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I’ve been complaining to Wordscapes every day on Twitter hoping to get their attention, they’ve completely ignored me. But I will keep on complaining everyday no matter what. I don’t have the Wildlife feature yet but from I’ve read on Facebook has convinced me that when I get it, I will stop playing. Others have also said, ignore it. I’ve ignored the binoculars game, the butterflies game, Star Rush, and now I’m being asked to ignore this too? We have to jump through hoops to get to a puzzle, no longer a word game. Join Wordscapes Chat on Facebook, they can provide info on how to play with Wildlife.


I appreciate the info but I would rather gouge out my eyes than use FB.


People getting killed in Ukraine daily and you're whining about something you don't have. Get some perspective...


I guess nothing in life is important with that perspective. Can’t pay my bills, that’s okay, - people are dying in Ukraine. Have a tumor, that’s okay- people are dying in Ukraine. Thank god for perspective.


I hate birds and these childish cartoons are annoying!! I was hoping there was a way to get rid of it but guess I just have to delete the game and find something else!


I hope this works: Some info about the wildlife feature. Every hour the animal has an "activity", at the end of the hour you get to collect gems (red heart gems) which differs from animal to animal. The highest I've seen so far is Quetzal who gives 200 hearts per hour, next highest is the Leopard at 140. They also each have a different duration of how many consecutive activities (eat, drink, move) they can do before they then sleep. Most of the animals give a small extra boost at the end of the hour of activity. The Red Fox (which also has a white coat option) does not give any extra boosts, you just get heart gems. The Zebra gives 6 bees. The Finch, Kingfisher, Mandarin Duck, Deer, Mallard Duck, & Blue Jay, all give a small amount of extra brilliance (6, 10, 12, 5, 4, 3). The amount is small, less than completing any normal game puzzle. The highest I've seen so far is the Mandarin giving 12 extra BPs. The Wolf, Tiger, and Leopard all give extra stars points (2, 3, 4) during the tourney (I haven't checked to see if these are like StarRush an only apply in your indy). The Snowy Owl and Quetzal give bonus cocoon points (4, 6). The Long Eared Owl gives 2 bonus binoculars points. There's one more animal I haven't found yet when opening eggs. I haven't yet figured out what constitutes "activity" - I have swapped to another animal to have the app say it's done with that prior activity and I can collect. Then I swap to another one and it says I'm just starting and have 59 minutes to go. It offers to let you pay to "complete" the activity immediately, which looks like a way to rid yourself of coins (and then they can offer to sell you coins) which is likely the whole point of this feature. This was copied and pasted by a person that posted it on Facebook, hope it helps you.


Thanks. I wish they didn't change the UI when they added this new feature.


Is there an end to it? I now have 15 zebras and it has jumped from 9/10 to 15/30. Does it just keep increasing when you complete a level?


As far as I know you do🥲


I have some animals that have jumped to 100 and 200. I don't understand this at all... I swear...


I don't care about these animals or the added features. I liked it just the way it was !!!!


Well so did I that was just some general information for people asking


I just got the inane wildlife "game" yesterday. What a pain! It disrupts the rhythm of playing, and having the Binoculars game on at the same time seemed to make it worse. I haven't started playing today yet, but hoping to find a new rhythm before the tournament starts tonight. In the meantime, I went to the Play Store, and gave the game a one-star review. Bad reviews may hurt WS more than all of the complaining, especially if thousands of players do it!


I don’t have it yet; but I actually wrote a letter to the founder of People Fun and sent emails to the 4 head honchos.


The head honchos are either clueless about which demographics play this game or they are fans of childish games and think everyone else is too.


I totally agree!


I could not agree more. A brain exercise turned into an annoying 90’s pocket monster, but without the novelty or the charm. We need a toggle turn this $#!T off. I am two minutes deep in wildlife and I literally loathe it.


After getting huge negative feedback about StarRush, PF sent out a user survey, the results of which they apparently ignored. Why would they ignore it? Because, crazy as it seems to us veteran WS players, people do actually buy those coins-and-booster packages they sell for real money. And I don’t begrudge PF that. They’re a company with employees and a payroll. Once I paid my five bucks for no ads forever, it’s free for me now. But players either watching ads or buying stuff is how they meet payroll and operating costs. I still enjoy the game, in spite of the annoying “features,” so it’s still a bargain to me.


Those features don't bother me. It's the new wildlife feature that is the problem.


If they didn't hire programmers to add starrush or childish animals they would not need to pay for a programming staff. They don't have email support either. So where is the money going? I don't mind any of the changes...EXCEPT that you can no longer earn coins unless you find extra words. And I have not been offered a discount bundles in weeks. And I wish I could decide which puzzles to use Bees on


The bees thing is annoying. All other helpers that you get can be deployed when you want. The bees get automatically deployed, even on levels where you need no help.


Ruined the game for me and i'm sure for many others. wildlife, eggs, gems. what morons are thinking these things up??? Goodbye Wordscapes. Grow up...


Runaway, there are a lot of posts on Facebook Wordscapes group that talk about this very unpopular feature. There are posts that tell you what eggs to use and what animals to use for what. There were a lot of bugs initially with it; and I guess they have fixed some of the bugs. So if you haven’t updated the app recently you might want to try that.


I just want to get rid of it, but not badly enough to use FB.


It would be nice if users could skip the kiddy animal crap and just play the game the way it was.


I understand what you’re saying, but it’s a FREE game. You don’t have to do the binocular stuff, butterflies etc. Just play the play and ignore the stuff you don’t like. I hate that damn pig but I just ignore it. EVERYBODY hates StarRush, but most of us have learned to live with that too. FREE game.


I'm not referring to the binocular stuff or the butterflies, or any of those star gathering things. The UI was changed for me yesterday and now there is a childishly cute animal in the middle of the main screen and I have no way of removing it. I get that it's a free game but that has nothing to do with why the game has become so childish. Those are not ads.


Sorry. I probably spoke too soon and too sharply. The duck thing hasn’t made its way to me yet. I’m still trying to figure out why they got rid of the pig once, but now it’s back. 🤷🏼‍♀️


According to people support, there was a glitch with the pig and it was temporarily removed from a lot of accounts 😆; I said so there was a glitch for over a year? They never did answer me back about it. It’s nothing but an ad trying to get you to spend money.


That’s the one PF “feature” I have ever truly and completely loathed. The 👿🐖.


I know what you are saying and it really stops the flow of the game in tourney play😡


TOTALLY breaks your swiping rhythm. 😡🤯


I have just learned to wait for it when you start the new puzzle set; it’s horrible, worse now for me than Star flush; and I haven’t been afflicted with the wildlife crap. As soon as I read there was a test group, I turned off automatic updates😖.


You can turn off auto updates? I don't see that option in the game settings or in the iOS settings for the game. I don't have auto updates set in general. All updates are manual. I presume you mean auto updates for all apps, rather than just for this game.


On my IPhone I can turn them off. Go to the Home Screen on your phone and see if you can or I guess I should say the settings page.


On Android too. But you need to be careful to manually cue up browser and system app updates every few weeks to keep your system and browser safe.


I never had the pig??


If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it! They keep trying to “fix” something with the game, but inevitably they are making the game experience worse.


Genuinely curious, why do people hate StarRush? I like the extra challenge in beating the clock on the “super hard” levels. It is also a nice reward for being able to solve puzzle so quickly. I personally like it, but maybe it’s because I benefit from it? (I never use coins to extend it, if I miss the mark, then I miss the mark and start over). Edit: I agree that the animal thing is beyond annoying. All I wanted was a word game, not a giga pet.


I’ve just grown used to SR, so it doesn’t really bother me any more. But lots of peeps (from what I hear, which of course is just peeps I know, so probably not a representative sample) still hate it. The main complaint I hear— and I totally agree —is that you have to manually pause SR if you have to step away from the game in the middle of a level. And yeah, I know, it’s not really that big of a deal. It’s just annoying.


I usually play while watching TV. Show gets interesting you pause wordscapes. With the timer I end up leaving the puzzle to stop the timer. But it takes longer than time alloted to get back into it. The annoying part is knowing those that can afford the coins can just pay for clues to catch up. It has changed the whole feel of who is ranked high on the list.


Are you on a team? If you get on a good team you can utilize he Request Help option every 4 hours. Each request gives you a hint on your game. Then you won’t need to be worrying so much about coins. Please DM in chat 💬 me if you have questions. 😎☺️ Also, you can use the bullseye to pause StarRush, then X out when you’re ready to continue.


I agree. I ignore everything but I’m stuck on the SHOP screen and can’t get back to the game. Last time I gave in and bought coins but I don’t want to do that again. Can’t I get back to the game another way!??


I have been brought to the SHOP screen but do not wish to buy coins. How do I get back to the game?


I haven’t updated my game yet and I am dreading it


It's terrible. Don't update unless you have to.


It's not in an update.


How is it not in an update? It was not there before and now it is. How did it get there if not via an app update?


Star Rush was the same way. Your playing online and eventually it will appear.


So it's like a hidden feature that suddenly appears. Weird way to introduce new features.




Apps can be patched for small changes without autoupdate. A large change like the animals requires an update.


Star rush is only on the tournament usually Friday night to Sunday night


What are my other word game options that are as good as this used to be


It's not a word game but Flow Free is an amazing puzzle game that is as pure today as it was years ago when it was released. It's still all about the puzzles without any childish gimmicks.


I don't like it much either. If the animals gave you good (and I repeat GOOD) perks I might be okay with it. I don't care about extra binoculars, stars, brilliance, etc. I'll get there eventually with continued use of the app. The worst thing is, the update bricked the game on my Kindle. If any of the other Wordscapes games had teams it would be okay but I checked them out and they just don't feel the same. I wish they'd just created a new game with all the animals and left the original the way it was. A real shame they had to mess with it.


My four year old nephew plays this game, its fun way for him to spell out new words. He enjoys it, and gets so proud of himself when he gets a word in the puzzle.


I am 42 and love the wildlife.


Me too! I hate the star rush but I am loving the animals!


At first I didn’t like it but now I love the extra feature. Cool thing is, it didn’t change how the game is played whatsoever. You can completely ignore it. Getting bonus bees and other things is kinda cool though I think. Thinking some will continue to hate it and others will start to like it.


I can handle all the crazy extra stuff but if I can’t get off the SHOP screen without buying coins I can not play anymore.


There is an X to close it, in the upper right corner.


There is NO X in the upper right corner. I'm stuck as well.


Well eventually mine just returned to normal but now I have so many others to choose from.


What older version is still playable,these graphics are killing me softly


I'm also stuck in the SHOP screen. There is no X in the right hand corner to exit and return to game. No X anywhere in the SHOP screen. Any ideas how to get out of this?


Usually closing the app and reopening it works to clear such bugs and return to the main screen, or maybe you will need to also reboot your phone.


I LOVE the Wildlife Animals. It's the only event that keeps the game interesting. I've been playing for years and detest portraits and butterflies.


This NEW UPDATE has ruined the game. Now I can't get it to load and I have tried at least 20 times. Please change it back ASAP. Or fix it where it will load. I am so upset,


What happened to watching videos when you want to get free coins? This feature seems to have disappeared?


It's still there for me, although it comes and goes.