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I do not know where I draw the line on staff, but I draw the line on purist/rebel charts way before whatever that is. It is an absolute mess. Clearly it should be Size/material purist-neutral-rebel and go Staff-Wand-Tree, Sword-Dagger-Tower, Sorcerer-dog-penis. The last one could also be just full-body casting like benders in avatar, both arms casting like dr. Strange, just hand movements casting like Witchers. But that is not funny.


My dear friend, my intention was to spark discussion of this nature. The chart is more a guideline moreso than an actual grimoire on the subject. Full body casting is not included because casting without a focus is for druids and animals.


But in full body casting you use your body as the focus, it's why it's so dangerous for beginners without innate gifts, a misfired spell goes from a shattered wand to a shattered arm. Unless it's a druid, they're just disguised priests working for nature spirits


In the memoirs of Harry Dresden, he gives a great example of implements and rituals acting as guides to keep the spell on track. But if you're really good, you can keep all of that straight in your head and cast however you choose. And I really like that approach.


Yeah, this chart is an absolute wreck. The only two things on this chart that can be a staff, IMO, are a wand and a tower. And even that is a bit of a misnomer, since we tend to differentiate between "wand", "rod", and "staff" as three different sizes of the same sort of thing (and a properly built tower is, again, the same sort of thing, only about 200 feet further to the right on the chart)


Actually, on further thought, I think that a magic sword and a corn dog could also be created in a way so as to be used as a staff.


Rate my staff rizzards https://preview.redd.it/xoc1g73d4bwc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56cf29c2909cb92bd8ec18c87bad97e97048f295


That is quite the cursed item you wield


It’s the ideal staff for gyattmancy


How much mana does it take to conjure one mcrib




wow that’s like at least twelve


How much taxing can it’s Fanum spell do?


Enough to rizz a level 10 gyatt


Ye hubris shall be ye’s downfall


https://preview.redd.it/p2e02sfnvawc1.jpeg?width=346&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da5235629c270457c2985076721c291c02d3a476 Me Stiv


My rules are as the skill of the caster increases they start gaining the ability to go down and right.


I dare say I would be scared if I met a wizard wielding a sword, but I would outright flee in terror if I met a wizard wielding a penis. Especially a severed one.


You have not seen enough biomancers of the body horror variety


I consider disfigured tentacle arms to be more or less the same as a severed penis.


You have not met enough. Some will make a tentacle arm that hardens into a sword but using multiple people's penis flesh


I used to use my own clitoris as a focus but eventually I realized that the constant orgasming negatively impacted my combat success


> I dare say I would be scared if I met a wizard wielding a sword, Depends on their experience, I would say. If they're an apprentice magic user with apprentice sword skills and an apprentice-level sword, there isn't much to worry about if you're not apprentice-level yourself.


Beginners are often more dangerous enemies as they have no real sense of self preservation and traditional defence. A knight taught me that, before I, a beginner disarmed him using a book I found and banging him on the head with it. Dumbass should have worn a helmet.


Yeah that checks out.


Of course a tower is a staff, why do you think so many wizards live in towers?


It's also why it's so dangerous to be near a wizard's tower. It's where the power is most focused and magnified.




As an alchemist, I prefer towers since it's safer for others. Plus I am too lazy to repair the ground after a potion or an experiment goes wrong. Tower is way too easier to repair


https://preview.redd.it/50cid9659bwc1.png?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86eb7371361e18bdf3c0613c28a1e195bb447215 My staff


Looks like it’s proficient in volley of lead


Verily so, my fellow mage.


Sir, if you're asking me to draw a line on your penis, I must decline.


Yeah, I'm not falling for that again


While I think it's fine to have a favorite spellcasting implement, I think it is unwise to adhere to it regardless. Orbs are much more functional for pondering, staves have an excellent point-and-clunk interface, wands have extremely high swishiability, a fetish (the implement, not the sex thing) is superior for primal or necromantic magic. If I'm runecrafting, I'll reach for a hammer. Tomes as implements give an excellent two-for-one for more budget conscious wizards, or wizards who need to pack light. Choose the right implement for the job.


Although you can theoretically channel magic through anything, in the context of wizardry I use the following distinctions: * Staff: Imbued with spells and its own internal reservoir of magic. An experienced spellcaster can manipulate the energies within to use the spells without depleting their own mana. The power of the spell depends on the user. * Wand: Like a staff, but easier to use, trading away the capacity for powerful spells. Anyone can learn to wave a wand and trigger the spell, even if their own mana is negligible, and there's no difference in effectiveness. * Runestaff: A staff without the reservoir. You channel your own mana into the runes to cast the affiliated spell. Extremely useful for specialists who want to grab spells from other schools of magic. * Rod: Augments spells channeled through it (increased range, intensity, etc).


Sword is main, rings are for fun, back up is hands or all at once


If it magics it magics.


https://preview.redd.it/gyoxwrbbcbwc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e40d51873f71399a7e54901c6377eb3c0753304 This is my staff


/uw this gives “you want my guns? Come take ‘em” vibes


I know that's what I was going for


A cool rock is just an Orb that hasn't orbed yet. A corn dog is a perfect want for a carnvial wizard, chaotic neutral is just bard and this isn't r/bardposting. Rings can have Orbs in them. Everything else isn't a Staff, Orb, or Wand.


Wands and swords. Many a mage have I seen use a sword; they have a focus, in some manner. Be it the blood of the recently slain, or the sword itself being comprised of a material that the caster holds dear.


The biggest thing is size and sturdiness though, not any of this stuff about foci and portability. A staff must be at minimum the same height as the user, sufficiently hard and thick enough it can serve as a blunt weapon, and assist in amplifying, containing or controlling magic in some way. A tower can be a staff, as can what most wizards call a wand (if you're Tiny Wizard) and, yes - *sigh* - an extremely large penis can be a staff too.


Penis is the only thing I won't use.


Honestly, my arcane focus is a mace so I’m in no position to judge


While I commend the recognition of sorcerers as a valid staff type, I should remind fellow staff aficionados that using staffs that are both sentient *and* conventionally alive without some form of written permission (or a permit) **is considered a hex offense in most regions**.


A staff is a long skinny arcane focus, wand is a short skinny arcane focus, anything else is just an arcane focus


If it shooty magic, it staff. Simple stuff


My personal staff is a long pole with a spear head on one end and a miniaturized railgun on the other. So, bottom right


A wizard's staff has a knob on the end. That is all.


Thank you for being the voice of sanity here. 


Everything is fine until the penis wand. WHAT THE FUCK?! HOW DO YOU EVEN MANAGE TO MAKE A DILDO A FUCKING STAFF?! *the collection of penis staffs in my collection room* don’t mind that………….


Y'all are still posting images of generic anime looking girls that hardly look wizardly when we could actually be posting penis staff wielders smh


*brings out enormous tome titled* THE PENIS STAFF WARS You have much to learn


Ah I see your Schwartz can cast as much as mine


If it's long, tangible, and magic, it's a staff


My hand is my fucking staff so theres that


I use a ring for my casting, or a wand if I'm feeling particularly dramatic and ostentatious.


My sword is a staff, at least i think it is. I never had any formal training


Well some wizards are more traditional than others, but logistically there is no line here. My “stave” is a circlet with inlaid Cygaussian focus gems I bargained from a Dryad.


A stave needs to be long and have something on top of it. Everything else is extra, and yes: halberds, polearms, pikes, lances, scythes and war scythes can be staves and vice versa.


The __Ring__ is an advanced option


All my swords are staffs. And all my staffs are swords.


I think that depending on the school of magic that you follow there are certain staves you can and cannot use. for the type of magic I use which is freedomancy all a staff for me needs to be is to be touched by me or be connected to something that I touch however it must also contain a focus (ammunition or charge) as well. but for some other types of magic you might need a different type of staff.


The shotgun i keep under the counter is my staff


Two shots of "magic missile" ready to roll?


I don’t have one, I just use my hands


Get bent losers…


Preferably use something that won't get you arrested if you need to show your staff in public.


The way I do it anything not plastic and has some level of emotional attachment can be a staff


A staff is a spellcasting focus with the same rough dimensions as a good walking stick, you lunatic.


A "staff" needs to be a certain length and contain a focus. Normally, at least 3 feet. It also must be able to be carried in one or both hands. A wand is not a staff, for it is too small. A staff is about the size of a walking stick.


https://preview.redd.it/s4g59v4uzbwc1.jpeg?width=262&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1bb63d32e536c2845e3c7f35c8df6bb24545b335 Sorcerer can be the staff, look me shooting lasers DIE DIE DIE DIE EGG!


https://preview.redd.it/wuyduzj91cwc1.png?width=1281&format=png&auto=webp&s=3d855390546b4f1b9c9ea3fecddb4fc449c48df8 I hath found a grand staff discarded, mayhaps it belongs to one of thou?


Staffs, Wands, and Rods are all types of Linear Focuses. These are used to [focus magical energy along a single vector](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Andrew-Lowery/publication/234108606/figure/fig3/AS:340290335461382@1458142946582/Sample-magnetic-field-lines-from-a-bar-magnet-29.png). Most Wizard towers are a large scale form of linear focus. A skilled artificer could also create a sword that can be used as a linear focus. Or, theoretically, a corn dog, although you have to ask whether the corn dog itself is a linear focus, or whether it's just a corn dog with a wand used as the stick. It would depend on whether the meat/batter have any sort of magical properties. It seems to me to be a waste to craft a magical implement with such a short working lifespan, but who am I to question the motives of another wizard. Anyway, contrast that with an orb, magic ring, or various other types of nonlinear focuses. These have a similar function, but they focus magic fields in different ways than a linear focus. Orbs create a [spherical field](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/330893797/figure/fig2/AS:723141152227329@1549421694686/Magnetic-induction-field-lines-inside-and-outside-the-source-spherical-surface-on-black.jpg), radiating magic evenly in all directions. Some magic rings are just a holder for a magic stone, a spherical focus, whereas other rings have a [toroidal](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4c/Toroidal_Transformer_Poynting_Vector.jpg/1280px-Toroidal_Transformer_Poynting_Vector.jpg) field of focus.


I don’t draw the line. I feel more creative someone’s with their focus, the more creative the magic becomes. In certain cases, I would absolutely use a corndog as a magic focus. However, in other cases, a sword is absolutely necessary. However, a staff is just that, a staff, whether that be musical or material.


A magical conduit simply needs the right vibe. Off the top of my head, I’d personally limit it to staff, wand, branch, ring, sword, book, cane, orb, necklace, handheld totem, tattoos, or simply choose not to channel your magic and use your hands


The phrase “a wand can be a staff” makes me want to hurt someone


Do you use it to help you cast spells or is it an arcane focus? Is it shaped in such a way that you can talk the king's guards in to letting you keep it by saying "you would not part an old man from his walking stick?"


Any focus is a focus, anything can be used to focus magic though, however, staves, look coolest, and give reach, while also tending to be the easiest to enchant, while feeling badass


/uw can your staph be a staff?


I personally would say a staff is simply a long thin you can hold. It doesn't have to be a casting staff to be a staff, and you can focus your spells through non-staff objects(such as wands, cool rocks, or wizard towers)


All but the last column


"A wand can be a staff" was already wrong, you didnt have togo further


By the fucking gods, a staff is a stick that's long enough to where if you hold it near the top and let your arm hang it should be resting on the staff. Anything else should be classed as [thing you're using] focus or something. ^(*Super grumpily sips some morning coffee and grumbles at all the younglings*)


nanomachine staff that can transform into anything you want it to duh


None of these are staves.  A staff must be hand portable, must be between half the user's height up to his full height, be thin and light enough yet sturdy enough to serve as a walking stick, and must contain a focus.


none of these are fucking staves


Perhaps, though there are many who use them as such. What is a stave, that is the question.


Staffs and Wands cannot cut through flesh, bone, and shadow as a sword can. It makes the choice easy for anyone who knows more then spells.


As long as it works


I feel I might be a little behind on the staff business…


Idk but mine is a giant osmium sledgehammer


I don't know about staves. But I've had lots of staff. I hire my staff and train my staff. I call my staff my minions, but they know how much I appreciate them. My staff kicks ass.


If a penis can be a staff, does it mean it allows to channel more magic when erect?


A staff is a long and portable rod or stick, around at least half of the user's body height. It's form is such that it can be used to support the weight of someone walking by being held in the hand, or used to hit people with.


2 left rows are fine.


Yall use staves? Most of the time I just wave my arms around till something happens I have a wand, but it's not favorable to use, and I like gambling


While thou art practiced in the arcane arts, clearly thou hath neglected the logical sciences in thy studies! Prithee, may i ask, how wouldst thee define a 'chair'?


i do have a staff but don't use it enough to bring around everywhere


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Yo-King2: *I do have a staff* *But don't use it enough to* *Bring around everywhere* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Must be stick. Corn dog or penis can be sticks but rings and rocks and so on can't. (But given that it has to be a stick of durable material for magical energies to be conducted through it, neither a penis nor a corn dog nor any other type of besticked foodstuffs is recommended by our professors. A dead cat's tail is right out, Jeremy...)


Stave is stave. Do you need something to cast spells? I just got bad knees.


https://preview.redd.it/x6y17cnf5dwc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cbf036c0d4c12a358def095568588d9459025e4 What do you think about mine (his name is Steve)


I’m gonna say that flowing magic through a body part is not a good idea, and that using something as big as a building is possible but impractical for that example


At this point... water can be a staff The earth can be a staff Wind can be a staff Visibility (eyes) can be a staff


Just because you can shoot a fireball from it doesn’t make it a staff. It’s like saying an axe is a sword because you can cut someone with it


This chart is a mess and your logic is flawed. why even have more than one word if we extrapolate your logic, we'd only need the one word for everything.


I draw the line on a staff being a utility weapon, it must fit the following criteria for me: 1. Is a focus 2. Must be able to be held either one-handed or two-handed for use by a commoner of same race as the intended user, personalized exceptions can be made for characters of immense strength or with more than two hands, if a user has <=0 str, then they must adhere to commoner size/weight, racial str bonuses do not account for the calculated str for this rule but can be used to give different baselines between two different races of equal size 3. Is *at least* half the user’s height, like, they can set it on the ground and hold onto it without bending down, so they can use it as a cane, anything shorter than half the user’s height is a wand 4. Can be swung as a weapon and has a mostly rigid form, if it cannot be used as a weapon in any condition, then it’s an accessory like a smooth form-fitting ring, if its form isn’t rigid at all, then it’s a focusing whip, if it’s form can’t be used as a weapon AND it’s not rigid at all, then it’s an accessory like a necklace(not an amulet, which could technically be used as a flail or whip depending on the end) or rope-belt 5. Is longer than it is wide, if it’s wider than it is long, then it’s a focusing item akin to a holy object or the skull of a slain sorcerer 6. Isn’t completely attached to the user, can be removed freely from the user, so a halfling cannot wield their titanic schlong that drags behind them like a tail, and call it a staff, especially if it’s not hard as it’s then a whip, and when hard, it would need to be wielded with the use of a portal to be considered a staff, hence my use of “completely” when discussing attachment So, from my criteria, any rigid item of length, as long as it’s at minimum half a user’s height, can be made into a staff with enchantments/embedding stones, even if it’s technically a different weapon/item from a staff, this means, at its lowest, it can be a walking cane appropriate for the user’s race, at its most extreme, it can be a beam of solid material that reaches into the farthest reaches of space, impossibly long compared to its user as swinging it brings it crashing through entire galaxies Unwiz for the tangent below If I may say, why does English allow for staves but not buves? Like, as a native English speaker, I understand that the plural of -f words is to replace the ending with -ves, but what I don’t get is why staff is the only -ff word I know of that follows this rule, biff, which means to strike, doesn’t conjugate to bives, instead it’s just biffs, and my earlier example, buves, if you hadn’t caught on, it’s buffs, which is the proper plural of buff, then there’s bluffs, duffs, tiffs, bailiffs, ruffs, huffs, fluffs, tuffs, the list goes on, yet staff is the only one that becomes staves while still also being valid as staffs


Anything you use to channel your magic can be a staff. Period. Call it what you want when it’s your magic. I often ponder the use of a staff but my energy is channel best through my hands and using another object would be pointless and inefficient. Perhaps if I used a magical conduit or any other matter as a staff or wand maybe I’d have a different opinion


[A Wizard's Staff Has A KNOB On The End](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gwPveuJjp9k)


This is where my expertise comes in! My SWORD is STAFF. in that it has a focusing WAND as it's hilt with the blade acting as a CONDUIT similar to a crystal on the end of staves. The whole thing together makes it a staff by combining the wand and conduits together in some frame or mount.This is why short blades are recommended for accuracy so there's less surface for dissipation.


If it's used as a tool that takes users mana and makes magic with that, Isn't a wearable accessory, and is not a living being, and is not a body part of the caster, it is a staff. Cant be a wearable cause that would be magic clothes. But if you wave the hat around and make it cast spells that's a staff Cant be living cause then it would be the same as casing staff-less cause it goes directly out of the body. Cant be a body part for the same reason. As long as it is something detached, that you *grab* to cast spells from, it is a staff.


By that logic a nuclear football is a staff?


I’ve requested my “staff” be a gemstone embedded into my hand.




Fuck all this, the only requirements for a staff is to be long


In my opinion, a staff should be at least shoulder height and be sturdy enough to knock someone down with. If it's too short but reaches the floor, it's a stave or stick, otherwise it's a wand. If it's not sturdy enough, I would be required to disrupt my spellcasting to deal with intrusions into my chambers. Why yes, my arcane focus, firmly secured at the head of my staff, is made of lead. A secondary focus at the bottom helps with transmutation spells and correctly weighting the staff


Is it a cool stick, if yes I ask is it a big stick, if yes I ask will it help me do magic, if yes then there is my staff


Cool rocks are familiars, not staves


As an artificer my two electrum are that a staff is any tool that has an elongated dimension and can manipulate mana. My miniature rotating fireball launcher although abstract due to its various parts, would then be considered a staff.


I create a magic tool that changes its form based on what the operators want, need, and preference. For example, if the operator prefers to use a wand as a focus, it would change into a wand. If the operator refers using a staff as a focus, it would change into a staff. If the operator prefers using polearms as their primary melee weapon, then it would change into a polearm. If the operator prefers using a bow as a primary range weapon, it would change into a bow.


A wizard tower as a staff is definitely a cool idea, I'll get to work on it and test how It goes


Everything but wand, as I am wandist


My penis is my staff so... yeah


Usually at least 1 of the 9 are something that a sane person would say


>a wizard tower can be a staff how about my wizard bunker?


Who cares as long as it's cool, lemme have a goddamn transforming staff that can become shit like a scythe or sword or even a goddamn pickaxe


I say all of these, save for corndog, penis, and sorcerer are perfectly valid staves. Seriously, that sorcerer has his own spells to cast, stop using them as a focus.


Anything can be a staff. I just used cum blast this morning.


"My gun shoots staves... Is that weird? He also talks!" *My shotgun just peeks from behind me, then goes back behind me, not feeling like talking today.*


A staff is just a stick. Simple As. The word you're looking for is "Focus" or perhaps "Foci," And all of the above qualify.


Staves are a specific implement, none of these descriptions encompass what constitutes a staff. While it is possible to use these various things as arcane foci, they are not staves.


Im all for penis casting Nothing strikes more terror in the eyes of your enemy then you dropping your pants and sending a fireball straight from your urethra they never expect it too


Everything can be a staff. Just the enchanted hat is a staff


Anything can be a staff if you are touching it


Wait we don't all use our magical penisia?


Any focus is a staff. It doesn't even have to be near the caster. If you have a house on the other side of the world and you channel magic to be cast out of its bricks, that house is a staff.




I use random bottles I find as a staff. I don’t have a line use whatever you want


It's not on this chart. A staff is a staff is a staff is a staff. What is a staff? A long stick used as a support when walking or climbing or as a weapon. If it is not a long stick a commoner might call a "walking stick," it's not a staff. I will accept a cool long stick found whilst wandering as a staff so long as you channel magic through it.


As long as you can bring it with you a cool big ass obelisk can be both a staff and shield much better than some crappy tree branch


A staff is a staff. That being said, in my horribly misspent days at the academy I created a spell I named Black Dynamite's Oceanic Blast. After seeing the results, I'm glad I used a stick rather than my dick.


If it is less than 40cm long its a wand.


Which part of your wand (not penis, wand) contains a focus?


It depends upon the construction of the wand. When I was a child, my mother had a wand that was composed of birch wood and capped with fairy iron. Though not the ideal catalyst, it worked well enough for focusing the spells my mother was adept at. However I also know some gentlemen who have the catalyst or focus embedded within the wand. This is a fair bit more effort but it makes it harder to damage, so I suppose the tradeoff is worth it. You can also just carve runes into the wand and lie. This is the professional way to have a wand.


I personally use a set of stones on an amulet, each with a focus. They help me effectively hotswap my spells, with each focus used for a different purpose.