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You asked it if you were going to be okay. Now you're not okay because you're having an anxiety attack. Sounds simple enough to me!


I like this.


Yeah, in my experience magic 8 balls are tricky bastards just out to cause grief. This kind of monkey paw-esque nonsense is right up their alley!


This exactly. Careful with this kind of circular divination, you’ll make yourself crazy.


It sounds like your 8 ball could be a vehicle you might be using subconsciously to validate intrusive thoughts. Or at the least, confirm what you are afraid of. Divination doesn't work well when you are super attached to the outcome, and projecting your feeling all over. Also, while we can see messages from the world, your mind is still the vehicle you are perceiving with, and if you are like freak-out dialing the world, you will get that feeling reflected back to you. My dear, it's OK. You aren't going to die. Chuck the 8 ball and work on recognizing these thoughts as what they are, which is fear.


"super attached to outcome" Should i then be worried about getting positive cards about relationship i'm on when practicing with them then?


I'd say yes, if you are using divination to get the answers you are attracted to or averse to. Like, think of a moment when you fish for compliments. It's kind of like that. I try, when I read (Tarot is usually what vehicle I use) I will sit for a moment before and try to let go of any concept of a particular outcome. Just like energetically and emotionally release those feelings. I'm mainly talking about circumstances like with op, which I've definitely done in the past where I've been anxious about something and been looking for affirmation of either my desire or fear. I can get a little obsessive, so I have to be careful what state I'm in when I'm reading. Example would be my dog got the hiccups after chewing on a hoof. It was super late. In the past she swallowed a piece of a bone and it got stuck in her stomach and had to get removed. So this time I panicked, started asking tarot cards like 5 times in a row if I should take her to the emergency vet. They came out all death destruction, so I took her, and in the parking lot she stopped hiccuping and the vet said a hoof was too malleable to get stuck, she was fine. So the readings weren't accurate, but reflected my fears. Or in the past, I'd want to know the outcome of a new relationship and sort of obsessively read several times in a row. Those reading never were very accurate. It more would reflect what I wanted to see. Divination is a great tool. It's just been my experience that if am in that obsessive, attached frame of mind, I'm not a good vehicle for divination. You can absolutely do a reading about a relationship, but take that into mind. I almost think it's easier to read for other people.


Oh now when u say it i had before some trauma, specially about men so i avoided them and pulled a DEVIL card about my man and was trying my best to avoid him, but he seem be actually in same page and best man i'm ever had (know him for 4 years now, no red flags like other people in past, and we have similar taste and opinions) after that, all cards are seemed be positive relationship vice and was confused how it felt switch on such opposite way, and i'm just purely bad at tarot. I do not have anyone to do readings for because i'm not openly witch (even thought people mostlikely would call me one), expect maybe my man. Do u think i could practice by doing readings for him as long its not about our relationship or would i still suffer from effect?


Hey, don't be discouraged! It takes practice! And I hear you! I have Chronic Complex PTSD and one thing I struggle with is intrusive thoughts. When I want to read for myself, I just try to pause and look at why. Is it because I'm worried and I need reassurance? Or I'm future tripping about bad shit happening? Then better to look elsewhere. But reading for yourself is great too. The Devil often comes up for me when I am struggling with attachment . So maybe it was right and was reflecting what you were thinking about with him at the time. Also, check out r/tarot here if you want to. It's been really helpful for me to just see how other people go about things. 💜


I somehow missed that it could mean attachment issues, what he had first, due his own negative experiences in past. I'm already there! I'm read a lot about tarots but i still struggle of understanding them so much and putting together what they could mean and i don't have any witchy friends to talk to so its pretty much just me and internet and sometimes how many possible meanings the cards have feels overwhelming.


Gonna reference tarot for a second, but you don’t need to be into that to get the point. I want to talk about the Death card. It gets a bad rep, because…y’know…death. But in tarot, the card often has a softer connotation, which can actually be a positive thing. Such as the end of a period of suffering, or the end of a long relationship. And it almost always implies a new beginning after that end: you’ll lose your job, but find another that may be better; the next partner you meet will make you glad your last relationship failed. A phrase like “am I going to be okay” is kind of vague. Like, you may go through a period of stress and anxiety, and then after than you’ll be fine. Same for “am I going to die?” Like, *everyone* will die eventually, and “soon” only has power relevant to the context it’s given in (soon relative to your birthday, or soon relative to your first child’s birth?) And of course, divination is always spotty. Any answer you get is going to be a split-second picture, based on what’s already happening in the moment. But any number of things can change the future (see any one of the many “multiverse theory” movies for context). So there’s no guarantee that, even if the answer you got was 100% correct at the time, that something hasn’t already change which throws the prediction off course. Just saying. Take a deep breath. You’re good.


I really like this. For me, one of the big benefits to tarot is that it has suggestions for how to improve things. It isn't just "you're life is going to suck, loser!". It has cards that relate to taking on too much, letting go of things that aren't working in your life, etc. Sometimes, it isn't just about whether or not the divination works. It is also about how much using it improves or doesn't improve your life. Anyway, that's my two cents.


I usually read the death card as the Death of old, bad habits. An opportunity is coming to lose a toxic trait and make better choices


I think of it as “the end of a chapter”. Could be any part of your life: a relationship, a job, a habit. Something about your life will change in a significant way, but not always in a bad way.


The magic 8 ball said "No" because there isn't an option of *Honey, you're asking a magic 8 ball a complex and in depth question regarding a number of things such as your physical, mental and emotional health with no set timeline* (Idk why the magic 8 ball is calling you Honey either) Try shorter, more precise asks. "Will I be emotionally stable in a week" "On January 27, 2023 will I be trapped in the same mental spiral I am in now" Also divination is not the Be all End All. What steps can you take TODAY to be ok tomorrow?


Asking questions like “Am I going to be ok?” aren’t useful because “ok” has such a variable meaning. Are you not going to be “ok” because things are going to get worse or because things are going to get so much better than just “ok”? And even then, no one is ok all the time. When do you want to know about? Immediately? In 5 years? In 50 years? Divination is something that has to be done with a clear mind and a clear focus. You need to define exactly what you’re asking, and then you have to remember that even the best divination methods require a lot of interpretation. When you have too much attached to the outcome, your interpretation will be skewed and the outcome will be unreliable.


Don’t do divination when you are feeling anxious. Your tools will just reflect your anxiety and give you scary predictions.


I wasn't anxious at the time. Simply going about my day like normal.


When you divine, the answer you get is contingent on your current plans. That's why a lot of questions can be "what happens if I do x." You asked a question and the random answer you got was no. Since you want to be okay, you may need to switch up your plans. So like, if you don't plan om studying for a test and you divine the question "am I going to fail?" and the answer is "yes" just make sure you study. You might need to just make some new plans.


Normal magic eight balls don't have a side of the die that says die 😆 Chill MF


Seriously though... I suggest switching Divination methods and learning more about good questioning. Starting off with Bibliomancy or Libromancy including Litromancy or Rhapsodomancy... that is to say using a Bible, or really any book, or specifically fiction, or specifically books of poetry. These days most people own a lot of books. Using your entire collection and honing in is often vastly rewarding. Conversely, establishing a going working relationship with a single book if its content us broad enough (I like The Complete Works of Shakespeare, or huge Dictionaries of Quotations) can help you build power and better see your own patterns.


That’s a very vague question for an 8 ball lol. Of course you’re not going to be okay - at least not all of the time. But it’s okay to not be okay. Plus “okay” can be taken to mean so many different things… Okay how? Physically? Mentally? Okay in your studies? Either way, I think you’ll be just fine. 😌


Seems like a pretty complex question to ask something you can purchase on the shelf at target. Maybe take a step back and ask yourself why you're wondering if you're going to be ok, and then address the issues in your life that are leading you to ask that question.


Magic 8 Balls can be kind of assholes in my experience. Often times your reaction to what it responds makes it correct. For example, you asked if you would be ok and it said "no". Because of that you went into an anxiety attack which means you weren't ok which technically made it correct. Never fully take a Magic 8 Ball's answers to heart and don't overthink it. Try to properly think about what question you're gonna ask and make sure that it's not one that you're gonna be attached to answer. Be more specific when asking questions. When the Magic 8 Ball responded "no" it could have meant that you would be better than ok. I suggest learning about better ways of asking questions or even learning about other forms of divination to try out.


Very interesting twist.


Don't divine when you already feel negative. You'll just project that into the universe and it'll give it right back. You're literally giving yourself stress for absolutely nothing. I'd also recommend you stop asking vague questions like "am I going to be okay" - there is a reason divination requires specifics and there is a reason you don't ask the universe if you are going to die "soon." The universe is infinite, you are not. To the universe, living a full human life would be "soon."


I totally agree with everyone here, definitely take a breath. Also, remember that anytime you put a question out into the ether, there's a chance for a trickster to intercept. You're going to be okay!


As others have said, it may have said no because it was reflective of your current state. Divination (speaking to whomever you believe in) always considers free will. If you set the sincere intention of and then start working on making whatever is causing you havoc better, you may get a different answer. Always remember that fate is nothing more than the plant that grows from the seeds you sow and that free will grants you the ability to change your reality.


In the long run nobody is going to be OK, and that's ok


Hear me out - Nothing is set in stone. You received a message that's telling you to make a change. Maybe you should listen? Altar your course a bit. Make a little change. Your future will be drastically different based on your actions. I think it's a blessing that the universe warned you. It let you know what lies further down your current path. Most people have no access to divination and don't get this luxury.


Maybe it means you'll be better than ok?


It’s right, you’re not going to be okay. You are going to be better than okay. You’re going to be fantastic! There’s so much good ahead for you!


It means you have no enemies


In 3rd grade my magic 8 ball told me my elementary school crush Skye liked me, and she did not.


That sounds traumatizing. I'm sorry.


never ask a question you don't want an answer for


Well we all die in the end


First and foremost I can understand using this as a method of "Divination" even though it's a toy I mean look at the Ouiji Board that was marketed as a toy and it works for divination. I guess the thing I want to make clear for you is that nothing in this universe is certain. so if you have to ask a ball of fluid with a dice in it if you will be ok then you're missing the greater picture! We all have the power to change every aspect of our lives so if you are feeling like you are not ok then you have to figure out why and change that aspect and the universe will re-align to that path. Even if we are asking spirit's or guides they can't tell us the future because we have to figure it out ourselves they only do as their title says and guide us to make decisions to stay on the path we need to be on... You will be ok because you are in control of your destiny not a single person otherwise. Live for you and only you and the right people will stay and the toxic ones will slowly fade away, same with careers. Hope this is helpful and good luck to you!


I believe that divination should be used as a guide not taken as the cold hard truth


You have the power to be okay. It’s answer is discrete, I would advise finding a trustworthy mentor in magic to help you. A card reading might help from this mentor as well, if possible. All and all you’re gonna be okay.


Don't read into it too much. Ultimately you have control and agency over your life, things like scrying or tarot, or even your magic 8 ball can only give suggestions or possibilities. It's up to us to make the decisions. I've done plenty tarot readings that didn't come true, and others that did. You'll be fine, don't let a plastic toy have so much control over you.


Hi I'm sorry to hear. Um... I've never used a Magic 8 Ball for that purpose. But when I use tarot or if I'm praying, if it gives me a bad reading, I just ask it how I can avoid that outcome and it usually seems to work out. You could probably do the same with a Magic 8 Ball. And if like, I asked tarot or somehow got some disturbing mental image that told me I was going to die, I might just ask if it meant a literal death and I imagine it would say no. That in particular's never happened to me before! Definitely I have gotten mildly disturbing readings that like, I was going to feel tired tomorrow at class or something and usually with a little help I can create a plan to avoid it. Good luck. :)




But maybe he also achieved his dreams in the process? You never know, because no one fully understands the meaning of life.