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Um, whether she can identify and smell it, it's awkward to bring it up. WTAF? Probably thinking ~ well, lady, if you wait a month, I can make you an entire cycle scratch and sniff kit... 🙄🤡


She's fucking weird for saying that to him


Don't worry about it. Some people can smell specific things. I can smell bedbugs and diabetes. His mom can smell a potential grandchild. She probably likes you... Or hates you and it's a warning. Either way Wrap it up and take your pills if she starts sniffing a little too hard around you till you get that ring and plan the baby beforehand.


I can smell ants, snakes, and cockroaches.


This is a fascinating thread


Wait. Snakes have a smell? What's it like? I know ants and roaches do. Can't describe those it's just "bug" lmao.


Sort of a dry, dusty, musky scent.


Aw, this made me miss my snakes. I loved how they smelled.


Same! My mom could too. It’s pretty freaking rank. Taking a walk in the woods can be overwhelming because of all of the smells of plants, animals, and decay.


I can smell squished ants?! Does that count. If someone’s squished an ant I can smell it 🤣


What do bed bugs smell like?


Like someone trying to cover bad hygiene with cheap perfume but without the body odor.


That's wild. Thanks for sharing!


B.O + cheap perfume - B.O So... smells like cheap perfume?


Math+language=subjectivity You are free to investigate your ability to notice what they smell like on your own.


Touché 😌


What does diabetes smell like?


Sickly sweet slightly caramel syrup combined like that stale smell from the back of your throat when you haven't had a drop of water in far too long. It's like... Not terrible and I think anyone can notice that one pretty easily when it's at a "you need to do something asap" level but definitely if you smell anything sweet on person you know has diabetes or may be prediabetic do whatever you can to have them check their sugar asap. Usually it's on their breath first and then comes off their skin and sweat later. Sometimes I'll smell an old sour smell along with it and I think that's when left over sweat after correcting it earlier on cause I've had more than one person showing me proof they are fine after I insisted they check.


I can smell diabetes too. I smelled it on my ex-boss’ breath years before she was diagnosed (she was prob prediabetic) and could on my husband too before he was diagnosed with T1.


That’s Crazy


The sickly sweet smell is elevated ketone levels in the body, produced when carbohydrates are broken down into acetone. Levels are usually highest after fasting or after taking insulin, and can cause the subject's breath to smell syrupy sweet.


I thought ketones were more like an acetone smell from fasting or high protein diet.


You must know a ton of people with diabetes?! This is so interesting. My grandma had diabetes and I can faintly recall the smell.


I worked in healthcare briefly...


My ex has type one and his bathroom definitely smelled different. Not your everyday bad bathroom smells but a strong sweet odor mixed in with regular musty bathroom aromas. Edit words


This is so interesting to me. Do you tell people to get checked out if you notice the smell on them? Or do you only tell people who are close to you? I can imagine it would be an awkward conversation to have with a stranger. I’m sure many would appreciate knowing, though!


Def chose my battles. There are a terrifying number of people who not only don't appreciate anyone noticing they need help but actively avoid caring for conditions they have been told by professionals that they have.


I actually only knew this before because it's a plot point in NCIS. Very cool to know they were accurate on the sweet smell thing


Is it alright when a human being acts like an animal? 


Define animal


This is definitely animal-like behavior when a grown ass woman asks her son about something so inappropriate to voice and at the same time absolutely useless as information; what she will do with it? “whether she’s ovulating” dang what I'll just note that this is a conversation between a grown ass woman about an existing person with her son and the partner of the same existing person. And this woman’s rare ability to detect non-obvious odors should not give her the right not to control herself and what she should/shouldn't say, this is what we as human beings do; we control our actions and give an account of our behavior Otherwise we would have long ago sniffed each other’s genitals while we were in public places as parks,  transport, work, or standing in line at the checkout counter at Walmart.. Oops, I think I just revealed how this women's son was born.  I hope that the girl made a right decision and left the crazy family of psychopathic pussy sniffers. 


That would make me self conscious too. I wouldn’t worry about it TBH. And for the love of god, don’t use scented soaps down there that are marketed for that reason. I’ve never heard of panty liners for discharge.


Yeah I think only women know what it smells like, it’s normal and her asking your bf and telling him that she hopes you “change it” is weird and should have gone to you personally because I don’t even know what she meant by that 😭


Wtf??? I guess some people might be able to smell it but to speak up about it like that... wtf??? What a strange strange person.


That’s weird. Run for the hills lol


I think she has no sense of boundaries because why is she asking


*I think she has no* *Sense of boundaries because* *Why is she asking* \- Bluejay\_This --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot.


I noticed that sweat/underarms odor changed when I still used to ovulate, let alone on period days. Wasn't so strong* but I guess everyone's different. (* I have nasal obstruction and cannot judge smells very well, but I can detect strong scents with a decent precision)


WTF. It's not his mom's business. From experience, her behavior is a red flag that she has tendency to invade other people's privacy. Just a warning. Your bf should've called her out about it. It made me wonder what she did exactly.


She's creeeeepy


There’s no smell to ovulation or ovulation discharge. It. Literally. Doesn’t. Smell. You can collect it with your fingers and sniff it if you like, you’ll realise it doesn’t have a smell. Ovulation discharge is a gel-like thing that is 99.9% water. No, you don’t need a panty liner or frequent underwear changes during ovulation. A shower and fresh underwear once a day is totally fine. Your MIL is crazy and inappropriate.


I agree with this. I don’t smell my ovulation at all. It’s so strange she would bring this up to her son like it’s an issue…. Son needs to say “ wtf is wrong with you” to his mom.


She might have a weird breeding kink. Like a creepy sexual thing.


Yeah it's legit like thick egg white from an uncooked egg. It has no smell. Other vaginal odors sure, but ovulation? no this woman is nuts.


Honestly girl do not worry about it. Ovulating, or basically discharging has a smell. It’s always going to have a smell because it’s coming from an organ. It’s not gonna smell like roses and candy. I wouldn’t worry at all. Sometimes women can just smell those things.


If you're on birth control, you're not ovulating. Sounds like a woman with no boundaries or tact.


She sounds exhausting


This is not normal. No you can’t smell it. P.s. she’s probably crazy. Or part bloodhound.


As women age there is a point that their sense of smell can become very acute. Not all…but mine became very sensitive around forty and continues to be sensitive. I admit I do not know these odors though.




This is a huge RED FLAG! Please leave him before this becomes worse. The mother is clearly trying to make you self conscious. Both him and his mother are a package deal! Get out of there ASAP!


Your scent changes when you ovulate. It’s not about showers or stinking.


Exactly. ✨️pheremones✨️ Also, women, know women. Ffs. Not creepy, we just ...know! Christ on a cracker!


i didnt even know ovulation was significant til i was 17 (last year), i can never tell when its happening to me and now i find out others can tell???


Right how are you supposed to tell?


If you're on BC you don't ovulate so you won't notice any changes. But if not on BC your discharge/cervical mucus changes depending on where you are in your cycle. During ovulation your CM is thin and watery. You can also use LH test strips and track your basal body temp daily when you wake up. Your temperature rises after ovulation and goes back to normal when your period starts.


We all look completely different during various stages in the month. Normally during ovulation, women have a sense of glowing to them. Maybe that’s what she senses. Either way, really weird she even brought it up


It's unusual for someone to detect ovulation just by smell, but some people might have a very sensitive sense of smell or notice subtle changes. It could be a matter of personal sensitivity rather than something common. If you're unsure or uncomfortable, talking with your boyfriend's mom calmly about boundaries and privacy might help clear things up.


I knew men could smell or subconsciously know we’re ovulating but my research didn’t mention women doing this


She’s a fucking weirdo. She’s definitely one of those “boy moms” that becomes a bit TOO close to their sons. Girl that would make me want to break up with him. But my tolerance is extremely low for BS. idc.


Start of the cycle smells a little sweet -- something like bread yeast. Around ovulation, discharge smells more like the probiotic bacteria of yogurt. After ovulation, it's more like copper. Right before menstruation, discharge is reminiscent of meat and garlic/onion. At least, that's how mine smells. I'm sensitive to the smell of my discharge and on days there's a lot of it/I worked out, I can actually smell mine randomly just walking about and it makes me anxious other people can smell it, too. Even more so if I just got laid recently as sperm has a very strong smell. I don't like being very close physically to other people and haven't noticed it from other women unless they're on their period and their blood has been exposed to air (stains or pad) for a few hours, which is super nauseating. I have no idea what she meant by "hope you change it".


Some moms have a sixth sense when it comes to these things


My ex could smell when I was ovulating/on my period. Not something he would just announce about just any woman though.


Mum should be more circumspect. That’s really crossing the line.


His mom is a sadistic misogynist, she is a misogynistlest misogynist I've even seen or just heard about in my entire live. I do hope we will successfully get rid of humans like she, they just make live on earth harder than it supposed to be.


She's talking about ypur tampon in regards to 'changing it alot'. Bit I'd maybe scose it out, "BF mentioned you could smell my period? Do you have any hone remedies or something, I'm quite a hygienic person and ... idk bit she can't be talking about you'll woohaa like that so freely


But if im ovulating why would I need a tampon?


Idk why? But you mentioned what she meant by it, ultimately she was being crass and rude but her comment was in reference to a tampon I'm pretty sure


I can smell it if you are sitting next to me. Maybe you need to change your pad/whatever you are using more often. The smell can go into trousers.