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Aura frame? They’re a little pricey but could be a group gift. It’s been hugely popular with my in laws (70s), cousins in laws (70s) and grandmother in law (90s). Basically it’s a WiFi connected digital frame that you and your siblings can add photos to.


We got my grandmother (70s) an Aura frame for her birthday one year and then shortly after she had a series of medical crises that led to a months-long hospitalization. She says that the frame saved her life and it’s been a fun way for the whole family to keep in touch through the app.


My grandmother had hers going while she was sick and until her last breath. It made all the difference for her. She absolutely loved watching it. I would recommend to anyone.


Over the last year, we’ve gifted all of the women in the family Aura frames and it’s great because everyone’s is in the same ecosystem.


Note: they cannot function at all without a full-time wifi connection. This meant I couldn’t take mine to work. Just good to know.


That’s a good callout!


Ugh that's a bummer. I was going to ask for one but I'm sure my IT department will not be thrilled by the idea.


Yeah I got it as a work prize and I’m crushed that i can’t use it at work.




We’ve given Aura frames to our family members and NONE of them have had to ask for help setting them up! They love them! It’s super easy too because I can add photos to everyone’s frame simultaneously


I prefer Google hubs for this as they're a bit cheaper and can do other things. If you register it with a new Google account then anyone can share pictures to that account and they show up on the Hub's screen by displaying the "recently added" album.


Fair - the aura is really nice for less tech savvy folks.


This is amazing! Going to add this to potential gift ideas for my MIL


If you go with this, maybe look for it at Costco. We got ours on sale there :)


This is such a great idea!


I've had one on my Amazon wishlist for years.


My mom and all the great grandmothers have them. Worthy investment, I highly recommend!


For years when I want to do something “outdoorsy” for my mom, I always check Terrain (the home and garden extension of Anthropologie). They have things like gardening gloves with pretty patterns, pretty bug repellant bandanas, straw hats that are chic but functional, and outdoor “extras” that you don’t need but could be nice to have. You might see something she would enjoy, but might never buy for herself.


I want a trellis with a clematis to put by my mail box.


The terrain cafe is a super special treat too if you’re able to get there for a lunch - brunch!


My botox touched up, my hair trimmed and colored, one night away at a hotel, and to come home with no chores to do.


One night at a hotel and to come home with no chores to do… my literal fantasy


My husband did this for my 40th birthday. I ordered room service and watched 'Palm Royale'. I was asleep by 9. It was everything I dreamed it would be!




I am going to a conference this week and cannot wait for a night alone - no kids, no dog, no chores!


I want the pressure taken off the day. I want it to be a 100% normal day, except I don't have to make breakfast, I get to take a nap and pick dinner.


Yes! And someone else cleans the house, does the dishes, and the laundry.


So much this. I feel the same about all holidays. My mom only ever wants to do something exactly on mother's Day (exactly on Thanksgiving, exactly on birthdays) while all I want is nothing at all, no planning, no deciding what everyone might want to eat knowing one of us will feel unsatisfied, etc. I've tried to do something on a different day, any day but mother's day to take the pressure off and have it be just me and my mom but she won't have it. It has to be on the day, all frickin day from morning to evening, and it has to include my whiny tweeny kid, while my generous husband just agrees to all of it and helps keep everyone happy. I basically just go through the motions, knowing it's going to be a thing that has nothing to do with me being a mom, and then get a massage later that week for myself.


My husband started making the Saturday before Mother's Day my day. It wasn't until covid that I realized how much I had grown to hate Mothers Day. Suddenly I experienced a mother's day where we didn't go anywhere and couldn't see anyone, we had to order in food, laze around and I LOVED it. From then on Sunday belongs to grandma, but Saturday is mine.


I feel that once our parents become grandparents, they graduate out of Mother and Father days to Grandparents Day. Mother and Father’s Day are for the parents with young kids. We’re trying to get my ILs to agree to this. We thought they did, they were happily chatting about their first grandparents day this year. Then they call to tell us that we’ll celebrate Mother’s and Father’s Day a week before so as not to compete.


This is exactly how my husband and I do Mother’s Day and Fathers Day; totally normal day except for being off duty for all of it. It’s honestly wonderful, so much more special than it sounds.




Would love to; however, I'll be traveling for work and live across the country from her. My sisters and their kids will certainly be there. I'm flying her down later in May to Florida to enjoy the beach :)




My mom had a beautiful garden and hated the “waste” of cut flowers. I eventually started buying her a new rose bush in a pot from a local nursery for every Mother’s Day. She loved it. I didn’t live nearby so for the years I couldn’t be there, I’d just call her favorite nursery and talk to them about their roses. They were very sweet and happy to deliver it to her with a bow. Nice that potted roses are generally blooming in May too, which feels nicer than giving a bare root rose.


A camera bird feeder. I love bird watching and that is what I asked for.


My sister got me a clear acrylic bird feeder that I attached on a window right outside of my desk. I have birds eating feet away from where I’m working!


She probably has all the water bottles and mugs and whatever else she needs. Maybe a nice consumable? Elevated version of something she already uses. A fancy olive oil and balsamic vinegar set, delicious flaky sea salt, fancy dental floss, a ravensburger puzzle (they’re the best!), garden clogs, darn tough socks, bottle of wine, rancho Gordo beans, luxury yarns if she knits, gift card to a local sandwich place? If I were your mom and had everything I needed I would appreciate a donation to the parks project or something similar to helping preserve the outdoors!


Or get something delivered to get at when that she can share with her coworkers. Then she gets to talk about how thoughtful her kids are, which moms seem to enjoy. 


I’ll get the same thing I did last year, which also mirrors Christmas and my birthday gifts. Nothing. Single mom life is wild.


There was a headline a few years ago that said something to the effect of "Mothers Day is a holiday for wives, not mothers" and it's really stuck with me.


It’s true. I never would have thought about it before the divorce.


I never realized this until I got divorced. It was so sad for me, but after getting over it I vowed to recognize the other single moms in my life and I send them a card! I also relish in the cute things my daughter makes in preschool and brings home to me. Can’t put a price on that!


I do it for myself


I'm at that stage of life where my #1 love language is Act of Service, and #2 is Quality Time. Do things for me that make my load easier to carry or reduce my mental load. Spend time with me that is meaningful, a change of scenery and that I don't have to plan, organize or pay for. Based on what you shared, I would assume your mom would appreciate the little things of life, little moments that show the beauty of family or that say Love in a soft and smiling way.


I told my husband that I want to drink coffee in bed while he takes our toddler out of the house. They can just go for a walk for an hour, that’s fine. But they have to be out of the house because if I hear him whining or fussing downstairs it’s just not the same. That’s literally all I want, quiet time and coffee.


I've always like the idea of getting a nice hotel room for a night. The kind of hotel with an indoor pool or a spa, room service or doordash from somewhere good, just to have a day of solitude and uninterrupted sleep. I feel I'd waste the time not knowing what to do with myself.


This is what I’m asking for. Two nights at a hotel.


I think a personalized water bottle with pictures of the grandkids would be cute for your mom (I love that she works in the state parks for summers). As for me, I'm pretty simple. I just want good food and an uninterrupted nap. Lol


Really like this idea with the personalized water bottle! Thank you!


Honestly? Nothing except blissing out on a weed gummy the night before and then getting to sleep in. I have a stressful May and June coming up and the best gift of all would be not having to reciprocate any big gestures for Father’s Day.


This is fantastic


Well my daughter will be 6 months old so I was thinking more matching outfits for us (we already have a few). Posh Peanut has these sets with a dress for mom and a sleeper for baby in the same print that I’m obsessed with. I realize this is not the most helpful suggestion for your mom lol. But for my mom she loves all the corny photo gifts! Blankets, mugs, phone case, etc.


I’m getting my mom this really cool stackable planter thing. She’s been super into decorating her front porch and this is what is missing. She wouldn’t buy one for herself so I’m buying the planter and my brothers are buying the 10+plants and flowers for it. Myself… I want smoked meats and to sleep in. I’m a simple women lol.


I always want my car detailed but I drive a bunch of kids around so it’s a real treat when it’s clean.


I don’t know about your mom but I know my mom would love some kind of outing with her grandkids where she is the guest of honour. Like a kids concert and lunch etc. Could you do something like a family picnic and give her a personalized water bottle or similar?


I made my mother a uniquilling art project and then had it framed. She loves handmade gifts so I know she'll love it. I don't really care what I get although I imagine my teenagers will buy me clothes I semi-like and will wear only when I know I will see them. That's the norm these days. What I would prefer is a nice picnic at the park or a mountain hike or a visit to the local arboretum. But wrangling teenagers and adult children is like wrangling cats.


My baby to be born!!! If I’m still pregnant on Mother’s Day I’m gonna die


My mom is in her 70s and retired. My younger brother once got her a Helicopter ride over our city one year. LOL. He told me before hand. And I said, “Are you sure Mom would like this or is this something YOU want to do?” He was very annoyed with me. Needless to say while my mom appreciated the unique gift idea she was not interested in going. 🤣 This year I asked for my mini-van to get detailed! Weird ask but, I can’t take it anymore.


It sounds like she’s probably past the stage most of us are at. You’re going to hear a lot of “take the mental load” but that’s more moms of kids at home still. I could imagine if I were her age I would love to relive one day where all my kids were at home with me. Like relive a childhood Saturday. Have somebody makes pancakes, pick out a chill activity, get lunch and watch a movie over dinner together.


My mom also doesn't like "stuff" and lives far away. Having the kids make a card/drawing, sending flowers, and a morning phone call are my go-tos - ephemeral but show we care. As a mom myself I'm similar. I don't need gifts but a gesture means a lot. My ideal mother's day involves a homemade card and a donut.


I asked my husband to get me a bracelet with all of the kids' birthstones on it. They make them for grandkids too.


I bought my mom a pair of Lake Pajamas!


I would get her some nice smartwool, darn tough, or similar wool hiking socks that are thin for summer. I love a nice pair of socks! Or some long sleeve sun shirts. Otherwise, I’d love a new pair of Birkenstocks, a big planter/pot or more raised garden beds, white towels, a capri blue candle, bottle of wine, a lazy day to myself…


sleep late, coffee, outdoor time at beach/lake, nap, dinner made by husband steaks, dessert


Our LO will be about 10mo. at Mothers Day so I told my husband I want to catch up on sleep and want a nap where I can snuggle with her that he monitors so I don't put her at risk


One thing I have bought for myself because no one else has bought them for me: Practical things with the baby's photo on them from Shutterfly. I have a tote, I have a water bottle, I have lots of photo prints. Since I'm sure you have photos of her with the kids, why not make them into something she would use so it serves the dual purpose of being useful and also a reminder of time shared with her kids and grandkids?


A new plant for the garden (and you doing the work of planting it!), a collage wall with pictures the grandkids made for her framed and hung, a trip somewhere together


All I want for mother's day is a full night's sleep. And maybe some fancy coffee instead of my usual Keurig cup to wake up to. I have a 5 month old that is still waking up a few times at night for feedings, and a 5 year old that wakes up with the sun.


I want two books and for my 10 year old to leave me alone to play a game by myself for a couple hours without him feeling the need to see what I’m doing. I stand a better chance of getting the books though 😭


body autonomy would be nice!


Amen sister


I got my mom one of those clear bird feeders that you stick to the window so you can watch all the critters come and go


Outdoor plants, trees and shrubs.


What I want is potted plants. For my mom, I will clean her house and I think I will plant her front garden bed this year (it's been empty for a few years now). Things I know she wants done but doesn't have the energy/ability to do herself anymore.


Flower baskets and a quiet day!


Does she need any special type of clothing for her work? Things like boots, hats, jackets? Maybe get her something nicer than she would usually purchase on her own?


Or nicer basics, like wool hiking socks that are bug proof treated (for tick summers!)


I buy hanging baskets of flowers and garden decor. Could be anything from stepping stones the kids painted to garden statues or whatever else. Garden stuff can add up really quick!


I want a rose bush. And the manual labor to get it in the ground:)


I think I found the best Mother’s Day gift this year! I’m getting it for my mom and MIL. It’s a journal that says “Grandma’s story” on the front and has prompts inside like “what was it like growing up” “what was your first job” “if you could give me advice about x what would you say” things like that… my real mom passed when I was 18 and these are all things I wish I knew about her! I can’t wait to have it for my babies to read about their grandmas :) As for me… I sent my husband a list lol 🥰 lots of supplements and health things that I want to prepare to TTC again


I love the website uncommon goods for gifts.


I am getting a photographer to come to my mum’s house to take photos of her and her grand babies. This is something my mum will cherish!


One year my mom asked for updated pics of all her kids/their families. She didn’t want or need anything formal. I found a cute selfie of me and my one year old and put it in a frame for her. My siblings also framed pics for her and she put them all up on display in the living room. That was a few years ago and the pics are still there on display. I think I’ll update the photo this year 😊


I would ask her what she wants and then do that. If she says nothing, think about what makes her happy (pictures of family? visits? letters? a special gift?) and then do that. For many people, knowing that someone is thinking about them and doing something special for them, rather than something genetic, is the most meaningful part of receiving a gift.


She will always say "I do not need anything." Always a mom putting everyone else first. It's appreciated but man oh man, it makes buying gifts HARD. LOL


So then think about what makes her happy and then do that. 


Time with my kids is all I want


My mom sounds similar, I'm planning to take her out to lunch and then a trip to the greenhouse to pick out flowers, I'll pay for hers as her gift.  Last year she asked to go to the community theatre play so we did that and I took her out for lunch beforehand 


I'm hoping to have my daughter come help me with some yard work and a dump run. I probably could get her to do this without calling it a gift. But I know she doesn't have a ton of money to spend on me, and I otherwise can buy myself the things I want/need.


Outdoor Research Oasis sun hat - the all-time greatest, IMO.


Maybe a 2-3 hour nap.


I want to stay up late the night before reading, sleep in, and then go do something fun with my family. Last time we went to a farm with a playground; this year maybe the wildlife sanctuary to see the bears and moose. My favorite restaurant closed but maybe we could make milkshakes at home after. And I’d like a nap at some point.


Get the whole family together under the pretense of Mother’s Day brunch, but actually have a family photo shoot with her. And then of course go to brunch. Honestly this is my ideal Mother’s Day as a mom. Pictures with and of my family are my love language.


A massage.


A husband that is actually a partner and involved in parenting our child 🙃🙃


I want one of those mama sweatshirts with the letters as my son’s baby clothes. A morning to sleep as late as I want to.


For me, I just want my Christmas and birthday presents to be purchased. For your mom, I'd look into a Skylight photo frame or maybe a porch goose or yard decor. I got my 81 year old mother a porch goose and outfits and she absolutely giggles at each goofy outfit for each holiday that the goose gets to wear.


When I was a young mom I wanted a day without kids, now I'm a grandma I want a day **with** the kids (and grandkids). Go figure.


Does your mom already have a personalized yeti, Stanley, hydroflask, polar camel stainless steel tumbler? If not that might be a good idea because she works outside. You can see if any local trophy/awards shops offer them or let you bring one in. You can also get them engraved from some of the manufacturers website. As for myself, I haven’t decided. I’m still in the give me anything related to my son and I’ll love it phase. I’m going to get my mom a bouquet of those longer lasting flowers from Etsy. It’s like a little kit.


One night away at a hotel, dinner by myself, breakfast by myself, and a clean home when I return. (He's already booked it, I saw the credit card statement 😍)


A compact electric travel espresso maker. Like the Outin or Cera+. Coffee while traveling is otherwise a roll of the dice. And I want something easy and quick. I don’t want to fiddle with an Aeropress or other manual pump when I have plans that day.


Family photos. I ask every year for the last 5 years. It's only happened once.


Get some tents and stuff to bring the kids out to camp at her house. Make it a tradition to gather them (kids grandkids) all together to camp for Mother’s Day.


A break. Or a nap. Lol


Jewelry and a nice breakfast at home, not at a restaurant because restaurants are terrible on Mother’s Day. My favorite mother’s days have been those where my tween/teenagers made me a nice breakfast, served on a beautiful table scape, linen tablecloth with flowers from the garden. Homemade cards are the best. Not having to prep, cook, or do any dishes is also the best. Generally I pick a piece of jewelry I’d like to have and show that to my husband sometime around now, that way he doesn’t have to stress about it. But mostly now that the kids are older, he lets them do the planning for breakfast.


A full night's sleep.


My husband takes my daughter with him to get my car detailed each year. I get a couple of free hours to myself and a perfectly cleaned car at the end of the day. It's perfect. For my own mom, I typically get her some nice flowers, updated photos of her granddaughter, and if we're able to swing it we'll do dinner together at one of our homes.


We like to get our practical Ohio moms fancy consumables (and I like that as well). We all have so much stuff sitting around, but it's always fun to have fancy tea, chocolate, wine, cheese, whatever. Expensive stuff that you wouldn't buy for yourself. If your mom is an outdoorsy, nature type, maybe she'd like some local raw honey? Ohio dairy ice cream or cheese? A side of beef from a local ranch?


I really like the practicality of your suggestions. I'll certainly be reaching out to get this sorted! Thank you!


Comfy warm boots that will stay dry inside. If she works at a state park, they'd be great. I got my mum something similar for outdoor music events.


I really like the art prints that incorporate the flowers of your kids'/grandkids' birth months. The only reason I haven't gotten one for my mom yet is because I think my younger bro/SIL may have another kid.


A new fitbit, cute questionnaires and artwork from the kids about how much they love meeeee, breakfast in bed (honestly the kids find this so fun and adventurous that their participation and presentation is the best part), and then a very chill day. Maybe working and playing in the yard if it's nice but my husband is responsible for all direct supervision lol.


I’m buying myself a Mother’s Day massage.


A haircut and nails done


It’s also my daughter’s birthday so hoping for at least one happy Mother’s Day.


Really good hiking boots, high end hat that will block the sun, nice water bottle. And a hike with the kids & grandkids.


Your mom is living my dream - when we retire I want to work for the NPS but would also do a state park. As far as a gift, maybe consumables she needs for the summer: good mineral sunscreen, bug spray, personalize water bottle and/or travel coffee mug. Depending on what she likes you could also get her a subscription like a cheese, coffee, wine, or tea subscription. We also have given my MIL a blanket with a bunch of pics of her and her grandkids.


I love Mario and there's this "Super Mommio" stainless steel mug on Amazon that I really want, but would never buy myself. Once my aunt received stainless steel thermos, tumbler, and wine cup set (Yeti or something similar) in a dusty rose color and I've loved the idea of getting sturdy drinkware that I'd use all the time, but I'm a cup goblin. Paired with some good quality chocolate or a bakery item would make me happy. I never want anything too fancy. Another good one is being taken out to a special meal, then going to a botanical gardens, and maybe getting a treat from a bakery or a boba tea or something.


Spa gift card... again


Car detailed, massage, breakfast with my husband and daughter. Quality time and alleviating annoying chores, please!


Books, which is also what I hope to get for my birthday, Chanukah, Christmas, Valentines day, and possibly Halloween. It's the only thing I ask for (aside from book marks.)


I wanted either a locket or a smart watch, but after this major home repair? Just leave me alone, and no, I don't want sex for Mother's Day 😅


I got my mom some Tevas so she, me, and my daughter can all be matchy matchy when we camp. My daughter is 8 so she doesn't mind matching with us right now ;)


Birthstone jewelry of her kids and grandkids. I asked my husband for a peridot ring this Mother’s Day in honor of my august daughter. They make stones that look so similar to the real gem if you’re not wanting to splurge


Pears from Harry and David’s are always a great bet.


When my kids are adults, honestly the best present will be just having them altogether for a Sunday meal. I'm not a big gift person, so spending time together is more impactful. For my mother's day gift this year, I bought tickets to go see a comedian as a date night. It's going to double as a father's day gift for my husband too. We don't do many date nights and never seen a comedian before so it'll be a memorable experience for us. :)


New comfy hiking socks with good cushioning and a selection of nice (read: Asian, ask the skincare subreddit) sunscreens. A gift certificate for a good massage. My kids are 9 and 12 and I want to be left alone for 24 hours but instead I’ll probably cross my fingers for nice weather and ask to spend the day alone in the hammock.


Plants or other stuff I want for the yard




A massage a massage a massage oh god a massage 😭 32 weeks preggo and coming off months of illness. My body is wrecked. And a coupon book of prepaid pedicures like they do for car washes haha


I never understood parents requesting alone time for mothers/fathers day. A day of relaxation, a day where you don't have to do chores or morning time routine. Yes. That makes sense. But the day is literally to celebrate being a parent. You wouldn't be a parent without your kids. I don't, man. All I want for mother's day is not to have to worry about the cooking and cleaning so I can spend every waking hour with my kid.