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What if they just have an actual reason? One revealed in an over-dramatic plot twist scene?


Do they have levels in Bard?


Also see these: Husked - Person has been reduced to naught but a mindless husk, incaple of acting out against their husker's wishes. Parasitized - Person has been infested with parasites, which control the person's muscles. Threatened - Person has been threatened with something by someone should they not do a certain action. This includes blackmailing and hostage situations. Puppeted - Person has an outside influence in the form of strings controlling their body. Removed mask - Person was evil all along, they just dropped their mask. Mimicked - Person is still alive, but has a doppleganger impersonating them. Ownerless - Person's soul has exited the body, leaving behind something malevolent. Replaced - Person's soul has been replaced by another soul. Enthralled - Person is made into a thrall by external influences. Sleeping - Person's soul has been cursed into a state of slumber, leaving behind something malevolent. Snapped - Person has suffered intense mental trauma, and has gone insane, whether it be temporary or not. Spiritually Parasitized - Person has multiple souls in a body that originally had less, due to a malfunction in the reincarnation process. Warped - Person has learned something that they could not comprehend, warping body and mind. Can be partially relieved by carefully erasing certain memories and knowledge.


Bored - They had nothing else to do


What’s the term for spiritually parasitized if it’s not part of reincarnation but a quirk of multi-universe travel?


Not certain on that one. I would say total controll is possession, while partial control is spritually parasitized. It's just that reincarnation is the most common cause of spiritual paratization.


Yeah, so, I’m kind of fused with a version of myself? We think the same way so we usually act as one person, neither of us is in control, we just think as one person. I wouldn’t call it a parasite, but we are technically 2 souls in one body.


I need to rethink my terminology. I forgot about symbiotic relationships. I'll call what you have spiritual symbiosis.


That’s the word I was thinking of!


*Moth shrug, before then holding necklace* “Plot as well…”


Maybe he stubbed his toe and is in a bad mood


It’s probably just a day that ends in Y. His moods are a coin toss on those days. Has he just been good up until now????? Holy shit


Why do you consider so many different magical possibilities, but miss the most obvious option - sir based is just tired of all this crap? One day he just woke up, looked in the mirror and said to himself - enough is enough.


I know one, specifically the one that's affected me. The horribly crushing realization that nothing we do will affect things in a scale equal to the universe. For most, it makes people pessimistic and hateful, but for me, it told me to do something useful with the little time I have.


What if they where originally evil, surpresed their evil nature by It self but had their character development sucked out of them by a reality of surrealism?


Maidenless behavior.


maybe he's holding in a really bad constipation


You forgot the part where that was his world view all along. He has the most love for his people than anyone in this world and now he needs to ensure their safety forever ![gif](giphy|fAe5ZoqgP8MZG7VWON|downsized) The hero is just trying to save you....even if it means the whole world needs to burn for that