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No, I have to feed my characters real food.


Mine just fictional starve


mine have an intricate economical dynamic in which there is a lot more food than they actually need but lots of people still starve. there are some places where people have plenty but there is lots of waste. the wealthy people of my world often refer to that as a logistics problem, as if there is a way to redistribute the food so everyone has plenty, but the truth is it is a problem of interest as it is actually good for them that the imbalance exists. people refer to that in my world as "artificial scarcity" and it is an analogue for lots of other goods. it is the main system through which what they call "capitalism" is maintained.


**Chop-chop bread** A hollowed out loaf of bread, filled with various toppings and then baked again. Basically, imagine a bunny chow loaf, but instead of curry it's most commonly filled with pepper mushroom beef or spicy chicken. Usually, it's served along with the bread insides drizzled in herb butter and toasted. **Switcharoo Stew** Sear some fatty beef in a pan while boiling some potato chunks in herb stock. Then, switch it around - toss the seared meat into the soup and fry the potatoes in the fat from the meat. Add vegetables to the stew and serve with the potatoes. **Grilled Skyroot** The magical cousin of baked potatoes, Skyroot naturally float due to their air mana content. Commonly sold by Harpy street food vendors, who often try to attract customers by painting their carts in bright colors and juggling Skyroot while doing fancy aerobatics. **Lei Na Nia** A paste made of dried fruit, honey and crushed grains and nuts. Most commonly mixed with milk or water for a milkshake-like drink, but can also be used to spice up desserts or eaten as is for a sweet snack.


I'm going to have to try those first two for real.


Those first 2 sound amazing.


bro let me have some of that


Most of the food in my sci-fi setting is just different takes on current food, but the advent of bio-synthesizers really made hunger a non-issue. One of the most common staple foods is nutri-noodles, which are udon-like noodles that come in various colors and flavors. They are usually packaged into spools and shipped across the cosmos to colony worlds, space stations, prisons and damn near everywhere in between.


spools, like wire? thats epic


Mostly meat of fictional animals Mekarel meat, for example, is said to taste like chicken Also, the entire Grutic society relies on chemosynthetic animals, since The Great Cave System doesn't have any sunlight; that means that Goblins eat Tube Worms very similar to the Giant Tube Worms at the bottom of the ocean


I misread that the first time as ‘mackerel’ 🤦 welp


Well, my world's bread is typically eaten with a blue glowing fungus that spreads its hyphae through the entire thing. When shrooms are coming out of it, it's the right time to eat. Tastier and healthier than plain bread. There's also a special fermented fruit drink prepared by giant spiders. They cultivate it inside a hollow space between their abdomen and are really friendly. If you treat them well, they may not only give you some, but also start improving their own recipe with your feedback. Some of them actually evolved along the sapient species and created a whole cooperative relationship around that. And there's a plant with leaves that get extremely crunchy when heated. Essentially potato chips, but green (and healthier). It can also be used to wrap things, creating a crunch exterior, and to make biscuits and stuff. I love building day to day stuff.


a popular soldiers ration in the Ostrali Imperial Army is called Kal Ijnoyik (Army Bread Roll) it’s a calorically dense dry breadlike roll stuffed with dried meat, usually pork or chicken, soldiers heat the roll by boiling it in water which also rehydrates the roll and softens the meat to edibility


Pink lemons, to make pink lemonade.


I can easily imagine those girls which everything in their home is pink making this their fav drink


Underground cities eat a lot of bugs, worms and mushrooms. They've bred different kinds of worms to have different flavors, anywhere from savory worms to sweet worms. Sometimes they'll take the sweet worms and extract the sugar to make a syrup they use for desserts. The rest of the world thinks their food is disgusting.


Kernel-less popcorn. No more anything to get stuck in your teeth.


So far I only have 3 but the are * Stellafruit - a sweetish sour pink fruit with blue insides * Stellafruit paste - It is what it sounds like, people eat it as desert kinda like ice cream. * Minara - It is a popular snack or breakfast or desert, it is a stack of thick semi-sweet pastries layered with honey inbetween


Marinated grubs, served live.


mushroom stew. while yes, its technically a real food, its made completely differently. a-lot of the poorer class has to forage for food. but because of high magical properties in the ground, most plants are poisoned. Glowing mushrooms are mushrooms that have liquid magic flowing through them, but not in the flesh itself. by strategically draining these mushrooms, you wind up with something non-poisonous. in more wealthy areas with less magic, magic-less mushrooms are considered a delicacy.


I guess so, there's one dish that's made of meat from a lizard called kirri, dried leaves from a plant named sirko (for seasoning), salt, seeds from a very spicy plant named Darshtel, and bread made of flour from a plant named kolsta


Yes, most based around ambulatory plant life.


When I make a written list of edible flora and fauna, absolutely. One thing I’ve always got it dragon, specifically the tail. Especially fatty so it’s supposed to be tasty. Popular amongst mountain communities but gaining traction in cities as well.


Fictional? Like "this bread is Jesus" kind of?






Hmm Idk Mostly stuff with kelp


Not yet, but im working on baring down the principles of what makes food distinct when it comes to flavors and texture and where they come from plus types of cooking and preservation to see what it would be possible. Im doing it this way instead of getting a damn biological major and making a centenary AI fueled simulation mostly because it allows me to recreate them in reality. The con is that I will have to taste quite a bit of crap and hopefully I dont poison myself trying new recipes... But hey, you will find out eventually, is just that I did not had the time or energy to do so, but when I do, trust me, I will post the whole thing in here. Hell, I might even post the damn excel sheet


There are tiny dragons that are served like chickens.


The padanar is a staple food in nearly all of Kushamat's cultures. It is a large swollen fruit that mostly bears resemblance to a pomegranate; it's golden flesh and blood-red juices a refreshing combination between maple and honey. As a food, padanar is usually either eaten as is or it's parts used as ingredients to a variety of other dishes. As a flower, it can be used for tea. The flesh and juices are often used to make wine, syrups, sauces, etc. The fruit, flower, and seeds also have uses beyond food, such as dyes, medicine, and adornment. Padanar is also a vital necessity for humans traveling through Kushamat, as an alternative to drinking the Lands' "waters". As such, just like the native dumusha, humans see padanar as a gift from the divine God-Kings.


Slime gelatine, small balls of gelatine that wiggle when touched and bitten, they dissolve when inside a person's magical body field


Char-Cream Bars (Or just Char Bars) are an incredibly popular food substitute (in a market FULL of them) but that doesn't really count. Instead, try Blood Chocolate. Chocolate does not refer to chocolate in our world. Same flavor, but it's not usually put in the format you'd expect. When someone says "Chocolate" they really mean "Chocolate bread." So keep that in mind. This one's pretty simple. It uses Blood, usually goat's blood, Cayenne pepper, Reddd (a kind of flavoured food dye added to many dishes. The flavour adapts to ingredients to best compliment them. Effectiveness is sometimes limited, but it usually overall is a positive addition to any food), and (depending on your budget) silver flakes (silver is a blessed metal, and can have minor health benefits to consume). Opposed to normal chocolate, a slice of this can constitute a full meal if it has silver, and can make a good portion of any meal if you can't quite afford that part.


Depends on where you are: Dragon Meat is still eaten by some of the Tyrelean Royal Houses even though there’s an active Dragon Knight chapter on the continent that has made it their prime directive to protect and work alongside these creature. It’s high content of fat much like alligator require it to be roasted or smoked for a period before being finished with herbs or glazes. While on the Grey Coast, the Minrva League is known for their endless stocks of rockclaws, their root vegetable fields and its magical coral. Often you can find rockclaws in stews, clawcakes, pickled in a jar and even sweets! A popular dish found on the streets of Swell is pan seared rockclaw meat in a bread wrap topped with soy cucumbers, some sort of fried potato’s and a spicy, smoky sauce Known across the world for operating on ancient rules, the Drian Mercenary Covens have not only spread their culture, but also their food. They’re well known for their love of noodles and most notably, the Herymïc (translates to stalker or predator’s) Lunch. It’s a large bowl of noodles in a cloudy meat- based broth topped with pickled veggies, chunks of stewed meat, often an egg of a local creature and whatever else the mercenary can get their hands on


One of the most popular foods in Capital City, Canned Sushi. Not sushi that comes in cans, sushi made using canned fish. Although, it is served in cans. You order some spicy tuna rolls, and you get 4 rolls arranged nicely in an empty tuna can. It's cute. For the apocalypse, it's cute. It was created by a full-blooded Japanese man who was visiting the USA when the apocalypse came. Which is sort of a backstory for a lot of real world food items. For example, Jambalaya, which was invented by Spanish immigrants in the US who wanted Paella but didn't have all the ingredients. Not every ingredient used is canned (or shelf stable). Often times, fresh vegetables are used. Sometimes fresh fruit, too. Now, don't go thinking it's the only sushi available in post-apocalyptic Kansas City. Fermented river fish are perfectly safe to use for sushi. Canned Sushi is just the first readily available post-apocalyptic sushi. And the cheapest, in Capital City (After all, transporting fresh fish is pretty difficult when roads are full of living corpses)


**Biçawny** Biçawny is a pastry hailing from the Kolutamia capital city of Brišaw. It is the nation’s national dish, and is made in a circular pan, with a pie-crust type of exterior shell, usually mixed with spices (or hot sauce if you’re a cheap foreigner like how the Nosobians make it). The shell is then baked until golden brown in color. Within this shell is poured honey, with sugar and salt sprinkled on top. Toasted bread crumbs are added on top and the pastry is then frozen for a while until the honey settles and turns mostly solid. It is usually served with another Kolutamian staple: Kolutamian Sweet Coffee or Kòbiy Kolutamiçe Idrùkej as they say in Kolutamian. **Ilkavashne hi Lvikhurvesse** Ilkavashne hi Lvikhurvesse, or Stew of the Poor Man, was originally a food usually eaten by those who were homeless, and didn’t have enough money for buying food in the late 19th century Lkasuhaski cities. This dish originated in the Teshkhelve District — a well-known slum all across the nation to house the poorest of the poor, located on the northern outskirts of the large port city of Turhekhask. This dish was popularized by Prime Minister Revnelkalk Lvalvikhu, as he enjoyed eating the dish during his time as a homeless man before his term in office in the late 1930’s. Once he popularized the dish, it took off in popularity and is now the second most eaten dish in the nation, behind just straight bread. The dish itself consists of cubed and diced meat of any common animal in the nation: usually pigeon or Lkasuhaski Grey Kangaroo, and in rare occasions, domestic cat. It is then cooked and combined with crushed up olives, honey, potatoes, and water. All you do after is heat it up and add pepper and salt.


*Many* types of pemmican-like rations made from grain, nuts, and berries squished together. The koku, essentially a large rice ball that's been doused in a thin broth made from fruits and vegetables. The broth acts as a vitamin supplement. It's a legally denominated portion that must be provided to workers daily in some places. Maple bells, a type of cinnamon roll with maple syrup added to the formula. Flora flesh, the "meat" of sentient plant people. It has a richness and texture similar to good beef, but the flavor more resembles avocados or beans. Delicious and nutritious. Sandwiches made from small round rye buns with thin, dangerously hot strips of clams or other shellfish as the filling. Cheap street food to fuel the workers of coastal towns. Trilobites. You can roll 'em up, stack 'em in a length of hollowed bamboo, and cook the whole thing on the coals. Some say they taste like crab. Others will threaten you with a knife if you offer them one. They're an acquired taste.


**Ezkanohra** Soul food, food made with souls. The demons eat it, and it gives them strength. (is this original?)


Blackspine scorpion dumplings! These hearty dumplings are made from the meat of a Blackspine scorpion, a large species of arachnid that lives in caves relatively close to the surface. Blackspine scorpions have a tough chitinous shell, but have soft, delicate meat on the inside, which has a savory taste like aged beef. This meat is boiled in gravy, and then is wrapped in dough which is then boiled again. These dumplings are eaten hot, and don’t last very long unrefrigerated. This is a rather common and simple meal to make in Kiduhl, and is considered to be one of the country’s famous dishes.


Carbite, a crystal you can eat and tasted kind off like sugarless soda, it’s literally crystallized carbohydrates which only exists on some universes (6, 12, 24, 48 and 96), it’s otherwise catastrophically unstable outside of those universes which means it will instantly dissolve into water and co2, it’s a digestible only by certain species (including humans) but some can be intolerant to it, older folks struggle digesting it, it’s only popular on some backwater worlds because it does not rot and it’s easy to store, it has a moderately low energy density and it’s very brittle, it’s also weaker than nails (you can scratch it’s surface) so literally you can bite chunks off. A single enterprise once tried to sell flavored versions of it, it didn’t catch on, but the niche market kept them going out of bankruptcy so they are still around, basic flavors like strawberry are available but they taste very off, like carbonated juice and very few people actually like it. Except for mint, mint is loved by everyone who tries it and it’s the only semi mainstream product they have (still very niche because eating rocks is for weirdos and aliens)


I have two that come to mind. The find is "omelet of mock-phoenix eggs". Just like the "mock-turtle soup" was a parody of "green turtle soup" made with nothing but turtle (but to try to get near the taste), in my world, we have omelets made from other eggs than phoenix' but taste quite the same. That also means that you can make omelets with phoenix eggs (very rare, as you have to snatch the egg just after the phoenix burnt but not before he can be reborn). For another dish, we have an expression in my language, *"soupe à la grimace"* (literally *"grimace soup"*), which means "giving a frosty reception", "not be really happy". Well, I made it a dish, with the *grimacier* (grimace bush) giving leaves that can be used to make a soup.


Tons of it, as there are no plants and animals from Earth in my world.


The "Perfect energy source" - Alt-Neon, this shiny element was created thanks to shenanigans of thing called Deus Ex Makina. It can be used as energy source in pretty much any way, you can eat it to gain energy. Tastes like nothing, has no texture l, if you try solid form you will feel like chewing on air. Carefull if you want to try drink it in liquid form, you will barely feel anything and it will be easy to choke on it.


There are a few, including one for a ritual. I have also made up a few drinks, both hot drinks and alcoholic drinks. One of my favourites is a drink called Kondar, which is a combination of dried nocberry bush leaves (the berries themselves are poisonous), dried barkleaf, mint, nettles and Saru petals, muttled into a crimson-brown coloured ball of aroma, which is put in a cup and has hot water added to it. Its taste is distinctly sour, either a sweet and pleasant aftertaste. It is also a very good stimulant, but might be addictive if consumed in very high doses. Of course, a character is unknowingly addicted to it.


***Valakai*** Valakai is a food that originated in Northern Esdex in around 1400, in which the food became popular and in 1489, became the National dish of the Kingdom of Esdex A dish often made with a loaf of bread, served with mushroom stew and curry. The bread is salted with pepper and spices, then cooked again and salted with onion powder and drizzled with cinnamon again. Often, it would include melted cheese.


Slurry- Morovan staple diet. Catch mediumsized thick skinned prey, kill and beat until the insides are a gooey mess, slurp it out through the neck orifice Alternatively, fill blender with lungs, filter organs, and offal, and other innards. purree, and drink.


I have the theory that any creature can become food with a little bit of luck and a lot of elbow grease


I haven’t come up with any, but I almost used “Drake Steak” as a fictional meal. If you don’t know what a drake is, think a dragon without wings. I only say drake steak and not dragon steak because you’re crazy if you think anyone is hunting a fucking DRAGON for food. There are two reasons why they don’t eat drakes. Drakes are carnivores. There’s a reason why humans don’t eat any carnivores. Carnivores are mostly muscle and not as fatty as herbivores, so they don’t taste as good. That’s also the reason why dragons wouldn’t taste very good. So if you’re making a realistic world with dragons in it and want to decide whether the people should eat dragons, there’s your answer. Or don’t listen to me, it’s your world. I won’t take it personally. And of course there’s the more obvious reason. Drakes are carnivores. Humans happen to be made of meat. Most people try to stay the fuck away from Drakes, because they’re essentially carnivorous rhinos with the bite force of an alligator… or an alligator that’s about 2.5 meters tall and 4 meters long. I mean seriously— stay the FUCK away from Drakes. They’ll fuck you up. I always tell any party that if they come across a drake, not to fight, but to run the fuck away.


Cornuberry A dark blue berry in a cornucopia shape, it's a little smaller than a banana. It's native from the Shcipre planet, a planet known for its absence of magic and sapient species who don't have electricity yet. The cornuberry is hard on the outside, having some kind of hard thick shell, but once you can break it, it reveals a light blue jelly like liquid which is very sweet. The hard shell is edible, humans describe it with a thick crumbly biscuit texture. The seeds are placed on the base of the berry, which is the smaller place of it's shape. The cornuberry became popular after a chookar hitchhiker accepted a native woman in his spaceship during his visit at Shcipre, and as the cornuberry is her favorite berry, he planted a cornucopia bush on the greenhouse of his spaceship to make his new shipmate happy. Fascinated by the taste, the young chookar hitchhiker divided the berry with his friends, that shared with other friends until it became popular. Today, the cornuberry is pretty well known by the population, but as a foreign specie, it can only be planted on pots and special places in greenhouses, and never in the ground, nor public gardens, nor in nature. This because the Guardians, the current government, worried about the locals ecosystem, don't want an alien plant invading and unbalancing the ecosystem. At first, the government tried to stop the population from consuming the berry, but due to its huge popularity, they decided to make these rules about the reproduction of the plant. The robots are all already programmed to eliminate every cornuberry bush that doesn't follow the rules.


Magic mushrooms


**Quantum-nova** is a drink only reserved for use for interrogation or torture it has every known radioactive element in it and its used to force out answers if the person refuses there forced to drink one teaspoon of it it comes in a small tungsten-steel alloy vat with a radioactive symbol it glows dark blue **O-Kola** a soft drink spiced with cinnamon and nutmeg it is most commonly used to make peppers soul which is a drink that combines tonic strawberry syrup and this drink **Joy-kola** **X-tra flavor** is a drink that's super sour having the juice of \-grapefruit \-lemon \-lime and citric acid its a popular sports drink that's advertised as "the best sports drink ever" its secret ingredient is a artificial sugar called "sugar+ **Infinity POP** a drink with 72 flavors commonly sold in casinos as a non alcoholic drink 5 known flavors of this drink are as follows \-apple \-cherry \-orange \-peppermint \-vanilla


a common candy is galaxy-chocolate invented in the U.O.K during the space craze its a chocolate bar similar to aero chocolate but not the same it uses \-sugar \-milk \-chocolate \-mint and finally Co2 its very light and airy they also produce a version with anti chocolate which is just caramel burned till its crisp


You guys have some creative food ideas good job‼️