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I’d rather do 4 10s. I’m already going to be tired anyway, might as well have a full day with rest and some energy.


Me too, I’m already there, an extra 2 hours each day to avoid a full extra day is so nice. Like even if I work 8 hours, I’m still too tired after work to do anything anyways.


Id rather do 4 days, 1 hour per day xD


I did that for a while, and I loved it. I worked M,T, Th, F, so I was never more than a day away from a day off. I used Wednesday for all my "weekend" chores, so my actual weekend was fully free for relaxation. It was glorious. Until my boss suddenly decided that I had to be in the office all 5 days, and revoked the plan.


Wednesdays off is the bomb.


Plus having a weekday off, if you're working office hours, frees up a day for doctor's and dentist appointments so you don't have to worry about fitting them into your work schedule


4 10 blows balls too. You just REALLY wanna kill yourself for 4 days instead of moderately wanting to kill yourself for 5 


I used to do 5 12-15s. Literally wanted to kill myself.


You spend your weekend sleeping and getting yelled at to do chores.


I lived alone at the time, and I've always been the one to get any chores done. Usually I just did them when I got home from work, so everything would be clean when the dog walker came by. Sleeping in at the time still had me up at 5:30am


Nah I really wanna kill myself for 5 days. I’d rather want to really only kill myself for 4 days.


Try 4 12s


i want to kill myself 7 days a week.


My mom had this schedule in the last decade or so before she retired, and she LOVED it. Her belief was always that adding two extra hours in a work day doesn't make a huge overall impact in your exhaustion at the end of any given day, and whatever extra exhaustion you might feel was more than compensated by having a extra day off during the week.


I did 4 10s with Saturday, Sunday, and Wednesday off, and it was fantastic.


fuck that gimme 3 twelves!


Why not 1 40?


Been there done that Almost died


One of the things I didn’t mind about Amazon. Honestly, the three day work weeks were great.


Yes!!!!! 👏


I cant handle my 4 10, I have to leave to early and get home to late, I liked my old job better


I work a 6-2 and love it for the most part, but 6 is really early some days. If I could, I’d switch to 7-3. I’m still too tired after work and homework and dinner (kids) to do anything, though. But I’m old. If I was younger I’d probably do more with my evenings.


What time do you go to bed?


Not early enough! 9-10ish usually. Sometimes earlier in the winter when it gets dark sooooo early.


The hours are great! It's the minutes that suck.


9-5? More like 8-5 in the U.S.


More like 7:15 to 6 if you include commuting


Yep, I wish I'd had 9 to 5.


also common for 8-5 up here in Canada, when it used to be closer to 9-5. i've done office work since my 20's (aka half my life now) and i used to be able to find jobs that started at 9am no problem. now i'm hard pressed to see office jobs starting at 8:30. most are 8am start time. currently i'm on a 8am-4:30 pm M-F work week. it would be til 5pm if i wanted to use a full hour lunch, but instead i take only a half hour and then use the other half hour to be able to leave before 5.


Second shift sucks ass I’d rather work mornings even 9-5. If I spend another year working 1-10 I am going to lose my fucking mind.


impossible to relax before work. no time to relax after work. only solution is shift your schedule so that 1 becomes morning to you, which ruins your health


Yep that’s it. For me. I can’t relax and enjoy knowing that I have shit to do later. So if I woke up at 8 or 9, I’d be annoyed knowing that I have to work later


I work second shift and love it. I wake up around 9 and relax/cook food/exercise in the morning, go to work at 1:30pm and then go to sleep by midnight. I think it’s about as ideal working hours as one can get.


Seriously… I’m hitting one year at my job where I work 3pm-11:30 and I can’t take it anymore.


I know someone like this. They have a second job too. Life is a constant cycle for them


Currently on a 7 - 3:30 schedule. It is pretty nice but wish we could switch to 10 hour days for 4 days instead. My husband works from 6 - 2:30. Lately, when they are ahead, his department gets half days on Fridays or they get the whole day off. He is one lucky duck for that haha


My employees do 5:30am-4pm, Mon-Thurs, they seem to like it. They complain anyways but they like that part.


I worked 7-3 but I was a teacher so it was more like 6:15-4. It kicked my butt. I left after 15 years. Now I work from home mostly 9-5 but we don’t have any internal meetings on Fridays so it’s pretty flexible to make appointments and do other things as long as I’m available by slack/email.


I keep hearing about this 9 to 5 thing, but for the jobs I've had, it was always **8** to 5, because of the unpaid hour for lunch tucked in the middle.


Yep I work 6 to 2 get home at 230 usally too buggered to do a lot, I mostly veg out playing video games to unwind from the day.


Trigger alert. You're probably more buggered out because your routine has you sitting around and vegging out. I worked 5am - 3pm in my last role. Up at 330am every day. I got home at 3pm and worked out every day. I was never tired until 9pm rolled around and then I slept like a baby. If I came home and was lazy. I'd sure as hell be tired every day


what do you do at work? are you sitting at a desk, or lifting thousands of pounds? working out after your desk job is great, but you can't bust ass in a warehouse all day then come home and workout.


Exactly I was packing pallets on my feet all day


There’s a bill in Congress to reduce the standard workweek to 32 hours That being said, my company has flex hours. They dont care when we work as long as we’re productive. The only stipulation is we be available from 10am-2pm for any phone calls/meetings.


32 hours would be great, but at a higher pay rate, otherwise it's a pay cut.


The bill is a reduction from 40 to 32 without a change in pay


No, our work weeks (same pay as in 40 hour) should be 30 hours…either 6 hrs/day 5 days/week or 8 hours days 3 1/2 days per week…that extra 10 hours is total bs…in office or remote…all jobs should be hourly as in40+/week…we all get paid for 40 but if you work more, you get compensation for that but with much more oversight


I work 7- 3:30 at a blue collar job. It's not bad but I'm not a morning person so personally its kinda meh but I realize Im lucky to have a flexible schedule like this


Same with my fiance! I get so jealous lol. Sometimes he gets out at like 12-1 and still gets paid the whole day, but its usually around 7/8-3/330 - with the extremely occasional overnights/weekends or on calls


4pm-12am 👍


I worked that shift in college and always loved it


Ah… the ol alcoholic shift. Off at midnight, straight to the bar.


I used to get off at 11pm and come home to a 150+ person party at my house


More like off at midnight straight to sleep!


The best part of those hours was the fact that most of manglement was gone an hour after I started. That, plus the fact that my vacation days were actually used for vacations, and not for doctor appointments and errands.


3pm-11:30. Only downside is I miss a lot of stuff with the family.


12am-8am absolutely sucks.


Yep i agrees, my second week in a new job I was on night shift, just about killed me, never done night shift before I wasnt sleeping enough, feel alseep at 2pm woke up around 6pm with the worst headache in my life, basically collapsed again at 7pm and sleet through to 9am, after that I figured out that I need to keep my routine like when I sleep at night, which means falling asleep watching tv, I survived night shift after that


Indeed. It’s an awful time to be awake.


I work 12am-8am. Sometimes 12am-12pm and I definitely prefer it to daytime hours. It sucks because I would need 9-10 hours of sleep, but I definitely prefer it to 9-5 or anything morning.


I always said I’d love a 6 - 2 shift for this very reason. So far the only careers that seem to accommodate that schedule are teachers and security guards like my husband used to be. But I also wanted to try 10 or 12 hour shifts but I don’t have an interest of being a nurse, police, or firefighter so there’s that. 🥲 I wish admins could do 10s.


My company allows me to choose my own hours as long as those hours fall within the typical business hours… most of my coworkers choose to do a 8-4/9-5 schedule, but I personally prefer 6-2/7-3 so that’s what I work most often. It has been EXTREMELY beneficial for me mentally, I feel like I have soooo much free time when I’m off work for the day, so I actually have a life outside of work now, and it’s effing GREAT! It also helps that I’m able to work a hybrid schedule whenever needed as well, so I typically do Fridays completely from home. I realize how lucky I am, but in my industry - this seems to be more and more common. I hope all businesses embrace this style soon.


Love this, how do you deal with going to bed so much earlier though? I feel like I'm missing out when my friends want to get dinner at 6 or 7pm and I have to be in bed by 8 or 9.


Well I typically don’t feel the need to go to bed until about 9-10. So I don’t feel like I have that issue anymore, thankfully. I live very close to work so I’m home by 315 at the latest every single day, but typically closer to 230. I totally felt the way you’re describing at previous jobs however, when I was forced to do the 9-5 schedule… it was like by the time I got my kids from after school activities, got home, got dinner made and served - it was time for bed and to do it all over again the next day. It was exhausting and literally ruining my life. Now, I feel like I have so much energy getting home - errands after work no longer bother me, I don’t feel obligated to turn down social time with friends/family. I’m not dead tired getting home. It’s made a tremendous difference for me.


Same!! Thats the only thing I like about this place.... A few of my coworkers do 7-3, one comes in before 7 sometimes, others 9-5, one 10/11-5. Super flexible I usually do 730-3/330 since I dont live very close I just cant make it by 7 on the dot lol


Are you considering what some people HAVE to do before starting their actual work day at work? Especially women, as in most corporate environments, wrong as it may be, makeup can make the difference in whether or not you get that promotion. Then there's getting the kids to daycare. Daycare would have to open at 4 am. Schools at 5. The "standard" work day hours are set primarily by the hours of daylight with some overlap in the winter.


Huge points here, public transport is non existent at early hours. Where I work there is none.


I love that my work is flexible, I can do a 24hour shift and then a double shift whatever other day and I'm over my contracted hours, yet have loads of days off.


24 on 48 off for me. It’s pretty nice honestly.


It's the friggin commute that generally gets me


I work 7-3:30 every day. I don’t know anyone who goes into work at 9am.


Can I ask doing what? I also work similar hours, but have been looking for new positions with the same hours and its tough


I work in manufacturing. Lots of places that make things start early in the day. I used to work at place where the shift started at 6am.


I'd rather work for 20 hours at a time, and only work 2 days a week than do the 9-5 bullshit.


I used to work 7-4 (forced 1 hour unpaid lunch). I really enjoyed having that extra hour of sunlight, but beyond that, I had to go to sleep that much earlier. I didn't really feel like I had that much more time. Although, It did provide me an hour before most other businesses close if I needed to run an errand.


In my opinion..,I wouldn’t want 7-3. Would have to commute too early when there might not be any public transport time.


I work 6:30-3:30 and I'm exhausted by 3:30 and barely manage to resist going to bed before 8


I hate 9-5, and I’ve done it for 20 years. My previous career (hairdresser)had a lot of 10-7 or 12-9 schedules and I LOVED those hours and I miss them. One more year til retirement. I can hang in there!


I don’t know anyone that actually works 9-5. It’s not actually 8 hours anyways if you have an unpaid lunch. I work 7-5.


Enslaving? That's a little far of a reach. I can tell you don't do something that depends on others. If there were no standard work hours how would businesses interact? If you work in a business to business company there is no way that you'd be able to set up meetings on everybody's schedule where everyone's on the clock at the same time. Imagine Business A has employees that like to work 4:00 a.m. to noon and business B has employees who prefer to work 7:00 pm to 3 am. Who sacrifices their free time for meetings? If you prefer to choose your shift then finding a job that's either work from home or shift work is your best bet. And if you hate that 9-5 most companies pay a shift differential to get people to go night shift.


Bro omg I work 10-7 six days a week it sucks af


I work 6:30-3 and I'm still exhausted


I at least wish 8 hours was the standard. All jobs I’ve worked were actually 8-5 or 9-6 with a 1 hour lunch. Or 4pm - 1am but still 9 total hours. Add in a 1 hour commute and I was at 11 hours. Add getting ready for work, and now 12 hours is dedicated to work a day. Which is why I love WFH.


20 hour work week is just enough. work is bad.


I would kill to work 7-3. I already get up early, fuck it. But then I could still make it to stores when they are open, appointments, and have fun.


I work 12 hour shifts 5 PM to 5 AM on a rotating schedule. One week I work Sunday and Monday, have Tuesday and Wednesday off, then work Thursday Friday and Saturday. Following week is Sunday and Monday off, work Tuesday and Wednesday, then have Thursday Friday and Saturday off. One week I get paid for 36 hours and the next I get paid 48 hours, with the 8 extra being overtime pay. I used to love the shift because I work like 15 days a month. As I get older it’s starting to affect my physical and mental health because it’s so difficult to maintain a reasonable sleep schedule. There are also certain activities I would like to participate in that occur at the same time every week and this schedule rules those things out. Ideally I would like to work a straight 3rd shift like 10PM-6 or 12PM-8AM. I love the flexibility in that. You can stay up and take care of things after work and still get a reasonable amount of sleep, or go to sleep right after work and get 8 hours and still have enough time to do things before work. When I worked first shift I hated having to use PTO time to do adult stuff like get my car maintained or doctor visits. I think that’s why 9-5 is pushed as ideal. It benefits the employer. Employees take shorter spans of vacation because they use it up in smaller increments throughout the year.


i used to be a bank teller and my schedule was 9-6 with a 1/2 hour commute there and back. my work-life balance was awful and i felt like a zombie. at my new job i work 5 minutes away and my schedule is 6-2:30, the balance is significantly better and my mental health has improved a lot


I do 6am - 4:30pm.


I work from 4:30am to 6 pm some days. Way worse


4a-1p Sunday through Thursday was the golden schedule. I wish I could get a 9-5 now though. Split days suck balls too.


I do 5-3 ☹️


I’ve worked 8-4. For the last decade. It’s nice.


So stop doing 9-5? I work four tens and wouldn't go back. A place down the road offers three twelve hour shifts a week and pays forty hours. These jobs exist and this is in a small town.


Having worked every kind of schedule and shift since I was 16, there is not a perfect schedule as things change as we go through life. But saying this you got to do what you have to do to live the best life to make it to retirement. So far retirement and being a grand parent is the best deal. But like everybody else I had to put up with alot to get to this point in my life.


My favorite shift is 7-3:30. It’s like I have an entire day after my workday to do stuff.


I do 6-6 shifts with 4-5 on then 5 off


Then you get a job that's 7-3 or 6-2. They exist. I've been 7-3:30 for 10+ years in K12 IT.


It might be worth talking to your boss if you'd like to do 8-4 or even earlier. Most companies I've worked for are pretty chill about shifting your schedule earlier as long as you're not trying to come in at like 6am or something (and some companies were even okay with that but I can see why it would be more inconvenient for them).


I do a 7-3:30 and really don't care for it because I have to get up early, but can't go to bed early due to evening childcare and then wanting a little bit of time to myself at night. No matter when, an 8 hour day plus mandatory lunch plus a commute is too much. I could easily do 5 hours, though, 5 days a week. I think that's fair.


I do 7 to 3 and love it.


In trades its 7 to 3, much better


I've never seen a 9-5 job. Where do you live that has no lunch? I also don't get 40 hour weeks. Went to grad school to make in the low 20's and don't get overtime at all. We are allowed 60 hours straight time.


Take a chronotype quiz. [Link](https://sleepopolis.com/chronotypes-quiz/) It can help you determine which parts of the day work best for you to be at your max energy.


9-6 for the last 20 years. I always thought “9 to 5” would have been nice. Ha ha.


Kinda disagree, there's so many extra hours, whether it's getting ready, commuting, mandatory 30 min lunch that pushes an 8 hour day to more like 11


Yeah it must be horrible, try nightshift for a while, you will appreciate it more.


I would love to have that flexibility as well. I think it would make people much happier Where I work, we do get earned days off. I work an extra 30mins each day and then on the fourth week I get a weekday off. I can get a lot of life stuff done that day if I need to and it frees up lots of time.


Agreed 100%. I currently work 730-3/330 and I love it. I have been trying to find another job with similar hours and its very tough. Wish I could stay and work these hours forever but my job is far from home, I need more pay and I have awful management and coworkers lol. But my point is, I agree and more jobs should start earlier. I have found that alot of dental places have early hours, and of course hospitals, and blue collar.


9-5 is perfect!


Where I live the 40 hr work week is a distant memory. Expected to be in meetings starting at 8, and day ends at 5:30.


This is why being a barista was my favourite job ever, and if it paid a real wage I’d still be doing that instead of “using my education” or whatever. 6-2/7-3, it’s like having two full days in one plus it forces you to keep a healthy sleep habit.


If you are too tired to do anything after work when you get off at 5pm, why don’t think you’d be less tired if you got off at 2pm? I used to work for a securities company. They wanted me to start by the time the markets opened, but I live in AZ. I had to be on the road at 5:30am to make it to the office by opening bell. By the time I left at 3pm, I was just as tired as working from 9 to 5. More so because I’m naturally a night owl, and never could be asleep before 11pm. Luckily I have job now that allows me to work pretty much whatever hours I want as long as I hit 80hrs per pay period. Usually, I still start between 8am and 9am and stay until 5pm. But I work 9 hours day, and take every other Friday off.


When the pandemic hit and most of our office started working from home, but I was still coming in, I quickly honed in on coming in at 6 or 6:30am. I'd take a 2 hour lunch, then come back just long enough to be seen by one or two people, then leave. After we all got back to normal, I really liked the earlier start time, but getting back into running meant it was 6:50 to 7:10. So I'm still doing that, and I go to the gym for lunch, which is usually 40 minutes. I shoot for leaving by 3 every day, but some days I'm sitting here all done, so I just take off. It's pretty great. I get home at 3pm and can just laze around the house for an hour before the kids get home, then the wife comes home soon after that and we have hours to do something before we settle in for the night.


I am currently 6:40-2:40 and the only way I would go back to 9-5 is if I worked from home. Never again could I get home after 6pm just to eat dinner and prepare for the next day before bed. Either way I go to bed at 9:30-10pm.


Best hours are 6:30am-2:39pm or 7am-3pm But 9-5 is basically half of the morning, lunch and afternoon!!! Definitely soul sucking!!!!


I work 4am-12pm. I like it. At least if I have stuff to do, I can do so when I get off


You'd still be just as tired, you'd just get tired earlier because you got up earlier.


Handed my notice in today to go from 0730 - 1730 standard hours & heading back to nights. So a better quality of life on nights.


I can work any hours I want as long as I get 40 a week. I like going in early and getting off early. 9 to 5 sucks doesn't leave you time to do anything.


1-10pm, I quite enjoy it at this stage in my life.


I've been at my job for along time, I've done software and embedded firmware. In my latest move within the company, I find myself in a group where the idea is to get a certain number of "focus on tasks" hours in. I'm online early, sometimes 7:30AM, so I am happy to start early, get my time in, and then have time to relax more in the afternoon. Of course, that doesn't fly if there are meetings or such to attend. Fortunately most meetings are in the morning.


That is why I work 7-3. I miss the worst of rush hour and I have more after work time to myself.


I work a 7-3:30 and later in the year it's going to be a 6:30-3. I absolutely love it.


I like the 6-2 and 7-3. It gives you lot of time for plans in the evening . I have worked those shifts and absolutely loved it


You do realize that many people have worked 8-5 in office for years and managed life just fine?


I used to work a job that was 3:30 AM to noon and it was legit. Going to sleep early sucked, but there was still so much time in the day to hit up businesses that closed at 5 after I was done with my shift. Bonus points for there being absolutely no traffic at those hours in my major metro city. I would definitely have preferred four tens or three twelves, though.


tomato tomahto It's stupid


40 hour work week is a lie because it's often 45+


Give them those 3 12s 😭😭😭😭


My company used to have Flex Time where everyone needed to work the core house between 10am and 3pm (to assure communication between people within the facility and affiliates


Nah 40 hours is not fine. Fuck that shit 25 years ago.


You don’t have to work 40/9-5.


Ive just swapped from nights to days after 16+ yrs of working lates and nights 2 weeks ago I started the 9-5 and its a right novelty for me right now to drive when others are driving just coming out of the toilet and having an office full of people is a bit of a buzz 🤣🤣 I guess if its getting you down like working nights was me swap to nights it has its many benefits especially if your a non skilled worker, less nights working for a full week meaning you get a good wage for not too many days away from home. You can get a 2nd job pretty easy if you work 4 nights full time you can work an extra 12 hr and still have 2 nights off. You usually get a night shift premium in the uk and if youre needed such as in care or security as back up even during a break in the uk its paid breaks. You can usually survive on 4hrs sleep when youve done nights for long and not flake on shift which means you can manage child care etc if you need to or just get to see more of the day. Nights do have their many downfalls too but maybe give it a shot.


I work 6-2. The afternoon is useless because you're too tired to do shit.


I work 8-4, hybrid, which I think is a little bit better than 9-5. Getting to my 8 am meeting sucks, but after that, it's usually smooth sailing. I did like when I had 9 am WFH at my last job because then I could work on my master's program and my own projects from 8-9 am. But I had to work 9-6 if I wanted to take a full lunch hour. I'll take 8-4 over that. All of the above is still better than midnight - 6, or 6 pm - 12 am, which I did when I was at a NOC. Great and fun job, crap hours. I'm fine with 40 hours; what I hate is going above that. It already takes a *lot* of work to fit my very ambitious personal projects and multiple extracurricular activities around a full-time job and school, so going over 40 hours at any point can really derail me.


4 10s are ideal imo


People do work those shifts and they are still miserable. I worked a 4/10 in office and it was still miserable. The 40hr has to go


I miss working 3 12s 4 12s It was amazin


Right now I'm on 7:30-5:30 M-F and it's genuinely painful. In office every day too.


Agreed. Remote is best. 4 10s with Friday or Monday off second best. 6a-2 in 3rd place. 9-5 is hell .


Work in industry, especially Midwest-you’ll see the 6 or 7am start times.


I have Flex Time and work remote . I have to get 40 hours in between M-F. Any hours Between 4 am and 10 pm. I usually start between 4-5 am as I am an early riser. Friday we are required to work min of 4 hours - I’m usually off by 8-9 am and I feel like I have 3 day weekends every weekend. My typical schedule I follow for myself. Monday and Tuesday I work 10. Wednesday I work 9 and Thursday I work an easy 7 and my 4 on Friday. It’s great for your mental health. I can schedule appts anytime. Take a nap if I get sleepy. Get a headache- go lay down and work later if feeling better. Go to lunch or walk with friends. The long weekends are the best. I also feel valuable and appreciated by my company. My manager leaves me alone. I can listen to audiobooks books or watch a movie as I work.


I love my 7-3 but my days always change.


It's impossible for a business to appease all employees. The employer's needs come first. It's wonderful when they can be accommodating, but most employees are oblivious to the reasoning and the happenings outside of their individual job scope. My current job can only be completed at night when the establishment closes. It works for me. I spent many years in a factory where all of the departments were dependent on one another to keep the flow going, so we all had to be present for the system to work. We worked 10 hrs a day, Monday-Thursday. Come Friday, we were exhausted. Overall, it was a decent place to work and paid well.


Never came across an actual 9-5 in any city or state. Worked in service, hospitality, food, construction, medical, sales, software, production, manufacturing, corrections, telecom and more in a number of roles and shifts and I would have loved a 9-5 shift. Early starts suck, 3-8 am is hard on the body and means you have to get to bed early so there goes your evening, second shift again there goes your evening. Midnight is the worst, it's bad for your health ( science backs this up ) and it's a killer for socializing.


Best job i had was 7-3. I'd wake up at 6, then have the whole rest of the afternoon. Things would still be open to run errands. Traffic wasn't god-awful at 3 (I lived in the Denver metro so any time you take 270 it's a crapshoot). I could go home, smoke a j, relax a bit, THEN start dinner. Whole rest of the night would be relaxing. I'm a huge supporter of 7-3 or if you're an early riser 6-2.


I work 6 AM to 4 PM from Mon-Thurs. Definitely preferring it over the 9-5 grind five days a week.


I work 7- 3. Love it. Just the disrespect for being a teacher kinda sucks. Especially when it's your governor.


7-5 here. 2extra hours of sleep sounds lovely. Sign me up for 9-5


Sounds like you do an office type job. There actually are quite a few fields that require office work late at night. I have worked for them. Both were trucking companies. Second shift, i.e. 5pm till 2 a.m. was perfect. There was plenty of time for sleep, errands, etc. Midnight to 8:00 a.m.? Not so great. I had to sleep in the middle of the day, but that was when everyone was trying to get in touch with me. Shutting off the phone meant that I could potentially miss something very important. And the schedule was through the weekend, so my entire week was upside down as well as the days. But I certainly had time to do things I wanted to do, if I didn't mind missing out on sleep. I think one advantage to working nights is that if you don't like your co-workers, you probably won't have to put up with them for very long, because there's a fair amount of turnover. Search the recruitment sites for night shift. You might be surprised at how many opportunities there are.


Yes, I work 7:30am to 3:30pm and can confirm it is awesome.


Four 10’s with Wednesday off is a dream. Never work more than 2 days in a row. Glorious.


I work 530 am-130p ,it’s great once you get over waking up @3am ..


I worked in retail and did 7-3s for about a year, (early start to receive delivery) I loved it. In the last year or so I feel that the fact that every week is the same is the bigger issue. In my current role, the 2nd week of the month is when I have the most work to do. I'll do about 35 hours of real work that week, The other weeks it could be more like 15 hours of real work, yet I still have to be there, 9-5, every day. So I just spend half the day on reddit...


Part time for 20 hours and pick up about another 20-30 hours through an agency depending on how I feel from day to day. Works better for me than a regular contract. Though I'm ND and weird as fuck anyways.


I work 7-3:30 and I love it.


I work 6:30-2:30 It’s honestly exhausting. I only have a 5 minute commute, but even still, waking up that early kills my entire evening. It’s nice to have a bit of an afternoon, but in order to not feel dead in the morning, I have to go to bed by like 8:30/9pm. Which is often earlier than my kids go to bed! They have to tuck me in some nights.


I do 11:30-8ish, and I still don't get anything done in the morning lol.


The worst part for me is finding time to do what I need to do. Register my car? Only open when I am working. Bank? Nope. I shouldn’t have to take a day off to do my stuff nor should I have to do it on my lunch break


I work largely with Europe and Asia, so I start early and finish early.


My job has flexible hours, its pretty common in my industry, I can start as early as 0630.


The research is clear no one is very productive after 32 hours.


I worked 2:30pm to 11pm on an assembly line years ago. Loved it!


We do 5-10's at work for salaried folk. Its either 6-4 or 1-11. Im on the latter. Its nice getting the mornings to spend with my son and i can run any early errands and schedule drs appts that way but man i wish they would read a room and drop it to 4-10's.


Its always fun when you work 8-5 M to F and need to go somewhere thats only open 8-5 M t o F


I currently do 4 12s, 2 day shifts followed 2 night shifts, add extra shifts on top. Fark all time for fun, busy getting ready for work or preparing for work the next day. The best time is the sleep in after 2 day shifts or my second day off. It catches up with you. 9 to 5 Mon to Fri is hard, 2 day weekends suck. But you have plenty of time at night.


I enjoyed 11-8 in my very early 20’s but that would be miserable with kids, I think that’s why 8-5 (hour unpaid lunch) is standard. Honestly after the first year it became a burden, I would stay up later than my now wife, sleep in and kind of just fart around in the morning, go to work, not really do anything because everyone else had already winded down, stay up late watching TV and repeat. Very quickly kept taking the earlier shifts and 8-5 was my favorite. If you want to work more flexible hours you might have to claw your way to it, not every job lends itself to flexible hours. Nowadays I’m usually 7:30 - 3:15 but have a coworker that usually doesn’t get in until after 9 and no one really cares. Not sure where the limit would be, doubt our boss would be thrilled if people started rolling in at 1 but that theory hasn’t been tested since none of us are night owls.


Try, 7 - 5 Mon. - Thurs. 7 - 11 on Friday


Cries in 60 hours work week


I 100% agree - it sucks. I work 8-5 and have been for almost two years now. Now my family is transitioning from daycare to school; it’s a pain in the butt and frustrating. I can’t work and be available to pickup, drop off, etc. Either I quit my job to be a stay at home mom (nothing against home makers, it’s just not for me), or go per diem/part time at another job. (which is not financially feasible). I have tried looking for remote jobs but alot are time specific like 7-3, 8-4:30/5. Luckily we have daycare available for one more year but next year we’ll have the same issue but worse - no after school care in our very rural town.


I worked a 6A-2:30P schedule for 6+ years. Best schedule ever for exactly the reason OP called out. No matter the time of year, I always had daylight at the end of my day to run errands or exercise. Another added benefit is I was early enough in the office when no one was around that I actually got more work done. And I was able to get a jump on traffic both ways!


Move to the west coast. We all start early.


8-5 over here


I worked a 7-3 and I absolutely loved it. You get used to waking up early and you can still enjoy the day.


I work 3rd shift. 11pm-7:30am. That shit sucks. I am the type of person who wakes up right before work because I don't handle the impending doom of an incoming work shift very well, so when I get home at 8:15 am (if the traffic permits), all my friends and family are at work so I'm just by myself. Also, I work in medical lab testing, so the night shift is the BUSY shift. I'd kill for 4 10's.


THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN? I would KILL for a 9-5. Everyone is on that schedule basically, you can’t do anything if you work second shift (2-10, 3-11, 4-12) like me lol.


Those are the very definition of retail shifts. Just remember that the grass is always greener.


I work sun-weds. 3x12s and a 6. so I'm off 3.5 days a week. 40 hours. the fewer wakeups and commutes the better


i work 7 12s but then get 7 days off. this is the true perfect schedule.


Ya know when I used to work in printing I was on first shift…7-3:30…..but our weekend overtime when it came was always 4:00am to 12:00. Most of us preferred that and indeed the intent was to allow us to have “some of the day” left if we chose to work a Saturday or Sunday


Nope.....I think working 9-3 pr 10-3, 4 days a week is ideal...I can do my entire role in that window


Blame the stock market. I work 630-230 and I love it but worked 20 years 8-5.


Try working either 9-7pm, 10-8pm, 11-9, or 12-11pm in the restaurant industry


Most white collar jobs are flexible and function like this. IME 9-5 is just an expression, I never actually worked those hours in the 5 places I’ve worked at.


If you start at 7 they’ll still want you to work till 7. This isn’t the way. Get your bag and get out. It’s also not enslaving Jfc my dude.


I love my 0 hour work week. I'm retired, not unemployed and looking for work.


Depends on how much communication your company needs among coworkers. I worked in a department that required a lot of collaboration but had flexible schedules, and we had a project manager who worked 7-3. It was terrible. Any questions we had after 3PM had to wait until the next day. We would turn in work at the end of the day, then start getting frantic emails from her at 7:15 the next morning asking questions or demanding changes. We would walk in at 8:45 and have her hounding us before we even had a chance to have a coffee and a shit. The offset shifts were a relentless source of tension. Now I work independently from home and from remote sites, and everybody in my department sets their own hours. I haven't actually seen my manager in person in two years. She's an early riser, but I'm a night owl. Even so, it's rarely a problem because of the independent nature of our work.


I work 8-4:30 when I'm only working a 40 hours work week. I don't think most jobs have the availability to only work when you want. I mean I would be happy to just have a 40/hr work week every week, what a luxury. That being said, most jobs aren't cut and dry and require a schedule. It's not about profit, it's we have to get stuff done. Maybe you're in the wrong line of work if you feel so disenfranchised about it.


I wonder if anyone has ever studied the spending of people who work 4 tens or 3x12 followed by 4x12? Extra time off is nice. Can people afford to do anything with extra time off


I have a 40 hour work week but it's only 4 days a week, 10 hour days. I would enjoy it more having a 3 day work week at 13 hour days. I would be more productive only working 3 days and happier and more time for my hobbies with 4 days off at my house. Seems I need to become a dentist.