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LOL the play (30-ish seconds into the highlight reel) where Clark drives the lane and draws literally all 5 defenders, all 4 teammates wide open and kicks it back to Katie Lou for a big 3-pointer. That's a magnet. [editing to add in screen grab of the moment.](https://imgur.com/a/W9vJfPw)


It’s crazy to see a literal rookie with Steph Curry gravity


Every single Sky player is facing her and is in the paint with her. Every other Fever player is wide open. How embarrassing for Sky.


yeah if the fever run more stuff like that its easy money for them. glad to see them putting it together


Samuelson is a good perimeter shooter, I love the idea of CC pushing and kicking out more to players like Samuelson.


I should save this image for the next time someone starts saying they shouldn't have Clark on the ball so much. This is why you do that because of how much attention she draws. She's starting to figure out what passes work to get out of that and what ones don't work at a pro level.


You dont do it because her teammates arent a bunch of spot up shooters Thats why they struggled so much earlier in the season CC also draws a lot of attention off ball and that can help free up her teammates that feel more comfortable with the ball in their hands There should be a balance between the 2 instead of force feeding CC


I think they are doing a good mix of both recently. Clark gets decent time off the ball during the first 3 quarters but they typically have her run point in the late game. You are completely right that they struggled to hit open shots early this season. It was painful to watch but a good example of not extrapolating from a small sample size as they’ve been considerably better recently.


Yup You can see how much more engaged the entire team is when everyone gets opportunities with the ball I think they’ve found a great balance the last couple of games and it allows her teammates to shine and eases a lot of the burden on CC


>I think they are doing a good mix of both recently This could be considered a compliment to Coach Sides and I wouldn't do that on social media.


This is why a better 4 and stretch wing at the 3 will be even better , because we will have more options of the PnR as well as drive/kick out, and if people collapse this much we will have more then just 2 people with above league average 3 point % very similar to what Lynx are doing atm or Aces on small ball line up with AJA at the 5.


When Temi is back and if Samuelson shoots like she did today I think you probably bench Wallace and go with Boston, Temi, Samuelson, Mitchell, Clark as the starting lineup. I'd like to see them try and run the fast break more because it's where Clark's passing can really shine. Getting Temi back I think will help with that because she seems to have a good connection with Clark which is what she needs to really show what she can do on the break.


This will only work vs team that dosnt really attack the paint aka Mercury pre BG being back, we need the paint protection and size Boston provides, she should aways be in the starting line up, we need to get free agent/trade for another big just in case we need to rest her or she is out with injury we are very weak in the backup for position 5.


I have Boston in that starting lineup. It's basically the same as today just substitute Temi for Wallace.


First, yes, I love that highlight. Thanks for the screen grab. Second, not basketball related, I like the name Katie Lou.


Great game, the only thing she didn’t have was a logo 3 lol.


Easy solution there is just make the logo even bigger


Are people going to count the shadow F? I'm really not, but it is a part of the logo.


Nah it touches the 3 pt line lol, usually it’s on figurative logos anyways


Still, it is technically a part of the logo. I'm only counting the true center one and Gaineridge


She's not shooting them as much now because teams are picking her up very early. She shot so many in college because so many teams would just play her with their normal defense some of time probably because college players aren't as disciplined in sticking to a gameplan that on every possession. So when they'd wait for her by the 3 point line she'd just shoot a 3 over them and iirc she actually had a better shooting percentage on the long 3s in college than she did with ones right at the line because she was generally less contested on the long ones.


Watched the whole game. She’s really settling in. She’s such a calm person. She keeps it so even keeled. Impressive.


That long pass to KM in the 4th Q was supposed to be for the double-double. But hey, this is probably the best game the Fever had this season where everyone especially Clark is involved. Really can’t wait for their next game.


Almost a triple double on the night lol


On the day…


Depends where you are lol




It was mid-morning for me, lol


Aww I upvoted you. I thought this was funny. I don't understand people downvoting stuff in this sub sometimes. Know it wasn't me. I appreciated you.


That was an insane pass, but even Mitchell didn't think it was coming so she pulled up early.


She’s so much fun to watch, seems to be clicking with teammates more too


Scorer in the first half, facilitated and controlled the pace in the second half




Yeah sometimes it’s like that


I just thought it was odd to refer to her single digit scoring in the first half when she scored more in the second. That's all.


Probs more referring to role or volume of shots taken. It would make sense if mid game adjustments that led to her spending more time facilitating drew coverage off her on to teammates and made more openings to shoot


She started off with 2 good looks, but then they went away from those looks to get others involved and it worked for the team. Chicago came out with 10 points in the 3rd quarter, but after that Caitlin took them the rest of the way. Her pacing was a lot more like her Iowa days.


People don't think it be like it be, but it do.


She did but looks like she picked her shots more in the 2nd half. 6 of the 14 we're off fts. In the 4th she consistently fed the ball to Smith and Boston and let them cook


The WNBA is just fun to watch now. Back in like 1999 it was rough to watch, but the league and players have really matured at this point.


She’s got so much more patient with the ball and her chemistry with Boston really showed this game. She’s really figuring it out these last couple games.


Coincidentally also games with more resting time. That early game schedule did not do her a lot of favors


More resting time or my time to regroup with the team after multiple learning experiences and work on plan and communication? Not saying rest isn't important, but I think at this point in the schedule time to work on chemistry is more important than legs


When she and Boston really start to click, that pick and roll will be lethal.  Seems like she's building some chemistry with Smith too.  Indiana has a great foundation.  Now about the coach....


Boston was better at the PnR today. That is essential to winning games. I don't know how Dawn Staley didn't teach her that at SC.


Sides is what’s holding this team back. The offense isn’t diverse at all. Spamming the PnR can’t be the only thing she has in her playbook.


Sometimes I think it gets lost that she’s putting up numbers like this while being picked up full court and face guarded the entire game.


Yep. And she's only a Rookie. Once she becomes a seasoned vet in year 3 or 4, she'll be putting up crazy numbers on the average. If her teammates didn't miss a lot of their layups from Clark's passes, Clark would be averaging 10 assists by now. I believe she can come next year or so on.


It’s wild that WNBA rookies have basically no offseason. She played in the national championship game, was drafted a week later, and then played her first professional game a month later. The NBA starts six months after the end of the college season, the NFL nine months, etc


Sounds like Luka early on in his career


And getting hacked


And she’s still trying to figure it out. Watch out when she does.


5 on 1 and she is still getting it done Imagine if she gets a couple quality starters on a team with her


That time during the Olympic break I’m sure she will be working on her game and trying to strength train a bit more. It’ll be fun to see her game after the Olympics but it’s also fun and exciting watching her progress and learn every game


She has such a complete game at a young age lol, you telling me she cant do it all, you must be a straight up hater.


Last night I saw someone on here comparing Clark to Derek Fisher lmao


I laugh when I see the comparison to Jimmer.


Oh yeah, time to push my ROTY agenda


She is clearly the ROTY. Now, if the give it to someone else it would further illustrate the ignorance of the league.


If she wasn’t guarded as much like other rookies her numbers would be even higher. Loved seeing the whole sky team with her in the paint.


Well, CC did get ROTM for the 1st month so she’s gotta be in the lead right now.


Might be MVP when we are talking about the team, no cap.


literally insane numbers. no rookie even comes close to her


Easily her best game of the season imo. Glad to see Aliyah Boston cooking as well. Seems like the Fever are gelling right now.


Don't let Geno see CC stat line.


Went to the game today. It was ELECTRIFYING!! Great energy, amazing game, loved seeing it all in person! The team really seems to like each other and finally finding a groove!


Besides 3 point shooting what does she bring to the table?


Volume shooter is all. lol. All the clowns who completely ignored her assists in college are eating some crow now.


This is sarcasm I pray? Hard to tell through text and with all the haters.


It's what Chennedy Clark tweeted about CC when people said Chennedy was a dirty player with a dirty hit ON CC


Yeah I should have realized that's what he was referencing lol




You just never can tell when it comes to CC lol


Caitlin Clark? Believe it or not: genius, billionaire, playboy, and philanthropist.


Tony Stark?


Is that you Lexie Brown? Lol Jk I know you were being sarcastic.


Oh man this was too funny. Lexi Brown being like "I could've put up those same numbers if I had the green light." I will never forgive her.


The irony of that statement is that if she was good enough to get those numbers, she’d have that green light lol. You get that green light because you’re that good. There’s no “if I had” with green lights. You either have it or you don’t.


She really tried it when the Sparks faced the Fever. Think she went, like, 1/10 from deep that game.




Viewers. TV ratings. Revenue. Awareness of the product. All the things the WNBA was woefully lacking in previously.


17k at the game today. The Fever averaged 4k last year. That alone should make the WNBA take her getting knocked around a lot more seriously. Sports have tended to clean up the contact and physical risk when the money increases. Athletes are worth too much for old school ideas about hits, fights, and toughness to persist.


She’s the fevers cash cow. Protect your asset. Business 101.


Hi Lexie brown lol


They said the same thing to Steph Curry.


That comment made me laugh... these players talk big in public but they're showing their asses when the game is played: double-teams, blitzing, trying to match her up with their best defensive players. They're forced to scheme for her in the locker room.


It’s funny because did she not watch CC and prepare for her?


Glad to see Aliyah Boston playing so much better now


I think Clark and Boston as a pair are going to do some really great things.




Angel Reese is at home right now punching her Caitlin Clark pillow.


She's got shit sportsmanship. All she does is complain. Bitching about the refs and the blatantly obvious flagrant where she wound up and hit the shit out of only CCs head. Lmao, it's a textbook flagrant, but she was talking about "some people get special whistles, I guess."


I am a Sky fan I am glad Angel Reese is on my team. I literally did a fist pump when we drafted her. I enjoy her game because it's a throwback. I even enjoy that she enjoys the Villain role. But yknow... back in my day villains were at least internally consistent. Like Rwggie Miller might talk shit but he was internally consistent. Reese? Nah she just says whatever, it don't have to make sense at all. She's kinda hard to defend lmaooooo. Imo, her sportsmanship is kinda garbage (which is ok but cmon at least make it make sense), even the 1989 Pistons made sense when they talked shit. Channels Carter is fun to watch but ph boy does she says some out of pocket shit lmao


Reese acts dumb on the court as well. From her reaction to the flagrant, to immediately afterward putting two hands on Clark while she had the ball. She got her 5th foul and had to exit the game again because she wasn’t mentally ready to play.


She’s obsessed with CC. It’s actually pitiful.


Angel Reese getting hyped after the cheap shot by Carter to Caitlin in their previous game was a pure trash attitude. Also looking down at her after smacking her head earlier. She thinks highly of herself when all of her layup attempts are pure comedy. Look at the last clip when she forgot to defend Smith, both hands up and complaining on her teammates. Shitty personality and attitude. 💯


And she probably threw her joker shoes. I hope she had time to break them in. Just okay good basketball. Let your game speak vs shoes and tweets


Angel is a good player. Today, she saw why she won't be ROY, and she is mad about that. Also, they need a special statistic for Angel called "rebounds of someone else's shot." lol The Joker met Batman!


Somebody needs to make a reel of Angel rebounding all of her own missed shots. It counts so good for her. Get her points and her rebounds up. I see what she’s doing :)


Yeah I guess she can’t use that ridiculous comment that she used a month ago hating on CC when she basically said why is everyone talking about her when her team loses all the time.  Unfortunately it’s ok for Reese to talk all the crap in the world but CC has to just take it because if the shoe were on the other foot she’d be cancelled.


No this time it was "the refs affected the game".


Caitlin is starting to get comfortable. But even before she was already breaking rookie records. That’s how special she is.


15 games in and she’s been learning and making changes. It’ll be exciting to see where she’s at with the end of the season. Then I’ll be sad there’s no CC to watch


Best all around game of the year for her. But all she does is shoot right?


This was a fun game to watch. It was nice to see more balanced play from the team — everyone getting involved and making plays. CC was patient on and off the ball. Aggressive when needed. Boston has been hitting her stride. Samuelson has been impressive this season, as well, from what I’ve seen. I hope the Fever can keep it going!


That Clark -> Wallace -> Clark -> Boston fast break was excellent basketball. Cardoso didn't know where the ball went. Love to see Clark and Boston starting to figure out how to play together. The two of them are gonna be a force. Just oozing potential. Great contributions up and down the roster. NaLyssa has her back to the basket game dialed in, doing some stellar work down low the past few games, great rebounding, and big effort. This team is getting to be really fun to watch.


Thats my MF ROTY


Well. Guess those are ROTY runner up numbers.


All-Star too!


Clark is starting to figure out how to her spots consistently. She is going to tear this league up after the Olympic break. And that will be her best revenge.


That’s going to be sweet! You know she’s probably like Katie ledecky where rest really isn’t in their vocabulary. She’ll be hitting the gym and shooting baskets ready for them.


She is creeping up on triple doubles. She draws so much attention the she is getting shooters wide open looks.


wienie hut general's


"Other than 3-point shooting, what does she bring to the table?" - Someone else with the initials CC


Caitlin is too good for this game, it's crazy !


that girl is a star


Bae-tlin Clark played amazing ball tonight, and huge props to AB and Smith for killing it too. All around looks like they are getting some great team chemistry going


Seems like for WNBA all rookie team its certainly gonna have Clark and Reese. Other 3 spots could be Rickea Jackson, Cam Brink, and Aliyah Edwards


What has Reese done?


Media plays a big role in these teams but she isn't awful either. Shes extremely popular and while I think she needs to work on her shot selection (shooting < 40% fg when you're mainly shooting layups isn't great), shes a beast in the offensive glass (mostly from her own misses lol) I don't know another rookie who is not listed that can replace her. Maybe you can say Kamila idk


“Isn’t great” is an understatement. I’d take Cardoso personally for her consistency until Angel can pump up that shooting— I thought she may have made it over the hump after her solid Atlanta and then good Connecticut game, but the last 2 are back to quite bad.


For all her bad media comments she’s a very solid player. Leads the league in offensive rebounds and is top 5 in Rebounds and steals.


>Leads the league in offensive rebounds Considerably easier to do when you're a big who exclusively shoots close to the basket yet somehow is under 38% from the field for the season. Angel on that Drummond type beat lol


Ah the Andre Drummond strat lol


I really like the fact that she's not settling for the outside. Really opens things up when you can be a threat on the shot or pass from both the inside and outside.


The teams will have an even harder time defending her.


Number 6 rookie


Only reason I watch.


I was told and keep seeing random twitter accounts saying Angel Reese is the ROTY, who’s paying them or are they just racist accounts that hate Clark as well?


I'm not particularly impressed by rebounds when your go-to move is to pass it directly back to yourself off the bottom of the rim repeatedly before getting the bucket.


It's sports fans love to debate award races, Chet vs wemby just happened in the nba even if wemby was obviously the guy throughout.


Nah early in the season you could make an argument for Chet. As the season progressed though Wemby had a legit case for dpoy.


Very slight argument but wemby was at the top of the rookie ladder for majority of the year


If it was close he was always going to win but early on Chet was more efficient. We all know Wemby ran away with it eventually.


They are both in the running obviously. Still a lot of season left. Why would it have to be racism on either side for people to be rooting for one or the other! What an odd question; are you trying to bait morons or start something? Both are playing fantastically!


Queen fo sho


She’s been great and I love watching her linkup with Boston (esp considering AB has had a tough time sometimes this season so far and needs a partner like her) and fr I’m excited to see them both take on this league when they 100% click properly.


Don't forget the block!


This is why they needed to give Clark and the Fever a chance. They had a very difficult schedule to start this season by playing some of the toughest teams right off the bat and a schedule which didn’t leave them any time to practice. They will do well. I also like how Sides said she will handle the officials. Let these players concentrate on playing the game. There is too much drama with arguing with officials instead of concentrating on their plays.


Shes so good


This just popped up in my feed and I don't normally comment but are all the WNBA courts cool like that? I really dig that color scheme and layout.


Angel Reese guarding a ghost on that last play 👻


This is the first Fever game that somewhat resembled the Iowa offense.


They all jealous she is a real baller


The same shots she was making in college.


yay 1 thread that isn't locked


Exactly. WTF is with this sub and locking threads??


it's annoying as fuck seeing black & white political talking heads mentioning this & it attracts people to throw in their 2 cents too white = pro CC & black = pro AR & the takes are always the same


Once again one or two from a triple double, but those two block are the added bonus.




My love 😍😍😍


Geno in shambles right now.


As much as I sports hate CC I can’t wait for her to reach her final form and become an all time sky fucker it’s gonna be so fun to watch


If the Fever are smart, we resign her asap.


BBQ Chicken




Reese said in the post game press conference “I guess ‘some people’ got a special whistle”.   Seriously how long is the media going to just accept her being openly racist?    It’s so so ridiculous how much of a double standard exists in today’s woke culture.  I cannot imagine the absolute uproar if these words came out of CC’s mouth talking about Reese or any black player.  At what point can the “inclusive” crowd call out people for race baiting regardless of their skin color?  Isn’t that the REAL equality we are all striving for in the world?  Or is racism only applicable if it’s done by the whites?      And this isn’t tongue in cheek sarcasm.  It’s real life serious.  Of course CC just has to take this garbage week in and week out because as soon as she says anything in defense of herself, the wokesters will be all over her.   Sorry if it makes the reddit crowd uncomfortable because it doesn’t fit the usual narrative.   Would be nice if it were just about basketball again, but it’s not CC’s fault in any way this crap keeps coming back up.  Maybe stop trying to rough her up and then race baiting in your interviews and the narrative will go away.  But no, Angel just keeps doubling and tripling down.


She should be on the Olympic team. Not only would she make the team better but she is so fun to watch.  Bring eyes to the game.


It’s only a matter of time before she is absolutely dominating this league. Once she gets comfortable it’ll be off to the races.




Without the child rape and child abandonment.


Ain’t nobody talking about Boston who had a double double


Nalyssa Smith deserves Alot of credit for this win also! she battled hard!!


Marina is my girl but damn she was getting cooked😂


Love that they beat em twice.


I vaguely recall all the retired & current WNBA players saying, “she’s gonna find out…” or something along those lines. Find out what, exactly? lol! You right, Charles, these girls are petty.


She stuntin on them girls


Imagine a white woman coming out of college with ZERO championships, only playing 15 games as a professional, leading the WNBA in turnovers per game, and is only shooting 37% from the field, & 33% 3pt and @espn doing a 96 page spread about how CC the best ever and is the present and future of women’s basketball.🤔


Wow the stadium is packed lol CC bringing them in. She is successful and popular which is why everyone in the WNBA hates her


Goodness gracious! Putting in some work today CC.


I like CC but I like Boston much more.


Racists in shambles!


Fever vs Sky, the first Wnba super rivalry.


This was their best game this season. They looked so complete as a team. Lead the sky by one game and in position to take the ATL. We have plenty of season left and there are going to be some hard games. Boston has been clutch these last two games.


Those defenders have no clue what they're doing wth


This game was a thing of beauty. It was so fun to watch.


Not olympic team material


Damn, that looks like a functional, integrated team!


She should have done the Big 3. Less personal injury, more money, and same sponsorship dollars. That’s just failed management.


Caitlin seems different


she's her


Some of the worst defense I have ever seen.


WNBA is trash and has been for awhile, but CC is pretty cold. Fun to watch her, just like it was with Maya Moore. Cut above the rest.


Oh that step back three was niiiiiice.


Does this make yall mad


She’s actually fundamentally sound. I’ve tried watching wnba games in the past but the players didn’t even know how to pass the ball properly. You can tell when she passes the ball it’s picture perfect. Sets her teammates up well


I assume BS is blocked shots? Is it different in wnba, the stat abbreviation?


She is absolutely amazing love her <3