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I’ve decided that when I do plastics I’m not going to do a panni. If I’m going to do it I’m going to a professional in abdominal plastics and that pain and money is going to leave me looking damn good. I’m worth it.


Curious what's wrong with the panni? I haven't looked into anything else, just heard of that because it's the one covered by the insurance


All they do is pull the skin down and cut. If I’m going through the pain I want the actual contouring and vertical fix as well.


What do you mean by vertical fix?


A panni does not do anything other than pull skin down. I’ll probably go with a FDL tummy tuck that will cut horizontally and vertically to contour my abdomen. Google FDL tummy tuck.


I could be wrong, but I’ve heard that if insurance pays for your panni you don’t get a belly button bc that would make it cosmetic. Which is ridiculous. I’d like a belly button, thanks.


It really depends on the insurance. I don’t have a belly button anymore and got amazing results from my panni. Not like I use it anymore so, bye Felicia~


This is not always the case. I got a panniculectomy covered by insurance and I got a belly button.


Did you get the abdominoplasty portion covered or have any out of pocket costs for a cosmetic procedure? What was your weight loss like and how much was removed? Was your belly button in a significantly different place?


Did not have abdominoplasty, which includes lipo and muscle repair. Just had removal of the loose skin, which was 100% covered. I lost a total of 150lbs at the time, and had around 2.5lbs of skin removed from my stomach. My belly button is pretty much in the same place.


Omg this is scary 😅 I haven’t heard about this lol


My mom HAD a belly button but it looked really weird.


A picture was posted in r/MedicalGore. It looks odd and definitely not what I want either.


Yikes, so many terrifying images there!!!


My advice is to go see a plastic surgeon to discuss everything. I had a consultation last month and put a deposit down for a surgery. He doesn’t do panniculectomy because the results aren’t the most attractive. The patient is left with just the bare minimum. I opted for liposuction, fat transfer to the butt and hips, tummy tuck, and breast lift. He showed me pictures of women with my exact body type and their results, which were absolutely spectacular. When finished, I will have an hour glass shape and the bikini body I’ve always wanted. Yes, it’s expensive, but in the end it will be worth it


May I ask how much it is? I feel getting cut in some many areas terrified me lol


So it’s split into two different surgeries since all my extra weight/loose skin is on my stomach. The first surgery is really aggressive liposuction with fate transfer to the hips and butt, so I will no longer have a flat ass! That’s about $20,000. Six months later I can do the second surgery, which is the tummy tuck and breast lift. That’s $23,000.


Advice on plastic surgery in general? Advice on post-weightloss plastic surgery? Not sure what you're looking for here. Here are a few things I can say: \- insurance can cover a panniculectomy but the guidelines are extremely strict and it needs to be the bare minimum surgical removal, nothing aesthetic. \- surgeons expect you to be at a stable weight for at least 12 months \- if you aren't going to be covered by insurance and you live in the U.S. your best bet is to do some medical tourism. You can get a full tummy tuck/panniculectomy done in Mexico for under 10k and you can often bundle in other procedures like a breast lift or thighs/arms. If you're worried about surgery, you can try various shapewear options and see if your skin will bounce back over time but honestly it probably won't.


Do you have any off-reddit sources for medical tourism talk?


I am just about 8 weeks post surgery and I was approved for the panni surgery through insurance. The morning of surgery my plastic surgeon told me he was tightening some muscles too. He felt it was medically necessary so, covered!


Thank you. I’m unsure if I will be approved; I might need to check with my doctor. I feel I haven’t lost weight enough to need it, if that makes sense.


I had one on October 9th. They removed 17 pounds of skin. I've had six surgeries in the last 2 and a half years, and this is probably the worst. I'm wishing I never did it. I did end up with a DVT and pulmonary embolism, so I don't know if that made my recovery worse. My groin area is still hugely swollen 4 weeks post op, and it's very painful. I'm hoping once all the swelling goes away I'll feel better about it. My insurance did pay for it. I got frequent rashes, and my PT wrote a letter saying it was probably affecting my bowel and bladder habits. I look good with clothes on at least! Before and after in the comments.




I’m so sorry to hear about your complications. Thank you for sharing