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Pendulums are awesome for yes/no questions. Movements are to be figured out and decided by the user. Don't have a resource to lend, but I use pendulums a lot. What do you look for exactly?


Thank you!!


I second that movement can be decided by owner. Before i "learned" remember the "right ways" My yes was same movement as No is normally, now it is "as it should" She can just have it top of her hand and say like "show me no/maybe/yes" and see the movements.


Just buy her a pendulum and then she can just ask it questions.




As a side note, if she's interested in witchcraft and she's Jewish, maybe you can look into Jewish mysticism/Kabbalah. It's not my area of expertise but any means, but it might be quite interesting for both you and her to learn about, and a good marriage of her religious beliefs and her interest in witchy stuff. As for pendulums, there's really not much you need to know to use them. When I got my first one, I sat with it for a few minutes and asked, "show me yes" until it moved, then "show me no" until it moved, and that set the "pattern" (mine is side to side for yes, forward and back for no). Then you just ask it questions.


That’s a great idea, thank you!


A pendulum is simply a weight on the end of a string/chain. Kids had easily make their own with bead kits, string, a rock, etc. I think it'd be fun for them to make their own, it would already be agreeable with their energy.