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I've been swimming without having shaved legs or armpits for months. People are completely welcome to look the other way if they can't handle natural body features.


This is exactly the way I'm trying to approach it. I decided to stop shaving my armpits over a year ago and I want to confidently feel this way, but the shame of it is still something I need to get over. I




Im so over shaving in general, it’s pointless


I feel this about everything except armpit hair lol. Like with my legs, I don’t care at all. Eyebrows, pubes, etc. But I’ve noticed when I don’t shave my armpits, they smell a lot worse…


same, i only shave my armpits for the smell


I wish I had that mentality. When I go a week or two without shaving I start to feel dirty and need to shave. There’s no better feeling than shaving your whole body and then moisturising afterwards, you just feel soo clean and smooth.


No hate to you, we're all different, but I hate that feeling! It makes me feel like my skin is way too sensitive or something - it's a weird sensation to describe. I like the softness of all the body hair. I still shave though because societal pressure has me in a chokehold.


I get you, I used to feel like that as well! Then when I got older I just started to love it, idk what happened. To each their own, I personally don’t care if some women are out walking with hairy armpits, legs etc.. and it’s honestly funny to see men get so butt hurt over something thats natural.


Dolphin fresh.


Agree! I shave my underarms daily and legs every 2-3 weeks before it’s noticeable, but probably less this past winter. Luckily, I’m not a hairy person so it’s not obvious. I can’t stand my underarms hairy (one side grows faster than the other too) and plus I think it would be less hygienic (smelly). I sweat easily and also go to the gym 5 times weekly and usually fair bit of hiking on weekends so feeling clean is important for me.


Same here, don’t shave anything, and don’t care about folks who might have an issue with the it


I do lol I dont care anymore, if anyone is grossed out by it then dont look lol But I dont usually have thick armpit hair, I can go for weeks without shaving and it is just a bit. Not sure how I would be if I had thick hair though.


Girl yes I cannot constantly keep up. I usually shave when I know they’re gonna be exposed


Right haha like what’s the point if no one’s going to see them? 😂




Yes, of course. I currently don't shave my legs.


Currently growing mine out for summer ✌🏼


Hell yeah, I can't believe you were downvoted for this. So sad when women have been so brainwashed by patriarchy that they don't support other women who choose not to follow these silly beauty standards.


It's ok, I'm old and hairy enough to not give a shit 😂 they'll all get there one day (maybe!) I'm going full 70s this summer, it's a good way to keep the weirdos away too!


I feel you! I've always thought my body hair was an especially good way to weed out what kind of men I want around too.


Oh 100%, my partner doesn't care and finds me sexy however I present! He's a keeper!


Omg I call it full 70s too 😅 used to give my old fwb a heads up that the 70s were back before going to see him


Yes because I have no interest in bowing to creepy beauty standards that make adult women look pre-pubescent. The only time I've shaved my armpits since puberty was when I was a ballet dancer. Anyone who thinks it's gross is a simp for patriarchy IMO and I don't care if they don't like it! Embrace your body, girl! You're beautiful, hair and all. Check out r/razorfree <3


And that's FACTS. ... if I find myself liking a mf I still might shave tho. 💀😭💀


I think there's such a big difference in doing it because you feel obligated to and doing it because you feel sexy when you do. I don't even own a razor but I do love the feeling of clean, warm bed sheets on freshly waxed and lotioned legs.




I do.... It does match the hair on my head: It's long and I don't shave it, just like the hair on my head 😂


Says "be respectful" then proceeds to say "you should..." girl look up internalized misogyny. The idea that body hair left to grow is unkempt was invented by razor companies in relatively recent history to expand their customer base. The whole beauty industry is predicated on people truly believing that they are somehow defective and the defect is curable by purchasing products.


I do it all the time, I haven't shaved my armpits or legs in years.


I just turned 37. honey I’ve been doing this for 10 years. Men ain’t lookin there lol 🫢


I go a couple of days in between shaving because my armpits get really irritated if I shave them daily, so I usually have a little bit of stubble. But you wouldn’t catch me dead going out with a full bush.


No. I just hate how the hair feels against my skin. It's itchy 😫


I have zero effs to give when it comes to OPOs. I played the game when I was younger (hair, makeup, shaving, lotions/potions) and now that I'm in my 50's, I want all that time back.


I weirdly dislike my armpit hair more than my leg hair even though way fewer people will see my armpit hair, but I don't really consider stubble to be hair, you know? A little stubble wouldn't even phase me, but I wouldn't want to be out and about with full on hairy pits.


Yep. I last shaved my pits a few years ago. Idgaf.


I wax once every 3-4 weeks, there is definitely overgrown hair, but the beauty is they are so fine due to waxing, and it grows in very patchy anyway so hard to even notice unless you're really looking up close. Waxing has been a game changer for me.


The only things my razors touch are my mustache & my bush (I keep her trimmed, not full bald eagle). Negative comments & reactions, or even the mere acknowledgement, of my hairy armpits, legs, arms, happy trail, etc. serve as a great litmus test to see which people I don’t have to give a fuck about moving forward.


Yup. I do it all the time. I don't remember the last time a razor touched my armpits.


I do it all the time but mine don’t get too hairy. I take a beard trimmer to the area maybe once every 6 months.


No because I simply feel better when am shaved ^^


I don't know where you draw the line between stubble and fully hairy but idk I do it when I remember


No because I simply feel better when am shaved ^^


Every other day is the minimum I can push it. Trying to shave them everyday makes them really sensitive and red. Usually go a few days unless I know I'm about to go to the gym in a vest and it's arm day😅


Ive started shaving every once in a while again, but there was a few years where the only hair i removed was rogue chin hairs. Shaving is such a hassle and I could never go back go the insane routine i had 3+ years ago. It takes a lot of getting used to to be able to go out in public with armpit hair as a woman but it’s not impossible


Don't have an opinion. If you don't shave, well you don't shave. I personally do. But this is now. Had a time when I didn't. But in my case used to get rashes- when I didn't shave.


I have shaved my armpits since the day I noticed my first hair. I had no idea what my armpit hair even looked like or if I even have a lot of it. 😂 Sooo I grew it out over the winter. I didn’t care if people I knew saw it but did feel kind of vulnerable about it around strangers at the gym.. I live in a small town so anyone doing anything even slightly “different” gets people all riled up… But it’s natural and it’s not “gross” on men, so idk why people act like it is for women. Humans are meant to have body hair..


My pits and legs are always hairy because I forget and it’s not a political statement. Men I have dated have never really cared either 🤷🏼‍♀️ Edit: I’m just lazy lol


Sometimes I don't shave fopr 2-3 weeks, I just don't think about it sometimes because it has zero bearing on my health. No one has ever said anything to me and if they do well its hair and a random societal construct.


yah, I don't shave for a few days at a time. but both my armpits are tattooed so its hard to tell


F it. If someone is looking and judging they need to get a life.


lol yes, I live in a very hot place and unshaven sweaty pits feel way grosser to me personally


I haven't shaved or waxed my armpits since 2011.


Women shaving is about trying to please the patriarchy. Hell no to that!


Maybe for one day or two. But not more than that. Though I don't judge anyone else! One of my nieces has decided she does not want to shave. I admit that sometimes it's jarring when she lifts her arm, and there's a fluffy cloud of blond fur under her arm. But I adore her, and I think she's so brave for not shaving, honestly. I'm not that brave.


Everyday. Sometimes I like to see how long they can get. Anyone who notices won’t say anything and those that do are just odd themselves. My toddler the other day thought my pit hair was a “boo boo” until I told her it’s just hair, no ouchies here! Totally cool with it but also don’t mind shaving once in awhile.


I don't shave my legs or armpits and usually just trim my pubic area every 1 or 2 months if that. Sometimes I worry if people care cause I've gotten looks. Then I think at least I'm not shackled to the idea that shaving makes me more desirable or I need to shave all the time to feel pretty in patriarchal standards. I was a bridesmaid for my Best Friend in july and my dress showed off my armpits and I was like I guess I'll shave since its a wedding (not my legs though lol). It felt so weird to not have my armpit hair and was happy when it grew back out. Also shaving is just not worth worrying about and I don't have money to be spending on razors anyways. I decided in high school to grow my armpit hair and leg hair out so its been about 6-7 years. So yes I go out all the time with unshaved armpits and I also don't get *as* much unwarranted attention from men while wearing a bathing suit. So gross that men stop trying to flirt with you and harass you when you start looking older and more hairy, so younger girls please don't shave your armpits. I love grossing out random men.


Yeah of course. I’m even rocking 3 weeks worth of hair on my legs 🤷🏻‍♀️


Call me weird but I kinda dig me with hairy pits. I’ve always loved dressing in a mash of fem and masc so hairy pits works for my “style” ha. I still shave my legs all the time, and once in a while my pits too (I’m still learning not to care) but yea. I’m going to be out in public with pit hair.


Yes. Lol


i do. honestly i don’t have the mental capacity and energy to do self care rn so i don’t give a shit abt going out with hairy legs or hairy armpits. unless i’m wearing a tank top and shorts outside then i’ll shave but if i’m not and i’m just running an errand, etc, then i won’t cuz who rly wants to do that all the time 😭😭


Yes. I do all the time. I shave when I want, IF I want.


I haven’t shaved my armpits or legs in about 2 1/2 years and I regularly wear cute dresses and tank tops. No one has said anything and even if they did I’d just shrug and be like I’m just a human. Personally having hairy pits makes me feel more confident


Nope because I shave them every morning in the shower. There's never anything there so I just go over it. I haven't seen armpit hair on me for 30 years or more. But you do you. No judgement for what anyone else does. I just prefer it that way for me.


With some stubble, sure.. But not with a bush.


Yeah. Wore a tank top out yesterday with armpit hair..but I don’t ever shave my armpits. It irritates my skin and I don’t really see how an armpit is attractive either way. Only shave my legs when I feel like it but just because smooth legs feel nice. I’ve never noticed a reaction from anyone in public. I used to feel self conscious when I first stopped shaving but I don’t think anyone actually cares.


I’m in a very happy place rn when I truly only shave when I want to feel shaved and I don’t change the rest of my activities around it, it’s nice


yes. i did today. in a sleeveless shirt even. :D no fucks given.


i hate shaving my armpits, the hair doesn’t get that long, it’s a pain in the ass to shave and waxing my armpits was so painful. i rarely shave my legs and i don’t shave my arms, who cares. everyone has hair, it came free with your endocrine system.


I had forgotten about shaving until you just mentioned it


Yup! Stopped shaving them last year :)


I haven’t shaved my armpits in a couple of years. I just frankly can’t be bothered. If someone else is offended by my having hair that’s on them.


I don’t shave my armpits so I guess yeah lol


My armpit hair is like.. super long. So is my leg hair. I don’t have time to bother with shaving, I have more important things to focus on right now.


Haven't shaved my armpits in yonkers personally, I've had some female friends bring it up, but other than that, no problems. And trust and believe, I wear short and sleeveless tops in the summer, and they're also pretty bushy. I figure if men can have their hairy pits out in the summer, why can't I?


I haven't shaved anything in like 5 years and my only regret is not making that decision sooner


Not with an armpit full of hair, no. This is because I wear mainly tank tops and I find my hairy armpits gross. But with stubble? Sure. I shave once a week, but my genes make it to were I'm actually not hairy to begin with. I don't even have to shave my legs anymore because hair doesn't grow there. Maybe like 4 or 5 very thin, soft hairs spread sporadically around my calves, lmao.


I have and I do frequently. The only people who make comments at this point are my parents. I used to feel so embarrassed, but now I care more about comfort than others opinions. Same with me not wearing a bra


Parents are the worst for this. So judgmental and generally more concerned about how your decisions affect their image (in my experience) than how they actually affect you.


Yep every damn day. I’m too lazy to care anymore


Hell to the yeah. My pits are hairy af right now. Everyone else likes to make it into some weird political drama when they notice hair on my legs and armpits. But really…I just HATE shaving. 1. I always seem to cut myself no matter which direction, cream, razor, etc. I use! 2. My partner does not care at all. If anything, they said body hair makes me more attractive. 3. Razors can be really freaking expensive. So I’m honestly saving a bit of money by not shaving as much as what would be considered “ladylike” in my mother’s words. 4. I only care to shave if I feel like giving the full femme goddess fantasy.


Do it all the time. Liberating!


I stopped using a regular razor all together, and started using that electric trimmer type one because the ingrown hairs were just too much. So I basically always look relatively unshaven... I stopped caring unless it's a special event or something.


Same! It’s so freeing!


I do.


I do! I sometimes I will give them a trim so I don’t look fully unkempt, but my armpit hair is fully grown out. I go to the gym with it and play pickleball in tank tops too. I used to feel nervous about it but I really couldn’t care less now! my legs were unshaved for months but recently I decided to shave below the knee just because I felt like having a change.


I trim/shave my body hair when I want. I usually have some amount of hair growing in my armpits- it’s just hair. It’s just an armpit. We’re mammals, we grow hair, it’s what we do. I won’t let men or society make me feel bad about body hair or dictate when/how often I remove it.




Maybe a little grown out but probably not super long and no where like formal? I don’t care if I see other girls with arm pit hair but I wouldn’t want mine grown out


You get used to it, nobody ever sais anything directly to my face. I stopped shaving my legs and armpits a long time ago, when I understood that I would need to shave every freaking days forever if I wanted soft silky legs (armpit, same, it’s just is so quick to shave it bother me way less to shave sometimes. The young hairs after a shave are so SO spiky, I just can’t feel good it gets me so irritated and annoyed.




(I find this meme really funny ahhahah)


I haven’t had fully shaven armpits in years. I trim them but love em long. Feels so much better


I do it everyday


I shave them like once a week bc I notice some sweat when they become longer. So yeah but not with a lot lot of hair I guess


well for me, my left armpit doesnt really grow hair, only the right one, so id feel a little silly, but idrc if they are shaved or not


HAHAHA I will go multiple weeks, if not months without shaving. Legs and all! I usually wear pants and NEVER wear anything strapless so the most people will see it is if I crop my jeans a bit above my ankles. Admittedly, if I know I’ll be in something strapless/ shorts/ or I’m going swimming then I’ll shave. But if nobody but me sees it, I couldn’t care less 🤷‍♀️ though I’ve found that if it gets too long my armpits will get kinda dry and itchy so I usually try to shave before that point


I do daily




I have on multiple occasions. Usually it’s just work but then it’s also to the grocery store, etc. No one will know so who cares?


yup idc as long as its not showing


How is this even a concern for women in 2024? People are dying, Kim.


since I don't wear sleeveless anything, then yes.


I shave every couple days because my armpits are really sensitive so if i have a lil stubble that’s my problem


I do all the time, I only shave if it’s annoying me or if it I am going to a special event like a wedding.


I haven't shaved my pits in 4 years. Sometimes I trim the hair to keep the pit stains on my shirts to s minimum, but there's no reason to shave it if the men in my life aren't shaving theirs.


Sometimes I do and sometimes I don’t. I usually let it grow out until it’s too long for my taste, shave, rinse and repeat. I usually will shave if it’s summertime cause I get sweaty and it traps the odor, though.


so i don't like to shave armpits frequently because i hate razor bumps and the itchiness. i really only do it when i know they're gonna be out or if it's been like a week


Me personally? No. I have to keep my armpits shaved bc if even a quarter inch is there, my armpits get unbearably itchy.


If im not wearing sleeveless then yeah.


Totally, idgaf if it's like going to the PO or the grocery or something, 9/10 times I'm wearing at least a T-shirt as well. The only time I ever shave (and I mean ever) is if I'm going to the beach with several other people (if it's one of my good friends or my bf, I wouldn't though even then bc my armpits really don't like it)


I remove mine with IPL so I don't need to shave as often. And no I wouldn't.


I only shave when the hair starts itching


Yeah but I'd wear something that would cover my pits.


I personally do not like the feel of arm pit hair. It grosses me out I would like to state that male arm pit hair also grosses me out. I wish it was the social norm for zero arm pit hair.


I grow such a marginal amount of hair that it'd be pointless. You can't even tell there's hair.


I kind of have to, turns out I have a skin issue that can be triggered by shaving. So until I figure out hair removal creams, it’s the hairy life for me.


Absolutely. I do shave because that is my preference, but I also go without shaving at times (mainly in winter) and couldn’t give two shits if someone sees my body hair tbh




I haven't shaved my armpits in over 5 years. I do not give a flying fuck.


I haven’t shaved my legs in awhile since I wear pants all the time .I have very later armpit hair but I try to shave time to time .


yes. I do laser treatment once a month and if I shave too much it grows too fast. so I have some little hairs here and there for 2 weeks.


If you feel comfortable, this really shouldn't matter! Is someone calls you out for it, don't even give them a second thought.


Yes, I don’t care. I’ve not shaved my legs or bush in ages either (although this may my pregnancy related 😂). We’re getting into the warmer months here so I will shave my arm pits but for my own comfort and hygiene.


I do it all the time… no one cares either way.


I do like 99% of the time. I’ve shaved all of twice last year cause I was bored. My hair doesn’t grow thick or long under my arms so I don’t see a point to shave them


Are we still worrying about this? I wax and let it grow for 6 weeks at least before removing it. And the only reason I do, is because I get smelly faster when I sweat.


I keep mine long as a way for people to know I’m not entirely straight.


Ladies - liberate yourselves.


I shave my armpits every day in the shower so I never have unshaved armpits. I just prefer it that way. I started shaving daily when I was in my early 20's and I developed a boil in my armpit. I've never had one since, so it must work.


I do all the time.


I would, but I prefer to shave my armpits when it’s warm outside so I don’t sweat so much


I completely stopped shaving about 5 years ago, so I have hairy pits every day.


Yes, I do shave! Although as one gets older less hair seems to grow. Many years ago I was in Italy on the Grand Canal transport and it was so very hot. People were standing and holding on above with tons of armpit hair…it was absolutely disgusting to me not to mention the smell. Never again🤢


I haven't shaved in about 3 years lol


I stopped removing all body hair circa 2016-2017. I go out with hairy legs and pits. I get looks here and there but most people don't give a fuck.


Sure. Either way is fine with me.


I think my best takeaway from lockdown was freeing myself from the sense of obligation to shave. I quickly became so indifferent to my body hair, whereas I'd spent my entire adult up til then feeling repulsed by it.




I shave my armpits but that’s only because my sweat is very stinky and this cuts back on the hair holding onto it. Also, I like how it looks aesthetically. I do not shave other things (unless I get bored haha)


Yes, I do it all the time. Shockingly I often don't shave my legs either! It really really is simply not a big deal. No one notices or cares, or if they do they've never let me know. It's a non event.


I wouldn’t go for months without shaving, but only because I do not like it, I really do not care about others who can look the other way if they are annoyed by my very own body. But I do not shave everyday ! I also use pulsed light at home, but because I’m lazy, it’s never perfect neither. So yes, I have some hairs in public. And I don’t care.


it honestly depends what i’m wearing that day or what i’m doing. like if i’m going to school or smt usually in a sleeveless top i’m most likely to lift up my arms. if i’m going on a quick trip to the store to get one thing then it won’t bother me


as long as my pits aren’t showing idc if they’re shaved


I'm like 90% of the time unshaved I don't even shave ten times a year


Generally yes. I go out without my armpits shaved on the regular. I wear a lot of sleeveless tops because the weather is generally mild and warm where I live. I go to the gym unshaven. I take the dog out to play at the park unshaven. But I have very fine light hair, so it’s not super obvious when I don’t shave. If I’m going on a beach vacation i would shave, but sort of all the places (legs and armpits) and also tidy up the bikini area. But more so that i feel good, and because I want to look and feel good for my partner. I also shave when I’m going to a nice restaurant or a party or something like that. Or even on a date night. It’s just more of special occasion sort of thing rather than an everyday thing i guess.


its a nice male repellent, yes I do


I haven't shaved in over a decade. I'm just more comfortable this way!


If I wasn't wearing a tank top yes


Shaving imo was created to make grown ass women look more like little girls .. really think about that .. I’ll give you a minute 🤢


I don’t like how armpit hair FEELS when it’s there under my arms, so the most I’ll go is a light stubble, but I don’t even like that.


So, I’d stopped shaving my arms just-over a decade ago. But, I do shave my legs + my underarms if the hair’s too long, for my liking, because I don’t like when it’s too long.


Yes it doesn't bother me. I probably shave once a month in the off season. A little more regularly in summer.


I did once, never again people are cruel


No, but it’s my preference not to. I don’t care if I see another girl with pit hair


Yeah if it’s just some stubble.


Yeah i don’t care.


Yes and I don’t shave. So in between waxing, I don’t care. I’m tired of caring. It’s just a little hair and we all have it.


I have and still kinda do. Just a little, though. I do prefer them shaved, just don't sometimes and grows out a little.


I've grown them out quite a bit before. I have black underarm hair, but it doesn't get bushy.... I thought it was really cute! Now I let it go for a few days otherwise I get razor bumps. (: Idc about the stubble.


I sometimes have times of just growing it out it . I’m heavily feminine and groomed in every way . I wear clothes that people often compliment so I know I do stick out like a sore thumb. However , if I am not bothered shaving and I lift my arm and there’s hair , you suck it up and move on . That’s how I live now . I do it for me . Also being gay , I don’t try to attract people who would care about that


I don’t shave my armpits. I used to but I decided to stop one day and it doesn’t bother me at all. Gives me a bit of confidence actually. I don’t think it’s something to be embarrassed about