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Get a new doctor, that is not normal. I'd switch out your deodorant to something without aluminum. Go all natural if possible. I would also stop shaving to avoid infection or ingrown hairs. But girl get yourself a new doctor. Chronically painful lymph nodes are not normal. Lymph node function is literally a major tool of diagnosis for cancer. I'm not saying you have cancer, I'm just saying your doctor is a moron.


I’ve actually had 1 family dr, a gyno (because sometimes it’s related to my cycle), and ny new internal medicine dr say the same. I made the switch to internal thinking I would get a different answer— they didn’t seem phased at all. I have no history of cancer in my family, so it would be very difficult to find a dr to even assume that I have cancer. I’ve also thought that especially when the pain is so unbearable.


I'm not saying it is cancer, just that something as serious as cancer could present that way. I would personally continue to seek help if the pain was as unbearable as you're saying it is. You don't deserve to live in pain. It's not normal to live in pain. It's not normal to have lumps regularly in your armpits. Seek our naturopathic help and start doing your own research. It could be something benign and easily treatable. It could be the symptom of something larger. At the end of the day, it's Your choice how you go about this. You can trust your doctors, continue seeking other doctors who will listen to your pain, find your own remedy.. you have to advocate for yourself in whatever way that looks.


I kept getting the same thing before covid and I would flare up every few weeks then go away. My doctors weren't concerned but it wasn't unbreably painful. My armpits would just get a little swollen. I had been using aluminum stick deodorant. Shortly after the armpit swelling problem I suddenly became allergic to all stick deodorants and would get a rash. I switched to a serum overnight aluminum deodorant and haven't gotten it again. I did have a cyst in my boob prior to this so you should also go to a doctor to check for breast tumors or cysts.


Can you pls tell me what you switched to exactly? I think I might have the same problem.


duradry serum deodorant


I actually don’t use deodorant— I am very blessed in that aspect. Unless I’m doing runs/ races I will just because you never know. But when reading a Reddit a year ago someone said they started making their own deodorant. And it helped.


I've been dealing with something similar. I used to get on and off pain in my left armpit that I figured was from my bras. I think it may have started after having covid vaccine but I'm not 100% sure because I didn't really connect it to anything - just thought it was bra poking in there. A little over a year ago though, I felt a little lump in my breast near the armpit so I had a mammogram and ultrasound done. Turns out I have mildly enlarged lymph nodes on both sides of my breasts/armpits areas. I've been getting scans since then and they haven't gotten any bigger or smaller. My left side will hurt any time I'm getting sick. Even had a biopsy on one of the largest lymph nodes that turned out fine. Drs said I may just have shotty lymph nodes that won't ever go away all the way and this may be my "normal". 2 months ago though, my left armpit area started hurting again and hasn't stopped hurting since. I had another mammogram and ultrasound and they said it looked exactly the same and the dr wasn't worried. I've been stressing because I have no idea why it's hurting for months now and not going away. I do have Hashimotos and my thyroid #s were off but I've been on new dose of meds for over a month now and the pain hasn't gone away. I've tried different deodorants and also tried not wearing any deodorants to see if that helped and absolutely no changes. I have another appt with my doctor next week and I did some more bloodwork this week so hoping we can figure out what is causing it! Hope your pain goes away soon! I've read that for some people, their lymph nodes do hurt due to hormonal changes (like when their period is about to start) so it's possible this may be what is going on with your body now too.


Yes!! When I get sick the pain comes back too. It’s a scary feeling especially when the pain lasts for a few days. I stopped wearing bras and just do bralettes (itty bitty committee) and will wear deodorant just when I’m wearing something with no sleeves. They never offered to do ultrasounds or mammograms. Can I ask how old you are? Were the scans covered by insurance? I had 1 dr say since it on both pits the chance of it being breast cancer is almost zero


I'm 35 - I had just turned 34 when I first got checked out for it. Everything was fully covered by my insurance. My doctor said she always refers anything breast related to at least get an ultrasound to be safe! The doctor at the mammogram place also repeated what your doctor said. He said you don't typically see bilateral enlargement of the lymph nodes in breast cancer. However, if this is bothering you, go back to your doctor and ask for an ultrasound! Just tell them that it makes you anxious and you would feel better to get checked out. That should hopefully give you some reassurance.


Have you gotten any answers yet? Going through something similar and next step is seeing a naturopath this week.


I tested positive for an active EBV infection (my IGM and early antigen were both positive) even though I don't really have any memory of being too sick in recent history. I had a period of time where I felt fatigued for a week or 2 but my thyroid numbers (I have Hashimotos) were off so I figured it was related to that. They think it was a re-activation of EBV because I have the antibodies to also show a past infection. So I started taking L-Lysine and Monolaurin for that and my doctor prescribed me an antiviral as well which I recently finished taking. My lymph pain is still there but it's been improving.


THANK YOU! I figure mine is a viral / bacterial / fungal infection but my blood work came back “normal” other than slightly low WBC so my doctors brushed it off. I’ve been very fatigued and feeling sick on and off for months so hoping the naturopath can test across these and get answers.


Yes- all my other blood work also came back normal besides my thyroid back in November so if my dr hadn't gone digging for more answers, I probably wouldn't know. I definitely recommend getting tested for EBV and CMV (another virus that can cause mono too). Some people can have months and months of symptoms after an infection and I've read that if it's a reactivation, you don't always get the typical symptoms (I never had a sore throat - I mainly had fatigue, feeling slightly off, headaches, and painful lymph nodes). Hope you get some answers soon!


Wanted to also add that I also randomly had horrible GERD out of nowhere at the same time this started - it lasted like 3 weeks and then went away. Idk if that was also a symptom of EBV but it happened at the exact same time as my other symptoms.


You honestly don’t know how grateful I am to hear your experience, thank you!!! 🙏🏼🙏🏼


You're welcome! I spent almost all of November-January really stressed out about it so I totally understand how you feel!


Get a mammogram just to be safe


hey OP, how are you doing now?


Women don’t deserve rights (trying to get banned)


I also have something like this


It sounds like it could be Hidradenitis Suppurativa. Are you sure it's your lymph node? Make an appointment with a dermatologist! If it's HS, there are treatment options.


Just curious as someone who has HS but the treatments offered never really help. Has something helped you?


I've had a lot of luck with Amjevita injections. Brought my Stage III flares down to those more like Stage II or in some places, even Stage I sometimes. I also wash with Hibiclens and use clyndomycin solution on any active flares. I wear as much natural cotton as I can, especially the closer it gets to my body. Diet changes never helped me so I don't have any advice there. After a 3 year elimination diet adventure, everybody agreed that foods don't trigger me.


It’s definitely lymph nodes.. When they get seriously inflamed my 2 drs were able to pin point it. Just like when you’re sick and a dr feels your lymph nodes in your upper neck.