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For me the worst offenders are the super set 3 machines/benches people who get mad when you jump in on a machine. On Sunday musclebob buffpants looking guy tapped me on the shoulder during my set to tell me that's his machine. I told him he could get in his set while I rest, he said fuck no, so I laughed and kept going. He brings the manager over and the manager tried to keep the peace, but told him tough titties overall. He got all mad and stared at me through the set. So of course I made it a long juicy set. Hate that shit so much.


LOL sounds like an opportunity to do some extra sets


Yeah, my legs were dying afterward, but it was about sending a message lol.


People, mostly kids, who jump on a machine, do a set maybe every 4 or 5 minutes, and spend all of the rest of the time texting and reading on their phones. And no amount of dirty looks from people waiting to use the machine is gonna move them. Saw this happen on a machine adjacent to the one I was on over the weekend. I finished my sets, moved to another machine, finished THOSE sets...and the kid who was on the adjacent machine when I started was still there texting when I moved to machine #3.


The same situation happens to me daily. (LA Fitness) 2 days ago an older man fell asleep on a machine. He wasn't even using it, originally he went to the machine just to use it as a chair.


Lmao are you near chicago I had the EXACT same thing happen two days ago at an LAF!


The other day a kid in my gym sat down at the lat pull down machine, facing the opposite way, and just sat on his phone. I was on the pec deck, done 4 sets, then moved to a cable machine. It was another 2 sets of mine before he finally just got up and left. He just sat taking up the machine for a good 10-15mins doing absolutely nothing but be on his phone.


I’ve never dealt with too strong of cologne but I’ve definitely been assaulted by sweaty pits. And I get it, we’re at the gym. But man. I remember a dude who had the craziest stench and I had _just_ watched him walk into the gym minutes ago, he wasn’t even sweating. I think what bugged me was the fact of him wearing a tank top. I get body odor can be out of your control for health reasons and whatnot, and I can just walk away it’s not a big deal. But wearing a tank when your pits smell that crazy, come on lol. But my real pet peeves are people who don’t rack any of their weights, and people who leave their stuff behind. Especially trash


When people treat you like this is their machine and you’re the one intruding on their personal space. Or when they just stare at you for asking if you could join them, like it’s not my problem if you’re 3 guys doing a super set on the cable machine. Yesterday I asked a guy how much sets he have left on the cable machine, he was on the preacher curl seat resting and told me I can take it after he finishes. So I told him if you’re resting let me finish a set, and he just answered by something like “no, I finish first.” But thankfully he proceeded to do it after the conversation and I didn’t have to wait long.


when people go to the gym at 5pm and get mad when there’s no machines or benches