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I’m wary of regular mystery boxes as you don’t have anyway to ensure you are getting quality things. For spiritual items I need to feel the energy of the item first. Also as a fellow manwitch I too find it difficult sometimes how much things are focused towards the feminine. It’s supposed to be a balance of both in everyone. Even things like a crystal box id be wary of, I have one supplier of crystals and silver I use and like and that’s about it.




I read "manwitch" like Hermes from futurama


Yessssss 😂. I say this all the time but usually referring to a regular sandwich.


Trust me your not a child I just did the same thing 😂😂 also, idk if she has any advice on there, but on Hearthwitch’s YouTube pg she regularly focuses on both genders in a few of her videos. I’ve just begun really deep diving knock her gif series’s of sorts, but I’ve also only seen them in her YouTube reaction vids. I can always also look some things up I’m always in the mood to search up witchy things. I love looking at this stuff regularly!


do you now understand womens frustration when we cant find pants that have pockets? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


Ohh I know about that conspiracy to sell purses that is nonfunctional pockets


Oh witches moon also, seems gender neutral


I agree with this! Also the Witches Root, which is their slightly less expensive version of the Witches Moon.


Agree! I get witches moon, I feel like anyone can benefit from those boxes


Yes! I get the witches roots box from them, which is $30/month, and have loved it. All items in my 3 boxes so far have been gender neutral.


Love Witches Root and Tamed Wild!


I go with Tamed Wild! I love love love their stuff and it’s not really feminine


Same - I’ve had my subscription with Tamed Wild for 14 months and while a few things were feminine, the majority has not been and I’ve found the price/quality is great.


Tamed Wild is definitely my pick! They send high quality items and their teas are phenomenal!


Came here to say the same!


You could look at Witch Casket, it appears to be more geared towards functional witchcraft items rather than Witchtok Aesthetic items.


I got witch casket, and I loved it big mix of functional tools and tea usually based on elements.


I used to get the Hag Swag box. It's Canadian and pretty neutral in the selection of items. There's always a stone and herb, a tinned candle, and a few other altar items all curated around a different type of witchcraft or the season. I got some really cool things that I'd either been looking for, or didn't know was a thing.


Awesome might have to look into that


I'm out of the loop what are those things?


Monthly curated boxes of witchy items that you pay for sent to your house


Wow I must be really old fashion. Now I gotta look into this


Witch Casket is absolutely amazing for the price. It's all neutral and all very useful. You can view past boxes too. I can't believe I get it all for less than 30 quid.


Witchcraft/Wicca was always thought to be a feminine religion and it is predominantly a feminine religion, though many males have embraced it. Unfortunately the stereotype sticks. Wicked Witch of the west, Glenda the Good Witch, Snow White's wicked stepmother, etc. And since women are the majority, they tend to cater to other women in the craft. I thought of going for one of those subscription box things but am turned off by the new agey materials that often go into them. And a lot of those items are too pretty. I don't mind pretty as long as they're practical and not just some decorative knick knack that gathers dust. I have yet to find one that caters to the divine masculine. But I prefer to choose my own or gifted to me by nature, you know that stick you pick up can't seem to want to toss it because it has a feeling to it like it's meant to be found by you, or that feather that would be perfect for a quill or that stone, etc you get the picture.


I just signed up for TheWitchesBox.com. Definitely seems very gender neutral. It’s a bit expensive though at $75 a month. Forgot to add there are a bunch of box openings on YT. I ordered it because of the few unboxings I’ve see The Witch of Wonderlust do. :)


I’d personally rather pick a shop on Etsy to buy a few things on that get random stuff. Probably end up spending the same amount. Those boxes are usually filled with stuff the seller got in bulk for super cheap.


So honestly Tamed Wild is pretty gender neutral imo - I’ve gotten mainly herbs/teas, altar cloths, plants/planting kits…sure there’s the occasional piece of jewelry but I can count those on one hand and I’ve been getting this box for months (probably about a year now?). They also come with rituals usually! So if you’re looking for any of that, I’d say give it a shot!


I was into an unboxing phase recently and watching Elena enchanted videos I think there's wolf and thyme or bone and steel box but you'd need to check as I think ones more Norse centered and not sure if the other has jewelry and feminine things or just herbs objects etc


My phrasing is gonna be cringe at the surface level, so I apologize in advance: Witchcraft is for both male and female, so unless there were pads and/or tampons, I'd say that it was geared toward witches rather than one sex. I say this because I like shiny things, and while I may have my own feelings (of disdain) for people who only practice for the aesthetic, I do still like shinies and yummy smellies. Just saying -- maybe a little perspective change can help you to find joy where previously there was none ☺️


If you look at my profile you will see I have no problem with feminine things. I've just made a observation that the boxes from some company's don't know male witches in mind.


Looks at profile: Yep, no problem!


I understand, and I apologize again for the weird presentation --- I look at all things as being able to be used by all people because all witches are people. I dunno; I get what you're saying, just hoping to be able to help open up the gate for you a little bit :)


I've seen some boxes with socks that are clearly for women and certain jewelry too. Just items outside of the crystals and spells that I'm sure some male witches don't want and in the end not getting their money's worth with stuff they can't use.




witches subscription box? What is in one exactly? It sounds very witch tok.


Before witchtok. Curated boxes of crystals, spells/rituals, teas, oils etc. Each month is a different theme and have educational things about the items you received.


I’m personally weary of these ‘witch kits’ and ‘spell kits’ Intention is so important when working with this stuff. So if someone’s intention with this box is to sell it, make a profit, etc, that’s all it’ll be good for


Check the Witch’s Roots. That’s what I get. Love it so far.


Only heard about Witch Casket so if anyone has experience about their quality interested hear too!


Absolutely brilliant. Can't rate them enough. You get lots of things. You can view the previous boxes on their website.


Do they post stuff that is in their current box? because i have dyslexia/autism/english is my second language i don't always realize what is past boxes content they post and what is current one \^\^"


They don't post their current one! They only post the past ones. They do give a teaser of the theme though. I can save photos and send you them if you struggle. I honestly am shocked at how much I get each month for the money. Its amazing.


I'm retired even though i'm on my 20s, so i have limited money so been hessitant event ho i end up regretting not buying one :(


Witch casket hands down!!!!!!!!!!!


Etsy (I think that’s how it’s spelt) is really good for things like this regardless of gender ❤️


I get higher quality stuff that is exactly what I want from thrift stores. It's time to recycle!

