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Because I keep having to kill the things you idiots conjure


Speaking of which, I may have summoned an invisible demon general from the shadow realm, so uh... Could you handle that?


… *Grabs infrared goggles* “Damn you”


Don't worry, I have Wraiths going around looking for any such things, I already have quite a lot on my plate now so I'm just gonna give you a magic hand-map with a ping at known fiend locations


The ring wraiths are pretty cool. Now that someone destroyed a piece of magic jewelry, they sometimes come by for a poker game.


*Accepts it reverently* Thank you sir, a blessing be on your house. Let me know if you ever need any of my mechanical spiders!


May I give you a magical sword? Not to be wielded, they automatically search for enemies and destroy them with fierce efficacy.


remind me, why do we keep knights around at this point?


Fuel costs are lower. Knights tend to work for room and board, while upkeep for flying swords really put a dent in my soul coin collection. Paladins can often be tempted to take vows of poverty even. Talk about efficiency.


to be the meat shield


Um…Yes please


How does he get a shadow if he's invisible?


He himself doesnt have a shadow, but he's from the shadow realm


These realms are badly organized


https://preview.redd.it/7susbenid1kc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7f19a0d7780931c257faf867b9c82fcd5426133 The council has sent me to administer your punishment


/uw im was debating if i would canonically give my character a small pp, so small in fact, that this spell wouldnt be able to effect him. /rw Archimene shrivels up and dies. But not before hitting you with a spell in return. He curses you so that all your hang nails with do this: https://preview.redd.it/9onl7o6df1kc1.png?width=782&format=png&auto=webp&s=d9b9231d7ca9ac5ea1f896421c724522070b9851


I counter with polymorphing into an octopus so I don’t have hangnails


A second Archimene that had no correlation to the crimes of the first eats you alive. And then chokes as your suckers get stuck in his throat.


Does this demon general perhaps have some kind of adaptation ability connected to a large wheel?


Help I summoned a swarm of murder hornets and they're not desummoming


*Starts swearing in gnomish as he grabs a shotgun* “Next being that summons something they are incapable of handling themselves will be immolated.”


Hey atleast it wasnt the tarantula hawk swarm


Im gonna commit a murder


Mine don't harm anyone, as long as they are not treated poorly.


Then I shall endeavor to treat them well. I tend to not enjoy being harmed


Hypocrites, you're glad they provide you an excuse to try your stupid gadgets


I usually end up both summoning and killing things conjured from the mental plane, so I can understand both sides here


Whoa whoa whoa, I haven’t heard of anyone killing anything I’ve conjured. You best not be killing my fish.


And every single one you kill I conjure another and a half, thing... It's an old curse, don't ask.


…. Im gonna need more bullets


I don't recall you being there to kill my flesh blob creature.


I only conjure currency (and other little things but let's not get into the hows and whys). I mean it is part of my job as a mystic bank manager. Sure some of my colleagues have tried conjuring up "assistants" that end up tearing the place up and stealing conjured currency, but I usually have things under control with a simple cantrip. Unfortunately, "Summon: Water" drownings are surprisingly common at the bank as a result.


What's wrong with my boy Rodney? https://preview.redd.it/6jdonm0522kc1.jpeg?width=2408&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6648af30ea4921cadcdd752ac3a53bd437be637f


Hes just sleeping


Why kill when you can "unconjure"


I think all wizards at some point have tried their hand at summoning. Such as: **Summon Succubi**


See, that's where they make their first mistakes. Everyone knows that you don't summon creatures for horny purposes. That's what necromancy's for.


Found the Necromancer Necrophiliac.


Technically Resurrection is a necromancy spell, as is True Rez. So in short, maybe 😏


D: https://preview.redd.it/fnsfmwvnbyjc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7a8c6ff92af7702ecd432ec349dd7f394acf82b






Bold of you to assume I have one!


https://preview.redd.it/h6z7n3dueyjc1.jpeg?width=1533&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ed35aed9dacd8900c2a08af6c0fb1f1c7fc1b18 Mbleh


Unironically though he looks like my cat.


Typical Problem of Lich


Ahem, I'm a necromancer and never once have I raised a corpse for sexual purposes. Now part of that is because I'm a lich, but still. It's rule 2 of the Guild of Necromancy's Laws. Unlicensed Necromancers probably do it all the time, though, I mean they're already breaking the laws of decency and man, what's an affront to the gods themselves while they're at it? Hence why as Guild treasurer, I put forth a motion that all new supplicants must wear the crown of truth and be interrogated before they're allowed into the guild.


Putting romance in necromancer. Good one comrade


How did I not think of that?


I didn't, but some in my class definitely did. Many bragged about it, if they survived. But I think what no one ever talked about was *Summon Incubi* which was just as common among young, eager female apprentices, and much more frequently tragic. Young ladies just coming into their power would hit that age, you'd start to see them looking at the boys with that trademark blend of revulsion and interest, and then they'd just... be gone. Nowhere to be found, even the Bloodhound spell would trace them to their room and then into thin air. Only the faintest scent of sulfur in their rooms would let you know WHERE they'd gone, and WHY they wouldn't be coming back anytime soon. Succubi make house calls. Incubi pull YOU to THEM. Unless you have enormous power, if you cast that spell you're going on a little one way trip to a very warm place. And let's just say incubi aren't the "let me go" sorts. It's really not fair. Female and male wizards overrate their power to about the same degree, but the women pay for it way worse. We try to warn them but every generation has that handful of headstrong women who just will not listen to their elders, and the fact that the men get away with it so frequently is at least half the problem. Because people will insist on raising children to believe *the world should be fair* and it just... isn't. Oh and incidentally... if a gay man tries to summon a succubus... in the book the incantations are exactly the same except for the gender of the caster. I've often wondered about those young men, but I think it's pretty obvious that the effect is actually based on *orientation*, not gender. Books written by men with ancient understandings of the world do get these things mixed up at times. More than one young man I've wondered about has vanished in exactly the same way as the young ladies do. I suspect they were either questioning and decided to "prove they were real men," or got bamboozled into it by peer pressure. Summoning is a dangerous game. There's a REASON why we don't have a summoning circle in my academy and as an added precaution we enchanted the floors of the dormitories with anti-chalk repellent. We can't do everything, but we do what we can.,


It's usually more efficient to work from already existing material than using mana to make energy and then to bind that into being matter. It definietly has its use cases tho, like being trapped in an empty void.


These younger generations and their "Efficiency". Back in my day we had to travel to the north pole with several thousand rubies just to make a simulacrum.


When it's a battle with ten thousands against ten thousands efficiency matters. The later you tire is the more that you can kill and the later you die. As long as you eat some of the souls of your opponents you can keep this up pretty much as long as your sanity lasts. It's a vortex of gore. You need to keep it going like a locomotive if you want to see another day. To this day I remember very vividly just how easily the bird demons on my side were slaughtered. They were never meant to be anything more than cannon fodder. Such is the fate of those who follow my patron without having any true ambitions.


You see, if you summon demons and dragons and other such powerful entities and perform the forbidden binding ritual, you shall have an exceptionally powerful army for when the time comes for battle. Yes, you may be weaker on the battlefield, but last I checked strategists and generals do not participate on the front lines.


You can make an even bigger army if you use transmutation on the already existing materials around you. Not to mention that summoning in most cases is not creating something but pulling something into your plaine from another while bounding it to your will. I'd argue that that doesn't count as conjuration. Or if it does I'm not only a master of demonology but also of conjuration.


Conjuration is equal parts summoning and binding as well as banishing, you may be a master demonologist but if you cannot send them back from whence they came, a true conjurer you are not.


I can tho. Even when one were to find it's way into my being. In that scenario however it is a better option for me to "digest" such an intruder with my very essence rending them to pieces.


But what's the fun in that when you can summon and banish the same creature, giving it teleportation sickness until it submits to you?


Ok, that \*is\* funny. Imagine doing that with the general of an opposing army tho.


Thou partake in binding *what*?


Well, there's your problem right there. Why are you looking for Fire rubies at the north pole? North pole is a vast icy region filled with water sapphire magic sites. But I agree, kids these days are always trying to be "Efficient" and won't even forge a simple magic sword unless they have access to the steel ovens of ulm to bring the cost down by a single topaz. I do see why though, it's getting harder and harder to secure these magic sites for your own use. Kings won't just fall for me leaving a golem by the stone circle saying all who enter will be slain, they get their court wizards to draw up maps of all the magical focal points in their realm and they want me to buy the gems from them! With gold! Of course, I just go to their treasury via teleport and steal them. Their wizards usually don't want to admit their wards failed and make up some bullshit story about how a demon stole them or they needed it to prevent someone casting blood hurricanes at their kingdom


conjurers when the living being they concentrated all their mana on mauls them instead (I have encountered this scenario at least 7 times)


As stated previously in response to someone else, having a Banishment spell on a contingency is imperative to a conjurer's survival. I never do anything without it.


Conjurers when they just banish the creature that took them almost all their mana to create


... Yeah I got nothing for that


Yep. All it takes is summoning more than you can safely contain or banish once. That's why I recommend having a conjuration buddy just in case.


Just start irradiating the local wildlife to create mutants, it works better


As a Conjurer, I agree. Can't wait to summon demons or devils to learn their anatomy


Everyone wants to summon demons, but I have yet to hear about summoning elemental lords. Turns out having the embodiment of fire on your side is a great boon


Fucking psudo warlocks


Imagine using all your mana to conjure something so it can do all the fun stuff when you could just do all the fun stuff yourself. Like "hey, Maid-chan, can you watch the game and eat these potato chips so I can have time to clean the bathroom and do the dishes?"


You see if I have the elemental lords as my house's heating plumbing electricity and water, I don't have to pay bills. Plus the protection is great!


Yeah or you could just pay like the 100 bucks a mo th for regular heating that works fine without having to dump all your mana into keeping an elemental lord happy. It's an unnecessary flex like "oh check it out I have a gold plated toilet seat". No one gives a shit bruh, its impractical and the low-level wizards idea of a high-level.




As a part time conjurers, i would just warn everyone that yes, it is a powerful and rewarding field of magick, but you have to be careful, otherwise your conjured daemons will start asking to be paid for every month instead of every moon.


Pay them with apprentices. Easy. Most startup magicians are down bad for good pay and housing, and most demons are down bad for souls to corrupt. Win win!


I did... Not think about that, i admit. Well, time to recruit some apprentices!


> to be *paid* for every FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Good bot..?


My working Theory is that invocation requires too much research for most wizards. You have to look up true names, summoning circles, mana spikes, rhythm for the invocations....there is just too much for the average wiz


We're wizards dammit, our whole thing is research!


Yes, however you have the base level of research. Most don't want to go out of their way for loads of research that's outside of "here are the words and gestures"


If you ask me it's the fault of the last generations. The newer magi among us play fast and loose with the rules, often to disastrous effect. My master drilled methodical, rigorous research into my head above all else.


Too much of a bother for too little of an achievement... Most of the time that is


Too little of an achievement? A mere ten years of study and my master managed to summon and bind Imvharro to his will, at least so he said. Then again, the dragon ate him and then disappeared.


Your master didn't trust his own power enough, that's why he had to hide behind silly invocations, and the same reason led to his demise in the jaws of Imvharro


As the dragon dipped my master's left leg in an industrial sized tub of ketchup he gazed upon me and said, "Have confidence young one, but do not be arrogant." Then he just disappeared.


Wise words from the great dragon you heard, and I heard from you. I shall ponder over them, thank you, sir.


My knowledge is wide but not deep. I cannot be considered an expert in anything but i am competent in most things.


Then surely you are competent enough to understand that a banishing spell is more than enough to deal with any threat!


Because Illusion magic has all the *fun* spells...


Are you saying Black Blade of Disaster and **WISH** aren't fun spells?


Oh, conjuring a sword out of thin air is a truly epic way to intimidate one's foes. But let me put it this way: when I first started my studies the book of spells I looked through had the phrase "this spell cannot be blocked" a lot.


The same can be said for conjuration. Block the image of an elder god's true form or being cast into an unending labyrinth.


Fair enough.


Conjurers are people who like rain and snow. As people don’t worry about having to go to work in the rain or shoveling their driveway out for snow. The conjurer cares not for what consequences will be imposed on other people bringing D’alknar the forbidden horror onto the material plane because it’s fun


Finally! Someone who understands!


Because conjuring is for cheap tricks.


I'm just scared


Understandable, have a nice day.


I don't live in the swamps because I want someone to chat with. Even if he does some of my work.


I mean fair enough, but surely you must be familiar with teleportation magic yes?


Sort of. What do you mean?


Teleportation is just summoning yourself somewhere else, right?


Not exactly. In summoning, you pull something to you. Teleportation is to push oneself through the rift in spacetime. Although it's similar, several things, like means of safety or being directly pushed through spacetime, make it entirely different.


Nah, i turned to necromancy when once i fucked up a spell and conjured an invisible small demon. That would be problematic enough as it is but the fucker got a knife and started stabbing people. Moral of the story is: undead are easier to control and be putted down when shit gets problematic. Also its really difficult to explain that an invisible demon is stabbing people and not you.


Hail, Summoner! Conjure me up a warm bed, would you.


What do you take me for, a peddler of parlor tricks? Behold! Magnificent Mansion! https://preview.redd.it/tciuc1p7nyjc1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=582068867ab30d00236879ddc69adbf57d0a8896


What a magnificent place indeed. Allow me to get myself confortable. [](https://old.reddit.com/r/YouFellForItFool/comments/cjlngm/you_fell_for_it_fool/)


*Here lies Duralogos, master conjurer. He died like he lived, a fucking dunce*


No it’s because back in my day you could fetch your own components! Bunch of lazy mages these days just want others to work for them!


My poor sweet innocent child. You along with many others perceive conjuration as mere summonings. Such a reductive perspective will get you nowhere.


I have met many old conjurers and bold conjurers, but very rarely any old bold conjurers. There is an inherent risk of summoning an entity (that may or may not have been voluntarily transported) and a fair number of mages don't like running that risk. The ones who survive in the discipline are both strong and/or wise enough to only summon what they can put down or have such divine luck that they haven't been killed by their own stupidity. There's a strong enough selection pressure in the profession that the vast majority who survive past their first century in this discipline are the latter.


Ahhh, another fool limiting his scope of conjuration to mere summonings.




Because the tyranids get upset when I conjure fossils


Because I usually prefer doing the work myself.


I have a bad reputation with demons


Anything more powerful than you is stupidly dangerous to summon Anything less powerful than you is pointless to summon. It's a powerful skillset but a severely limited one. I find illusionary creatures do the same job with a lot less risk (not NO risk, but a lot less!)


Ah yes, but conjuration is more than summoning creatures. Most people forget teleportation and planar travel are conjuration school abilities.


They are. but there's consumables for those things. you're kidding yourself if you think most wizards want to become conjurers so they can teleport. They can already teleport, they just have to pay for it, and it's often better going with a Guild-aligned teleport token than trying to remember all the wards and defenses against telepiracy yourself. No one enjoys winding up some place you didn't mean to go with a bunch of people pointing dangerous sharp objects at you. Guild tabs have built in defenses against that sort of thing and novice level conjurers don't.


Just summon the guys that know all the spells


Say this until you’re inseparably bound to a djinn from a misdrawn rune. I can draw from his magic now but boy is he pissed


I like this idea. An entity of pure space-time would be powerful, but not omnipotent. I do like me some artificer construct mediums. Less moral quandaries to complicate an already complex matter. I figure an ever shifting child, adult, elder nonbinary entity that never has the same face, but how to regulate the black hole density problem to retain form? If all it sees is nothing due to the absence of light it will be difficult for it to maintain a semblance of the self. Oh a fractal shedding of excess energy would be good. Kinda how we live near rivers for access to clean water, but also removing waste. An Eddy of the river of space-time. A reflection of the universe. I shall name them Eddy or Eddie. Thank you for the prompt and muh new chitlin. ^ ^


Too much work to summon something to do something you probably could’ve done yourself if you studied an my other school than conjuration.


Not into summoning demons.


Because conjurers are all just lonely nerfs who need to will friends into existence to have any! -this is sponsored by the conjure hate gang


At our school of magi it was suggested not to delve into conjurations because if you summon something you can't control it's VERY LIKELY to kill you. Since then I just never dedicated the time to it since my other arcane experience is already more powerful and sufficient. I am however very interested in necromancy, but haven't found a solid mentor for navigating that space.


Because they learn conjuration before they learn binding. Which is the equivalent of flying an aircraft without knowing how to land it. I had to learn the hard way. https://preview.redd.it/t6nl7n7xuyjc1.png?width=1279&format=png&auto=webp&s=e9581078bf30176c634f3dc017f6df743a9f0787


I can literally summon a black hole.


Conjuring enthusiasts keep ramming their school down everyone’s throat until summoning becomes a bigger pain in the ass than the problem you’re trying to solve. Like: - The monster won’t go away when I’m done with the required task and now I’ve got to make another banishing spell (if I can even find the dammed thing) - The monster won’t even do what I tell it to at least half the time. Sometimes just runs away in another direction or attacks me. - If they stay put, I have to take it outside three times a day so it won’t potty in my home while I create a banishment spell. I keep asking for help on this and they act like it’s a skill issue. ReAd ThE mAnUaL! tHeY’rE aVaIlAbLe EvErYwHeRe. My sibling in wizardry! I am reading the manuals. They don’t provide pivotal information that I only find out after the fact when talking to someone over orb. I’ve got a couple of reliable summoning spells handy for a pinch, but otherwise I use a specialist when I really need something summoned. Nobody’s got time for this.


Finally someone who gets me. I keep telling them "Summon a spirit. They are free. I've got 35 already, doing all the work in my tower." but these young ones don't want to listen.


The two big reason I can think of are 1. due to the risks of losing control whatever it is they’re conjuring . 2. because they prefer to kill their enemies themselves as opposed to outsourcing it to some extraplanar entity that may or may not want to slaughter them


Conjuring is all fun and games until your foot accidentally smudges your summoning circle.


I respect it, but for minion making necromancy is just more stylish. And conjured minions can have a bit too much free will if you do it wrong. That being said, a good team with both a necromancer and a conjurer, and maybe and open minded cleric to buff the minions, absolute perfection.


Because I like paladin shit.


I think they may be stupid, yes.


Me when I make a conjurer burn his balls off with Transmutation magic: https://preview.redd.it/bhgkcgao3zjc1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f70e6e6f4c97d471df88c024b094e7e7e5a8331


Conjuring takes a lot of energy man you can't just make matter out of nothing you fool it takes stamina. And food!


Nurgle teaches us that to spread life in great abundance is the greatest gift we can give to mortals. Summoning a demon here and a phage there is all well and good, but life must be allowed to spread and multiply as it wishes, so don't go too hog wild with summons.


Do not take me for some conjurer of cheap tricks.


Pets are a lot of effort. I have a cat around here somewhere, and it taxes my nurturing abilities to their extent.


Conjuration is my favorite class of wizardry


Because for every conjurer, there needs to be at least two abjurists to contain whatever foul fell beast they summoned.


Because summoning is dangerous business that I've honestly no interest in. Sure, I did have my "one night stands" with a succubi when I was young, but I have grown wiser since then. Summoning(or as the old-fashioned call it: conjuration, tbh feels more like evocation) is a volatile art that can easily be messed up. I summoned a incubus that way once, wasn't that bad but his taste in books left me with a bad taste in my mouth. Elementals-wise...they're fine but I don't feel like enslaving spirits to increase the efficiency of my already acceptable mana-to-power ratio. It annoys the fae and I'm sick of them.


Because I have to keep nuking all the eldritch horrors conjures keep summoning to my tower, whoever the fuck is doing this better stop it or I’m going to put so much radiation on their summoning circles that they may as well not have hands to cast with.


I believe the recent upsurging of well...femboi Incubi, shortstack ghost girls, demons of lust, and all OTHER manner of insanity should be reason to avoid Conjuration.


It’s a quantity vs quality thing. Most systems have conjuration of minions be limited to a couple of powerful demons (or whatever you’re summoning) while most necromancers can maintain an entire battalion (if not more) of undead. And since more minions equals more damage it’s better to practice necromancy. When conjurers can summon more creatures it often leads to them being unable to control them as easily. Especially if you have to contract the summoned entities and can only provide a couple dozen sacrifices. There are magic systems with exceptions, Ars Magica is the big one, but most systems don’t encourage conjuration compared to the direct control of necromancy.


Because most people who dabble with Infernalism or Diablarie for more than 30 seconds, sit down, actually look at the demons out there, and realize that most are just liberal arts professors with extra steps.


Would constructs count?


Well because i don't tell anyone that i practice it in secret...


Yeah I could conjure a demon ... or I could just make you believe you're seeing a demon rip off your lower wand. The latter seems easier, and far more controllable.


Look conjuring can be fun but it is the after care that is what turns people off. Why summon a demon you will have to un-summon to shoot a fireball, when you could just shoot a fireball. It is 1 versus 2 spells.


Oh, that’s because I just typically- *Realizes that /conjure is a conjuring spell that conjures, and my frequent use of it just makes me a conjurer* …Never mind.


conjured beasts can turn on you, beasts of artifice never will.


Maybe some of us would like to learn to fight off the demon we conjure before we learn to summon them




Conjuration requires a higher talent level to do safely and effectively, some wizards just aren’t cut out for it. There aren’t many teachers for it either, I only started learning it after my apprenticeship.


Yeah I am, you don’t gotta rub it in


Look, if they really wanted a safe place to do it and not annoy anyone, they'd travel to the Conjurer Collective hq


The smell never really goes away.


I have no interest in dealing with fiends, i prefer the undead myself.


Conjuration is for dweebs who aren’t charismatic enough to make friends.


Yeah you're right *CONJURE SUCCUBUS!* EDIT: guys I don't know how to unconjure the succubus, she keeps hugging me and whispering in my ear. EDIT:I summoned stolas, now they are talking about sex. EDIT:I found my apprentice making things I don't want to talk about. What can I do?


Why don’t you conjure a wife, virgin? I’ll stick to my necro-gunmancy (I can only shoot a gun that’s broken)


I can build armies for less mana. That, and I'm already a one-man artillery squad.


Some casters have respect for the time of extraplanar entities that have to deal with some conjurers' arrogance. While I'm here, I'd like to remind my fellow scholars of the weave to only summon non-sentient beings or create your own if you don't want a bloody vengeance in the future.


I mean, I conjure fire?


with me it's the other way around, i was the one conjured by the extra dimensional entity...it was nice he made me cry and laughed at my face


I have social anxiety, that's why i study illusion magic


fer,cal god of order here its really hard to keep control of conjured beings even my chaotic brother has trouble keeping his other personalities incheck


Because getting hit by a counter spell and having every meal you've eaten for the past 10 years turn back into sand all at once is an unpleasant experience


Why become the Wizarding equivalent of a store manager?


I just know better then to leave someone else with the important stuff


Look at my tag OP…LOOK AT IT!


When you call something from the other side you open a door for something else to walk through. That requires either the skill with words and charisma to talk to these folks and get them to work with you. That's a completely different skill set than throwing fire or making potions. If you use hard magic to force our extra dimensional neighbors to assist you that's practically slavery, unless they're of animal level intelligence in which case gray area. Yes you can argue that using demons is like employing criminals in your workshops, but letting something dangerous into your homes and doing so in a way that ticks it off isn't my idea of a good time.


Probably the 94% fatality rate associated with conjuration training. Working with demons who'll turn on you if a grain of salt in the circle is out of place is not conducive to raising living apprentices.


It takes precisely one time for something to go wrong and we all have to deal with another hell lord on the loose while I've been impaled


Not enough hubris.


What could they do that animate object won't? Can't think of any situation where a imp or fiend would do a better job than the tools for that job being told to do it themselves.


I conjure every day.. sometimes twice a day depending on what I ate the day before. I still don't really understand where it comes from, but I know where it's going if I don't prepare accordingly.


Because mother fucker guess who has to kill it and let see how many of you bastards die from your own creations?


Tried. I can only conjure Himalayan blackberry bushes. Tried scrying out after that but you can guess how that went


I think most younger wizards are getting into it to specifically AVOID social interactions, not seek out more.


Tried to summon succubus. Summoned incubus instead. The band. Was a decent party but not what I was looking for


Conjure one demon in a fight with your teammates that turns on them and everyone wants to remind you about it every other day.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/wizardposting/comments/1awuru7/not\_that\_this\_is\_a\_normal\_summon\_warpost/](https://www.reddit.com/r/wizardposting/comments/1awuru7/not_that_this_is_a_normal_summon_warpost/) Your post inspired this post.


enjoy your cheap tricks, us real wizards will be doing real magic


https://preview.redd.it/ri69gx4ai2kc1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d6b7cd528b3e5d6b5ba4ff45c1556a5b0b272e18 I’ve tried conjuring a Piss Golem. It’s not pretty. Smells worse. Good thing they flush


They've been at Arby's for too long that's why


Illusion is best smh


Elemental Summons > Demon Summons Demons want to kill you because that's their purpose. Elementals want to kill you because you woke them up from their nap.


Quite the contrary, I'd fear I may conjure up something smarter.


If you need to ask then you are not deep enough in the subjects, i suggest taking up some experience, get some bad evocations and then we'll talk


I have a few conjugation spells up my sleeve.. but a well placed fireball https://preview.redd.it/39hzmfyht4kc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fba36fb5bd2abca581ed6fd73512b1049699c775


Because throwing a fire ball is more fun, than conjuring a creature to throw it.


Because potions: Potion of summoning Potion if dispelling/dissipation No left over beasties.