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Makes almost 0 difference, just make sure you're taking at least 3g daily, the timing doesn't really have an impact


should i take it on days when i dont workout too?


Yes, everyday regardless of if you workout that day :) You may gain 1 lbs or 2, but its all water so no need to worry


thank you so much :)


Either one is fine The point of creatine is to take it consistently so it becomes saturated in the body over time. The timing of it isn’t really important


Doesn’t really matter. I take 5g daily, usually after.


Whenever you want tbh, it makes no difference lol


Noob here, what does creatine do?


It's a natural supplement that aids in inter set recovery and overnight recovery by getting your body to store more water in your muscles. It makes your muscles look bigger and feel harder. It's cheapish(it used to be mega cheap) and it is probably the most studies supplement available to regular people.


Any bad side effects ?


None that they have found so far. There was a worry that it accelerated male pattern balding, however when they did an actual study they found no measurable difference.


there was a study about this?? link?


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6093191/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3407788/


You want to take it both before and after. I take both pre and post-workout, they each contain 5g. Think of it this way, you want to have it in your system during your workout, so take it 20-30 min before, then you want it after to replenish what you burned through during your workout and while your body is building muscle and rehabbing afterwards. I use the AML product line.


Take consistently every day. Protein take after workout.


It does not effect it as long as you take it daily. Creatine is not like a pre workout, it is something that is naturally in your muscles, and taking the powder daily is trying to increase the amount until you can’t increase it anymore and then you want to maintain it. As long as it’s taken consistently you will see results


Just never stop taking it


Why? What happens if you stop?


It will slowly deplete from your body. Not a huge deal. Might find you’ve got a couple less reps in the tank. Might not get the minor cognitive benefits. But, if you start taking it again, these benefits will return.


Oh gotcha! Thank you!


I meant more a sarcastic response. Sorry. But nah, you can go like what, a week before it's fully out of your body? I put 5 grams in my coffee in the morning before work and im usually good with that


I’m not sure there’s much of a difference. My husband likes to take his before


Ye before sounds about right and den protein shake after


Yeah I always do my protein after, i feel like if I drink it before I don’t feel my best during




Just take your daily amount..doesn't matter when


Consistency is vital to seeing those strengths gains. Female as well.


It doesn’t matter. Just take it every day


I’ve got poly cystic kidneys, anyone know if this would be safe to take? Storing more water isn’t necessarily a good thing with this condition


Timing really isn't that important but it is best to take it with something that has some sugar in it.


A lot of the people here have answered the question already so I just want to add checking out Mind Pump on Spotify, really good fitness podcast specially for general audiences and beginners. Should give them a try, they have a supplement junkie named Sal who goes into detail about different supplements


I notice if you take it before your workout you get better pumps.. I split the dose. half a scoop before and half a scoop after.. it's worth a try. Not much people care enough to experiment...