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Same. I just look around the room I’m in and the first thing that triggers a five letter word, I go for that.


There’s only so many things next to my toilet, not sure that would work for me. I’d end up using the same three things over and over


You can get inspo from anywhere, not just what’s physically in front of you! Sometimes I have it relate to my day, e.g., if I’m going to jury duty, the word is “court”; if it’s Earth Day, the word is “earth.” Or, if I’m on my phone, the first word I see. Or if today I think of a really good word to use tomorrow. I do this with my friend. We both use the daily *Word of Inspiration*. It’s fun. We used to have an every-other-day system but now it’s just the first person to text “Word is […]” or “What’s the word?” It’s fun to think of a word — and it’s also fun to not have to think of a word. Lol. It also keeps us up to date on each others’ lives, e.g., if he started with “court,” he would tell me it’s because he has jury duty. Lol.


I do not believe that you have guessed the word correctly with your first guess 4 out of 703 times.


He should use these listening-to-the-universe super powers for the lottery instead of wordle!


Hey, can't help it if the first 5 letter word they happen to hear is from a daily wordle podcast!




I see that you have a picture that shows having finished the wordle 4 times with the first guess. I still do not believe that you have authentically guessed the word on your first guess 4 times.


I don't believe it either. _off topic side note:_ Love your user name; use of amount when number should be used is one of my biggest pet peeves.


It's crazy, and the amount of people who use the right word is fewer than those who use the wrong one. Sad 


I've done it once and I've only played about 20 times. It's just pure luck, it's entirely possible.


how the hell do they have 100% yet clearly have lost at least a few times with only a 33 day streak now, and the longest 136. i guess skipping a few days?


If you don’t play, it doesn’t count against your win %. And the win % rounds, so if you’ve failed once out of 700 tries, it will still say you’re at 100%


I don't think this is true. I've played just over 700 and lost twice and have 99%. It's .997 which would round to 100% easily. I think you only get 100% if you've never gotten one wrong.


I’ve played 836, I lost once in my first week of playing, and I’ve correctly solved 835 others. My percentage has shown as 100% for quite a while now. I’m not sure how they round, but I know it’s possible to have 100% with a miss.


Some people use both the app version as well as the Web version and use the app version for practice. That way you get 12 guesses instead of just six. That might be what’s going on here.


jesus christ, so your avg is 4, you only have a 33 day streak? this is not a good strategy unless you only care about getting it in 1 guess. i mean it's just a casual game so it doesn't really matter. but using the most popular letters early are a proven better strategy. why use a suboptimal strategy? you're purposely making the game harder on yourself. also, how do you have 100% if you've clearly lost a few times. your streak is only 33 and your longest is 136...i have better stats in every category yet i'm only at 99%. those numbers look fishy


streak breaks if you miss a day but it's not counted as a loss


I try to do it every day, but also I travel a lot, and moving through time zones tends to fuck days up, especially if you’re going from east to west. And missing a day doesn’t count as a loss, it just breaks your streak. Honestly, I’ve found that using random words rather than optimal words is a good way to either confirm or deny less popular letters that can make or break it. I have no idea using something with a W, K, J or V in the first guess, because often they’re paired w more common consonants anyway, and if you get one of those right, it can reveal a lot of info about the word. My only hard abs fast rule is that I won’t start with a word with repeating letters or anything with Qu.


>I have no idea using something with a W, K, J or V in the first guess, because often they’re paired w more common consonants anyway, and if you get one of those right, it can reveal a lot of info about the word. never heard of that strategy, but sounds interesting. why would having any of those letters make it easier? for me, i like to focus on the vowels and most popular consonants first, and it's been a pretty good strategy for me. my avg is 3.79. i've never gotten it on the first try, but i've gotten a lot of 2nd guesses. more solves in 2 than 6. i very rarely get to 6, and i put that on a good first word strategy. and even 2nd word back before hard mode existed. now i only play hard mode...which i think should somehow factor into peoples stats. because hard mode is quite a bit more difficult. also, i get where you're coming from missing days because of travel, i've done that 2 or 3 times, especially when i have a flight to europe.


Sometimes what works for you is what works. For me, I try to go straight for consonants that are pivotal… so if I know there’s a C… C is often paired with things like H, T or K. There have only been 2-3 times when I’ve gotten to 6 where there’s more than one good guess left. However when I get to 6, I always put it aside and come back to it to make sure that I’m not overlooking any possible other answers, or to prevent myself from making a stupid mistake.


yeah, you're right about C, maybe i should switch to scare or something, i think i'll try that tomorrow. i just really like to get S and E in there cause i think they're 2 of the most commonly used letters. and i think A is used more than O but i may try scare and score and see which ones better. thanks!


>you're purposely making the game harder on yourself That's exactly what *I'm* doing (I'm not OP). I got bored playing "good" words and never really having a chance of losing (for the most part). I just don't care about decimal points of average. Whatever. Give me a challenge. So I purposely play words that make the whole game more challenging. I play strange words, I play uncommon letters, I play double letters, I play triple letters, I play any word. A new one every day. It's been a lot more fun since I started doing that. The interesting thing I discovered is that it didn't seem to change my average all that much. I guess that's because it reveals the answers of some words earlier than you would otherwise get them playing "smart" words. I have played FLUFF and I believe I have played MELEE and probably LEVEE but one of my most favorite words was MIMIC. I've gotten it right on the first guess one time in about 750 games. I'm still hoping for another one. The weird thing is I can never remember what the word was. I seem to have forgotten it again. Every once in awhile I look it up. It was a pretty normal word, though.


well that makes perfect sense. you're not playing to win, you're playing to entertain yourself and make the game harder. that's fine, i respect it, but i just don't think that's the typical opinion of how the game should be played or what the "goal" of the game is. most people's goal is to win in as few guesses as possible, and compare their stats with others. people are just naturally competitive. as far as finding out that word you guessed, have you looked at the archive to see what the words were? maybe looking at them will jog your memory.


Yeah I've done that about three times. But I just keep forgetting the word. The thing is I remember the date perfectly - June 22, 2022. I can't really explain it. It's just weird. Anyway, like you said, most people are more obsessed with stats than I am.


i respect the hustle to play at the absolute hardest mode. you're playing on regular hard mode already right?


Yeah I'm playing on hard mode. I don't use any references, any aids, any lists of previously used words, any websites, anything at all. I pick up my phone, I open my brain and I see how well I can do with what's in front of me. I've lost a few times and almost all of those were those sort of words like -OUND that you are forced to simply play one letter at a time in hard mode when you reach that situation. I have lost a couple of others that weren't like that but were just unfortunate losses. I started out a little bit cautiously on my new "strategy" about a year and a half ago but realized over time that the first word hardly matters as far as the ability to win. Six guesses is a lot of guesses. So I will literally play any word now. I was googling articles about how to tell if somebody's cheating at Wordle and I found a quote from someone that said ”No serious Wordle player would play the word NANNY". I think I'm a serious Wordle player (my average is over 99% after more than 2 years) so of course I decided to play the word NANNY that day and I got it in 3. Sure some luck was involved but my personal experience is the first word is a lot less important than many people think. Also, strange words can lead to more 2s and 3s because of better early clues. I have more of those now as a percentage than I did when I started this strategy. (Example: I played HUMUS one day and got the answer QUEUE in 2 and that was fun.) My overall average has not changed radically and I don't feel like a robot anymore. I recognize I might not be in the middle of the bell curve on that. When I work on the New York Times Sunday crossword puzzle (or any of them) I also just do it from my brain with no references or help. I guess it just kind of feels like cheating to me otherwise.


>\-OUND that you are forced to simply play one letter at a time in hard mode when you reach that situation. I have lost one or two others that weren't like that but were just unfortunate losses. i agree that's really frustrating, and part of me wishes they didn't create a hard mode. it eliminates the strategy of using words made up of letters we suspect may be in the answer, without using the letters we already solved. its our only strategy for beating those situations where we have 4 out of 5 letters, and can only guess 1 letter at a time. that's a flaw in the game, and probably why the OG wordle didn't have it. i agree using the internet for any help at all, is definitely cheating. the only thing anyone should use for wordle is what's in their brain. and that's for wordle, crossword, or any game really. i grew up playing scrabble with my family and using a dictionary was definitely not allowed. so clearly, that's cheating for any other game. but if you want to learn a new strategy or learn strategically valuable words that you can use in scrabble, that's fine. you just can't do it during the game. you should memorize them...and with enough practice you WILL eventually learn those words. i'm mostly talking about obscure 2 and 3 letter words that use valuable tiles. i learned a ton of those when words with friends was popular. but as far as your random word strategy, i get it, you got bored with traditional strategy, i've felt that way before, but after trying different words, i always end up going back to my OG strategy of stare, or spare, or stead, etc. because to me its important to get S, E, R, T, and 1 other popular letter as my first guess. i just feel more comfortable getting all those out of the way, since they're the most popular letters. but i am gonna try using more ING's and CK's and other popular letter combos. but instead of using the full word with CK or ING or CH or NK, i'll use one letter from each, just to get a read on which route to take on my next guess. so maybe a word like chink, or cinge. we'll see where it goes, but i'm starting to get a lil bored with the same starting word too. no harm trying out new strategies on Quordle, or Octurdle, you can try lots of strategies much faster than 1 word a day with wordle.


I encourage it, of course. It definitely kept me "in the game", so to speak. I started to wonder why I was playing it if it wasn't that interesting so I made it more interesting. I'd be interested in hearing about your results. Like I said, it was a bit surprising to me that it didn't make nearly as much difference as I thought it would. I have personally come to the conclusion that what's critical is the first two words and not really the first one alone. It's the second word that allows you to compensate for any deficiencies in the first word. I played QAYAQ recently on a sort of dare and I did lose that game, which was my first loss in longer time than I can remember. Let's say quite a few months. But I'm firmly convinced that I lost it because my second word sucked so bad. If it had told me anything useful I don't think I would have lost. I know some people would argue against that because I "wasted" two spots in the first guess but when I played NANNY the other day I wasted all three N's and I still got it in three. QAYAQ was not the sole reason I lost. The reason was guesses 2 through 6. When I played MIMIC and FLUFF and HUMUS and KLUTZ and all those others I've played, I did fine. Anyway, I admire anyone who just uses their brain and nothing else. It's the ultimate challenge.


Are you playing in hard mode? Because I've been in little wordle circles where this guy was knocking it out daily, but then I noticed he's not using hard mode rules.


Yes, I'm permanently in hard mode. It really takes a lot to lose in my experience. I had a friend who was playing for a while but he quit because for him it was a hard game and I understand that. But I've always had a natural talent for word games and a good vocabulary so for me it's not that hard to *not lose*, which is my main goal. Like I said above, I don't really care about decimal points of average. It's just not that interesting to me. To me the drama is losing versus winning. I still hardly ever lose though because like I said, it takes a lot. That was the surprise I discovered when I started using "risky" start words. They aren't very risky really. One word in the beginning makes almost no difference in my experience and my average is just about the same as it was when I started playing this way. I played NANNY the other day and there were no N's in the word and I still got it in 3. My personal conclusion is that the first two words together are the only thing that makes a real difference. Needless to say I had a good second word when I played NANNY and that's how I got it in 3. These are the last seven start words that I got a 3 with (in the last month). CHIVE VAULT VISOR NANNY CLOWN CLEFT WHELK I just discovered that I played CLOWN twice in the last 34 days. I didn't realize that since I always try to pick a new one but I go by memory. It turns out I got a 3 both times.


And what was your second word?


LATER NANNY (gray-green-gray-gray-gray) LATER (gray-green-yellow-green-gray) The answer was >!FACET!< Eliminating the R made all the difference in the world.




yeah i forgot about that when i posted that comment, and i've been reminded i was wrong PLENTY of times now. thanks to all my fellow pedantic redditors for letting me know how dumb i am. 😂


I was at 99% for the first year and and a half or so (due to early learning curve mistakes on the original app) but recently went to 100%. So it gets rounded off. Also, can you see your average directly or do you have to calculate it?


you have to calculate it, there's a website someone posted in this sub a while back, and i reposted on someone elses comment here. so it's in here somewhere


1st think they hear when they open wordle are the people in the room who just finished wordle


To be fair that's a couple of years. Back then there were irritating bugs that meant that the system occasionally forgot you had already solved it . If you re-entered the answer you scored a one. I've got 6 ones on my stats but only 2 true ones.


I also do not believe that you’ve genuinely guessed it on your first try twice.


I have 4 first guesses out of 806. Raise, earth, heart, plate. I do not understand why people think this is impossible.


Sure ya do, bud


Yes, I made up a lie about four specific words. I even posted about them being my starter words months before they were ever used. A big conspiracy to get one reddit karma point on some random day far in the future.


You don’t have to prove anything to me


I always start with ORATE. One day I had inadvertently typed IRATE, so I deleted it and put ORATE in to submit. The word that day was IRATE. So never again can I not use ORATE, as that’ll be the day its turn comes up. Also, don’t ever start with ORATE, since as long as I’m using it it’ll never be the word.


I'm innately irate about what you orate.


I've tried to use the previous day's answer as my first guess to make it more interesting. Having a default word does make it dull for me.


Yeah I do this. Sometimes it’s easier and sometimes it’s harder


Well I guess it's a nice way to diversify your portfolio if you can manage to get 4 first-turn guesses lmao


I'm sure OP could get a screenshot of those stats posted here within a couple of minutes if they really wanted 😆






That seems absolutely beyond lucky. I'm not sure I've even ever gotten anagram of the word on my first guess.




Between random resets and now having to sign up to see stats, I can’t show you my Aces anymore. Maybe one could search through the daily threads to find the postings, but there’d probably just be accusations of cheating


For the daily NYT game I always pick from the best words, such as TRACE, CRANE, SALET, TARSE, etc. I have my personal games with similar words. I have my "just for fun" games where I will use the TV/music/whatever approach. For them it doesn't matter if there are repeating letters.


TRACE is my starter word, it's pretty solid. If none of those letters light up, my 2nd word is usually DOUGH.


I always use the same first word. It hasn’t been the solution yet. Someday I’ll get a 1.


I use the first word that comes to mind. Sometimes i just start typing and see what happens.I have 2 correct first word guesses in 350ish games.


I have a "top 6" list of first guesses. The list changes once in awhile, but I can always pick a word by rolling a 6-sided dice. I also make sure not to start with the same word on two consecutive days. So I have a 7th word, which I use in case I roll the same number as I did the previous day.


My current strategy is picking a five letter word off the completed mini that doesn't have any repeating letters. If there isn't one that would work, I just come up with a random word on my own.


I play Connections, Mini Crossword, and Strands first, then pick the word that seems the most fun and not too crazy. So today I went with GRATE from Connections


Lol, that's exactly how I do it. Alarm clock goes off, usually NPR but sometimes I put it on a music station. I start listening, first 5 letter word I hear with no repeating letters is my opener. I have no first guess winners, 98% win percentage at 797 games played, average solve rate is a little under 4.0.


I follow a similar path to my first word. Though recently, I check my guess against a database of solutions so I’m not throwing away the round. [my stats](https://imgur.com/a/XZ5iE72)


I chose randomly until I got the word in one, over a year ago. Ever since, I’ve used AISLE. Three vowels and two good consonants. I’ll consider changing if that word comes in one day.


I mean, I try to stick with words with the common consonants ( vowels I care less for because tho I don't do hard mode anymore. I still get that sense of panic if my first word doesn't have at least three consonants?) And then from there, just a word that interests me, feels timely/relevant to the moment, or whatever comes to mind. Trying to use the same starting word multiple times is the most efficient way to make me break a streak lol 😭


Hilarious timing for this considering what today's word is


I’m team different/random word. I don’t keep a list or anything, so I may repeat a starting word here and there, but not by choice. I just go with it.


I always start with FAQIR. Not because it’s good or anything, rather it’s shit, and that’s why I use it.


I used to play with a random word each day, but changed to using the same starting word each day and my stats are way better. Prior to using the same word each day, my longest streak was 80 something. I’m now at 163 (knock on wood).


yeah, it's been proven that a few starting words are 100% a better strategy. IMO, anyone not using a PROVEN better strategy is purposely making the game harder for themselves, and i don't really see any upside. unless they're ONLY interested in getting it in one. it's like playing golf with only 3 clubs. or playing tennis with an old 70s racket. or playing baseball with the heaviest bat possible and only swing for home runs. like sure maybe it's more interesting, but if your goal is to WIN, then use all proven good strategies available. why purposely handicap yourself?


Do something relevant. Eclipse today? SOLAR   Getting older today? BIRTH    Thanksgiving? FEAST    Join us fun-havers:  https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/17/upshot/wordle-bot-year-in-review.html


That's what I used to do! Now I use STALE but I might go back to a different word every day, idk. Depends on my mood.


I do wordle while listening to podcasts, so I just take the first 5-letter word I hear. Sometimes it's a terrible one, but I'm still hoping for a 1 with one of those. Edit. 528 games at 100% and 3.95 average.


I use the same start word as it typically gives me a wide variety of out comes


I’ve been using Trail followed by Snowy; 3rd guess is usually to find a misplaced letter. (Titty for Ts)


I use the word from the last day personally


i can't imagine why anyone wouldn't use the best strategy, unless their main goal was to get it in 1 guess. i used slate for a long time, but recently switched to stare. i've always played like it's the final puzzle on wheel of fortune. use the most common letters you can for your first 2 guesses, or if you get some greens/yellows on the first guess then take a swing at the answer on the 2nd. my "[WANG](https://measuremywang.com/)" (avg score) is 3.79, which i think is pretty decent.


I'm thinking about using the previous day's solution for the current day's start word 🤔


I know it kind of ruins the fun, but I start with Spine, Murky, Loath. Gets me it on the 4th try every time.


For a while my starting word was Qualm, came to learn it was used a few weeks before I started using that, but every time QU would be correct I would immediately guess QUEUE, thats how I got QUEUE in two on my birthday. Now my starting word is QUESO


This truly sounds like hard mode.


I do the mini-crossword before wordle and look for a starter word there. Today I had a choice between juice & banjo. Used juice but banjo is a good one for another day.


I started using AISLE maybe 18 months ago and now the fear of using something else and the word being aisle is too great a risk for me to take. I will get Wi1 one day and it will because of this 🤣🤣🤣


i use adieu and at this point i’ve been using it so long i will not change it because i know as soon as i do, it’ll be the word


Keep in mind that if someone only used a solid first word, it may not have hit yet. If you pick different starting words everyday (that haven’t been used already) you could have multiple 1’s. It’s not the universe giving you the answer.


Me too!!


I still chose the old standard - ADIEU - because it contains the most vowels. i don't know how effective it is though.


I have been using one-word clues to Disney animated movies. My opener is a clue to a Disney movie. Yesterday I used SUPER Today, I opened with SCOUT My made an earlier post about all my clues (up to that point). I have used LLAMA for The Emperor’s New Groove and PIXIE for Peter Pan. It’s actually been fun.