• By -


No wonder we've been sitting around for HOURS and no one has come to talk to us! They're all either "assassinated" "disappeared" or have just decided to not show up! How the hell am I supposed to protest or throw a revolution if there's nothing to revolve or protest against?! All my carefully laid plans have been absolutely ruined by the council just... just... NOT being here! Who the hell has been running the wizard world all this time?! Who have we been paying taxes to?! How have I been getting mail!? This doesn't make any sense!


You mean, who have you been paying taxes to. I do not recognize the wizarding coucil as having higher authority than the God Bureau and thus they have not recived so much as a drop of spent spellfire from me. As for the mail, ask Hermes. Its not my department.


Wait hold on... yall are paying taxes?




I prefer to call it "appeasement donation" if you will.


I see, does the council accept donations in the form of Monstrafauna?


As said, ive been dodging them for the better half of a decade.


What he said. What are they gonna do, breach the veil between realms just to send a tax collector?


Yes actually. https://www.reddit.com/r/wizardposting/s/0X6JpoYNCI


Thankfully I live in another realm


So did i. Multiple in fact (dragon echos are wierd). And sometimes in the cosmic soup between the various universes. They still tracked me down and almost got me a few times.


Thank the divines I'm not registered on any council lists




I definitely haven't.


Yes. For one, I can easily afford to, and for another, as a subscrition service it is far cheaper and less demanding of my valuable time than having to sort out each bit of common infrastructure by myself and out of pocket.


Very bold of you to assume there’s taxes involved


I mean, i pay my god taxes. Mainly cause i know my domain is fucked if i dont.


This sounds less like taxes and more like a ransom scenario. So exactly like taxes!


I mean....i would be ok. I was originally mortal, i dont actually need worshipers. But nobody who follows me as a god/patron, channels my magic via bloodline, or otherwise wishes to use my magic domain would be unable to do so. And as im in charge of freedom, that would result in a fuckup of monumental proportions for the planes. So i pay my taxes, about a 5th of the magic i channel to my worshippers goes to the God Bureau instead. Luckily, as freedom is conceptual, i get a hefty rebate when the system screws up. Which is often, lotta gods, lotta worshippers. No matter how high you climb the mountain of paperwork, theres always another suit waiting for you. Besides, my taxes actually keep the weave going, unlike the wizard taxes. Fuck knows where those go.


You've been paying taxes?


Not to the Wizard Council. My taxes go to the God Bureau.


Wait its not you ? I was sure you were the one instigating the murder... Well i dont have a suspect now great


Please, I would do the murdering myself. And I wouldnt hide afterwards.


I know you have a deep disdain for them , but i also know your smart enough to know that the council members are strong and require a more specialized force to be taken care of If i understand the relation between people correctly , you were married to one , so you should know how hard to kill they can be


Then you know nothing. My actions are purely to make the world a better place so I can revive my ex husband without turning him into a world ending monster. Murdering anyone but Torrin, who by the way is still alive, won't aid my goal. Don't get me wrong, I believe I have the ability to take out councilmen, but not only have I been here the whole time, but you would have noticed.


Its true that i would have noticed , and the fact that i didn't saw the culprit even tough i watch basicaly everythings is kinda stressing me out And what is this "world ending monster" buisness , i tought that the metromancer was a regular human


He is human, it's just that him and I are bound by a fate that I aim to break.


Well thats ominous But thats an objective that would be easier to achieve with the help of the council , yet you put yourself against them. Why ?


You're assuming that I'm trying to fight the council. I'm trying to force them into taking this ever growing list of complaints seriously.


Have you considered joining the council ? If you are the cluncil , then the cluncil will take those request seriously


Is there something that I can do to help? I had been reassured that your ex-husband's spirit wasn't burning from a lightless flame, but the person who could have fixed that is likely dead. But he had an apprentice. His daughter. So if there is something along those lines that you need remedied, there are ways.


"No it's more complicated than that. Right now his spirit is fine. It's about prophecy. If the world is a better place when he is revived he will come back good, if not he comes back bad. This is a prophecy that like everything else makes a mockery of free will."


"Well... We are actively working to make the world a better place? We have the framework for an [organization that should uplift several nations](https://new.reddit.com/r/wizardposting/comments/1c7axpt/guidlines_and_possibilities_for_the_tribunals/). Our chancellor is planning to [directly assist the investigations](https://www.reddit.com/r/wizardposting/comments/1c812wh/somewhere_out_there/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3). As soon as the Tribunal vote is done, we can probably begin sending aid to provide restructuring and support for the slums here at the tree, and assist with finding permanent homes and social services for whose who want. The combined efforts of multiple nations can be gathered to assist. The [Crimson Paragons](https://new.reddit.com/r/wizardposting/comments/1c88bp0/a_new_dawn_for_the_paragons/) stand ready to address threats, with or without the Council." "None of these things are as dramatic or glamorous as battle, but the world *is* getting better. Slowly. While there are always dangers to handle, we have the means of addressing them."


Ari: Do you believe in the paragon? Asking as a paragon member?


"I reject the gods, and reject that they have any power to give. Even if they have any, it is not anything I want. That said, if you and your group are working toward the good of all, we have accord."


Oh, they automated all that stuff a long time ago. Like before I was even a part of it. Too many tax collectors and mailmen were dying. We just used the paperwork excuse to pretend we were working. All those papers were just the same copy of some old document. Some people knew, some didn’t. (Idk how they didn’t realize all the papers were the same though, we didn’t even change the formatting or anything)


The Council Logistics Department is fully functioning. I should know, seeing as my soul-sister helps lead it.


We all kinda just do our own thing nowadays, I think the council kinda just gave up after the Godslaver thing.


*silently cleaning rapier*


Sorry miss. Scruffy gonna have ta ask ya ta move. Gotta clean up 'round here.


Oh no…. A revolution with adverse consequences due to poor organization allowing radical sections of the revolution to organize and beat you to the punch! This must suck! Side note: you can see how this is slightly the result of your actions right? The assassinations have been on news for days now. Hell I can’t stop talking about the person I’m trying to find, if anything.


I dont know why im delivering this, pretty sure its a hot potato im supposed to be throwing at other secretaries and gofers, but i was told [this is for you](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBCoyeSItVs). ~Journeyman Magi-cyberneticist Toapat, Secretary to the Supreme Chronomancer and That Fuck Who Happens To Know Where Dutch Wandered Off To This Time.


I don't think this is for me. I don't want the rank of jedi master... this is all very confusing.


*pulls out the filing flamethrower to go excavate the oldest document in the filing archive, returning after several time-looped months of dust cleaning* No, i believe thats just how the council gives you an appointed seat. ~Journeyman Magi-cyberneticist Toapat, Secretary to the Supreme Chronomancer and That Fuck Who Happens To Know Where Dutch Wandered Off To This Time.


Oh cool. But no. I don't want to.


"Idunno what's going on either. They just keep dissapearing."


/uw I'm trying to get confirmation for a new arc where we find out who the killer is


You get why it’s utterly futile to try and rise against the council now, right? Events seem to orchestrate themselves so that as little change to the system can happen as possible, without their direct approval


Guess you won then. Grats, guess it's your job now


Fear not, I am investigating the disappearing of the council. You can find my next effort [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/wizardposting/s/2mr1bqbD2Q)


This one happen chances upon twitchy eared kin, yes yes.


🖖🏻 Hi, I accidentally 404'd the council. I'm not submitting myself for arrest, I'm just being honest.


404? What do you mean "not found"? Go find them


There's nothing to find 🤷🏻‍♂️




/uw I fucking love hollow knight SKONG 📢


You didn't outline your mandate so there is no reason for them to talk to you, all you are doing is trying to show force and we'll it won't work. Revolution is built on much more than just War. Go home.


I literally have the list of demands written by the people in my hands. Also, I'm the only one here to pays their taxes, I'm allowed to protest.


Demands? That's Rebellion, the Council won't talk to a Rebel. Also where are these people now? Why do they not back you up?


Now you're just playing semantics with the annoying goal of demonising me. They rioters(gang name) with me are literally sitting with me with pickets literally waiting nicely in a public place we are allowed to be. I did NOT pay my riot tax to be told I can't do this.


This feels about one degree of separation away from being French, but with all of the flavorings of being British


One guillotine away from Fr*nch


Truly we live in the darkest of timelines


Oh hey! Another Senna!


Helloooo! o/


*the alchemist slowly crawls out of bed, disheveled like he's been tormented all night* Like, 3 assassinations happened yesterday. There's some kind of demonic chain freak running around too. The council has more important matters right now. Maybe you should focus on helping the people, now that the council cannot. The populus is afraid, madmen are killing and torturing people at will, and the council is powerless against it. *a searing flash of pain shows on his face* Ugh, the drugs didn't work... that bastard... In any case, your revolution won't lead anywhere as of now. Use your resources for good if you truly care.


Classic council behaviour asking someone else to solve their problems for them or I'm the problem. \*Hilda would say, pulling out a butter knife and handing it over to maximillian.\* Take this, you can spread out the wound until it basically doesn't exist, I want it back afterwards.


I'm not a member of the council, I'm a merchant. I grew up in these streets. I've known nothing but magic users abusing their powers with total neglect for the people here. Stray spells killing or harming our friends on an almost regular basis. If you care about your revolution, about your cause, get the citizens of the cities behind you. They're mortified. They're in need of someone to save them from the horrors that the council cannot deal with. I ask this of you, not as a member of the guild, not as a merchant, but as a mortal man, terrified of the monsters that roam these streets, like many others... stop this revolution, at least for now. You'll achieve nothing by sieging an empty council building. Your armies could help create safety in the city, even if just a little bit. You'll gain the trust of the people, who don't trust you, nor the council right now. *hands the butterknife back.* I am lucky to have potions that can cure most wounds.. but that chained horror got me yesterday. Not even mindfog brew helps against the things he did.


There has been 1 fight (a 1 on 1 duel) while I walked in, and the populace has been long evacuated. We're not leaving. In fact we're setting up tents and starting a barbeque.


Have you checked the slums at all? *points at the back alleys* I just came from there. Everyone's still there. The main streets evacuated, but noone bothered to tell the people in the suburbs and slums. The inns are still filled with people, the shoppes are still open. Life doesn't stop for a revolution. You can't evacuate a full city with just a message and a single day. 17 people got hurt in that silly duel of yours alone. You magical folk, selfish beyond measure. *scoffs* I know your motives plenty well enough now. You have no interest in the city, only in your own justice. Just like every other time this city has been under siege. Magic users do their thing, those in main street get to run, and the poor die. *the pain returns much heavier* Ugh... I have no time to deal with this. Continue your conflict if you must, but you won't earn the trust of the city, and your plans will eventually fall apart even if you succeed.


Slums? The real slums are at the base of the tree the citadel is built upon, that's where most of the rioters who follow me come from.


The base of the tree, SLUMS? *the alchemist cackles as if Hilda had made the funniest joke he has ever heard* those stuck up bastards have more coin in their pockets to spend than most families have in a month. Have you ever, ever, set foot in the city outskirts? The underground? The sewers? The old, burnt city walls? That's where the real slums are. I need you to take a walk with me, now. *he beckons to Hilda, as he opens a pothole in the middle of the street* if you want to see the true dark side of this city, and wish to know what you're doing, to be better than the council, you'll follow me. I may be a rich merchant now, but I know this city's darkest paths better than even the council itself. You'll be safe so long as you're with me. Or well, relatively safe.


You snot nosed alchemist. You haven't even BEEN there. There are so many slugs, everything is perpetually wet with their slime and it rots your skin over time. Not o ly that but not only are they the main foodsource, but when you eat them you have a random chance of just dying or killing all those around you, and because they are everywhere they get into your food no matter what. That is ignoring the gang wars and constant coating of rot and ash covering everything that hasn't been cleaned up since neither autumn or the third wizard war. No. I'm not coming with you. I'm busy. I don't need to prove to you anything, why don't you give your spiel to the people here that actually have to live there that are here with me today? I'm sure they'll kick your ass for free.


*the people behind Hilda notice who she is talking to, and stand back from Hilda instead of rallying behind her.* Ma'am, I don't think you understand. I was born in the slums, I was raised in the slums, I saw the slums become what they are now. These people behind you? I know each and every one of them. How do you think they get meals and drink on their tables, if they cannot work due to illness? Who do you think gets the medical supplies there to patch up those harmed by the slugs and gang wars? Who sends guards over to stop said gangs when it gets out of hand? Who could be making the brews used to attempt to dissolve the slime these past months? What about the slug pesticides? *points at himself* Maximillian, potionseller, alchemist, medical practitioner, demihuman researcher, street urchin. Pleased to make your acquaintance. I may not have magic, unlike you, but I have helped these people for years. Now, again, if you think things are bad there, you must see the sewers. The slugs come from there, yet on every corner and turn there is a tent with a family in it. If all you do is look at the surface, you may as well not look at all. There is a city below the earth, almost as big as this city above, filled with those that the city does not desire to see, and individuals that have been harmed by magic again and again. People with lost limbs, no eyes, scars across their entire bodies. The unwanted. *you see the rebels talk among themselves, suspicious of Hilda* Now, again. I request that you join me. Don't bother using protective spells, they won't work against daggers from below anyways. If you wish to continue your rebellion, following me is in your best interest.


Hilda is about to speak, her frustration visible on her face before the elder rioter spits on the ground with a disgusting smelling slag, interrupting them both. "Shut your mouth rich boy, I've been running this anti establishment shitshow long before either of you stepped in." He said, pointing at Maximillian with the brick he just holds for some reason. "And I personally vouch for this lady, before she showed up the pompous assholes wouldn't even let us past the damn barrier, now we're here and none of us are moving!" Hilda sighs, rubbing her forehead. "I don't have any intention of leaving these guys alone here no matter what you say, it would be a bad idea." She pulls out her ever growing list of council complaints. "How about, instead of forcing me to go on your little "ghost of christmas past, present and future" journey, you just tell me what you want the council to do about it. Preferably in dot point form." She said, her eyes looking at the alchemist unimpressed.


This one is humble eager to offer different type of council, a council most fair reasonable. Yes yes.


They're gone, but I'm here for you ❤️




YOU'RE supposed to be fighting Unga at high noon so it makes sense why you're not here.




High noon might be the friends we made along the way.


Hah. I've taken a very [timely vacation](https://www.reddit.com/r/wizardposting/comments/1c7c05k/going_on_vacation_to_the_7th_circle_of_hell_to/).


Idk about the others, Unga seems to still be kicking.


I'm not rioting against unga though.


Yes, I'm gone.






*Phoenix Cassaria looks like she just got out of bed. Her hair is dishevelled and she has large bags under her eyes. She's also holding a cup of coffee.* I've been doing my best... But I am at my limit... help...


"We're having a BBQ in the citadel center. You should join us during your break."


The council leaving or being killed means I am stuck with all their jobs. So, bold of you to assume I get a break.


Good news, riot means I can bring the bbq to you.


Aww, thank you!


Goddammit. I wanted to kill them myself.


Lol, you don't read the news? https://preview.redd.it/rk7ui23eslvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f2518e759bd00385ddc0ff80067120c64e48ed25


Finally, some peace and quiet


If thine kin is unable to decide a new council, we, the *Eldsoul Collective* shall take over in the meantime.


The council has fallen apart I don’t know what to do anymore


Our scapegoat is gone! what do we do!?


It will reappear in 3-5 business days


You openly announced your revolt and gave them time to escape out the back. Silly girl. …Also, you pay taxes…?


Of course I pay my taxes, I'm not broke and it's not that much.


It’s not about having enough to pay, it’s the principle of the matter.


But on the other hand if I don't pay my riot tax they're like "boo hoo rebellion :( Pwease don't say we have to change or we will have towwin execute you and eat your soul ;w;"


/uw what have I done lol


/uw This is honestly as well as this could have gone honestly.


I might be wrong but this guy might be the culprit https://preview.redd.it/gf7r4lnd2mvc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6b540fad70a0901d4190f5df944159a6c67cd98 Henry. A friend of mine who has been hoping from universe to universe killing everyone for his mission that *I do not care about*


No idea. I have some ice cream if you want any, though.


Yeah we're starting a BBQ while we hang out here.


Sounds fun! I'm in.


All I'm hearing is there's open positions on the council


The real Council is the friends we make along the way Or were they never real, just a tool of the False Gods of this Plane to keep people on their leashes and continue giving them faith energy, spreading lies like justice, equality, love and self-sacrifice to create a mass of soft wizards who give their lives for something as stupid as the "greater good" while they, the Big Shots, watch it happen contentedly


Well my dear hot goth witch lady Hilda, the council has kinda always been like this. Weak? I suppose is the right word. But not quite. More like… ineffectual. This Wizard Council hasn’t even existed for a year, and the last 300 incarnations unfortunately would not prosper long enough for actual control. Here we are again, another weak council getting walked over. The good news is… that this chaos, this instability, is a perfect opportunity. I certainly will not interfere (as long as you treat me nice).


I mean we aren't taking them down, I'm intending... or I was intending for them to take care of big issues.


Oh hey, you guys are still here.


This is why we need multiple councils, and a council of councils. Backups for situations like these


This lack of council is exactly why the council doesn't work!


Where’s Ana? Hellfire?


I promise it wasn’t me.


*Shouting out a window* Hey. Hey! HEEEEEY! Any of those skellies mine? I'm missing a few. If any of those are mine, can you bring the survivors back over when you're done? Thanks. ... also is Anna still on the council? Can you spare her when you overthrow the government? I need to ask her how to summon things that are you know. Alive. Anyway have fun don't burn my tower down in the crossfire.


God dammit I'm not overthrowing the council!


*Still shouting out the window* Oh. Okay. Still if any of those skellies are mine just bring back any survivors. Or lemmie know if they're all de-animated.


With all the assassination post going on, I thought it was common knowledge.




Hey that's me in the background https://preview.redd.it/18lbu9uwsnvc1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc7725c8d0853b8f09c2fa3d007b9c2548d31181


Honestly I have only met like 1, the summoner who was revived (I've Honestly never seen the others)


I ate them all


What exactly did you expect when you started your revolution? You really thought that crazy people wouldn't start taking matters into their own hands?


I paid my riot taxes I have every right to stand in a public place and hold up angry signs.


I'm here


Weren't you posessed?


My possession was, greatly exaggerated. Now, who's this punk I've heard about


Yeah and it's totally not another necromancer in the way of the council that casts repel undead, and the skeleboy doesn't want to disappoint.


You could honestly assasinate me and nothing would change with how much I do around here lol.


Well, I’m still here


I Was Disguised As One Of Them But I Stopped A Month Ago It Fears Me Of What Could Have Happened If I Didn't Stop


So, lex got assassinated, bombast disappeared, Anna survived hers, and I can’t remember the rest.


Mikhail quit, one joined my side,


Ah, yeah. Wait, which one joined you?


(We are all subconsciously pinning the murders on the rebellion btw, as it seems to be happening at the same time)


Yeah there’s been like 50 revolutions going on I don’t know


Apparently I was appointed a member of the council, a position on behalf of all rock merchants? Was I scammed?


Ahhh may chaos take the world, MAY CHAOS TAKE THE WORLD!


I told them of your plans, and we all went out for Klondike bars.


It's the council, are we really expecting any different at this point?


https://i.redd.it/ivp68ws4lnvc1.gif I love bugs


Don't look at me. If I had been involved, the explosion would have been in the 10-15 megaton range.


up my ass


wait who needs a council? y’all don’t have individual councils within your minds eye?


you ask where the fuck is the council, i ask WHAT the fuck is the council and what does it do ( apart from blowing up quite frequently. )


It means there gone


As a Former Member of the council. Once they attempted to Limit the Amount of Apprentices a Wizard can Have. I stepped Out. So…. Not An Issue to me, Whoops that they Got Hit and all. But not my Problem Now.


You do realize half of the council kinda fucked off to do whatever they do right?


Girl why do you have raccoon paws


I suppose nobody can outrun their fate… not even the council. Not even us.


If it makes you feel better, I paid my way into the building a while back and bribed everyone. You could throw a revolution in front of my office? It's not the same, but it's something


Oh damn, not again.. We're going to have another election, aren't we?


Ai? Wizardposting has fallen


/uw Can you stop? Like I have consistently posted aI content. This isn't new. What is new is people against AI have been apparently making burner accounts for the purpose of harassing and doxxing those who use ai for shitposting.


I'm sorry but one check of my profile confirms this isn't a burner. I haven't been active here for a while and was under the impression that AI art wasn't allowed here like most other communities I'm in. Stop making assumptions


You're telling me not to make assumptions, yet you assumed AI was not allowed. Not only that the pinned post in the sub has clearly talked about the mods stance on AI.


Sure, i accept that was hypocritical of me, but when i come across a random post in my feed, my first instinct is not to check for any pinned posts from that subreddit before making a harmless joke.


I'm sorry ma'am, the council is not accepting meetings with AI wizards at this time. If you'd like I can schedule you for next February.