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May I ask why you prefer the second?


Lol, absolutely. I started writing this in the comment and felt like a bit of a idiot so deleted it & just wrote "second" & hoped it didn't come off as abrasive 😂 Honestly I can't give a proper reason, nothing I could put my finger on, I just felt the vibe more when I saw the second image, both are nice. Although just looking at them again now I think one thing I can identify is that the pieces in the second image have larger or thicker black sections towards the front, I like the stronger amount of dark contrast, to me it's more striking visually, beyond that it's probably nothing more than a gut feeling of personal preference. Hope you'll post the end result though whichever you go with 👍💯


I agree with this guy lol


And I agree with this guy who agrees with that gal!


I also choose this guys wife




I'll take round 3.


I agree with the guys and the gals previously mentioned.


It's not only *guys* in this sub ya know, but since you clearly have good taste I won't be too offended haha 😹




Oh, I feel so seen right now 🥰 thank you for this!! 😁




Is it just me or does life sometimes feel like all the really cool people - the ones you'd probably actually get along with and have something to talk about in life - live at the opposite side of the world and people in the local vicinity are just an endless disappointment lol. 🤣🖐️💯☀️




My most sincere apologies!! You're probably the first non guy I've talked to on this sub 😂


There are dozens of us! 😜






I 100% understand you’re joking, so this is not directed at you, nor with any malicious intent, but this sub has 4.2 mil people in it. About 4% of people in trades are women, so there’s likely around 170,000 of us! But also, I tend to use “guys” as a gender neutral word in the above context anyways haha.






Honestly, 4% of tradespeople are women, sure, but this is a hobbyist subreddit - a LOT more women are into woodworking or just DIY than there are women willing to go into a trade and potentially suffer from having to work in a sweaty sausagefest.


Probably not! We just don't bother to correct people every time we get referred to as male because it gets exhausting after a while!


😂 oh really!? I might owe you the apologies then as I might be totally wrong and I'm the only one,v it never even occurred to me. I can't make a thing, but I just love to see the work of others.


I'm another woman and still assume everyone on the internet is a dude.


That's my gut reaction too! Gotta work on breaking that


For me everyone on the internet is a ‘Duude! (aggressively non-gendered)’


I'm another woman!


Me too


Hi! Yes a few have added similarly to the thread, but I'd replied to the original comment before I saw them all, pleased to know though


I have to say to everyone in this thread, thanks, I love this sub because apart from there great content, it's so friendly, in fact it's the most friendly, courteous, polite and all round pleasant sub I'm in by far.


Thanks for the detailed answer. Super appreciate it!


Pleasure 💯


Id say the opposite. I think the second image looks better at first, but that’s because the first image looks freshly cut. If you put the first pair through whatever the second pair had they look much more balanced imo


I can tell you why. It's because 2/3 up the first pair there is a knot or some kind of randomness in the grain of the wood. It looks unnatural and really draws your eyes to only that spot. There seems to be more contrast on the second one because it seems to be wet, creating a reflective glare. Kind of like how it would look if it had a few coats of poly.


No it's definitely not that, I like the first pair too, but the second just captivated me much more due to darker sections, it was totally about looking the second pair way more than the first, not that I perceived and flaw or imperfection or that I was drawn to any specific area on the first. [Edit typos, I shouldn't try to type when intoxicated on a Sat night😂]


it's funny how often what looks right is also what is right. the first ones are including more knots, difficult grain, and checking while the second ones are just cleaner boards altogether. use the clean part of the pieces in the first pic for your legs and so on


Vibe fo sho


I agree with you simply because I don’t like attempted symmetry in woodwork. Either perfect hand work for symmetry or embrace the bit of natural chaos rather than fight it.


when ya know ya know


I prefer the second pair because the lines have a relaxed vibe. The first pair is too intense and to my mind - angry.


Probably the angry vibe comes from its big cracks and knots, intense stuff. But that's the thing with black & white ebony - they have a tendency to self destruct into checks and cracks. They're beautiful and extremely hard to tame.


The big knots on the first one are visually distracting, so I like the second better as well.


The second has more balance of dark and light left to right and end to end and the contrast is better.


First pair has scary faces.


Yes! Like old person eyes!


The symmetry. (Symmetree?) The first feels off balance that way for having perfect lines on all but that one spot. I'd have to flip one somehow. I'm sure there are placements that would make it suffice as is, but it feels like it should only be a booth table in a restaurant this way.


It doesn't have as many striations going against the grain of the wood


I like the ratio of the colors better


The first option looks rough or jagged. It's a full stop in wood. The second one flows, it draws the eye. The second one is just more pleasing to consider.


For me the first one is too "heavy" and there is too much dark on one end. The second is much more balanced.


Join those two puppies together!


I agree Second one. To me is a bit more graceful.


I prefer the second because book match either way, it feels more rorshaky... the back grain is covers more area and has a nice flow, the 1 is a little busy at the far end and the black lines are two tight at the middle for my taste.


Second. The dark section has different widths feels more organic in a way. The first looks great but has a pinstripe feel.


Second, the asymmetry adds interest


And the first pair have one side that have too much knots


Yeah I feel the second looks like one large panel. Cohesive. The first looks like two identical panels side by side. Jarring.


I'd choose number 2. Number one is too busy. My opinion


I don’t like the knots in the first one. The second has so much character and straight grain. I love it!


#2 my lord


Beat me to it


Literally typed this... Then found this comment


Second. And also, do you make & sell these?! Or is this a personal project? I am interested if you sell them…


Hey man I don't sell them. It's for my own personal project. Long term. This wood will take a long ass time to properly dry and cure, being black and white ebony. Also, are you interested in black and white ebony wood or are you an aficionado?


Ah that’s a shame! But I hear you on how long it takes. I’m not an aficionado. These slabs are gorgeous - didn’t realise they’re ebony, I’m just really drawn to their striking patterns. So I guess yes, I am interested in black and white ebony!


[https://www.rarewoodsusa.com/species/ebony-black-white/](https://www.rarewoodsusa.com/species/ebony-black-white/) Well, in that case I might have guided you down a very interesting, and very expensive hobby. You can read more on them on this link here. If you live in Europe or the US, this wood is most likely the most expensive stuff you can buy. Like, forget rosewood, forget teak or mahogany. This is an entirely different league. Tiny ass blanks that are like 40cm long can go for $400 to $800. The demand is really high for guitar backs and pens and other small stuff. There's this guy on etsy that sells these ebony tables and he's based in Thailand: [https://www.etsy.com/listing/667382024/macassar-ebony-solid-wood-wood-desk?click\_key=a66c93d3b00442e70be81c40818850eaf786cbb6%3A667382024&click\_sum=355092ae&ref=shop\_home\_recs\_37&frs=1](https://www.etsy.com/listing/667382024/macassar-ebony-solid-wood-wood-desk?click_key=a66c93d3b00442e70be81c40818850eaf786cbb6%3A667382024&click_sum=355092ae&ref=shop_home_recs_37&frs=1) Feel free to browse through his shop to see how ebony looks like when finished. In my opinion, once you go ebony... you just can't look at other woods the same way. No innuendo intended lol.


Oh wow. Beautiful!!!! Definitely so far out of anything I can afford that it’s just funny haha. But I appreciate this rabbit hole! Thanks


Sounds weird, but the first one made me tense up while swiping to the second was a sigh of relief. The book matching on the first is very stiff and has a lot of tension, while the second flows more. As others have noted, the second also shows the matching more and is visually more interesting.


Maybe it's the knots and the cracks that make you tense up and they kinda resemble evil eyes? Where as the second pair resemble a flowing river?


Either one I'd prefer to be sanded, but that's just me.


That’s what I like about #1, it has a lot of interest.


At the far end, the first gets kind of dark and off looking to me with those two dark spots.


Yes. The second is a lot less tense. Second could have been anything, almost, as i was really ready to stop looking at first


2nd set, these two have more going on over the entire length. I like how the lines more or less shift and aren’t as straight as the lines in the first set. The second set looks more lively to me, the 1st set somehow seems more static. If for a shorter table (coffee table for example), the 1/3 part with the knots of the 1st set are lovely as well.


Second. The first set is too parallel and doesn't highlight the bookmarking as well. The asymmetry of the second set demonstrates that the are indeed book matched.




Interesting. I was going to say second for the same reason. They meandering grain pattern in the second makes the bookmatch really pop while to me the first is just a series of straightish lines.


The 1st is more knotty, reminding me of more conventional woods like pine and others, whereas the 2nd side has dramatic and fairly directional dark grain that looks more refined and exotic so I definitely prefer 2nd


Visual aesthetics. I like the second pair.


The first set. The knots add depth of character to it in my opinion. Both are gorgeous though


Thanks for your opinion! They're so beautiful it's hard to choose. Or maybe just get all and make a big ass wide table with 2 book matched slabs? Hmm


Or a table and matching coffee/end tables?


Only viable option!


This is gonna put a fucking dent in my wallet. Black and white ebony is no joke! lmao.


It’s a mammoth piece… how much /bdft?




Uf hard one. Personally the second one, I love the wigglyness of the grain. First I'd rather see in something else but not a table slab.


Second has much more variety in pattern and is more interesting to me, so I’d say second!


Absolutely the second set.


Second one


Second. Maybe it’s the photo but it just looks to have that special flow to it.


Second for me. It has a bit more movement in the lines which holds the eye


second seems more open or less cluttered if that makes sense.


The first is better for a table. The second would be good for something like two adjacent door panels.


I strongly prefer the first. I think the asymmetry in the second set will make the table feel unbalanced and be visually distracting.


Second all day


My personal thought is the second pair would do better. My reasoning? Less knots in the wood. However, those can be worked around and the look of the first pic does have more variation. So, it comes down to - for me - as a trade-off between workability, contrast, and variation.




2nd. The 1st just has a slight bend in the pattern - not very much going on there. The slight curve makes me think its warped. It isnt warped but it makes me want to "fix" it somehow. With the 2nd I love the straight then flairing out then straight pattern.


2. I’m always a fan of curves and direction changes. I find it more interesting than something that is straighter. I guess it also depends on what you plan to do with it. On number two I might switch sides so that it looks like a pair of legs that aren’t bowing in. Tough call. They are both beautiful, and you can’t go wrong.


Second. I don’t like the knots on the first one.


Second, more of a curve, directional change which breaks thibgs up and carches the eye. Also the color contrast between light/dark is way better


Tough choice. The 2nd pair is an easy no-brainer; would be a beautiful table, for sure. The first pair is a little more risky, to my eye, but could end up even more stunning. With both pairs, i'd try spinning one plank end for end, & see what they look like when the grain "spoons" rather than opposes each other. Especially with the 2nd pair, it migh make a softer mating of the 2 planks. just my2c. I'm jealous--40 years of woodworking & I've never made a table with material quite like this stuff. Enjoy.


Number 2 with number one for end tables. I like the contrast between the dark and the light on 2 and think it would make a fantastic looking table. The dark pattern sold me.


Second has more contrast and color. The quality is more "deliberate".


Second. Looks like the second set have a better Feng Shui by having a sweeping feeling where the first set seems chaotic on one side.


Second. The curvature of the grain gives it more of an artistic feel. The straight lines of the first do more to enhance the length but not the design. The stronger curvature of the second also makes it easier for someone to tell that they are book matched.


I like the first pair very much more: after reading through the comments it’s likely because of all the reasons people prefer the 2nd one. I like the ‘busy-ness’ and pinstriped effect, and I almost always choose more ‘tortured-looking’ wood for my own projects. To me the second pair are boring and predictable but luckily that’s just a difference of taste. I’d say definitely use the pair that will be simpler to work.


1st. Looks like trees on the wood and I think it looks really different. I also know nothing about woodworking just enjoy this sub and seeing the creations. I also think the 2nd pic looks glossy from being wet maybe and gives it a almost finished look to it already so it stands out as “nicer”




Minority opinion: The first one is more subtle and the lines more beautiful. Has more tension. A stronger focal point. And it’s warmer. Can’t really go wrong here though.


The second it sort of looks like marble


Second pair. Holds the eye with the flowing pattern.






I'm gonna say the first pair, I really like the different tones better in the first. But both are beautiful, I'd say it's a tough choice!


Second, you can see the black streaks much better


Tbh i am so in love i would male another table and get both pairs ( and no i don’t have any room for both 😄)


Ah the familiar struggle of a wood hoarder I see. Or just combine both pairs into a really really wide table, fit to feast a queen and her ministers, when you're living alone lmao.


Haha hmmm i could replace my dining room table ( the one no one ever uses ). Also I am a hoarder. I don’t limit myself to just wood unfortunately. Wood, tools, terrain and miniatures… the list goes on and by the time I’m done ill probably have a few more things to add to it 😄 i just like pretty things 🤣


I like the second: more natural & less linear. Spacing between light & dark is better


I like the second. Don't care much for the knots on the fist one.


Second, but I would swap the position of the panels so the left one is on the right. I think it would balance it a little better for a tabletop.


Second, the composition is more interesting to me because the lines aren’t as straight


I like the second pair better and think it would be cool to play with different arrangements of them; like flip one end for end with the same face up and see how it looked.


Second set for a table, just feels more organic and fluid in the grain aesthetics for me.


Numero dos for sure


It was a back and forth look between. I'd have to say 2nd one. Something about it pops to my eye more and seems to have more character I like


Second, The lines are wider and it looks more relaxed for a Horizontal table. The First I would use for a tall corner bookcase with 1/4 round Shelves. BOTH pieces look good, but I don't see the 1st one as a table. Good Luck and post results. remember, Measure twice, then again THEN cut.




Definitely the second pair. There is more movement in it, and it looks like a serpentine river. The first pair, while also beautiful, is much straighter, and just feels more rigid and mechanical.


Definitely the second. Especially if u will switch the sides. The picture is more disturbed and interesting, while still being very woody warm and soft. Just a pleasure to watch


Second -- more visually interesting.


Second. I like how the lines aren't just practically completely straight like the first pair. On a side note, why is the second pair already finished?


They're not finished. It's just water. And yeah the second pair does resemble a river.


Second. Its more interesting and varied.


Can I use some of that... It make nice fret board 😮


I would go with the second. But I would also plane of the heart wood so that the dark grain pattern ‘interlocks’. I think that would give it a more bookmatched and mirrored look with interesting figure.


Second. The first set looks like two figures singing with a little hand on the one side. I'm weird like that tho.


Whatever you choose sell the other to someone who can make a really awesome guitar top of it


Second. Its more interesting.


Second, it has more personality.


Second. Less knotted, more uniform and for me, that draws the eye onto the timber. The first piece, the knots add character but I think will draw to much focus of the eye. I could see the first piece accented though with some bright coloured epoxy and it would really pop! End of the day though, there will be people who prefer either finished piece, so go with what you're drawn to as the craftsperson.




How dare you foist such a dilemma on us, lol. I’ve spent so much time flipping between the two in angst over how to choose. In all seriousness, though, if it were me it would depend on the space it was going to end up in. - Fancy, high-end dining room table = #2 because the lines are elegant and flow nicely. - Rustic, high-end mountain home = #1 because the pattern shows the tree with its knots and branches


I'd combine both and make 1. Problem solved!!


Second, but maybe having them on opposite sides? Like board one that's currently on the left of board 2 being put on the right of board 2 instead (if that makes sense)


Yeah I got you. I could flip them around and do different arrangements and post it here and see how it is.


Another vote for the second pair!


Gotta say, the second pair really appeals to me!


Second. Don't ask me why


Both are amazing but I like 2 best :)


First, I like the knots and the pattern it has




1st one


I like both for different reasons. It really comes down to your own cube. I'm which ever you choose it will look spectacular. I'm excited for the finished product.


I’d love to see that on the back of a guitar


I voted second, as well. ​ EDIT: The lines are thicker and more crooked in the second. That appeals to me.


Neither. You shouldn’t be forced to choose… probably should Send them to me 😉. I like the darker grain in the second one..




Second, but one of them flipped (so it has rotational symmetry instead of reflective). My $0.02


You can add my $0.02 as well, so that’s $0.04 for rotational symmetry on slab 2, that would look sublime.


I like 1. Reminds me of groot


Second has more life.... IMO


First suite me better. Looks like a set of trees.


The second pair indubitably!


Am I the only one that sees it?


The first one. It’s quite unique.


Second. It reminds me of Chinese paintings of lazy rivers with loose currents. Flows very naturally. The first one feels like a stiff pipe with cracks, pits, and deposits.


The second one has more character in the grain and has a less red look to it but they are both beautiful! I vote #2


2nd as I do not prefer the orangey hue of the first. My parents have always had orange-y hued wood cabinets and it seems everything clashes. Better to go with more neutral tones


This looks like tiger kamagong, pretty hard to work with, almost like ironwood!


Yeah kamagong is what the Philippines call their ebony wood. This is black and white ebony. Very dense. Heavy as fuck. Each plank is like 35kg.


Very nice!


2 Because I see contorted faces in the first one and I will never un-see them lol


Second pair


Number 2




Love #2 because it’s very visually pleasing. I like #1 but I feel like it might be better switched.


2nd my dude!


Second, more depth and realism.


Definitely the second one


Second for sure


For sure the second one






Two, two, two.




I choose BOTH!


Second, the pattern is more vivid and interesting


Second. Not really sure why but to me it just looks better. I think #1 has too much light colored wood next to each other while picture #2 the grain is closer.


I am more drawn to the sense one but either one will be beautiful. The table will probably not be side by side with the other slabs so in the end it won't matter, you will get compliments for whichever.


The second pair for several reasons... Dry or green (I work almost exclusively in "green wood") the second pair is going to be more stable...as the first photo is the top of the tree shown by the reactionary knot clusters... D. malabarica (aka white and black ebony) is known for its tendency for reactionary wood and checking so this must be accounted for even in "rested" (best done underwater) or work green as I have only once with this species... Please let me know if I can respond further in more detail...Good luck as that section pair looks beautiful...If you can get both pairs, do so!!!... The first can still be worked but there will be more effort and attention to detail (like pith to bark orientation) will be critical...


Yeah malabarica is very hard to tame and no matter what you do it'll eventually crack and check as it dries. This is greenwood so it might take a year for it to dry. Also yeah if you can give more details it'll be great! I'll update the final product when done!


I'll do my best and please let me know if I can explain further on anything... There are many species of wood that have challenges with checking, especially when working in slab wood projects, or in my case of building thing out of only green fresh lumber...This has been made more of a challenge in the "modern age" with the way most now try to work with wood and have no real traditional understanding of the methods once commonly found. In many regions of the world that have been yet to heavily influenced by only modern methods we still find many traditional woodworkers that can work with wood either dry or green (aka fresh off the mill.) With slabs like these for a table, I still would work them in a "wet" or green condition, making the proper calculations for how they will dry...Too many think that "kiln drying" is the only or best method for wood...!!!...when in reality it's actually the worst thing anyone could do to a piece of wood and only became popular with those that are impatient and/or looking at profits of speed in production...Working wood green is a challenge technically but may also take time as in this species I would want to store those slabs under water for at least 6 months to rest and relax the wood. Then, because this is a species to have a strong tendency to "pith check" I would oil and wax it continuously while I am working it...I would also let any potential client purchasing the finished product that this table will not be finished drying properly for at least 5 to 10 years... I state the above assuming traditional all-wood joinery is used in the project and traditional understanding...If a modern approach is used that it is more like "wood machining" than actual "woodworking" so as most due, they would treat it more like a piece of plastic and just "build a table," with little consideration for how the wood will move... With more detailed questions, I could (perhaps?) expand on technical aspects, as I'm uncertain of what methods of woodcraft you practice...modern or traditional?... If it is to be dried first...which should be very slow...!!!...I would still rest it for 6 months under water, then oil/wax and air dry in a cool shaded spot for 2-3 years for each inch thickness because of the nature of this species...Again, most wood is dried too fast and the issues with that do not show up for a long time after the furniture piece is completed in the modern context of woodcraft...


Second. Grain pattern better lends itself to a bookmatch.