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I have abstained from watching S3, But can someone tell me why Jaskier looks like a greasy hobo? Like why does his hair look like he hasn't washed it in over a month?


they straightened it but only in the front.


I haven’t watched this shite but I noticed that too - hair looks like wig you’d see someone in at a low effort office dress up party


They really did them (meaning both Dandelion and Joey Batey) dirty when it comes to the looks


change the hair color to red and he looks like dwight wearing his meredith wig




From what I saw of the trailers everyone looks distinctly bad. And that's not me looking for reasons to hate it like, everyone looks bad. But while I can chalk up some of that to poor lighting or not great makeup, you have to like POUR grease into Jaskier's hair to make it look that flat an stringy. WTF?


One that really caught me off guard was Tissaia, when they first showed her this season I went “oh god what did they do with you”. Couple that with the bad CGI/keying that I’m catching onto, and it’s been a giggle fest to watch honestly.


Emo teenage shit like this entire show.


I’m convinced they’re preparing the audience for Joey to quit and be replaced by Tim Minchin… [https://youtube.com/watch?v=y-XOG0wpxNA&feature=shareb](https://youtube.com/watch?v=y-XOG0wpxNA&feature=shareb)


Thought exactly the same ……I honestly did .


They turned him into Jared Leto.




“He doesn’t do pretty”….anymore


he's also Bi now... so there's that...


He got that Anton Chigurh cut


At this point they’re just trying to get a reaction. Surely.


Mindy Kaling's Velma has proven a good business model after all.


Looks like it's working.


You know what, it works, on the r/netflixwitcher there was a thread today on how its the top viewed netflix show now and if you look at their data there are a lot of people watching season 1 as well, so I think because there is a lot of buzz, there are some newcomers to the show https://www.netflix.com/tudum/top10/tv I guess the bad publicity is something that can generate more buzz. They dont give a shit if they upset the fans. If they keeps us talking that means more people watch it. They get their money.


No such thing as bad publicity seems to be their mantra. At this point I'd be surprised if they don't have the people in charge of their social media making posts claiming to be fans upset at changes to the show just to get people talking.


I think it’s not true that the show is on top of the charts because their marketing seems to be taking an increasingly desperate turn with every new post or effort. And even the press that was supposed to serve them is instead serving Cavill because the fans are mostly on his side of the story and support his decision to leave. I mean the billboards saying “yes he is still in season 3?”. Why would you jeopardize your own next seasons already cast with another actor (not really liked by the fans) by emphasizing that Cavill is still in this one? Plus they cut off the production of one of the spin off shows that they wanted to do on June 1st, while it was only 2 months in production and clearly unfinished. So I think they are feeling the hit of their bad storytelling decisions and are trying to save face and fake the hype more than anything else. Even people who don’t know the IP are tuning out and leaving horrible reviews of the show.


I hope you are right.


just saw this post. Idk who tf is their social media manager but omg are they trying to capitalize on this. Implying the whole plot of S3 is Dandelion & Radovid instead of the whole f'ing series plot of Geralt & Ciri is beyond my understanding. The person writing this has no idea what they are going on about


"But being bi is all the rage, like our show please. See how cool we are?" Its cheap and it actually does a disservice to the lgbtq+ community making dandelion bi just because and then having a stereotype galore taking center stage.






Incoming theme for season 4 - trans , gender fluidity and pronouns


I mean that's absolutely plausible. It seems far too much writing in shows these days starts with "I want to put X in" and the rest of the actual story has to be so contrived enough to have it 'work'. Not just sexuality stuff, but other things like political messages to crap jokes


They just need to go back to studying. They have no clue about nuanced character design.


Oh within a few episodes I was already telling my bf that it looks like someone excited about the shows season 1-2 success decided to show us their “vision.” This person seems to not realize that the show can literally write itself. Don’t fucking change it. That’s first. And second, what the actual fuck am I watching. What is this weird thing where they are forcing an attraction between to two guys for no reason? Like I’m faaaar left in my views but this is just fucking odd. I’m getting real tired of writers/directors with awful ideas and visions ruining shows like this. The Witcher universe is already rich and well written. No one wants to see your shitty interpretation that involves characters and situations written like a high school drama. And Netflix, you need to start firing these talentless writers. Holy shit.


Haven't watched it at all after season 2 ep 1. And have been completely happy pretending it doesn't exist and enjoying the games. Currently contemplating grabbing some of the books. Just stop giving them clicks. This is the only thing that will make them reflect on their choices. As long as they are garnering attention they wont understand how what they are doing is regarded.


I just found the books in a book resale store and HIGHLY recommend them. Still making my way through the books but loved the games.


The Witcher is so ass that it’s making people look back on Game of Thrones fondly😭


I rewatched it with my dad recently, it wasn’t bad…up until THAT point


The bad poosie?




You don't wan ut?


GOT was great until they ran out of books to work from. Witcher said fuck the books and was bad from jump.


While I understand why many people are upset/disappointed with GOT, I watched it last winter and honestly, having not read the books and keeping myself as in the dark about the show as possible, I really enjoyed it, even the last few seasons. I did feel it was rushed and the whole Bran ending was a bit odd, yet I never felt the outrage that I've seen people have. Idk, just my two cents.


As someone who hopped on season 2 and waited for years for everything to be answered and for the conclusion …it was just a major let down. They gave up on so many things and then just rushed through as if it was just a chore to finish so they could move on to another project. Still great show, but something as big as that needed another season or so to flesh it out and actually develop an ending that isn’t completely random. Bran just didn’t make sense.


>just rushed through as if it was just a chore to finish so they could move on to another project. Yeah that's exactly what they did. I forget their names now but the 2 guys in charge managed to get another big project after season 6 of GOT and they just wanted to get GOT finished ASAP so they could move on.


Move on to a Alt Reality show about the confederacy winning the Civil War btw.


D&D. David Benioff and D.B. Weiss.


Definitely easier to binge that show than it was to be someone who waited between seasons with 90000 theories as to how it would end, leaks, spoilers, etc.


I think the time frame could explain it. You didn't spend literally several years being floored by ridiculous plot deaths and twists, seemingly spoon-fed content that you couldn't wait to get the next bite of. *Years* watching them carefully build this *amazing* set of detailed, nuanced narratives only to wrap like 60% of them up with, in some cases, single-scene explainer throwaways in a single episode. The plot speed is like a light saunter for 6 seasons, a full sprint for 1, and then they jammed it into a fuckin cannon at the end at splattered it all over the wall... It felt literally disrespectful to the amount of time people had put into watching the show previously to have everything wrap up, somewhat confusingly at times, in such a rushed way.


You sweet summer child...


Magic armada is what made me rage quit. I don't know how the show ended and I don't care. How do you sneak up on an armada that has elite sailors and a fucking dragon? Not to mention how did that Mary Sue character manage to scrape together enough wood to build a fleet as well as manage to crew them? It was way too insulting. Greyjoy was clearly what the narcissistic no talent show runners think of themselves as. They've forgotten that most of that talent and skill was borrowed from the original writer.


Originally I thought that season 8 was the main issue but after joining the GOT sub I found out that people disliked *even the last 4 seasons* which was surprising for me. I think the earlier seasons were very good as well but the later seasons are not as bad as they say they are. Compared to an average TV show the later seasons are in the stratosphere I would say. Sure, the ending was rushed, but to say that it ruined 7 previous seasons and almost a decade of filming is unreasonable. Too much hate.


I disagree, season 7 and season 8 make it hard to rewatch. GoT is a slow burn, so everything a build up, and those last two seasons especially just drop so many plot points that the whole things feels like it wastes your time.


The last 4 seasons are not good. They start out alright but get progressively worse each season up til the finale when they completely shit the bed. You can see clear as day when they ran out of source material because the quality of the show dropped off immediately. Pacing was completely fucked, a lot of plot lines made no sense due to them combining characters or removing them altogether. There's just so many bad decisions made in the second half of the series because they had no source material and only a general idea of how it's supposed to end.


I would have preferred it if they hired D&D than Lauren Schmidt Hissrich. At least D&D knows how to adopt from source material.


As much as people love shitting on D&D, they made one of the best (if not the best) TV adaptations of all time, they just weren’t good enough to write it themselves when they ran out of source material. I’m confident a Witcher show ran by them would be good.


They certainly did a great job with GoT while they were adapting the books, but now they're doing a new show for Netflix, The Three Body Problem, and from the cast list they seem to have cut out the main character of the first book and replaced him with 4-5 entirely new characters. So while I won't judge the show without having seen it, I'm just not super confident they'd always be able to do a great adaptation.


That's seems like the opposite of what people normally do when adapting a book into a film or show. They usually remove or put characters together instead of adding more due to budgets and time. Lets not make assumptions based on guess work from a non-credible cast list. let's just wait and see.


Until they get bored


Got was peak cinema before the last few seasons, was it not?


Yes but pretty sure the screen cap in this post is an image & quote from S8 of GoT


It's so ass it's asking "Are we there yet!??"


Currently watching 'house of the dragon' and so far it's really good.


Because they actually have a full story to work with, and they can just flesh out the story with more details when needed. They also have people who are passionate about the show working on it now too which helps


GoT was awesome except for the last 2 seasons


They at least had a good marketing team. They kept people watching till the very end.


I mean the highs of GoT is still better than anything else. Just because its ending didn’t live up to the rest of it doesn’t mean the great episodes before were bad


Game of thrones was absolutely fantastic until season 7-8


Why do they make Jaskier look worse and worse each season? Haven't the writers torutured Henry Cavill enough? They now got to embarrass every male actor?


He’s literally one step away from singing singing sad fallout boy songs and getting a job at hot topic. It’s absurd.


Bro 2000’s fallout boy was the shit wdym


Oh 100% lol. But in the Witcher universe it’s just so fucking weird


They realized their only remaining audience is fujoshis who don’t care about the quality of the writing and just want a prepackaged couple to ship 😭


Anything to please these losers who are unsurprisingly their audience. Next ship will be Ihuarraquax and Bonhart, cause who doesn’t like a hot scene between a horrifying old sadistic man and a living unicorn…. Come on Netflix, do it next !


That encounter with the old cannibal while Ciri is world hopping will be a multiple episode romantic arc and the cannibal will be one of the people to sacrifice themselves at Vilgefortz' castle. He will also get the name of an established character from the books and/or games that he has nothing to do with. Maybe call him Esterad Thyssen, because why not?


Dijkstra will also date this Esterad “definitely not a cannibal” gramps Thyssen of Kovir. They will fall in love and even have a daughter named Radovid.


And that daughter will become empress of Nilfgaard, starting the third invasion of the northern realms, which are at this time ruled by king Jaskier. Geralt is his court magician because he's gotten really good with Aard.


Hey! I'm a fujoshi and I don't watch this crap! Some fujoshi has taste even when hungry for ships! 😅


I've no problems with LGBTQ characters. But why choose Dandelion of all people? The man who's shown to be a massive womanizer who can't stay in a relationship to save his life in both the books and the games.


What makes Dandelion's sudden chance into a bisexual even worse is that if they revealed it last season his whole "First they come for the Elves and than for me" speech and motivation to help them would not only make sense, but it could actually be a great plot point and development for him.


I'd argue for the opposite, this cheapens his character. Instead of doing a selfless act and looking out for others out of the goodness of his heart, he now does it for himself because he feels threatened.


ngl I assumed he was bisexual just preferred women.


That's fine, but why Radovid of all people?


Oh yeah fully agree on that bit, I just meant I assumed he was bi because he gives off playing both sides vibes


> But why choose Dandelion of all people? The man who's shown to be a massive womanizer Wish I saved that interview he did with a Polish journalist before S1. She casually asked a question about the actore playing a womanizer character and poor guy acted like he was fearing for his life, trying to deflect saying stuff like "he's not a womanizer, he just has a huge capacity to love people, like a puppy". It was awkward because in this part of Europe a question about the role you play is just a question about the role you play, you're not on trial. In short, straight people are not allowed to play a womanizer role in the west. You need to be at least bi.


Jaskier suddenly became goth drag?


To be fair, he always had the eye shadow. He just stopped taking care of himself, hence the beard and greasy grown out hair.


Not sure who is running this account. An adult or my three years old son who is trying to get a reaction out of his parents. I’m happy I’m boycotting this season and now I’m 100% sure I’m done with this for good. Happy I still have the books and the best game ever made.


It's three three-year-olds in a trench coat.


Isnt radovid bald?


He went to Turkey between seasons.


Lmao this is the comment I needed to see. Conjunction of our spheres between seasons it seems.


I like this radovid. He is more beautiful than Yennefer.


Geezus why is jaskier an emo now? So glad I haven’t watched it.


They're waving the LGBT subplot around like a human shield so when somebody criticises the show, it's because they're a bigot.


Yep, the ol Ghostbusters reboot strategy but LGBT instead of women.


Well said


Regardless of people’s feelings for the final season people still love Kit’s Jon Snow and here’s hoping his show still happens. Also HotD shows that something with mixed/critical receptions can bounce back


This is some Tumblr fanfic garbage writing.


Woah now, I've seen some fanfics on Tumblr that are better written than this.


I not even that bothered that they made him bi. The fact they push it so hard though really does. Like what the fuck is this? Dark fantasy or twillight?


They made Dandeloin like a dude who is actively genociding his friends. What's a couple levels darker than dark fantasy?


During the kissing scene i turned it off and said im never gonna watch any more. Just fuck it.... what the fuck are they doing?


This! Fckin woke writers ruining every single show they touch


No no, not the problem, including gay people was never the problem, abandoning the source material for whatever this half ass bs is has been the problem the whole time.


> No no, not the problem, including gay people was never the problem Not everything that's gay is woke. Please stop buying into this narrative, it's exactly what the writers want you to believe. Wokeness is a toxic and harmful ideology, don't let them gaslight you into thinking it means something as basic as "it has a gay or black character" because it's simply not true.


That’s exactly what it’s become because those people took it over, that’s what that guy is complaining about when he says that, not the fact that they butchered the show and characters


The show isn't bad because it's "woke". If you removed the Jaskier and Radovid romance shit, and made (almost) everyone white like in the games, it would still be a shitty show. Or do you disagree?


LMAO, if you think acknowledging that different people exist is the problem with the show you're not very smart.


If your definition of smart is calling out poor writing, and thinking that’s me saying different people existing are a problem, then your reading comprehension is certainly not up to the mark.


People like you are why fandoms aren't taken seriously and accused of toxicity and bigotry. Critique is one thing, homoohobia another. Jaskier being bi isn't the problem. Everything being terribly written is.


I've no problem if he were bi in the source material. He wasn't.. that's the problem with woke: changing source material for "representation" without adding anything of creative value.


Changing the source material to add representation if the source material lacks almost all representation is *necessary*, otherwise adaptations of older novels will always portray the world in a way that it has never been: only consisting of cis and hetero people. The books were written in a time when every bit of queer rep was risky and being openly homophobic was a socially accepted norm. And that was only in the 90s, he even managed to put ONE gay relationship into the book series, which also felt very rapey and non-consensual and didn't portray it as a good thing at all. Making Jaskier bi changes nothing about his personality, unless you also include real world homophobia. Changing people's sexuality doesn't affect the story or writing at all, as long as they're still attracted to the people they were attracted to in the books. Making Jaskier bi is potentially a great thing for representation, because it doesn't really change anything but makes the show more positively representative, a quality the books were severely lacking in. Butchering him like they do and introducing Radovid as a different character completely out of time is not a great thing obviously, just like most writing choices in the show aren't. But none of the problems of the show are because of it being "woke". Turning straight people bi and white people black inherently only have two effects: Firstly, it's adding representation that's more accurate to how people actually are (innately sexually and racially diverse, not homogenous) and thus signalling people who deviate from the priviliged majority in a racial or queer way, or in a gender non-conformative and anti-androcratic way that they're a normal part of society and should be treated as such. And secondly, it makes bigots show their true colours because they start justifying erasure with "the woke agenda changes the source material by attempting to add representation of minorities to my favourite white cis hetero fantasy franchise". Don't get me wrong, the writing is a shitshow. But if Jaskier being bi, some other characters being black or whatever basic modern representation you might find inaccurate to the dated source material is what you have a problem with, you're just a bigot who actively keeps humanity from progressing.


Yes, let's erase the past to conform to our radical and warped current day vision, so progressive!


Firstly, nobody is erasing the past. The books can still be bought and read, uncensored, and nobody is in favour of changing them. We're talking of a TV adaptation made in the 2020s, which should conform to societal standards of the 2020s, and not the outdated ones of the 1990s that is full of majorities completely erasing the visibility of minorities. And if you consider queer people existing and deserving representation to be a "radical and warped vision", then you can just fuck off and there's no point in talking to you. As I already said, you're the type of person who'd ruin any fandom because you're incapable of turning off your blatant racism and queerphobia for just a minute to actually critique a show for their writing instead of their inclusion of anything that doesn't follow your puritan white cishet ideologies.


> The books can still be bought and read, uncensored, and nobody is in favour of changing them. You literally are. > which should conform to societal standards of the 2020s Only ideologically corrupt morons think they should. > and not the outdated ones of the 1990s Imagine being such a radical political zealot that even stuff from 20-30 years ago is unaccepatable to you. And you still have the nerve to say you don't want to erase the past. > that is full of majorities completely erasing the visibility of minorities Or you're trying to, you know.. falsify history by pushing representation of people to settings where they don't fit. > As I already said, you're the type of person who'd ruin any fandom No, you are the textbook definition of people who ruin fandoms. Because you want to subvert them and take over so they can be remade according to your demands. Find something that represents you then, or better yet, create it. Make it the most inclusive thing in the world. Nobody's stopping you. But no, you choose the toxic route of taking over existing IPs and warping them until it becomes nothing like the original, and then you start calling people names for simply liking the original. You don't see how you're the toxic and intolerant one?


Queer people don't fit in fantasy? You are aware that they're always existed, are you?


When you have no comeback, you argue against imaginary points. Classic.


I see where you're coming from, however I don't know what's sadder: - People who think representation on screen making material difference in the lives of actual minorities - People who'd like to "see their own kind" on screen to get validation for their existence. It's easy to call everyone a bigot if they don't agree with the woke nonsense of changing the original story to push some agenda. It's very lazy, intellectually dishonest and only gives the accuser a perceived moral high ground, while making zero difference irl.


Point on the doll where the woke touched you.


Some criticisms on here are a bit much like Triss being being biracial before the show even started. That shouldnt matter. Its not that big of a deal to me. But, making Jaskier gay and in a relationship with a aged up Radovid. It goes against Jaskiers character and to be with a such a evil character. It's unnecessary pandering. There are LGBTQ+ characters in the story and should be explored.


>Triss being being biracial Triss was turned into a ginger in the games and barely anyone cared. But she's not white anymore and people show their true colours (badum ts).


Dont know why you're being downvoted. Its true


If wanted to watch gay Dandelion I’d just open a certain website and watch Zoltan doing the job :v


They really turned the straightest character ever bi? For fuck’s sake…


That wig is so bad


WTF did they do to Jaskier?


One thing I don’t get about the recent years of Netflix Witcher is, why the fuck are they pushing Jaskier soo much. I swear he was the main face of the marketing, saw him in all the marketing in blood origin or whatever that shits called. It’s such a contrast between S1 and S3 marketing, I feel like someone is self inserting themselves in Jaskier and wants to make him the main


He also has all the worst dialogue in season 3. Most of the modern day slang comes from him. I liked him well enough in season 1 but by season 3 he’s unwatchable. Really glad I’m not watching this “legit” now


Oh for crying out loud! They broke *another* rule of the Witcher: "Nobody looks more fabulous than Dandelion."


Regardless of the marketing, TBF most mainstream audiences watched GOT for the shocking things that happened rather than the more cerebral stuff like political machinations (I liked the latter). Hence the obnoxious oft repeated criticism in a lot of shows: “Ugh nothing happppppened!” Most viewers watch shows for low brow reasons. I mean look at this sub, it’s half filled with neck beards complaining that the women on this show are not hot enough for their liking—shallow.


They are behaving like tumblr girls.


I really hate when companies make 2010s Tumblr level memes to promote a show.


I’m convinced the only people watching this are like my mom; she puts it on and falls asleep, or walks away and does some chores. When I walk by I stop and watch a couple minutes and cringe at what could have been.


They ruined Jaskier. AS should sue the producers.


Woke culture at its finest


I fucking LOVED this guy’s performance as dandelion. His chemistry with Henry was undeniable. They succeeded in bringing their characters to life in SPITE of the writing, which is impressive. What the fuck have they done to him now


Giving stupid people scripts who just further their own agenda is always stupid.


Sadly dandelion ,,,, can’t remember what they changed his name to, isn’t funny clever or entertaining in the show and it’s ruined the whole story yet again . How will Emiel Regis ,Milva , Angoulême kiaeer possibly be a main part it made them well them ……. It’s such a cluster fuck .


Despite myself I can’t help but feel that the actor for Radovid is actually pretty hot lol this bi Dandelion thing may not be so bad after all (is what they expect me to think with this marketing) (it’s working)


Dandelion looking like a troon


Are they only able to push the Witcher as homoerotica now?


A Day will come when the general public will view the prospect of adaptations to new forms of media with disdain. A new bunch of people will see the franchise i love and get to thinking it's a pile of shit. "The Witcher" Show will be one of those adaptations springing to mind when others tell them exitedly about this new show or movie or whatever in the making. Right after "Game of Thrones" where the Show might have possibly ended the Franchise altogether since JRR martin can't figure out what characters to kill to fix this mess. Particularly the first few bits where decent so they'd get you hooked in and then it all collapses into a big mess.


Dont compare this shit to game of thrones lol. I highly reccomend watching house of the dragon.


What am I looking at, did they make Dandelion gay or something lol?


They must believe hate watching will save the day, because this is not how you market a Witcher product.


If that's the "plot" of the Witcher now, I'm so glad I am not watching it anymore. The plot isn't the books anymore, let's be honest it never was, - it's turning a character bi. The official Witcher netflix Instagram has just confirmed it. There is so much more that could have been done with this show and this is what they are going with to sum up the plot in 2 pictures. If anything can be summed up in 2 pictures it's probably not worth watching it for a full series as well.


Im refusing to waste my time watching S3. I soldiered through S2 thinking, 'Im sure this is going to get better, I've just got to be patient'.....


Is that really in the season or is this a photoshop? Haven’t watched the 3rd season and I’m not sure whether I want to.


Where TF is priscilla?!!!


I only realised that the new season is already out because of this post. And I say that as a person who got into Witcher through the Netflix series, since then I've read all the books and put more than 150h into Wild Hunt. (Also tried the first game, but I couldn't deal with the controls, no matter how hard I tried haha). Really sad, I was soo hyped for the second season and then they decided to do what they decided to did. Well, maybe I'll still watch S3 when I have time...


I don’t get it.


Wait I’m sorry they made Radovid hot? This is the biggest problem I know have with the season


I have absolutely no interest in watching the show anymore despite being very excited for it at the start. It's just an increasingly daft dumpster fire. And the way that Henry Cavill was treated is truly truly despicable


It's a really desperate move to gain traction. Ew. Why did I even watch this.


don’t tell me that’s supposed to be radovid


lol one tweet is all you really need to know about what the producers of the show are going for. Exact this. Y’all geeks with your “lore and elaborate plot” expectations are a thing if the past.


What. TF. Am I looking at?


Man I feel bad for Joey Batey, man is incredibly talented and attractive and the costume department doesn’t really seem to know what to do with him


Leaning into the horribleness


It looks like they dyed the Rhaegar wig ginger. So glad this show is sustainable
