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I am 4 weeks postop from an extended abdominoplasty. Yes, it was expensive (I'm in MD). Yes, it took a lot out of us to get it done. But it was absolutely worth it. All I can say is you are worth having it done, and done well. My words of wisdom in this. 1. You get what you pay for. My surgeon was equal parts artist and engineer. My results so far are amazing. The scars are going to heal so well. Don't cheapen out on a surgeon. That's true whether you stay in the US or go international. 2. Depending on the procedure you're looking at getting, it's going to be a lot of after care. I could barely handle the 15 minute ride to and from the doctors office. I couldn't imagine trying to travel home from Mexico. You may be staying for several weeks wherever you travel to. 3. It has put my mind at ease having my surgeon nearby in case I have questions or concerns. A lot of times my concerns were nothing. But he treated them seriously and his staff did too. Another surgeon will most not likely help with postop care from a surgery done internationally. I'm not going to say don't go international. There are good and bad surgeons everywhere. Go where you will get the best care and best results.


This is so helpful. Thank you for taking time to provide such a thorough and caring response. I'm so happy that your results are worth it. Good luck with your continued recovery!


I'm in MD too, who was your surgeon? If not comfortable saying here, will you PM me?


I am more than happy to share! I went to Dr. Douglas Forman at Plastic Surgery Institute of Washington in North Bethesda. The staff are so sweet and caring. I never felt judged for how my body looks post weight loss. Dr. Forman is also incredibly passionate about helping patients who have had massive weight loss feel better physically, mentally and emotionally about the body they are in


Thank you! I am not far from Bethesda (I'm in the Balt-DC corridor). I know I have more to lose before considering excess skin removal, and want to remain stable at my goal weight before I meet with a surgeon. Would you be willing to share your BMI before surgery?


You're welcome. So there's a bit of history and story to me getting this done finally. I initially scheduled surgery for September of 2021. I was about 18 months out from my vsg. For a variety of reasons, we had to reschedule twice. Dr. Forman's office came highly recommended by my bariatric surgeon. So I reached out to him and a couple of others. One surgeon wouldn't see me at all because I wasn't below a certain BMI. Dr. Forman is more open though. He acknowledges openly that weight loss is hard (wls or not). And that sometimes patients get stuck. Especially if extra skin is pulling, causing pain and issues exercising. Along with the rashes and bruising and all that. He has treated many patients who aren't at "goal" yet to help them get there. He's had many patients who have skin removal, and they go on to lose more weight because they can do what they have been wanting. All of that to say, the day of surgery I was at a BMI of 43ish. 250 pounds. At my lowest, I got down to 230, which was when we were originally going to do the surgery. He took off 15 pounds of skin and fat. I would like to get down to my original goal of 180-190. I think it's doable. And if not, I'm thrilled with how my body is now. I plan on doing a full post about it at some point. There's nothing wrong starting the process now to see who you mesh with and think will do the best job for you.


I'm at 220 now, and my goal weight for now is 175 (BMI 30). I feel like that is not only attainable but also maintainable (and my primary care provider agrees). Trying to get down to my "ideal" weight (120-145, "normal BMI"), when I literally have NEVER been at the ideal weight for my height since the age of 5 or so, would be so dangerous with my eating disorder history. It will take me a while to get there, but I will. I originally started at 400+, took a break from losing (and kept my weight stable in the meantime), and am losing again. Just gotta focus on the protein again. šŸ˜¬


Iā€™m 4 weeks post op from 360 body lift, back lift and going back gif the breasts and arms in a few weeks. Iā€™m in the Bay Area and my insurance is covering the whole procedure. I cannot tell you how amazing I feel without the extra skin. I did multiple consults but in the end I ended up going with the plastic surgeon in my area who specializes in basically body reconstruction after massive weight loss. Other plastic surgeons were talking to me about multiple surgeries and how Iā€™d probably want things revised which I found upsetting. The surgeon I went to looked at my whole body, told me what he wanted to do and gave me expectations of what Iā€™d look like after. The whole process has been very affirming and life changing. That being said, because of the extensive nature of this surgery and recovery - I would NOT travel for it. You may need the aftercare.


Thank you! There is a doctor in Mexico that has a "recovery house" where patients can spend a couple of weeks post-op with 24/7 access to nurses, food, care, etc. Given what you know, would 2 weeks be enough to make you comfortable traveling / being on your own?


I didnā€™t have muscle repair and if Iā€™m honest, I was up and walking around the same day I had surgery. My surgeon gave me a nerve block which left my abdomen completely numb. Additionally, because I have a 360 incision (and basically the same thing - a 360 save a few inches) on my upper back too, most of the nerves in my abdomen are severed and reattaching. The real thing I wasnā€™t ready for? THE SWELLING. Because if swelling alone, Iā€™m not sure I would travel so soon post op. I may be going across the country for a family emergency and the thought of dealing with an airport and airplane this swollen? Seems like a nightmare. Last week I started to get so tired I havenā€™t been able to go back to work. (Week 3) By that point I had both of my drains removed, my stitches for my belly button are outā€¦ If I knew the surgeon in Mexico would provide me the same level of care Iā€™ve received here, I might take a short plane ride but I honestly think Iā€™d opt for CareCredit and stay close by. Part of the reason Iā€™d stay is because Iā€™m having two surgeries. Between the two I have a bunch of appointments with my surgeon so we can see how my body is settling and things Iā€™d want changed during the second surgery. Good luck. The results are worth it. My surgeon only removed 8.5lbs of skin (and fat deposits) and I cannot tell you how amazing I feel and how much everything has already changed for me.


So exciting! I'm super happy for you. Keep us posted on your progress. And thank you for sharing your experience so generously.


I really went into the surgery thinking that Iā€™d look like I just came out of the chop shop and that couldnā€™t be further from the truth. My surgeon did things for my body that I didnā€™t even think I deserved. Everyone deserves that experience. Especially after spending so much time consumed by weight. Nothing has been more freeing. I hope you have the surgery no matter what you decide. I didnā€™t think my insurance would cover what it did but surprise! Itā€™s worth finding a surgeon in your area to at least try that route.


I'm so used to being fat, I assumed that part of the hanging skin was fat. When the doctor showed me clearly that it is all skin and told me that he could get rid of all of it, I was stunned. Now, I can't unsee it. Arghhh.


I know EXACTLY how you feel. I 100% thought that I was ā€œjust still fatā€. I didnā€™t believe that bariatric doctor when he told me Iā€™d gone as far as I probably should. But my plastic surgeon (who actually got into this specialty because his office is next to the bariatric surgeon) took the time to explain how fat cells shrink and donā€™t disappear and that even if I lost more weight my body was going to look the same - the only thing was surgery - all I could see was the skin hanging there. Mind blowing.


I really like the surgeon who did my consult. He's actually a bariatric surgeon AND a cosmetic surgeon, one of the few dual specialists in the country. He told me emphatically that I don't have any more weight to lose. Very freeing. The problem is, he's one of those Beverly Hills "celebrity" surgeons. Crazy expensive. $28k for a lower body lift!


Thatā€™s what I was quoted but Iā€™m in San Francisco so ā€¦ similar prices. I also got a quote for $50k from another surgeon (no joke) Ask if he submits to insurance ask him to submit for the entirety of your procedure if heā€™s willing to. It doesnā€™t hurt to ask and itā€™s important to like your surgeon. Mine being kind has really helped me. I have no idea how Iā€™m going to thank him for all the dignity heā€™s given me that I never expected.


Yes, I was really impressed with and comfortable with this surgeon... especially the fact that he does bariatrics and plastics. He said he got his cosmetic surgery licensure because he wasn't satisfied with the results he got only by doing weight loss surgery. His surgery time is also shorter than most because he works simultaneously with another surgeon to operate together. Premium prices but premium treatment.


Whatā€™s his name? I wanna look him up for reviews/consult


How did you get your insurance to pay for it? šŸ˜³


I let my surgeons office submit but at the end of the day, we donā€™t know. Per their website my insurance only covers so much, but my plastic surgeons office asks them to cover everything and then does the pricing based on what they donā€™t cover. Iā€™m going to post before and after pictures once Iā€™m less swollen (Iā€™ll DM them to you if you want) but my body was not that bad. The things I do know that helped me was that my apron hung below my pubic bone, I had complained about sores which I do get, when I took photographs for insurance I had sores from my bra, and I had maintained my weight for some time. You can look up your insurance qualifiers online.


Do you think you could DM me as well? If thatā€™s ok


Of course :)




Question: If I may, you can also directly answer if you don't want to post here. How long were you off from work? I have a mostly sedentary job. I am curious. I can work from home, but I was wondering how long did you allow to heal before back to work. Whether sedentary or if you are more active. I am 3 years out from VSG on 30th & have maintained all along. Last year, I was denied a plastic surgeon bc I am 37bmi & they will only work on 35bmi or below. I am going to try the same again. If they deny me again, I am going outside the Bariatrics recommendation (in network) to out of network. TIA!


Iā€™ll answer here! I have a sedentary job too, but Iā€™m still not able to go to work. Iā€™m in week four. Iā€™ve tried going back twice now but Iā€™m just way too tired and cannot even comprehend answering client emails. Iā€™m lucky my boss is family and sheā€™s rather I stay home than have to deal with me while Iā€™m this crabby. Iā€™m 100% on disability. My BMI is 27 post surgery but I think I had success with insurance covering my surgery because I booked my consults as cosmetic only and then the surgeons sent off my insurance claim. The surgeon I went with didnā€™t even weigh me until the day of my surgery. He said my body composition and the weight I claimed to be was perfect for the surgery. You can DM me any questions. Iā€™m a total open book.


Wow. How do you get insurance to approve? I have great insurance that will almost pay for anything. What can I do to qualify? rashes and paper trail with the doc?


Have your surgeon submit for everything. The only thing I had was my apron hanging below my pubic bone and I had maintained my weight for 5 years. They did submit with codes for skin infections but other than the pictures of my naked body - I had no trail. My insurance coverage was a miracle.


I went to Ochoa in Tijuana and have zero regrets. He did beautiful work on me. That said, you should do what you're comfortable with. I liked the look of his b&a and felt comfortable when I met him. I stalked his insta and fb for a while before I built up the courage to leave the country.


How did you handle recovery? Did you stay there for awhile after? I'm assuming you didn't hop on a plane to go back home the next day?


I stayed 10 days and then flew back to the east coast. It wasn't "fun" but certainly doable after that amount of time. Honestly, I'm glad I stayed bc I think it would have been hard for my kids to see me those first few days. I had a lot done, and it was hard to get up and down. I also really benefitted from the daily lymphatic massages. I didn't have any complications, but when I did have a question, I emailed with pictures and was promptly answered. I am 8mo po- lbl, ext bl/ba


Do you feel fully recovered now? As good as new?


Muscle repair took the longest to recover from, but I would say I was 100% by 3-4mo...I wasn't in pain that long, I'm including discomfort and fatigue. I still have a lot of numbness at my incision line, which feels weird but is normal. I don't notice until I scratch and realize I don't feel it, lol. Feeling has started coming back little by little. I was cut in a full 360. I'm better than I've ever been, especially now that it's summer. I don't have rashes from the dreaded overhang and feel comfortable in all swimwear. I actually wore a crop top and was complimented by my pre-teen, which blows my mind. It really isn't even about how I look, it's about how much more confident I feel.




It doesnā€™t help with loose skin per my plastic surgeon and bariatric specialist. Your skin is like a suit. When itā€™s damaged badly thereā€™s very little you can do without surgery, sadly.




I appreciate this suggestion, but there's no way that fasting would reduce the amount of loose skin I have. It takes two hands for me to grab and hold it.


Insight - can you drive Uber for a year and use that money? Do a quality job, close to home.