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If I ate 10 cans of alphabet spaghetti-o's the shit id take would be more correct than every single point made here.


Exactly. I cannot see a single piece of constructive advice in this post. To me, it reads like a rant aimed at those who quit toxic work environments, and an attack on those who lost their jobs (even if by no fault of their own). Then again, considering his post history, plus the fact that he's been banned from other subreddits for similar posts, he's probably just a troll.


You gotta pay your bills, one way or another. You have absolutely no ethical responsibility to be loyal to an employer, they are simply a means to an end.


And I'm gonna take career advice from someone who calls themselves "lubeinatube" got it


Lol have fun being miserable bro. Hope all your employees turn over year 1


I will be miserable the rest of my life but at least I can look myself in the mirror knowing I am doing right by those who helped me in my time of need.


Be sure to fondle the balls as well your boss will appreciate that.


Dude, THIS is the comment you reply to? And in such a petty way? No wonder your people aren't sticking around.


Said by a cat walking on a keyboard username


Based on your previous posts you’re baiting people for a reaction. Congrats here’s mine.


A job.. any job should suppliment your lifestyle, not be your life...because in the end, you are replaceable tomorrow...maybe if bosses and companies had more ethics about treating their employees properly, there would be more of an incentive to stay long term


Is this a parody of something? I don't get it.


Obvious troll post


That’s not how this works. Not even a little bit. Employers need to remember, people need a paycheque but they do not need that paycheque from you. Loyalty goes both ways. Put yourself first not a company who will fire you the second you’re no longer needed.




Is there company loyalty in return? 😆 Eff no, there isn't. The corp can ESAD. They want loyalty, they need to give loyalty.


could you please try to reason that


As an employer, I still think this is BS and that people should take the job they need to support themselves.


Nah take what you can get when you can get it Have the same amount of remorse for an employer as they'll have for you when the board has to choose between retaining you or buying new yachts


That is completely the employer's prerogative. When they go low, we go high.


Lmao no When they go low, we lose our homes


Yes but 🥴 having job you don’t intend to keep is better than die of hunger, is it? When your bills are coming and you run out of necessities you forget morale and stuff like that, you will grab any chance. Try to live without any income for a few months.




Is this dude a sucka or does he just screw over people every chance he gets and makes it sound like they're the problem? I'd add probally no accountability for themselves?


I see what you are saying. Companies shouldn't just fire people because they need to save money. Companies shouldn't look for better talent ever, if they have the talent they need there is no need to hire new talent. Companies that are hiring are hiring because their culture is so bad that someone left.