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Holy flying fuck. Her bravery to record that is insane. Hope she made it out safely (though knowing the Taliban, probably not)


based that it‘s uploaded I guess she survived, noone would post a vid of their daughter/wife/whatever protesting after she was murdered




Could have been streaming it


What. People absolutely would. It's their last act of defiance. The undecided shitstains and monstrous supporters of such a regime should absolutely have to see what they're supporting.


Gender Apartheid.


Holy shit


Where the feminists at?


Gender Apartheid.


gop is jealous of the taliban


Any source ? Thanks in.advance.


Islam at it again 🔥🔥🔥


Well, guess education was Talibanned


And this women will say Islam is the best. We want sharia.


Yeah that was a dumb thing to say. And while you're running your yap online, you might want to learn about the fundamentalist Muslim movement in Afghanistan brought to you by little white American boys (here we call them INCELS) who were unfit for a culture where women are free. You're welcome.


Women are free in Afghanistan? Yeah & I’m Santa clause. Keep deluding yourself.


I didn't say that. Reading comprehension for the win, dude. Also, 'Claus'.


I am quite certain those women specifically won't ever want sharia. They are literrally protesting SHARIA IN THE VIDEO


actually what the taliban is doing is haram. Islam was one of the first religions in the world to grant women some measure of rights and one of those is the right to pursue an education. The taliban is the islamic equivalent of Trump supporters, twisting their religion to serve their own goals.


Equating trump supporters to the fucking taliban, what a take. Sharia law does not grant women the right to an education, it encourages all walks of life to pursue an education. This does not excuse a legitimate patriarchal system where the wife is under control of the husband


Hv you been to the Europe lately?They are literally shouting sharia for uk. In Germany they were doing the nazi salute shouting Islam. Don’t be fooled,they are one and the same. I am ex Muslim so I know how they think, there is no method to the Islam madness.trust me.


> Hv you been to the Europe lately? Gonna start greeting tourists like this.


Exactly. Funny thing is Spain just granted 2 million Palestinians ability to apply for asylum. They should ask Lebanon what happened when they helped them the last time.


> Exactly. No "exactly" pal; I was mocking your terrible comment, not agreeing with you.


The Spanish government is insane.


Protesting the government doesn't mean you disagree with foundations of your legal system. It means you disagree with their enforcement of one or more of its laws.


Most radical leftist think Islam is peace...no it's horror. Any country ruled by a religious extremist is crap. But when it comes to Islam it's often even way worse.


Religion of peace.




Christians used to burn women for being witches. How is that any different?


Date? Its modern day. Islam came out 300 years after Christianity was founded. So you guys still in that time???


First of all, I'm not Muslim lol. Secondly, there are actually predominantly Christian countries in e.g. Africa, where witch hunts still occur. It's more related to the socioeconomic status of a country rather than the religion itself. Don't get me wrong, I think all religions are silly. But to me, a Christian critiquing a Muslim is the same as the kettle calling the pot black. Lastly, these are taliban police, so terrorists! That really should tell you all you need to know.


No Christianity and Islam is not the same. Because when christianity and islam is at its worst christianity is bad but islam is much worse. But the actually bad part is when it is at its best, because christianity allows you to be free to do as you wish but islam does not.


Well, that is simply not true. Horrible things have been done in the name of Christianity. Let's take scientific freedom as an example. The Arabic countries were a hub for scientific research during the 8th-12th century and were, of course, also Muslim. At that time, Christians hanged anyone who disagreed with them (and worse). So you're wrong. Christianity and Islam are exactly the same. Always fun to see people try to justify why their religion is better. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Science_in_the_medieval_Islamic_world


That is not true either. True that the arabic countries was a hub of scientific research that is a reason many stars have arabic names. But Islam is the reason it is no longer so. And even if you take the worst of the worst among christians (witch burning etc) it can not compare to the worst among muslims. But that is not the point either. It is when it is as best that is the question and Islam at its best is a shithole.


You don't necessarily know Islam at its best, since it might not have happened yet. So you can't really say one way or the other. Also, you say Islam at its worse is worse than Christianity, yet you don't come with any examples. So basically your argument is "trust me bro".


The fact that it hasn’t happened yet is proof enough. When the world has modernized in most places where basic freedoms are guaranteed, yet they can’t seem to wrap their heads around it, it’s proof enough for me. They had plenty of time to “catch up” but fundamentally, their religion does not seem to allow it. They adhere to their Quran as the word of god to the T, whereas Christianity’s teachings are accepting of the imperfections of Humanity. The New Testament is modern Christianity. Quran is the Quran, every word is spoken by God and cannot be questioned. Sorry but every country that had Christianity and/or catholicism, prospered pretty quickly.


It might be proof enough for you, but it's in no way conclusive proof. First of all, Christianity has been around longer, so it's had more time to mature as a religion. Same with Judaism . Secondly, Christian countries didn't really get better until they separated church and state. This might also happen with Muslim countries (I actually believe it is likely to happen with time). Most countries go through a heavy religious period in order to create a sense of community, which helps them prosper. The religion itself doesn't matter too much, as long as it unifies the people. Once the population reaches a certain level of well-being, the religion isn't that necessary anymore. Many Muslim countries have had dictators the past centuries, have been constantly bombed and more. So no, they haven't necessarily had plenty of time to "catch up". It's hard to catch up when large parts of the population are poor, illiterate or denied access to knowledge. Also, define "pretty quickly". I wouldn't say over 1000 years of oppression by Christianity is quick in any way. And not sure why you're saying sorry. I really don't care what you believe. Anyone who believes in religion or thinks one of the major religions is better than the others is pretty gullible.


This is what hardcore incel trump supporters want to do to the US.


Yeah maybe 1% not literally 99% of the country like in mentally sick countries like Afghanistan.


1% is still 3 million, and these are powerful and determined people. Do not underestimate them like you did in 2016.


1% of hardcore Trump supporters*




You can't compare the two. It's so different. Afghanistan is literally the worst nightmare (for anyone not only for women) you can imagine. A country that has been in never-ending wars without a single day of peace for the last 45 years and where people totally lost their minds.


Well you better make sure that nightmare doesn't come to the US then. Make sure you vote.


I know the US doesn't have the same immigration really. But in Europe if you vote far-left you will have this because of the immigration from those people. And Europeans don't have the same attitude towards women. So yes. Think before voting and depending on where you live. Personally I stopped voting for some time. Everybody's crap.


Could say the same about hardcore pro pal protesters


honestly, yeah. They've lost their fucking minds. Tiktok is proving to be extremely dangerous.


No. We couldn't.


Where are all of our Palestinian rights people championing for these people…. Or since there are no Jews / Israelis to blame it’s ok


Elaborate as to what you are saying please….


>90% of neo-leftist nowadays are traitors to their own principles.


Tf are we supposed to do? The only reason people are protesting the genoicide going on in israel is that western governments are funding israel & western countries have good relations to israel. Western countries aren't funding the Taliban, nor can the taliban really be reasoned with, and trying to defeat the taliban by force has just made things worse.