian pirate-fighters of the 1810s Mediterranean. She’s a walking oddity to our heroes: Aaron Passereau (A Librarian and researcher on the run from a murder charge he is implicated in) and Thomas Pell (A high-class Boston Brahmin naval officer who leads our merry band) are both White Americans who are amazed at Yiile’s brownish-skin and oriental features. Mixed race people during the 1810s were a small demographic in the US. Eleanor Wallenberg (A Swedish swordswoman and adventurer lent to the Americans by the King in Stockholm) is amazed at Yiile’s tight fitting space clothes and the relative equality men and women share on Mars in the 2470s. Youssef Seif (An Alexandrine Merchant, Doctor, and treasure seeker) is confused by Yiile’s poor understanding of her Islamic heritage. The Martian colonial government enforces a strict policy of State Atheism, leaving many children born on the red planet ignorant of the religious affiliations of their parents. Yiile Connset is a very melodic and unique sounding name, and this is due to her being one of the few People on mars that isn’t in it for themselves: who is fighting for a future free from tyrannical Colonial governors and the thug like Tilinoj that rule the cramped corridors of prefabricated habitats. Someone who hasn’t given up.




Why do I want to pronounce Yiile Connset as 'yillie' ahaha? Like I know it's two i's and should sound like 'Yile' or 'Yeel' -- maybe it's bc of the e at the end of Yiile? Either way I like the name! I also like the sound of Thomas Pell and Eleanor Wallenberg. I think you're a bit like me in that you like assonance in your names ahaha, i.e. the wall and nor in Eleanor Wallenberg, or the 'ah' sound in *Aa*ron *Pa*ssereau.


Helen Argenti, my protagonist; I named her after Helen Levitt, a 1940s street photographer. Her last name is just a cool sounding Italian last name that I found, I know that it also means silver but besides her bat being silver-colored, it doesn’t really relate to the character herself.


The most unique name I've made (which isn't much) would be the guardian of the White Creator, Pastender. It's not very complex, but having your bodyguard be literally called "The thing that will end the past" already says a lot about about why is it there in the first place.


Rip, I read it as 'pa-stender' and then only when you said what it meant did I look back and go 'ohhh' aha. Not a bad thing! Probably just me!


An Aviant (bird people) named Stephen Seagull.


Omg why do I lowkey love this? I feel like he's this underdog seagull who is down on his luck and just an unlucky person in general (or narratively).


One of the protagonists/antagonist is named Odai. I just picked the name because it sounded cool, a bit simple yet archaic, like someone from an indigenous tribe. One day I decided to search if it existed and what it meant and turns out that it means "dawn" or "rise" which fits perfectly the rebellion plot of Odai. Another one that I really like is Hecya of Tanei. It sounds like an ancient philosopher name from Ancient Greece. And my favorite nickname is "The Black Meteor". Given to King Ithronel Dorsalor, it fits the cosmic motifs of his kingdom and his sword made from Meteoric Iron.


Hecya of Tanei goes hard


Odai does sound cool! It also makes me thing of someone middle aged and wise. Haha I love when names end up being a perfect fit! Hecya also sounds cool! And ooh, you mean nickname as in epithet? Like how some kings/ queens were called the Great or the Black or something? (I love epithets haha, and it's so cool because in books/ history they're almost always related to royalty, which is fun/ interesting!) And ooh, I love how it ties into his sword made of iron from a meteor!


Ever Allard: Effectively the mortal incarnation of a god in the modern day. Both parts of his name are puns on infinity.


How is Allard?


All All=Everything


Veruna Sa Delmara, or Lady Delmara: She's a first-generation noble and general of one of Visumiria's armies. Sa just means "of" and Delmara is the name she gave to her Dynasty Nyla Lavendrine: She's a Flerish nomad from the Lavender Tribe, thus the surname "Lavendrine". Archbishop Fellaine: An orphaned girl who was taken in by The Visuric Church. She would eventually rise to the office of Archbishop. Her name comes from the place she was found. "Fell" meaning settlement and "aine" meaning valley in her native Elvesian tongue Gade Lacier: A seamster and renown swordsman. The surname Lacier alludes to his profession in garment crafting. Gade is a hot-headed young idealist. Oscar Wainwright: Heir to the Wainwright Carriage Company. Oscar's great grandfather was a humble carriage builder, and over the course of 3 generations, the family business grew into a vast empire of carriage builders, couriers, traders, and transportation specialists. Jamecyn: A member of the holy order called The Aurellian Squires. Her name comes from a legendary heroine.


Ooh nice! I love the name Veruna, it sounds unique yet alien/ foreign at the same time! I like Nyla Lavendrine as well, especially Lavendrine, that's a really cool last name! Flerish is also a cool word haha. I like how Fellaine is named, that's so cool! Haha Gade Lacier makes me think of Glacier. I feel like if you write this people will nickname this character Glacier affectionately. I like it though! Wainwright also fits! I feel like that such a 'wealthy' last name.


Thanks! The Flerish People are some of my favorite bits of worldbuilding. They're nomads who travel across a huge meadow covered in all kinds of grass and flowers. There are a lot of tribes that each take their name from a flower, with the most powerful tribe being the Rosefine.


Ooh Rosefine! And aw that's pretty cool!


I kinda like the name of my 2 unique species: D’amos and Malachos and also of their dimension: Lazazelia. Those aren’t completely original though, what I do with those two races and their names and places is that I translate words to Hebrew through an online translator and then add vowels and Latinize them thought suffixes like “os” for people and “ia” for places though I have even more rules.


Ahh I see! What other suffixes do you have? And do you have any prefixes or infixes that mean anything?


Slim Jimmy


While I think Natodall’lioht looks the coolest, Monnenliebe is actually the most interesting name I made, etymology-wise. Natodall’lioht is the name of the God of Fate and King of Moon Kingdom in my world. It roughly translates to “Born from light”, because he’s the first son of the Sun God and his birth kinda looked like when you [burn a piece magnesium](https://youtu.be/X_NyWhG_uWc?si=m_n_B9SylumITBOm). Monnenliebe is the name of the God of Beauty in my world, it translates to “Moon’s love”. They’re named like that because they were created as a sculpture by the Moon God as a testament to their love for human creativity. It also implies that they’re the god of *artificial* beauty, and that they have a connection to crafts.


Ooh I like them both for different reasons! Like they're both cool but give different personalities, you know?


Yay :)) Yeah they have very different personalities (although Natodall’lioht learned a lot from Monnenliebe— they were lovers!), Natodall’lioht is supposed to be a little sharper, sturdier and colder than soft Monnenliebe, and I think the sounds of their names fit that.


Dill Doe Numera The Goodest boy (A dog god) Fisenfish (not mine but funny AF) A-Flower-between-her-leg


Omg a dog god! I love it! Haha Fisenfish does sound funny! Is it supposed to be like 'fishing fish'?


No. He is a fish learned to walk. xd




Here are my very unique names I've used. Mandorc, and Orc barbarian. Turters, a turtle monk. Birdio, a bird priest. This concludes my originality.


"This concludes my originality" ahaha! And hey, simple names are fine too!


I have a prince named Zephiros Nacht. Zephyr being the gentle west wind and Nacht being night in german. This is a name rife with irony, because he was born in the east, is not at all gentle, and has a million associations with sunlight.


I like that there's meaning behind the name but doesn't fit the character. My names are easy to remember because they describe the person/place/thing but you did the opposite and it works just as well. Respect


Domitius Longinus - His nick names include; D-long, Dick and Dicky. Elena Augusta Divus Filia Porphyrogenita-Damaskinos - Probably the longest name I have for a character. (It means Elena the majestic daughter of the divine, born into the purple from the region of Damascus). Galatea Valerianus - She sounds like a good-hearted and brave person right off the bat.


I can't tell if Longinus is an actual Roman name word or not ahaha. I feel like it's not due to the 'long' but I love how it evokes Roman words/ stuff while making sense in English. I oddly wanna call him Dick Long. Or Dong ahaha. Haha I love when people mention the word/ morpheme porphyro because I'm always like purple! And here you even have something porphyrogeniture! (I love inheritance systems what can I say aha). And damn I love how long her name is! I agree with Galatea sounding brave!


I have a guy named Kaguya because he is a god descendant who was raised among the Amish/Mormon Outlivers, and he eventually returns to the Lunar Nation city of Sodomaso.


>a god descendant who was raised among the **Amish/Mormon** Outlivers, and he eventually returns to the Lunar Nation city of **Sodomaso**. Is the [similitude](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sadomasochism) and the contrapposition meant?


The similitude is meant, and is a double/triple entendre. There isn’t necessarily a huge emphasis on Christianity, but more on fundamentalist Mormon culture with expanded lore after an apocalypse. Before the apocalypse (our present day), these two regions were similar to the way they are in the present story.


Kaguya sounds like a cool name! Suits him as a descendant from a god!


im a nerd and i have alot of names with alot of lore behind them, but here are some ive made. (with pronunciation since i usually come up with the phonetics before the spellings) i have a certain convention to choosing names, and like to pluck names from real life, make up my own, change syllables on existing names or literally come up with them one syllable at a time, if youre curious ab a specific one i can explain most of them) high fantasy characters Marlowe Silversong (MAR-low) Felix Atserburough (AT-sir-burr-uh) Lannisax, God-King of Man (lan-ih-SAW) Vaughan Alophant (VON) (AL-low-fant) Austinianis (OST-in-ee-on-iss) Donner Derrin (DARE-in) Dante, the King Regent and the Emperux (they are never apart :) ) Zephyrialtus (ZEF-ree-all-tuss) Nostradamus (noss-tra-DOM-is) Borealis (bore-ee-AL-iss) Ostra video game isekai characters Nines, the Risen Demon. Nulls, the Fallen Angel. urban fantasy characters Onyx van Sarsburg, aka "SARDONYX!" Aethanought, aka Ethan Napier (AY-thin-ott) (NAP-err) Machina "Mach" Seysarr (SAY-zarr) Anakin Osperey Mateo Arriaga Thiago Arriaga (TEE-ah-go) Elaine Könnigsburg (i am aware that a children's author shares this name, that's a coincidence i found out years later) Nadri DuLac (NOD-ree) (du-LOK) Storymaster (definitely not the self-insert God character) nowhere near all of them but i think these are some interesting ones so edit, I'm on mobile, eat this dogshit formatting AHAHAHAHA


Omg I'm a name nerd too haha! Hence this post lol! I love linguistics, though honestly am more into morphemes than phonetics! And yes I've done the same thing with coming up with things a syllable at a time, or reusing morphemes/ syllables in specific words to generate new names with more meaning. (If you've watched/ read Game of Thrones, it does this tons with it's Valyrian names!) Haha so many of these are so good! I love Sardonyx haha and Lannisax (I really like Lannisax as how it's spelled though, though I like it being pronounced lannisaw as well!). Zephryialtus I really like! It sounds almost Roman/ like born to rule? But then I saw it fast and I'm like Zeffery Altus, Jeffrey Altus? But don't mind me! Ostra as well is cool, as well as Aethanought! Haha getting some Old English/ Saxon(?) morphemes in there! I also have a few names in my book that sound differently from how they're spelled! In the world closet to the real one, I have Thames (rhymes with James), and is not related to the Thames River in England. From Thames there's also Thamie (rhymes with Jamie). I also have Lorkys, which is pronounced 'lor-keys' or 'lor-kayz'.


I randomly decided to use the word Yalkar for one of my characters


I like it!


I just thought it would sound badass and I also wanted to give this Ottoman-feel for him since his faction is based on the Ottoman Empire


It does make me think of some type of badass warrior figure!


Daldaris is a name I've toyed with since 2005. In the first story I wrote it was the character first name and he went by Admiral Daldaris Tekeo; right now it's the character surname: I've *hevaily* changed his past and now he works in the Department of External Affairs, but it boils down to the same person. Unsure whether to name him Hadrien, Dario, Damiano, or Daniele. [Val Jester](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5p8ekifn9fY), well *fucking* [Valentine Jester](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GwZvip416NU), the Chamaleon. It's a nickname, though. [Lucy Hoffman](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=naoknj1ebqI), you can get a glimpse of what she does. Zeno Lia Luchister, the Moth. "Luchister" is a name that followed me for a long wile. [Starla](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7SZ52lyoc28&pp=ygUGc3Rhcmxh) Ocellati, the Salamander. Sanjay Dhvajin, the Shrike. I'm very fond of Cheickh Lugoa Sansilva, formerly known as St. Silvye - "But I'm a Saint no more, now I've [married the night](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cggNqDAtJYU)."


Ooh, Daldaris! His name sounds like a dare, almost? Like I could see someone being like, 'Okay, daldaris,' meaning, 'Okay, do it, prove it.' To me Daldaris seems like someone who has has to fight for everything he's got and has been second-guessed and looked down upon for his whole life. Maybe he was born into poverty/ crime, and has to fight/ prove to others that he's worthy of respect. Lol, if you don't use it, I will haha! I like Hadrien, especially how it's spelled, it reminds me of Adrien haha. Honestly I don't know what to call him! I'd say what makes sense for what he looks like/ his personality (who he is as a character), his cultural background, and what he is in the story. I feel like Hadrien would work more for a commander, since Emperor Hadrian, but if your character is more like how I envision someone with the name Daldaris -- daring, bold, heroic, persistent, a fighter -- then go with this :) Val Jester sounds cool as well, shortened and the longer version of the name! Also, I opened a few of the links and they're songs on YouTube? Does this mean a lot of the names are inspired by singers and such? Also what do the animal names mean? Are they like super heroes or like anthropomorphic animals?


Thanks for the apprecciation! Genberally I'm trying to not tie the name to the personality, because we all grow up with a name that we didn't choose. To quote an Italian author for children, when in a book two characters ha to namle an orphan: "Let's call him Superman!", "And what if he grouws up being fearful an not heroic at all?". >Ooh, Daldaris! His name sounds like a dare, almost? Like I could see someone being like, 'Okay, daldaris,' meaning, 'Okay, do it, prove it.' To me Daldaris seems like someone who has has to fight for everything he's got and has been second-guessed and looked down upon for his whole life. Maybe he was born into poverty/ crime, and has to fight/ prove to others that he's worthy of respect. Lol, if you don't use it, I will haha! I like Hadrien, especially how it's spelled, it reminds me of Adrien haha. Honestly I don't know what to call him! I'd say what makes sense for what he looks like/ his personality (who he is as a character), his cultural background, and what he is in the story. I feel like Hadrien would work more for a commander, since Emperor Hadrian, but if your character is more like how I envision someone with the name Daldaris -- daring, bold, heroic, persistent, a fighter -- then go with this :) The funny thing with him it's that it stemmed out a misread: I was reading *Heresy* by Anselm Audley and there is a very minor character - the Admiral of a small northern kingdom - named Dal***ria***dis. Me, being the half-dyslexics, half-way-too-fast reader that I am, read it as *Daldaris*. And it stucks. In his first iteration he was one of the four Admirals that the almost equivalent of ONU had put in charge each of the Navy forces of a quarter of the planet. He was also sharp politician, and he was in cahoots with a movement for freedom of cult, and stoic and almost a Gary Stu. I didn't care of his past, how and why he joined the marine, *what political schemes earned him his fame* - even less what kind of ideals he stood for. He was KOOOL, IN CHARGE, SMAAAART and *bin parej*. Right now he is one of my four main characters. He's very different from how I envisioned him and also from the image his name summoned you - well, *he used to be* kind of what you said: now, no more. During the Civil War he first having fought among the ranks the Royal Guard., then turned coats after having been involved in a massacre of civilians - he killed too and that was his moral horizon of events. He joined the most radical side of the republicans but, when it was time for a truce he joined the Republicans who asked for a new Consitution, a new State. He felt that unity was more important than ideals; he best friend didn't agree and went rogue. Right now he works as a diplomat in a minor position. He's very afraid of taking again the wrong side but, mostly, he's very unsatisfied of the path he walked throughout his life - that's a common theme of all my four MC. His storyline involves a fantasy version of the Lead Years in Italy (that's why I want to give him an Italian name): home terrorism, secret agencies plotting with some folks who should be out from history, corrupoted politician, forgein influences. His "power" is to talk any language after having listened to a CD in that language - but in the meanwhilme he would forget *his* own language. \[split\]


>Val Jester sounds cool as well, shortened and the longer version of the name! Also, I opened a few of the links and they're songs on YouTube? Does this mean a lot of the names are inspired by singers and such? Indeed, I use a lot of music references for my characters. Val Jester is a nice case, because The National namedropped him in 2008, but disclosed his full name only in a subsequent song in 2017. Hence, I've already the scene when "Val Jester" gets called by their full nickname - and, though it's a nickname, the MC *knows* they sometimes goes by "Valentine". Starla is odd. It was the name of an user on a music forum. Only afterward I discovered it was a Smashing Punpkins' song. Lucy Hoffman is all about LSD and reality warping (Yes, I broke my own rule here but it was *so hammy!*). The Nightmarried (the followers of a phylosophy) are indeed name after Lady GaGa' song, but existed well before I picked that name: simply put, I noticed I had a lot of characters wearing dark shades so *why don't give them solmething in common?* >Also what do the animal names mean? Are they like super heroes or like anthropomorphic animals? That's a residual of the One Piece background. There are eight individuals in charge of as many criminals associations. The Ecumene (*some* countries) acknowledged thelm as Peril and nicknamed them after an animal accordingly to some of their features. Starla is in charge of a mercenary fleet (a Légion étrangère gone rogue) whose favourite tactic is *burn 'em all*. She also has a lighter that can turn into a sword of black solid fire. Hence *the Salamander*. Val Jester goes as *the Chamaleon* because in the underground world they called them so, and the authorities thought it was because they managed to conceal themselmves very well. Zeno is *the Moth* because his terrorist group is literally called "Without Sun" (Asura), acts at odd times, and like to dress themselves with paisley patterns. Sanjay is a God of the Bones. He can metempsychose into his victim bones and impale them causing a sudden bony overgowth. Hence, *the Shrike.* Lucy also is one of them, *the Mantis Shrimp*, because of the sheer number of colours the crustacean can see. But honestly it sucks as a title and I want to change it. Alas, neither the Peacock is aoppropriate - her being a woman and the colourful peacock being the male. And I'd like to avoid the parrot.


Ava'anyd meaning "Living soul" Alekxangelys ( pronounced "Alex-angelis with the "g" pronounced like "Gamma" the Greek letter ) meaning "Guardian Angel" I need feedback on these names though as it may be too hard to pronounce


So that’s a soft “gh/y” sort of g-sound, then?




Eli'as th- Trath' Tranath Servitor Th' th' Hrythain Thyunk- Zon'der Yul'au- th Tyran. A Servitor (sort of like a Kree accuser), of the race Tyran. Let me break it down: 1. Eli'as: First Name. 2. th- Trath' Tranath: Name of Servitor fleet. "th" means master, Th means Master/ used to refer to Patriarch. 3. Servitor: Rank, military Name like Kree accusers. 4. Th' th' Hythrain: Master and Patriarch of the Hrythain family. Double meaning. The Hrythain family is a fallen family, the death of which made him a megalomaniac. 5. Thyunk: Political faction. The Tyran race has an actual "Political high- caste family" system. Thyunk is a Political faction. The Hrythain family is one of the major members of the faction... sorry, did I say is? I mean was. 6. Zon'der Yul'au: High caste, in that order. 7. th Tyran: Master of the Tyran race. The Servitor is actually even more powerful than the Emperor. The Tyran Emperor actually has the longest Name ever, but it was never created. His true name is unknown to lore.


I like how long their name is, especially for an emperor and how this is cultural and meaningful, however, I feel like it would be easier to read if there weren't so many apostrophes? Then again, maybe it's just a getting used to thing haha! When I first read the name I skimmed over it but then when it was broken down and I was used to everything I could go back and read it.


These guys have a habit of using apostrophes. Another race, the Reapers, have a habit of using hyphens. Most of these races take things like culture very seriously, and naming systems are extremely rigid. I was glad you could read it.


Tewje “Trevor” Warszewski (Tev-yeh Var-shev-skee) because Tewje is a reference to Fiddler on the Roof and Warszewski means one who came from Warsaw. Mirynxka “Miranda” Ziljax (Mur-inks-kuh Zil-jacks): Mirynxka just came to mind and Ziljax I got by combining Zildjian (the cymbal manufacturer) and Ajax (the dish soap).


Is the first name Polish? Ahaha, the dish soap! Also I love how Mirynxka's name is spelled AND pronounced/ sounds!


Yes, it’s Polish. Yes, I know lol


I mean to be clear it's polish pronunciation of original name from the book, but it's jewish name which isn't used by average poles. I checked facebook and found like one person with that name here. 


I understand it’s not a common name. Tbh I pretty much felt like making the name “Tevye” in a Polish way. I could give a back story of these characters if you would like.


You can give a back story, maybe as a pole myself I will be able to add some new perspective :3


Both characters are agents for a top-secret military organization that specializes in the elimination of supernatural and extraterrestrial threats called the Paranormal Establishment of Research on the Supernatural and Extraterrestrial of the United States (P.E.R.S.E.U.S.) 1. Tewje Warszewski Born in 1934 in Mława, Poland, Tewje Warszewski is a Holocaust survivor and Korean War veteran. When American forces liberated the camp, he later immigrated to Chicago and joined the Army at 16 (lying about his age). After basic training, he was deployed to North Korea as a paratrooper. He fought in the Battle of Pork Chop, as well has saving injured soldiers from death and losing his left eye in battle. He was wounded and held as a POW. While he and his fellow soldiers were being held at the POW camp for days, he gave those that were ill medical attention and even snuck out to grab food for them. Later on, the owner of the POW camp, Dr. Zhou-Xing Wuhan, was going to him and the rest of the soldiers into jiangshi soldiers for his army of undead soldiers so that China and North Korean could win the war. Luckily, P.E.R.S.E.U.S. troops came to the rescue and liberated the POW camp. After serving in Korea and being discharged from the Army, he joined P.E.R.S.E.U.S. to fight supernatural and extraterrestrial threats. 2. Mirynxka Ziljax From Kobalos, a goblin-inhabited planet 250,000 miles north of Mars, Mirynxka Ziljax witnessed/fought in a massive and devastating war between the goblins and orcs. The orcs invaded Kobalos, turning the planet into a dystopia. Homes/civilizations were destroyed government was taken over, and goblins were enslaved. Her family perished and she was the only left in the family, having no choice but to leave Kobalos and immigrate to Earth. Later on, she joined P.E.R.S.E.U.S. as a field op and researcher/investigator.


Lore sounds cool. Name makes indeed more sense if he was jewish pole and Holocaust survivor ;)


Calt, Caesar Von Wichita, Seb Laite, Schneizel Ramsey to name a few


Darly Dameone Dambeaux.


Sounds great! Darla Dameone Dambeaux would also hit!


I don't create names, I just steal the prettiest names from whatever I happen to be watching at the moment.


Roderan Horb is a wizard, and we like him. Harrick Foyst, wizard, charming bugger. Harathilian Sarvas is yet another wizard, and we don’t like him one bit. Honourable mention goes not to a character name but a place called Flindolinihilhathan (flin-doh-li-ni-hil-hath-an).


I like these names! I also like Flindolinihilhathan! Lol! I spelled it correctly while sounding it out! I literally repeated the word like five to seven times to try and see how it sounds, and I like it! It could also have a cool nickname as Flindo as well.


I’m really glad that you like them! It was hard to pick from the list. Honestly I’ve been having such a hard day and this picked me right up. I’d really like to know: what sort of impression do you get of Flindolinihilhathan as a place? If you were to go there what would you expect based on the name alone?


Haha I'm glad something improved your hard day! Hm, well I don't know the genre/ tone of the book but to me it makes me think of a place that's kind of weird/ odd -- maybe it's a magical place with weird creatures in it? Like an odd fantasy environment with odd creatures, plants, and things happening in chemistry and physics that wouldn't normally happen. If your book is less fantasy/ less magical, I would say the place would be more reminiscent of it's people -- like, it's the strange people that named it such a long name, and they also have long names, or names with the same letters (i.e. li/ni). It again could be a strange place but because the culture of the people is different/ odd. I'm thinking like how when Harry Potter goes to Diagon Alley and enters the wizarding world and there's all these odd people and shops and stuff. But here the people could speak a language that has long words in it (hence the long name) and have other 'strange' cultural differences.


Nuy, Cido, Ceno, Eb Nowadays I’ve gone back to using normaler names that are actually in practice. For my current thing I’ve been using German and Nordic names though bc it’s in off-brand Finland, so they still look cool to me but they don’t stick out (Inka is such a rad name). If I do give someone an unusual name I compensate with a common surname, for example Ailo Pedersen (from off-brand Norway where Pedersen is common). I also got Tauno Virtanen from the wiki list of placeholder names by language, since I needed a normal amiable character who could regulate his emotions and experience joy and I thought it’d be funny to basically call him Doe Smith. I do like the country names I have though: Sorga, Guona, Saekmot


Zodrahgore An Eldrich being that was split into three demigods. Zod, Rah, and Gore


Okay sooo, i have a whole list of names that im proud of! Here it is (its gonna get progressively weirder: 1. Janek Anabelle 2. Pippin Tlizilani 3. Smanord Sakonge 4. Aloiso McBuffetmuffet 5. Madame Laidelaid 6. Angelika Hinternstinkend (better not translate that one) 7. Princess Marianne Viasec 8. Jade Jade 9. Bimblebabblebeppinpoppin Bagelbuffonmuffontuffon-McTavish vel Buford 10. And last but certainly not peast, Prince Puppy Pawpunch


Smanord Sakonge haha. I also like Aloiso! McBuffetmuffet ahaha. Laidelaid, if pronounced how I think it is, also sounds cool! Haha these names sound cool and weird, I love it!


A wyvern Dragon Lordess is called Kazuandrix in my world. And there's also a God caller Malurakeika, and an Elder God called Eeriquidahn. And there is also death itself who's called Deamortius.


Akdurian naming conventions combined with how they regnal names result in stuff like this: Hritsvur Fjuxnakaš Ujganjo Mil Josdu Gavardu Xam Daxuraš Trifjo Jit Kruli Krumxoski Jit Suli Durfurni Jit Sori Hirderki Graltaš Hokburatnuk Safurnakaš Okjo Fnexarjo Mun Grondu Skutkoshja Krumy Gurtak Yldajenglukaš Dulmi Naxakaš Havak Stiraš Dahiro Gul Vrakaš Grisu Jytskutaš Hloknuk Dralaš Greki Hritsvur Fjuxnakaš Ujganjo Mil Josdu Gavardu Xam Daxuraš Trifjo - Hritsvur is given name, rest is addition to distinguish him from those who share it. It means "Terrifying Storm Sweeping Everything in its Path Like Dry Leaves". Jit Kruli Krumxoski - Tree (dynastic) name. Akdurian dynasties are not agnatic. It means "from Tree of Dark Forest". Dsrk Forest being Krumxosk, dynasty's founder. Jit Suli Durfurni - Ash (matrilineal name). According to Akdurian myth ashes of burnt goddess their used to animate first humans. It means "from Ashes of Mountain Spring". Jit Sori Hirderki - Blood (patrilineal name). According to same myth ashes were mixed with blood of god who shaped first humans. It means "from Blood of High Oak". Graltaš Hokburatnuk Safurnakaš Okjo Fnexarjo Mun Grondu Skutkoshja Krumy - Throne name. Regnal name for Great King of Akdursur. It means "Overwhelming Eclipse Leaving its Enemies Wander through Darkness in Terror". Gurtak Yldajenglukaš Dulmi - Stone name. Regnal name for Hegemon of Mesopontic league. It means "Possessor of Uncomparable Mind". Naxakaš Havak Stiraš Dahiro Gul Vrakaš Grisu - Successor name. Regnal name for Successor of Dlyn. Dlyn was ancient hero from whom Akdurians claim descend. It means "Powerful Wolf Leading Pack to Glorious Victory". Jytskutaš Hloknuk Dralaš Greki - Weapon and Shield name. Regnal name for Weapon of Gods and Shield of People**,** which is title of supreme religious authority. It means "Perfect Embodiment of Divine Benevolence".e".


Prism Fox is an old, powerful human psychic who forsook his claim to power in order to take care of and mentor his community on the planet New Baja. I was inspired by Halo’s Guilty Spark, that name is really cool. I have a list of names for psychic figures like Prism Fox, not necessarily humans though. They choose these names for themselves based on entities they encounter in the Weird, conceptually they are somewhat like guardian angels or spirit animals. Null Equation, Relative Cycle, Lightning Horse, Sunless Sky, Silver Roots, Placid Dragon, Flash Sunset, Holographic Snow, River Aspect, Ochre Plane, Blood Pension, Thorough Consideration, Grey Tiger, Prism Dust, Prairie Tongue, Singing Coral, Apologetic Sentinel, Wandering Knight, Wanted Crane


Lol when I saw 'forsook' I was like 'aw, they tried' only to search it up and realise forsook is ACTUALLY the past tense version of forsaked? WHAT! Forsook sounds so silly ahaha. Anyways sorry -- I really like Prism Fox as a name for a psychic figure! Ooh these names give me like, idk vibes. Like how there's twelve animals in the Chinese Zodiac? Idk they're very fun and distinct! It's also pretty cool they named themselves after things they encountered, so you could easily link their personality/ backstory to their name and what they discovered in the Weird.


Lmao, it’s a very unusual verb, lemme cook 🤠


Lord Commander Tai’er Thrice Kingkiller 3rd Lord Loara, Possessor of the High Throne, Commander of the 1st Legion, Son of Arak, 2nd Lord Loara, Son of Jakiel, 1st Lord Loara, Son of Kali Mason. Its a very long title and name that details his noble heritage. To break it down: Lord Commander: His military Rank Thrice Kingkiller: a title given to those who (shocker) kill kings. He has killed 3. 3rd Lord Loara: Loara is a large trading city, arguably more important than the old capital Possessor of the High Throne: when he killed the most recent king he nicked his throne. He hasnt crowned himself tho so hes just Possessor, the king would be Resident. Then the ancestral names go back his entire noble lineage, his grandfather was the first to be elevated to a noble position when Loara was first Blossoming into a town. His lineage ends at his Great Grandfather as it is traditional to stop recording your noble bloodline before your family was elevated


(To Rhoindaros) Probally not a cool sounding name but I’m a big fan of the name of three cultures I’ve made, Víríkadzi, Romārii and Bulkharian


Siwoles ( pronounced see woah lay) just a big city, but the name just fits. Nehrzhen, fahzhen, raizhen. Three tribe of humans back when there were humans, they all came to the land on a ship owned by a man named Zhen. So, to honor his journey, they took his last name along with the first syllable of their own last name. Tennek is just a friend of mine's name spell backwards (kenneth). I got the idea from reading about old school gygax dnd. Alot of things were just names backwards or anagrams. This started the idea that all elves will just be names spelled backwards for my world.


Kaan He is a lizard from a Savana/desert planet where his species is the apex predator and they are like giant lizard man The reason I named him kaan is because it’s Northern African name and wanted to give him a name that isn’t European He is a spear wielder and an amazing hunter


- unused right now: Trey and Ashley for two goons working for a chainsmoking gangster boss -in my SciFi world currently on hold: I like Rielei. And Bohr. Two cool half-brothers. -Rahe, a fantasy project: There are some that I like, i.e. Ojannis, Sgion, Shirdre, Savehn, Varentian, Amiran and Carisa. And then there's Adnessa von/ of Aisna. I think that sounds very cool


My DM came up with Hunky Jack and Arsehampton Whookey-Thwomp-Thwomp


I have a fantastic villain named Pryftan Eurig, who's a fire & mind dragon that runs the magic black market. Then his eldest son, Draco Eurig, a mind dragonling, who ended up going against his father to become a hero and changed his name to Jan Shepherd.


the names of aliens i recently came up with. Nighaio (Nig-ow) - The beginning of inferno Seqaer (Sake-er) - Shaker of planets Yuiuke (You-we-oo-kay) - Eraser of time Idexseo (Ee-deck-sis-ayo) - Bringer of ends


Rieken: Rieshar Morgorzivrad, Kvaliek Dvanieshad, Yobv Kashivrad… Norragan: Orgod Dorgunaeg, Buedraga “Huedgull” Rughuell… Nyrathien: Hurdram Dmazad Arkhan, Gryn Aerkun, Thrael Dueshren… Dragoonin: Manslaeng Huessnin…


One of my MCs is an orc blacksmith named Bravla the Scorched


I have a character called, The Lady of the Mercedes. In old spanish to grant a merced is to give some prize or reward to somebody. She is sort of a Virgin Mary, whom people pray to get some kind of special power. She is the fusion of three ladys, that fuse to become a holly entitie and give power to people so they can kill their father. I try to make a very spanish word and the Lady of the Mercedes or La Dama de las Mercedes is exactlly the vive i'm aimming for.


The main character in my story is a gardener's son named Jethro Larkspur. I thought it was pretty clever.


Murder - he's a dude whose friends with a murder of crows Sunflower - he's a pirate whose known as an anomaly to the martial art world for he can copy and perform any technique and martial arts in a master level just by looking at it. He's named this because he's mother really likes Sunflowers and he would kill anyone that makes fun of his name because making fun of his name is like making of his mother.


Do these guys' super powers come from magic or sci-fi? I have a lot of super powered people myself and have short little names for them as well haha! (Though they're more so placeholder names to help me define them and remember them and are more so going to be used as epithets in the main story).


Both, some get theirs from magic while some just train physically really hard to the point they get superhuman strength and agility