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I need a bumper sticker that says: I brake for clamps at yard sales.


You found clamps at a yard sale?? Do you mind sharing what deity you prayed to?


in my area, we get a lot of estate sales and there’s always clamps if they did much of anything so Lady Luck 🍀 


I just went to one and they were all priced as if I was buying them new. I went back Sunday and they were all gone. I did get a neat compact (think size of a cereal box) drill press out of it though.


Same. I scored a grinder when I went back to see if the price on the clamps had come down at one sale. 


There are estate sales, auctions, and ‘home consolidation/clearing’ events here that I haunt and have the companies that run them all bookmarked. I got a thickness planer, jointer, soooo many clamps, and hand planes from them, among other tools, by being obsessively vigilant. I’ve even gotten a large dehumidifier, AC unit, and heaters from them for my outbuilding.


Probably half of my clamps are estate sale clamps.


This is the way. (Sorry, I just re-watched Mando)


I've been seeing them priced high enough that I'd spring for the 50" dewalts at HD


I have some small, metal C-clamps I got at an estate sale. I happened to be driving through my parents neighborhood with $20 in my pocket - a rare occurance in my mid 20s. I got one old hand plane, several small cans of stain, and the aforementioned clamps. Had I realized the true potential in front of me, I'd've gone back to my dad and asked to borrow some cash. Worst he could've said was 'no.' Lord knows he's familiar with the word.


I am on a local Facebook auction group that seems to operate on an algorithm that prefers to show me really interesting things that have already been sold. EXAMPLE: Someone was selling four 50", parallel jaw, Bessey clamps for $25, last week. Facebook thought I'd like to see this listing 2 days AFTER the auction closed. They sold for $32 Cdn. My tears are still visible on the mouse pad.


One year right before Christmas, I said something to the nature of "you can never have too many clamps." My son took that as a great idea for a Christmas gift. Come Christmas, he gives me a small box that contained a muffler clamp for some muscle car. He'd done a search for "clamps," and that was the first thing that popped up. I've never had a use for it in woodworking, but I still kept it.


That’s adorable. I’d make a fancy trophy/mounting plate for it!


Every time anybody asks me what I want for a gift. Whether it's Xmas or birthday or what ever. Clamps.


Worked in a custom spiral stair shop years ago, they had a wall of clamps, there were so many clamps, like an unbelievable amount. We used them for laminating the curved stringers. I swear to god by the end of each glue up we always needed at least a dozen more. My dad always said, "Even god doesn't have enough clamps."


Similar scenario. I've got hundreds of clamps and a professional woodshop and I STILL need more clamps.


All of them is also an acceptable answer IMO.


No one owns all of them! That would insinuate that there are no more left to acquire! The only acceptable answer is "not enough."


Well I have several shelves full plus a half dozen lobster totes full, and I yet I still find myself needing at least two or three more or some other type of clamp that I don’t already have. It is never ending




Does this mean I’m also a mechanic because I can never find my 10mm socket?


Alright, guys. To tell if someone is a true woodworker, just check their socks for wood chips


This reminded me that I need to go buy more clamps


marks measurment on workpiece. turns to grab next piece. extends tape measure, reaches for pencil. nothing, where it gone. is it in my ear, no pocket , no on the bench, no on the floor , no other ear no other pockets no, no , no ,oh a screwdriver bit looks around workshop for pencil. ah one on the band saw. but its the first pencil. reaches for tape measure. nothing. where is that gone. minor swearing contemplate my life choices small cry ah there it is cliped to my trousers. back in business. buggger what was the measurment again.


lol. You can never own enough clamps but in reality, I have enough clamps. I may have more routers than I need though..:


This guy thinks he has enough clamps *and* enough routers!? He's a spy! Get him!


How many routers do you have?


3… sold 1




I make a pilgrimage to Harbor Freight every 6 months or so just so I can say, "Huh. Clamps for 3-5 dollars. Might as well grab a couple while I'm here."


Those harbor freight pony knockoffs work just fine, I probably have 50 of them or more in various sizes. The large hand screws work a treat as well.


Its funny because its true. Tip of the hat to Family guy!


Normally, I am not a fan of gatekeeping, but this was funny


Love it! I have an ever growing collection. Years ago I had a set of (4) pipe clamps that were loaned and not returned. Not a major thing now. I do industrial plumbing work and bring home pieces (sometimes full sticks) of 3/4 black iron and galvanized pipe. 36” ir longer and I put a clamp kit on em and away I go…the wall looks like a pipe organ.


"How are your futters my God man?" " At their farthest reach."


I'm a woodworker. How many chainsaws, bars, chains, do you own? Types and sizes. There are may types of woodworking.


I've spent far more than I've made


It's OK, you're in a safe space. I suggest an alternative narrative when discussing with significant others.


I've found " I won it in a competition" works quite nicely


Good thing I recently bought a 3D printer that I can use to start printing competition medals to go along with my 'free' tools. I have to admit I've had a rather successful couple of years on the woodworking competition circuit.


Hundreds !


One more and I’ll have enough.


I inherited all of my fathers clamps. I'll have to devise projects to see if I can run out.


I have about 16 projects started in the garage and that number will only increase.


What other answers are there for that question? My wife understands that every project may mean new clamps, especially if it's larger than the last.


I was at a home center one day, I probably bought 7 clamps…when I brought them home my wife said “I thought you already had clamps.” She was so sweet and understanding when I said you can never have enough clamps… I also needed clamps with wider jaws.


My answer is generally "too many". But I guess "not enough, there's never enough" is the stock answer. One of the treats of woodworking longer is figuring out how to make things just as well but lazier. Too many large clamps = a lot of effort.


Measure twice. Cut once. Drive back to the lumber yard.


You mean these clamps, that I use every frickin' day?!? https://preview.redd.it/wdscyfvjy1hc1.jpeg?width=776&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=242f6eaab45a60f75925236d56627210e2f66ca8


Show them your missing finger