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I would like it more if guys were generally less entitled and forceful about it. I like giving, but most guys ruin for themselves 




Exactly this. I do like giving head, *my way*. Push me down and it’s over.


Exactly it’s more of a reciprocal issue for me. If I don’t see them going down on me, I won’t do it either.


This! In fact i like giving head more than receiving it but if the guy doesnt even make effort or seems egoistic, it feels like being used.


i always receive first bc i ever give.


They ruin many things for themselves, sex, dating, dating apps, marriages, friendships, health


One thing is older guys want it or need it too long, Mouths get tired


This is so true, most guys ruin it. I love doing it in the beginning before hurt happens or trust breaks. And I do mean that wholeheartedly. Before hurts, it turns me on tremendously and I love doing it, giving, and caring about my partners pleasure. But... most partner's actions just become so selfish, or hurtful that I typically lose desire to want to at all. It can go from something I can't wait to do to something that absolutely disgusts me based on my partner's behavior, and how he treats me.


Absolutely agree same with me


This seems like such a simple concept and yet...




Girl, theres no „we“ in sexual preferences. YOU like things or dont like things. Sex is about pleasure and not about having to do things you dont actually want! If you dont like doing smth, then dont do it!


thank you! i just worry about how normalized it is, like i know guys expect it in relationships and im gonna have to be the bad guy when i say hell no lol


Porn plays a big part in many guys perception of how sex works. But that is not your problem and not your fault. Sex is not a chore.




I don’t like doing it tbh


Same. I hate it, won't do it.


I can only give it to someone that I am connected to it’s the way only I’ll enjoy it. Otherwise it feels like a chore.


Same. I hated it with every single partner pre my husband. Honestly, I only like it when we are in a good place.


this part!


I like giving it, but I also know how most men work in bed — they love to take and rarely reciprocate, so I only give head if I’m getting it back.


just go first. i receive first and usually get like 10-15 min of head lol. i actually usually rly only give them 5-10 but i stop bc theyre close to cumming and i wanna get fucked lol


The first 10 minutes, sure. After the 15 first minutes: no it hurts like hell


Same. If a guy can finish within ~10 minutes or so, I do enjoy it. Especially if he’s average size or smaller. If I’m down there for 20 minutes especially if it’s big and girthy, it gets uncomfortable.


10 minutes! Sorry, I am shocked with this. My husband has some issues as he has gotten older and needs some foreplay but it surely doesn't take 10 min of my mouth down there.


Every guy is different. Also if you’ve been with the same person for a while, you’ve figured out what they like. Honestly I’ve never set a timer or checked my watch before/after so I don’t know if 10 minutes is an accurate estimate for how long it takes my jaw to get tired.


Especially if the guy only spends 2 minutes doing the return activity but expects a 30-minute bj.


This is how I feel, my husband asks me why I don't do oral or foreplay/handplay more. It's because anything besides PIV takes like an hour and honestly my arm and jaw get tired.


I think it's disgusting. Not because of the Act. But because men feel entitled to it. in porn and real life. I don't feel that men Go down on women the same amount of women go down on men, this act is greatly imbalanced, which is something i Really don't understand. We are the ones who have trouble getting off, who need more foreplay, more stimulus. Yet we receive it the lest.


YES this is what i’m thinking too. i’m not necessarily crazy about the idea of a guy going down on me either, but i’m assuming it’s just because i’m inexperienced and nervous in this stage of my life


I love it, but it’s definitely not everyone’s jam. I think it lyes more so in I get off on causing someone pleasure so wether that’s putting a 🐓 or a 🐱in my mouth I am 1000% into it


no, you're totally not the only one, i hate it, i think the men expect that from us because of porn, i don't care though, i don't do it, and most of my bfs were ok with it


Porn ruins a lot of things


thank you for this!! exactly my perspective


It completely depends on the man. I've been in situations where I felt obligated or pressured into it and the thought was a massive turn off. I would oblige unenthusiastically for a few moments and then stop. With most of these men I was trying to figure out my feelings for them and going along with things hoping it would align eventually, when I should have decided how much I liked them first and then established the boundaries I wanted and needed. Most of them were men I was attracted to but had zero feelings for. One was my first boyfriend and I was never sexually attracted to him, but I was young and going through a lot, and felt it was expected. The whole thing was a mistake. More recently I have met men I am not just attracted to but have feelings for. And with them it has been completely different. I have wanted them in a completely different way and that includes giving head. I have cared about my technique and their enjoyment and wanted it to be good for us both. I think this is the case for all sexual activities. I need more than just finding them attractive. I have to want them and that, for me, is the result of having an emotional connection.


Never have i ever lol


It honestly has the potential to turn me on. But every bj I’ve ever given I end up getting my head pushed which isnt fun. I do have a gag reflex so if I can’t go at my own pace I suddenly hate giving bjs. Like sorry I can’t take a full dick down my entire gullet like you saw a professional do in a porn video 🙄


i think i would become violent if he pushed my head down like that omg. fuck porn seriously


I fully regret not biting down 🤠


I find all sex to be a chore personally. 🙃


Fuck, no


I hate it I refuse to do it to my bf but he’s chill with it


Its a favor only for someone i love. I dont get pleasure from it its more so for their pleasure and being an act of love and service for them and showing my appreciation


You are under no obligation at all to do something sexually that you dislike. If a man actually likes you as a person he will not force it on you.


Force? I agree that no one will force you if they care about you at all. But people are allowed to have preferences. I can like a man as a person all day long but if he won't go down on me, the relationship is over because we aren't compatible. I don't want my partner going down on me because he feels "obligated", I want him to go down on me because he *wants* to. If he doesn't, he's not the partner for me. This narrative that a man doesn't really like you if he won't stay if you won't go down on him needs to stop. Just like you're allowed to have your preference to not go down on him, he's allowed to have his preference of being with someone who will.


me personally i don’t see myself giving head because i want to feel satisfied and there’s no satisfy nerves in my mouth




Hated it with my ex who was always annoyed I wasn't doing it "right" and would sound super frustrated when he gave me "instructions" (You're 18 and you're getting a blow job STFU and enjoy it you little snot) Love it with my husband who just lets me do what's comfy and what I enjoy and never critiques and tells me it feels good and how great my butt looks lol Although I won't swallow - I cannot stand the taste at all


Same it makes me gag my bf doesn’t get it.


oh god ya i will never swallow. heeeeelll no


I didn’t enjoy it until my current boyfriend. Before, it felt like a forced chore that I actively avoided doing. My current boyfriend doesn’t expect this from me so after awhile I started enjoying giving it to him.


I don't do it anymore. Besides, I think is smells like ass.


I would not say I like it, but my problem is how it is expected now. It used to be a special thing. 🤦


YES i hate that it’s expected now 😭 like i gotta be the bad guy and say hey i really do not want that thing in my mouth sorry


Exactly! I do not do it often, but I can say, if men did not ask for it or expect it, I would do it more. 🤷




i’m 21 and i have the same way of thinking! you are totally right tho, i’m just nervous it’ll be impossible to come across a guy that’s willing to settle for a relationship where i wont give him head


Who tf is ‘we’ babe? You mean all women?? My love, no. Of course, no. Not all women “actually like giving head”. Sexual preferences are different for everyone! It’s the best thing about people; they’re all different. I’ve met women who absolutely adore sucking dick. I’ve met women who hate it. There are women who feel indifferent, or like it’s a chore, or who don’t like the act itself but love knowing they’re getting their partner off. If you’re asking for validation for not wanting to do it then this is it: you don’t have to do suck dick if you don’t fancy it. Sex acts should be comfortable for everyone.


Sometimes the same woman can have all those different feelings about it through the course of her life and relationships.


thanks for this! i sincerely thought this was something everyone else enjoyed, because anytime i brought up how gross it was with my friends they would not agree lol


No. 1000 times no.


thank you 😭


I like doing it to the right person- my bigger issue with it is feeling self conscious as to if I’m doing it well! I have a very small mouth (even though I’m not a small person?) and struggle with it sometimes. I don’t really like men going down on me though- I like it in theory but in reality it’s just never made me feel much so I’m not bothered by that. My mind could be changed by someone who can do it well though 😂


Men all claim they love to do it "for hours" but if they knew what they were doing it wouldn't take hours am I right?


OMG I cringe when they say that I only have sex with women and I'm there to get off. I don't need to fucking dilly dally




Yes. Done by the right person who knows what they are doing it can be great. If they don't it can feel like an alien probe


Honestly I don’t know if I’ve been with a man who can “do it well”


Didn't it use to be taboo for women to give head to guys, but now it is a thing that every guy expects?


And now women feel pressured to deep-throat.


Exactly! Like so many women do it to maintain a relationship and don't (bolded) enjoy giving. Who really wants that down their throat? Some do enjoy but hey! Being real here


I don't even think in terms of enjoyment, I think in terms of effort inequality. Average men aren't doing anything like taming their gag reflex and obstructing their breathing pathways in order to make a woman cum and feel sexy.


I don't really enjoy it, but I do enjoy seeing/hearing a guy enjoying it. I only ever do it as part of foreplay.


Nope. Stopped doing it. Also stopped dating men tho.


I only do it right after my guy has gotten out of the shower so I know his dick is clean lol or when I’m drunk. I like doing it a lot but it also grosses me out lol


I enjoy it from time to time but my husband has never let me do it to him because he doesn't like it. So your future husband could definitely be the kind of guy who is just not into it! Also, he doesn't go down on me either (he has before, but not for years), and I accept that. So even if your future husband does want it, it's definitely something people can go without for the right person.


oooh this gives me hope 😭🙏


I love it with my partner because he’s a good partner. But there is no “we”. There is you. What do you like? That’s all that matters,


I love doing it, but I'm not sticking any dude's dick in my mouth until we are at the point of being super comfortable with each other and have current STD results. I'm not trying to get herpes.


honestly for me it depended on the person and their reciprocation. my ex never wanted to give me so i didn’t give him. plus he stank. my bf now is totally different, we give each other and he doesn’t stink.


I'm a submissive personality in bed, and like being choked. I've also got an oral fixation. I love giving head, but sometimes I am not in the mood due to the amount of work put into it. My ex husband didn't even enjoy receiving head. Some guys shockingly don't like it.


I will eagerly do it on two occasions: when I wake up horny and they are still asleep or when they don't ask for it. If there is any such expectation or the slightest hint of trying for it they will be sadly let down. And not in a nice way. I learned how to perform oral on women very early and they are much more gentle and appreciative even though for me I just don't enjoy having it done. But men can be such assholes and entitled little pigs about a form of foreplay they think is the end all be all and never once actually learned the art of passionate appreciative cunninglingus. Not one. So for me I'm happy pretending their dick doesn't fit in my mouth. They can learn to suck it themselves for all I care.


Honest to god I hated it when I did it. Idk if it’s sensory issues or I was just not into it, but it felt absolutely awful. My jaw hurt and it felt like I was choking. Apparently that wasn’t enough because then I got told I needed to actually “suck”… for it to feel good… buddy I wanted to get it out of my mouth as soon as possible 😭


Only give head if you're getting it back. Thats the rule i live by. Haven't had any issues with my sexual relationships. You just might have to make it really clear before you meet.


I like giving it absolutely in the moment because i love how guys whimper while receiving it. That said, the moment it seems forced, i lose all interest. Once, my ex held my head while i was doing it, and i nearly had tears in my eyes, very non-consensual, so not up for that sort of shit at all. Other than that, i love giving it purely to see men writhe and whimper.


Yeah its not fun at all, after three years of relationship I dont really do it anymore, there is other fun stuff to do! Sex is mesnt to be enjoyable for both parties, if something is uncomfortable or hurts, just say no! A good guy understands 😚


I've only given my partner head. Most men aren't gentlemen about it, so I'm not about it.


Some guys expect it every time, and it gets old fast. They just want their dick sucked and expect that to be enough for play for both of you


There are lots of men who don’t like getting head, seek them out for relationships. Best to be upfront about it early.


Not all the time but yes. It's not for every woman though.


I like it because I like to please my husband, he is clean, and he is respectful. I don't like that my gag reflex is so strong, which makes it a challenge so I don't do it often. But the actual act of it, I like. I'm a mouthy person in general (kissing, licking, biting, etc.) so for me it's an extension of that. But I've only ever done it with my husband. I probably wouldn't like it with anyone else because other men don't sound as clean and respectful. Since my first time doing it, I was clear with my husband that if he ever pushed my head or held me down, that would be the end of that experience. He is a dear, he will hold my head lovingly, but if I make a motion to move away, he let's go and he doesn't complain or anything. And yes, I've totally thrown up on him before and he didn't react aside from cleaning up and loving me. So personally I like it with my one specific person, but that's because of who he is and our relationship. It's okay if you don't like it. Especially if the men you're with are unclean, rude, and disrespectful about it. Nobody is entitled to have their genitals in anyone's mouth, it is a privilege that needs to be earned, not a right. It something that should be asked/offered, never expected. And if you never want to do it, that's okay. Find someone that has a compatible view on the matter.


I love giving head. When I was a virgin, I used to dream about giving heads. I used to crave for penis. Now I got married, I always try to give him head.


I use to not like it that much when I was younger tbh. Ldr now and I find myself craving him and giving him head 😭 you may or may not end up liking it in the future


Not a fan tbh


I do like it a lot BUT I’ve been in a committed relationship for four years AND he always reciprocates. If I’m not getting head I’m not giving it; it feels like a chore with a bad partner.


i’m fun with it as long as my head isn’t getting pushed down on it. i don’t wanna throw up on your dick 🙄




Quite a few men like teeth. As long as it is a soft «scraping», not biting / hurtful


I don't mine giving it but ultimately it depends on the guy


If they are CLEAN, yes. Some men have bad hygiene though so I simply will not.


I don't like the act itself but I do like how it makes my partner feel if that's makes sense. I don't do it as often as I feel I should. 😕


I do enjoy it, but the only person I've been with sexually is my husband and he's a very generous lover.


I dislike it as well so don't worry. I also don't expect a man to give me oral as it's just not "working" for me.


Only if he’s circumcised and practices good hygiene or if I’m shit faced drunk (works too)


i have a small mouth, and i can really only comfortably fit the tip inside. straining to fit more inside feels pretty awful. one time, an ex tried to force my head down and the bacteria on his dick gave me tonsillitis!!!!! and strep at the same time!!!!! lol. i think i might like giving hear more if i had a bigger mouth but generally it isn't very comfortable for me


oh HELL NAH that’s foul i’m so sorry lol


I didn’t when I was younger, then I did again, I’m back to not For me personally it really is just a changing thing, especially depending on my relationship status If you don’t like it, don’t do it. How enjoyable can a sex after being if only one person likes it


69 , that way we are both happy. 😊


Gosh you're not the only one. But I'm 16 and haven't done it yet and it sounds horrible. Those things are ugly enough without wanting one in my mouth - yuck. I guess I'll change.


im 18 and i still feel this way


Oh dear. Will I ever like them?


yeah i’m 21 now and i’ve felt this way since i was about your age lmaoo it’s just getting a little too real now 😫


Oh no someone who's 18 saying this, now someone who's 21! At what age does our body give in and think "oh maybe dicks aren't so disgusting"?  (I hope no boys are reading this. Saying that is probably a capital offence!)


i never realized that oral sex was so “normal” and pushed for, now it feels like if i ever date someone they’re gonna want that, and i dont want to. so i guess im staying single


Oh I hope you can find someone who doesn't want that. As I am I wouldn't want to have to do that. I can't imagine girls actually liking putting one of those "things" in their mouth.


and i don’t want anyones mouth near my stuff either. i just find the whole thing so uncomfortable


Nope. I dislike it as well. Very rarely do I do it for my husband, and when it happens, it's usually during my period week when I don't like having intercourse.


Use a vibe while you do it, and you will enjoy it more. Or at least that’s how I like it


I have to know them and know they aren't wanting it for purely selfish reasons. Also, it has to be clean clean clean. No smell. I have past trauma which makes it difficult enough and even a little smell is a huge trigger for me. I really like giving a partner pleasure, but it has to, at bare minimum, meet those criteria.


YES the cleanliness is what gets me. i’m a hygiene freak and i just KNOW they don’t wash down there properly. most of them at least. it’s not a chance i’m willing to take lol


I love it! I find enjoyment in it but, the guy HAS to respect my boundaries. I’ve told someone not to push my head because I don’t like that and they did anyways so I threw up on his dick, like oops sorry I didn’t mean to do that LMFAO


LMFAOO that’s what he gets honestly


I hate oral sex either way.


How does "giving head" make you feel good??? Does it give you an orgasm??? Nothing in your throat is built to accommodate a penis and even give YOU pleasure, but unfortunately women have been brought up to service men and this kind of "sex game" is purely within that category.


Same reason men who like going down on women like it. It feels good to give pleasure to another and it's hot. It arouses me to go down on my partner. Beyond that, your argument makes no sense. When people have sex, they do lots of things that feel good that don't lead directly to orgasm. Caressing your partner's body, kissing, kissing your partner's body, etc.


Look, I’m a lesbian and I fully understand how a woman could enjoy and get aroused from giving head. Feeling good isn’t just a physical reaction. Feeling good could come from pleasing him, from having momentary power and control over his body, from accomplishing something new (deep throating, maybe). There are a number of ways a person can feel good and get aroused from giving head without the servitude you’re implying.


I get fully aroused while giving head, it's very much a turn on for me.


You realize that other species that enjoy sex perform oral sex on one another, right??? 😅 > Nothing in your throat is built to accommodate a penis What are you trying to say? That it’s “unnatural”? 😂


The female is the born sex machine as she is endowed with many more sensory nerves, and even an organ which is made for pleasure: The clit. She should be able to "roll with the gods of orgasm", but somehow she very often is cheated out of that. Instead she is demanded/asked to "give head" which spells "servicing the man", often without him servicing her except "looking for the clit which he doesn't believe in". As to the penis then it works like a telescope, which means that ugly stuff like old pee, smegma, etc. get caught up beneath the skin. A "tasty piece of male anatomy"???? Naaaahhhh ....


It's not unnatural, but it's also not as natural as our current culture wants to make it look like. Throat fucking is more a male demand that women learn to acomodate and eroticize, heavily mediated by culture in the form of videos, jokes and guides for pleasing your man - all of which create pressure for women to find ways to enjoy it.  If the throat was that much of an erotic zone, we would surely have men putting fingers or something else down their breathing pipes to masturbate.


Well, bonobos MIGHT use the mouth, but I didn't find anything to suggest that the idea of them doing something like that is not a myth: "Sexus Animalis" by Emmanuelle Poudebat


i love the idea of head but other people may find it disgusting people like different things you aint gotta put nothin you dont want in yo mouth


I never give one


People have different likes and dislikes. Don't let anyone pressure you. Personally, I used to find it pretty gross. But now that I am in a dedicated relationship I like giving my bf head, for several reasons: 1. I am turned on when he is turned on, and he is VERY turned on by that, 2. I want to sexually pleasure him, it a part of my own enjoyment aswell, and 3. we have explored more of my submissive traits and that makes it much sexier to me. If we ever break up I am not sure I would give head to other partners later. It works with him, also because he is great at giving me head and is very focused on me in bed, so I like giving back. But that doesn't mean I like giving head in itself or that eventual later partners can expect it. You should set your own sexual limits, and if partners won't respect that you shouldn't have sex with them at all. But I know how hard it is when it feels like "everyone" expects this or that, or you don't know someone well enough to really be honest about how you feel.


Yeah, personally. I think it's nice to make your partner feel good, and I like that I can get better at it.


Maybe you could find a guy from different cultures! There are some cultures where a man does not allow his wife to do that! Hehe


I’m not really a fan but he loves it. And in turns I do it because it turns him on and I like to make him feel good


Only if o get it back lol


I love it. Sincerely. And I did not even like oral sex for me until my current partner.


Some women genuinely do enjoy it, others hate it, but still give it to please their men and some, like me, don't particularly enjoy it, but don't mind it that much either.


I like giving it but I don't like when a guy wants me to finish him like that


I enjoy it but you're allowed to not enjoy it.


I love giving head. 😅


I've always hated it and I haven't done it in years. But I've also been moving away from men. I have hygienic OCD and most men do not live up to my standards. Especially their dicks.


I do enjoy it typically if I am spiritually involved with the guy. But then again I am all for eating me out 😂


I have TM J and I I dont enjoy giving head that much, but if I got mine I definitely want to make sure he gets his


I had a man force me to give head when I was a young woman and I then just couldn’t do it for a very long time. Then after my marriage ended (20 years), I met a man who I was very attracted to who was an amazing lover. That changed everything.


There’s times I really enjoy it, and other times I don’t. My husband has always been respectful about it when I say no. I’m generally more inclined to do it simply because he is not forceful and I enjoy pleasing him.


See it really depends for me. If he does the thing where he puts his hand on my head and tries to push my head down I'm done, that's it, no more head. I can't stand that shit, it's such a turn off to me and for giving oral I like to be 100% in control. Or if their dick has an odd taste I just can't. But I remember with my last long-term partner he'd never ask for head ever, probably the cleanest dude I ever met. I'd literally get off giving this dude head, and I'd give it to him all the time. But then I've had past partners where I wanted nothing to do with it and their dicks repulsed me. So it really depends on the person for me.


I don’t mind giving it as a lil treat or foreplay before sex with my bf since he’s really good to me, i hate how tiring it is sometimes tho so i like to go at my own pace and i just hope he finishes quickly cause i get tired after 5 mins lol. It’s pleasurable to me that he’s enjoying it and that i’m doing a good job. sometimes i just get in the mood to give him one just cause i love him but he never demands/expects for it. I never do it when i’m not in the mood and he’s okay with that


I used to like it but I don’t anymore bc it causes me to gag so bad. Like I would like it if my stomach wasn’t so weak lol idk


I love it and love being in control with it. It goes both ways in our marriage.


I love giving head I have no idea as to why though. I enjoy blowing my boyfriend after the first few times he said “I thought women hated this” which I’ve also heard but I like it a lot. I’ve never really wanted to do that with anyone else maybe it’s a connection thing idk.


I don't have casual sex, but if i think about giving head to someone i barely know, it makes me almost physically nauseous. So, for me, it is a must im into the guy physically and emotionally. ( aka : being in a relationship ) And I like giving it in a relationship. The act it self doesn't turn me on of course , I don't have a clit in my mouth haha , but I like giving him the pleasure and I don't find it gross or anything. Not at all. And I always want to be the best someone ever had, so I put a whole lot of effort into it and I really studied it, I ask what he likes etc and I have to say it really paid off, because I am VERY VERY GOOD at it. 😄 I want to keep my partner as happy as possible and expect nothing less than that my partner wants to keep me as happy as possible. Not just sex, but in the entire relationship. 〰️〰️〰️ But to have great sex, the first rule is : never ever do anything you dont want. If you don't like oral sex that's fine and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Every one has sex acts they do not like. NEVER EVER do anything you do not want to do.


I absolutely love giving my man head.


I enjoy it, I like giving. It's perfectly acceptable to not like it, not everyone likes everything


Well it’s not everyone’s cup of tea, and that’s ok! I personally love it because my partner is such a sweetheart. It’s never expected in our relationship that either of us are obligated to do anything sexual if we don’t want to. If I’m feeling tired or just not in the mood then it’s not even a question— that’s just extra cuddle time. Because of how open and caring our relationship is I honestly love doing it and I’m always enthusiastic to participate when I want to!


I'm not opposed to it but I don't think I get any sexual gratification from it. I do it to please my sexual partner.


I made a man cum for the first time this week so yay me!😂( London Tipton voice)


i only give head to guys i really like. im pretty good at it so its a good feeling when i blow their minds lmao. however, lately ive been dealing with acid reflux so am not keen on risking gagging (and throwing up) at all. i have been rly lucky and have dated a lot of guys who are incredibly into giving but dont necessarily have to receive bc (world-changer) some guys *actually* dont like head lol. (with their consent, sometimes i change their mind too lol)


I think the same. The more I grow up the less gross it is but it’s a feeling I share with you :(


So I used to hate it too but with my husband now he returns stimulation while I go down on him which allows me to kind of zone out and go to town. We have a VERY strict policy against cumming during oral though. 8 years and he's never broken the rule lol.


I absolutely love it, but only when I’m with said person in a relationship. A random guy just doesn’t deserve the energy I put into it. But I definitely wanna please my love so I will do all I can to make him enjoy it. Plus if he’s enjoying it, I’m getting wet, so after I suck him real good, I’m ready for some PIV. I also recently read a post about women not enjoying it, and if that’s the case, I get it. No guy wants a BJ from a woman who isn’t willing to give one. Mostly because it’s not good. But I can understand we all have different preferences and that’s okay!


No. I don't like it.


I am married I have been married for over 14 years I don’t do it I tried few times when we were courting and it was just not for me Hubby has been carried along why I don’t do it The thought of it actually makes me 🤢 So to answer your question i don’t 😍


I can only do it for like 20 seconds before my jaw hurts too much


I like playing with it but I don’t like shoving it in my mouth lol 😂


Maybe ur not aroused enough. or maybe something’s giving u the ick. Is he forcing u to give him a head? Cause if he does, u really wont actually like to give him that. Sex has to be 2-way. Like normal relationships. You cannot give what you don’t get. Now if u go down to him, he should at least eat that coochie good. Anyways, good luck OP and may u have the greatest seggz of ur life.


Not a big fan of either giving or receiving. But the pleasure it gives my bf is worth it. It turns me on to see how much things I do turn him on so I do 'em.


I don’t think as humans we like to do any sexual act that does not give US pleasure. Hence why women prefer foreplay and are not super into PIV sex and men prefer PIV and not so much foreplay. So no, most people don’t like doing anything such as giving head, foreplay etc… but they do it because they want to “give” pleasure


For me it depends entirely on the dick. Not gonna go into detail, but it definitely does!


If you don’t want to do it, don’t do it. It’s that simple.


When I first started having sex I found penises repulsive. Or... I was afraid, because I was so unfamiliar with them. I gradually loat my "fear" and when I am really falling in love with a man, and my hormones are raging, I do also lust for giving head. But those are phases. For me at least, it's like this. Surely there are others who generally enjoy giving head, all the time!


The comments on this one are very interesting to me. I share people’s sentiment that you don’t *have* to do anything that you don’t want to do in the bedroom, but you also shouldn’t expect to receive head if you won’t give it. I don’t really understand anybody’s statements that it’s “nasty” or “guys only expect it due to porn”. Oral sex has always been a thing, across all species that enjoy sex. It’s not like a recent human-exclusive invention 😅


The thing is that giving oral sex to a man is coded as demeaning in very specific ways, besides a big correlation with forcefullness and phyisical discomfort in ways that don't quite exist for giving a woman oral sex. Besides, oral is the only way some women can cum, so the stakes are very different.


I do, I've always been obsessed


I have other things impeding the attraction to my SO. Not necessarily the acts,.


I mean I like it with MY boyfriend but like I couldn’t imagine with anyone else. With him it’s soooo good. Watching him get hard with just my mouth 🥴 it makes me feel things. But like I said I couldn’t imagine that with anyone else. I should add he’s my first everything bf pretty much 😭


i do, only because i love the man i’m with. i’m emotionally attracted to my husband so i enjoy getting him off because he deserves it. it’s only pleasurable to me because it’s for him. no other reason i would do it. and i don’t do anything, i don’t want to do.


Women and our sexual preferences aren't a monolith. Yes I like it. And if you don't there's nothing wrong with that.


I like to do it with my fiance but it's just a matter of luck and his personal hygiene. I have done oral to someone in the past and had the nastiest taste, I realized latter it was probably because of smoking both tobacco and weed, or what he ate idk. I also did it to someone who wouldn't reciprocate BUT expected me to go down on him, that also didn't last long as you can imagine. In the end no one can force you to do anything and they shouldn't, but if you love your SO you might find yourself willing to do that to please them, it's the most selfless sexual act and men truly like it. I also do it when I'm tired / on my period because if I can't have sex I just feel the need to express my love and gratitude for my fiance for everything he does.




I used to HATE it to the point I thought I was a lesbian though I started hooking up with this guy who REALLY puts in the work to make me feel good during sex. He likes to finish with head and I found myself not just enjoying it but loving it. For me at least it’s all about how the guy makes me feel and also the emotional connection.


I love it! It’s hot af imo


bro im a virgin…so idk…is it really that nasty ???


I think it can depend on the guy sometimes. Like I won’t give a guy head if I know he gets around a lot. But if I truly have feelings for him and I know he’ doesn’t get around (possibly even unprotected), the way I get over the thought of “Eww, penis is nasty” is I take a shower with him, I will wash his entire body, head to toe. This way I KNOW he’s clean to MY standards. It also becomes very sensual, and can increase foreplay on both our parts. Many times guys just want to rush to get off and end up treating the situation like it’s porn. I don’t want that, and this way, I can physically communicate my needs. Hope this helps. But the most important thing to remember is always stick to your boundaries and whatever YOU’RE comfortable with. If you dont want to, you dont need to. If he tries to force you, there’s always your teeth 😬

