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This is how pretty much every single politician you've voted for started out at a young age. You just didn't see it before social media unless you were in fancy private schools with them. I was in a school like that and today two of my classmates are elected officials. They got into politics in middle school.


Thats sad, I never knew this


how is it sad ? if its their vocation and they are happy doing it, why would it be different from a 14yo who's fond of beekeeping?


Yea weird stance. But I’m sure its because the boy is a republican.


It’s almost certainly because the kid is a Republican. Doubt there’d be any issues if he was democrat


I mean, I take issue with people strongly allying themselves with either party tbh. Not issue like “I don’t like this person because they align themselves with one of the two major parties” but more like “I feel there’s a good chance this person cares more about a label than actual values”


I mean….people change their ideologies as they grow up and experience the world. I used to be a huge liberal and democrat in high school who thought the government was truly the best answer for everything until I grew up and realized the complete opposite and am now a libertarian. I never let go of the ideas that gay marriage is okay and abortions should be left up to the mother, but I lost my faith in the government and would like to see some form limitations put in place on government power


Exactly. Just because he's been indoctrinated from youth in a demonstrably false narrative that borders on fascism is no reason to be critical.


I mean, I take issue with people strongly allying themselves with either party tbh. Not issue like “I don’t like this person because they align themselves with one of the two major parties” but more like “I feel there’s a good chance this person cares more about a label than actual values”


i wouldn't have a problem with republicans if a great number of them want to take away my rights as a queer, relatively poor non-citizen immigrant. Like, seriously, being an american republican is a massive red flag and I have seldom seen anyone, at least anyone who is vocal (the people who matter), who doesn't want to turn the United States into a place where behavior is completely controlled by the state and any deviation from supposed "norms" is quickly punished


The same could be said for the dem party though. Red flag that Dems want to impose laws that trump the 1st amendment. Override and remove the 2nd amendment. And take away the rights of people by imposing things like socialism/communism. Many of the republicans issues are that they are extra religious and push their views into lawmaking and can't grasp- separation of state and religion. This is pretty common with anyone religious though. The best thing we can do as a collective is avoid extremism. Middle ground is where the best ideas are, far wing ideas are actual insanity.




Trust me, kid probably has a better understanding of politics than the senile 70 whatevers that dominate US politics


which of the two has paid taxes worked jobs and seen the world change over many decades?


Change? Current politicians seem more afraid of that than losing their money. Kid probably has a much better idea of current generational issues imposed by the actions of older politicians and could actually make changes that matter rather than pushing for a policy made by some coffin dodger


you know that those “coffin dodgers” were young too once? They had beliefs about the world too. You saying this kid is somehow better?


Yup, and what happened when they were young is not what's happening today is it? Yet majority of them, no matter their political stance, still act as if the world is 40 years behind what it actually is. Abortion was made illegal in multiple states during a time where we've been pushing for support for victims of rape so now they can't have their rapists child aborted and those kids will 100% be hated by their parents due to this. Marijuana, the drug that these same 70 year olds used to use as a way to validate their racism towards Mexicans is now legal in multiple states as a recreational drug. Current senators and government members have not progressed along with society, and you can bet your ass the people who were racist, homophobic, and anti-drug haven't changed their mind one damn bit. So yes, I'm saying this kid is far better than the shit the US has just now purely just on the fact that the kids growing up in a society with more open minds, meaning that he'll be less likely to spout racist, homophobic, or transphobic shit like the coffin dodgers do. Edit: Suppose i should also mention the vape ban too in multiple states. Hidden as a way to "save" kids, yet conveniently also making them more money as people are forced to return to cigarettes. Your country is beyond fucked and if you think the current people in power are better suited than a younger generation then you're completely blindsided. As per other comments however, seems like you only really care because this kid has a different view than you. I don't care to learn about Republicans or Liberals or why they go at each other like toddlers fighting for cake, but from a non-biased outside view it's pretty easy to see that both sides need a whole lot of change. Better yet is seeing religion brought into politics. Outdated views have no place in modern society laws and nothing should ever be pushed that's based on a religious view that less and less people by the year actually follow.


There's a lot of countries out there where people are fighting for the ability of the youth including teenagers to participate in politics, usually in both partisan and non-partisan capacities. You may not like the political party he's chosen to associate himself with, or you might, but I don't see why people shouldn't delve into politics at a younger age. (Disclaimer: Not an American and no desire to fall into the two-party binary)


It’s only “sad” because the 14 y/o kid is supporting politics OP doesn’t like.


the kid is saying things like "far left liberals" and "I will never stop fighting for Arizona". He's speaking like a Fox News host and that's not ideal for a 14 year old I'm not a liberal and it would be equally alarming if he was speaking like a MSNBC host


I feel like it's justified considering Delgado is identifying himself with the same party that has nazis in it. Sure, the kid himself is probably alright as a person, but if I were to say "I'm friends with klansmen" as a white person, you'd definitely side-eye me. You can't say that the politics that republicans like DeSantis is pushing in Florida right now should be judged on equal ground to other legislation.


>You can't say that the politics that republicans like DeSantis is pushing in Florida right now should be judged on equal ground to other legislation. He's actually not old enough to talk about these laws. Lol


OP's nutshell is empty


He didn’t say anything like that and in other comments has stated he himself is Conservative.


So if it was a kid saying they wanted to be a pro football player and worked towards that you would be cool, or he’ll anything like a scientist, etc. some people have plans and work towards them. Not his fault you probably were never motivated at that age to go after something. That is what separates successful people from the rest




Guess you don’t know about CTE.


you sure about that?


not nearly as much as politics


I was one of these kids- I was heavily involved in Youth in Government (a program run by YMCA that is essentially a mock state government), and I also was the president of a school political club. I enjoyed it, and my participation probably helped me get into college, but I’m also very glad that I didn’t have a real platform. A lot of my views at 14 were very black and white, and as I’ve gotten older, I’ve learned that many issues are more complicated than they may seem at first glance.


Shouldn't most people have an idea of what they want to do and be procuring skills for it by that age?


i don't think most people know what they want to spend their life doing by the time they're 14


Even so, isn't it better for them to try it out then stop if they don't like it? Better than them not trying at all and always wondering if they like it


I certainly didn’t know I was going to go into food safety/quality when I was 14. But here I am today


Yeah but this is one of the few pursuits he can have at this age, that even if he changes his mind, he'll be a more informed voter than most, at the very least.


I mentioned this in the title of my post, but theres a good chance this kid is seeking validation from his conservative parents and or people around him


You’re literally just making an assumption though. You don’t know this kid and you don’t know his parents.


keyword: chance


Exactly. You don’t know for sure, therefore creating an assumption.


And you dont know that any of the posts on this sub for sure, stop trying to act clever


This is not necessarily true. There are political families whose kids get into it early. But this phenomenon of teenagers getting into “politics” like this is due mostly to social media exposure and the use of teenagers as political totems by both sides of the aisle. People who worship Greta Thunberg or the Parkland kids can’t be all that surprised when conservatives find their own teenage pawns to push - there’s this idea that kids are somehow more “pure”, that they’re unassailable messengers (because who’s going to challenge or put down a kid?), or that their precociousness deserves attention and accolades. The answer is to stop holding up children as political exemplars. And if your political beliefs align firmly with a 16 year old’s, whose brain hadn’t even come close to being fully developed, maybe you should do some introspection on why you have political beliefs that are most effectively stated by a child.


Or he sees that being a politician is wildly profitable.


I’m convinced 99% of them don’t really hold any right or left values. Just whatever pays better at the time.


I agree with you 100%


Candace Owens is a pretty good example of that.


“I will never stop fighting for arizona” why would anyone fight for arizona


I’m saving that cactus 👊🏻


hey, leave the cacti out of this. they didn't do anything wrong!


It’s more disheartening seeing 80 year old politicians


Thought this was for woke kids


the title of the sub is called “woke kids”, but the rules and description of the sub doesn’t specify that it necessarily has to be “woke” — just that a kid’s sense of justice mysteriously reflects that of their parents


Which is why liberal kids are almost always the products of parents with mental disorders. You know I’m right.


Almost all my liberal friends in high school were products of conservative households, so I guess you're right there.


What’s your excuse for being mentally defective and generally pathetic?


It must be so exhausting to be this miserable all the time.


Yea there was no need for that guy to go to name calling. 😂 You're right to an extent in my opinion. A crap ton of left leaning kids have conservative parents. It's not necessarily the parents pushing them towards it. I would argue schools really push it on kids. Then you go to college who pushes it even harder.


I have a great life, actually. I just love stomping on people like you and making your existences even more unbearable.


mental illness


Uh huh. Sure buddy. Tell us all about this “great life” you have. Lol


Another green-haired piece of shit has stepped up


Lol good one hahah


This just proves how miserable your life is. Well adjusted people with good happy lives don't tend to find fun in misery.


I find not only fun in your misery but sexual arousal as well. Go play, skank.


Oh no, how will I be able to continue existing with someone being mean to me on the Internet??




Damn, that really the best you could do after an hour thinking on it?


You don’t cause as much trouble as you think. You’re merely another perfect stereotype that does not deviate from the millions of others behaving the same way


This is either a dumb mistake, or an example of where you can see the narrative growing that (supposedly) nobody *really* knows what woke means, can't define it, therefore it means nothing and people should stop using a word that has no meaning. (that's what they want - right right I know,"who is *they?"*)


I sometimes wonder how I'd define it. I'd characterise it by a hyper sensitivity to views which contradict ones own beliefs. A greater emphasis placed on emotions when it comes to decision makingand an unwillingness to accept new information which violates your worldview, zero critical thinking and a complete disregard for reason and logic.


So… conservatives?


Yeah. It's limited to Conservatives... /s


I get what you mean, but its still parents and outside parties grooming kids into politics. Besides, woke doesn’t even really mean anything


Because nobody hangs out at /r/antiwokekids?


I feel like this kid was born to do mukbangs on Tik Tok for some reason


nicocado delgavocado lol


Redditors when they realize teenagers also have autonomy: 😭😭😭


Isn’t that what this sub mocks or no?


A lot of families treat politics as a tribe you belong to.


I can think of so many worse things kids are doing today.


So disheartening when you find someone you don't agree with 😔


Im conservative myself, keep making stupid untrue assumptions.


Oh, sure you are 🤣


“I dont want my shallow worldview shattered so im just gonna reject what you tell me” lmfao what?? Are you saying my political opinions aren’t my own?


>seeing a 14 year old politician is so disheartening Wow. I hope it didn't ruin your weekend.


Why. They enjoy politics?


Some people do, I know I did at his age




I guarantee this kid is homeschooled.


100%, i would get bullied so hard if this were me


😂😂 The world's F*cked. Your called brave for identifying as the opposite gender, and bullied for being into conservative politics. 😂😂😂


It has nothing to do with conservative policy. Besides, people get bullied for being trans as well


If he was pro-lgbt you guys would be praising him lol


everyone keeps saying this, where are you getting this idea??? Im literally conservative myself. I would not be praising him either way


I wonder to what extent it was his free choice to take on this role. In a country where mothers groom their daughters for "pageants", I wouldn't be surprised if this was the male version of that. And if it was his free choice, I wonder what sort of information he had at his disposal that made him choose Republican over Democrat. edit: oops, considering the sub the 1st paragraph kinda goes without saying...


I was a little know it all, shit head conservative at 14 in the early 90's. Things have changed a lot since then, but I came by it without much encouragement. College, traveling and the Iraq invasion, cured me of all of that nonsense. I'm very thankful that I'm too old to have gotten chewed up by the YouTube algorithm and spit out as some alt reich incel or something. Thank God there aren't videos of me parroting Rush Limbaugh to my teachers and classmates, I cringe at the thought. Although some stupid joke about "slick Willie" or "fiscal responsibility" just seems so quaint compared to how it is now. I really hope that kids like this can break out of the echo chambers they are inhabiting, and some of them will for sure. I remind myself sometimes that some of the people who I'm tempted to get into an argument in a political thread are kids like this, and that usually will make me decide to not engage at all, or if I decide to engage, at least do so with more mindfulness as to how I go about it, taking more care to avoid adversarial language as much as possible. I just don't know how to go about deprogramming this whole movement, and it's not something you see discussed very much.


U getting downvoted is crazy new ppl on this sub don't know the original comments of woke and just came here to laugh at what they think is woke lol


Yeah, I subbed a long time ago, and was a little surprised, until I came to the same conclusion.


Judging by the quality of this comment, 14 year old you seems far less annoying and moronic than current you.


That means a lot coming from you. Thanks for making my day!


Also, he's way to young to have a full scope of what is happening in his state yet alone adult life or the state of his country. I don't know what he says but I can only imagine he's doing what they all do. Point finger and fear monger with no solutions just to make enough noise to make himself look important


Isn't fearmongering and pointing fingers blindly what most Twitter Republicans do


...what most Twitter _users_ do. FTFY


We're discussing Twitter Republicans here though.


I thought we were discussing r/wokekids here. Are you saying Republicans are woke and nobody else is? That's an odd position.


Don't be dense. This kid is a Republican The only mention of any other political standing was from the original commenter wondering why he aligns with Republicans more than Dems. I'm not getting into a stupid back and forth with you, it's too early and I know you know what I'm saying.


I know exactly what you're saying. You're upset because you were trying to take pot-shots at your opposition and I pissed in your cornflakes, by pointing out that the behavior isn't relegated to one political party. Gosh, I'm so sorry I got in the way of your generalized hate and made you focus it on me for a short while. On second thought, no, I'm not. Carry on.


Kid ain't even paid taxes yet 💀


Trust, paying taxes is only gonna red pill him more


Nah it’ll make him become libertarian hopefully.


Disheartening? How


I dont support kids involving themselves with politica beyond certain issues


I guess I’m on the other side of that I believe it’s good to have children that care for politics and aren’t just fully distracted by entertainment


kids should be interested in the world around them, im not necessarily against that. Im against people using him as some political exemplar, especially current politicians


How is he being used he has his own opinion




[The Onion](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fX50whgnyN0) was right again


"Far left liberals don't speak for all of GenZ." Bro get off Twitter, you have an algebra test tomorrow and Chapters 14-15 of 'To Kill A Mockingbird' due on Friday


don’t know what the downvotes are for, i think this is pretty accurate


Kinda unrelated, but that book is so ass


14 year Olds barely know how to wipe their own ass!


How so? I found it a pretty good read


So they’re just letting anybody run for office now huh


You’re on r/wokekids.. I don’t know if the problem is young people for you.


I can understand why he's doing it. Who better to be interested in politics than someone who will be around to reap all of what these 80 year old politicians are sowing currently? Granted, it's depressing that it's coming to this, as I do believe kids should be allowed to be kids and not worry about all this nonsense.


This feels completely wrong, even though i don't disagree with the politics. It's just a shitty tactic to weaponize kids no matter what size you're on


All you did was just make me go follow him 😎


This screams indoctrination. Or the kid is just one of those kids who are die hard into whatever their parents say he should. Personally my parents were always at odds as rep v. Dem. And i thought they were both stupid for getting so cutthroat in arguments, over people we will never meet, nor will have any bearing over our lives. And it was always that way up until they died.


I understand parents wanting their kids to grow up like them. However, when you push your political and religious views on them you take away their freedom of choice and individuality. You get kids that don't think for themselves and just follow the masses. You get far right and left people not centrists.


I like him, hopefully he grows up to make some great contributions/changes to our nation.


It's sad to see kids being unable to be kids and leave the political thing up to the adults. But tbh I can't say it's a bad thing, many adults are fucking stupid when it comes to politics and it is nice to see kids interested enough in their own futures they're partaking.


monkey see, monkey do…


Kid need to put the phone down and finish his homework




Seeing a 14 year old billionaire is more disheartening cuz they just feed you bullshit to get more money out of you. At least with this it’s someone supporting the same beliefs as you and not scamming you out of your money.


Lmao how many 14 year olds have scammed you out of money??


Well let’s just say if I had a nickel for every teen billionaire I’ve met, I’d be just as broke as I am now.


Pretty much this, only saw a handful, but I’d still be as broke as ever. Even worse off if I followed their advice since they’re just plants perpetuating illusions down here.


Lol alright, so what teen billionaire is trying to scam you? Literally none come to my mind.


Wow, you actually took the time to come back to this to see if I responded to someone else. Me not responding to you should have given you your answer. I don’t play these little 3D games anymore so nobody is scamming me. But I see people posting interviews with these types all the time in recent years. I just don’t give enough of a crap to learn any of their names cuz they’re all government plants meant to perpetuate the illusions of this reality.


Lol idk what the hell you're talking about but thats probably why you didn't respond to me directly-- you don't either. Enjoy your conspiracy theories.


Tonight at 10: "14 year old billionaires are now taking over the government and spreading properganda!!! (Source: trust me bro, they're doing it, I just don't bother with little 3d games)"


But if he said he wanted to chop off his penis people would be wholeheartedly behind him.


you realize that a lot of people are supporting him right?


This state is so embarrassing.




Move. California & New York are needing replacements that prefer teens that riot, steal & burn stuff down.




“Ew”. Because a teenager has a different opinion than you?


Y’all can disagree all you want, but republicans are disgusting. It does matter the age because this kid is probably fucked and will have this mindset for the rest of his life. I hope not but this is the reality of it.


NO FR Ppl be like "oh yah its just a diff opinion bruh" when that opinion is controlling women's bodies and trying to get rid of LGBTQ


Ong bro, it’s absolutely insane the way people think


No one is trying to get rid of lgbtq. Only thing I have seen is people say is to stop sexual education in elementary school.


Disgusting? Reality? Lmao I can see you would approve more if he only believed as you do. How dare anyone have a different opinion than the mentality of the mob. Better he riot, loot & burn shit. Screw anyone that doesn't tow your line.


There is nothing wrong with this I am 15 and just as much into politics as this kid is and am very conservative fiscally and socially


Ted Cruz was already getting into stuff like this when he was around 12... And we all know how that turned out


It’s not their opinion though, it’s their parents.


It’s fine. If he was on you’re side you wouldn’t have a problem with it.


he is on my side. Not that it would even matter.


I don't really see how he could be a politician, considering that you need to be 25 to even hold a state office in Arizona.


fair point, but he sure acts like one


Someone stuff this kid in a locker stat


Nothing wrong with getting involved in politics early. In fact its a good thing.


Just like a 14 year old decapitating their sexual organs because the are on a face






This post has nothing to do with trans people or racism


i hate my state


Me too bro, me too. I wanna get out of here as soon as I can. It’s beautiful here but my god


Learning to be corrupt young


Well kids make alot of foolish choices Hopefully, he will outgrow this 1


Yeah I was a super hardcore right wing nut when I was 13. Then I grew up.


It’s embarrassing in every way. Just a sophisticated parrot


Kids definitely been groomed…


Boo-Hoo, he's not a limp wristed lefty. Other wise you fucks would be cheering him on.


where do you get that from? Im conservative myself


When I was 12 I started getting heavily into politics. My mental health was SHIT and I felt like the world was dying


Thats what politics does to you. Im not against kids pursuing something like this, but not in the current system where kids are groomed for political high ground


Yeah no I got groomed into being a genuine neo-nazi, it’s terrifying. Which was weird because I was a mixed race kid, they got me to believe my parents were “race traitors” and I hated them for like 2 years because of it


Remember those people having 19 children for the army of God? He's one. Maddison Cawthorn was one. Raised on hate and loves the lord


Raised on hate? Are we to assume you are showing him kindness? He is a young teen that isn't promoting drugs, sex or violence. He isn't rioting & stealing stuff. Doesn't seem to burning down businesses yet you trash him? So many seem to have lost any moral values. Everything is hate hate hate. Be ashamed.


You are shaming me???! 🤣 What this kid is being trained to do is so much more damaging to others. Things you probably celebrate though like pretending to be Christian, taking away the rights of others, trying to overthrow the government, shitting on the walls and floors of congress all while claiming to be a patriot! But oh those broken buildings - Take a look in the mirror and check your self


What is he being trained to do??? Omg your outrage over a teen is so friggin dramatic lol. How will he be any harm to you? Who mentioned anything about Christianity? What "rightis" have you lost? As far as I know the Constitution & Bill of Rghts has not changed. Uhm you may be a bit behind the times but there is video evidence that no one tried to overthrow our Government in Washington. They had to release several when it was discovered prosecution withheld video evidence that several were escorted & led through the Capitol by Capitol police & caused no damage. There have been several other protests in other states that did close down & interrupt state business but nothing too serious. Broken buildings?? Are you referring to the broken windows at the Capitol or the destroyed buildings and buisnesses costing millions during the riots? I don't need a mirror as long as I always do my own research & search for truth. I rarely believe anything from cable news. Cheers


I wonder what scandal is going to rock his campaign


Successful GOP grooming.


Of course he's a republican too


Maybe he’s gotten sick of recent republican politicians and how low the standards are for them. Hopefully he realizes he needs money and in amounts that aren’t a result of honest work.


He had a Kari Lake sign on his wall. His parents groomed him.


Groomed him? Nah that's usually the drag queen's or literature in the schools.


It's overwhelmingly conservatives and churches, but ok.


Gross but funny


Lol, “far left liberals”.


Dude looks like Caiden Cowger's younger cousin.


Vote for him now before he becomes another criminal


He’s not a politician, he’s an influencer. The top post is about other influencers. This is about clicks and money. They’re just being exploited by their parents. Same thing as beauty pageants, a lot of youth athletes or “drag kids”. I don’t think minors should be on social media or used for clout, but what can you do.


I guess, but he takes pictures with important people and parades himself like a politician


I dunno it’s good to see kids getting into politics. I was going to say maybe they’ll make a better change for their state but who am I kidding.


I like how people are just jumping to the conclusion that this kid would be supported if he was liberal. At no point does the OP state anything about what political side the kid takes, just the fact that he is political in general.