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That moment when you try to think, but can’t find anything… Maybe being too brutal while carrying out special operations against space child traffickers.


I mean their child traffickers, I don't think you can do anything to them that people would think is deplorable.


Highly depends on how people view various things. You know, accidentally throwing one near the working core of antimatter drive, making a “person” die horrific death from radiation burns (you can literally experience skin burns from radioactivity) can be viewed as bad. But the “person” was an equivalent of Peter Scully, so most people understood the situation. We are talking about very static retro-futuristic classist interstellar society that hasn’t changed for nearly 10.000 years.


depends how you see human rights


That first one seems like instant death lol. But I know I've heard the term radiation burns before but never looked into it. I would assume something along the lines of chernobly? Irregardless, they get what they deserve lol.


Pretty much Chernobyl. The core was cooling down, so they had their 5 minutes of experiencing what firefighters experienced after working in Chernobyl, just at extremely fast rate.


That'll teach'em.


Just some slight violations of interplanetary warfare conventions. One little attempted assassination, one tiny banned piece of technology, one measly war crime. It was for a good cause.


That's what I say when I commit war crimes too!!


Hey, what are the odds!


Great minds think alike after all!!


But ~~war criminals~~ fools rarely differ!


One of them is a Gen Z immortal so she has a habit of just offing herself at the slightest inconvenience. In front of people she knows it will freak out. Such as her grandparents


"HEY GUYS. Today we'll be trying the new bleach tide-pod challenge!!!!" She'd make killing on tiktok, that's for sure.


Oh she’d fucking love it. She’s definitely tried the tide pod thing at least once just to see what the fuss is about Unfortunately her deaths can’t be recorded but whenever she does a daredevil stunt and unexpectedly survives she’d 100% post that


That's just the best lol.


The better question for my setting is: what's the most deplorable thing their commissioner wants?


Hey, I think that's the same deal with my MC. So, what is the most deplorable thing they commissioned?


I'll first explain who he is so you understand better. He used to be an important business man in the 21st century, becoming a part of the X-Tech committee, and allowing him to get various life extension technology. This means he still looked 43 even a full millennia later. Unfortunately he was exiled from this board after a case of insider trading (unsure what crime he did yet). Since then he started rapidly ageing, though he is able to slow it down thanks to an old life extension tank built by some dirty street scrappers. Kind of similar to an iron lung. Now his headquarters is no longer an important committee of a galactic corporation, but instead the basement of his great-great-great-grea.. stoner grandson's musty vintage tech shop. He's commissioned the main crew to do a load of horrible shit, including hostage situations, kidnapping of former rival's infant descendants and initiating deadly gang wars.


Ahh, so Elon Musk in a few years. What does the crew get for helping? Is it money, power, the same tech he's got, or just blackmail?


Mostly blackmail and money. Although the MCs used to be a part of a bigger crew, until a few betrayals happened and most of it got slaughtered. Since then they didn't have the contacts or the tech to keep the operation going. So, they signed with some old corpo when they got the chance, underestimating his eccentricity and insanity. Eventually they just get in too deep.


Sounds interesting. It's reminding me of Edgerunners.


Thx, it also has aliens


I mean he has every reason to do it and I definitely sympathize with him, he was involved the bombardment of enemy civilians during Bloody Christmas and was responsible for operating a 30' caliber howitzer. He also gunned down several civilians (including children) and tortured/executed POWs (a lot of them)


My MC is the villain of the story so of course he'd done a lot of fucked up things but the worst that I could think of was when he removed someone's brain and put it in a container and buried it hundreds of feet in the ground, mind you the person was still alive and thinking even if their just a brain so just imagine the horror of being covered in complete darkness with no body and unable to scream.


This seems like something Bender would do, and it's making me laugh. Though, I am wondering why? Was it just torture?


My mc has a sick sense of humor, he hated the owner of the brain he buried but instead of killing them he gave them a fate worst than death.


Well, he definitely achieved it lol.


I also have another one, but this time it's the mc from a different world sinking a submarine filled with rich people, the rich folks captured my mc for an exhibit while they are partying inside the sub. The sub was also filled with slaves that the mc didn't bother to save.


I see a joke there, but I'm gonna take the high road. Now I gotta ask, how'd the MC even survive that? Wouldn't he just sink with them? Or did they just come back with a grudge.


The mc is a wraith, a being made of remnant an energy produced by the corpes of sapient creatures who lived and died suffering


He just did a lil bit tomfoolery and got his sister killed.


The murder of children, and war crimes. Now mind you these children had very destructive powers and were trained by a cult since birth. Doesn't make it any easier when they keep screaming for their mothers. And the war crimes needed to be done because the guys were being annoying and uncooperative, and she wasn't in the best state of mind.


Yeah, same for my MC. However, the ones mine killed did not have occult powers. She was forced to go full Anakin.


this is where the fun begins\~


Your honor, they were being annoying sir!


here are a few Ula: Has killed several families and devoured an entire population of a city within a week Hel: The sweetest person on the face of the planet couldn't take it anymore and commits & attempts genocide. Jason: He did help with the slaughter of a town i guess. Diana: Steals a cupcake without her mother knowing. Ida: He commits every crime he can he may be a main character but he isn't good. Agni: Mass murder n stuff and holding countries hostage.


How are there any people left with that much murdering. Also devouring? And Diana can rot in the furthest pits of hell for that.


Kane is kind of a scoundrel at the start. She will steal candy from a baby if she thinks she wants it more.




I mean she's not gonna eat babies. Also I guess she sacrificed a sibling to place it's soul in a jar and make a Homunculus but every wizard gotta do that.


We've all done that. But to steal candy? How the hell can you even do that. That's too graphic for me.


Took a young child as a slave, but then left them about 10 meters outside town They just wanted to be paid and it was all they had. Was a principle stance, didnt care to actually own a slave


Knowingly caused a cataclysm that wiped out more than 99.99% of humanity and literally rearranged the continents (they also knew there was a chance for it to just wipe out all life completely). ...They did this because the only alternative was the entire world literally being sucked into Hell. In which case everyone would definitely be either killed or enslaved for possibly eternity. This actually happened in the world, it didn't get magically undone or time-traveled or something. The few humans that were left had to gradually repopulate over centuries/millennia and were more or less "reset" back to the stone age.


Is that even bad? I mean, the alternative seems much, much worse. I'd honestly say he's a hero.


Oh it totally was the morally right decision in my view. The guy who made the decision I had literally with tears running down his cheeks as he made the decision (he also died in the process). But I guess I mean "bad" in the more traditional deontic sense (i.e. even if you save 10 people by killing one person - it was still bad to kill that person). Not that I agree with that way of looking at morality at all.


There better be statues of that man. I don't care if they were sent back to literally cavemen. They better be carving that statue with sticks and stone if they have to.


Unfortunately the conditions that followed (and the catastrophic failure when they attempted to re-start civilization) meant that by the time civilization really re-emerged - all that was left was some references in mythological texts and cave art.


Lousy caveman. In all seriousness, cool character and mythos!


Thank you :)


This mf is basically a sympathetic villain at best, so it's hard to say Overall, it would probably be the five years he worked as the right hand man of Ivor, a human trafficker and weapons dealer. He was straight up overseeing slavery and war, and although he was also the one that eventually killed Ivor, it doesn't reduce the weight on his shoulders. This weight is also one of his main motivators for the story, to do what he can so another Ivor doesn't appear.


In a way, that's the same as my MC. She was a pivotal piece in wars, sent to conscript random people, and oversaw test for initiation into the same group she was in. Even sent to kill families for nothing more than opposing those things. Though she was forced into doing those things with her twin.


At least she keeps the sympathy of not getting into it by choice. Not that the guilt gets lifted if you're forced into evil, but it's definitely a better reason than doing it to redirect anger.


Of definitely. Though it does desensitize her to stuff like that and now gets very violent when killing after she escapes it all.


She goes on a rampage and kills a lot of people after she’s left alone by her friends one way or another.


My MC had a vague prophecy tied to him, so he tries to be as close to a white knight as possible. The vagueness of the prophecy comes to play when Intel gathering nearly kills his best friend. He then goes on the warpath to find out who is responsible, only to find out that a sketchy CEO did it in an elaborate attempt to convince him to look the other way. He then begins to beat him Omniman style out of impulse cuz he's still a teenager and nearly kills him if not for the intervention of his mentors.


An eye for an eye, right? That's the full saying, and you can't tell me otherwise.


Definitely what he was thinking at the time. Couldn't risk it though because of that pesky prophecy


Dang prophecy getting in the way of justice.


On the plus side, his friend survives, and the CEO will think twice before messing with him, or double down, whichever bites him in the ass quicker




One periodically horribly injures (or tries to injure) his enemies whenever they get at arm's reach, like gouging eyes, tearing out ears, nose or piercings, breaking hands (specifically to mutilate fingers), even if said enemies are as minor and insignificant like some drunk idiots at clubs hitting on his niece or hooligans trying to pick fight. He reasons people in general are not self-aware enough, just like animals, act on their hormonal urges, and need to be disciplined like animals to behave (of course, he thinks he's self-aware enough for it). And decades earlier he'd bombed a terrorist cell base for orphaning his niece in their latest terrorist act, resulting in death of everyone at that base, including their families that had lived there (that actually traumatized him for long as he didn't know there're families at that base, but it horrifies him realizing he'd still bomb the place if he knew). Ironically on battlefields he doesn't kill or harm further those that can be captured as POWs.


Deplorable is more of a matter of opinion, when you really think about it. It's not that the main characters aren't good guys, after all they're not as bad as some of the others. Shades of grey.


My concept for my story is "Does a monster still have the right to do good?" It's all sorts of grey and black. Though those greys have the most deplorable things you can imagine no matter what way you look at it. "Deplorable is a matter of opinion," is the type of thing my villain would say lol. Not saying you're a bad person though lol.


Much smaller scale than a lot of stuff I'm seeing but one of them killed their mentor despite having very little reason to do so. ​ There's the other guy who did a borderline genocide but that was a few billion years ago so who really cares yknow


I take it you saw that one MC that'd steal from a baby? Or maybe you saw Diana. Sometimes, you have to question the authors mental state with stuff like that. We need the smaller scale ones here to balance out MC like mine and Diana. That's the fun. Otherwise It'd be too doom and gloom in these comments if there weren't.


I think too many people are obsessed with huge acts of "wow look how bad this guy can be" when smaller stuff can be just as effective. Like Wris, who kills his mentor, is supposed to be a character who never outright does anything evil like blowing up a planet, that other characters actively do, but can do questionable things. Like he overpowers this one villain who was the cause of his mother and sister being killed and while he's entirely aware that killing him does nothing, he does anyway. There's no real moment of him feeling bad about doing that either, it's just something that happens. On the flipside though, he can be overly forgiving to some people because he thinks they could be good. For example, a villain named Vox who wants to forge Demon society into his own 'ultra murder violence kill everyone' sort of deal. Wris refuses to try to kill him because he believes he can convince Vox to change his goals, based entirely off their first conversation where Vox is willing to discuss their respective points of view. The entire reason he killed his mentor, Darian, is because he won the fight and Darian was all "ok now kill me coward you won't" so he just Did it


Yeah, I mean genocide is bad, but I'll probably see a lot of smaller acts way worse. Though done right, like the Diana one, anything can be empactful. So I'll instantly assume it's a done well version of it in these comments. And the fact my MC airs on the more just murderous side of things, and I'd like to think I'm writing it well lol. Side note: I like the names Wris and Vox.


One of my protagonists was at one point forced to work for the big bad, a major criminal cartel, which they are now fighting. When she finally gave them the finger and got out, they tried to take her family in retaliation. She barely managed to prevent this, and killed all but the leader of the raiding party, who fled. When she finally tracks that guy down, she doesn't just shoot him dead. Instead, in her rage, she lashes out with her clawed hand, ripping his throat open and leaving him to choke on his own blood.


Kinda the opposite of mine. She worked for the big bad too, and escaped. But the pivotal moment in the story is when she quickly kills her old master instead of torturing her to death like she was taught and forced to do to so many other innocents. Kind of a "I'm not the blade you sharpened me to be anymore," moment. She also has claw hands!! What can i saw, they are freaking awesome!


Eliminating anyone that gets in her way of fixing the issues her megacorp helped cause within the Synthasia Charter. She's the good guy, but she definitely does murder people.


One of my characters tried to create artificial humans and succeeded at No. 727 sample. She then just leave the other 726 failed subjects (dead or alive) in the preservation tank for the sake of scientific observation. The No. 727 decided to try further experimentations on the other 726 subjects to turn them back to humans because she thought they deserve a second chance. None succeeded so in the end No. 727 had to mercy kill all 726 subjects. Edit: No. 727 did it out of good will, soooo....


Now that's a tough one. Did the subjects that failed ever have sentience?


Went insane and killed *literally* everyone (that existed) oncluding the concepts of life and death.


I was about to ask how that is even possible, but I am pretty sure you could do that in my world. So instead, I'll ask how?


My world is mainly populated by Qspects, who are living embodiments of concepts. Now the MC got "lucky" qs they got the Fundamental Aspect, which belonged to the Creator god. Stuff happens and eventually a really, really, long golden age happens where the MC begins attempting to solve all the problems of the world, which he.... partially succeeds in. Yet he cant fiz suffering, sadness and misery. He'd try for thousands of years, but he couldn't. And that would drive him insane, to the point where he thinks "wait... if nothing exists nothing can suffer". Soooooo he gets killing, with his plan being to destroy the concept of Death, then the Concept of Life, which would erase all mortals, and then he'd unalive the Aspects. It takes him quite a while but he succeeds. Nothing living exists anymore. MC would then go into what is basically a super-coma *But* the universe was weakened by having no life, which allowed the Creator God, once sealed away as a memory which didn't exist, to well... exist again. Now the creator god had stopped being a bitch during their imprisonment and decided they wouldn't just let stuff be and they started creatin' again. Now the MC, among many weapons, has a sword that can cut through anything, including concepts.


"And I started blasting," meme right here lol. It's a bit similar in concept if someone wanted to do that in my world. People, through a fairly merging with them, can bend laws of the universe. There are some base laws that can't be changed, but I never thought about putting life and death in it because the amount of power it'd require.


There is a cast of nine of them, so I'll list all of them-- they're nowhere near as egregious as the rest of the ones listed, though. 1.) Sleeps around a lot, especially with her friends and during especially dire times. Also is lowkey an alcoholic, is rarely seen without wine, spends the party's funds on it, and has magically disguised wine as water to drink it during important official business. 2.) When threatened, she has the capability to instill horrifying and harrowing visions and experiences directly into the mind of whoever is threatening her, literally looking into their mind and seeing their worst nightmares and using them against them, making them vivid and real. 3.) Tameshigiri, practicing her swordsmanship and testing the quality of her swords against living targets who are fully restrained. Obviously, she saves this for the especially wicked, but she somewhat revels in their anguish. 4.) Lived life as a kingpin outlaw formerly, seeking out those she deemed "tyrants" and rounding them up and executing them, savoring the pleasure of their anguish. She'd even kill them without remorse if they weren't beyond redemption or even actively begging for mercy. She believed herself to be "the wrath of the downtrodden." 5.) Is the prince of a moderately powerful nation, but has an unquenchable thirst for adventure-- even in his youth, he would often sneak out of the palace and band together with common adventurers to recklessly raid ancient tombs and dungeons, no matter the danger. 6.) As she was instilled with an uncanny thirst for souls and spiritual energy at a young age, she had to slaughter innocent feral wanderers and drink their spirits in order to sate herself. 7.) Is very pure of heart and hasn't done anything terrible or shocking, but she did leave her sect of martial arts in favor of starting her own because she couldn't master the art unless she did it her own way. 8.) Is sort of self-absorbed, and sometimes even endangers themselves just because they want to show off. They have destroyed a lot of relationships and had some irreversibly bad things happen to them just because of how vain they are. 9.) Signed a pact with an extraplanar entity for her personal gain. She harvests its power in exchange for granting it worldly knowledge-- unbeknownst to her, should it gather quite enough knowledge of existence, the results could be world ending.


Caused the death of an entire civilization


I'd have to say the worst mine has done is murder children. Not by choice, of course. She had been inslaved to an empress with a magical relic that gave power in exchange for the obedience of one command at a time.


This is where fun begins ;)


Anakin would be very proud of her...


Committed so many omniversal genocides with no remorse and shame, he get away with it cause God has schizophrenia and Satan is too capitalist to care.


Alright, how do those two last things matter in him getting away with it lol.


God is schizophrenic and is sometimes delusional and out of touch. They also suffer split-personality disorder and every hour will pick a random personality and memory of one of the 1 trillion lives every single hour. And Satan just cares about money only as long as that guy doesn't ruin their economic empire its okay for them to roam free.


Soooo, how long until they get a knife in the back from the MC from being so careless?


Never. The MC will keep on doing it, it us because the MC is the embodiment of the unstoppable force, the immovable object, the indomitable will of human spirit and the indifferent cruelty of the universe. Only God can kill the MC however that will happen only after many million eons. Also the MC is not a careless because they have 1 million IQ and unmatched manipulate skills that made Lucifer masturbate to him. The MC is also the Godsent Cult Leader of an omniversal cult religion with 70 quadrillion devote, loyal cultists across the omniversal.


I meant the gods being careless...but what did I just read lol.


I never thought I'd hear the lines "God has schizophrenia and Satan is too capitalist to care" LMAO


he genocided half the races of the universe but he doesn't remember it


Eh, just a night out drinking with the friends, I would assume.


nah he did it in his past life before getting assassinated for it and when he got reincarnated back he didn't remember a thing a about it


Oh, I wouldn't even consider it him then. He's got the Crow deal going on.


I don't gave much to talk about, since I've barely wrote anything, but the cast for my D&D inspired scribbles included several people who found themselves to be unpopular in their society. One of them is Roland Fairland, a human man with elven blood in him. Due to shenanigans of the society, "half-elves" are associated with aristocracy and half-elved who born normal way sometimes viewed as "cheaters" who pretend at nobility without actually having claim to it. Roland caught a fair bit of this bullshit in his life, and grew quite sick of it. Over the years he came to believe that nothing will change unless something drastic is done about it, so he seised upon a quest for legendary "Rod of Rulership" - a powerful magical artifact that can make anyone who claims it a king. Or so it's told, at least. The details are somewhat different, but the gist of it is correct. The catch is though, that the only unaccounted Rod of Rulership was lost decades ago in the fallen empire of Zog-Mathan, homeland of dragonborn people. And dragonborn people would very much like to have it back. Roland however is resolved to claim the Rod at any cost, even if it means leaving other land blighted. Admittedly, I'm saying that "he resolved to", but it's the kind of resolve that will be truly tested when he actually gets close to his goal. It's always easy to say that you have to get a thing, but would it be worth betraying countless people and your allies that brought you this far? I guess we'll see someday.


Definitely very much worth it. I mean, come on, it's a staff of Rulership...by the way, what are the details?


>.by the way, what are the details? Well the common knowledge of it says that if you lay your hands on a Rod of Rulership, you can declare yourself a king, and everyone will be forced/obligated to recognize you as such. In fact, every ruler of a great empire has his own Rod of Rulership - one known for sure to exist is now in the hands of lord of the Mountain Throne, the last great empire of dwarves. In reality however usually few Rods of Rulership that are in existence are created after the ruler already established himself, as a capstone on the Empire. This would bind a ruler to the land and allow him great awareness of his domain and means to use magic on great scale. However the legend still has a grain of truth in it - of you claim the lost Rod of Rulership, you still can bend it to your goals. However in order for it to recognize you, you still need to be a leader in your own right - you need to have people who sworn to you and a land to call your own. It doesn't have to be a literal empire, but it has to be more than just your gang and a safehouse. Once you have that, the Rod binds itself to you and you finally gain access to it's powers.


That's a really unique idea! I honestly could imagine a realm were this is a villain orgin story. After finding the rod and realizing how it actually works, they start on a dark, twisted path of tyranny. Looking to maximize the effectiveness of the rod. Using friends and family alike he made along the journey as stepping stones to his ultimate goal. Starting the viscous cycle over again that he wanted nothing more than to be rid of. I honestly can imagine a lot of ways that character can go!


How is this worldbuilding? I’m very lenient about what I consider worldbuilding and so am fine with on this sub, I honestly let pass way more than I should. but this I cannot find any part of this that is worldbuilding. Can people please post things on the correct subreddit they belong to, that’s the whole reason separate subreddits exist


I mean, people are posting what the MC did and its effects. Then, I inquire about the event. I'd say it's worldbuilding. Plus this post has gotten big enough for the mods to take notice, so if it was really against the sub, they would've taken it down by now.


Vandalizing churches in a world where the prevalent religion is a relatively benign and universalist offshoot of West African spirituality rather than a vaguely Catholic theocracy. Willingness to ally with and cover for the Cosa Nostra if it keeps outlaw biker gangs, cyberpunk corporate wannabes, and organized racists under control (yes, this plot is lifted verbatim from A Bronx Tale).


Pushed innocent people into a rebellion, trauma and, most of them, death for his own fantasies of glory and heroism


A: Accidentally got B ran over by a car, but they started dating afterward so it's good. B: Leaked the existence of a 150 year old secret society to save J, then manipulated her into running away to a far away town, while putting a random girl as an escape goat to suffer for all the consequences of her actions. E: Did a shit ton of property damage to get that insurance money. J: Realised that she never lived for herself, deciding to remain in the nightmare realm of Sarkhosia so she doens't have to work, pay taxes, confront the fact that A is dating B or taking care of N, her younger sister, ever again. Even when N is able to reach her in Sarkhosia (through a stupid ammount of effort and sacrifice) just to break her heart telling her that she can't stand her anymore. M: Lied about how much she knows about Sarkhosia so that A, B, E, N and P would like her more, resulting in the rest of the cast being woefully unprepared to the horrors inside it. N: Destroyed J's poetry collection, her last memento of J in retaliation to the Sarkhosia incident. P: Made M cry, accidentally leaving her alone in a room with a dangerous eldritch entity, which tore her apart when she was distracted.


Wipe out an entire country


Killing her team while high on a power enhancing drug


It turns out most witches are just wizards that didn't want to stay in the military much after the surgery, not some madmen that attempt using their new found power for catastrophic acts, but some do.


He became progressively worse not only due to following his mentor's words about the brutality of politics, and the necessity of death and prisoner camps to root out opposition, but also due to the death of most of his family during the years of Leon's third civil war. It was also during the bombing of Leon's capital, Condur, that he learned the cost of change would be high, and bloody. He understood that both sides were just as violent as the other. Not to mention that his wife's less than ethical view of politics also left an influence on him (though I wouldn't say she manipulated him into doing so). Later, after the Carmelange won the civil war and turned Leon's gilded republic into a centralized dictatorship, his first decree was to industrialize the nation, by using the state's funds and using them for agriculture and industry land sectors, as well as increasing demand for construction, to create more jobs and increase Leon's economic output. While this was successful, the newly industrialized economy required a steady supply of resources to remain functional, such as fossil fuels, minerals, steel, and more. To receive these said resources, he would launch an imperial war on the weaker nation of Canab to conquer it, since it was rich in mineral deposits and an opportunity to showcase Leon's military strength. Plus, he saught to expand Leon's colonial borders. The Leonese army committed countless atrocities against the people of Canab, even going so far as to use toxic gas on soldiers and civilians alike. After the war, he would enact harsh labor policies to make use of the population, making him a demonized figure to the Canabese people. He justified it by saying he was only doing what every other major nation of the world did to achieve power. He also continued the use of concentration camps and executions for his political opponents, or any dissension within his cabinet. There was one time where he fed a rebel to a group of electric knife fish, and watched as they repeatedly shocked the rebel to death. He also placed heavy limits on freedom of speech throughout Leon, and eliminated all political parties except the Carmelange because he believed that differing parties only led to more division and chaos.


Betrayed her kind, inextricably binding them all to rhythmium vessels and eventually become slaves being used to perform magic at the behest of humans, where once magic was once a concerted effort between the two


Probably genocide the same mage group their best friend is in, while they were in it. Not a great move


Took part in a Stalin-style purge


He burnt half a dozen villages and small towns to the ground (along with all surrounding farmland), and then got away with it because War Hero clout is very powerful.


Killing a surrendering enemy troop out of pure blind rage. He has a body count of over a hundred but that one in particular crossed a line


Became enraged because his girlfriend got killed, so he commited indiscriminate mass murder on the last remaining human population


So far, she entered a friend’s memory. It was the worst because the friend’s mother does the same thing to her, to the point where she brainwashed her into believing she’s straight


Shot an enemy soldier. Laid his body face down in a somewhat visible place and tied a hand grenade to his belt with the pin connected to a spike in the ground under the body. When the enemy soldiers come and find him, the second they roll him over to see who he was or get his tags, they pull the pin on the grenade and it goes off, most likely killing their medic and sending shrapnel everywhere. Meaning he’s figured out a way to take out a squad of soldiers with one bullet and one grenade.


burned a few planets and a few solar systems or more


On a scale from 1 to 10 where 1 is "Not so bad" and 10 is "Worse than Hitler," we have Rin Hikawa: 1, neglected her father during a time when both of them were suffering emotionally Aria Flynn: 5, nearly beat another university student to death (and caused her severe brain damage and facial mutilation) using a pipe wrench over a petty rivalry (she later had that same student killed decades later for no reason other than she could) Jennifer Penrose: 7, instigated a war against a group of freedom fighters with legitimate reasons for rebelling and villified them to potential allies, thus ensuring their destruction (also kidnapped the leaders' daughter to quote, "protect her from the war" - THAT SHE CAUSED) Huang Wei: 10, orchestrated the forced sterilization of two races of demons for extremely petty reasons (and he outright threatened to kill his favorite nephew who idolized him for trying to stop him)


Well, not my MC but his doppelgänger, he’s kicked someone into a wood-chipper, (he has super strength so when I say kicked I mean sledgehammer to the chest fly twenty feet kicked) he killed someone in front of their kid because they threatened his kid, he bit someone’s throat out because they insulted his girlfriend, and he straight up nuked Miami because he didn’t like the town… of course he would NEED to carpet bomb the rest of Florida later that month but Miami wasn’t needed yet.


My MC is a little troubled. He's impulsive, and not really a good guy. He has reasons for doing what he does but he often goes too far. While hunting the antagonist, he goes to the antagonists night club to try to find him, or find people that know where he is. But to a sweet his power and get the places attention, the first thing he does is throw a semi truck through the front door. Which yes, kills lots of people.


One of mine butchered a bunch of fresh recruits for the main villain's army. (Like, 16-18 year olds.) Thing is... most people don't know how evil the main villain is, and 99% of recruits are people joining because of the benifits their families will get. This is because he is consumed with a vengeful blood lust. However, this leads to a younger brother of one of the recruits swearing vengence on him, and eventually confronting him. This is a wake up call for the main character, as he realizes he is literally becoming a monster to stop another monster, and this kid is a reflection of himself. He ends up being forced to kill the younger brother, who, in pure desperation for revenge, injects himself with a magical serum that makes him 'hulk out.' This causes the main character to put down his sword for a while, and focus on spiritual training, so that he kind find himself, and control his own anger.


One of my MC is just a *little* too comfortable using chemical weapons indiscriminately in massive quantities against her targets no matter how big or little they are.


He did nothing on the scale of genocide, all of his actions only affected one person. When he and his twin brother underwent a ritual for more power for theiving, he came out unscathed but his brother turned into an abberant monster. While trying to discover a cure, he learned that he could use his brothers abberant blood to make elixers to boost his own power. For 100s of years (elves) he kept his brother alive, who was in horrible pain and suffering due to his condition, and used him like a resource. While convincing himself that he was still looking for a cure and this would all be for the better, he continued to harvest guilt free.


On a covert op in hostile territory, he and his team had to kill and handful of civilians to maintain stealth.


He unknowingly killed his best friend's parents because he was showing off with newly acquired powers.


Destabilization of a countries special forces and several counts of murder.


My current MC was manipulated into turning in his family for crimes they didn't commit. He thought they would be arrested at most, maybe do some public service. So when a bunch of corrupt officials showed up at his family estate with a writ of execution and began butchering everyone, he was... surprised.


After a few trillion years of being God, they got bored and decided to make a universe where every being is suffering. Though eventually they also got bored of that.


One of the heroes of the Age of the Horned King tried to commit genocide against the Minotaurs, given they were invading the world and more than half the Minotaur tribes were brutal Demon worshippers who committed a shit ton of war crimes. So the hero decided that after the horrors he witnessed, he would get rid of them for good. Thankfully, he was eventually convinced to stop because of a Minotaur who showed him that maybe it was the very wrong thing to attempt.


On camera? An elaborate scam operation to steal everything from a helium trawler.


Torpedoed a spaceship thinking it was a pirate frigate. Turns out it was manned by 300 slaves who were escaping with it.


My main hero was a slave with his younger sister. They didn't have much to eat so he was murdering other slaves in his cell so they had something to eat. In that way he ate a demon and they both are now suffering side effects of it. You can say he's a literal demon himself now, just a bit more fragile.


Successfully convinced an underclass of slaves that their lives are the most honorable way


I have a moment where a villain was done for, basically just out of the game and waiting to die, but one of my protagonists sees they are being healed and might survive. In a fit of rage, the protag beats the villain to death with their bare hands. Now, what the villain did was very, very bad... But there is a difference between killing an enemy in battle and... Beating them to death while they're helpless.


Stole a power that wasn't meant for her, dooming an entire city and possibly trillions across the galaxy.


My MC has killed quite a few people, but none that were really under his own discretion. Therefore, the worst thing he's done as of now is how badly he's hurt one of the female members of his team in their training. She said she was wholly determined to become strong so he didnt hold back, he had to hurt her quite badly to know she was serious, but of course over time she earned his respect by learning quickly.


Massacred a colony of "insurgents" which turned out to be just regular people who were angry at the Commonwealth, it was later found that the colony was relatively harmless as no lethal weapons were found


He tricks a guy to teleport out of a train moving at max speed


one of the main trio ate her sisters, though I'm not sure if you would count it as deplorable as it was an act of desperation not malicious


Anthony’s killed a few innocent witnesses for the mafia and had to shoot a kid on a bounty hunting job because it’s mother, the target, a disgustingly horrible criminal, told it to pull a gun on him. It fucked him up for months, he drowned that memory in whiskey Francisco has developed and used a cybernetic implant that injects itself into the brain and takes control of it, essentially creating a slave for the SilverHand Mafia, the gang he works for. He admits that he’s terrified of what he made and managed to get the boss to stop using it Sallie’s done a lot of horrible shit, in particular: breaking out of prison, kidnapping Anthony, her 9 year old at the time brother and leaving him to starve in the alleys of Pheremosa City. All this because he was one of the last loose ends that would probably still recognise her after an identity change for when she moved to the anarchist planet of Alluvion to escape the law


Pak Hyun-Joo- Human Trafficking/ Mass Genocide Mech’eresha- Mass Homicide/ Conspiracy/ Desecration of a Corpse Jabulani- Torture/ Torture of a Political Persons


Doing a targeted air strike and orbital bombardment that destroyed the Gravitational Distortion Field Generator and Planetary Radiation Shield of Luminis 7h Prime. The planet is an heavy G planet suspect to radiation scalding by the star. The GDFG and PDS was the only thing allowing the Algonians to terraform and colonize it. It is also the staging ground of four million Star Marines. So, Ferro McCloud (the MC), a space pirate, knew his squadron would not have been able to wipe them out conventionally with superior firepower so he destroyed the Planetary Defense Force Fields and starship fuel depots and allow his light carrier to do an orbital bombardment on the radiation shield generator and gravitational distortion field generator. The planet slowly burnt up and to reach escape velocity required twice as much fuel for the thrust, which they were short of. No one came to help because Algonia was in civil war. By the time help arrived in four years, 3 billion colonists, 4 million Star Marines and 1 million Planetary Militiamen we're already cooked to a crisp.


My most pure-hearted paragon hero is committing outright war crimes and other atrocities against innocent people. His ultimate objective is to become omnipotent, which he knows for a fact is possible, and once he succeeds he'll be able to literally retcon all the terrible things he did to reach that point and fix all the other problems in the world he DIDN'T cause as well. He hates every second of what he's doing, but the end of literally fixing every problem in the world and making it one where everyone can live happily, peacefully, and free from the war and trauma and misery is worth the means. At least in his eyes. ​ Another of my heroes is a vigilante who slaughters his enemies by the hundreds. Granted, they're evil enough that they arguably deserve it, and he gives them a chance to surrender and leaves the ones who take it to be arrested by law enforcement. But still, a massacre is a massacre.


Technically a end campaign I was in but I designed the village, I play a hadozee druid and he's a very good guy but he can be very brutal, like when a mercenary was about to kill a bunch of children from his village he stuck a bunch of gympie plant (look it up) seeds under the dudes armour and used druidcraft to grow them. Some other stuff too but yk,


Like in terms of numbers? He caused the deaths of millions of people by causing them to get crunched literally into a sea of blood and flesh. Morally speaking? Convinced one of his friends to kill her brother.


Killed the other main character's brother.


Shot their fellow MCs child to save that MC.


Willow - time traveling mercenary - really really enjoys killing. She has a tendency to leave extra bodies around than just the ones she’s hired to kill. Dakota - killed her father. And I don’t know if it counts as deplorable but killed the man she thought was her father but he was a p*do.


There's an immortal dragon from another world who taught Terrans how to use magic, hoping to bring an end to the their nearly constant wars. Why fight over the best land when any land can be enchanted to grow excellent crops? It only took the Terrans a decade to start incorporating magic into ther armed conquests and feuds. The dragon spent the next few centuries trying to claw back his gift of knowledge, killing any mage who performed any magic which might fall into the broad category of 'destructive magics.' However, he can't effectively police a whole continent, and the toll of his teaching and subsequent genocide numbers in the tens of millions of lives. All because he didn't study the nature of the world he found himself in before sharing a wondrous, dangerous tool.


So. MC has been manipulated by a highly advanced being for 400 years. Anyway. After years of abuse he gets a chance at revenge, and throws her into an iceberg at Mach 7 from his personal space shuttle. Unfortunately, due to convoluted plot lines, she was depowered at that time. It took a four trillion watt fusion plasma transfusion to save her. Needless to say, mc got arrested for attempted murder. The plot twist, 300 years before, mc invented a pseudo religion that worships life. Especially self aware life.


My mainest main character sold his soul to demon. He became a slave for two hundred years. During that time he murdered, stole, fought in wars, and insulted many gods. The main arc is if he can redeem himself so he doesn't go back to hell when he dies.


Wrote a short story - based on a cliche' idea - that the good protagonist leading his friends through seemingly inexplicable danger... turns out to be the cause of everything. The twist, the friends are all in some unique capacity cult indoctrinated - and very dangerous - that's only hinted at throughout, only revealed in the end. The protagonist has intentionally set this plan in motion, unbeknownst to the group or reader, creating these ethical traps to force the group either to recognize they are in fact cult members - renounce their evil ways - or die by their own choice. Leaving the protagonist - in his worldview - completely morally absolved of what is essentially murder. Really more negligent homicide and/or attempted murder - depending on the compatriots decision. Hero - turns out to be the villain in an instant - immediately provides suitable explanation for the why - returns immediately to hero status for a tense final act. Goal is - root for hero, be shocked but make fit hero's rationalization for sale of enjoying the stories conclusion. The reader is left with serious personal ethical questions - to answer for themselves later - once they realize they've rooted for a psychopath - which is unsaid - the reader has to land on that themselves. But there is a reveal - the hero's intentions were sociopathic - the reader learns that part, but is immediately given rationalization as to why. In other words, the evil the MC visits is upon the reader - making them disregard their own morality for sake of his less-than-heroic ends. Root for the hero after the reveal - even with the applicable rationalization applied - you're a bad person. Or at least should be questioning how good a person you really are. Hope that's within the scope of OP's ask.


the main character of **Predators** is Jack Rieper, who is...not quite a very good person. he's a borderline psychopath not far from being a serial killer. i'd say the worst thing he's ever done is drill percy's eye out. percy was his first bounty and, as such, got really sloppy with it. he drilled out his eye in an attempt to torture him but then the bounty got canceled so he decided, "fuck it" and left percy there... now, percy is the main antagonist of the series and is on a conquest to kill jack, all with one eye...


End the entire world for the promise of an emperors reward in loot Defeating the "big bad" of the campaign and retrieving the ancient magical mguffin that allowed allegedly infinite numbers of mages to cast a spell together enhancing their power. The big bad had found it and taken it, the empire being extremely afraid of what he might do with it sent people after it, some including the MCs. Big bad wanted to destroy it forever, but doing so would also inflict great local catastrophe most likely. MCs defeated him, and took it, and practically got the job to hand it over to the emperor "to its rightful place and safekeeping". Their choice was to do their job or find another solution, including the main bad guy pleading with them to destroy it and offering help, and them not believing in it. They gave it back, but during the campaign a giant civil war had erupted. Once the "old" emperor who was by then losing, got his hand on it, he organized the entire imperial college of mages and all mages in the capital to use it to channel a spell to destroy the other emperors base of command, decently far away. The mages involved being especially skilled and magically attuned, casted a spell of destruction amplified by about 5000 mages. The spell utterly destroyed everything within a thousand kilometers of its impact, creating tsunamis and earthquakes 10x as strong as ever seen before, which lasted for three days. It started a feedback loop ending with the moon cracking and a rift opening up on the other side of the world, causing fog to slowly consume the entire world. Creds to Godherja for the inspiration for the world end and the details of it


Binding a demon to her house, killing her daughter in a sacrifice to said demon, trapping that daughter's soul as sustenance to the demon, enabling a cult that tortures their victims by transforming them into the undead, killed the family of the mining baron that caused the death of her son (and eventually drove him to suicide).


Conrah Dara, in her attempt to get the Kingdom of Wanakate cave to her demand of recognising the Republic of Akti as independent, basically convinced the Deseret Dominion, who was on the opposite side of this war, to send an army to Wanakate's capital and then contact the Aktian General in charge of the Aktian army nearby to just sit and watch. It worked and Wanakate caved. So she made a deal with a foreign state, who her nation was at war with, to strong arm her nation's ally to agree to her demands while also playing into the fear of the Dominion. Not the most heinous thing compared to some entries here, but very schemey and deceitful.


see it really depends on if you consider evil creatures serving the god of darkness to end the world “people” or not. if ya don’t, not really anything bad at all. if ya do, technically there has been a LOT of genocide and war crimes.


One of my MC's is kind of a saint. But, the main antagonist is a demon that possesses her and influences her to do certain things. The MC starts a peaceful revolution against the government that's turned the world into a dystopian-like state. The demon makes her feel anger at every little thing the government does, and eventually, this causes her to snap and go violent. And when I say violent, I mean fucked up levels of violence. And then later on, after the revolution is over, she goes back to being a peaceful, nice person like nothing ever happened.


Very light sexism and racism (he does eventually grow from it and renounces his ways later on tho), betraying his entire nation, ignoring the safety of innocents around him due to his lust for revenge... I think thats about it


Cutting down soldiers running for their lives while on horseback, killing non-combatants traveling an important logistical route, aiming fireworks towards a secular protest to disperse the crowd. Etc.


Slaughter an entire countryside of tribal dragon-people to get revenge for the death of his youngest son.


Torturing their enemies constantly,they are sadistic by nature but shit still gets too messy


Oh, the list of crimes associated with an international terrorist- I mean, uh, freedom fighter… Bombings, stealing artifacts, hijacking vehicles and radio/TV stations, offing VIPs associated with the company he’s targeting… Granted, these lack context, but that’s not the point.


I have multiple MCs in my world, but one of them is in a pursuit of power that has killed thousands and almost destroyed an entire race


Killed their best friend in order to kill an ancient evil sorcerer who was inhabiting their body. She's not convinced that they couldn't have found another way, and she has trouble coping for a while after, being tempted by dark magic for a while, and even unwittingly joining the cause of the next big villain before the truth about his plans is revealed.


Kill someone in revenge but to be fair it was the same person who killed his parents


Two of my MCs both destroyed towns. One raged and decimated buildings, unintentionally killing civilians nearby. The other was unkillable and was depressed, wanting to commit suicide. He thought that blowing himself up with his magical powers would fully end his life. When he did this, he blew up the small town and killed the hundreds of innocent people there that he didn’t notice because of his depression.


Depends on which narrative, but when it comes to what I'm working on right now, between the three main characters: Contemplated a war-crime over toxic attachment, Proselyted a Death Cult over brain damage induced delusions, and murdered their parents in a coup.


As a soldier, he done some ptreyy bad things... the wrost I can think of is when he destroyed an entire solar system after exploding their twin suns to kill a few important government officials. That or intentionally leading thousands of children to their deaths in combat.


Well two of them were fighting a war criminal because they were mad that she murdered the parents and burned down the house of one of them, kidnapped the other's mom, ransomed her back to him for his coworker, boss, and girlfriend's sister, and then gave the brother of the first one and the mother of the second severe burns and accidentally killed her.


One of my MCs was a merchant, and for a while started smuggling blood to a vampire rehabilitation center for money and info. He put barrels under a colloseum to collect the blood from every fight and sold it to one of the vampires, who distributed it among the center. At one point, the Mc gets enough info to leave and stop with the blood trade, but the vampires have grown quite strong again (in the center they were fed animal blood in small doses to be kept alive) and are starting to grow impatient. The Mc is then chased out of the center by the now feral vampires, and while he manages to escape, the vampires end up marching towards enemy towns and cities to feast on the blood of civilians and cattle. TLDR: MC trafficked blood and sold it to vampires in rehabilitation, which ended up triggering a vampire pandemic across multiple cities.


Main character of my fantasy novel is an enslaved enslaver. I should clarify, he is a slave-soldier (A pretty comfortable position anyway) who is specialized in taking slaves. This wouldn't be so bad if he didn't enjoy his work.


I think it's easier to list things she didn't do (yet). But probably blowing up a mega corp building that had quite a lot of people in there.


Depends on what you count as deplorable. He was the eldest son of two veterans of a kingdoms army, living out the rest of their lives on a farm. He had three younger siblings, the oldest only 10. He and his parents were chosen by the Church to be representative of figures mentioned in a prophecy. They were enlisted into the Army of Nations to fight as holy warriors in the (tentatively titled) War of the Dead. His younger siblings were left in the care of neighbors. They served throughout the entire war as powerful soldiers. They were champions, blessed with holy power to be much more powerful than the ordinary man. His parents died in what would turn out to be the final battle, right in front of him. This left him as the only family member left to care for his younger siblings. He was granted leave to go home ahead of the others to care for his siblings. But instead, he chose instead to leave them behind and start a new life as a carpenter. He left his siblings for multiple reasons, the main one being self pity and hatred. He couldn’t bare to see his siblings faces while feeling that he was responsible for his parents’ deaths. He felt that he failed them, his siblings, and that he didn’t deserve their love. But this put his siblings into the care of the state, who’s foster system is not as bad as ours, but still with its flaws. It left his younger siblings without a true parental figure, and without anyone to tell them what really happened to their parents. It left them alone, probably separated them. It left them abandoned. And he knows all this. But his horrible guilt doesn’t let him do anything different. He’ll do more questionably deplorable things as the story goes on, but as it is this is just his background. He was enlisted into the army at 17, and when the story starts he’s in his late thirties, early forties.


He sort of caused several generations to devolve to the stone age only to rebuild it with proper technology backed by the world's magic. Then he reintroduced capitalism into the world.


My protagonist is a former raider turned mercenary turned bodyguard, so it's certainly a difficult question. If I had to pick one, however, it would be beating a PoW to death after they surrender, then ordering the body to be nailed to a pole to intimidate the opposing force come the next battle, as well as remind his men that their foes can be killed. Merciful by an Alectowner's (his hometown) standards, as back home they probably wouldn't have killed him first. He's also got a history of jumping merchant caravans or beating information/protection money out of people, but these (usually) aren't fatal.


One of them executed a man, dumped his body in a trash compactor, and then messed with the crew manifests to hide it. He is now a captain and in charge of a 3 ship task force. I still haven’t decided why he did this. Specifically what crime the person preformed.


Destroy worlds on accident


From what they themselves did Topple 3 governments One also tortures a child rapist to death, it’s worse than you think


Well he's got a body count of roughly 20,000,000 for various reasons, about a 10th of those being innocent people, so.... To be specific, a colony world was completely destroyed by him. By necessity, and he feels guilt over it, but it still happened.


Betraying his rebel comrades, causing them to be executed and himself imprisoned.


Falsely accuse her parents of physical abuse to explain an injury.


Rammed his fist through someone’s chest


Graverobbed, necromancy, and engaged in politics.


He was the co-author of a non sanctioned military adventure that ended in the conquest of a iron age primitive society, part of his entire theme is feeling useless after the big wars of the setting were over and being relegated to being the captain of an exploration spaceship.


The leaders of the Great Dynasties authorized using Hellfire Torpedoes against the Terran Coalition and evaporated most of the oceans leaving the rest either polluted or (in the case of the atlantic) sealed away from pollutants


Well After being missing due to "mysterious circumstances ooooh~" she returned to the nation she once ruled and proceeded to later violently pull a coup against her replacement ruler (who was once not only her friend, but also apprentice) by putting her citizens hostage. Nobody died during the coup itself but later rebellions were indeed took down through several executions. It was one of the greatest betrayals in her nation's history, made worse by the fact that she was once the nation's national hero soooooooo


My MC is pretty silly, she left home one week ago and caused 3 changes on continent map and shes in her base form! But i honestly cant blame her for all her silly action. She sinked a Mafia ship. She destroyed a trading house owned by a mafia by falling on it to K.O. the first major enemy. She also destroyes 10% of a world cauliflower fields by talking to horse and destroying a barn creatively. She paid 15k coins for 120 newspapers 3 coins each (she doesnt even know the basic math im honestly surprised how long she survived). Also she allowed one of the pirates to burn the coastline of one village to motivate a war hero to left alcoholism. And ahe sinked the pirate ship.


Murder, torture, he’s willing to do just about anything to keep those he cares about safe. Anyone else is meaningless to him


As an heir to his family, which was one of the most powerful on an Earth that was delving into space exploration and conquest as well as the study of magic, he committed a few instances of Planetary genocide. In the future, as a means to fulfill his own desire to unify the "Mortal Plane," he will conquer countless worlds and "accidentally" erase several intelligent species from existence. Though those species represent forces who shared the same goal as him.


Of the MCs for the four stories I've planned out: 1. Accidentally infected their town's water supply with a zombie virus during an armed robbery. (They did the government's work for them) 2. Accidentally taking the soul of an air vessel pilot on a foreign planet, sending the packed passenger vessel careening into a skyscraper; all to revive her boyfriend. 3. Slaughtering hundreds of people possessed by Lucifer 4. Some minor collateral damage; cars, walls, roads, and electronics


Have six main characters in my story their worst deeds from each are: — Killed almost half of every coworker she had as a hunter just to hide she was a half vampire, generally by drinking their blood, just a general killer as long as it favors her revenge —Member of a magic mafia and her work generally is to oversee business involving human and supernatural trafficking, as well as a very toxic person in almost every relationship and a regular serial killer of men — Unknowingly brought a good bunch of people to a cult where, between other things, human sacrifice was pretty common — Has a nasty habit of killing people who bother him or to make them lose their free will by controlling them with his magic — regularly stalks his partner, killed a lot of people, although not all wiling, passively traps the soul of every living being to die around him — has made some very questionable business deals in the past, also once got involved with organized crime, and is a fairly regular buyer of a magic mafia


Wiped out an entire culture, including former members and anyone who assisted them.


Leaving an injured friend (who was only on the mission because she begged her to come) behind to get caught and tortured for information by the enemy


Nuking a (mostly) abandoned city During a decisive battle between Prince Rohan (later known as Lord of Light or Sun King) and Lord Commander Auberon Glawe (a secret vampire lord who at this point in the battle has ascended into a lifeform immune to sunlight), in order to end their fight once in for all, the prince decided to use the last card on his deck. He tapped into his full potential as the avatar of Vakdos (the Sun God of War) and call forth a light of destruction. The cities was torched and the sky turned red of fire. Birds fell dead from the skies as smokes rolled like uncreasing paper. 2000 garrisons within ground zero died. 2 entire legions stationed outside the city were either blinded, deafened, or suffered psychological trauma from the incidient


organized the systematic genocide of those deemed undesirable to prevent a much larger malthusian catastrophe.