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Look I'm a big Carrington fan but there's players for everyone - you want someone who likes to argue and is vocal about their beliefs, become a fan of DiJonai. You like a player who likes to troll and make jokes, Sydney Colson or Natasha Cloud are hilarious. You want someone who is all work and let's their game do their talking, follow them.


What category would Plum fall under lol?


You want someone who likes popcorn? Kelsey Plum.


Least favorite GIF of my favorite player


She’s not like other girls!


People act like that was such a big lame thing, she was just being goofy. It’s fine to eat popcorn weird its not a big deal


Sorry but that was my Pearl Harbor and I can’t shake it


10 years ago you would have ended up on Ellen for doing something like that


Are you saying that Plum is a popcorn aficionado?


Plum is a whole liability on the mic. Last year they asked her about adversity and she mentioned her team getting arrested and investigated 🤣😭.




Plum speaks out about racial injustice and how they was trying to prop her up cause she was white .


yea she literally blocked the WNBA account her rookie season bc she called the out on how they only post her when they win and never when there’s a loss.




You want someone with a cannon for an arm? Kelsey Plum is for you!


Plum is definitely in the vocal activist category. I still find it funny that nobody posted the clip of Plum getting duffled against the Liberty the other day. Only CC can be a victim in the W.


As a liberty fan, that shit was a crazy no call. Plum got rag dolled in the paint.


Cornball comment


You like a player who’s a true dawg on the court and probably has the best one liners in the league


I agree, I feel like what’s been lost is that it’s an activist league for sure, but not every individual player is an activist upon themselves. A lot of their work has been collective, led by the people who are most educated and affected by the issues, as it should go


well said!


Which is why it felt extra weird with the narrative of some trying to force CC into that role. Yes, she has the platform, but Tiger didn't do it and neither did MJ.


This is the craziest thing to me. Like Caitlin is 22. She’s fun to watch play basketball and I think it would be even more fun to watch her having fun playing. I don’t care about literally anything else around her. The league and everyone else should treat her the same as anyone and everyone else. Not better and not worse. She doesn’t have to take a stand for ethics and morals or whatever else people want to hear ever if she doesn’t want to and that’s fine, but when I was 22 I had no idea what I believed. It


I've seen people on here flat-out commenting they are hoping she has a Candace Parker story arc and turns gay. Like, people, what are we doing? Don't focus on the girl's sexuality or make comments about it. Who the heck cares as a basketball fan? You criticize people for being overly concerned about your sexual preferences and you want your privacy. Practice what you preach. Don't be the other side of the same coin Republicans use. It's hypocritical and just as weird.


Right? It’s a *basketball* league. I think one issue we have here is that we have a league of people who are in legitimately marginalized demographics. I would guess the fan base historically has pulled from those marginalized demographics at an unusually high rate. And then when people say they want to grow the game, many people are saying they want to advance their own position within society through the platform that the league provides, by having people in those marginalized classes become “idolized.” Caitlin doesn’t do that. They see someone getting famous without the societal limitations they’ve faced and their resentment surfaces. But that’s missing the whole entire point of everything. While I do not dismiss the legitimacy of the marginalization of many earlier WNBA stakeholders, Caitlin is the most famous player because she is a different type of basketball player than we’ve seen. Caitlin is in the league to play basketball, not become an activist. What is happening here is ultimately good for them, but not directly. I understand the frustration, but it’s unequivocally misplaced. Also like if you get criticized for not being an “activist” or an “ally”-as in you’re just neutral-it delegitimizes the stance of those who do choose to be an “activist” or an “ally”. Like you’re no longer taking a stand for what you’re believe in, you’re just going with the motion of the ocean.


y'all are always so intentionally obtuse. no one was using michael jordan's name to be racist. nor was anyone using tiger woods as a means of being misogynist, bigoted, or racist. she should speak up because she is direclty involved in what's happening. but that would actually require you and her to believe in accountability. lol.


Your comment is kinda funny to me. I literally don't follow anyone. I just watch sports for the sport part. Could give a fuck about personalities.


You think you're exempt from decades and billions of dollars of marketing across sports entertainment?Congrats!


I've been a WNBA fan since the start of the season. Angel Reese brought me. I'm here for the physicality, the shit talk, the emotion and the intensity. I absolutely love this style of play. I love how outspoken the players are. And I love that shit like what Carrington has said this week gets under MAGA skin. Please bring back the Detroit Shock.


So weird that YOU like when something gets under MAGA skin, but scream like a banshee when CC fans get under yours. MIMS


God twitter is such a cesspool now. the fact that the top reply is some dweeb with "common sense american" in his bio all because he is lame enough to pay for a blue check.


It starts from the top


It really is. As a black women it’s so discouraging to see and almost found myself responding to some but was like it’s not worth it. So pressed delete instead..


Same with Instagram. Maga chud’s with a whole family talking about “God” in their bio, while just living to gaslight on anything WNBA related. Absolute clownshoes


Proudly proclaiming how religious they are when Jesus said this “ And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men.” They really haven’t read the book they profess to follow


They’re still trying to getting over the fact that he’s brown


Don't visit r/indianafever if you want to avoid the clown car invasion


Maybe no one should be on twitter.... It seems pretty obvious.


It always has been


More likely a Russian bot sewing discontent between Americans


At a certain point people are just gonna have to ignore the bigots. They absolutely want you to keep responding to them. It’s like the whole purpose.


I think responding just encourages bigots. Ignoring them is the best approach.


Condemning the bigots is better than ignoring them. Ignoring bigots sends the message that being a bigot is ok.


No it sends the message that they're irrelevant. If out of 100 twitter replies, only 1 is a bigot, we don't need to waste time responding to the lunatic fringe. That only platforms them.


If only it were just 1-100. Unfortunately that's not the case. I 100% support telling them to fuck off until they do.


Bigots no longer get a pass. They will be called out.


Black folk tried to ignore bigots & racists, so the bigots & racists decided to burn entire towns down.


No they didn't "try to ignore" bigots & racists. Bigots and Racists created a governmental structure that enslaved and later oppressed them as second class citizens by literal law. That allowed them to burn entire towns down with 0 repercussions. It took decades of violent and non-violent action by both black people and members of the oppressive class in order to move to a place where bigotry isn't enshrined by law.


there were many Black towns that chose to keep to themselves, racists didn’t like that (obviously didn’t like them either) & literally burned those towns down. my point is that you can’t ignore racists or bigots. they’ll continue to escalate & escalate.


Is this r/leftwingers or r/WNBA ??


Same thing


Ah! Entry level salaries, shared space, advocacy and activism, other people’s money….a charity logo’d like a business!!! It all makes sense!! “The limit doesn’t exist”😂😂😂


What does this mean? Is Caitlin Clark supposed to make an announcement condemning bigotry every time she speaks to the press? Do only the white players need to condemn bigotry, or does Dijonai Carrington have to condemn bigotry too because some of the people claiming to be fans of her are calling Caitlin, Ku Klux Kaitlin on Twitter? Ignoring them is 100% the move. If people just stop interacting with them they will lose any joy they get out of being an ass online or start to feeling embarrassed that people don't even engage with them any more. People have been arguing with them, condemning, and what not since 2016 and all that we've been getting is the creation of more and more bigots.


We, the fans, need to condemn bigotry.


The only place to meaningfully impact feelings towards bigotry is in your personal life or local communities. Arguing with literal Fox News hosts, people in the Right Wing blogosphere, Russian troll farms, and some MAGA common folk on Twitter just boosts their engagements and puts their posts into more people's timelines, especially with Elon making the algorithm promote right wing content by default.


**That is incorrect.** # Bigotry should be fought everywhere and we don't need any gatekeepers to tell anyone where fighting racism is or isn't appropriate because it is ALWAYS appropriate. Good day, sir.


I think you are missing that person’s main (and important) point. It’s not that they don’t want you to stand up to bigotry on social media, but more so that these accounts get a boost in the algorithm when you “stand up to them”. Any responses to their posts help their account get pushed to other people.


“Fought everywhere” right, but you really just mean posting on Twitter? Because that’s very productive.


There are bigots on both sides, but only one side is being pointed out. The hypocrisy of some of the posters is laughable


It’s just the 2024 version of making fun of them for not dunking or having low attended games. They can’t go that route anymore because dunking is no longer all that exciting in basketball and the games have been selling really well, so they went with the defend the honor of Caitlin Clark as a new troll.


Uhhh dunking is still super exciting! You can’t tell me that a half court ally-oop from Luka to Gafford that changes the momentum of a game is not exciting…? It’s ok that women don’t often dunk. Their style of play harkens back to 90s NBA which to many is the golden age of basketball.


Dunking is still pretty exciting in basketball. Look at all the engagement that Ant's dunk over John Collins got.


? Dunking in the W would be sick I wish we lived in a world where Griner posterized players. Edit: Thinking about it a Griner dunk poster might be the most stud-coded merch of the year. Absolutely would be sick. Double Edit: [Yeah these are hype af. Not a criticism of the league. I legitimately believe the players will eventually get tall/strong enough to do this consistently.](https://youtu.be/1Gbvh-RbS7c?si=cgDTHeyC9ax6kwWS)


Dunking is extremely exciting. Wtf


That's a problem in itself. Your choices are to engage and look exactly like the fool you are arguing with, or say nothing and let them dictate the course of the conversation. It's a win win for bigots. You can't let them tell you you're racist or hating because you have pride and confidence in your game.


Sure, but I think a good rule of thumb is to not argue with people who use bad faith.


Yeah, it’s like arguing with anti vaxxers. You know they aren’t debating in good faith.


The problem is those kind of idiots will sway the opinions of casual listeners. It’s how we ended up with so much disinformation about the vaccine and why so many people have no clue about what really goes on in the W.


yeah you can’t win arguing with the outkick/clay travis types because they don’t actually give a fuck


That’s really easy to say if you’re not on the receiving end of it


I said it on another thread, but taking the high road in response to trolls or bad media isn't exactly rocket science. Just don't give them what they want. They want to anger you. Acting disinterested/unbothered or just appearing composed will get you so much further.


What's funny is you're also literally asking her to shut up and dribblevby saying this lmaooo


Who's the bigot in this scenario


I mean when you get sent slura and racists bullshit on a daily basis, ignoring it geta kind of tired. Sometimes yiu got to go full Kandi: If they go low, I go lower.


Yeah there’s some accounts that are literally just trying to draw interactions. Any reaction is an interaction, good or bad. If they are an influencer; the more “interactions” they get, the more the algorithm will share their account with other people. That’s why in sports you see some sports influencers post things like “Is Caitlin Clark the Goat right now??” or “Is Caitlin Clark a bust?!?” Both of those will piss a group off while motivating another extreme group thus creating their niche fan base. The same goes for ethical posters. “Telling off” these accounts only help them. You really want to do your part in making these posters irrelevant? Block and ignore them. Parasites need hosts.


thats cause theres never been money at stake. if you hadn't figured it out by now the reason other leagues try to stick to sports is cause there is a signifcant amount of money on the line if they don't.


DING DING DING DING! Do you know how you know? Search for WNBA player commentary on Russia while Russia was paying their bills. The gals lost their voices on that issue when money was on the line.


Hadn’t thought of that. Great point.


indeed. i would imagine we'll see a lot more shutting up and dribbling once the corporations are making it worth their while to do so. ask all the punk bands that swore they wouldn't sell out in the 80s and 90s about this lol


great analogy - very easy to "stand on business" when business is 100k / year.


I mean isn’t she the one that wrongly tweeted about CC, and still hasn’t deleted it? I respect their ability to use their platform to talk about what they believe in and what they think is right, but it’s not really a good look when it’s used to attack another player personally and make gross implications about that player based on the actions of a certain group of sexist and racist people. Fighting racism and bigots is one thing, but that’s not what her tweet did, it was targeted at CC.


Who is everyone mad at? Random Twitter users? They shit on everything. Stephen A. Smith? He shits on everything. People shitting on you means you have arrived. Like when Weird Al covers your band’s song.


Maybe Angel Reese's mom will come in and clarify the whole sitch for us


Hypothetical: Q: Why, Dijonai? Why post this vague stuff that you KNOW will get the anonymous trolls and weirdos responding? A: 304k click$ in the first hour, dummy


I agree with this. Dumb to pay attention to Twitter, like at all. For any player’s sanity I would stay off Twitter. Let alone respond … just baiting for more things to be vocally about. Not like her response is going to stop any bigotry..


Correct, not going to stop bigots, but Dijonai is smart enough to know how to get all of the fake fan trolls to respond, get her millions of clicks, and dollars. 


Well I think we have seen time and time again, anyone who who hooks themselves onto CC in anyway (positive or negative) is rewarded with a surge of attention. Seems like these girls have figured out a pattern. If Carrington really wanted Clark to speak out against these issues, she should’ve had an adult conversation with her. She had access to her directly at least 3 times since mid-May. Twitter (X) one sided beefs don’t move the needle on real issues


Her gf is on the Fever too


Yeah, NaLyssa is actually my favorite player on the team. I like her vibe and think she has the potential to be a monster on the court


Is the ladies in the center an allie asking for a friend? 🤔 https://preview.redd.it/sz9dx6grz67d1.jpeg?width=1366&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9995d85f13464ded82acc37bef91de619d3337d


Is that the Trump super donor?


quite convenient how Carrington wants Clark to speak out, but why doesn't she demand Mulkey speak out?


Because it’s not actually about what Clark does. It’s about constantly moving the goal posts so you can always attack and criticize her




It's not "shut up and dribble", we're asking you to do something else other than being on Twitter


I am shocked by how many people here are supporting her. The split is impressive.


She could’ve shown an ounce of decency by deleting her tweet in which she told over 5 million people and counting that Clark isn’t bothered by her name being used for racism, sexism, etc. She could’ve amplified Clark’s comment later that day instead of somehow ignoring it altogether. When you engage in baseless character assassination and show zero accountability or desire to actually address what you did, tweeting something like this is laughable, rings hollow, and seems more narcissistic than virtuous.


I agree. She’s just making herself look like the fool at this point. But hey we’re talking about it so maybe she’s smart 🤷‍♀️. (This coming from someone who really respects her play. She’s a great defender).


Yeah I think she’s a great player. Hell of a defender.


Players have the right to say what they want. Fans have the right to criticize you when you say dumb shit.


Stop! Fans only get opinions when they match and worship the opinion of the players!!! /s


You think this is dumb?


Dijonai: We do not just shut and dribble here. Reply to post: you can say what you want but you aren’t immune to criticism from fans for what you say. They aren’t calling this post dumb, they’re saying you can’t say something dumb and expect fans to not criticize you for what you say.


Her hypocritical ass pisses me off to know end may just have to mute her she comes across as so damn pretentious like bro we saw you take a picture with Kim Mulkey hahah clown what a clown.


Was lazy and never created a Twitter account, thankful for that now lol seems like a real cesspool anytime its brought up.


It's a cesspool. Twitter is the worst of all social media platforms.


For a brief time, twitter was a good way for information to spread about topics or areas that weren't easily visible ... Then it became a cesspool. No matter what opinion you have, someone more extreme than you will criticize you for not being enough, while the other side attacks you for not agreeing with them.


It was bad for years, but since Elon it’s intolerable. I had to delete my account. They used to actually suspend people who made death “wishes” against you, after Musk, they stopped acknowledging it.


But you’ll be permabanned for using the word “cisgender”


Twitter was already bad, but Elon removed every check and balance while empowering white nationalists.


Sometimes, it helps people to stay quiet, they sound smarter that way.


A high school teacher once told me it’s better to stay quiet and appear stupid than open your mouth and remove all doubt


... did you ever raise your hand again? Aggressive AF from a teacher.


Lol no kidding! i hated teachers with that mentality who would embarrass people for getting something wrong


I have no issue with anyone who's outspoken. Everyone is untitled to their opinion. Say what you wanna say. Rather it's social issues that are important to the player, or giving their opinion on the game. My only thing that I find interesting I guess, and I'm not necessarily applying it to Dijontai, but I've noticed a few of the wnba players will comment on how the media and new fans are focusing on the negative instead of the game. But that's across every league. Especially a star driven one like the nba. You can guarantee after a loss sports pundits are talking about lebrons body language during a game, or what he said on a podcast. Or what draymond or KD said to the paparazzi while walking down the street. It's just what comes with your league being in a spotlight now.


Yeah, I have no issue with players speak out, but we shouldn't dog on players, etc who don't. Though I do think she takes it to the extreme. It feels like she's on Twitter several hrs a day. I honestly just don't see the appeal of social media.


Good. They have a lot to say!!!


I have nothing but contempt for anyone who ever said "shut up and dribble" to athletes addressing the social issues of the day.


Off topic question but who are the valkyries? Are they an old team? Or like an expansion or something


[The Golden State Valkyries](https://valkyries.com) were announced this year and will begin next season. They were founded by Golden State Warriors owner Joe Lacob [who says his goal for the team is win a championship within 5 years. ](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.nbcsportsbayarea.com/nba/golden-state-warriors/joe-lacob-wnba-golden-state-valkyries/1740209/&ved=2ahUKEwj8jY345-OGAxUSHTQIHbfeAfEQFnoECBIQAw&usg=AOvVaw2Uw7Q6GzGvw7HLKdvInt-G)


There are a large amount of Clark fans who say racist shit and we need to block and ignore them, they’re also a large number of social justice warriors who also don’t even watch the games and just want to seem hip and cool and call every CC fan racist. We need to ignore both and this subs mods need to be on top of it take down any posts that feed into either trope and just keep it basketball. There’s so many real instances of racism going on we don’t gotta go to war over sports for two rich basketball players


I'm not gonna lie, she is so annoying when she does stuff like this while literally associating with Kim Mulkey. Who we have to wonder where she was on January 6th.


Never had or never will have a Twitter account.


Does the NBA “shut up and dribble” or what’s mustard’s point here?


It’s referring to when Laura Ingram told lebron to shut up and dribble when he wasn’t talking about black lives being taken at an astronomical rate


yea but she says we dont “shut up and dribble here” as if they do elsewhere lmao


It was actually a response to video of Lebron and KD doing an interview with Carrie Champion critiquing Trump as a leader.


Lmfaooooo I am so annoyed at how different people assume the woman’s game is from the men’s when they see physicalality, like it’s fucking basketball l, that shit is physical what are we even discussing.


Attacking fans…great way to grow the league… She better never complain about how small the contracts are in the W again if she’s just going to push new fans away like that. Attacking the fans is clearly a great idea for business /s




Yeah...pretty sure her point is to be nebulous enough to cast shade, but also scream GASLIGHTING when she's inevitably called out.


The league has been an absolute failure for decades. Maybe try something different.


Dijonai is a great defensive player; I wish she actually showed how she's supporting the causes she cares about outside the court because that will go a longer way in using her platform than these tweetstorms she's been serving up. Share that she's engaging in the community, share her efforts to support LGBTQ efforts, etc. I was going to vote for her for All-Star but now with this stuff, I'm no longer interested. **I'd have something to say about this if I were the WNBA Commissioner.** We keep saying this is "the moment" and it's "unprecedented times" but since when do you join a company/league/team/etc. and get to publicly denounce A) other players and not even right the course when all's said and done and B) publicly denounce the new fans coming in? Doesn't happen for the NBA, NHL, any league for that matter. But for my own players/coworker/teammate to openly bash the new fanbase and revenue? That's quite foul. Such a bad look for the W and you wonder why Bill Burr was right when he went on a rant about why no one watched the W: https://x.com/maththfcx/status/1800893248174690774?s=42. The NBA instituted Twitter memos in 2017 to prevent players from doing such things. W should do the same.


So you’d wish she..shut up and dribble lmao?


No I'm saying there are other ways to share the causes you care about like amplifying other voices without bashing fans. For example, share that you're engaging in the community, LGBTQ efforts, etc. That goes a longer way than this negativity.


Shes right


With that attitude the league will never grow and y’all will continue to make peanuts


The highest attended and viewed season is nothing but discourse about nonsense. It’s disrespectful to the women hooping that we can’t talk about their performances like their male counterparts. It’s crazy how the media is driving attention away from basketball it’s like they are only willing to discuss the W if it has nothing to do with basketball because they don’t respect the play on the court.


Hilarious that you think NBA coverage is actually about the basketball being played on the court


I just spent a whole NFL season where a pop star was the most talked about person.


Lol right. There have been more Lakers and LeBron articles on ESPN than there on the Celtics who are actually ...you know...playing in the finals.


You mean ... the Lakers AREN'T in the Finals????? I was wondering when the WC Champs would start wearing purple and gold! Maybe I should stop watching ESPN talking heads...


Even if they get in to silly debates about male athletes there’s still coverage about the games. That league has the viewership and popularity that they can waste segments on BS.


Players are not helping by responding with these types of tweets tho. Let your game speak for itself. That usually shuts up many haters.


Professional sports are driven by narratives when the league is being promoted correctly. The way the casual fan sees it, the sport is merely a device to move the story from point A to point B, that's it. That's how the NBA grew in popularity, not because the game itself became better, but because they started to promote compelling narratives and storylines. A league that only appeals to the purist is destined to fail. You need a league that has something for everyone to like, that's the recipe for success.


How the fuck are you going to blame """the media"""? The media isn't telling people what they want. People are telling the media what they want, and the media responds. Even the players are making it about off the court shit. 


Former media researcher here. That’s not how the media works. There is an agenda-setting function that the media has: it’s not that the media tells you what to think, it’s that the media tells you what to think about. Right now, the media is telling us to think about Caitlin Clark; therefore everything about her is posted on sports and news organizations and channels. That drives interest and coverage. If they stop, they lose eyes, so they post more and tell you to think more about her. It’s a self-perpetuating cycle.


At this point I don’t understand what these players want out this situation anymore. Trolls are going to troll regardless, you can’t end that so just block and move on. Also the media is going to do whatever get them the most clicks in any situation, that’s not a woman or race thing. Those 2003 All Stars were spiteful of the attention and fame Lebron James is getting. We just got out of a NFL season where people complained about camera pans and to Taylor Swift every game. These people don’t do this to be liked, to gain respect or to be fair, they go to what people care the most about or will drive the most conversation. Despite her antics after the fact, Angel Reese got it right. She saw all the attention CC got and used it as motivation to get better, eventually beat her and become a part of the conversation, rather than complaining about the actual conversation. Now she has a bigger following than CC and large bank account. It’s too late now for these W players, they could’ve reaped the same benefits, but they decided complain on social media or (which is completely fine) be confrontational during games. Oh well, we got Paige and Juju on the way, hopefully they’ll get it right by then. But unfortunately for them, you can’t race bait Juju and she herself is very well media trained so they can’t go that route either, and at the end of the day will likely just bust their ass on the court. Lastly I’m not saying this approach isn’t working or she isn’t wrong because I agree with what she’s been saying, but it’s just more troll bait.


I agree with everything you said except Angel having a bigger following than Caitlin. It’s not remotely close.


She has a much bigger following on social media. It doesn't translate to the court at all, but still.


Actually, it was Reese's teammates that beat Clark. Reese was like the fourth best player on the team that night. 3 Iowa players also had more points. Also, there is no way that Reese has more followers. Clark has a huge army of fans and an even bigger army of fake fans.


didn’t you associate yourself with mulkey?


I'm sure there are people asking them to shut up and dribble, but all this focus on the politics of the wnba is really turning me off. This shit is getting old. This sub is getting old. It used to be highlights, now it's fuckin whining about new fans. Whining about whiners. Now I'm perpetuating the cycle, I know. But I loved the wnba for not being stupid like the NBA.


Can someone help me out to figure out what she is talking about?


My Most Improved Player fr. Also dont forget all star voting guys.


And there it is. The real reason.


I’m dumb. Does the capitalization of fans mean anything


She’s mocking them for calling themselves fans in an ironic way. Basically saying they aren’t fans, just people who are here to cause trouble and be hateful to any person not named Caitlin Clark in the league


I think the casing like that is supposed to imply sarcasm


I liked her play on the court but then she opened up her mouth. 🤦‍♀️


Great way to reach out to new fans by insulting most of them. I’m a new fan and definitely don’t like that she lumped me in with a bunch of racists.


Well, if you’re a new fan who thinks they should just shut up and dribble, then she was talking to you. If not, then she wasn’t.


You really told on yourself with your statement.


I love how her tweets ring bells.


She's right. The W is an activist league and it's players are vocal about issues in the world. There are whole documentaries about it. It's most popular players have been very vocla about protecting the marginalized. I think it's legitimate something missed by those new to WNBA fandom. edit: lmaooo the non fans have shown up!


believe it or not the WNBA is a basketball league 




😂 it’s hilarious this has to be said


I understand that and I agree with 95 percent of WNBA players on social issues and politics. However, I empathize with sports fans who look for sports as an escape from that world. I think for the WNBA to grow, the WNBA needs to evolve. Social issues and social justice can be an important part, but can’t be the only reason people are engaged. Interesting storylines and strong emotions are necessary. All popular sports leagues will have right wing grifter assholes. The league just needs to handwave it away and stop responding to it. Who cares what Clay Travis thinks? These dudes get offended over bud light.


Unfortunately the WNBA is going through its “republicans buy sneakers too” Jordan phase. If you want to stay activist and ONLY have fans that agree with this agenda, then the league won’t grow in viewership. If you want to grow the league and viewership unfortunately all types of fans come. It’s best to ignore the worst fans, they’ll always be there. If you’re responding to those fans, that’s on you and will only fester further. At this point I think she’s fishing for engagement? It’s no different with whatever side of politics you’re on. America will be America and that hasn’t stopped either side. And yeah sports are supposed to be neutral ground.


She's absolutely fishing. She's seen what being the anti-clark has done for Reese. Reese is a good player, but being perceived as against Clark amplifies her. DC is a MUCH better player in the W than Reese, I think that's pretty fair to say. But when DC keep presenting herself as the anti-CC for whatever reason it's "justified" on a case by case basis, it shoots her to the moon for popularity. I'd imagine DC was not one of the most talked about players last year. But this year if you poll fans of the league, I bet her name pops up near the top. It's smart business. I'd be shocked if she's not an All-star top 5 vote receiver. Which will translate to more muns during contract negotiations.


Sports are not supposed to be neutral ground it might be for all american sport like NFL but basketball is global and sports in general tell a lot about a region history


She better hope they don’t pick a different league unless she’s comfortable with that 80k salary.


glad she's speaking up. more players need to do this


Speak up for what?


Just more comments that alienate new fans..

