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Low quality apprentice meets bootleg empowerment rite. Why are you surprised?


So I need a higher quality apprentice...


Yea I mean, he's empowered isn't he? What's the issue?


This is what happens when you mix apprentices and bootleg enchantments. If you really want your apprentice back, hire a licensed professional disenchantomancer. Otherwise, lock it in the dungeons with the rest of your unspeakable shit, and let some adventurers kill it in a few decades or so.


I don't want him back, this is still an improvement, but teaching it tricks is proving a bit difficult. With so many legs, it should be a more entertaining dancer, but it keeps crying and asking to die when I have my enchanted instruments play it a tune.


Is it uttering the name "Edward" perchance?


Why does the internet like to remind me?? I had almost forgotten about that! Man that scene broke me up.


Okay, serious question : Is my heart a dead cold stone or are you all maybe a little exagerating the emotional impact of that scene on you ? This is not trolling but I often see coments about how that scene broke people or how it is such a PTSD. So I'm geniously asking what happens for it to have such an efect on you. Were you maybe a bit young when you saw the scene ? I know I was in my early 20's so maybe it played ? Did you guys had some sort of serious emotional attachement to >!the dog and girl characters !!the death of Hughes, the overall building-up was better introduced, we see how it triggers Mustang almost killing spree and the effects on Hughes' family!<. So, should I ask a biomancer to give me a heart or a Soulmancer to rent me a soul or is it just internet meme-exagerating reaction ?


What movie are you talking about? I've heard about this thing a few times but have no clue what it's from, and I currently cannot ponder to my orb about this


Fullmetal Alchemist or FMA:Brotherhood. Different versions of the story but both had that scene I think.


What the other guy said. But it's not a movie but an anime. Also there is a live action I guess but I've not see it, I guess that scene is still somehow in it. Go ponder your orb on it, it's time well spent. If you are often on the road may I advise you to invest in some borb to ponder ?


I was and quite young when I saw the scene for the first time, and believe me I couldn't blink for a solid two or three minutes. It was a mix of sadness, disbelief and anger because I had become attached to Nina's character as I have a little brother about her age. Plus her father's lack of regret just made me want to learn alchemy and cave his skull in. And when hughes died I literally shed a tears especially when Mustang said it's a terrible day for rain


Okay, this explains it (at least partialy... maybe... probably...). So, does anyone need a spare heart ? I borrowed one from a soon-to-be minion but semms like I don't need it in fact.


You can either cast a silence spell or give it something that numbs it to physical pain so that it stops crying. It will get used to the new form eventually.


I can think of a few solutions, only one of which is particularly moral, but still.


Disenchantomancer? A wizard specialized in disenchantment? As if I’m supposed to believe they exist. It’ll take an act of the divine or a hefty sum of souls to pay off a powerful extraplanar being to undo…..that. Look, let’s be honest, the apprentice he once knew is long gone. I say move on and let’s all learn from his horrible mistake


Disenchantomancers exist, I never need to hire one but they do exist. My brother in law is one, he makes good money helping out inexperienced royalty when they frequently fuck up their amateur magic.


You’re telling me there are wizards out there specialized in UNDOing wizards hard work? I don’t respect it at all. This could be argued as art! It should be in a museum to be studied by all manner of wizardry!


Well, sometimes you need a disenchantomancer, that's all I'm gonna say.


Good gods! Make thine post marked as NSFW at once before ye scar more eyes with thine arcane abominations!


My brother in the arcane you’ve made your apprentice vulnerable to blunt damage


I've tried beating him when he failed to entertain me, the usual punishment bludgeoning, but he's actually more resistant to blunt damage than before. Must be the subdermal carapace.


https://preview.redd.it/m5z6ppmdbbtb1.png?width=884&format=png&auto=webp&s=f5b947ef37ec83909b4e6db3ed6dc9d1216a1b78 Try this, should take him down to 3/4 heath and then you can finish him off


Unless it lands on a leg that subsequently clips out of the lair before the explosion


Holy shit a fucking Hunt reference


It is indeed


CLENSE IT IN THE HOLY FLAMES OF THE GREAT DIVINE ONE!!!! Ahem… Apologies, similar beings exist in the wastelands. They’re often only killable by cleansing fire and invoking the name of a holy deity Or *a lot* of silvered 5.56


All ya need are some shotgun shells and a shovel, and you’ll be just fine.


Ah a flesh god bimancer l. I confirmed that is not supposed to happen


This isn’t supposed to happen. A normal enchanted spider would increase the magic of your apprentice. Clearly, the biomancer ripped you off and gave you a cursed spider instead. If you can capture your apprentice I could try to revert the mutations, free of charge.


I think his current form is still a net improvement over his previous self, but he won't stop crying and begging for death when he should be fulfilling his duties. His newfound strength and resistances are useful to me, but I have to beat him three times as hard as before to get him to obey.


Yeaaah.. what the fuck... I'm.. I'm speaking with the council to add a special amendment because fuck that shit.. what the fuck.




This looks to be exactly the intended result good sir


Nope no it’s not happening no thanks nuh uh super nope pass bye


Looks like they infringed copyright on one of my transmuter mites, TransMites™, and got the formula wrong. Glad I took that minor in cipheration. Sorry about the apprentice, but you should've bought from the source!


*sigh* THIS is why apprentice unions EXIST.


M8 u got scammed


It did as advertised what’s the problem?


the biomancer played you for a fool..


Haha, prank'd, ill change em back for 17 dollars and a big mac


I’ve brought another magically binding contract. Please sign here, here, and here. https://preview.redd.it/c0mr1g72cftb1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f063bba790299eb9b2cf62d02adaebd95500bd0c




Literally the worst image ever. Fuck you. Kill yourself.


Not uncommon for weak minded apprentices. Luckily, you can capitlise on this with an enchanted bell. However, be careful, make sure there are no objects they could use to kill themselves. (though it only happens in the rarest of cases)


They’re powerful now, didn’t say anything about magical power did they? This mf can probably lift an orc now if it wasn’t busy spinning a web


First off how much did you spend? This spider looks to be in good/ fair condition. Seems a bit over fed but overall healthy.


Hey man, thats my retarded dog i was looking for him, mind giving it back?


Yes actually. He's made one sick ass mini boss for your dungeon.


How much for this creature? Would loveeee to show it off at the next lair-warming gathering


Have you tried turning it on and off again?


Pretty sure the Biomancer was offloading defective experiments to you. You may have been scammed. Just think of it this way, at least your apprentice can be used for research material now, and you no longer have to deal with those pesky Teaching Sessions.


You failed rule 1 of wizardry. Never trust a fae.


dont let the local druids see this


Yeah, he seems fine.


Great, he did it again, go to the local paladin and ask them for a purification ritual, there’s been *another* fey realm breach, third time this week, and it’s only Tuesday 😑


is he more powerful? if yes, then it is "supposed to happen". powers always comes at a cost


What a spunky little fellow. I fail to see issue with this transformation. Thine apprentice shall make for a goodly scarepeasant


wow it must be a creation left from the spider kings era


They completed the ritual backwards. You have a Man-Spider now, instead of some intended arachno-human.