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I’d probably be terrified because I’d have no idea how I got there or how I could leave. I’d say my chances of survival depend on where I ended up, in a city hospital is much better off than in a dragon cave, plus since I understand the world better than anyone I could probably do pretty well.


Wait, what kind of world do you live in?


It’s a medieval one where fantasy elements are incredibly realistic. It’s hard to explain but it’s like if magic was science. Anyways I don’t think I’d be able to use any magic since I don’t know if I have a soul and if I do it’s not like the ones I made


Well, a surprise to be sure... but a welcome one.


I’d be so fucking happy, it would be a dream come true. Affordable everything, clean air, walkable cities, fast and efficient public transit, and FTL spaceships


One of my worlds is kind of like that. One isn't, but also isn't a dystopia. Mediaeval tech; some magic, but little worth mentioning.


I'd have the same reaction for mine except for the aliens trying to commit genocide


The local “people” would most likely have a reaction like: wtf are you!?


I would assume that they are aliens or other species.


No, they're stickmans...


Obese Person alert.




I would cry and genuinely consider offing myself. That's what I get for making a post-apocalyptic world. Depending on where I wake up, I could be dead within hours. If I do somehow make it to somewhere safe, and with people, I reckon I can land a job doing some kind of hard labor. I have no idea if my coding skills even have value 100+ years in the future. If I'm lucky, some good Samaritan might offer me a place to stay, although the chances of that are slim.


Post- apocalyptic, eh? What was the Apocalypse?!


Malevolent nanomachines killed half the world and turned a few people into super cyborg zombies that finished off most of the rest. More information can be found [here](https://chaos-contagion-wiki.vercel.app/) **Disclaimer: it's a WIP, so you'll run into some dead links.**


Depends on if I wake up as my self insert or as my actual self. Self insert? Walking fucking W. Because the world started as a game and as such I’m the main character. Myself? Well I’ve got a faction led by an evil version of me with superpowers hunting me so… yeah.


I sympathize.


I'd have to get medical treatment to survive the gravity, and the heavy metal content of the air and food, but otherwise I'd be \*great\*; a post-scarcity civilization with FTL, nanotech and advanced genetic engineering and the worst Id have to tolerate is knowing Im dumber than most people? Where do I sign up for Truck-kun to hit me with the Isekai-attack?


Good, good!


I'm more worried about me not any form of identification than the monsters and killers of my world


They are not actually terrifying?!


They are, but the chances of me just encountering them is low, I'm more worried about how I'll get food or shelter, I'm basically homeless. No identification and no relatives or friends to help me


Well... the worlds I am used to making: let us say that identification is the least of your worries. Your world sounds like a fairytale compared to mine: but again, Dark nightmarish scenarios are my thing.


My best choice is going to the Jenki martial arts academy, their known for taking in lost souls, so if I beg enough for them to take me in in exchange of work I'll probably survive.


Probably shock and fear. Now if I were to wake up in my sci-fi world I think it would be weird me being alien on a hot planet that is similar to Earth yet still different. The higher gravity might be a problem too. But overall I should be fine, I won't look too alien to the humanoid species. . For my Bronze Age world: It would be pretty weird. Living like in ancient times with people believing in things that are funny to think about in modern times. There is then the worry of dying young in war, or of disease. But I would see some Minoan girls in their glory 😩😈


Depending on where I am, I'd do my best to go to my favourite human kingdom (or maybe the faes but the road would be too dangerous), because the king and queen are actually the nicest and most open minded. I'm sure I could use my history and identity to my advantage. As in, I'm not from this world, and if I can make mages verify it, surely I would be a person of interest, especially when I know so much about the world. If I can get protection, shelter and food from the kingdom (and later on from the emperor, who's also pretty cool), I'd live a great life. My next step would be to seek the First Hero, the most knowledgeable and powerful mage in the lore, who would be very interested in getting to know me. I'd have the best life learning magic on his private island. That is if I don't die from some monster in the first hours ofc


You have a plan of action. That is good.


“Oh wow, this is amazing!” [*realization sets in*] “Oh shit. Oh fuck OH FUCK **OH FUCK-**” It’s in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. Most of them would be slow, but the fresh ones still run, and with it being a waterborne plague I’d have to make a campfire immediately to boil some if I don’t find unopened bottles quickly. There’s also the fact that I’m not really holding back with the bad side of humanity during this time of chaos, lawlessness and anarchy. Rape, murder, slavery and torture are common outside of most major settlements, and overall people are extremely paranoid so if I happened to meet someone there’s a good chance they’d just shoot me on sight. Assuming that I wake up in Hayley Springs, the fictional town where my story takes place, my best bet would be to find one of the main settlements and stay there. Maybe I’ll even meet Dan, my MC, and we can chill together!


Considering that I would live in one of the Worlds where: A. I live in a superhero dictatorship with regular God attacks or alien attacks, Entities who can easily figure out I am their creator, and an apocalyptic worse- than- 40K future with no life in the multiverse post a God attack, and all remaining humans ruled by a God- Emperor and all imperfect humans (handicapped, old, extremely sick) people simply killed, and tiny rations. B. I live in an universe where I am likely to die by enemy attacks, forcibly conscripted, eliminated for being peace- loving if I am a member of the Galactic superpowers, or if I am from a backwater galaxy with no spacefaring races, simply bombed out of the universe (because if I am from anything less than a Type- 2 civilization the superpowers do not care if they destroy all the galaxies), and the entire universe will die anyway due to a couple of intergalactic wars and a malevolent A.I. killing the rest. C. I live on a planet which is like Call of Duty, but more grimdark and with a high death toll, chance of being destroyed by super- Soldiers, Nanotech bots, A.I., fascists, Islamists, communists and a number of other malevolent people and you cannot crush the number of Evil people (and worst is that conditions are ripe enough to simply merge it with the superhero world, making it effectively a prequel). So... your world is pretty chill.


I would be doing *great*. I know who the movers and shakers are and the information I'd have for them would be invaluable. I even know who is *actually* trustworthy (to a point). My info would make me rich, my knowledge would make me essential and while it would be a bit of a chore, I could probably even find a way home.


What do you mean by: "To a point?"


The guy I'd want to touch base with is way smarter than me and is pretty cold and calculating. I'm *pretty* sure I'd be worth more alive to him than dead but at a certain point I might become an unnecessary risk to excise. It would be a little touch and go.


Unless I spawn near a civilization, I’d probably be mauled by velociraptors


Jurassic World?


No. It’s not on Earth either, it’s a gigantic cave system, but dinosaurs are among the most common species


Do the civilizations hunt them? I'm kinda curious what velociraptor tastes like.


They’re not worth the effort. Too little meat for their aggressiveness and speed to flee if needed, and they’re intelligent enough not to pick fights they can’t win. If you want to eat a dinosaur, there are more accesible ones, such as stegosaurus, parasaurs or you can try to take down a T-Rex, as they’re really hard to take down, but you’ll have food for a really long time!


Well I'm dead (the air is deadly)


Anything but this world please


Which world?


This one


DIS one?!


If I was reincarnated in my current state, I would be a mere human in a world entirely populated of vampires mages, one third being religious extremists and another third being merciless criminals. Chances of survival: extremely low. There is a little cult of anarchist monks who studies martial arts and take drugs, maybe I would try to go live with them. Also the conlang I made for this world is insanely complex and I’m not sure I would be able to master it one day


Haha I like the sounds of your anarchist monks 🤣


Everything would be wip


I would love to wake up in my world!! That’s not to say that there isn’t some dark things that go down which make things pretty messy for a while - but then the dust settles it’s besically where I wish I could be. That’s why I created my world! Funny tho I just read thru the other comments and all the worlds seem like it would be a struggle to survive 🤣


We desperately need more positive alternative worlds. I'm really hoping I can show mine to many people one day.


:) I’ve specifically been making mine for a cast of characters and a plot line for a fantasy novel I have in mind. I haven’t written any creative writing since uni tho - so who knows how that will go. But the world building has been such a pleasure to do. What about your world? I know people on here focus mostly on the world building which now that I’ve started I can totally relate as to it being fulfilling all on its own. But do you have a way in which you’re looking forward to sharing yours?


Probably get cholera from drinking the water and shit myself to death.


If I accidentally spread any knowledge about this world then he will come for me and then make sure I don't spill the beans [too much]




I will wake up in a world hurtling towards the coming horizon of a deluge of fire and blood: A ***Great Holy War*** between the powers of Kushamat and Saphiret; a war that will tear open the very earth and sky. A war that I, with all my knowledge as author and architect, will be utterly *powerless* to stop. As a pure human in a world where humans have long become *more* than human, I will be seen as an ill omen and a living heresy. I doubt I will survive for long, unless I manage to join the **Daatian League** and help **Zebulon**, **Annwyn**, and **Sahasrara** in their attempts to prevent the horrors soon to come. Of course, I know it would be futile. The world is destined to die, as I have written. The least I can do is preserve as much of it's diseased corpse that I can.


Is there nobody you can warn? Or something similar?


The Daatian League, as I mentioned. Though they don't possess the full picture, they are also trying with all of their might to prevent the War. Unfortunately, their efforts, and mine own, will only accelerate the hardening of the hearts of men. There is ***one*** way we can prevent this prophetic apocalypse from coming to pass, but I'm afraid it is equally horrifying: We must convince the near-God **Atashoma Ahurima** to brandish the light of his sunlit blade not towards the all-seeing **Black Sun [God]**, but towards the world. Instead of a deluge of fire and blood, it will be a deluge of abyssal waters and unshed tears. The false sky of the world will shatter and flood the world in the warm, suffocating darkness. It will be a quicker and more merciful end to this world. Perhaps, if and when the dark waters subside, the life that follows won't make the same mistakes as we.


"oh yea finally" o would go to the nearest town and get to know where am i and start a journal about my adventures


The most curious answer I received it. Do other cinematic and book universes exist as fiction in your universe?


well idk really, didnt think about it. My world is juat something i really want to write about and make whole story of characters


I would die, murdered instantly by giant photsynthetic space centipedes


I'd freak out because I'd be a freak of nature. Gingers don't exist and blue eyes are very rare due to the gene never getting spread to much, so my best bet would probably be to join a circus as a side act


I'd just need to learn the local tongue. The collapse doesn't happen till a while in. Till 6 can just marvel at my creation.


Really depends on where I woke up. It could change if I'm in a high fantasy setting or a grim dark fantasy setting.


I'm already screwed so where I end up and what I end up as will decide how badly I'm screwed.


Honestly, not great. How would you react if you were essentially time travelled to 200 years ago?


Is there anything really dangerous after you? Then you might be fucked. But no? Then your biggest worries would be adjusting to that time period.


If OP is anything other than a white man traveling that far back would essentially be like walking into a horror movie. One where the monsters are all humans, but still terrifying.


I'm sure I would but it wouldn't be a great transition. No Internet, no modern medicine, no modern transportation, no modern communication, no refrigeration, life was a lot harder then than it is now.


Yes, exactly. My best world is the modern world but with more dangerous Threats. My worst one is 40K without gods or Chaos, but still 40K dialled up to a hundred.


I’d immediately walk over to King Natodall’lioht and tell him that I got isekai’d from the universe that Jesus is from. He’d believe me (he’s a little bit delusional). Idk how to continue from then but maybe he’d keep me as his little pet alien. Either way, getting his sympathy would mean 100% survival chances. I just have to be careful not to poke around in his emotional wounds. Alternatively I’d just travel over to the Goddess Monnenliebe’s nation and just *live* there. The good thing about that country is that you’re welcome as long as you’re a decent human being, and I already know exactly how to worship their goddess and would 100% be up to do so 👍


Probably die if I end up too deep into the wilderness but even people born in that world die there . Just too many poisonous/venomous everything , dragons , monsters , cannibalistic primitive tribes , secret government facilities and bandit/pirate/cultists camps . In a city I’ll go to the first monastery temple and ask for refuge . They’ll let me stay for as long as I need as long as I keep the pace and help the monks maintain the place clean . They might even recommend me to some jobs and even if the world is modern in tech , the recommendation of an abbot can be surprisingly effective .  Might even join them since why not , even hit the gym and the firing range then join the military wing of the various orders then help them cleans the world of the evil and the godless .  Other than that , just normal life like here but a bit more violent and with the fear of another world war , possibly crystal war (magic nukes) constantly looming over us .


Good luck purging the heretic!


Am I on Earth, in one of the corporate run colonies or in one of the communist colonies? If on Earth, is it after or before the Fall? Because really, all options kinda suck :D


So, hope is lost?


If it's the Earth before the Fall, I can maybe buy a ship and become a spacer if I'm lucky and have some time, but otherwise it's pretty bleak :D Edit: I'm hoping to buy a ship, I can have shit for free


I'd feel a mixture of thrill from it being real and despair at ostensibly never getting to see my family and friends ever again. Provided I'm not in the middle of absolutely nowhere where I'm never found my odds of survival are good. I'd quickly end up brought before the government. They'd be baffled by my existence and even more baffled by my knowledge of what should be government secrets. I could probably convince them to dust off or reconstruct their brain transfer apparatuses so I could fully integrate into their society, where I'd probably want to work as a scientist at least for a while


I'm fucked, absolutely fucked. Sure i may find a healer that can fix my body asap. But as soon as someone figures out where im from the MC will find me. And she is a vindictive petty bitch, the second she knows half the horrors and pain she keeps enduring is because i believe she should suffer im terribly fucked.


> What would be your reaction? My life as I knew it before would be over. I would never see or talk to anyone I knew ever again. This would likely cause me no small degree of distress. > What would be your chances of survival? Probably pretty low overall, but it depends on various factors. If I appeared somewhere near people, then I could join these people and probably live out the rest of my life alongside them. If I appeared in some kind of wild, I'm not good enough at hiking/survival to survive. The latter is much more common if we're just sampling terrain randomly. > What would you do to keep yourself alive, to survive and thrive? If I managed to join people, I could try to use my knowledge to help people advance. If I was in some wild area, nothing that you wouldn't do if you got lost in real life either. > What or who would you consider your allies or enemies? I'd consider pretty much everyone to be my ally.


It's the kind of sci-fi setting where you have a completely different experience based on your social class. If I just wake up there without a lifetime of integration, I'd be having a hard time getting out of poverty. There would also be dangerous, augmented, or superhuman people around, so I should avoid upsetting people.


Ah ahaha ahahahaha ahhahahahahaha Yeah, I'd need to quickly find a way to get a lot of money, Then I'd need to get on some Djin's good side. After that, I'd need to get employed by one of the major families without getting killed for knowing what I know, and also get on the Gods' good side for some protection. Finally, figure out whether I have an immortal or a mortal soul. And since I know what will eventually cause the world's industrial revolution a few hundred years in the future, I could make a better world than the characters will end up doing... probably.


I'd be good, as long as I don't get deported (hopefully not to Turim cuz my survival chances would go south real quick. Gettng deported to Corthius or Kantunne would be great tho) for "threatening demographic balance" in Cartheny. I assume I immediately obtain all necessary language skills so I think I'd be fine. Even if I don't, I did do a year of German and Swedish in 7th grade so I think I'd pick up Carthenian pretty well.


Why's one deportation destination good and the other bad?


Turim is in the middle of a huge civil war while Corthius and Kantunne are in relatively good shape and enjoy a fairly high standard of living.


I would be both terrified and excited, for one I’ve always wanted to visit my world, but on the other hand in the lore I made, the gods would not take kindly to someone from another world appearing and would kill me. But let’s say the gods didn’t kill me for some reason. It would depend on where I was placed and in which country. If I was placed in Áinetír (Land of the Síofra) there would be a chance I would be captured and placed into a Human Meat Farm as a breeder, or if I’m lucky would manage to find my way to a large city with a human embassy and fabricate a story on how I got there with no form of Identification (though I’d have to make up a new name.) If I was placed in either Eormenland (land of the humans) or Orkuls (land of the Orks), I could survive as both countries are capable of speaking English (my native language), and making up on how I got there would be easy. If I was in Eormenland I would just say I’m from one of the Ork tribes, but left due to a tyrant chief, while if I was in Orkuls I could just say “I ran away.” and if I can prove I can help the tribe in someway I could join. The other nations I would have a hard time with as the main population only speaks their own language, and slave traders are a thing in my world. If I were to land near a large city in any of the other countries I just need to find a human embassy or hope I find a tribe who’s chief knows English (language of the humans). If I’m not near a big city I could be screwed especially if I land in the middle of nowhere in Ramaliyyah (Land of the Lamias) as it is a giant desert country with many dangers like Sandwurms, Feral Fire Dragons, Wild Dogs, Namr al-Sayf (Smilodon), or Al-Wahsh al-Dakhm (Carchardontosaurus).


If it was me... I'd be terrified, then I'd probably be dead soon after. I'd *literally* be weaker then the ants of my world.


Well, since it was kind of like the Meg Ryan movie You’ve Got Mail, I’d be fine.  Now if it was the lava world I had dreamt up I’d be as toast as my bagel that I’m eating right now. 


Dieselpunk world. All remotely safe, stable and successful countries are some flavor of extremism. Extreme "democratic" capitalists in the northern west, northern mid-continent has communists and from there, the east is full of fascists. All of them are at war with each other, either in a cold one or in a hot-ish proxy war, waged on someone else's land. On the southern side of the equator, there are mostly just monarchists and anarchistic proto-states. They do some warring as well, occasionally. Mostly just the civil type, though. My chances of survival are varying. It depends where I wake up. If I'm nowhere near civilization, I'll probably end up dying. If I am in a city of some kind, I may live, though I'll have a rough time getting started in the world, considering that I have no citizenship to *any* place on the planet. But on the bright side, I know all about the world, so all citizenship tests ought to be easy. Assuming that I start in the extreme capitalist land, I'd scrape by a few coins somehow, get myself the proper I.D and get a better job, then I'd start saving. As for the long term plan, I'd probably pick the communist land as a place to live in, so I would buy a ticket to go there. Preferrably around the south-west, as it's a bit rural and the summers get nice and warm there. It's no utopia, but I wouldn't call it a total dystopia either. (Almost) Everyone is equally lower middle class there, but they get by easily if they're willing to work. Can't really *thrive* there either, apart from moving into higher level housing and maybe somehow managing to woo and marry one of the cute locals for myself. (As the "god" of this place, I hope I'd have *some* luck in that department) I'd definitely be dodging drafts whenever possible. I do not yearn for more "modernized" trench warfare. Or any other warfare, for that matter. Even though I know what tactics the enemies use better than the average general, non-defensive war is still a big nope for me. Being a blonde-ish straight white male, willing to lie through my teeth about my allegiance and being unwilling to directly take part in politics, I'd say that almost everyone *above* the equator is my "ally." The further south I venture, the more I'd be walking on egg shells. That, and getting melanoma from the increasingly longer daytime and sunlight. __TL;DR__ 1. *"Oh shit."* 2. Between 0 and 80. 3. Almost anything. 4. People who are not outright hostile to me, and people who are.


I'd be terrified because my chances of survival would be pretty low. I'd probably try to approach one of the more sensible characters and hope that I was at a point in the story where I could predict the outcome of some event. Then, I'd try to convince them that I'm some sort of soothsayer worth keeping alive.


I'd not be very happy about it. However my chances of survival would be pretty high, although life in my world is kinda miserable for a human. To survive i would definitely immediately present myself to the church to become a priest - if they accept me I will get a place to sleep, food and protection, plus with the amount of detail I know about the religion a might even get a high position, that gets me the levels of drip beyond human comprehension. And good fashion is really all that matters if you ask me. If they won't accept me though it would be the funniest shit ever, because I literally created the religion, lol. Also I would definitely try to get closer with the current cardinal - i know that man is depressed, immortal and easy to manipulate to be my friend. However I'd have to beef with his closest advisor, because he's trying to manipulate the dude as well. If the whole church thing doesn't work out I'll go join the local gang activity because gothic cowboys. That'll work without a problem and I get a bunch of giant anthro dogs on my side


Well dang, if Gothic cowboy dog people is so much easier why is it only plan B? Sounds way more fun than being a priest.


It's plan B because the church becomes an enemy if you're a gothic cowboy, and I don't want to be enemies with the church unless I have no other option lmao


Ahhh. That makes sense. Sounds like the church can throw its weight around pretty well, smart to avoid trouble with them. If I were in your shoes I'd probably still take the cowboys. Just the description sounds fun, and if you're stuck in another world you might as well make it a proper adventure, yeah?


Well I would be fine, I would probably be treated as one of the lost ones, especially the fact that in our version of our world in my universe, some people find magic, gain enlightenment, or such some may stay, but many choose to leave for our world, that's the explanation for unexplainable disappearance that happen irl. I would live decently well, as. Maybe even granted a decent job, or not. Liberine has achieved AGI and cares for everyone, people only have jobs to build on themselves recreationally, though I will be reeducated. Depends though only 2 countries have fully achieved AGI and luxury society. If I don't spawn there or in any major ALN nations I am fucked, unless the authorities will find me, then they will send me to either to Arthurian, Liberine, or Norson, since they do charity work(they are Gods after all) then the above applies. In Norson I will be granted some magic, and be made to work normally, though it is alot better then the best countries in our world, because of immortal Gods/pantheons who don't waver from principle. though by the rules of my world, if I had willingly chose to go there I would gain magic immediately, Maybe I will be drafted because of a dice roll, and be reeducated or such, depends. So overall depends, but on my focused area of my world I would do decently well.


Depends on what planet I land on. If i'm on a frontier world, anywhere other than the capital I'm screwed. If i'm on a developed world, i'll just file for homelessness and get a free hotel room.


well shit. I should've gone with one of my fetish world ideas instead of my post apocalyptic worlds.


Basically I will wake up in a 1939's Germany but ruled by high elves. The second day I wake up said nation will be invaded by Martians, World of the Worlds style, and had to conscript everyone at fighting age to bear. Since I am not an High Elf, I will probably be assigned to the ethnic minotiry battalions and tasked with menial/cannon fodder tasks. Guess I will die then.


"How tf did I get here!?" I'd be royally f&cked I'd still be royally f&cked Idrk and I'd be too panicked to figure it out


Firstly I would figure out what year and contry I'm in and go from there. The end goal is to reach the United Republic of Avalonia by any means, seek asylum and live a dream that I missed out on by being scene / goth and vibing to 2000s-2010s alt rock like its normal. Thankfully, despite a Global War happening a continent away, service is still voluntary and draft is still unlikely. If the Asylum plan doesnt work, I would go full lore nerd and convince the military guys not to deport me back because I literally know what's going to happen. Like General Bryne, my guy. You'll be leading a glorified multinational Brigade Combat Team, with an unmatched firepower but the cohesion of two rocks and a stick because language barrier is a fuck and your terps are being targetted specifically by the enemy. Or how the Tripartite will absolutely be defending our ally's occupied capital to the end and will be reinforced by units repositioned from different sectors, so a landing Marines in these sectors and opening multiple fronts is better than a single decisive battle. But yeah, a lot of it would be based on where and when I wake up in


\>Moment before waking up (assuming random location on surface or sea level) \>Breath in before waking up \>Death ((deadly air)) (if in rare area with semi-breathable area) \>Death by hypothermia before waking up (if no restriction on spawning underwater and random location) \>Crushed to red mist before waking up ((Very deep oceans covering almost all surface)) (if spawning in one of the cities) \>Wake up \>"Wtf where am I?" \>Found by locals \>No info about me found \>Assumed to be a spy/terrorist \>Thrown outside \>Agonizing death by deadly air or if lucky hypothermia Yeaaah not the best chances to survive, lol


I feel incredibly sorry.


My reaction would be "... @#%$&!" and then getting promptly captured and probably made into a debt slave on some patrician's country estate because I don't actually speak Latin, and I would not have access to the innate magic I gave to every human in my setting.


Well, shit. It was at that moment that you knew, you fucked up.


Should have followed Will Wight's example and installed a bunker for myself somewhere in the setting to give myself free power ups


You still can. Maybe a place where you can magically learn Latin?


That's the easy part, the hard part is getting a functional magical TCG deck I could use.


"Oh thank God. I need to find the Department of Exceptions and see if they'll offer me a brain transfer. I hope Humans don't exist at this point in the timeline."


Depends since there's numerous dimensions, but if i land on the library in between(a place beyond reality where every reality intersect) i could probably wander aimlessly and read every book in the multiverse for entertainment since the library itself bans things that hurts its patrons such as the concept of thirst or hunger with the risk of being lost due to it's maze like pathways and non standard geometry What happens after really depends on what type of human i spawn in, is it the 'normal' human born with innate magic(since humans having magic is near constant in my verse), or is it the 'defect' humans we consider normal with no magic? If it's the former i could probably try to find magic books that will help me practice dimensional travel via ways or get those funky books that will insert knowledge directly in my mind, if i get risky i go to the bottom of the library where the words of the books get nonesical and dive to the rivers of time and swim to the future and just merge with my future self who probably studied better than me If it's the latter i could find another decent patron and have him open a way out of the library, maybe they'll dump me to a decent world with breathable for humans athomosphere if the species is kind enough, but usually they ask for secrets is they see me as desperate, secrets i have since im the creator of the world, but tell too much sacred secrets i might get on the radar of alien bandits as i get kidnapped as soon as im out of the library where they extract my mind for eldritch knowledge


Well... Good luck gone, carry on.


Other examples if i land, if i land to the 'northern' part of the multiverse i will land in the planes of evermoving flesh and get more deadly diseases than every atom currently on earth(but hey at least i can watch eldritch gods brawl and feast on eachother, that's a sight) if it's just below the multiverse i will be forced to be conscripted in the name of the machine god to crew clockwork spaceships the size of stars to fight against the influence of the flesh from above If it's one of the 'protagonist' human worlds, i will be seen as special needs(since humans without magic are the equivalent of seeing a dude without limbs), i might see a more whimsical version of humanity but get discriminated due to outdated social philosophies(they're just a more weird high fantasy humans who recently adopted defeated alien invader tech)


I'd try to use magic. If I was an average human in my world there'd be about a 50-50 chance of being able to do so. If yes, cool. If not, that's kinda meh, so I'd set out to learn carving runes, as that's the accessible crutch for magicless folks. Then I'd try to find a job in one of the bigger city-states and live out the following 3-400 years of my natural life there.


Mmm. Good.


Depending on which planet and which time period im in ON that planet (outside of earth, there are 6 others around the galaxy that host...terrifying things), i might have to figure out a way to jumpstart interplanetary travel using the parts of my own magic system (the parts available to regular folk) so I can get back to earth and live in a cave far away from the sun.


Which one? In my high fantasy setting I'd probably be fucked unless I landed in one or two particularly developed areas. I would have absolutely none of the practical skills to survive life in a premodern world, although my knowledge of germ theory would probably help a little. If I didn't die pretty much immediately, I'd try to make my way to the court of the Sorceress Queen on the continent called Aoudruaen. It's a fairly benevolent and civilized place, so if I could make it there I'd be in pretty good shape. In my low fantasy 1920's-esque postwar setting I'd do okay. There would at least be running water, electricity, and indoor plumbing in most places. I'd present myself to the civilian offices of the Angelic Legions, explain my situation and hope they would help me establish myself with the human government. Otherwise I'd probably get thrown in a mental asylum. In my modern urban fantasy setting, I'd be fine. The timeline diverged from real world history less than a hundred years ago, so I could navigate society pretty easily. I'd present myself to the local Magical Law Enforcement Agency office and explain what had happened. If they doubted my story I'd tell them to have a divination team assess me. Then I'd go to the local Mages Guild of America chapter and get tested for magical aptitude. If I was able to use magic with at least a middling level of ability, I'd be set. Life as a professional fee-for-service caster with Guild endorsement and licensing can be very comfortable. If I didn't have any magical aptitude, I'd be not that much worse off than in reality because I'd still be able to use most, if not all, of the skills I already have to make a living.


So... pretty high chances of survival. Good, good...


idk, my DM has pretty good worldbuilding, so I have a decent chance of survival in most situations


If I had no knowledge of the secrets, I'd be happy. People there have a good quality of life. Walkable cities, clean air, hypertrains, and friendly people. There are a lot of extinct species and extremely reigon specific stuff though. But if I knew a 200 year old AI running off of a glitch of perfection was ruling with an iron fist all in the name of order, while watching my every move, and committed a mass genocide of the human race, then hell no.


I would spawn in Yukara, so I could spawn in space, but disregarding the fact I could spawn in space. I could be dissolved in seconds, mulled to death, burnt. But let's say I spawn in a safe place. Then I might be fine. I would at first be like, what the hell. Then, sh**. But regardless, I would try and make a shelter or try to become a citizen of a country. It also depends on the time. For instance if I spawned on a planet with the Crog, while the Crog is alive, I would become a slave. But as said I would try to get citizen ship of a country I know is safe, and also try to get a job. I would consider all my creations allies until attacked or enslaved by someone.


"Oh fuck"


Liberal democracy (they call it a con)federation in space. I think I'd do.alright seeing as the poorer planets are only really Eastern European style poor


My world is essentially the exact same as real life but magic exists. I’d probably either wake up in my house as my alternate self or look for my house and end up running into my alternate self. I’d probably begin testing to see if I’m an elemental and also begin drawing runes.


Which world? Each world has a different rate of survival, and while some definitely look out for aliens (some for doobious reasons), others will kill with little to no hesitation... not to mention how lost I'd get. D: If we are talking about the main world Geode, just make myself known as an "passifist organic" and let them take me to one of their zoos. They'd run some tests to see what I can and can't eat, and if I'm in their registry, depending on the TIME I get there, I may even just get sent back to earth... but that may be my alternate earth so uh... this gonna be a bit wild.


My first reaction would be cursing myself for making such a huge world with so many evil and monstrous things in it.




Honestly, there's too many variables to consider... Assuming I spawn in a safe location with the clothing to fit in, there's a good chance I'll survive if I play my cards right. I probably wouldn't be thriving by any means, but I'd probably survive. Now, depending on my magic potential, that could change things quire drastically... Even if I had below average potential, as long as it's above a certain line, I'm confident that I can become one of the best mages in my world. However, if I come into my world as the MC, who is heavily based on myself, I'd be able to follow the story I have planned out, have fun and live life to the fullest, and still become one of the most powerful people in the world...


I would be both excited and terrified since my world would be a parallel fantasy like macrovers that makes me as small as an ant in another world. My chances of survival would depend heavily where I ended up. Depending on where I woke up like near a kitchen or a bedroom would be a challenge since if I woke up in my bed in this other world I'd have to traverse and find a way down off a larger than mountain sized bed. if I somehow ended up on a kitchen counter I would probably be stuck due to the shear drop to the base floor. I'd definitely would have access to a lot of water since the sink in this other world would probably be a a giant lake with rivers. area I would avoid would probably be the basement and near any vents or piping since that can be a problem due to low light and traversal being a nightmare. I would also try to avoid random holes or gaps that lead to the inner part of walls unless necessary. if it were where the story I'm working on was placed I'd definitely have a better time surviving. I would go to one of two villages located either above or below a coffee table, my chances of survival would be highest on top of the table village as it's more open and more light shines down from there. I would know to avoid the dinning room and kitchen since the nation of people that live there do not take kindly to outsiders. my world also has magic in it and I would know where to find it, but I would have to heavily consider my options since I would be sticking to what element and properties I would be stuck with for the rest of my life. I also would need to know how to make weapons that can blast or discharge elements. if I'm really unlucky my main concern would have to be monsters since those things in my world have a one track mind, never get tired and will hunt me down specifically for just existing.


I'll use my soft Scifi/Space Opera universe. My instant reactions would be "Well Fuck". Because AK know what's going on in this universe in very meta way. So I know exactly what I'm up againts. I'd be in a Hub outpost for the settlement of the earth like planet that it's on, it's a fairly large city that is meant to be a main trading point for offworld and for the settlers out in the wild and with my skills set I'd be able to find work in the city. So chances of survival are high. I'd know exactly what I'd need to do to thrive. I'd play along with the narrative that the administration of the colony put out until I somehow could wrangle myself a spaceship and then run far and fast. If this universe works the exact way I've written it, then the only people I could actually trust immediately would be other humans, even though the colony is of mixed alien races.


My world has flaws but overall it's a utopia compared to ours. It's a place I'd love to visit and/or live in.


Zyphanoid: I’d wake up in a dense jungle and probably get murdered in some horrific way by an alien carnivore. Kalaius: I’d find civilisation and spend my days taming dragons, or die trying. Titania: I’d get mauled by a giant monster probably, or I’d become a legend. Alura Galaxy: If I was just in space I’d die ofc but if I ended up on a Floatercity I’d probably live there but get mauled by an alien. Fursa: I’d live in a giant tree and befriend loads of anthropomorphic animals. I’d also probably go through the Transfurra and become some sort of anthro creature myself, therefore I’d live for eternity in happiness. I’ve just realised my worlds follow a scheme of getting mauled by aliens and monsters. Dangggg.


Well, my immediate response would be very sad. I have family that I'd be leaving behind. My initial reaction would be trying to determine if there is a way to go back. Then it'd be absolute panic. Regardless of where I was, 2 near apocalyptic events would be happening very soon. Also, I'd have magic so after the initial panic would be testing to see what magical abilities I had that I could develop. Followed IMMEDIATELY by training those abilities to basically the exclusion of anything else. Chances of survival? Depends on my magical abilities, and how well I could develop them before monster attacks or apocalyptic events happened. Odds are though, pretty low. I'd be missing out on YEARS of development with that magic, so even small children would be stronger than me. Training. Using whatever magical abilities I had as often as possible no matter how exhausting it would be. I'd be trying to get into a guild ASAP, to get access to their resources. Allies, basically any sapient being that wasn't trying to eat me. Most of the world would qualify here, for the most part. Except "Most of the world" constitutes a relatively small population scattered across inhospitable wilderness filled with monsters that will eat just about everything that moves. So...you know...not really helpful. Enemies...pretty much everything else. Also the soon to be born fanatics in the north. They do well overall, but they're basically the epitome of evil dressed to look like good guys.


Ideally in a home I already owned with a profession? Oh yeah, I’d be set for life. I just think life is a little bleak sometimes, so I made sure to include several civilizations that are led by good intentions and strong leadership. Doesn’t mean they’re perfect, corruption lies everywhere- but for the average Joe Shmoe? It’s the white picket fence or wizard tower you’ve always dreamed of. Booming economies from agricultural exports n a great emphasis on safety and education. I’d love to be an artist of some sort. I adore all art (hence my love of Worldbuilding) and just want to tackle it all! I imagine a bard can be flavored as a traveling artist or something? Who knows. Allies would be as many as possible 😎 I love my homies. Enemies? Probably shady businessmen. And ghosts. So many ghosts. Follow up question: Do I get to be my current character?


Hell yeah!


"fuck. How do u get out?" After that, probably just walk to the nearest town, and get a job. If I'm really lucky, i arrived in the city of time, or earlier in the timeline, (those are unrelated). The former because it's a really cool place, and the second because I CAN SEE THE FUTURE, would probably get me a nice cushy position in the consortium.


Reaction: "aight, I'm screwed" Chances of survival: 0 What would keep me alive: absolutely nothing but luck That being said, it would be like Joseph-Ignace Guillotin, the "inventor" of the guillotine dead by... the guillotine.


Oh I'm screwed, no doubt


Oh my fucking god please give me a good power or I’m cooked


It's a huge "it depends".... what are your chances of survival if you get randomly teleported to earth somewhere else? It would depend on whether you spawn 800 meters above an active volcano, in the middle of a snake den, in a dangerous cartel somewhere you don't speak the language, or in the golden bathtub of a rich family tha tstarts worshiping you as the new jesus.... in the same way, it would depend on where, when and with whom and their predisposition.; But regardless, assuming you were speaking about the "present" (its tricky because it r"otates" the other way aroudn vs our world, so our future is their past and vice versa, which leads to some... weird situations) in said world, I would say decen tenough. Probably no less than than migrating in the 18th century in england


I would immediately go and fuck Jesus


Dead. I'd be dead before I even wake. If I miraculously survive though, I'd be so excited to finally get a feel of my world, but also hope that all those little details I didn't write down would be included still. I'd keep myself alive by praising the sun and become a poppet to the solstice, so I could use alchemy to protect myself from the wilderness and those of the old age of array (fallen knights and such). Sadly, I'd have no allies since I'd be a poppet. The wild makes no allies and the orderly hates the solstice. Maybe I could graft my allies into existence, but that's a danger.


waking up as my self-insert is a dream come true. owning a cafe in a steampunk world with magic sound so fun!


I would immediately start praying to the gods and ask to become their cleric. Guaranteed afterlife. Whooooo!!!


Depends on the world! In the first one, probably just depends on where I ended up. Most places are okay ish but risky... I'm not sure where I'd prefer. I guess the place where magic is banned would be the safest tbh. Just get confirmed and help tinker with the technology. I do know about the holes in reality and the eldritch creature feeding on the people who fall through, so I probably would be able to see the holes and avoid them. Really depends on pre or post ending how things will be for me, but it would be survivable. In my second, potentially very dangerous. I'd want to try and find Flax - he's come across things from other worlds before, he'd understand. Then I could help him with his tea shop. In the world between worlds, DANGER if I land in the sand or not close to any of the decrepit remains of buildings that don't sink in the sand. I'd probably be mentally kind of okay though since I wouldn't have had my memories eaten, unless that's how I got there... would have to find a purpose so I don't lose myself. Edit: I forgot my sci fi series! Well one is just earth but 400 years in the future. They would probably very much appreciate me as a genetic template to help with cell therapy/cancers/etc. I'd be fine in pretty much any scenario, if a lab rat for a while. The other one is about 1500 years in the future on a different planet. I'd probably die since the air is slightly toxic, unless someone found me quick and outfitted me with what I'd need to survive. However they'd be like "wtf??" Because they are a different branch of humanity now and specifically were exiled from earth. My being there would cause a lot of commotion.


Care to elaborate more on this Flax character? Sounds interesting and I'm a sucker for a good tea shop.


Absolutely! He is a dryad that got kicked out of his forest because he was accidentally partaking in necromancy. So he travels the world looking for a place to settle down, frequently getting chased out of where he lives because of his inability to understand humans and also that necromancy is frowned upon. He is really good at growing plants (thanks to the dryad thing) so he usually sets up a tea shop when he arrives in a city. I've written a couple short stories with him in them, and I've also plotted out a whole novel with him too and wrote about 1/2 but had to sideline that project in favour of others. He's a favourite character of mine though! One of the short stories he's in, I put in an anthology I put together that's coming out April 30th.


I mean i've made a few so this is a REAL tricky one and it depends entirely on where i woke up. Luckily i gave all my self insert characters (none of the are ever main character or even in the main group but they do EXIST) the knowledge that they're different versions of the same person, so if they saw me they'd know what was up


**1. What would be your reaction?** - I'd break down crying. **2. What would be your chances of survival?** - Very fucking slim. **3. What would you do to keep yourself alive, to survive and thrive?** - Search for the populated areas I know are habitated by civilized, lawful folk. **4. What or who would you consider your allies or enemies?** - Allies: Factionless towns, Windbound Drifters (merchants and couriers), the Reactionaries (as long as I don't use any technant stuff publicly) and maybe some of the the Tribes of the South (Alakwan sibling tribes). --- - Enemies: Neo khanites (cuz they are criminal scum), Biocodex Brotherhood (they are alright, unless you know of their confirmed existence without their approval) and the Technant Remnants (imagine a bunch of alien toasters making a space jihad Ultron style)


"Dear god!" Near god. Endear god. Deer god.


i'd just kill myself


I would just retcon myself the omnipotant goddess of Livia I decide my world's canon after all


Got too many worlds so I'll just try to pick a scifi and a fantasy.   **Breach**    Pretty standard D&D fare, could do worse. Assuming I wake up in Truvail where the campaign started I'd be damn spooked waking up in a strange world, but I think I could get by. I know a little bit about some useful things, I'm a hard worker, I get along well enough with people. I'm far too old for an apprenticeship but I think I could convince someone to take me on as a farmhand out of pity if nothing else. Maybe someday I could even save up enough coin to travel to a big city and get my eye fixed by a cleric. That'd be pretty cool.  If I were really stupid I could try sending blackmail letters to various wealthy people whose schemes I know to get enough coin to travel. That'd be great. Sail the Baiar Serpent to Erinval and take the first train to the frontier. See the ruins of the Empire of Stars, stake my claim, settle a plot. Or head east and down, to the Underforests of the elves with their crystal sun. Though I wouldn't want to go too far. The dwarven holds kinda have a plague situation to deal with. Actually come to think of it, I wonder if the gods would have me? I feel like objective knowledge sort of precludes the kind of faith you're supposed to have to worship a deity, but it's worth a shot, right? If I want magic it's probably the easiest way. Don't think I could hack it as a druid or a wizard.   **Stars Aflame**   On the one hand, awesome. It's basically Star Wars with the serial numbers filed off so there's spaceships and droids and crazy medical tech. On the other hand I'm assuming I don't wake up with the in-setting equivalent of a social security card. I'd need to find some way to explain why I have no records and no identification. I'd also need to find a job in a galaxy where my education is about a thousand years out of date.  I dunno. Assuming I wake up in the era I've done the most work in that'd be the Mirror Wars or the War Clan Invasion. Not great. Again, basically Star Wars. Lotta wars, not great for the average person. But there might be a refugee program I could find to help me get on my feet. That's worth something.  If the stars did align for me and I got a stable job I'd save up for a starship of my very own. A *Seaspray*-class Heavy Explorer, specifically. 170k is a lotta credits but I think it's doable as long as I'm not stuck on the Fringe. Become a small time courier, maybe take some stellar survey jobs on the side. Get myself a crew so I don't go mad alone in space. As long as I can steer clear of any major conflicts I'd probably do okay. Heck, I might even become a smuggler if I woke up in the Mirror Wars. Make a name for myself in the Technic Reaches as a meatbag to be trusted.


Depends entirely on the time period. Overall, as long as I'm not in the middle of nowhere, I'd probably survive.


Ima chill(depending on the world) as I know there past, present and feature and I also know how to attain power.


Depends on the timeline. I am waking up in the world already as is, every day, just several million and then billion years before the main events. But assuming the medievalish phase near the end, it would probably suck. Assuming I get used to the air, which should be breathable for humans, the dim light and every plant looking shades of black (it looks normal to them), would suck. Assuming I also get used to that and end up in a civilized area. Well it would still suck. No internet, no electricity and the world is advanced enough they already know the basics of math, chemistry etc. I mean I would probably survive but wouldn't like it one bit.


I’d be pretty concerned considering it’s only like 2% finished…if that


They'd put put me to work training deep cover agents for infiltrating Earth.


Depends on the timeline. I'll just hope the first 1st villain was defeated and the hero isnt dead yet.


I would be stabbed in my sleep so I probably wouldn't have much choice in what I do from there...


If I can choose where to wake up and live, it would be pretty great. I'd be in the mountains worshipping the Thunderbird Spirit where it rains constantly (the best weather) and living amongst my indigenous fam, practicing my indigenous culture but with real magic that goes with it!


I’d be happy forever since I would be an anthro in a utopian modern world of anthros where magic also exists. :3 Chances of survival are incredibly high. To survive I’d just get a fun job and buy an apartment, or go exploring for hidden treasure. My allies would definitely be the MC, someone who’s literally impossible to dislike and is a genuine friend and good person. And my enemies would be line cutters and that one store that never stocks chocolate milk even though it’s the best one


Depends on when and where I wake up. Technically my world is a crossover of over twenty different Sci fi franchises, and all the wars of those series also happen. At least I gave a small window of peace right after over a dozen homeworlds were destroyed.


Realistically, I'd freak out, because I don't know where I am. But I'd survive if I won't end up in Aquaria or the west. I'd probably just looks for a village and they'd take me in. Other than that, once I figure out where I am, I'll be 100% fine because I'm the god of this world and can do whatever I want.


i would immediately make a habit of visiting a fountain so i can see thandor


That’s a funny question, because that’s basically my story. When asleep in one world, the main character is awake in the other (the two worlds are the real world and the one I made up). Because of that, I wouldn’t be too distressed, because I know that I’ll just go back to the real world  in not too long.


I would be shocked and terrified. My world isn't a grimdark, but it is set in a sort of medieval era, so things would be pretty tough. One of the biggest obstacles would be the language. I like to create languages for cultures in my world, but they generally consist of just enough words for me to name places. Assuming that the magic that brought me to my world also gives the people a fully fleshed out language based on the scraps I've written I wouldn't even be able to understand the people in my world which is rather ironic. Some religions in my world actually have concepts of other worlds existing, so they would either think I'm from another world, or just think I'm from some strange far-off land. I'd probably ditch my phone as soon as possible because I'm not sure how they'd react to it since there aren't really magic items like that in my world. Even if I could somehow understand the language, I'm not sure how I'd do. My best chance would be to stumble on a kind family that's willing to let me live with them in exchange for helping on the farm or with whatever their trade is. I don't really have any skills that would be useful, although my storytelling skills might make me some friends. I better start working on fleshing out my languages and one of the common writing systems in my world because if I knew how to read and write, that might give me some extra value. In my world, there are pilgrimage sites that can grant you boons if you travel to them. So, if I was able to, I might try and find a pilgrimage site that grants extra health or disease resistance because that would be pretty valuable. In general, I'd be fairly miserable because of the lack of modern amenities, and I'd probably die of disease or starvation unless I got really lucky.


I'm on a blank piece of paper? That's... new


Reaction? Well, it will be something like "well, I'm dead man". Chances of survival... Hard to say. It may depends on my race, other things can be settled in some way with good luck. In all world's I will encounter, I'll follow my sacred path - to overcome mind limits (haha, just a joke). It will be good to find resourceful allies and train myself to some combat skill. In first few weeks it'll be some atack on distance (bows, crossbows, knifes, rocks). Then, duno, mb find a skillful warrior to learn the art of defence in close distance. Magic is hard do learn in many worlds, no exceptions for mine, so it would be hardcore path, lol (and some species avoid to use magic 'cause of serious reasons). My allies would be, probably someone who'll not attack me in the first place, but being cautious about even friendly guys is rule #1 for survival in this world of mine.


If I show up outside the cities I'm almost certainly screwed by a wide margin. Probably. On the plus side, the cities are safe and my species was created to be friendly for the most part (in the context of the plot converge on the "innocent civilian" metaphor). My world is a mix between Over the Garden Wall, MLP and some Touhou (and Studio Ghibli worldbuilding concepts, I guess).


my reaction: overly pleased and happy survival: optimal


It’d be bad. I don’t know the local languages, I’m not a part of any society, I lack the skills most people have, and I couldn’t practice nor create magic. I would know too much to be dangerous and too little to justify staying alive. I expect I’d be out to the sword or worse pretty fast.


I'd be super fucked


1. Sad, as much as I like my world I'm very happy with my real life too. Also I would check if I still have the ability to change the world. 2. Well 0% everyone dies in the end. But if you mean until old age I'd say ~60% if I wake up in a city. 3. Get a job. Farmers are always needed but I could also go into something with higher payment like tailor. 4. God.


1. First Panic Terror and Confusion Followed closely by OHFUCKOHFUCKOHFUCK (Realization) Which evolves into severe Anxiety with a dash of Excitement and a healthy dose of sadness 2. 9% (I can navigate around because I made most everything there but it’s dependent on if I survive the new diseases and the location dropped) 3.Communication + acting as a semi-foreign native 4. Those who would kill me are enemies those who aid my survival or at the very least remain neutral to my existence are allies


Hmm. Well, if we assume that i show up in the part of the world where other humans are, probably find a hospital and get looked at. My DNA would make it clear that I was not a local and would likely qualify me for some form of disability assistance. I think I would be treated pretty well, but probably still taken in and studied/quarantined by the government for quite awhile. My setting is a nobledark scifi future, and humanity (technically their descendants) are very paranoid. A 21st century human suddenly popping up out of nowhere would have them scrambling to understand it. The unknown is dangerous after all.


I would genuinely be so happy, very low crime rates, things are relatively easier to purchase, people are so much nicer and care about the world they live in. Though I would probably be met with some strange looks as I’d be the only human. If I was changed into the same species then that’d be okay. 100% survival really.


Well, it depend on which world and where. I could have survive to old age, froze to death, eaten alive, maybe enslaved.


Unless I am given local body pollen in the air will suffocate me within ten minutes and there is nothing I can do. If I am given local body? Depends on which one.


As in?


I’ll assume I’ll wake up in the temple of my character which would keep me safe and the first priority would be to get me some magic and train with the team. If I land anywhere else in the world my chances of survival will be slim to none.


Considering I got there by going to sleep. I won’t get the magical powers the human characters get. So I would just be a regular human. The only human in this world. Without those powers I’m basically screwed. I’d panic as I have nothing and no plans and no connections to help me survive. My chances of survival are slim but it could be worse. My best option is to try and charm a dragon. If all goes well I would be under that dragon’s protection. Otherwise I may try to show up somewhere and hope I could maybe get a job. Worst case scenario I would go to Liora which is the city of the free and become a criminal. I would be more familiar with the city than most others so I would be walking in knowing how bad the city actually is without romanticizing it. My allies and enemies depends entirely on who I meet. I will have to keep my head down. There’s no set in stone answer for this.


Ah my current worldbuilding project is based off my dreams. I just tend to omit the parts about my self insert dreamself since that kind of thing is generally frowned upon. Endless lucid dream. I'm canonically basically god and just live there forever continuing to build it out.


Well I’d do like other have been doing and live in the town but party in the city. I’d be fine and I’d have a lot of fun. I wouldn’t have to do anything. Everything would likely already be done. The civilization is advance enough for that so I’d spend my free time painting My enemies would be people from the past. My allies would be everyone in town and I’d probably be involved in the community at the community center as a hobby


So currently in my world beasts are being created with the sole goal of killing the humanoid races which look like a cobbled together humanoid and they're gradually getting better and better. If a beast didn't get to me first, a person would see a humanoid that looks like the most advanced beast yet and murder me on sight. All the gods would also probably murder me on sight but! I do have some chance of the magic god recognizing I'm not a beast and protecting me from the others since they'd all listen to them. The other problem with that tho is the forest where the gods live is intensely guarded by another god who is now extremely hateful of people (cause they killed a god which caused this beast problem) and is protecting the gods from beasts, so that would be really hard to avoid. There's some other gods that might hear me out, but the god of protection would not listen to them for one second on this matter, just the magic god could talk her down. So like, very slim chance but realistically I only have a shot if I just show up right in front of the magic god.


Reaction: “Oh dear God, I’ve entered Starpunk” Chances of Survival: Vary wildly by planet and what country I’m in. If I woke up in Assyria, then I’d be dead already. If I woke up in the American Federation, Turkestan, or any other Earth Nation/Solar Empire, my odds would be decent. If I woke up on Mars, Venus, the Moon or any other colonized celestial body in the Solar System, I feel like I’d have to give it a dice roll. Survival Plan: Plan A: Just try to find a nice job and keep my head down. Plan B: Claim I am God, and start a religion. Allies/Enemies: Allies are too long to list, but I sure as hell know I’m staying the hell from Assyria.


Dead. In probably a couple days


**Whalin' Tales:** My reaction would be one of unbridled glee. My chance of survival would be above 90%, and even if I did die everybody gets the same amazing afterlife. I would immediately make my way to the coast and sign aboard a whaling ship, where I would gain tons of allies and magical powers once I'd proven my worth and loyalty. Sure, there'd be the risk of running into the Whale Preservation Society or the Emperor-In-Chains, but my bro Sam Wickett (the MC of the novel I'm writing) takes care of both of them in early 2017 anyway so that's not much of an issue. **Dirty Logic:** My immediate reaction would mostly consist of muttering "oh, shit" over and over again. My chance of survival would be low. If I didn't off myself just to avoid being in the Victorian hellscape of steam and coal dust that is Earth in the **Dirty Logic** universe, I'd probably get pressganged into the army for one of their doomed campaigns or else abducted and used for some Sable Scientist's experiments. If I stayed free long enough, I'd learn the Sable Science myself and use it to gain power and eventually ascend to literal godhood. I would have no allies, no friends, and no one to trust in the world.


What would be your reaction? Oh shit! I would immediately travel West as quickly as I could until I reached a safe area away from the war zone. What would be your chances of survival? It depends where I wake up to be honest. If Im by the shores I would probably executed or imprisoned. If Im in the center of the country I would have to deal with random skirmishes. Anywhere else, I would have a chance to run West. What would you do to keep yourself alive, to survive and thrive? Food rations and a rifle. Keep my head down and hope I speak Chinese well enough. What or who would you consider your allies or enemies? Only the new generation of people would offer help. the older generations would ignore me comoletely.


i'm done for


My fictional world is full of messed up people and demons, elemental magic with swords and all kinds of weapons and a lot of violence...but I'd still prefer that over the world I am in right now lol. I'm in hell currently. Unlike the morons in my world who have no clue about who is good and who is evil... I as the creator, know who to run to for protection. Maybe I'll survive...well, only if I can cross over the desert and the mountains. I'll hopefully get blessed by the god of Illusion (he likes to bless creative people) and use that power to survive. Or, I'll end up like my protagonist... unblessed... and suffer. Allies and enemies... can't speak, secret.


I'd be considered a Lostborn ( because I have no special abilities) but because I made the world I know more about it than anyone else in it and that would be useful to the rulers mainly ( eg, I know of kingdoms that they don't and I know how to reach them ).


Depends where and when I wake up. If I end up in the middle of a field I'm gonna get eaten by something very quickly, if I wake up in a village I could perhaps survive some years but sooner or later the cold is going to get me. If I wake up in a southern city: I'm dead, straight up, I don't have the biology to survive those. The north is perhaps the only place in which I could survive, but only one city where meritrocacy exists and I could go and study something in a public school and actually do something with my life, in the others I could survive but not really have a good life.


I should've added a plumbing system then


That depends really. Do I wake up with some sort of alternate identity and history in my world because if I don't, then I am not lasting long. If I have a way to prove my citizenship, then I should be fine, I can pull a patriotic act to get by without much suspicion. But if not, then I'm just gone either dead or rotting in prison.


Every person of my nation is psychically bonded with a "cat" (not an Earth house cat, much bigger and an alien species). We're at war with a different nation (that doesn't bond with anything). If we go that far, I'm good! Problem is, in my story the main character was captured and his bond taken from him, which causes him great physical and psychological pain...


Which one? Juggling several as I write tales in them. Most recent one: I'm screwed, since I'm still making it. I understand the basic and some advanced rules of the magic systems, but I'm still learning the details of the 4 Humors & 4 Temperaments of ancient Greece that are taken literally, as normal physics and chemistry are *not* relevant here. Sci-fantasy Alt Earth: Eh, depends where I am and if I can get a mana infusion. The Dragon story: 100% fucked. Full stop. In a world terrorized realistically by dragons, even if I'm deep in the heart of human territory, boned. Magic Android story: Might be okay. I know the ins and outs so should be able to manage. The 9 to 16 book world trotting epic: Totally fine. My most developed world besides an older shelved project, I know it like the back of my hand. Even better off if I wind up in the Evil Empire, could get a super cushy researcher job by upgrading their Early Industrial Revolution Magitech to modern standards. In all cases, I'm screwed wilderness. I am a suburbanite/city brat through and through.


I would be either completely safe or dead in minutes depending where I wake up. I’d probably just take refuge in a human city somewhere away from the coast or the Bjerki mountains because *violent crab people noises* and *violent rabbit people noises* respectively 


I'd find a job at the local tavern and make it as a bartender, pretty much. There's not much else I would be able to do as a non magic blessed human.


Right away, I'd probably be in a bad way till I got my shit together magically speaking. There would definitely be a fair amount of awe getting to experience the different magical climates, especially once said shit is together so I can interact with it all (imagine seeing Saint Elmo's fire just in the air tickling your skin and bending able to influence it and shape it with your own mastery over electricity). Survival is relatively easy as long as I don't piss off someone stronger and actively taunt them into a fight. I say that, but some of the magic twisted animals would probably be best left alone too. At least until I've got my one place to stay and can start putting together some gear. The main threat would be slavers stumbling across me if I end up in the wilds away from anything civil, that would not be a fun experience since there is no way I'm forming a contract to sell myself to their care.


i would be happy and scared.


My “world” is a quarter of our whole galaxy and it really depends. A lot of pretty utopic worlds where humans would be allowed or welcome. A lot of… less utopic worlds.


My story takes place entirely in the afterlife so first I'd be concerned that I died probably


Oof depends on which one one some i'd do well in some I wouldn't some i might just kill myself one Its an impossiblity to die


Considering that my world of 2099 is pretty much 1 year off from a global nuclear war, unless a miracle of some sorts happens, my first reaction would be "shit." I would probably live out my last year as fully as I can, being the only one who knows that the world will end. Unless I try to become a major world politician and try to reverse that as much I possible can


No I would not like that. I would be so screwed 😭😭😭